The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 25, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    -THE OREGON STlESi,.SALEIf jojfctiGQX.
i i
i I
I, '
Whitman, College, Which
Plays ;fiere This Week,
Doped as Victor 4
, ' The Whitman college basketball
team. Vrtilch "plays- tbo -Willamette
university Bearcata-tiere Thursday
and 'Friday evenings. Is the"ejua1
'of -moet -of -the Pacific -eoaat con
ference .-teams, it Vai Indicated
Monday hen -farther Information
as to the Missionaries -record so
far tht season -was received here.
Whitman defeated IjiiiTe'rsity o
Idaho, " 25 tp it2i and Idaho wonl
from. OAC. which make? it look
bad for the Bearcats, -since they
lo6t to i$e'"Afeeji!t is pointed dot
by Coach Spec Keens of the local
university quintet, t
Early 1h" the season, Whitman
threw a big; scare into ;the Univer
sity of Washington team, leading
21 to 20 artheVendof the first
half. VHter that "VTashlhgloh f orfc
od ahead, but at. Vraa .principally
becanjie; Holmgren, Whitman's, star
center, was injured and had to
leave the. game.. . .
Holmgren is now. back in the
linenp. and "has .With 1 him very
regular from last year's tam. One
of those regulars, howerer. ili be
Conclave, lias "beaten ' him ut for
his position. , -
, Whitman .defeated v College ot
Puget Sound In their first" -came,
44 to 24, but tho Taeomahs came
back and won the second contest
42. to -81.
As a result of both of these!
Washington teams losing one
game, -Willamette is "heading ; the
Northwest conference with h per-j
feet percentage, but Keene is fear
ful that the record will not look "so
good after the two games this
Willamette will play the Univer
sity of Oregon quintet, which seeks
to be headed for supremacy in the
Coast conference, here Wednesday
evening of next week.
His Latest lecture
Starts Sat- Jan. 29th
At -;
B HOTJi E H. S . '
"A. A. Clothing Co.
- - - e. I
Men's and Young
Men's Trousers
.flood patterns ; in iWorstfds,
fassimeres, and cheviots. .Key
stone and Stag trousers. Every
paiif will giya satisfaction-
Boys' cLbhgies
Style ffnd wear in these.
Neat patterns in cassim.ers
cheviots .and corduroysl
Ages 6 to 16.
$2.45 and $2.95
Suits .
ij V
Wilson , Bros. , medium . pad
heavy weight cotton riobed,"
blue . mottled unions. Short
and long sleeves. ..Ankle . and ;
three-quarter lengths. Sizes
36 to 50
$1.65 Two for $3.15
''-J:--'j r 1 w -
A. A tCIplhinjf Gpi
Masdnie -Temple JV.
Oregon Swamps WSC by
3H14 in Road Game
' PULLMAN, WaahjJaii, 2.4,-
CAP) Playing a strong defens
ible game, the University of Ore
gon basketball team held Wash
ington State college ui check' to
night and won 31 to 14 In a Paci
fic jcoast Conference game. -;
Oregon piled "up a "long lead dar
ing the first half for a score of 18
to -5. s Washington State played
somewhat better the second per
iod. Gnnther, Oregon forward,
was the star of the game with 13
points, including five TIeld goals
and three "Tree ihrbwi. - ,
; Itohwer. ; Washington State
guard, who' has been a leading
scorer in previous games, jnade
only one field goal.
Grtran ' - jts.
fliuksr (13) ... F....J...
.Okrrberi- (9) ...CI. l nnrnt.!..
Hidings 6J . ...... :o...:.... (2) Rohwer
' Si -v-Un-is. (A) Panl
mi ' ; - '' -:
t iSlacDonaid's 192T Almanac gives
prediction . about " cross, weather,
sickness, lucky days and future
events. 20e at J. P. Tyler's Drug
Store. 157 & ComX X)
, The Marlon Automobile Co: The
Studebaker. the world's .greatest
automobile value. Operating cost
small. Will laat a, lifetime, with
care. Standard coach $1510. ()
yyjiju&un, uorvains. Jan. 24
Plana for the Aggie varsity swim
tnihg- team to meet .all of the
major' teams of Oregon have been
University of Oregon will fur
nish the first opposition for the
Beavers In a dual meet at Corval
lis January 29. The next contest
for the Aggie splashers will be in
Portland, February 13 against
Multnomah club, and a return
meet with 'Multnomah club has
been scheduled for February 19,
at Corval is.
