The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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- r " iii
, ,11 ijW
Champions ' Hard to Stopf
Scrubs, Break DowrrSuper-;
; Varsity ir; Opener "" f
Holding thelr ': opponent' to no
field baskets" Itt the first half the
Salem high basketball team ran
up. another huge" 'score Tuesday
night on the local floOrVwlth Me
,MinaTiUe high as "Us ictlm.The
game ended 61. to 8. ' ' .
Three flashing red-shirted play
ers; -"bearins' downr-Fon' one lonejy
guards ; was. the spectacle thai the
crowd,.' , saw almost ' constantly
throughout the - first half, and
most of those rushes .resulted in
rluii. 'ttau-.iii&lttcaX.. team. : "lf$r
Minnville got possession of the
ball but seldom,' and when it did.
soineVfeellng closely" akin to, stage I
frights presented their doing any
thing .effective with. It. T It some
Salem player hadn't committed a
breaeh of the" rules, the Yamhill
coifnty ; boys would hare been
blanked for the first two periods.
The score at halt, time was 4& to 2.
Coach-Segget at McMlnnville
m u&L .have steadied his boya down
-between 'halves- for they '-braced
noticeably- when pla- was resumed
and -began working 'the ball Into
. scoringf distance, . Then; they dis
played the making of a real team,
for they exhibited, both speed, and
fight, j - The --three baskets : -they
scored were n shots 'f rom dif
ficult angles. .. .
i . Lyon,-"- Siegmnnd, and? OHnger
did the most " effective ' work, for
Salem high, with the cenier, scor
ing 'the -greater -number of -'points.
However, -allot the nine men who
got into, the game fitted; well: into,
the teamwork and credit for. run
ning1 up -such- 8,n: overwhelming
score belongs -to the combination
rather, than, to any few individo
' alsJ"-W-'"T-' - -'T '
- ' smocAXT - '''-
Saleri " ' q. " MeMiBnrfflfl
Duffer -..:.F... Cook
Siegmond (M) .r,. 2' Pugh
Iryoam CM)
lrager. 4
Olmget (T)
Shfr (4)
Adami (6)
: Paur
(2 H?itetler
Schwabbaotr (2) 8,-
. la a preliminary game the Sa
lem high second team defeated the
WiUamette- "super varsity'-' 36 to
:i9.-,l: ..' t-"-"v : -:" --'"'...
Saleor. Hisb !. BuTr-rity
KrMMa t V $) Wiailew
Sielmund t2) .-f (4) Bouin
jAarttaiL U,... ., I ll BlaUMUord
Banjuoia (14) ,
Kafoory (8.
G ' KdraandMii
auipth) a , u Jiaatii.
(3) Oaia
. (4) Silkey
Jief ere. Greta.
W. J?ay. tires, tubes, and ac
cessoriej; has the Goodyear tires,
the. standard of tbe.wortd. Mr.
Day. can givb. you more 'mileage;
Corner Com'l. and Chemeketa. ( y
; r - - ; t
Regulaj Bi Ratio Treat
; t foe AilYertbri f jgfaf Fans
SIUVERTO ,Ore1 ' Jan. 25-
(Special ) rPorecasting; a,: regalat
fistic treat are Silver ton fighting
Xans when-they refeV to the battle
which will be staged here next
Wednesday evening with 'Bud
Fischer of Silverton lined against
"Dynamite" George - of Fresno!
California; in- the main event.
Kenny Kanan twill ace "Wild
Bill" Kendair of Salem in the six
round semi-final. ' 7 '" ''
Other" Interesting events of the
evening will be the fight between
"Chuck" Herman and ?Did Hog
geride Red-WHcraft and "'Bub
Hardier Kid Hays and "Butch'?
. Stutson. ; i
' The last affair , of this kind at
Silverton drew a record crowd. T
. Coming to Salem
'in Internal Medicine for the
.-past'flftee years. "'''"
' . - ' Will be at i
Office' nours 10 a, m. to 4 p. m.
