THUnsDAY MORNING, JAJIUAnr 27, ic:t an. f I r Union Roster TJOD CARRIERS AND BUYING LA' borers Local N 4U,BU,i. P" . mu .CaH 179 tor CAPITOL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION rlurv.V D. PilkKm. Meets nd Satarday.,-8 ;0Q 4V ' ' ' CARPENTERS' UNION g0-J6 Thur. evenuie. Herbert Hale, prSideot W. Pettit --'2t55-.skillcd mrchanica furnished. Paena 179. SAt.KM UNION LABEL; LEAGUE Meet. at Labor Hall aa " .L P dent. ! F. W. Sear, secretary Bx 443. Salem, Ore. Lodge Roster kxiohts of pYthias u.Mrp AT -ir-r- ,v tt1L over Miller a , Star. rtirriVt-rdT nini. T. J- Toose, C. C.: II. R. Bark. K. 0I.&. 8. 1319-W. i . ' TeL FRATERNAL ORDER OF. EAGLES meet. ..very i Wednesday. Fraternity Hall, S. M. VStjlleU, rWy. Tel. S89-K- V The! Oregon Statesman Local Rates For Classified rertlsingr ' Tteihr r Sundey One time ,.S cent per word Three lime - .5 cent per worn .8 cent per word f mo. dailyend Sub. 20 eenU per word i la order to earn the " - J . ru tine rate, advertisement Brt,rm w consecutive , " lv " oe- ' No Ad takea for less 1 thsa 25e. Adi run Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rate, j , Advertisement J except Persoaal and Situation Wanted ) will bv tsken over he telephone if the advertiser is snhserilrer to phcae. ' ' The Statesmast will receive adver tisement at any time of the day or night. To insure proper classifica tion Ad, should be 1 a before Tp. m T-ELEPHOXE 23 OR 683 , ADVERTISING , , , liftvrsT A rYKRT I SING These eftl uroii nut U kept free from anything; i a; ouestionaDie nature. tattons win no do wwriwa. , matiett shewing any qanuonnuie tent on the . part of he - advertiser should be reported to this newspaper or the Salem Ad. club. Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD (Orer Ladd A Bash Bank) AtTO TOPS SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK O; J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop. 267 j 8. Commerci!. 516tf HELP i WASTED 9 CAPABLE EXPERIENCED LOCAfc MAN arer for of leadin direct selhnj osiery companies. Excellent opening. Giro all detaUa first lettr.(J Manager. Jurable Hosiery Corporation. 413 Stock Exehanre Bldg-. PortUntf.iOre. 8527 IT WANTED Employment 3 9 1 Oit iOARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT dieting and team work. Phone 72F2. T t 19ml4tf FOltENT: 21 TO A RENT HOUSES AND APART msnu. P. L. WKd. 341 iftale St- 21ml2tf FOR "Ri?NTBooi4tC; FOR RENT LARGE STEAM HEATED sleeping room, doable or twin bed. (Ale s nele rooms. Desirable and reason able. Breakfast if desired. 43 Marion I'boao 2471. , f 25fl HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WITH -GA-rage. Jaquire 343 N- CommerciaL i ' : ' 25j27 ROOMS WITH BOARD FOB , BENT Newly equipped at lb Alexandria. Phone Mrs E. A. Bennett. 1589 1080 Chemeketa, V 25nl9tf FOR RENT -Houses 27 WAN TED SMALL FAMILY TO SHARE ; furnished Jwase. Phone day 26. 27i27 FOR RENT LARGE HOME CLOSE IN. : Can lot rooms. Apply 231 Mission. 2711 FOR RENT 5 ROOM FURNISHED COT tage. F. L. Wood. 7jl6tt WANTED OkUscellameotta 35 WANTED FEMALE DOG WITH PUPS, ne week ckL Frtland. Phone 356. X 83127 m I FURNITURE PACKING FOR AHIP menta. Giese-Powera i"xrniture O. . 35a20tf WANTED - PRIVATE.: MONEY FOB farm loans. "iWe" Tiare seerAl eppfaca tions on hand. Hawkina A Jioberte. lnr. 205 Oregon Bldg. . ;St5dlft FOR SALE 37 FOR SALE GAS RANGE. PHONE 974. 37128 CLOVER AND ORAJN HAY FOR SALE. John H. Scott. 305 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 234 or 022, after office hoars. 8728 WOOD SIXTEEN INCH, 7.50 PER cord dettrered in the city. Mostly dry. Phone 946V. 3712 CHOW CHOW PUPS FOR SALE CAN be seen by special appointment anytime or on dUplay at '273 State, flake's retlaad. 7j28 BKACK DIRT FOR SALE IN EITiniR North or 8outh Sakem. Reaaonahle. l'hone 72F2. , - u.-1 87dl2tf FOR SALE 1ST CLASS BALED Mraw wheat oat and yeteh. (6 at htra. , delirered. Phone 91F3. 7jl2tf FOR S-UJ- Livestock 59" 9 WEEK OLD PIGS. TELEPHONE 89 - -.,,... -, 9j27 FRBI W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN iwceasif o. . commercial. .Phone 1198 Ks 1666. S9m23tf WOOD SAWINQ : 42 LET HAMS SAW YOUR WOOD." PHONE " f - i 208-1927 WOOD FOR SALE C 43 36 INCH DRY MILL, $4.75 PER LOAD', . mmo oxy nr. any length. Chaa. Chris I tensea. Phone 142. 3j20tf THK BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOR I lh money at Tracy's wood yard. Pbone 2313. 43j4tf IS-INCH OLD. FIR SECOND GROWTH ; oax an ash. Phone 72F2.. M. D. May : field.., -- - 43fl8tl . BEST, GRADE OF; WOOD '; . pry wood. 4 ft. and. 16-ineh. Large Inada are cheaoe to h-r.. .Mill wood ia onr specialty. Pronrot deliTery and reasoaable pricsV- - - n.n E. WELLS 240 S. Church. ' . TKona 1542. 43 i uoor COAL i-i- lVVf ou. i , I" PROMPT DELIVERIES - ' - I11UMAN t'CEL CO. - . ! - -telephone 18S5..,.. - Phon 529. ' , 43a3Qtf I SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. J I Local end Long Distance Ilaulinr, Storage and' Fuel. 793 Trade gt. Iphbne 529. 