r .. 6 - ' THE OREGON STATESMAN," SALEM; OREGON TUESDAY MORNINGS JANUARY 25, 1927 The Qregon Statesman -1 T Deily faupt Mm4j ay . . TUfl STATE3MAW ytTBilSHIKO COICPAJCT 1 ". 15 South Cetsaaereial St, Be Was, Orefea .; -. . '. H. J. Henarkt rredJ.Teos Xrl 8. MrSaerry Andre Baneh Yansgreg-Editor , Cily Editor . Society editor W. H. HtsArH - Clrenlatkra Hutfn Ralph. H. Kletsing Advertista Manager Frank Jaskoaki - Manager Job lept, K. A. Rhotea - - - - Lireatoek Editor W. C. Conner - - - Poultry Editor -rt - s - . 103ZJCCB.SOC1ATED 7KESS v-'- The Associated Proaa ia exeleaiT.lr entitled to tko doo publication of on iwi tlssetehe credited, to it or sot taerwise credited ia tois paper end alee o toeal aewe poblieh.d herein. ' i . BtrsnrEM orncEg: C B." Belt. 12t fieeority BMs Portland. Ore. as F. Clark Co- New Terk. 12-130 W. Slat St.; Chicago, afarqaett BM. Baaiaoaa Ottiee .JJti r Sa Society Editor , . ... ' 106 TZXEPHOHE8 ; Now Deportment 23 or 108 JH Dvpar tma i ' T" . -583 Circulation Qffjce ASA Eatoeed at the Post Off ice ia Ralaia, Orffa. aa aoeoad-cUa matter. gonwho are brigands, as could b2 proved by pedestrians wlth cold pedal extremetles. " - 'I Money makes the mare so." If you could only hire a flivver to so on a cold morning. V It Is much easier to love your brother if he hasn't a radio that f LEGAL NOTICES 1 , vs iOTICB OP GUAHmAX'8 HAVE J OF:: REAL rROPKRTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon. , In the-Matter of Guardianship of AUGUST VAN HOOMISSEN, an insane person. Notice is hereby given. that 5 in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marion, duly made and entered on the 8th day of January, 197, in the above V ,... January iM. 1927 - ; Blessed is thef man that walstethnot in the counsel ofthe ungod-J euardianshlp estate. Phillip Van iy. npr.swnaein in-me way oi sinners, jior uiu ui iu ei o. ine i Hoomissen, as guardian of scorn iiu. nut. nis neugni is in me.iaw oi me wjru; ana in ms iaw o-doVh he-meditate day and night. PsalmB 1:1-2. the makes yours howl. . -.-4 - : - "W V ,- ; . Some people hope to lire long enough to see what finally be comes of Mussolini. . . Speaking of girl bandits. Imag ine trying to explain to friend wife that yott were kidnaped by a bold, blond bandit, v "Well.' go ahead." said the traffic order cop. "t in sorry I Bpoke roughly!"! V "a 'a r On interesting thing conned with the recent cold snap wav the thousands of -robtne. edar w tags blue birds, - Alaskan robing, wrens and other summer birds Ihatflocked to-this city and clean ed up the Ted berriea on erery holly tree as well as the Vlrzi creeperV Tinea, Jroaen apples still hanging onithe trees, and all of the feeds generous hearted citizens pat out for them. - 1 Cobbs & Mitchell Co,, lumber aid building materials for every rtet estimates, look at quality of material, then you will J order. 349 S. 12th St. () General Marltetai I CAIXT rOKTI.AN'U. Jan. 24. AP) Ees rind,; receipti Uffht: current receipta 2c: fresh mediums 27e: fresh standr ard firsta 28c: lreh standard extras 39c. Butter atronj-; ectra cubes, city e; standard 45 fce; prime firsu .44 e; firata i .. . . 'M carte n 5IC. estate of August Van HQOmlSSen.l Milk ateady: best chnrniajl cream 48c an insane person, win. on or aixer Monday r-the 14th day ot March 1927. prbceed to sell at private tale to the highest bidder foreasn. - -':riZL.