The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 25, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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1 '
4 ijowaiW-p-riw-Vitsi -oisieB-,!'-gttls M-"?''-
Notice to Advertiser '
' -After February 1, advertise
meats and 'notices In these col
umns win be charged at the rate
of, 25 cent per line. - ' J30
lanell to Conduct Servfnw-
Rev. F. L. Cannel of the Wm)
item communltr fhnrch m
fact the services at th fiaivn-
tWuMrmr Saturday nleht it s
o'cldcis He will be assisted by
his family, all of whom are mu
sician, and by the West Salem
Toons Peoples' league. --
CVmplt-te tin Of
Monarch Electric ' Ranges a.t
Hamilton's - --a"21tf
Elokta Club Meetg j v
!The Etokta club will meet at
the home of Mrs. Eric Butler on
North 20th street this afternoon.
The Beatfty' B '
'Fornlerly the Bungalow Beauty
Sboppe. will be open for business
Monday Jai. 24, ln their new lo
cation in fhr balconv with finn.
1 nell-Robb studio at 520 State St.
where we will be glad to meet
both old and new customers, Mrs.
Hattie Busick, owner and opera
tor; J. K. Cloyd, barben former
ly of the Gray Improvement Shop.
Phone 1985 for appointments. J25
Sfott to Speak
James 'It. Mott. state represent
ative from "Clatsop county, will
speak before the Friday noon
luncheon of the Lions club here
on "Trials and Tribulations of a
Legislator." Mrs. Jean Pearcy will
sing several numbers.
For Sale Well Built
Four-room house fireplace
furnace, wall-bed. garage, fruit. In
growing part or town; High. Near
school. ?340O, your tarms. j25
Two Speeders Fined
H. A. Banks of Portland, was
fined 110 in justice 'court .here
yesterday on a charge ef speeding
a truck, and James "Rudides of
Portland was fined flSfor speed
ing a truck. Both men. were ar
rested by state traffic officers.
Cash and Carry Cleaners '
352 Chmekta. Tel. 195. J25
New Home for $50O Down
Balance exactly; like rent.
Total price complete to occupy
34300. Five rooms and attic
floored .and stairs. Large fur
nace, fireplace, hardwood, laun
dry, wired range, 12x18 cement
floor garage. Double construction
UNION made home. North, close
t6 schools and bus, protected dis
trict; finished to suit.. Becke &
Hendricks. 189 North High St.
Two Cases Set for Hearing' ,
Hearing in the case of Raymond
Blahton of Brooks, charged with
keeping a child out of school, has
been set in justice court here for
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Hearing in the case of R. K.
Mofse, charged with reckless driv
ijofcfln connection with an accident
fi"3tween his ear and " one driven
iy .W. J. Timm, has been set for
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
50c Chicken DinnerTomorrow
Noon at the Black Cat. J 2 5 J
Attend Ministerial Conference
Rev. E. H. Shanks and "Big
Jim" Kramer spent yesterday in
Portland in attendance at a spe
cial miniters' conference.
"Special Sale on Watches
Jewelry Store, 328 N. Com'l St.
Return Prom Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Cyler hare
returned from a three months' vis
it to Cyler's former heme in Ne
braska. The trip was made in
commemoration of their golden
Furniture Upholstery
S And repairing. Giese - Powers
Farnlture Co. a2tf
lee Delays Pupil
f An unusually large number of
pupils were tardy at the Salem
schools Monday morning, on ac
count of ice on the sidewalks, ac
cording to reports to the superin
tendent's office.
Summer St reet Fainnount Hill
Homes at 97500 and S7800.
We have two excellent buys.