43a30tf "pOUliTRlT AN D EdGS 4S PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR PtMJli- try, exes, poric. Teal aaa niaea. we carry feed and ponltry . seppliea, here land at fiiWerton.. Wither. A Neat Pro dace Co. SCO retry. Ybone 125. ; i . - ' - ,-.., 45f4 BABY CHIX IIASSOS OB TANCltED strain a iao per l.uwu iu on 1, 000 holds order. Lena P. Caldwell. Route 7, Box 30. Salem, Ore." 45d29tf DON'T FORGET THIS, THK WHE-TA- Lon Cereal Co.. makes wneie v neat Meal for Broad. affins, - Gem and Hot Cakes. , Try ,iu t f ; . 81J27 FURXITURE UPHOLSTERIXG AND RE- pairing, uteae-rewere Tirana re oiore. i : - , ; Sl20tf Vim- EXPERT PIASO TUNISO AND I rebuildlnr, ae the . Whltiey-sprouie ! Manie C.. 463 Perry' street. Slj7tf EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING. RKA- sonsble prices, acmea worsmansnrp. I The Waitley-Sproula Music , Co.4 468 i ferry atreet. ; - ' 51J7U EkANDSCAPE GARDNER PREPARE3 plans with estimate at minimum cost. 1 Rockery' and base plantinfs a spe rialty. Periennial borders and (eneral ' landscapinr- ' All kinds f periennials : for sale at 25e apiece. ; , ; ! ERNEST JUFEB. The man who baa reputation. . R-4. Box 19 B. .-. Phone 69F3. ; , - , : sijao :. LOST AND FOtTJTD ?53 STRAYED FROM HOWELI. ' PRAIRIE, i larce white n. Phone 89F5. 63j29 tOST EYE GLASSES. LIGHT SHELL I rims. TeL 502 -J. ' - - - , 53j28 PERSONAL 55 FACE LIFTING WITHOUT OPERA i tioa or eosmatie. Lasting and hann ! less. Kesalta immediately. Sit 'before ' the class and see the aats leaTe ! Madam Wharton. . Bligh Hotel, room ,t 24 i 55j2 MOSEY TO LOAN , 67 FEDERAL FARM LOANS S. F. L. Wod. 341 State St. 57m7tf LOANS We make loana oa City property. Reasonable rates no delay. STATE SAVINGS AND 'LOAN ASSOCIATION 703-4-5 Flr&t Nat'l Bank Bldg. s Salem - Oregon Telephone 457. , 57f20 WANTED LOANS 69 WANTED: money to , loan PriTate ESTATE. oa REAL W. H. GRABENHOBST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. " 59026tf BUSINESS PPPORTXJNITIES 61 FOR BALE STOCK AND LEASE OF A - garage well located, doing a wonderful business. Socolofaky ana Son. First - National Bank Bldg. 61i28 HERE ARE THREE GOOD BUSINESS propositions: Gocd paying restaurant $3000 Good garage ... $3500 Pacific highway camp ground, 21 acres - ox iana w i in eaoina. iwri sua station. Paying $5,000 a year net. .Business can be increased. aiu.iwu A. C. BOHRN STEDT Realtor Loans ' Insurance f 147 Ne. fJom'l Rt. Salem." Ore. J51j27tf REAL ESTATE DrRECTORYt 6 2 J. S. PAYNE 1920 South Church St. TeL 2063-J. BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 8. High. r TeL 169. A. C. BOHRN STEDT 147 N. Commercial, - Te.l 577. P. W. GEISER Telephone 2312. 441 Court. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N.. Com'I, Rm. 1. TeL 217. JOHN W. New BUgh Bldg. ORR TeL 2485. GERTRUDE J. 492 N. Cottage. PAGE TeL 1186. - TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. TeL 651. ULRICH ft ROBERTS 122 N Commercial. TeL 1354. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 N. Ccm'L Phone 577. SQUARE DEAL REALTY U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. TeL 470. REAL ESTATE 83 s Own Your Home FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW V MOD- era atnoro hooae. Small payment, bal ance like rent, phone 97FL2. - 63dltf FOR SALE OR TRADE, HOUSE AND lot. SeTea rooms, rmstereo. sasiiy arraaxTed for 2 aDts.' Very . Close In Call owner 778-J. : , ' ; 63dlltf FOB SALE HOUSE FOUR BOOMS, plastered, and one acre gooa lana ea eoraer. acrosa from achooL ia thickly aettled eommnnity, good ' place (or store and gaa station. A anap at f 1800. F. L. WOOD, 841 SUU m$8$$$$$$$$$f$im$$$$$$i$$$$$$$ GOING BUSINESS , WANTED A SUf eesafnl bnatneas man ' wishes to invest -from $5000 to $25,000 cash in a first class Salem , bnainess. Consider dif ferent liae: r half interest in larce basinets. Submit yonr propnaition all information confidential. Ask for Wr. ia. TR1ANGLH REALTY COM .PANT, 421 Coert. , 71i2tf 8$8$$$9$$$$$f $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MINUTE MOVIES AlASKWi' SERIAL of IVe VMS OF 97 v .