-i2t4Jrit subject to the approval o aaid ig24prp)i,iwhrto dneka .aoct ''J.:.HV 4 Mi lwij lW o. b. in , "' . : : : GREAT, FAR FLUNG BUSINESS r 1V tor"-- ' L . - . r I COrt. ilre following T qeSCriDeM j,n1n ess rrll-trf lnt-est1 toe. we mere uoy w uiiitt-uwwwmfccu iu yimc i oaiciur we wtto fD ftni to tne roiiowinR: ifegio-i . -JM?',07 T.7 1 ... .s -' - - I - r lrtRTT..t IJ. Jin. 24- Trinrwtharr-afc , He harlUtie vision to take on other ki Point 17.35 cnains, . , ,ctiT,. C,,TM 50c to $1 lfr :- 1 , . , ... , , , isouta. 5 west irom tne xsonn- prof itablnn vestments ; those that became profitable through! east corner of the Donation Land prudent to busines PS 1 1.75 chains; thence West 4.42 -ha,io8: thence South 17 West 2.09 chains; thence West 7.94 chains: thence South 5 15' West 3.52 chains: thence West to the Willamette River; thence folio w "ng the meanders of said River in Southeasterly direction to . the Northwest corner of a 80. acre t TOiagfe.eTit. He was a success in handling the large ,alm?V- . ve" aJnd0wlf,e- lrf 1 i t , I No. 70. in Township 4, South !0T the United States government as collector of the Range 3. West of the Willamette 'of Portland. Hbas managed his large farming opera- Sldian;.fnc. ionslikeamerchantotTanufacturer would conduct his store I thence' North 49 k west .2.13 m. f aptrlrv -ariin afvixf Mntintin(r onrl Via ViQo m qHo nuorv I chains: thence North 82.5 West va Atovvvk j vv a vaa omivi yvvvuddwiui witu aw 'w acre yield an annual prof i- 4 Ahd it was good businesit judgment that inspired a large part of his message to the legislature; especially that part in which he recommended that a separate division be made for the administration of the automotive laws find oni examination that the automotive section of the office Tyler on May 13. 1891, by Peter of the secretary of state is much the largest single interest in wirfs and wife, by deed duly re- , . " - . , , " , , corded at Page 574 of Book 46, of Oregon s state government, considered either as a whole or as records of deeds of Marion coun- to its vast number5 of separate transactions. f Of fon ' , tnence; Ea8t n ' the -Ti. A . , . - , A North line of said 80 acre tract to - Last year the state s income from direct taxes was about the East line of the aforesaid d. $5,000,000. Froni automotive licenses the, income was in ,L C :, the?c ?or"al?uS j. , -- - line of said D. L. C. to the place 2OUna numbers $6,000,000. s of beginning, and containing 100 The state's income for the general fund from other sources cre,3 ?dr Jf8 ??niZL . i- A ing in tn County of Marlon, State inan aireci taxes was aoout ?,uou,ooo. mat is, from mhen- of Oregon jtance taxes, taxes paid by insurance companies, for corpora tion; fees, hunters' licenses, licenses for commercial fish- ing, etc. . . ; . -. . ; " The gasoline taxes ran to about $3,500,000 last year. The total state receipts for automotive licenses and gasoline taxes will be around $10,000,000 this year, against about $5,000,000 1 before the making of said sale from direct taJtes for the general fund. It is conceivable that the automotive licenses alone for Oregon will soon be $10, Oj0f0p0t,c0nsidering the steady growth. And Oregon is just getting a good start in growth. Now, a&io the vast number of separate transactions. Last year, about 235,000 auto licenses were issued, and 2215 motor cycle licenses, and 604 dealers' licenses, and 15,328 chauff ifcurs' licenses, 44,858 operators' licenses, and various other ItranJactions, including transfers Z . Making up a grand total of about 415,000 separate cash dtems, with fees running from 25 cents up. 24. (AP) Cattle )c to SI nifti er: receipts: Cattle 190 J. iu tnrougiw. Caltres 245. Steers, good $8.35 8.65: medium S7.50Q8.8S: common f-25 7.50; eanners and cutter steer S6.50 6.75; heifers, good $7.25(7.60: e mmon and medium 3.357.23; cowa good $8 5006.75: common and medium I3W 6 50! low cutter and cutter $2.50 5; balls, good, yearlings excluded $5 (a 6.75; cuttera and medium, canaera and Vl ma MM.V: rll Tfti CboJc milk fed excluded S8.5010.50; enlU and common $. 