Quick possession.' Becke & Hen
dricks. 189 N. High street. J25
Attend Lions Meeting
Harry Scott, president, and New
ell Williams, secretarv of the fia-
tlera Lions club, are at Med ford at
tending the district meeting at
Med ford. They will also attend
)a charter night program at Klam
ath Falls tufnia Mt
LewLscs Have Son
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O. Lewis
are parents' of a baby boy, born
last Friday. Their home is at
1740 North Church street.
Goes to Portland
: Miss Mar,tenne Danko of Vien
na, Austria who' has been spend
ing severaljhohths at ttro Uirhn
Caspty Child Health demonstra
te will spend thie week in Fort
l&iTl viewing the work of the
iDoernbecher hospital for children
the Oregop Tuberculosis associa-
HEAR with, the tiny little Gem
Ear Phone can be wont with
vat Headband.'
. Smallest hearing device. Tha
wonder of the age. By use ot
radio , principles, scientifically
perfected, insuring clear, posi
tive hearing at home, church,
theatre and radio,! all these
pleasures can be yours.
Ask for booklet
Ferry Drag Store - - -
IIS 8. ComL St Salem, Ore.
tion, the Visiting Nurses' associa
tion and the University of Oregon
school of social work. She will re
turn at the end of the week to
tpend a few more weeks at the
health demonstration : headquar
ters here.
SOc Chicken Dinner Tomorrow
Noon at the Black Cat. J25
Elks Invite Solons
Salem Lodge No. 336, B. P. O.
E., will be host to all of the mem
bers - of ".the - Oregon legislature
who belong to the order', at Thurs
day , night's lodge, session, aeeard
lugl' invitations sent -out" Mon
day. After the business meeting,
at which some of the' legislators
will speak, a i "Johnny Jones"
banquet will be served.
Hotel Marion 1
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to
every evening. n26tf'
Visits Brownsville '
Rev. C. Murray Keefer" of the
Kimball School of Theology fac
ulty preached in the Methodist
church at Brownsville Sunday.
The Radium Reviger a tor
Kills harmful bacteria in the
water. For sale by J. L. Ellis, 391
N. Winter. Phone 502-J. j26
Comrade Club Meets
The Comrade club of the First
Presbyterian church met Monday
evening nnderr the leadership of
C. A. Swope. The Comrade club of
the First Methodist church will
meet this evening, with John
Givens in charge.
Recovers After Operation
Elmo Wright of Salem, who un
derwent an operation at the vet
erans' bureau hospital at Taeoma
some time ago, is recovering rap
idly, and will be able to leave his
bed Thursday, although he will
still be a patient at the hospital
for some time. V.--
Muscovite Dance, Derby Hall
Tuesday; Jan. 25. IOOF mem
bers and friends invited. Tables
for cards. j25
Upton to Speak
Senator Jay H. Upton, who was
a candidate for the republicans
nomination for governor last
spring, will speak- at today's
luncheon of the Kiwanis club. Up
ton is president of the Bend Ki
wanis club.
Undergoes Operation
Mrs. O. J. Thorpe underwent an
operation at a local-hospital Mon
day. Her home is on Front street.
Income Propertl
We have two fine properties
that will net you 7 to 9 percent
and MUST increase in value.
122,000 cash takes either. In
vestigate flow,. Becke & Hen
dricks. 189 N. High Street.
' J25
Xo Jara Tli nrsday Night
Crystal Gardens. Real old time
music dances I and - steps Dad
Watson's Portland (8-piece) old
time orchestra featuring harp,
marimbaphone, cornet, violin,
trombone selections and baritone
singing by real artists. Bean guess
ing and squaker contests. Free
noise-makers. Dancing begins 8:30
sharp. Come" early. j25
Injured in Collision
J. Turnbull and A. W. Osburn
were badly bruised as a result of
a collision between an automobile
in which they were riding, driven
by Osburn, and a motor stage, 13
miles south of Salem on the Pa
c.'lic highway Sunday. They
claimed that the tracks of the
ft age's wheels came within four
feet of the left side of the high
way. Special Sale on Watches
- And diamonds at Prescott's
Jewelry Store, 328 N. Com'l St.
plans Filling Station
Delmar L. Bond took out a
building permit, Monday to erect
a gas filling station at 1410 Fair
grounds road. The cost was esti
mated at 34500.