-1 Easier the 3reat wxj; ; SWWF?Ur4 AND ; BfiWlNG-t , SPRm3-S THRU 1HE. CLOSED J . VJiNtXWl Or TfE DANCE. HALL WOOD FOR SALS ? : ' -w. 3 ' ifGIiOO fori a hmr "I room English, tvaa . : galo strictly modern, garage, . l t will, consider a good ear part iyM '-''-paymat. Term. , ; $5750 for a beautiful English style bunralow, modern, paved street. $"!tOO Jot irood 8-room house,-' good Vocation,-. Mr aere gronnd, lots of ' fruit, chicken hoase. Terms. : . - $2"00 for 4-roota bunraW, base ment, .garafCh good lot, $100 , . " down, balance like rent. " ' $1300 for -rooaa bvagalow, part baae- s meat, good lot, well located, ooay $2250 for. pretty mew 3-room bungalow, Book, fireplace. paved street, .' large living room. Terau. ' . . ' $2650 for a , 5 -room bungalow, bate ; tneet, furnace, garace, paved ' street. $t0O will handle. ' $2800 for- 4-room bungalow, base ment, lots tof fruit. , good lca . , tion, $400 . down, balance $25 per month, at 6 per cent. ' ; Money to loan, boa see fr rent..:-." " M ELY IN JOHNSON. -309 8. Commercial St. -Phone 559.' . ;'' ;V--i,ir jL 4. , J i.' i --t f 63j26tf ATTENTION I HOMESEEKERI Homes, farms, business and income property, lots for sale aad exchange. For Kent Hemee- and apartments famished and unfurnished la different parts Of the eity , ranging ' la priee ,$1U to $35. , i BERTHA ZUETILKE : ; 671 N. Capitol St. Phent 1870-W. - . . - ' 63jl3tf NEW HOMES FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW Hard wood floors;, fireplace; Dutch kitchen: breakfast room ; recess fcath tab; full 'basement; pipe furnace; - trays; ga rage; - paved street ; cement walks; $3900. - Dowa . $400. BaUnet like rent. ' - - - " - ' ( , SIX-ROOM ENGLISH Three bed rooms; hardwood ... floors; fireplace; . Dutch kitchen ; ' wired , for electric range ; Pembroke tab ; full cement base ment; furnace; : trays; garage; pared atreet; cement walka. $4500. Down $500. -Balance like rent. ' Use your BONUS LOAN on these. .' TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street, i . Phone 651 - Ileadquartera for Homes. ' 1 . 63J26tf : Good restaurant well located, cheap rent. Snap $400 cash.- - - a o-room modera . hotel: bldf well furnished, good ' town. ; making $600 per- month. Priee - only $18,000, - take Salem property for part. 65-avere part river bottom farmi good set farm, buildioga, only $60O0. Terms or exchange for Salem property. Money t loan ia amouta from- 8800 to $1500. . '; PERRINE A MARSTERd " ' tl Gray Bldg. , 3 63jl9tf HOUSE BARGAIN " $ rooms, bath ' and nook, part basement.-good condition. Linoleum and drapes. . . Crraer lot, nice oak shade. 1 block to school and bus. $270, terms. ' "-1 - SOCOLOFSKY SON First National Bank Bldg. : 63J26tf . WEST SALEM SNAP ? A Cjaiet homy borne of 5 rooms and arate. Concrete foundation, aide walks, sewer. Price $2200, with terms. BeantiftU Fairmount Hill 7 -room residence with every modern; conven iences. Priee $6500 with terms. : U yea .are looking for 'a beautiful home yon had better aee this at once, t " BULGIN A BULGIN 275 State St. 3dl2tf A GOOD BUY IN SALEM HOME Mast tell 5-room modern, well locat ed home, paving paid, walking distance, close to schools. Priee $2750 or $3500 all furnished. Terms.- Lota on paved streets, a good fUling station ait. - See Us For Homes -VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor Loans Insnranr.a 147 No. Commercial St. ', ,; e . ., ; 63nl4tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST , We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. . Every kiad of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. : If yea would Ulf o trae yvr vroperty TODAY, come in TODAY. See GA SKILL A EARLE, Realtors. 166 S. Liberty. Phone 2242. ' ' 3i21U 10 A. FRUIT AND OPEN LAND Rosa- dale, district, $1350. will take Salens borne and assume or ear aa firat pay mens.' 40 A. well improved - farm ia Lake Labi ah district, good house. $13,000. . ., - . 4 OA. highly improved ' farm, good mcdera honse, $10,000. Will exchange on stock farm up to 400 a. In Cascade or Coast Range or closer ia. . 190 A. river bottom farm, 70A.' hop, fine buildings one of the- beat produc ing yards ia state. $32,500. ' 802A 240 ander plow stock and dairy i arm, ereeK, wen located, equipped at $40,000. Will trad oa apartment hoase and assume.' WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South High St. ; 63J22tf WANTED A 3 OR 4 -ROOM ' HOUSE with two or three Iota, or 1-2 aero in South Salem,' suitable for chickens, pre fer s-ma trees. Box 482 Statesman. - .. s 63j25tf S 8NAP . ? i ' i -, , ' $3700 Good home, ckse ia on N. Cot tage street. - Haa 8 large rooms. . full eement basement, large lot. on easy terms. LITTLE HOME SMALL PRICE $ tlOO .Burs two lots, small he use. good . . - terms. Better than paying rent. ' BUNGALOW SNAP 12300 Owner leaving city, must tell at ., a sacrifice his 5-room bungalow, -1 bath, lights, garage, buyer as i aume paving. -'. - , . CHOICE LOTS - 1 S , With 'paving paid $375 and ap. ..k Beet bay a ia suburban homes, i Grocery 'store with living rooma. t .. ". To bay--eell or trade property f ,- -See CHILDS A BECHTEL f Realtors. 320 gtate Street. L 63j27tf 3 lets close In S. Salem, a snap Jor fiouw. r, lemis. o-room noose oa a Church street, $1730. Good buy. 8 " room honae in Salem, bargain f fcr $1000. Mice east front lot, N. Salem 900 wltn ISO. Caah. See THOMASON, 820 State St. With Child A BeehtcL : .. 