The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 25, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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aiEs' FiiitiEii
Farmers1 Fire Relief Associa
"tion;Has Good Year, and
Looks ,for.. Better. , .
JSdttor ; Statesman:
Knowing tht 70a are araVi
' fYr Jf matual co-oneratimi
Heiress Engageil io Young diplomat ? -'HOUSE BILLS T
1 if - mm Mi ' ' ' ' ' I ' - .. ' V
and-.are .publishing your valuable
paper for .the most good for the
greater.auiaber and that many or
your subscribers- are, members - of
ou ma tuat tire filet association,
some .of nrboax found U. impos
sible .to attend our annual meet
tag held a week ago, hence.. I
tvoak;? greatly : appreciate having
yott publish. our annual report In
your rateable paper, therefore we
suBmlf tha following: i ;
On January isih. 1827, there
assembled tt Sublimity,; Oregon,
f the, -20th annual meeting ot the
Farmers Fire Belief aaodatlon. of
Sublimity, a mutual fire Insurance
organisation doing business In nu
merous Wlllamett valley counties.
A .large-, attendance t members
were j present at ; this,, -meeting.
Among the distinguished visitors
present was' W. rcf. Kane.secretary
of the Farmers Fire Belief associa
tion of Portland, Oregon, who ren
dered' a very Interesting address
on mutual co-operation and the
importance of an adeauate reserve
. fund for mutual companies In case I'
of a number of f ira losses In a. I of
mall period of time. Other visit-
Inc. guests and members of the
association voiced their approval
of , the ',. mutual Insurance , omr
, panies.' showing: the Jarge savings
toy feeing members of this assocla-
, The report of the secretary of
the association showed that dur
ing the past, year there were five
: lire losses, totalling $1,350. which
la .very low 'considering the large
number of policy holders and in
su ranee in force; that during the
past year -l 45 new policies: were
issued showing -an Increase in
business of $63,000, making a to
tal Insurance In fore . of .. over
SH5.000. The total disbursements
fdr the year 1926 were $2,436.00.
leaving a ; total reserve fund on
hand as of January, 1st. ,1927.. of
-..New . bills -were introduced yes
terday as follows:. , ,
HB. by Roberts Constru
ing goods sent throagh mails to
individuals without orders' to be
gifts. ' .
n HB 200. by Brlggs Authoriz
ing regents of stajte normal school
to sell lands in Jackson county.
HB 201,- by' Riggs Providing
new method for formation of com
mitteemen ; and- amending the pri
mary; law.' i 7:tf7vi?'
f HB 502 by Baney-r-Giving court
power to appoint receivers in cer
tain cases. . ' K-z -' y:.
HB 203 by Gordon Providing
penalties for obstructing or pollut
ing Irrigation ditches. ' "
HB 204 by Gordon Providing
supervision and control for irriga
tion- -and drainage districts.
HB 2 0 1 , by Graham- Providing
for' completion of farms construct-
Carin: Reviews. Work.of Ihe
Legislature, Predicting . '
Successful Outcome
There are .2,800 : taxing bodies
In Oregon, each working indepen
dently -of the other and failing
for , the most 'part to take into
consideration the -amount of. tax
the others are, going td levy. Rep
resentative John II. Carkin; speak
er Of the Oregon house, of repre
sentatives. told the members of
the Salem; Chamber of Commerce
at Monday noon's luncheon.
; Much attention Is paid , to the
work ret the legislature aad - Its
'wVrX- i J .i-m, taylnSetlvitles. buf, toolitUe" is
?fpTe80?a4 settlemen? Paid to: the "big sho- at home-
HB 206, by Gordon providing
1 Miss Elizabeth. Hltt.ldauabter of Mr. and Mrs. ll.;s, Renolds
Hitt, prominent In social circle in New York and Washington, whose
engagement tQ.iAnder;de .Hertelendyi secretary of the Hungarian leg
ation in the national capital has been announced, Is shown here with
he f lace. ' i ' H 'a": ' -s '
; (OoatlavcA from 8.)