One Day Only
"No Charge for Consultation
, i Drr" Mellenthin ia a regular
graduate. in medicine and surgery
arrd is . licensed by the state of.
Oregon. Ho does not operate for
chronic appendicitis,; gall: stones',
. ulcers of stomach, tonsils or ade-
? noids. -rit' ' 'H-Cr-J .aH :
, i He- hasf to his credit wonderful
results in '.diseases of the stomach,
, llver.1 bowels, blood, skin. nerves,
heart, ikldney, bladder, bed wet
ting, catarrh, weak , lungs," rheu
matism, sciatica, leg ulcers and
rectal . aliments.-' t '. f -o; ;,-,
: jjelow. ire the names of a few
of. his -many satisfied patients In
s Mrs.W: J. 'Martiny M.oro high
oiooa pressure. ; r ; - -.
Mrs. Peter Westburr, Colton,
- stdmach troubled t'h?
' - Mrs. , Hal vor Nelson. Chinook,
Washr goitre. -' V " "
Martin Jorgesson, Astoria, nerve
trouoie. . Vi.i
Mrs. Chris , Hanson. Chinook,
Wash.; bowel trouble and neuritis.
, : ! Mrs. James Ellis, Ccxjuille, gall
Btones and colitis. - J T '
James Saess, Lakeside, ujcers
J. B. Jenkins; EUvertoa. ctrcu
latory trouble. v- ? --ii Tv.,-
Remember the above date, that
consultation on this trip -will -"be
xree ana that his treatment is dif
ferent. , ; . i- , -:
Married women must be accom
panied bytaelr husbands.
- - . W- -MMMaMaiamwviMinMMW -t t. J
Parrislj junior high school's
quintet beat Monmouth7 ' high
school here last night 17 to- Y.
Monmouth led . at the end of the
first quarter, 5 to'l, but after that
the Parrieh defense tightened and
held the invaders to one field bas
ket In tti final three .periods
' Burgess and Pettlt played
strnnelv bn the defensive holding
the Monmouth forwards scoreless.
Kitchen and Walker proved a
strong scoring combination.'.
The game was fast and cleanly
played. Parrlsh's next . home
game -will . be' against ' Woodburn
February 5. ': ' ' ' "
PMirialk ' P". ' " Manmonth
Kivciin7 r.
Hutcheoa (S) Pnhltow
WIkc. ( 4 i..C Smith
PMtittU.., r-G (1) Wilww
Barreaa (S) j.0........ 4)
-S - : Bond
BOOOP .....
Kferec-r-Mason. " 5
Patton's Boole Store offers all
the' latest In Birthday "Cards. -Try
them. Ask to be shown, the fun
niest of all cards, Scotch Birthday.
340 State Str-7- -t-.-."--'r'--,-(e)
The Peerless Bakery. 170 North
Commercial. Sanitary, up to date.
Prompt delivery. Bakers for those
wno appreciate ina oesi. increas
ing patrons.: tell the. tale ()
. "'" .
Princetoa Plays Fafe
Says Marian of Harvard
f NEW YORK, Jan. 25. (AP)
!'If Harvard .'would 4o less cirylng
and more hard playing, it would
not' only win more'football games
but would occupy the place in the
world of sportsmen it deserjres."
Such la the. opinion of Kddie
Mahan, brilliant llarvard .half
back and captain of' the Crimson
eleven in 1916, as expressed In 'an
interview In the New York-Sun
today, Alahan uphBld BUI Roper,'
Prineetno coach, aa a teacher. oT
'clean, hard. football."
Expressing regret for the article
in Liberty by Wynant Hubbard,
accusing Princeton of "dirty foot
ball,' Mahan said he felt' the Har
vard players cited by Hubbard as
having "been injured by unfair tac
tics should either deny the "accusa
tions er-Jstand as the "real prota
gonists." "If there is any dpubt in their
minds they should be sportsmen
enough, to give Princeton the ben
efit of the. doubt," Mahan was
Ilot water bottles on special sale
79c, regularly ' 11.50.. Guaran
teed to be of the best -quality.