An .all-state meet In .Portland
at the Multnomah club's tank, on
March 5, is a high point in sport
"-. . . mt. r r . Al..
scaeauies. i ne winner oi n
meet will he declared state cham-
pion. The Beaver splashers and
the Oregon Webf ooters will splash
in Eugene. February 26, In their
second splash of the season.
L- A. Sheeler Auto Wrecking
Co., oldest, in, the Willamette Wal
ler. Jfew and .used TpaTts. ahd
equipment. Low prices, and quality
service here. 1085 N. com i. )
We are state distributors for
the Viking tires and tubes. Mai
corn's Tire Shop. corner-Court ana
Commercial 'streets. Drive in for
your tires. (
. Winter Sports HoW
Stage at Silverton
i in . i
SILVJ3RTON, Ore., Jan. 24. i-
(Special) The cold snap brought
a number oi eastern torms or
amusement to the front during the
week-end. Skiing, coasting and
skating parties were the principal
forms of entertainment over Sun
day. Coon hunting, hunters re
port, was much better Monday
than -Sunday.
No serious automobile accidents
have been -reported here -during
i the cold snap.
Giant and DuPont explosives
(fuse blasting caps). Lumber
and all building materials. Gab
riel Powder & Supply Co., 610 N.
Capitol. Tel. 2248. ()
C. F. Breithaupt, florist and
decorator, 512 State. Phone 380.
Flowers, bulbs, floral -designs for
?iu .occasions. Pioneer and. leader
n Salem. (
Drainage Committee
Pians-Open Hearing
.In order J.hat everyone may be
given" a,' -chance to express them
selves on irrigation and drainage
legislation the' committee on this
subject will hold an ppen meeting
oh 7'hnrSday '4 afternoon ; at 4
o'clock. The bills that will come
up for discussion are "numbers
48, 44,ill4. 115, 133. 125. The
committee reported favorably on
H. J... Resolution No, 3, at their
: meeting yesterday.
Quality, painting, both varnish
and lacquer work, in our modern
equipped paint shop. Washing,
greasing and night service; tire
repairs, wood's Auto Service. ()
Vibbert & Todd Electric store.
High. at Ferry Sts. . Agents for the
Easy .Washer.; Good service and
low prices are bringing an increas
ing trade to this -store. -; - -
i,ummerce unanges name
PALLB CITY;TJan.'24 At the
2 'l.:a',:.Jaw- t:
annual eiecuon ot oixicers or me
local Chamber' of Commerce held
t recently,: TV W.- Munyan Waa elect
ed president, R. o.. White and
Ahigai w. watt re-elected treas-
arer and secretary,; respectively;
It was decided to change the name
of the organization to Community
Club and include the community
j (builders In all lines, as well as the
"business men. The annual, ban
quet Is scheduled for February 2.'
,-.11, L.;-StlftFnrnltore C6- lead
ers ;i4 eoinplete home furnishings.
pricea to make you the owner;
-the store that studies your every
need and 1&- reaflr" tb .tneet'lt, ab-
tsplntely,; - yt " ,1?)
iioc? eM'teiGiiT
, The Salem high school basket
ball team will meet McMlnnvifle
high's quintet tonight in the local
high school gymnasium, the game
being scheduled to start at 7:30
o'clock. ' ' ' " " : ' ;'
McMinnvIlle high is not. In the
same district ot the state associa
tion as Salejn. and therefore this
game .will 'Katie rid bearing On the
district championship.