First Semester Ending
First semester classes at the
Salem high school will close Wed
nesday afternoon, Principal J. C.
Nelson announces, and the . stu
dents will have' Thursday and Fri
day free from classes. They will
receive their grades Friday morn
leg. ; :, :" , , ( . . -
Forfeits $23 Ball
Charged with being drunk and
with breaking glass on a public
street, J. E. McCaffery of Port-
Phono 727 '
f "
( Never Cold in thi Itonse
Fully plastered. 6 Rooms
I ''"ttmth Liberty Street
Corner Lot . 3000.00
PHONtni$54 -
CHOICE of Ttsub Genuine
Orange Blossom engigp
ment and wedding rings is a
tribute to the judgment and
good taste of tha wearer.
Bsaar 9ai Jnralata,
land forfeited. $25 bail in Record
er Poulsen's court Monday, f He
was arrested early Sunday morn
ing by Officer Wintersteen, who
reported that he broke a bottle
on the street when the, officer ap
proached. Claud Jackson, also of
Portland, who was arrested atthe
same time as McCaffery, paid a
$10 fine.
Barm Anniversary Banquet
And entertainment; Hotel Mar
ion, Saturday. 29 th Inst..: at six
o'clock. . p. to. Tickets should be
obtained early from Robert- Huteft
L:Joniv"Marr'. Wm. McOilchrist.
J. .L. Barclay, 1 "T.ilsonV John
vvv urr or jonn ttayne. committee
Salem Burns Club. w j26
1 "inert for Speeding
Lloyd A, Wilson, Salem, route
8, was fined $5Jn municipal court
Monday on a speeding -charge. He
was arrested Ty a city traffic of
ficer late Saturday nights .
Bill Calls for Appropriation .
A bill introduced by Senators
Marks and Bell would appropriate
$4 400 for the maintenance and
improvement of Soda Springs -In
Linn county. Any money appropri
ated under this bill would .be ex
pended under the direction of the
ctate board of control.
Withdraws Apiarist Bill
Senator Elliott yesterday with
drew a bill introduced last week
providing for creation of the of
fice of state apiarist at an annual
salary of 13000 a year.
Chambers Adds Members
New members who have affiliat
ed with the Salem 5 Chamber of
Commerce in the last week in
clude L. L. Thornton, J. W. Car
son and R. H. Martin, it-was re
ported at the chamber luncheon
P. E O. ; Observe - Founding
- Founders day was observed by
the P. E. 6,,, sisterhood $at. Mon
day evening's meeting at the home
6f Mrs. Harry Styles. Mrs; W. E.
Kirk, was in charge of the pro
gram. Baby Boy Born
On January 21, 1927. a son
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
O. Lewis of 1740 N. Church street.
Salem Girl to Medford
Miss Mary Gilbert, a graduate
of WJllamette university in the
class ot 1925, assumed .her new
duties Monday as English instruc
tor in the Medford high school.
Miss Gilbert has served as an in
structor of English at Willamette
since September, 1926.
Arbuckle in Klamath Falls
George Arbuckle. of the Buster
Brown shoe store, is a business
visitor in Klamath Falls this
Estate Appraised
The appraisement of the An
drew J. Mulholland estate, has
been filed at the county clerk's
office by the appraisers, L. A.
Beckman. R. S. Blew and C. W.
Ladd. Value of the estate was
placed at $8611.10.
Two Marriage Licenses
Marriage licenses were issued
Monday by the county clerk to
J. W. Rogers, Salem and Olive
Hendley, Kansas City, Mo., and to
Eugene Hoffer, Hubbard, and
Teresa Von Hatton, Mt. Angel.
(AP) Aid of two score republi
cans was sought by house demo
crats tocray in a final attempt to
enact lax reduction legislation at
this session In opposition to the
Tuesday, "Friday, Saturday
From 7:SO to 10:30 P. M.
Ladies Admitted Free
Gentlemen 10c
We Are Now Making 100
H-alth Bread
1 345 State
The Home of Good Pastry
' Overstuffed
Made to Order
Recovering and
Repairing .