J.F. Tyler's. 157 S. Commercial,
the home of drug store service. ()
The Midget Meat Market never
fails' to give you the finest meats
and fish.' There' is but one place
in Salem to get the finest fish. The
Midget Markt has it fowou.- (-)
Ducks Add Another Victim
to Basketball Conquests
JEFFERSON, Jan. 25. (Spe-"
cial. ) -The Salem Ducks defeated
the " Jefferson town, basketball
team, here 4$ to 14 tonight. Scor
ing was' falrljr evenly J divided
among the, winners, 'While MOrris
was the star ' for. the locals. ;
SaVrn Ducka Po. Jefferson
IeIIrport (14) F Wall
Mirr (10),.., ..F 04) Morria
Fak 12) -...C-:;-:. ..Wh;teall
Sc haef f er ( 2. .. ...O ; Libby
Uajemann (10) jQ.U.. (2) Dyer
The Cherry City Baking. Co.'s
bread, pies and cakes are of high
est dualiiVJ One of Orezbn's most
sanitary bakeries; Visit I -its- Worth
While. A Salem show place. ()
Nash leads the world in motor
car values:'' ; Beautiful -display: of
new modola at the F. W. Petty
john Company, 3 6 5 North Com
mercial St. : )
r . '.'f't - -I-
European Champion Loses
" to Panama Featherweight
PARIS, Jan. 25. -(AP) Al
Brown;v Panaman featherweight,
knocked out " Edouard Mascart,
claimant of the European feather-
weight chamoionshiD. In the fifth
round, of a scheduled 12 round
bout here ; tonighti n Mascart, who
went to the United States In 1925
in quest of a match with Kid Kap
lan, was outclassed throughout. :
Cross Meat Market. Biggest,
busiest and best ia- Salem. Choic
est steaks,, bacon,, hams, sausage,
lard.' eggs, milk." Absolutely sani
tary. 270 State St. - ()
-w-. : .. . ; ' , :.v t
BOSTON,i j JanV 25(AP)
Willie ".Hoppe. world champion
18.2 line billiard 1st, continued to
lead ? Eric - Hagenlacher. former
champion, in a 3600 point match
here when he captured .the. after
noon block today ? (JO to 195. The
tota4 for the ; three blocks played
so far rsUndl' HbstpeV90.0," Hagen
lacher 58, , Hoppe made 1 9 5 for
the highest run of tbe'mateh t6
date.' -'W
-r ,EDOENfjanTvSto(AP5S
Beryl 'Burton- Hodden .ot Athena
was choseo; Captain of ? the varsity
football team' of the-University or
Oregon for '1927 k the annual
football banquet tonight, Hodgen
plays left guards He was? picked
for 3: the ' all-coast third : team by
Glen "Pop' Warner last falL Hod
gen 'Is a Jojjlor In the nntveraity
and majoring In business adminis
tration. 1 1 -n - s :-'.:
' Everything In the" book store
line, -books, stationery,, . supplies
for: the home, of flee or school
room, , at the - Commercial , Book
stote.aej. com'l. ? .(
7-'J7 ' ' ' 1 i ,. . .
Portland's deep ' sea 'commerce
Ojaches Rooks
Amory "Slats" Gill, former
Salem high school star athlete
and later truard on the O. A. C.
quintet and on the all coast; con
ference team in 1922, is coaching
the b. A. C. rook team that will
meet Salem high here Saturday
night at the Willamette gym, ou
the, double header program which
also includes a game between the
Salem-Black Cats and the O. A. C.
varsity.' This Will probably be the
only appearance of the Aggies in
Salem, this season.
Idaho Dumps Mighty
Webfoot Hoop Machine
. MOSXIWH Idaho, Jan.- 25.