However, the team from Yam
hill county seat will furnish-Safein
high with, one of the best games
of the season, it is' precflcted, as
MOimnviiie has always neen a
LcQnterideVtor the state title.
The Onera House Drug Store.
Sofvlceualltr. low prices, friend
ship give increasing patronage.
Old customers atlvise friends' to
trade here. High and Court. (
Slate surface rooting applied
over ourw old shingles. We. have
over 200 jobs' in Salem. " Nelson
Bros. plumbers, sheet metai
wqtk, fit 5 1 Cheraeketa. ( ")
Tiekets for "the rdotible header
basketball pTogram " at the "Wil
lamette nniyrsffy gymnasium
Saturday iilght; when' rhe T?aletn
Black' Cats 'will play the O. A. 'C.
varsity arid Saletii high sehool will
nt'e'tttie D." A. C. rooks, have -been
placed' on tle at Ken Brown's,
the Spa. the Black "Cat, Smith's
Cigar fftore krid the Shyne, SbOppe.
it has heen announced. Seats may
be reserved at "Ken Brown's Hport-
Itrg gbbds store.
a. W. Dav. tires, tubes and ae
cessories; has the Goodyear tires,
the standard Of the "World. Mr.
Day can give yon more mileage.
Corner "Com'l. and Chemeketa. ()
Senior fiovs' -Secretary
torrfmenfls Local YMCA
Both the . facilities and the
management of the Salem YMCA
brouKht words of commendation
from Arthur Cotton, senior boys
vork "secretary of the national
council of the Y, when he visited
the local headquarters, Monday.
Addressing the local YMCA
board of directors at a luncheon
at noon. Cotton declared that the
building and equipment here
would be a credit to a city much
larger thin Salem, nd that the
activities and . growth of the
here are ojitstandlrigly encourag
Cotton also addressed the boys
at ibe senior high school, t "Par
rish junior high, and met with the
fuuior of the Y, the secretaries
and the leaders' groups.
v 1
9:45-ll:SO-Kfi-W, t4l. Women's
health exerrmen, mnsio housenoia Helps.
11:00-13:0-KOIM (319). IoineBtie
ence and mi.
12:00 KFEO We.ther reports.
12i3O-l:30 KOW. Noon concert.
3O-3:00-KTBK ,2.63). .lontewites
hsirhoTtr -and muiii Drogrtm. -
2:be-3.00 KflW ,.dl). Maine pro-
2 :bO-a :0O Klt- (400). Mosw.
3:0J-4:OOKOIN. New, munc.
4:00-5;00--KFEO. :3fi. -4:80-tO0-KrWV
(tl3). Twilito ior.
5 :00-6 :00-r-KTBB. ekildren'g -prfrm.
0Q-7:00VKOiN-(3Ji TOrweon eeltl.
60-7iOOi-KSVV t212).;fTrflit hdar.
6 rOO-7 rOOKGW t4l). 'Concert.'::
6 ;0Q- rSO-KTBK 26S)Totirit gnhli.
testfontV-- ' -7:OQ-Ti30
KTW. Children's prfrm.
7 :00-7 ;3-K0IN.- Araiisemrtit jnlde.
7:r3-S:I5 Kjrjlt Jarnl. jmn-
7:80-7:45 KCrW. Utility ervc.
7;30-7i45 KOIN. Educational talk.
8 :Oft-10:O0 KG W. daeUonat progTam.
8U)0-B:S0 KOIX. Stndio prorram.
:00-:00 KFWV. Stndio program.
8:15 0.15 KFIF (24S). Studio procrara.
8:15-8:30 KFJR. Radio rods ciaia coa-
-dnctftd by Aihley Dixon.
0:00-10 :00 KFVTV. String qnartt.
&:30 End KOIK. Blow-liy Mow deicnp-
tien ( main erent at Armorr. "
10:0O-l2:O0 KOW. Ureheatrs-
11:00-12:00 KFWV. Organ rociUI.
KGO Oakland (361). 6. orchestra: S.
the Pilgrim: 9. book chat.
