THE OREGON CTATES1IAN. SALEM, OBEGOn WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY. 26, 1927- HEWS OF THE STAGE ANDSGREEN "Elsinore Theater VThe Far Cry." First National new feature showing at the EIbI nore theater today. Is a tale of two cities, Paris and Venice. The ' photodrama of the American moth er who has become Europeanlied : and the "Europeanlxed ' daughter who. becomes Americanized, takes place in these two centers ot Con tinental gayety. : V Balboni, the young Italian screen director, made the picture. His marvel who was recently created a knowledge of lire on the continent la responsible for the expert di rction In this piece. -Blanche Sweet is featured in The .Far Cry" with Myrtle Sted man; -Jack Mulhall . and Hobart Boswprth playing important parts. June Mathls exercised editorial su pervision, v - :K:- -" .:' . - " K ilelen Bolton as Sue, the role made famous in New York by Mary -v" ' v. Y -. - v - Helen Bolton. ; ; v'AV' AVV YOUR THEATRE 1 "THE ELSINORE SUNDAY AND MONDAY ANOTHER Farichon & Marcos : STAGE PRESENTATION . "DANCE POEMS" , . Featuring Eddie Foyer Carlos & Jinette' ' ' - ' Aida Kawakami :. ; - s . . . With f'4 Ethel .Pearlson, Marguerite Shawl, William ' Ritchie and Company , ... - REMEMBER "Red Robin- oiia,iM,i . - WITH THAT, ROYLE GIRL ! .'- rr TODAY: Presents BROKEN HEARTS Scense from this pic ture were 'used in the Hollywood contest. - I? N ' - - 'If r4 i ' ' ' v; ! THE REAL HOLLYWOOD ! ' IW1 IMATtREVEALING A sensational story of life behind the scenes in the fain ous movino; picture colony it's heart-throbs, .tragedy, pathos and humor. v; :. .' ; - i..-. vi i'.vl. :,'- u-y--:. ' , :r -. Screen TestPiclures Shown ;. : f In addition to 'Broken Hearts jthe screen test pictures taken last week at the Oregon jvill. be shown ; Don't Miw(These 7'.- More Laughs TnaQ Buster Keaton . - MATINEE 10c - 25c Boland, 'is charming, and :' every inch a comedienne. She tempers the most - violent ot the comedy just a trifle, with the Tesult that her performance does 'not smack quite so intensely of the boisterous-romping which, marked the New York production. But Mlss Bolton is excellent la the dramat ic, moments, too. : ; She Jias -power and concentration as. well as-rare beauty, but she flnda splendid op portunity in this play, to display them all. " l ' ' "Florence Aner- hm mnfter splendid part, and puts a vehem ence or emotion into her first little fling since she donned the matri monial chains. Octavia Handft wort h; as the third of the Cradle Snatchera," adds ; poise, v and fin esse 'to the trio.. Coming to 1 the Elsinore theater ' Wednesday eve? ning. Feb. 2. ' Oregon Theater "Broken Hearts of Hollywood? will be shown at the Ore eon thea ter for three days, beginning to- oay, Jan. zo. Many of the scenes used in the screen test Were taken from this picture. Those who fol lowed the recent contest will be enabled to see the stars nerfnrm. ing in these interesting parts. Thus mey win be able to compare the work done by the local, people with the actual work done before the Klelg lights and movie cameras. 'Beneath the hl&ciner rnM tha brilliant dazzle of movie fame lies more hurt, more heartsick grief more cruel aches than, ever find their way throuzh the blind alleys and by-paths that criss-cross all mrougn tne long, tortuous road that leads to success. .But, some times it happens, and.; then some intoxicating- moments i - of sweet triumph triumph for Betty Ann, ine toveiy gin; happiness for Hal, the boy she loved, and peace for Virginia, the mother a fallen star who touched unsDeakable depths to save her daughter from dishonor. A real entertainment la rhfd- uled for the Oregon- theater during the days "Broken Hearts of. Holly- H f i 3 If I REMEMBER "Blue Beard" I l 4 rn r ri of HOLLY WOOD EVENING 10c - 23c . 1 A ' 1" Mi. "Cradle Snatchers" at wood" Is being .hrown.- It will be more of a circus than Buster Kea ton. The recent screen tests takexr at this theater will be shown. 1 It means a good time for all. . - Capitol Theater Rembrandt was the model di rector F. W. Murnan nsed for the first 'portion Tof. 