APiv iTnitriiitv ff Oreeon
hopes tos- another conference has-
kethall championship were given a
sev)ere1jolt tonight when the. Unt
versitv of Idaho team nosed Tout
a 2B tor 3 5 victory. 1 I
. The "game went an e.xxra pertou.
Jdabo-cOring a field, goal and
hold in r Oreeon to one free-throw
to wittr.' '.Th1 contest was a fero
cious aattle from the start and
at the half time tne vanaais iea
i.T--tfl-16.. The lead changed sev-
eral. times in the last half. ; Mil-
ligan.- - Oregon guard, was nign
scorer with 12 points.
Idaho l'"- 0r.?"
n.v P H Ridines
Green iS G (12 MUUSa
Canine (8) , O (5) Weatergren
Canitsldtv Coonerative Cream
ery,' milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup - butter has no equat.
Oold 'standard of perfection. ,137
S. Com'L Phone 299. ()
Fry's Drug Store,. 380 N. Com'l.
the pioneer store. Everything for
everybody In the drug s ipply lino,
with standafd goods and quality,
sei vice always. ()
High School Debating Teams
Clasln Ffrsf Round Contest
; Salem and Stay ton -high school
debating teams will oppose eacn
other in the first round contests
Saturday night, with a debate at
the auditorium of each schoolThe
Salem, negative team, Robert bish
op and Isabelle Childs, will meet
th0 Staytoh i affirmative speakers
here; 'and the local affirmative
team. Edith Starrett and Donam
Poujade. will- go to Stayton. ' The
Salem" teams' are being: coached by
Herman C. Kehrll. '
rThe subject 'being debated In
the state association' this year is
the question of state ownership of
hydro-electric "projects.
' Albany College faculty members
will judge the debate at Stayton
and Monmouth Normal instructors
will be judges here. -
"" 1 . 1', - "V'.
MacDonald's 1927 Almanac gives
prediction about crops, weather
sickness; lucky days ' and future
events: ' 2 Od at J. F. Tyler's Drug
Store, 157 S. Com'L ()
The Marlon Automobile Co. The
Studehaker, the 'World's ' greatest
automobile ralue. Operating cost
small. WUP last a lifetime with
care. , Standard coach $1510. tj
o-Z o
DENVER. Cola, Jan. 2S.-(AP)
-"Tiger" Flowers, negro, former
middleweight champion, gained a
decision "here tonight In his four
round "bout with Lee Anderson,
former negro light heavyweight
champion. ; Anderson was out
classed and did . not force the
Georgia battler to exert himself.
VERNON. Cal., Jan. 25.(AP)
Jackie 'Fields, tios Angeles
lightweight. " outboxed l Harry
"Kid" Brown, veteran Philadel
phia noxer, to '"win " an easy 1 0
round decision j tonight, . Brown
was on the retreat through' most
of the fight and was aecorder a
small edge in "but one round, the
third. 1. ';:'
1 SEATTLE, Jan! 25. -(AP)--Blll
Bonlllas, ' of Los Angeles,
and Doc Snell of Tacoma, -Wash.,
130 --pounders, fought TstX" whirl
wind "rounds ' to a draw , in . the
main event of a fast boxing card
Tiere; tonight. .
- FRESNO, Cal., Jan. 25 (AP)
Tony i- Fuenle, .:; Los Angeles
heavyweight,' finished impressive
ly to defeat Victor Alexander of
Arizona in a 10 -round bout here
tonight. Fuente - teok - the -last
five rounds to win, alter being on
the ' verge of a knockout in the
second. ' ; ? t
' We- are state -distributors lor
the Viking tires and tubes, Mal
com's Tire Shop, corner Court and
Commercial streets." ' Drive In for
your tires. .- . -. t ' .()
.... .. 1 i T A .
T5!V J--'1 r A
Ejection Committee Holds
I - 1 rirsi i.ieeuiiy Ti ueuaj
The committee ot elections held
its flrst meeting yesterday,ftex.
noon -and renorttNfl favorably ; on
bouse, bill No. Zi. t.This bill pro
poses , to abolish the candidates'
pamphlet in . the primary election.