508.50; rdalers. meuium and choice $1113.50; culls and com mon $8(&U. H.i. .tronc!. Receint s 3.075. (1.281 through.) Heavyweight 2aO-3oO pounds medium, go d and choice H0. tola 77.7a : medium weight 200-250 pounds, common, modium, good and choice $11.25 12.60. Light weight 160-200 pounds, common, medium, goad and choice $12.50 12.75 : light lights 130-160 pounds common, me dium rood and choice $12.25 12.75 : packing hog, rough and smooth $9.50Qs .0.50; slaughter pig 90-130 pounds, me dium, good and ehoiee $12 12.75; feed er and stacker pigs' 70-130 pounds, me dium, cood and choice 12 (u. 13.50. ' Ooft or oily pigs aBd roasting pig excluded in abore quotations.) - 8hecp and lambs nominally steady; receipts $8.25. i.arabs. medium to choice $9.S0y 11.50: Units, culls and common $8&9.30j yearling weathers, medium t" ehofre 7 9.50; ewes, common to choice $ftS: eulls . A Outside i quotations bsed on best Xoani Adams, eastern Oregon and similar tvpe iiialta. Kew valley -lambs selling above- $10.50. ! w rs Krueeer. reallor. progr- iT fair, eaoitable. Growing city nntry makes potDe that I will .maiCTW f ComtJete Ratings. 1 47 W. tjoru . BROWNING TRIAL SCENE CHANGED FROM CAR MEL nVer eo hack." the chauffeur testified. John W. Mack, representing Browning, then hia' case, ' having oresented all the asserted "harm le8' testimony wltieh he aaidn waittade LbKa4ry-Epsteia, or LlrfEBrowning's defense staff I He o fred Immediate' exclusion of the public and the press. Mack, however, urged that his client's formal attempt to estab lish abandonment be heard m open courts After that, he said, he would favor closed doors for the rest of the intimate details of the Browning's married life. Justice Seeger reserved his rul ing on the plea for secrecy and his decision may not be known un til tomorrow. New sweaters! A large ship ment just in. New patterns, new shades in the. popular pull-over and coat styles. Scotch Woolen Mill. () Capital Pargaln House. Capital Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck ing. Three in one. Bargain center of Salem. . Thousands of bargains H. Steinbock, ?15 Center. ( EASTERN STATES SWEPT .BY FLOODS; DAMAUfc . (Continued troa pt i.) , per river districts north, of Cor dova. . , , . ' 4 i Risine Waters of the Taslina river, attributed to the breaking of an irrt 1am In Tasiina- iaae, ue- stroyed a 500 foot bridge on the ntrharriann nienwav. tw -mites nnrth of Chitina. The Copper river. Into wnicn the Tarlina, drains, was raised to within three feet of the ntgnway at Conner Center. 44, miles from th hridee and more man iu miles below the lake. ffitseaaoiuble warm weather in th laat two weeks jas. meiiea much of trre.fin the Tatlina and CoDDer Tlver districts. .The vivers are normally coverea wiin heavy ice at this time of, the year. As the districts menaced bv tne floods are sparsely popuiatea, no loss of life is expected. v ti. :T? cLove, the " jeweler. 336 -State StV High qflantjeweir7. ailverwafe sna oiamonas. irdld. lUadard ovaloes.'-'tjnce buyer alwJtKaV ar-ctustomer. 3?