KFQZ Hollywood (226). 6. Hawaiian
trio;. 7, music; 8, .studio program; 10.
Yellow Packets.
KIU Lo Aogvlea (405). 6 :30. chi!-
dren'a hour: 7:30. ncriptore reading;
7:40, dog talk; 8. news, stndio pro
gram : 10. orchestra.'
KLFI Imk Angeles (467). 5:30. matinee
program; 6, nightly doings; 7, orches
tra ;,: airing qnartet ; 9, qaartes and
soloist: 10, music olnb.
KKWJ ATalon (211). 6, chimes; 6:30
orchestra and . rebroadeasts.
KPSN -Pwmdena (18).- - 6. sews and
music; 8. concert.
KTO San Francisco (428). 5:30, chil
dren a hour; 6:15, Town Crier: 6.-:iQ.
; orchestra; 8. organ concert; 8. trio,
-harmony team and soloistx; 10. or
chestra. ETAB Oakland ,(303). C:30 - twilite
boar; 7, ihoppine hir: 8. Bt.tmn talk:
'8:15, quarts! nrorram. ' !
KUQSpoka-T(394)s . orckestra ;., T,
'gram: lot orchestra. '-' .
KTBI Zjom Angelen (294.:7:15, ehil
- 'dren's program ; 8, atndio program, i
KNBO Santa Monica- (738). 6T30, or-
' 'gan concert t 7 ;S0, merchant ' preview;
band concert; 9 trio and iJloist; 10,
f orchestra. ; - ---' -.v-..'.-- . -y
K'ON' Xn Ban (232)r--r-'ioB--
cUl ; 6 :2ft, rchettra ; itndio prs
' gram; 8, band concert: 9. do luxe
-howj lO, trio, lt." orcner. i vi
.rwi Ban rnsciaco T3ao)-7:TO.;ht.
uio program , tmara program.
KTX Hollywood (337). 5:45. Town
r 'I at Her; e, orchestra; .7, atndio pro-
tk.nn -
KYA- Sm rranolsco (400)1 6:30. orches-
s-xra iw, orcneatra. . . ,
KWM Oakland (326).- 8, Itndio
gram. v -.--,
KJDWW "Walls Walt (1S5). 7, aerriee.
ihonr. -''4.. ?- ' 1 ! tr
KISO Lo Angeles (376). :30, Ange-
'las honr;-7 130 eTsnrelisUe aerriee, . -f
CKRV rVanoonrer '(Sl).. T:SO, ehil
fdrona program; 8:80. health talk; 9,
K anaaw f-ivi'nw, Vt oWB a.
Cnt-8eattle (384). C. tima-signals and
i-newa; 6:15. orchestra ; S studio pro-
gram; iuhbi mrgi..- -
and -MloiKts: 10 :10? frolic-.
KlA -Jenrer :i3S). .:iu.
imTer n:.iu, : Tarns qriei -
iwa:. box ; 9rnaid xt'.n;t aaj. .
Kl'OA Sestye (454). uport rcTiew;
j J 6 :45, talk ; ' 1,- clTildren'a. ; profmm,
K srmolUneons- .HtnTacoW -4 i KHQ ;
"7:3, -sanaic; 8, soloUU; 8:30, qnrtet;
KFSI--fi ' Dieto U845). 6 :15, tow
' ' itopic: 7. dnnee music: 8. elastic hear';
9, llawiiias mnsie:, 10 orchestra. " , i
K'WB Hollywood ($52). 6, orchestra ;
" ; 7 studio .program : 8, newt, orehestta
Fielsii in play
The Parrish Junior, h.Igh' school
quintet will face a tough gang to
night at 7:45 o'clock on theiPar
rish floor against, Monmouth high
school. The Monmouth team is a
strong combination, with .Bush,
forward., as the chief scoring
threat, t . . c. . - -
Parrish is "figured as the. favor
ite to . win, however, according to
comparative scores against Perry-
dale, which both teams, played
twice. Parrish lest .one .and. one
won. against Perrydale, while Mon
mouth lost both.