Complete Line of
Wicker Ware , .
Salem Wicker &
Furniture Mfg. Co.
2218 State Phone 2230
m o 0,0
This is real value. 1022 '
BoJck touring with six good
tires, top. and curtains fine,
paint like new, lots of ex
trasIOST, licewieraod A'jr
ITJa is tn, perfect 'cftmdft Ion
Tor ?330.
: - ' t , - - - - ,j-ri "
! , !l '1 J
The House. That Service BuHt
majority party program.
After brief but spirited debate
between Representative Garrett,
the democratic leader and Repre
sentative ""Mills, republican, New
York, who is to succeed Gerard B
Winston as under-secretary of the
treasury, as to the merits of im
mediate reduction, Garrett cir
culated a petition which with 218
signatures would bring the demo
cratic plan before the house.
The minority bill drawn by
Representative Garner, of Texas,
who has estimated it would effect
a $335,000,000 reduction in taxes,
now rests in a ways and means
committee pigeon bole where tha
republican majority placed it a
month ago.
COLLEGE, Corvallis. Jan. 24.
The Oregon Retail Merchants as
sociation will hold its twenty-
third convention in Corvallis,
February 13 to 17. More than
3000 retail ..dealers of the state
are members of the organization.
Research will be the keynote of
the convention. The first address
to the delegates will be giren hy'
.Marshall N. Dana, assistant editor
of the Oregon Journal, on the
opening night of the conference.
Mr. Dana, who is active in all civic
affairs of the state, will havn a
constructive message for both del
egates and students who attend
bis lecture.
Visitors are invited to Inspect
the entire campus during the four
aays of the convention. ReiriKtra.
tlon headquarters and the general
meetinj: place for all delegates
will be in the new Women's build
Investigation preparatory fbt
ronVAn fJYin rpnorfa 19 nnw ha nr
. -
Conducted hv six trade riivistdA
committees, which branch into.
every specialized line of mereh
andizing represented in the associc
atlon. f(
: i
Senate Passes Three BillsJ
During Session Yesterday
The following bills were passed
in the senate yesterday:
SB 9. bv Miller Relating to
operation of motor vehicles in iit-
corpora ted towns and cities.
SB 74. by Eddy Relieving
counties of the cost of maintain
inc state highways.
SB 75. by Eddy Relieving
counties of the cost of construct
ing overhead and underground
Yick So Herb Co.
Est'd. 18 Tears in Salem
J. H. LEONG, Mgr.
Jf other treatments have failed
try our Chinese remedies for
asthma, bronchitis, croup and
cough. We have given relief to
many suffering, with throat
trouble. Never neglect a cold.
We also treat all disorders Of
me women and children. .
Consultation Free
Call or write 420-42A State St.,
Salem, Oregon, Phone 283
Chiropractic .has provejd
to hundreds that head
aches are symptoms of a .
deeper cause.
r -.
Locate the cause of your I
headache by means of the .
Neurocalometer. This in-,
strument proves to the "
most SKepiicai just wnert;
the cause Iies.
1 1
Straight " I'almer Chiropractor
. - Neurocalometer Service f
r S06 First National Bank
Building ? rj.r-
At Its first meeting ot the ses
sion,; the committee on assessment
and taxation reported one bill fa
vorably and tabled six others for
further consideration.
The bill' reported favorably was
house bill number 67 by Potter,
and changes the rate charged by
newspapers for publication ot de
linquent property taxes from -10
cents per description to 65. cents
per folio. .-jr-K -
Tba six bills held UP lu-com
mittee are numbers It, 75, St, 74,
73, and 80: The reason for the
delay is to give the authors and
others Interested a chance 'to ex
press their views. After this is
done the committee will take ac
tion. Bill number ?3 changes the
effective date for the assessment
of real and personal property from
March 1 until January 1 and was
recommended by the special tax
Investigation committee appointed
at the last session.