63j25tf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K K K . K K K K K K K LOOK I . Orod 6-room boose aad 2 lota' K oav. Center St. Double garage. ? K Price . $3200 - including farni- ' K lor:' ' V t K A. F. HOMYER ; K 147 N. Com'I St. ' Phone 217. ' K With KRUEGER, Realtor. K K 63j27 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO ft ST)LE r'ROPKlfc o rC t-T- "THE NW1LDCAT: CANC5 1 , ' CfSTCVAE HIM OH : j THE CHIN WfTH A - LEFT HOOK- " heal r. -tate AMI AS THE . INFURIATED 'REGAN IS 3 COSFECTIONEBY. WELL 1XJCATED -Keatanrant, $3000.00. will trade for .acreage.-,:. : - 'f - . ' Trade five-acre tract, ImpMved, $3600.00, for property near Vancouver, Wash. . . V : - Trade new bungalow for honsat'-'knd - lot or acreage ia or near Albany. V Attractive comer with .apartment bouse, batiaess location. $12,500.00. Apartment house, close ia, $16,000.00 , trade for modern" house, v .. Modern, apartment honae. $40,000.00. - Modern apartment house. $80,000.00. Large lot, el ae-in, with largo old buildiaca. A great sacrifice today.,, . GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE, 492 N. Cottage. , ,63J.23tf A : trades 5 BIG PROFITS! Grow live stock hi Butte county,' S. D. 600-eer ranch on state highway, . Trade- for valley land. HARK!" Tbcre'a a robin einging-ia the gr"ve. - Come out . and- hear aim aad see that fine five-acre tract ia North Hollywood, lew price, easy terms. -Phono 577 or 2063-J. 63j25tf ......... REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 GOOD ' SIX-ROOM . HOUSE TO EX - change for acreage. 10 acres, 8 - in . bearing fruit. Build in ga poor. - tioed location. .$2000. Salem Realty Co., t 42 State.: r;-t':'.,N"-';:' i:"" 65j2ltf TRADE CHOICE f FIVE ACRE - TRACT ctote in for honae , to 8alem. P.- L. Wood, Geo. F.' Peed, 841 Bute St. REAL ESTATE Faring 67 WE SPECIALIZE IX OREGON FARMS . Yoi will find onr farms all priced right, some leas than their value aad we will py-ve that they are good beys. Some irrigated. Suited for -berries, fruit, flax, grain,: mint, truck or poul try. Some wonderful stock. ami dairy farms; also trades.- . - . v i , VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Resltor . - Loans Insurance ,v 147 No. Com'I St. . . 67al4tf AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77; CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO is tTSED CARS FOR SALE 79 DODGE . . TOURING FIRST CLASS 79j29 ahape. $7& 865 8. 13th St. One Price to :AU 1924 Franklin : 1 Touring, at "'!-" - paint ......., .$950 -1923. Studebaker Big 6. Touring, 7-pasa. New., 1 paint, , -motor ! overhauled , .....u.r.9,i& 1924 Rickenbacker Roadster, en- j closed top, new paint, motor : - rebuilt, many extra ,..$975 1920 'Studebaker Light 6 Touring. Tj motor rebuilt . .$385 1924 Star Coupe, 4-wheel brakes,' - A-l shape ; $450 1923 Jewett 6 Touring, new paint. ! motor rebuilt, looks aad runs '. like new . ..$450 1923 Flint, enclosed top. Best buy in the erty $800 We have a few more, come ia and look them over. t i Marion Auto Co. . ! Studebaker Dealers 235 So. Commercial. .. Phone 862 Ask for Gibbint Uted Car Dept. i . 79j29 -"Safe ''j vji and Sound Values Priced Right. Baeked by a Reputable Firm. Give Ua a Visit : r Reconditioned Cars 1924 touring, new paint, excellent ' oversne tires, a car yea caa take pride ia - $165 1924 coupe, balloon tires. A snip-f 2j65 1924 roadster, mew Pyroxylin irish -s. ia green same as oa 187; . models . ,.. $185 Tador sedsns .... ... $145 Commercial Cart and Truck - 1922 Chevrolet delivery , j $90 1919 Ford covered delivery with a starter block . . r 50 1928 Ford Truck with starter $185 Tractors J ; Rebuilt aad guaranteed machines tar $250 to $325 j Valley, Motor Co. Salem, Oregon. , 79jJ2tf Profitable Investment v Used Automobiles caa be assured when the dealer i ap plies business judgment aad wisdom as his basis of exchange ia automobiles. whea expert attentioa hy capable - nae- ehaaieal mea. is given the recondition- ing of used automobile taken ia spx chang 'j' " aad ... . . ! when used ' automobiles are refinished so attractively that the prospective pur chaser is inspired by he appearance ef aad aatieipatea prjde of ownership in the automobile he select!, ' j . -1 -and i 1 - whea the purchaser -becomes acquainted with onr organisation staff, the Petty . joha Valuation Policy which, is; re , aultant from automobile merchandising experience, "the application of sterling principles, '"and the financial depend ability of the institution. Beaatif ally finished Coupes. , Touring automobiles, excellent shape Sedan type automobilea. late mcdels. several light ears. F. We Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Oommereial Street 1 . Phone 1260 CADILLAC. NASH. ' 'After wa sell we serve.' ' -: 79J23tf Rebuilt Used Cars 1922 Chevrolet Touring. 1924 Chevrolet Touring. 