&J (l . j Mr. Used Car Buyer: Have you aeen the real buys at the Capitol Motors Incorporated? See Biddy Bishop. 350 N. High St. Tele phones 212S and 212S. () LEADER STIRS MEXICAN LABOR AGAINST U. S. Continued from page 1.) Tiers. They are looking for arm ed intervention in Mexico." oil, companies refusing- to accept its new laws, is regarded by the state department - as r tan tamount to the confiscation of private pro perty, which has been ' feared as the "over act." which would adT vance the dispute one rtnore step to the noint of a showdown. Althoueh the companies nave embarked on legal proceedings in th Mexican courts. " the official view here is "that the cancellation of the drillings permits deprives the companies of the use of the property, to whichthey have titles. Meantime, an examination of, a recent announcement-. from Mex ico City that a large niajortty of companies have' submitted them selves to the new law has devel oped that some oftlre'compABiea included actually have; no weilsi that many of - then? are Mexican companies-with no rights in which the United States, .. is interested and that, t still otherf o eottmef- atea nave acquired .ineir 014 .rigois since ;a 917 an.d therefore have .mo grounds- on , wnjen . vu pruioji. v, 'Thef 'AnierliMW BilUsI f and atcU'lcoffipanTes' who are . opposr Ing the new flaws' have assured the "state department that they and their associates representing 88 per cent .of the oil production in Mexico are declining to sub scribe to the new laws. No for nfal representations have " been made as yet to the American gov ernment, but the diplomatic rep resentatives of the British, French and Dutch governments have been making infarraal inauiries as to the ; American : government'i course. . .. '-: ' "' ' D. H. Mosher Merchant Tailor, is turning, out the nobbiest and best fitting tailor made sults( to measure: 100' business and pro fessional men-buy off Mosher. ( I WASHINGTON. Jani 24. ( AP) The government's -cancellation of drilling permits of American Harold Lloyd's Latest "The Kid Brother" Bonesteele Motor' Co., 474 S. Com'l., has the Dodge automobile for you. All steel body. Lastsvi lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. Tb. will (ell you. '". .'" : 7 " ' Starts. Tomorrow Blish's Caoitol Theatre . '''Jr" Emil For SPASMODIC Schaeffer's Herbal . Cough Syrup Only at" QJCHAEFER'C 135 North Commercial St. Phone 197. Original Yellow Front . The Penslar Store Bids and offers must be in writ ing and may be left at the office of Joseph Van rfbomissen. attor ney for guardian" at 302 Dei Urn Building. Portland, Oregon," ' or may be filed witlTthe Clerk Of aid Court et any time after the first publication of this notice and Date of first publication, Jan uary 25, 1927. Date of last publication Febr uary 22, 1927. PHILLIP VAN HOOMISSEN. Guardian of Estate of August van Hoomissen, an insane person JOSEPH VAN HOOMISSEN. Attorney." 302 Dekum Building, Portland, Oregon, t r - i 25 feb. 1-8-15-22 NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the UnfierRlo-TK.il hoe haan ilill am And the separate transactions are growing and will grow Pointed by the county Court of n proportion to the increase in the aggregate sum handled, i lSuitiS No merchandising or manufacturing concern would allow estate of Don b. Osborn, deceased, ISUCh a vast Dart of its business to be handled hv nther tban a ind. tha he has Ax&7 qualified as Tesponsible head. Add to this the necessity for understand ing the meaning and the proper enforcement