Five More Days Allowed
for Submitting Measures
Only five days more of grace
remain for the members of the
legislature to get their bills in
the hopper. Speaker Carkin drew
the house's attention to house rule
number 44, which says that no
bills can be accepted in the house
after the 20th day except by spe
cial consent of the legislation and
rules committee.
The time is up next Sunday, and
it is-not expected that many tardy
bills will get past the above com
mittee. The ways and means
bills, however, are expected from
this rule.
Carkin also called attention to
house rule 43 which states that
bills shall be considered by the
committees in the order in which
they are received as nearly as pos
sible, and must be reported back
to the house within seven days.
Bill Permits Change Voted by
Electorate of Jackson
The county seat of Jackson
county will be moved from Jack
sonville to Medford, in accordance
with the bill passed in the house
Representative William M.
Briggs said that the bill was sim
ply to enable the will of the people
in Jackson county to be carried
At an flection held there in No
vember, 1926, an Initiative meas
ure providing for the change of
the county seat was submitted to
the electors of Jackson county,
which measure was approved by a
Majority of over 1800 votes.
The supreme court, however,
held the election void due to the
failure to issue voters pamphlet
in connection with the election.
Grants Pass building record for
1926, was $237,506.
Starts Jan. 29th
n it- rvi j unwum
His Latest Picture
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Establiahed 1868
General Banking Business
Of flee Hoars from 10 m. as. to S p. ssw
r - Long and Short Distance Haulinjr ,i
Public and Private Stdrde, ; ,
o s; i'i Fireproof Building '' . "'
j ' Free Dclircry. to any part of lhe4eily u
r; i .?
Day Telepaoae 28
Capitol Theater Performer
Decides on Late -Night
Vacation Here
Actors and actresses -a whole
vaudeville troupe, augmented by a
few stage hands' and civilians.
wildly enaslns a ' SheUandpon?
through. thJ5treets, Sf a-spectacle
which Salem, people,, aight have
witnessed late Saturday night, had
there been many people abroad to
see It .
The pony, used .in a vaudeville
act at the Capitol theatre that
night, billed as Dorothy's comedy
animal j circus, wandered out of
the space back stage, and got out
onto State street before he was
missed. ; His trainer and others ot
the vaudeville troupe gave chase.
aad the pony led them a few
blocks down State, then doubled
over to Trade.
Like Mary!s Uamb, the tiny
horse next decided he would tike a
little higher learning, and ap
peared especially Interested in co
education,' for he wandered first
Into the lawn at Lausanne hall, on
the Willamette university campus.
: After playing tag with his pur
suers on the campus for a while.
the pony evidently became tired
of the game, for he allowed him
self to be caught after traveling as
far as the S. P. passenger station
The. trainer managed to get him
back to the theater in time for the
second ; appearance of the trained
animals, buL in the excitement, a
dangerous monkey that was one of
the performers somehow loosened
his tether. This animal did not
Mrs. Eva Orcutt, 22, died Jan
uary 24 at Livesley station. She
in nnrvived bv her husband. Roy
A. OrCutt, her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Thomas of Parkdale,
Oregon, two sisters, Margaret
Thomas and Opal Thomas, both of
Livesley. Body is at Webb's
Funeral parlors. Announcement
of funeral later.
of service creating an
establishment superior
in its reverence, sym
pathy and thoughof ill
ness for all.
Webb's Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
77Q Chemeketa Street
Telephone 73-4
Kisbt Telephone 1257-W
Nev First:
Morris Optical Cs, - J I0M0MM
Dr. Btazy B. Morns, uwww .,
a. t. anutt
jBvm sis
XawjM'-Tfcoaa 10SS
nrmrjur -rmat cokpaht -
Sttatl Offle .,:r"'" r:..' ,.,811-81
Hk mniv : l i : Sll-st?
Oonanltin w TinrlTiaT . sis
BxaenttT Koomi
IlpJm 57--Tarl. 18 M
rraak B. KeUort, PabUe AceounUnt
t ByiUiM ' Anditlng -Incom Tax .