'Faust," his pic ture for UFA." whicn Metro-Gold-wyn-Mayei ; Is releasing;. This great film shows at the Capitol theater for three days beginning today. Jan.; 26. The early portions of "Faust" are made in those sombre brown tones so beloved by followers of the great painter. 1 Faust himself looks like the-'Old-phllosopher in one of the" master's paintings. I He comes fnto a room from the dim recesses and takes his place with the other characters like some wraith ot a far-gone past. For the later continuity, when Faust is a youth again, and meets Marguerite, to fall In love with her, a romantic background is em ployed. There is the lightness of spring in every setting; flowers and shrubs abound; a spirit of out doors, healthy; fresh and clean pervades " the atmosphere. Two young lovers have met, and life is rosy. This gayness and charm Murnau has transferred to the screen. A. H. Ttfoore, 233 N. High St.. apartments and store where you can get high quality furniture and f urnisnlnas for every room In vour iouse. (K Elsinore Wednesday, Feb. 2nd 1 a MAGNIFICENTLY FUNNY FARCE SOPBFtB cast imcujwns t . HELEN DOUu.i Prffe Heaniii $2.75 fim.7 row - balcony, first two rows' $1.65, YOUR THEATRE H;, THRELSINGRE .i Wednesday Only . The roar of-- . .'Y u'g" ' C.--- Im 1 "A'--' names was like ' f 1 . yLTJTNrg- I 1 ' the voice ot an' ,; " X'rDfi TJ lL - ' angry jonsclenee ; ''ti k a4 ' V -COMEDY P.Iatiitee. -Ll0c - 35c Evening .20c - 33c -50c - v v- -i q 1!. I' ; ft V -" i the Elsinore Theatre ANOTHER BUILDING BILL Marion County Delegation Offers : Companion to Original BUI The Marion county delegation of the legislature yesterday intro duced a companion bill to the bill introduced by them recently pro riding for the construction of an office building here. The new bill authorized the secretary of state to assign quarters therein for state officers which arc Important enough to require quarters there in. It further provides that rent shall be charged those who collect, receive or expend money .derived from sources other than direct tax ation, and all of which is to be expended by them. Cotton also addressed the boys at ibe senior Mglj school, Pt Par rish Junior high, and met with the iuuior of the Y, the secretaries and the leaders" groups. Ira W, Jorgensen, 190 S. High St. Parts for all makes, of cars. Best equipped auto accessory store in this section. Prompt and re liable service the rule. () Your Car Deserves SEIBER LINGS America's Finest Tire zosel'ssSp 10O S. Commercial Tel. 471 . Presents AND SEE THIS V L, "RUFLL s M Enr R AFT ad ncma Mitchell: orchestra SI. 85. balanra orchestra $3.20, next 7 rows SI. 10, balance 75'e. ' ' vSlikt nctioaci ftcfcsra ' (- - - NEWS ., "With ; , GItAXDIN ' AT THE WTJRLITZEIt Youni live the picture BOiMIIEWIIELD SUPREME COURT HANDS DOWN DECISIONS AT MEETINO -j- The Salmon-Grande Ronde im provement district has authority to issue and sell i highway lmprovej ment bonds ,' in :. the . amount of 1125,000 for t he purpose of build ing permanent roads within the district, according to an opinion banded down by the state ho pre me court here yesterday, ' The opinion was "written by Jus tice Belt in a suit brought by E. I. Warren to restrain , the improve ment district officials from issuing and selling the bonds. It was con tended by the plaintiff that the bonded.: indebtedness which the district proposed to create exceed ed 6. per cent of all assessable property in the eounty and conse quently was : unconstitutional. The opinion of the Rupreme court upheld the decree of Judge W. M. Ramsey, who presided at the trial of the case in the lower court. Other opinipns handed down by the supreme court yesterday fol low: Mutual Life Insurance company, appellant, vs. Helen 'B. Chandler; appeal from Multnomah county. Suit to cancel insurance policy on life of Orvin E. Chandler in favor of his wife. Opinion by Justice Burnett. Judge George G. Bing ham reversed. O. Klorgine, appellant, vs. Ern est Cole et al; appeal from Polk county; suit , to foreclose mort gage. Opinion by Justice Brown. Decree of Judge W. M. Ramsey modified. Umpqua Valley Bank vs. H. L. Wilson, appellant; appeal from Douglas county: action to recover money on .promissory note. Opin ion by Justice Bean. Judge C. M. Thomas affirmed. Petition for rehearing denied in State vs. Barnes and Jaloff vs. United Auto Independent Ex change. Case of Michelin Tire company vs. Hurlburt advanced for hear ing. ; State vs. Carlson and State vs. Rrown dismissed as abandoned ap peals. THE OREGON STARTS SATURDAY Harold Llovd in A The Kid Brother; HIS LATEST PICTURE : .