(7.500. 4 Covering . over the .basis
of the 30. years in, operation of
thia company the average cost per
ihousand dollars of insurance per
yeartis$1.78. Over? 600 policies
are now in force in the few coun
ties in the Willamette valley bor
dering this vicinity. . '
. The officers of -the association
as elected - at this ' meeting for the
yea r 1 9 2 7 . are; as follows : Presi
dent: ;F. A. Bell, Sublimity ; Tice
president. Henry Stelnkamp, Anm-
svllle," Oregon ; ; secretary-treasurer;,
Chas HoUlnger, ; Stayton.
Oregon; and directors ; are: 'M.
Flitlet. x Turner. . Oregon; John
Bender, Scio, Oregon; .-:: Frank
Mlchels. Shaw, Oregon; Geo. A.
ilonsldering l the J' conservative
. method we are using 4a conduct'
ing our business and that we have
only our own members as solici
tors .for new business as well as
what: our past recoTd -of 'savingr
shows :for the farmersi ,Tre feel
that the year 1927 will prove more
prosperous than any year In our
This association la a well.eutab
llshed inrganitation vhaTe done
business a great number of years.
Is conservatively managd and has
- been, a crest saving -lto the farmerr
in this section of the state in the
way of low insurance assessments.
Thanking you kindly , for publish
ing this report, r remain, sincerely
yours, . ::,- ri..t,.;i U,
, . . 1 CHAS. - HOTTINGEIl.
-i ; v t ;A, . Secty-Treas.
-. Chas. iCSpanldlnx Logging Co
1 umber t and. buuding i materials
The best- costs no more than In
ferior .grades' Go to tha - big Sa-
icm factory and save money. i
' C. : A Lufby. reliable Jewelry
stored What you are looking for,
In jewelry. Where a child can boy safely as a man or ; woman.
licnalrlns In all lines. ()
;. i. - i.i I -
" Halik & Eolf Electric Shop, 337
Court : St. Everything"; electric,
from motors and fixtures and sup-
nlles ; to. wirlnr. Get . nrlces and
look at complete stocky. (
1 o'clock,on the fonrth floor
the Pythian building. Admis
sion will be by, the LI 9 27 card.
Musical jiumbers during . the
ceremonial and the banquet to fol
lowwill be furnished by the Nydla
temple chorus, ;with .Reatha Fowl
er Miller as director. Vocal solos
wil be given by Mrsi J A.' Knapp
of Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. George
F. .Alexander and; Miss JCimena
Holling. . The recently . organ Ued
orchestra." will play. Members ;-ef
the orchestra include; Mrs. R. tW.
Maris, i piano;; Catherine -Davis
Jackson, 'cello; Miss Grace Astrup
violin. . . fc ' '- , i: . -
The uniformed patrol, Mrs.
Barge E. Leonard, captain, will
entertain the members at the close
of - the ceremonial, .Many, interest
ing features will be contributed,
A banquet will be held at 6:30
o'clock atj the Benstm hotel fol
lowing rthe . ceremonial, ; to s which
all members of the temple are. in
vited. Reservations fof the ban
quet . are to be made with Mrs.
Jessie H. Hal riugton or Mrs. D. O.
Webster. . .
penalty for circulating rumors deg-
ratory to financial standing of any
title insurance company.