19H Chevrolet Coupe. 1923 Chevrolet Sedan. Several Ford that are ap' ia won derful condition. Painted ia tha aew- est colors. ..- ' i,v 8ee our used ears before "you hay. Newton Chevrolet Co. - , . " . T9il8tf 3 CRQCK " I THINK V0U THE MAP TO THAT CLAIM KE-4.L ESTATE ABOUT TO STAS . ' TVC OLD PROS-" ' ' PECT&R. , NU5GETiy i SEEEL'UKE 3AVS CLOr ON HIS S VfST LIKE; r USHD CARS FOR SALE 73 MARMON WILLYS-KNIGHT -s WniPPET' OVEJtLAND You Can't Miss " v ; When You Buy s r Used Cars t at t4 MacDonald Auto Co. .' CetUge and Ferry. Phoae 408 - MARMON " WILLYS-KNIGHT . WHIPPET dVERLAND i 7i29 - USED CARS - .The' best time to buy a used 'ear la ' new. ; Yea will miss it it 70a over look our. .- v. . CHfiVKOLETS - - MAXWELIA " ' ,'" : !. FORDS V . '": .i. .--"il . ' STARS. . . x;.v - : , ' 8TUTZ. f A guarantee goes with each ear. 'No - brokerage. ui.uaicxi jsvivxv v. v. . . . ,.' .... . 79J30 - TWO Packard r. ' OF Oldsmobdla r "THE BEST - tD27 License Free ; AnyyPurchase . . ; ' Over 3200 . " M! TRY AND BEAT THIS ' SIX AUTOMOBILES UNDER $50 t- AH of these eara run and will give any one good transports tioa, lor tea cents on the dollar. . Elaria Touring , , , . , $ $0 Ford Touring 8 ; $5 Ford Roadster (delivery body) $ k40 Boick 4 Roadater (deL body)$ 49 : Buiek Readstea $ 49 : Bnlek Touring ,.. ...$ 49 Ford Tourings ............... t9i to $ 195 -U Ford Coup $185 to $ 400 ; Ford Roadsters $150 to $ 195 ; Studebaker Roadater 8 90 Chevrolet Touring $100 to $ 285 Oldamebile Sedan 9 475 : Hudson Coach i....,$ 475 JOIdsmohUe 4-pasa. Coup $. 550 Packard. 3 26, Sport Touring $1150 ' Packard? 120, 7-baaa. Sedan 4 1650 r-z! Hsf Voa aeea the 8 for 1 car. Thia car caa be used for a neat 5-paasaager sedaa or a light delivery. Seats can - be removed for a comfortable' feed. if . wanted. Just the thing for touring or business. - Fully , equipped. A bargain at $675. ' - i. ' We have- a eetatplea Una ot good used ' earaaad have ev.ry car marked with the jlriee In' plfen" figures oa the wlnd ' shield. - Most aw of these ear have been reconditioned- by our shop and eurry our thirty day guarantee of defective parts and' free aerviee and adjustments VVe have good running automobiles aa low. a $25 and up to $1650. ia other word, anything from Ford to Pack ard. Many people have already looked over our stock and we want yoa to come back again because tha car you waa interested ia might be one that haa just been lowered ia priee. We also offer as aa extra inducement a .1987 license- free with a purchase of $200 or over. If you are interested ia San good uted ear don't buy before you liuk our stock over. WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS .;.ff AND SUNDAYS Capitol Motors, Inc. u.t' r 350 N. High St. Biddy Bishop. Al Rousseau. PHONE 212 Have you seen the New Oldamebile f 7jlltf -O I i- General Markets : LIVESTOCK . PORTLAND. Jan. 26. (AP) Cattle and calves easy; receipts 80. Hogs. , nominally steady ; receipts 243, direct. Sheep and Iambs nominally steady; no receipts. PORTLAND. Jan. 26. (AP) Milk steady-; best churning cream 48c ra val ley, 40c net shippers track ia aoce .1; cream delivered Portland .50 52c per pound. Raw milk 4per cent) 82.60 curt. o. v. runnaa. w Poultry steady; heavy hens 2526e: light 20 4,2 le; -springs nominal; broilers 3o(cj31c; pekin white ducks 30c; colored noutinal; turkeys live ,85c; dressed 400 c. Onion firm; local $2.75 8. Potatoes steady; $1.40 1.50 tack. ': k ' ' GRAIN I "PORTLAND.' Jan. x6. (AP) Wheat isi BBB hard white Jan.. Feb Mar. 1.37; hard white, as, Baart, Jan teh Mar. 1.36; lederaUon. soft white, west ern white Jan., Feb., Mar. $1.85ft; hard winter. Jan., Feb., Mar. $1.83; northern spring Jan., Feb., Mar. $1.83; western red Jan., Feb.. Mar. $1.81. ir Dati, No. 2, 86 pound white teed Jan., Feb., Mar. $84.50; ditto gray Jan., Feb., afar. $35.50:. - Barley, No. 2, 45 pound BW its. Fab. Marr.$30.5Ov J ' Corn No. 2, EY shipment Jan, FebM $35.50; ditto No. 3, Jan.. Feb. $34.75. - Millrua, atandard Jan., Feb., $30; Mar. $28.50. . -;: - - r- HAY " ' PORTLAND, Jan. 26. (AP) Hay $20(0-22.; ditte valley $i717.50; eaeat buying prices ; Eastern Oregon timothy $18 1 talialfa- r?.50(alo; oat hay $13; oat and vetch $14.50(315: straw $7 7.30 jer ton. Selling price $3 ton mart. , y -h . .'