A. R.. Schnmway, representing the
grange, said, that this was the only
way that a candidate of limited
means could get before the voters.
Elbert Bede and other newspaper
men of the state pointed out that
it cost the state in the neighbor
hood of 38,000 to Issue the pamph
let. If the publication was. used
by the voters to' such an extent
that it would make it self support
ing there would be no reason to
discontinue it. ,. i
.It was agreed by the committee
that Representatives Kuehn and
Norvell prepare a bill together and
substitute it for bills No. 104 and
110,' as these bills are very simi
lar and deal with the mettrod of
securing signatures on petitions on
initiative and referendum ; meas
Vibbert & Todd, Electric store,
High at Ferry Sts. Agents for the
Easy Washer. Good service and
low prices are bringing an increas
ing trade to this store.r . . ( )
Cobbs & Mitchell Co.. lumber
and building materials for" every
purpose." Get estimates, look, at
quality or material, then you win
order. 349 s. 12th St.
W. G, Krueger, realtor, progres
sive, fair,' equitable. Growing city
and country makes possible buys
that will - make, you good , money.
Complete listings," 147 K. Com'l.
New sweaters ! A large; ship
ment just" In." Ne.w pa,(terns, new
shades In the popular1 pull-over
and coat styles. Scotch" Woolen
Mills. ' a ' 4 ()
PORTLAND, Jan. 25. (Spe
cial. -The Willamette, university
freshman basketball team'defeated
Benson Polytechnic here this af
ternoon, 35 to 24.
Capital Bargain House, Capital
Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Three In one. Bargain center
of Salem. Thousands or bargains.
H. Steinbock, 215 Center. ()
L. A. Sbeeier Auto Wrecking
Co., oldest in the Willamette val
ley. New and used parts- and
equipment. Low prices nd quality
service here, 1085 N. Com'l. ()
(Continued from paffe 1.)
attempting to reform the legal
profession by laymen. The weak
nesses that have-been, pointed out
in the teaching-profession is evi
dent in all" humanity-."' It Is' my
opinion that it the teaching '. pro
fession cannot put -over, an edu
cational program that ,1s demand
ed by the world, legislation will
not bring about the' needed .re
forms. Education cannot be-reg
ulated by machinery.
"I have my doubts as to wheth
er education is in such a bad state
In Oregon as this bill would Im
ply. Has there beei any' scien
tific test to prove that suCh,a situ
ation exists? EVen' If the bill is
approved, the attitude of the
teachers will remain the same as
at the present time. I am not
convinced that disorder exists in
our public school system." ;
Mr. Nekon, urged that time be
allowed the educators of the state
in which to work out a bill which
would prove satisfactory.' .
C A; Rice, superintendent of
the Portland public schools, -declared
that It was the sense of the
teachers" of that city that reor
ganization of the state educational
system should be delayed for at
least two years. In themeantlme
he said, a bill probably'- could be
worked out- by VedueatOrs "which
would cure! many of the education
al defects which are declared' to
exist. "" ' ' ' r ' ' - " '
"'The Eddy' bill, ff approved,
would upset the entire educational
structure ' In 'Oregon,' said s Mr.
Rice. "We think passage of the
bill would be a step backward.' If
the bliris approved a1' single text
book adoption would apply to the
entire state, despite that the city
of Portland now has. a 'law under
which it" makes its o-iirn textbook
adoptions. We believe the teach
ers are better qualified to outline
a course 'of study' than are mem
bers of a lay committee."
' In conclusion -Mr. Rice objected
to passage. of the bill for the fol
lowing reasons!