HB 207, by Buchanan providing;
for audit of books of clerks of
school districts. - . v
HB 208. ' by. Briggs Making
more simple prpvislons of Oregon
laws relating to initiative and ref
erendum rights of people of coun
ties. '-
HB 209, by Miller Providing
Experimental Construction
,S0Ught for Eastern ROadS I "wbo may be excused from jury
the eountles, municipalities and
districts .that levy a nine-tenths of
the faxes, Carkin declared. . -
The legislature Is " proceeding
with more than, usual . efficiency
this session. Carkin declared, with
the result that most of the major
bills are already in
; For agriculture, the best thing
that' the legislature can do is to
reduce taxes and! to arrange some
method of taxing the intangible
wealth that has heen free from
taxation in the past,, the. speaker
said., Formulation of ;such a plan
Is now being 'undertaken v. ,
. Hills framed by State Engineer
Ithea LuperwHI. fake care. of. the-
irrigation problem, 'tis stated s j
his Uhellef, ,it r- f j
; Although some"Sligntenaages
may be1 made, nojhlnfilllne dope
to .disrupt the. highway, program,
Carkin redfetetKi j. .rf
A. divided session .f 4he legis
lature, with first- brief-period for
organizing i andU.;introiducing-4ills
and then fa recess at several -weeks
before ttief are passed on,' would
result itf hettef considered legis
lation., he ; stated, in cpnclukien. j
the Btettgraphef : situation . at the
state house, , explaining that each
legislator has two stenographers,;
each working eight hears, and his
wife ; takes care of the remaining
eight i hours icf 4 tbe idayv The
speaker i does not object j to the
preraience of stenograpners, as he
finds the view from the ehair
quite pleasanU, The , Jegisiators
gain poise from, sitting between
two stenographers, ;and their or
atorical ability is also enhanced,
he said. '. - ''' ,-V; "
r Fry's Drugstore, 380 N. Com'L
the pioneer store? Everything for
everybody in the drug sipply line,
with standard goods and quality
sei vice always. ()
- Everything .In the .hook store
line, books. : stationery, supplies
for the home, office t or scUbol
winm. at the ' Commercial Book
Store. 163 N. Com'i.. (
Heaviest Snow Fall iii . ' .
' Years Covers Falls; City
r. VaUM CITY, Uan. : 2 4-Thd
heaviest snowfall for, three years
is covering Falls Ciiy and the ad'
Jacent hills, abontl five inches oil
the level, with. rain and the pros-
pect of heavier, snpws tonight.
The lowest .temperature report-)
ed hy ' local weather bureau was
10 degrees abover
Seek Further Inforrnation.
For Sheriffs'; Salary B
ine county ana
state officers
tYnthitfeeof this senate held: a
short meeting last night, ioa hear
ing of the sheriff's salary bill. i
i , itwas not considered -advisable
Tm. - . i-. - .'-
- mm r-k mi r in ri
Starts Jiui;29
uai 1 1 ift.iva
by the member's tq take any action '
on. the bill. uniu. fur tber data ha-l, '
been secured regarding the statu? f
of each sheriff Ja the state. - v'.
.-Indications were that there
would be v readjustments of; the
salary schedule a set out iu the
bill. In, all probability there m
he a divided . report, onl the bill
from the committee.
A Healthy New Year
Bfi5miife aneW. Be rid oil
those Piles and other Rectr v
and Lomui ailments. A permanent cure i. ' x -easily
and quickly accomplished by my
effective treatments. Otherwise, y-
ic&ht go on tampering with heaUh ll i
wasting money for year without relief. (
1 H.I tin
daagctoM method mkL No confimmtnt m
otwut taw hiirinm m mnk I Kv mmto thm I
MkU of mea. womta and chUdm wIL But to )
. iciioo U OOUK, 1 UUAKAN-
TCW ... , , . . . TMt
.Mora th ticaft (m. M I
lOO-pas boofc of facts and too-
koniais hi FREE for tha asklo '
Ci lv t Jv DEAN, rtU.lrx
DrDVtn Su' Jini S"d-t2 Stahr Bv--
emmniirit Co T nous!
AN O llfll!
. A resolution introduced by Sen
ator Upton authorizes experimen
tal road construction under the
direction of the state highway de
partment on what is known as the
High Dessert portion; of the Cen
tral Oregon highway ' between
Bead and Burns. It was Indicated
in the resolution, that such experi
mental operations might result In
saving, the state, many thousands
of dollars in completing this high
way.;- .-,v : ' -:. i
; Mrs. :H. P. ..Stlth-' milllnerv.
Most beautiful hats in Salem; all
shapes and colors; full stoek from
which 'to 'make fine 'selections.
pest quality. 3 S3 State St. ()
rl 11 fill 11
The Man's Shop saves you a fen
dollar ibill on every quality suit.