Coach Brown will start the
same five men he has been .using
in all his latest games, with Kitch
en and Hutcheon .at forwards;
Walker, center; and Burgess, and
Pettit, guards.
Wardrobe, trunks .as low as
J24.70 and as high as $85. 18-in.
cowhide "hand "bags withieether
lining reduced from S to ?5:S0.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. ()
Hungry? Don't ..wait, order
some Better Yet Bread from your
grocer. It is fresh, wholesome
ahd clean. Made by the Better
Yet Baking Co. ()
NEW YORK, Jan. 24. (,APJ
In, the face of a storm of adverse
criticism from Harvard graduates,
Wynant p. Hubbard, .author of
"dirty football" charges . against
Princeton, stood his ground today
as a "sacrifice on the altar of foot
ball." ,
"I was willing to be the goat for
the sake of the game I love," he
tol dtbe Associated Press. "Let
them disprove the charges and I'll
never open my mouth again. The
charges I made in. the magazine,
Liberty, I am ready to prove by
affidavit as near as they can be
"I'm sure glad there's somebody
else with nerve," he said, when he
heard an Associated press com
nieilt from "Tack" Har'dwick, all;
American at Harvard under the
Hahghton regime, referring to
Hubbard's statements as "courage-
ous," an dasserting that he was
convinced "there is much fire "be-;
hind the smoke."
BOSTON, ( Jan. 24. (AP)
Huntington R. "Tack" Hardwick,
all-'Ainerlcan football player at
Harvard under the ,Haughton
r'egime, said today with reference
tb Wynant Hubbard's accusationa
of ''dirty football,' bit the;iart-f
the Princeton players,'thathe wa
absolutely convinced that .there is
much fire hehlnd the smoke."
Ira W. Jorgensen 190 S. High
pt. Parts, for . all makes of cars.
Best equipped auto accessory store
in this section. Prompt -and. re
liable service the Tule". ()
Only the best! Our natrons
will bear this out. We serve only
the best , in meats and poultry
Hunt & Shaller Market, 263 N.
Commercial. ()
COLLEGE. Corvalis, Jan. 24.
Final arrangements "have been
completed for the twenty-second
annual spring tour of the O. A. C.
cadet band durinp spring vacation
n eastern Oregon, and western
Idaho. ,
Points to be visited during the
tour ore Gresham. Portland. Hood
River, The Dalles, La Grande.
Enterprise, Baker, Union, North
Ppwder, Ontario, and Weiser, Ida
ho. The first concert at Gresham
Will be March 25. and the last on
Sunday, April 3, in North Powder.
These spring trips have been
made for the past 22 years, and
on each occasion the band has
been, well received. The last east
ern Oregon trip four years ago
was successful enough to warrant
the visiting of more towns on the
1927 tour. ' ' ' . .
Captain H. L. Beard, director ef
the band, plans to take 40 music
ians on the , trip. Captain Beard
has. directed the O.' A. d. band
fpr a. number of years and has
gained 'a reputation for . himself
and O.VA, C.-in the development
of band music ; . - .'.
i i - -
Tt The 'iMIdget Meatilarket, never
fails to give yon the finest meats
and fish. -There is but one-place
la Salem to get the flnest fishThe
Midget Market Tias It for your A)
; Nash .leads the. world in motor
car values. Beautiful display of
new models at the F. W-Petty-?
John , Company, 365 North Com
mercial BU. '
Committee Favors Repeat
- Guaranteed Interest Bond
. A , senate, committee yesterday
decided to report favorably on a
bill authorizing' repeal of, the law
empowering the state to enaran-
j lee Interest, on, bonds issued by ir
rrlgatldarand drainage districts.
r caused the state irrigation antl
u was eaui, tnar inis. -law -BaS
drainage secnfilies "commission
a. - m m a a - - - -" ' - -
1 - -' iuuuuu
J considerable "fimtarrassnient,
Attorneys Representing Two
- Players Hold Conference
With Landis
CHICAGO. Jan. 24. (AP) VTy
Cobb and Tfis Speaker, formerly
managers of; the Detroit and
Cleveland clubs, charged with
fixing" a game in 1919 for the
sake of a betting pool, may be
vindicated and reinstated in or
ganized baseball 'within two ot
three days. Their attorneys con
ferred today with Commissioner
Landis and Cobb's couflsej insisted
upon a quick vindication.