. ... -... , 4..t, , , , . WHEAT MARKET STRENGTHENS ! CHICAGO. Jan, 26. (AP- i'reah strength developed ia the wheat market today toward the last.; Upturns were as cribed to active guying fcr previoua apec aiattve teliera, especially clients of east ern .houses. Better European call for Ca nadian wheat waa reported. - Closing quo tations on wheat were unsettled, - to 7-c net-htgher, corn 5-ac to le up, aad oats-at I-crt a-c advance. i -? DAISY EXCHANOE - 1 i siJaAii, Jan. .. so. v jlit iaixy JLxrnange, pet prices: Butter, .extraa 4c; standards 46c; prime firsts 45c: firsts 43c. Eggs, extras 38c; firsts 27c; pallets vc; current receipts zac. PORTLAND, Jsa. 26. (AP) Cabbage ia bringing 4c per pound. Local stock are nearly exhausted aad a ear at Cali fornia ia expected, te be put on the mar ket : today at that price. Cellar-arrows rhubarb frrm Sumner, W aah., haa a tarred coming. The first shipment moved read i ly at 25c per - pound. Trading ia vary sio nw in most lines. Cold weather stopped the 'shipment of potatoes and the onion will not be fit to handle .for. another ten dajrs. , Onion prices Taavo increased nomi aally to 'atouK$3- the growers, but. ao actus! sales are oeuig.maae. ni1 1 'POP" WALKEfcS FAITHFUL DOO, HEARING- HIS MASTER'S ; vencE.Locs H tHfU'.THB ) R UTH WALKER. , ACK GAMBLE t m "ONE, .ROUND PUSH - OPEN ' t ' TIE , DOOR 1 J-H i v -LEGAL NOTICES FINAL NOTICE OP HEARING OF FINAL- AC4DOUNT i- Notiee 1 hereby siren that'the liaal account of M. D.v Pilkenton as administrator-of the estate of Harry M. Hill has been filed in the County Court of Marlon Coun ty, State of Oregon, and that the first day ot February. 1927, at the hour of 10 a. m. has been duly appointed -by this Court f of the hearing of objections to such final account, nnd the settlement there of at which time any persons in terested in such estate may appear and Hie objections thereto in writ ing and -contest the same. M. D. PILKET0N, .Administrator of .the estate of Harry H. Hill, Salem. Oregon. ,. . '. ' d3 0-3 6-1 3-2 0-2 7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' . Notice is hereby giren that the undersigned baa been duly ap pointed- adminUtratrix ' of the es tate ot James R. Marsh, deceased, and ' aay nnd. all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said, claims, duly verified as by law re quired, at the office of my attor ney, N Charles . T. Sievers, Roos Building, Oregon : City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated December 29, 1926. Date of first publication Decem ber 30, 1926. , ' Date of last publication January 27 1927. I NORA A. MARSH, . Administratrix of the estate of James R. Marsh, deceased. ' t ' CHARLRJ? T. fSTinV'B'rjei 1 Roos Building, ; Oregon City, Oregon, attorney for administra trix. , , - d30-J6-13-20-27 . PROPOSALS FOR WOOD '; 'The Oregon State Board ot Con trol, will receive sealed bids on 3,875 cords (moreeor less) of 4 foot : wood for the state ' institu tions located at Salem. ' Bidders may quote - ona first growth fir, ' second growth f. fir," or large slab wood, and may4id on all or any portion of amount need ed. Prices to be f. o. b. institu tions and yarded! , .Delivery to be made between April 1 5 and Octo ber 1, 1927. Specifications and blanks for .bidding will be fur nished upon application to the sec retary at Salem. . . Bids will be opened at 10 A. M. January 29, 1927, and must be accompanied by certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of total amount bid, made payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, which sum will be held by the Board as a guarantee that the bid der will enter Into a contract to furnish the amount awarded. " The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept any part of a bid. CARLE ABRAMS, Secretary, Oregon State Board of Control. ? J2 0-2 2-2 6-27 SUMMONS - In the Circuit . Coujt of the State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty. ' - . : v ; . : Myrtle. Irene Morris, by her Guardian ad Litem, ; Clara C. Patterson Plaintiff 'I-''- -VS. -f , Harry Morris, ; ; Defendant To Harry Morris, the above named defendant: In the Name of the Sfate of Oregon: You are . herbey re quired .to appean and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publi cation of this summons, to wit: on or .before the , expiration of six weeks next, from and. aftter the date of first publication of this summons, the first publication thereof being on January 27, 1927, and . If you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: .that plaintiff's marriage to. defendant . be an nulled, and that : she be forever released and discharged from any and all obligations, and duties arising, from said marriage; that plaintiff i may resume her; Jormer name, v$: Myrtle Irene Wunder, and that,she have .such other and fnrther relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. ; C This .summons is served . upon you by publication by order of Hon. L. H. MeMahan, udge of the above entitled Court, which order was made and dated at Sa lem, Oregon,' January. 26, 1927. Date of first publication, Jan uary 27 1927: i - ' ; , Date of last publication March 10, 1927. " M. B. .BUMP&D. D. BUMP, Attorney's for Plaintiff. M. B. Bump, residence ft address HUIsboro, Oregon. ' i D. D. Bump, residence & address. - Hillsboro. Oregon. ' ,. 