Shirts, hats, ties, collars. Hign
grade . clothing, perfect fitting,
long wearing. ,418 State., ()
Anniversaries Celebrated
Sunday at St. Clair Home
Twenty-six merrymakers .gath
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Yt; A; St.; Clair, 633 I N, Front
street, Sundays evening, - to. cele
brate two birthdays land a mar
riage janniversary. . The honored
guests were Mike Innocent! and
Mrs. W. A. St! Clair of Salem, and
Mr. and, Mrs. L. T. Jackson of
Eugene. . ' ' .
Following a four course chick
en dinner, served at $ o'clock,' the
company engaged in-a progressive
f lye hundred party until a late
hour. ., ,f
Other guests, were, Mr. and
Mrs. W; H. i Jackson ' of Colfax,
Wash.. Mr. .; and Mrs. A. ' E.1 St
Clair. Mr. and Mrs.' Vernon Knsel,
Mrs. Mike--Innocentl and son
Elmo. Flavella jHanes, Mary ..Stan
ton. Anna, Maggie, and Bessie St
Clair. Lela iFord,. Woyd Ford,
Frank Helbertvlvaa Meeks, John,
James., and . JSUIy St. Clair, and
Herman Reeks:. r':y
Acclimated; ornamental nursery
rtock, , evergreens,- rose bushes,
fruit and shade trees at: pearcy
Bros, in seasonu We -have our own
nurseries, 178 S. Com'l. 4 -()
First.Nationai Bank;. the -bank
at friendship and ; helpfulness In
time of ' need. Interest, paid ' on
time deposits. f Open -an account
and watch your money grow, i")
Johnson Funeraf ftites M
'. Will.Be Held on Tuesday
"Action orv Trapping
SILVEKTOK. Ore.; Jan.. 2. '
Rrlnn Wot PrntPctc (Speclal.)--Funeral .services for
. 'The - action of the ways an3
means' committee, in cancelling the
"appropriation for .the control of.
predatory, animals has -brought a
storm of protest from; all districts
where livestock are a 'prey to these
animals. '-' - 1 , : . -'tJie!,1gbTernmcht
trappers have
bea doing excellent work, especi
ally in Eastern vOregonr and are
just getting the situation of ,de
stTnctionJ by predatory animals in
hand. ' To dlscontfnne this -appro-
prlatlon at this time would undo
aliahe work, that baa "been ac
complished and .leave f ; a huge
amoant of stock unprotected and
tsubject of prey by these hcasts.
Application of the Full Gospel
church to build a tabernacle at
the' corner of vlSth and Ferry
streets, wasacted upon favorably
by the zoning commission at Mon
day night's session!, and referred
to the city council for the second
time." ; : ' k
A remonstrance, signed by 11
residents of that part of the cltsr,
had been, received "by the council
after -..-the '-' zonina commission
recommended the granting vof this
application two weeks ago, and for
this reason it was referred back
to the commission. ' J
.None . of the remonstrators ap
peared at the zoning commission
meeting, but there was a delega
tion of - 20 'or more members ot
the church present. Since no ar
gument in support of the remon
strance was offered, the commis
sion did not ask to hear any state
ment fromvtbJs group. ; -
The eommission made an un
favorable!-recommendation-on the
application of. Col. Arthur Mosely
for permission to station a pop
corn stand. at the nrthwest corner
of State and High streets, and In
formally indicated '& policy" to al
Idw 'no such permits. Mosely .had
stated that he had. the permission
of the merchant'who operates a
store on that corner. ,: ? . . .. :
::, Representing property owners
on the east side of Garnet street.
otherwise known as 1 2th; between
p. and Nebraska,: mstk waadespei
requested that.. when, that street
is paveek. no more space be aken
from , the lots on : that side of the
street because h they t are alreody
only 85 to 95 feet deep. j The" plan
calla tor taking a strip five- feet
wide on that ; side of the v-street;
. The application ot L. M. Ram
ge for permission to build a 4ot-
tlinr works on North Liberty near
Mill rreek. : was ': referred to the
city engineer." -yy: W i t
HB 210, by Committee, on Re
peal of Laws Repealing laws, re
lating to sale of bonds , issued by
school districts as same is -held!
meaningless. . - .