Miona Kts , ,,lw sqs
Kiaf Wyckoft
XMrtxilraton t or WiUhira'a "X-a-'!
Soeoloftky Son, TtL 970
Km! Ertaf . IiQMU, Inwniie
Srm. O'NtUl IiMttt, OptomtriU
rnB 625 -401-402-40304-405
WtlUrd H. WJrtt ana Pnl T. Barria
ttornera 410-411-412 Tel. 185
Kobtn Xtt Say Bad Donald W. SCIlaa
AUoxnera afc
Faona 13. " j . i 510-B11-S1S
Drs. UmlM. SslUBidt CSTSaakoa-S03
S. F. Smith, Hew Tort Z4fa
Boom SIS. Telephone 1S3
get clear loose until the show was
over, but he caused some panic
among- the theater folk until he
was captured.
o -o
Hugh I Taylor was a visitor in
Salem Monday from Corvallis.
Everett M. Wallace and Zade
Heasley of Lewiston, ; Idano, are
nnpndina a "few 'days in this city.
Baker people visiting- in Salem
this weelc include James ti. xxtcu
nla onii Rlnlnfi HallOCK.
v. v.. Rrodifi. publisher of tne
rtnurnn rit PntprnHsft. is in Sa
lem attending the legislative ses
sions. -
W. J. Kerr, president of the
Oregon Agricultural College, is a
visitor in Salem. , '
Arnold Bennett Hall, president
nr t.o T!nioriiv nf Orpeon. and
nn '11. D. Sheldon of the same
institution, were in this cltr Mon
day evening. : .
George Penson, justice oz me
peace at Corvallis, was a visitor ni
Ladies Rayon and WoolHose
Colors Bteck, Toast, Fawn, French Nude :J7 . '.
' $ v 49c Pair f :
.4: ' .--)-..'. ; '.
y ALSO1 'r r I'
; Just Received 1 Lot of . f
Men's Fancy Hose ) ) ' . .. .'.
In Four New Colors' " j , ';
In four new colors. These are just the right weight;
for cold weather. Special - '
' 4v:':49c Pair --- g';
Salem Variety Store
: X52 North Commercial ;;
Cherro Baby Chick
For the 1927 Season
J Ar e No w Rea dy s
S . .i" : -v j ;,. : ' rv- : . ? . ;
s.To ensure low -mortality and strong; healthy chicks,
m we liaVe ' added a " percentage of ': ;
, ' " -. ' . . u. ' .. ' '--J
Pure Refined Norwegian Cod-Liver Oil
: tor our chick mashes. . This supplies all the vitamines
- needed for quick and sturdy growth.
. These high-quality, feeds are guaranteed to give
" satisfaction and may be obtained at
Trade and High Streets
I 5 L
I. M. Sandart, U. 2), FbytleUa Enrreon
SnlU 810 TaL 234S
Ooo. X. Taara, 1C. I, FsyaieUa murgnn
anita SOS. - , mmm.- n
SC. H. B. Mbaflald
CMropracSor, Jfenracaiomater Sarvlea
Caalaatl Xaa Oeorye, D. D. S.
G:aanl, Dantiatry
E. SC. Gxlffia, I. P. S OxtaadoaUa
TaL 181. ' ' Suita 1002-1003
the capital city Monday.
D. y. Bojone, E. M. Boone and
R. T." Boonio were In Salem over
the week-erd from Yaquina.
H. R. Hog ue of Eugene is a vis
itor In Salem: -
Mr. and Jfrs. Roy Greene were
in Salem Sjunday; from Roseberg.
H.: H. DfeArniond. attorney of
Bend, was 'seen around the state
houte Monday. f ,
' Jdseph Scott of Pendleton
was In Sale m .Sunday.
Hetpner Postal receipts, for
1926 were 15 per cent .above
1925. -
Charter Oak Grey Enamel
; range;
Regularly priced at 1135.00.
. 1 0ffered at a very special
price' of only . ,
220 NORTH Commercial Street
and Mash
Salem, Orcgca Phone SIS
f !