of a large Oiumber; of laws on our statute books. The; change would be in the interest of both convenience "lo the public and economy to the state. Better administra tion would mean added revenues, and it would mean greater facility and satisfaction in serving the great army of people .'who traVel "by vehicles other than those that are horse flrawn- ' And that means a vast majority of 'our whole population. v i, NOT EXCESSIVE VT.nETABX.E8 ,.VOttTU.KU Jan. ii4 (AP) Cold veather and iirr have boosted the price df "all 'root vefetables because of dams ire in thiun and the difficulty of eettinr harmaa stocks to market. Trices lor rarrnts. bets. 4nrniDS. rutabaesa and paronips are mostly $3-t per ewt. The supply of sweet potatoes is neavy ana nrlrts hava declined farther. I Lettaes continnes weak because of thai larsn soonlr here but has advanced sharp ly at taipping point so it is selling f'-r more in lotDerial valley than here. Apple "and potato prices are firmer. Tangerines have reached -the marke and are offered at S3.30 for halt boxes. QSAXN POKtLAXD, Jan. 24. (A.P Wheat hid- BHD hard white Jan. Hl.33, reh. March 91.35; hard white,9,ij Ttsart. frfi.-ratlon. noft . white. western white. Jan.. -!., March . 1.85 ; r harTl wintw Jaa. Feb., $1.31; northern spring J an., fl.il'i. rl. 4larn westera red. Jan.. rVU..- March $1.30. Oats. NV. 2. 36 pound white feed Jan., !., March 34.50: difo 36 pound cray'l Fi.fa.. March S35.50. Harlev. o. z. 43 pouoa iv, wan., ten. March S31.50. t'om. Xo. 2 KY shipment Jan.. Feb., 3S: ditto Xo. 3. Jan.. Sfb- $34.50. Mtllrnn, standard Jan., Feb. 30. March I 2.50. I JANUARY I Following the Christmas feast, usually finds the household supply pretty well depleted and in order that you may start 1927 in a spirit of saving, Skaggs Stores offer the following at exceptionally, low prices, made possible only by the fact that we, are the largest distributors of foods on the Pacificr Coast. Note These Savings Effective to Januar 29th (Inclusiye) 65c acn aammistrator; 'ail persons having 'claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby noti fied to present the same, duly renned. to. me at the' office of Ronald C. GloTer, 203 Oregon Building, Salem Marion County, uregon. within aix months from the date of this noUce. .. . Dated, at Salem, Oregon, this 11th day of January. 1927, . " " HONALD " C. GLOVER . HAY PORTL.VXl). Jan. 24. f AP) Hay hnvinar prices: Kastern Orejrn timothy' $20 822; ditto valley 17S 17.50: cheat' S13: alfalfa $17.5i 1 : oat hay 13: nut and vetch 14."0ai5: itrw't7fe 7.50 per ton. Seilinf prices S2 a ton more. TJATRT BTCHAWOE' H.TCES 1 PORTLAN D. Jan. 24.4-( APJDairy hxepanpe. net pricea: ? t . Butter, extras 46c; stnda4l .4xe ; tirim firmia A ."if firata r Jl. Kff. extraH 35c: firsta' 32c; puflets :jc-5 corrcnt receipts oic. 4 K SUGAR Pure Cane 10 lbs (Limit) PRUNES Oregon, fancy QC large (40-50) 5 lbs OJL MATCHES Western made reg ular size boxes 6-box Carton HONEY Fancy white 5 lb. pail 10 lb. pail PEANUT BUTTER Hoodys (Bulk), lb........ SYRUP Karo (white) ' Red Label, 10 lb. tin 19c 69c .$1.35 19c 69c MILK Carnation, Borden's, tall Federal- or 5 cans ROLLED OATS Manufactured by Quaker Oats Co. 9 lb. bag SNOWDRIFT 8 lb. pail . COCOA Ghirardelli's Bulk, 2 lb. carton.".....,. RAISINS "Market Day" a Sun- maid product 4 lb. pkg BEANS Small white 10 lbs $1.79 19c PANCAKE FLOUR Flapjack, Kerr's Hotcake or Crown YJA -No. 10 bag 07 C MOLASSES Aunt Dinah for good gingerbread QJ 5 lb, tin OOC ; FLOUR Big j K genuine hard " wheat ; has no! equal tf 1 1 f Q at, 49 lb. bag..i..... 1 uO : POSTUM "Instant" large size ' SOAP White Wonder , 20 bars ..... .. RICE Best Head lOlbs....:. 