HB 211, by La'Follett Appro
priating 14000 " for .premiums at
Washington fair for 1927 and
1928. .; . .
HB 212, by Briggs Relating to
appropriation-of funds for erec
tion of school buildings. . , ,
HB 213, by Roberts -Providing !
a revenue tax on luxuries. . .
HB 214, by Potter Amending
Uw relating to service and return
of summons.
HB 215, by Repeal fo . Laws
Committee Repealing sections
providing for a soldiers' and sail
ors-welcome commission.
HB 216, by Collier Amending
law pertaining , to . preferential
right of state land board to pur
chase bonds ot school districts.
HB 217, by Collier- Pertaining
to redemption of school bonds and
limiting their life.
HB 218, by German Pertain-1
ing to reorganization of fraternal
benefit societies.,.
HB 219, by German Allowing!
fraternal benefit societies to issue !
benefit certificates under . group
plan. . . . ;
HB 220, by German to provide
protection on lives of children of
fraternal societies. ?
HB 221, by McGowan Defin
ing the boundary of Harney coun
ty, . rr ?, - i
HB 22 2 by Cramer (substi
tute for HB 137) authorizing the
board of county commissioners to I
fix salaries of county officers and
employees. . . ' .
Capital City Cooperative Cream
ery, milk; cream, buttermilk. The i
Buttercun butter bai ba mi
Gold standard of perfection. ,137
S. Com'l. Phone 219. fi
' '' '-'! - - '
I SIlNA 1 h. BILLS f
O o
The following hills were intro
duced In the senate yesterday.
SB B 6, hy Xorblad Making i
fishing, for salmon- unlawful ex
cept by hook and line in Kecan-
icum river In (Clatsop county. ,
SB 97.- by Norblad Relating '
to sale of. lands by ? guardian.
SB 98; hy Norblad Relating to
me , commencement of legal ac-
lions.. , , ., ... .
. r i
WfSioflssoDiie Foods, xj
PnVrl iiniformlv lntAr All ffifii.the store. No sDecials at less than cost pnta
few itens. used only. occasionally ,.the loss to m :?;P:AitS?
Used. every dav in every iTome. Goo$ f boHs Ebugfct as neederi at reasonable
pncelis tiethrifi. Same&eadmoney Phone 455-456. There s no
charge for delivery.
J. .
Vcry;i jood cju aliiy
Maryland pack. No. 2
Fancy CaKfornia
. .- t j
Lima Beans
3 cans
No. 5; size packed in
regular size cans
Beans will coble
. . - ... j - . - j :
New crop. Cooks
quickly .
.... 41b. pail
t - i " S - i
n, '
6 lbs. 49c
.! - .
4- cans 35c
SB 99, hy Dunne of Multni
-Reducing' license , fees tol
rate of $10. .
SB 400, hy Dunne Relatiig to
appropriations for farm demon
stration work. -'" v i
SB 101, by Dunne Providing
for repeal - of tolls on": interstate
bridge between Portland and Van
couver, -v
SB 102. byDdnne Providing
for care and beantiflcation of Lone
Fir cemetery:
An economical, food
2 large cans
r' i..Jw-ifI-..- i
No. 5 pail; 4 lbs. net
Pork and
Puifd Lard
Pontlac Six still sweeping to
ward , unchallenged - leadership.
Landau sedan 3895 f. o. b. factory.
Easjr'.ttf pay' on. General? Motors
j3 .fSLiSSK; Payment plan. Vick Bros. ()
Air! Mail Plane Forced l.?
' to Land Near Silvcrton
from Sti John's church .Tuesday
afternoon' at ;S ? o'clock with, the
Rev..S.-J. Llndseth officiating. In
terment will be In Bethanyceme
kMrs. Johnson,' who was 24 years
of age,, died at the home of .her
husband's parents, Mr. .and Mrs.