1 J27-f 3-10-17-24 m-3-10 "Brighter" burials have been determined upon by the; British Undertakers' ' Wo6d work Associa tion. New casket designs are for beautiful and graceful workman ship. ipop IS SET ' UPON By rrTGANS GANG viop:: lei that j ; . , 1 DADD , .' -a. - -n mm r "w, . Or Reliable Rusinesa and Profe.ioa&i Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference AUCTIONEERS , i.'- F. N; Woodry , Tha Woodry everybody knows. f Cash paid for- used furniture. Res. and store 1610 N. Summer St. ' Telephone 511 .H. F. Woodry & Son ' - ' Right.. dwu vtowa. Cash paid for . used - furniture. Store 271 N. Com'I. jPhone 73 Agents for Lang Ranges . RALES'. AUCTION MARKET. 25.4 FER - ry Street. - Sale every Saturday.- p. m. Bring what yoa have to Sell. j30 ACCOUNT ANT G. ED. ROSS; ACCOUNTANT AND Aad : iter. S$l M r State. Phone S098-R. : BATTERY AND lCTRIctlk's J. R. D . BARTON -w EXIDE BATTERiE'i Starter aad generator workj-r204 Spf th High. . . i - : -' f- . ' ' t T mam Phoa198 i DOUBT JOE WILLIAM8. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING N Cpi g. 387 cycles and-reps irin Court.- CHUTE SB REMEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY, ESTAB liahed 1908. J. H. Leitg,'Mgr. Phone 23. 42Q State t.t Upstairs. J)20tf CHlROPRAOTORS DR.' H. ,B. 8COFIBLD. P. - Firat National Baak Bldg. S. O. 806 DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 828-R, or 87. , ELECTRICIANS ' - FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE j -wiring by honr or contract. Estimatea furnished.' Phono 980 1T1 Court - S W P ARM PAPER IP "YOU WANT TO - GET- THE" BEST farm paper send five 2 -cent stamper-to 1 the -Pacific Homestead,' Salem, Oregon, for s three months' 'trial subscription. ,r Mention his ad. .. .'. .i'Ji'f'.' POULTRYMEN -r- SEND EIGHT TWO-' cent stamps for-special three months'' trial .for- tha beat' and. oldest Journal ia. the west. The . ariclea aad adver isements are of specisl interest ' to the poultry breeders of the Northwest . Nortbwe Poulry JournsL, 211' 8. Com mercial SW Salem. Or. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mortgages.- Trust Deeds. " Contract on houses -Will net to 80. - ; . 'Becke A Hendricks Heili? Bldg 189 N.-igh St. '7 jl-tt FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to losn on good farm security. CITY . LOANS Wa are loaning Fru . dential Insursnce Company money - on fCtty retidenca and businei' property, at 5H. plus a commission. Hawkins Jb Roberts. Inc., 205 Oregon Building. "' '' - ; ----.- -- dl4tf FLORISTS CUT. FLOWERS, -WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreathe, decorations. , C:F. Breithaupt. florist, 512 -Sut St. jfaone eo.- -. XMSTTRANCnB LOANS. -REAL ESTATE. GENERAL IN suranea. W. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. ; - ' . j-. ;:-;-. f ..-:- , Insure. Your home or car bow' ... Phone-161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heiiif Bldg.. 189 N. High St Jl-tf LATEST AND BEST AN INCREASING life-long monthly income If totally aad permanently disabled. Tie Mutual Life Inssrance Compafty Wwf New York. "America's eldest company." Fred A, - uit1' District Manager, 442 Stat St. Phone 2197. H28 XAinrDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry 0f Pure MaterUla" Telephooa 165j l 1264 Broadway .THE NEW 8ALEM ' LAUNDRY. - . THE - WEIDER LAUNDRY "-; Telephoaa 25. r 8. High TRY -THE HOME WET WASH LAUV dry. Phone 171, 1856 B Street ' j!7tf ' 2ADIB8 TAJX0RIHO D. .H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN - ana women. -474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. .1190 North Capitol. Called for and deliveaed. All work guaranteed. Phoae 19. fl9tf IsXDXOAJ?- MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY v Phone' 517-W. - - ' - i NltTSI0 STORES ill GEO.:-.C. ' WILL PIANOS. PHONO grsphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano atu&iee. Repairing phono- -r-grapas, ana sewing msehnes. 432 State atreet,- Salem. - - NEWSPAPERS THE s. PORTLAND TELEGRAM. ' SALEM Agency. Tb Ac. 4 TeL 939. . r THE OREGON STATESMAN 50. CENTS per month delivered to your home early earn tnorntng. Tel. 3 or . PAPERHANOING Aim PAINTIG PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOU8E decorating, - paperhanging, tinting, eta. - AenaDi workman ; ----- CHA8. - BENNETT.- PAINTING CON tractor. interior decoraUag. 541 Mill. 1771-M. 37-tf wvBKszaaaaaiaaaBaEaxaBaaacsaaaaaEBaaBSBasa PACJONO. AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT-FURNITDRB PACKING and shipping, .call . Stiff 'a Furniture .v etore. Phone 94U- . . 