- i That It would take the selection
of textbooks out of first class dis
tricts. 'i-s' -a-- -
That textbooks might be select
ed' by laymenT 7 -r
That reorganization of the state
board of education would be made
without expert" study. 7 , -
That the board would be clothed
with too much .authority.,
That too many duties would be
imposed on the board. 7, : ;
'.'You. can't legtelate thorough
ness in a.' school system,'? contin
ued Mr. Rice. , "The only solution
is to arouse mofe interest among
the teachers. Give us time toe con
duct an investigation; and we will
Lubrication isf the
" to ita longevity
J- r, Complete Automotive Jnjbrlcatloh :.
Court at Capitol, . , s " Plione S20."5 ' ;
prepare a: bill that1s 'worth
while. M "-.'.. i- -
Letters , received from . a num
ber of educators protesting against
passage of ' the: Eddy -: bill were
read by George A. Briscoe, super
intendent of the publie schools at
Ashland.- , He concinaea oy stat
ing that the Oregon State Teach
ers association already has gone
on record favoring a reorganisa
tion of the educational system in
Oregon, but that It desirea surxic
14nt time to make a careful study
of the situation before of fering
any legislation, t , - v
: Mr. Briscoe said he was opposed
to passage of the Eddy bill. . ,
Neither Senator Eddy nor Dean
Alden, of Willamette university,
who were members of a commit
tee selected at the 1925 legisla
tive session to make a survey of
the educational system in Oregon,
spoke at any length in connection
with the bill at issue.- They said
they would appear before1 the edu
cational committee - at some fu
ture date.
The state board of education, as
nrnrmswl bv the Eddv bilL would
be composed of seven .members
appointed by the governor. Three
members would be-practical edu
ratnra actually engaged in the nro
fession of. teaching while four
members of the board would be
selected from other walks of life.
The state superintendent of
schools would be the executive
officer of the board.
It would be the duty of the
board to adopt textbooks, outline
thn churaea of stud v. fix the Dro-
per standards of education and
have general supervision of the
educational system.
Senator Rddv made it Dlain at
the meeting that it was not the
intention Of tlie new board of
education to proceed blindly, but
that it was vested with' authority
to obtain expert advice. :
Bonesteele Motor Co., 474 S.
Com'l., has the Dodge automobile
for you. ' All steel body. Lasts a
lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They
will tell you. ()
D. II. Mosher,-Merchant Tailor,
is turning out the nobbiest and
best fitting tailor made cults to
measure; 100 business and pro
fessional men buy off Mosher. ()
Mr. Used Car Buyer: Have you
seen the: real buys at the Capitol
Motors Incorporated? See Biddy
Bishop, 350 N. High St. Tele
phones 2125 and 2126. (
- H. T. Love, the jeweler, 335
State St. High quality jewelery,
silverware and diamonds. The
gold standard of values. Once a
buyer always a customer. ()
(Continued from page i.
Washington and the Roosevelt
highway, now nearing completion
in Tillamook county.
The bed of the new roadway
would be 28 feet' in width with a
macadamized surface 16 feet wide
giving access to three lanes of
traffic. The highest point on the
indicated route ia 1600 feet, tak
ing the motorist through a scenic
country which rivals the Columbia
highway Cor beauty and safety.
The chamber ot commerce of
Portland, as well as Forest Grove,
were reported to be in favor of the
If the Longview bridge is built,
the present route would lead jnany
people to. the bridge and, it was
argued, would result In some go
ing into Washington, which would
by the route of the Wilson River
toll road, go through Portland.
Supporters Of the bill stated
that due to the scenic value of the
coast, as well-as being a summer
resort. It would greatly make fro
reasonably easy toll collections. It
was pointed out that the traveler
would save more than the toll
charge in gas, oil, time. etc. by the
use of the short cut the toll road
would provide. "
committee also heard Mr.