Charles J. Johnson, east of Sil
vertott Saturday evenIng.JShB had
been ill; toil everal i4 Jrear.:; She
came" to SilTertoniwith her hus
band seven, years ago from.'Minot.
North Dakota, .'. She ' has-been at
both ; the : Milwaukee : and .Salem
sanltariilmB. -i , About a month ago
she returned to-her home here. "
Besides .Jier husband and rela
tives.. In- the. Oast, aha leaven two
children, Clayton, 6, and Lillipu 4
yot should : see what Hamilton s
are -offering. 6eo ine. woo ,buhu
blankeU at S4.46 5 ,
Efiminatiorvol Bridge M.
-'Tolls-Asked in New Bill
The Peerless Bakery, it6.jiofth
I Commercial. .Sanitary, up to date,
Prompt delivery. Bakers for those
who appreciate the best. Increa&r
lag i patrons tell the tale. ' ()
Jn ii!
... . .. .. . J 4 " .i r. ',
Liiy-of the alfeyV
Brand. Solid Pack
. vB lbl pail
Silverleaf Lard
3 cang 25c
per b ox
Gem Nut
cane 31c
2 large loaves
.tSILVJiKTONV. Oregon, Jan.. 24.
A Spocial Ir-ln; spl to of slippery
etreets and pavements .the-air maU
plane which fcll,a hort distance
wct.ot Snvcrton-Sunday'
trarted a lturobor. of visitors dur
ing. Sunday -afternoon rand Mou-
-ri.,, rf (lis machine
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class, stylish looking, comfort
giving, long wearing shoes for the
I least money;-- Corao and bo con
vinced, a25 N. Comi: 1 ()
Have your " prc-JcriptionsT filled
at tbo firnt drug store-'-west of-' b'"
Kew Iaak .buiMLnsr. Kcliabto aai
truJl'-orf I t, v '' ' ' "f,t''C rT
(;;. f.'ri . . ; . . . , i " I t
Senator ijmnno of Multnomah
-w .'- - . -
ydatcTday introduced a: -bill pro-;
vidlng: for the elimination of' tolls
cn tbe. inter-state hrldge between
FoVtland . hndI Vancouver,. Wash.
"Chder: tho hl the hrldge would f
be taken over -byithe state hfgh
way department. .?
Starts Tomorrow
Bligh's Capitol
,T ' Theatre
3 One Pound Loaves
?Th First Application Makes
Skin Cool and Comfortable '
- -A.. t
, If you are suffering from ecrctna or
some thcr torturing, - embarrassinjr
skin trouble yott may juikly be j-id,.of
it by tJsing ifentho-Sulphur, declares
m noted skmspeeialist.,":',-"'"I',r--
"This- c-ilphor prcg arationV: 1ccaus
of its gernudestroyinff proccrtics. cU
j.dom fail: to c.uickly aubdue, itchiasi'
even ot. pery, eczema. l.The first appli
cation Ciikc Jhe skin cool and com
fortable. -Eash ' and ' .fclotchcs arc
healed "right - u?, Rowlcs ii enilw
Sulphur is any t'ant
cold cream and U perfectly liarrlcss.
-iVoti can oblaia a small jar frcia any
good drnssist. '
For rr-t- Ssmtit Mail This Aivertuemtnt ta
JUHH! MM 1, n lIMAO.L CO., f-v-. "
Jhcietomatoes f coh-tain-the
real food value
of the Hpe tomato, not
just - juice- and sciidsi
They are a real value at
3 ccno 49a
fcy;Brcakfastv V v
- Pieces weigh frpm -
- f 8lBs. TThis bacon lisu :
ally selli at48c perlb.
f Ai Jong; as: prcccnti
. il etoclc lasts we will sell
'aT' , - .;
iiyprycro ccnnectca vntlt this store is interested xH your bcih eerved well
cna cccnomicany.
3 So lb.
Purchased at our meat
counter can be. served
vwitli the utmost confi
dence that every Ipre-f
caution has been taken
tp.jfjive, you the best
meat at a very ; low
price. t'
v.. . v