Speaker left, today, with his law
yer for Cleveland, with the know
ledge that three American legue
clubs are ready to bid for his ser
vices as soon as his record is clear
ed. Detroit, Washington and New
York clubs are said to , be eager
to sign him.
While Cobb has received one
offer, from Baltimore ahd expects
others from "major league clubs,
the Georgia peach is planning a
trip to Europe instead of his
twenty-fourth season of major
league baseball.
AH Cobb seems to want is to
have hi record cleared of the
suspicion of dishonesTy and then
he Intends to forget about base
ball for a while.
Sob"b returned to his home in
rgia tonight, while J. G. Mur
fin.of Detroit, his attorney, re
turned, to Detroit, pending word
of. Iandis' verdict.
' Ban Johnson, whose retirement
as leader of the American league
was voted last night by his club
owners to forestall a showdown
before Landis, was in better
spirits today than yesterday after
noon when he came bak from
the meeting with his club owners
who led them to vote his retire
ment because of ill health.
A. H. Rroore, 233 N. High St.,
apartments and store where you
can set high quality furniture and
furnishings for evry room in
your house. . ( )
Cross Meat Market. Biggest,
busiest and best in Salem. Choic
eiit Rteaks. bacoh. hams, sausage.
lard, eggs, milk. Absolutely sani
tary. 370 State St. ()
Report of a fire in Harry
Ralph's cigar store, next door to
the Elsinore theatre on South
High street, caused a runjjy the
fire department about 9 o'clock
Monday night. It was a chimney
blase, and the damage was slight.
The Cherry City Baking Co.'s
bread, pies and cakes are of high
est quality. One ot Oregon's most
sanitary bakeries; visit it. Worth
while. A Salem show place. ()
($30;00 Roundtrip)
Tickets at. this, speciallow
fare good only on -Day
Coach fast
Jan. 28
Leave Salem Friday
10:12 A. MJ
Arrive San Francisco
11:30 A M.
Usual baggage allowance of
, 150 pounds free.
Long, smooth riding, all-steel
coaches?" lots of room. -' Obser
vation . car- no extra, .charge.
Special ' dining s car ; service at
lunch room prices.
ReturrLJlitkets L
Cfood ,on, any, regujar train
(in coaches 'only)' within
15 days
j Telephone 80
Southern v
City Ticket Office A
r l&AM. -Liberty j
Son JMojjo Pollrc , Jmlgc V.Issimv
Bench Warrant For Player
SAN DIFGO, Cal., Jan. 24.
(AP( Police Judge Chambers to
day issued a bench warrant for
George Herman (Babe) Huth,
famous 4home-run hitter, when
Rpth. failed to appear to aqswer
to & charge of having violated the
child labor-law on his recent ap
pearance at a local vaudeville
house. The hearing was set for
February The complaint
against Ruth, was made at the
office of Deputy. .Commissioner
Cue. No attorney appeared f6r
the ball player.
.Reduction on ali hats at the
Vanity. Hat Shbppe, 387 Court St.
Be sure to see "our line of hats be
fore buying. Latest metal cloth
hats just in. f ()
F. E. ,Shafer's Harness and
Leather Goods store, 170 S. ConVL
Shit cases, valises, portfolios, brief
cases, groves ana mittens, i-iarge
stock. The pioneer store. C)
Construction Booms on
With Larmer Building
The total of January construc
tion in Salem soared several
notches with the announcement
by I). A. Iarmer, of a fireproof
storage building on North Front
street, to he cpmplted by April
IT,, at a cost o'"130.000.
The biiildl9K will 1h completely
modern, with -.special damp proof
rooms for storing furnituro.