-s Showings at the i i II: S i i ii i n --'1i 1 i i hi i n'-j:. t - if J L SCENE FROM -BROKEN HEARTS REVIVilSUCCESS EVANGELIST KRAMER DRAW ING HUGE AUDIENCES The First Baptist revival is still growing In force and influence. Long before time for opening the meeting ; last evening, there was "standing room Only." More than 100 people stood up throughout the evening, and there were many decisions for a better life. Sev eral came forward publicly con fessing Christ and renewing con secration. Frank McCravy sang a group of negro. spirituals in old southern Btyle, and. gave negro Impersona tions that were thoroughly en joyed by the crowd. Dr. Kramer. "Big Jim," preached one of his strongest mes sages on "The Mother Heart of God." His text was "As a Hen Gathers Her Brood." It was a mighty appeal and held the large audience in close attention throughout. ' Tonight he will preach on "Some Nuts for Infidels to Crack." Every skeptic in the city is invit ed. "Big Jim" promises to ans wer every question. Thursday Is family night and Friday is young people's night, at which time Big Jim's subject will be "How to Keep From Flunking." Classified Ads Bring Results TODAY Thurs. - Fri. GOETHE'S r raXU Mm (Bin)1. THIRD ANNUAL LQWDDD(! TO WB.G-'H T 7:00 and wm Presentingr DANCING MAGIC COMEDY-MUSIC : ATHLETICTHRILLS r EMIL JANNINGS Fz3 UJJ Q F I SPECIAL KIDDIES' MATINEE at 4:00 p. m. - ADMISSION 50c Oregon Theatre OF MOLLYWOOO" WaM - A London firm of vermin de stroyers last year - killed 6 0 . mil lion rats-tn, London. Liverpool, Southanmpeon Glasgow 'and oth er ports, an increase -of . 20 " mil lion compraed with a normal pre war year. - . j .' ; Hood River. New high school building' being rushed to comple tion. -:. ';.." ! Only the best! i Our patrons will bear this out. We serve only the best . in meats I and poultry. Hunt & Shaller Market, 263 Nv Commercial. f; ,: . ( ) MESSAGE IN IK)TTLB FOUND NEWPORT, Or., Jan. ;25. (By AP.) A bottle containing a mes sage for .the hydrographic office In Washington, D. 'C, arid thrown overboard off the I coast of the Hawaiian island on June 22, 1926, by the master of the shtp Aerano, was found on the Taquina beach near here. The message was sent to Washington today. Our Ads Business I Getters Authorized Distributor The Personal Writing Machiate Typewriter Exchange THOa, ROEN -Phone 51 421 Court. Ralem 9:00 P.M. ' j -, , Tm.fmmrr , Also : i LICENSE FEE BILL LOOMS Donne .Would initiate Rill to R. place Teddler'a Tax Vv The refusal of the-house to ap prove a bill to repeal the so-called peddlers' motor vehicle tax law probably; will result in the initial tion of a bill reducing the llonso fee on ! pleasure autoraobll. a lo $10 a year.4 This was announced Rere yesterday by Senator Duiw of Multnomah county. , i iL -v.. . i . i ure he proposed probably woul.t be .referred, to the voters of th state atf the general election two years hence. The license on trucks would be $25 a year under Stnn tor Dunne's bill. - - Wardrobe - trunks as low as 124.70 and as high as $85. lg-ii, cowhide: hand bags with lentlicr lining reduced from 8 to $5 90 Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. '( v Oregon fLsh Commission planf ed 100,000f00 salmon fry In state streams,! during 1926. ' Casey's Guaranteed RIIEU3IATIS3I REMEDY Money: refunded If it does not ! cure your case NELSON & HUNT u j Druggists , .Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7 ; SWEDISH MASSAGE Treatment' given in your own home. ! Especially good for a weak heart, for elderly people who are unable to exercise, for sleeplessness, etc 8. H. LOGAN TEL. 2214 WED. - THURS. - FRI. BLIGH'S CAPITOL f L A JANNINOS int Three Days Starting lo7( 1 fftrvV, -Ss I v' ! i v i - J - -v