4 By Ed Wheelan ' "A , FACE ' ; ' ' -fef fU KILL HIM. IT VtV FOR THAT Jj J&L 0 yy ft 1 PIANO TUNERS THOMAS ' FAY. PIANO TUNER. NOW ' nmtum ami te, a. High. Have year piano taned by eae who has had year of experience ia the work. 83-tt EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piana inner. Lieave era era vtius Music Store. If I t ill I II JMTJ , PBZHTZXO FOR STATIONERY, CARDS. PAMPH I lets, progrsms, books or any kind of firinting, eaU at the Statesmaa Print ng Department, 21$ 8. Commercial. Tel. 588. - PLTJM3INO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR i work-i Graber Bros., 154 8. liberty. - Phoae 50 j. . A -. ; 19U PLUMBlNGt ,'AXD f GENERAL"? REPAIR wark,, if G raher. Bros, 15 ,sj Liberty. Phoae 330. , . - I9tt pibU M B Jsd AND REPrinG Ra- E ; sonabie-t-jtumatea. A. IU" Godfrey 1 127 l'W iit Phone 495-W. 13j2$ PLUMB! NG.AND REPAIR WORK. FOR quick -service phone 853. H. Egner. 1 1615 Center. f J4 ! ' '- RADIO RADIOLAS Fpr every purpoie, for every parse. All standard aises of. Radio Tubes. HALIK A EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP 835 'Court St. . Phone 488 REAL ESTATE ir YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO' SELL 1 or if you, are looking for a home, farm. I ax buainess property, see us. ' BECKE A HENDRICKS j 18tf N. -High St, Heilig Bldg. , j8tf 1 ' T J ' SECOND HAND GOODS ;" ' BUY.USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL i ry. Guns, Tools. Bicycles. Star Ex 'ebang. 'S24 N. Commercial.' Phone' 856 al WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- - tag and a hoe. Beat prices paid. Capi tal excaange, 343 north C01 mmercial -Pheue 1368- W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT1 AND repaired by expert. ' AH kind of woven t;,wire fence.. Fancy and plain. ; Hop . baaket and hooki. logan hooks. Saleea Fence and Stove Works. 850 Court ' Street. - . . . ..-.! TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIG. gins, - Prop., - 1145 Norway. 1 Nesr 1 Woodry' Auction Markets TeL 2261-W. TRANSTXR AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING. -j kinds. Phone 72F2. or ALU WE MOVE. STORK AND SHIP HOUSK- noid goods. Our specialty is piano aad furniture moving. - We also make roun try trip. We haadle tha bett coal and wood. Call oa u for prices.' W girt good .measore, gocd quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 936 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. - 226 U State St. Phono 933. . Distributing 'forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WELL DRILLING Ri-A. WEST, RT. . BOX 103-A. PHONl f - 1 10F5. 2 miles east on Garden Road. WATER. SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office 304 , South Commercial St. Tel per cent discount, on domestic flat rata paid ia advances - No deduetioa for ab-" seaea Or any eansh wilass water is shal -off, yonr premie s. . . , . Safely. Swiftly and Comfortably in bn i e .01 tne farcer stag Line a. 1 Stage leave fori'.' . . - : f Ki I vert on -7 a.mll a. m 5 p. m. .: ' Mt.'-Angel 11 a. m 5 p. mv j JHUa--T . m.; 9 a. m.. 1125 a. to. i -FaJl City 7 a. m, 2:10 p, au , 5!l5 p. m. " ... -'Independence rT a.' m., 9 . m. . ' f"" 11:15 a. m, 3:10 p. a, j;i , m, j i Bupdsy oaly 8 18O p. m, Monmouth 7 a. m.. 11:15 a. .'. 3:1 - p. m., 3:13 p. m. ; SuBday atjly 7:1 p. m 8:30 p. m. .- - McMinnville 8:30 a. av 2!10 p. in 5:15 p. m: - Ne wberg 8 ;30 a. mn 2:10 p. m. a:is p. m. ' Tillamook S :SO a. aa.. 3 :10 p. m Call 222 or 696 for iaformatieu - i - d2' SPAT REPORT IK i VASHINQTON, : : Jan. ' 2. -f AP) Army 'engineers ' recom mendatlons ' oh ' .the ' Longvlaw bridge bill ; were transmitted ' to day ,to the secretary ot war, hy Major General Jadwin.. "Secretary Davia will take the bill and the engineers' conclusions , tor the White House tomorrow or as -see:i Afterwards as possible. 1 ;' ' -j , Indications were that the' en- gineers found the' bill objection- ' able; but thajK Secretary Davis, while adfising'the president of their attitude, will not ' suggest that the bill be vetoed. The chief objection of the engineers is un derstood to be directed against the provision giving the departments of commerce and agriculture a voice Jn bridge, construction deci sions, which previously had been the function of army engineers. Although Secretary Davis may deliver complete reports to tbe White House tomdrrow. President Coolidge probably will Jar ant .time to further consider the hill before deciding to sign, or veto It. O- Salem Zlar rEED t ;-.' , 1 No. 1, whekt. whit j; Red,' wheat, .'sacked 4 Oats, per 4u- miltiag L33f ; 1.1 . - .48 ' .44.00 Hay. eats, vetch, per torn PORT, MUTTON AND SETT .r Tcps hogs : SOWS . ,,,,- t Tap steer Cows - - S Buiu : ' 1 Spring lambs, aader 86 lbs '. T Tea live vest a Dressed : real 1 Dressed ,. hngs FOTTLTBT : Light hena : Jiesvy bees , f Spring Roalrs , ,. .i Ueary colored frTs YGGS, BTfTTER, BUTTr Standards - , ' Selects - i Per Peued g Betterfat Cream butter I Vegetable, beets, aacke I Onioea, dox. -bunches ( New cabbage ...a Celery , , 1 Loeal ',o- - ( . ... .t, 43d9tl Calitotx.a Uili?, ci. f r. , , f , . .i