39c 75c 79c WHEAT GOES HIOHEE CHlCA;. Jan. 24. (AP) Assertions AuramiSiraior OI tne estate OI Don I port due toracrrow afternoon will show B. Osborn, deceased. J11-18-25-I1-S PROPOSALS FOR WOOD The Oregon State Board of Con trol will receive sealed bids on 3,875 cords (more qrless) of 4 all or any portion of amount need ed. Prices to be f. o b- Institu tions and yarded." Delivery to be made between April 15 and Octo- oer l. 1327. specifications ana blanks for ' biddiag will be fur nished upon application to the sec- Si. ' With the slight increases , that have been made in the foot .wood., for the atate instuu ialaries of some of Oregon's state officials, there is not yet SldSSf'ill- "SSk - m. ' r.t Vrieof them who is rweiving or fo receive anything that could I growth fir, second growth fir, or t4T"r4t u , mifina iare iaD wooa- na may Did on Compared with the pay of like ! officials in other states ( . Or compared with the pay of men of ejual responsibility 3ln private business in Oregon. , o "The laborer is worthy of his hire," and this' applies tc - those laboring in high and responsible positions as well as to I retary at Salem. ii ui.U'ttt ..Kna;n4 - l,,Kr nia.oS tn tVio orpat KnHv 1 Bids will be opened at 1ft A ""w u ouwiUMKswe fa-, e . January 29, 1927. and must be ; Of laborers accompanied by certified check In For, in the United States, nearly-every one works, from h "VJ 1. i?li;K?ZZ Vthe president and cabinet officials and the heads of 'great j Oregon state Board bf Control, fj Ji .nJi.i nnfAmWcaa A Tft frio ranlrs nf mts-1 which sum will be. held by the . wu oiui wHuuwwa. u. w i Board as a guarantee that the bid- common laborers who are iitted ior worK oniy wiin tneirider win enter jpto a contract to . tr . . . a m i t- . t . . . . 4 v , , , I lumisu tue amount iwaraea. wuitiuo. . v - , , I' Th Board reserves the right to reject any or all BldsV,or to accept any part of a bid. f CAULB ABRAMSi Secretary, Oregon State Coaf d of Confrot i. It is the fashion in Oreiron to cuss the legislature. It is jin oU fashion.; If Is as much out of date as hoop skirts. But ".it persist't Tltcj writer believes that .the record when it is 'finally made up will show the wprk of jthe present Oregon iTcgislaturc to Ijc' constructive, on.ihewhple, and generally for jhe best interests of this state and the vast majority of its .people. - '?-. t t . M-f-H Ti'ftn-jt f inrti . i . :- l 'i' ' s CANNED GOODS With a purchase of hundreds' of cars of Canned Food3 Skaggs Stores offer the most attractive prices in years. Stock your pantry at these savings. rcdaot-d fi cures on yield tended to lift wheat prices today. Falling -off in the fnited 8tstes elsible wnpply total was aK a strengthening factor. heat cloaed firm. H to Vic net bis-her, crrn S-8e t 'c down, and oata unchanged to e ofi- ; EGO 8UPP1T LOW ' PORTLAXI. ;Jan. 4. (AP) Cola weather has cat 1 wn the snpply of tgs. Reretpts reported ody were only 733 rases. -The market was firm and a cent bia-her on extras, firsts and current re ceipts. The top grade sold at 33c, mixed colors at 82e and receipts at 30c at tkr dairy exchange. 