Kozer for a few i minutes explain
the difficulties which are now
arising! continuously in regard to
checking up of,Jitles of ownership
of automobiles. - Mr. Kozer sug
gested that a bill of some sort be
introduce dwhtch would incorpor
ate the certificate of title law with
the motor vehicle. law, thus sim
plifying i administration: In- this
matter. '. ' ' i
If HD. 32 is passed by this ses
sion of, the legislature, the state
will have-its new highway com
plete by January ,1. 192,9, and in-
heed this
throat. Viclcs
relieves in two direct ways: f '
; (1 Its vapors, released by the
body heat; are inhaled direct to
the air 'passages; " " .'i.
(2) -At the same time Vicks
draw out" the soreness like
soar okl-lasliloned ptsulticeJ ? P'i
life of a car. Add r
by; regular service.
stead of being a direct liability bn
the purse strings of the state, the
road will take jthe form of an In
vestment. ; paying ; for . itself ' in
eight years, ; to' be a. free publje
highway after-that time. . !-
Have .your prwcriptions filled
at the first drug store west of the
New . Bank building. Reliable and.
trustworthy, nothing iut the pur
est drugs. Crown Drug, 332 State.
Mrs. - H. P. Stlth, millinery.
Most beautiful" hats in Salem; all
shapes' and colors; full stock from
which to make fine selections.
Best quality. 333 State St. , ()
If you are In need of comforts,
blankets, pillows or other bedding
you should see what Hamilton's
are offering. See the wtool mixed
blankets at $4:45.- r f ()
5 Pontiac Six still sweeping to
ward unchallenged leadership.
Landau sedan 3895 f. o. b. factory.
Easy to pay on General Motors
time payment plan. Vick Bros. ()
Success of Season Depends
on Result of Whitman
Games This Week.
Games which the . Willamette
university basketball team will
play against Whitman college
here Thursday and Friday nights,
will start at 7:30 o'clock, it was
announced Tuesday, contrary to a
report that 8:15 was the hour.
Preliminary games " will precede
each of these contests but they
will start earlier so that the var
sity games can start "at 7-"29'.
Coach Spec Keene of Willam
ette has announced that be will
start the Sams' combination . that
opened the game agaiiftt Pacific
last Friday night; Hartley at cen
ter, Litchfield and' Riedei as for
wards and Ledbetter and Ashby
as guards.
When Willamette j plays Univer
sity of Oregon here Wednesday
night of next week, a double head
er of unusual appeal to local fans
will be staged, for in addition to
the varsity game, the Salem high
quintet will play a preliminary
game against the U. of O. fresh
There is an easier way, used for
19 years. Millions of people i'uow
it. The results are seen in every
circle. Excess fat is not nearly so
common as it was. That way Is
Marmola Prescription Tablets,
made to combat the cause of fat
by. correcting a gland 'weakness.1
The effects will surprise and de
light you, and a booklet In each
box tells you why they come.
All druggists supply Marmola
at SI a box- -Go try it now. Join
those slender friends of yours
who are glad 'they learned about
it. Adv.
Every Rug reduced
Worsted Wilton Rugs, WoolAViltbns Velvet" Tapestry, Wool Fibre and Fibre Rugs
.all reduced. Here are a few of, the .price s. ' Veral extra size Rugs, such as
- ' - - '7 V----"..?7 1 - :i:':XX,.f f -'-X,X ; ; .; - ' 7 7,- 7 ,
Bengal Rugs, 912, re
V 1 tir21a.'" a -
1 1 -
LaKewWiUortxl5rigl 97.50
Karnak Wdt6n 9xX2eg-$12g0Sale.: ..L .. ..... 103.00; j
Other Karnak Wilton 9x12; reg. $JL 28,0 0SaIe.. C3.50
Lakewood 07.50
v Exra. hseamle 67.50
9x12 Axminster, teg50-4Sale.:.:.:;.i...:;.:.. : 37.00
9x12 ninster 'egfV $3&dOSale,l 27.50
9x12 Velvet, reg. 332,5jK?iIe l.... 23.50 ,
9x12 Tapestry, reg. 527.5j07r-5ale.. .. .;....;... ...;. 19.85
All small throw rugs greatly reduced. Valuea from $14 to $25 sale price $9.50 to $18,
; In spite ot the Inclement weath
er, interest ,1n the evangelistic ser
vices now being conducted at the
Jason Lee Memorial m; E. church
is developing rapidly A full audi
torium greeted the" evangelist,. Dr.