Elevators, of the latest type, will
be installed to accomodate all
three foors.
Excavating has already com
menced for the building, which
wilt measure 120 by 140 feet.
Petition Circulated, to EVtend City
Limits Northeast
Petitions to extend the city
limits to include about 15 acres
in Kay's second addition and the
Oakhurst tract, lyins west of 19th
1 '
The .tonic and laxative
effect of Laxative BROMO
QUININE Tablets will for
tify the system against Grip,
Influenza iand other serious
ills resulting from a Cold.
Price 30c
The box teara this signature
&S2Q iy
- i if a ' iB HI MB tt a t iijt
le Dollars ;itM
The "Slogan" editioh.of the STATESMAN published
.each Thursday mottiinga rdm interested
and brought to bur city Valuable citizens and industries.
The extra expense of this edition is torne by our "Slo
gan" advertisers. We.hope for their continued co-dpera-tion.
, . ; .. : .v. .
Read ?how ofar efforts and those) of others are being
translated into .dollars and cents to the credit of Salem
citizens. . -
Ini 1 923 a:certainbUsiness jjrojperty
:for the rn of 51 4;5fl0.: The;buyer
ments nor added
.r Acouiwiiuic-iaenucaifproperry ror u,vuu. , .
v?4JJanother property sole! for $1 2,500 in 1 924 arid resold
for $26;000in 1926.-.
(Figures furnished and verified by W. :H. Grabenhorst
& Company.): : , -4 ' . . . :
' .STATESMAN Slogan" Adyertismir
'; , Investment -iiot contributiort '
street arid on both aides of Mar
ket streets. , were I circulated iat
Monday's : Chamber of ; Commerce!
luncheon by.' L. fi. ,juterer presi
dent . of the Marion-Polk county
realty, board. .;..'? .
if this area is annexed it will in
crease the city's rp;n-a tipn about
500, it was, expiaiea.- ana win
aid in the developniett of the
northeast part of tne V-iy. A. ma
jority of the mimlvrs " present
signed slte petit Iobt.
Hartman JJros.. Jewelry; Store. J
Watches clocks, rings, pins, dia
monds, onarms, cut glass, silver
ware.' Standard goods. State at
Liberty St, .. . . ? : ,' (?)
Thronsh Recijug Chair Car Bcrvlc Foot Schedalea
Each Day With Stop Ore Prlvllegee
Leaving the Ternilnal Hotel
. .t20.4 Wi2;20. P.'U 7;P.-M, 1:25 A. BL,
One Wayl ! .. . : -$15.50
Round Trip , . i- $30X0
One Wa y
ICound Trtp
; For Infonnatloa Call Al
cr Phone 696
for Economical
Flat Kate Service the . kind of service you have been
waiting for, is now at your calL We have adopted this-new
method of handling charges for Chevrolet irepair work be
cause it enables us. to give every .Chevrolet owner an intelli
gent estimate of the cost of repairs before the work is started.
Our repair shop is guided by.a schedule of repair operations,
veach covering a.specific repair, job with the exact average
time- indicated plainly. The standard, price list ofChevrolet
Parts gives the exact cost of replacement parts needed.
These are the facets .that take the uncertainty out of
service work. -' ; v.
lower prices, because repair
only what you have ordered.
and you know in advance
Our. shop is equipped, with special Chevrolet tools. No re
. pair job is too large or too small to be handled emciently and
at rninimum cost to you. '
Remember: Good and regular service costs you nothing in
the end because it prevents expensive breakdowns and
lengthens the life of your car.
Opposite City Hall ,
Statesman Classified Advertisements Bring Quick Results
to the visible" value in
- Starts Tomorrow -
BHghV GaiJitbl
Emil ss'jr
: men seend their time doing
That s what we charge for,
what it will -cost.
Telephone 1000
Salem was sold
made -no improve
any ,way. During 1
HiMti nwti i f 8 1 Vi i 4ffi m t hi 1 1 1 a" i h t m n t i 1 1 1 m t gft4M 1$
- 1