'jx ' Butter sras steady. Prime firsts were a eent feigner at 45c and other grades were ttnctiangert. Receipts were 0.087 pound!. output 12.744 po unds and withdraws; Ik A pounat, Puultry and dresaed meats receipts were small and trade qttiet. r "My little girl had a bad cough. I gave her a f aw doaa of Foley's Honey and .Tar Compound and h was greatly relieved. . If yoa want rest at night, especially where there are children, keep Foley's Honey and Tar Com-, pound on hand." Clyde Hi Benson, . '. .- Marlboro, V. No opafea, no chloroform, m Sam dcptndmblm family cottgh remedy foe children snd grown persona W'rVyia: ResBMafcev the Kaame , F0lYS nOKETASDXAR v UCOMPOUMD J! . gold- ett Cspttol trwg Store ' VEGETABLES CORN Golden Sweet, Minnesota Standard No. 2 tins, 2 cans....... (12 cans $1.29) CORN Standard White No. 2 tins, 3 cans , (12 cans $1.29) PEAS Idaho 7 Peaks Early June No. 2 tins, 3 cans.... ; (12 cans $1.29) PORK ANt) BEANS Van Camp's Medium size, 3 cans ...... (12 cans 98c) TOMATOES Standard Pack " ' No. 2f tins, 3 cans (12 cans $1.29) HOMlKY-NewpoVt Eastern , No. 2 tins," 4 cansl ' - '. , (12 cans 72c) r 25c 33c 33c 25c 33c :25c . VEGETABLES KRAUT No. 2y2 Tins Columbia -3 1 cans '.U. j (12 cans $1.39) SPINACH California No.. 2 V. tins, 3 cans ................ s (12 cans $1.45) . ' FISH SALMON Alaska Pink 1 lb. tall can. 6 cans ..... TUNA White Star t's 2 cans; SHRIMPS American Beauty . Fancy l's tall 3 cans...! SARDINES-i-Bodth's. Large Oval Tomato or Mustard 5 cans.. ..v..r...... .......... SARDINESl-Norwegian Pure Olive Oil 3 cans.......... The city of Salcm .should get on with the proposition to Acquire the water works. It is losing money for every day of "delay. And it is losing more money by not being in position to takcdvahtage of the chance to aid greatly in the growth Tot lle'm;.iookIng-to' larger profits on its investment, and rJbetter scrviqe.to its peopled ? For Breakfast Werrenratfi. tonight; - f Step tin the, k; 'ped tip city .ownership- of the water w or " : .. m' - , Chauffeur means stoker In French:' chapf feu r, to heat. Root word .of chafe. The word was Im plied to ' brigands in : bands who about 1793 pillaged. I burned and killed in parts of France, because they used to beat the feet. of their wtntlma in axlnrt mfanciv. Maatad them 'p to sivs them cold -feet, j There are some enaurreurs in ure- . a--B . Ma . I i ! aanwai a J. ,i: IVrsrnt ' TOTTEN'S -SONG CONTEST Friday; Evening 8:45; Sl5iinzEs$15; . rienu An jven Iteal T lihter.v talnment vi J : Lcivi n he Chorusel-of These Songs jv: :"rty Wlitl irih lUme" . , t i . - "Mye Bye Hlark IMrd " "Swift A'lelinoM. x MlTea Sir, That's My Baby" Flour, Cream Loaf, Hardwheat Blend 49 lb. bags.jv ...............r..$1.69 Graham, Coarse or FJne. .l.llllZ..A;J39c I Corn Meal, Best Eastern.....L...i .... ...33c - : ' : v ' Mis - -v . s-1 CrackersV,Np.-'i5-Box:. .;.....t...:..:..;....'.,....;....iJ9c. Kellogg's All ;Bran-Large Package.. ...... ....20c Macaroni, Bulkj '3 ibs.... A...l....19c t L Pineapple, extra sliced No. 2l2 tins, heayysynip -klL.j: 4 cans 98c ' Broken slices, No. 2 tins, 79c. 12 cans $2.23; 1 l r - 29c 35c : i50UISr-Qtmpbell's 1 Tomato', 4 ,cans,...;:.:..A. hWANS&OWN CAKE FLOUR, large pkg........ BAKING POWDER CQ , 2l&:lb. Calumet, can......- DuC ciiEESE-i - ; oca Full Creani, lb.L....L: DC MISCELLANEOUS NEEbsV-! r HEINZ CATSUP :OQ- large size; bottle -. LuC FELS NAPTII A SOAP : r -7 .10. bars . D I C GEMNUT OLEO : : ' fj: 3 lbs. ...... i) C LIMA BEANS ' or: 3; lbs. ,..; DC PURE BULK LARD 3 lbs. SHORTENING 4 lbs: -SAUER KRAUT (bulk) ; Quart I Gallon cU...: ; : "(Bring Containers) 45c 48c 10c 35c ; SALEM. OREGON I Orders of $5.00 or Over Delivered Wtihout Chi irge. PHONE 478