J. W. Mahood. at the . Sunday
morning and evenina-Bervices. and
In spite 'of the cold and slush,
caused bx the melting snows, the
services t)t the fcpast two nights
have been well maintained. The
enthusiasm of the people attend
ing is of '.a " high order, and the
evangelist is meeUni! i the highest
expectations of aii.- ; ; , -. -Miss
Mahood appeared for the
first time at the 3:20 hour before
the women of the. community to
give one of her health lectures.
The fame, and practical value of
these lectures have preached many
in the city. who. are Leager to avail
themselves of this opportunity.
Miss Mahood will be heard by In
creasing numbers not only in the
lectures of. tbe afternoon, but also
at 7 -o'clock in the evening in her
Bible, studies in the gorfpel of
Mark." " " 7 - r. f-77'- 7 - ,.'-'-'
' The program for' tqday vill be
evangelistic service at 2:30 p. m.
Theme "The Power of - Courage
! Health lecture by Miss; Mahood at
3:30p. and a-great public ser
vice at 7:30 o'clock, and Rible
study by Miss Mahood. at 7 p. m.
The Man's Shop saves you a ten
dollar bill ou every quality suit.
Shirts, . hats, ties, icollars. High
grade clothing, perfect " fittlng,-
long wearing. 41G; State. .("
Acclimated orriaiaehtal nursery
stock,., evergreens, -j rose bushes
fruit and shade trees at Pearcy
ros. in season, we nave our own
nurseries, 17 8 S. Com L. ()
Frozen Cylinders Electric
' Welded in Place
. Why remove frozen cylinder blocks to have them welded
when we can guarantee a weld jin the car, truck or
tractor at a fraction of the cost of; removing?
Thi ijs the shop tlat welds the jobs, that are so large or
, 7 -- so difficult that other shops quit.. , f.
Electric1 and Acetylene Welding
695 Mill Street.? ;
iri price duringAe. Januaryl Clearzuice. Sae.
L - i'r J'-'' - v - - f-
Sub-cpmmittees to Report
to Waysarid Means Group
Sub-committees composed of
members of -the joint ways and
means committee held conference
here lastj .night with representa
tives of the various educational in
stitutions with relation to their
budget requirements for the cur
rent biennium.
The sub-committees will repcr
their findings at avmeeting of 1
joint ways and means commiib
to be held tonight. ' ' '
of frien
time of
National Bank, the- bank
ship and , helpfulness in
need. Interest . paid on
time deposits,
Open an account
and watch
your money 4grow. ()
r Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class, ' sjtyllsh looking, . comfort
giving, long wearing shoes for the
least money. Come and be con
vinced. l2SrN. Com'l. . ;v
SILVERTON. Ore.. Janv. 25.
( Special. ).- -Silverton , school stu-:
dents whjo were fortunate enough
to make! their, grades are enjoying
a few days vacation during se
mester examinations this week.
Chas.flC Spaulding Logging Co.,
lumber j and - building materials.
The best costs no more than in
ferior, grades. - Go" to the big Sa
lem cVm i
C. At Luthy, reliable Jewelry
store. What yon are looking for,
in jewelry. Where a child can buy
as safely as a man or woman.
Repairing in all lines. - ()
Halii & Eoff Electric Shop, 337
Court St. Everything electric,
from motors and fixtures and sup-'
plies to" wiring. Get prices and
look at complete tock.- '()
Klamath Falls. -Last Bpike
driven iat 800.000 S. P. terminals.
; "44 Telephone 372
v -7, i : r: ' ,'.. Mr
Address:" 211 Bradbury -Elds.,
Increased 20 last 7 year ' oyer
I ri t 3 v , i . , ,..m