. CIIUCCDN 13 fc'J" ir-I S Jfiinrmal Dance Tomorrow 'jiif at tfftee County Club leading; social event of the w9,wiH no doubt be the informal dunce on Wednesday evening- at the Illihee Country elub.. with rijmohfK at 'A-o'ctoc. Legislators vflo-anre- ittiSalem-nave KeW In- vHed by .their friends, to be spe- injrey Teceiving guest prize. Re efaj grfestit -a 'rfiimbtfr t supperlfre8hnt8 were served at five partjes are. being arranged, by pro4 minent noet esses .lor tomorrow evening:. A number will precede the dance, while still others will fejlow. ' t Theeuest : list promises Jto Inf tuiius t-wue-Of. jne most prominent "Grctrtdm" 'B6urnihSls . HoriirM "hnfthe 'Occasion of tier G7th Birthday An exceedingly delightful party of SnndaV; evening was that at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schwelsinger in the Hollywood district when Mrs. Schweisinger's mother, Mrs. Lillian Bowman, or "Grandma," as she is known" among all her friends, celebrated her 67th birthday anniversary. "Grandma", was remembered dur ing the afternoon ,and , evening with many flowers and gifts. An unusually attractive birth day cake, with lighted colored ,-andles forming the numerals 67 was presented 4,0 the honors-guest. The after-d4nner - houicsH were spent in contrf&atioQ. t j' Covers at the anniversary 5 din' ner were placed for: ""GriiMma"' owman, the honor 'guest, Mr. andf Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and. Mrs. Stany Mr. and Mrs. Erneston, Mrh." Olson, Miss Sintfh,; Mrs. Purvis of iWtland. R. L. . Glbbins, Edna May. Mabel, Buddy and Irma luith Schwelsinger.'tand the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schwenin ger. Mrs. Purvis, the, Portland vis itor, is a sister of ''Grandma," the honor guest. The two had not met for more than fourteen, years. Witherspoon Will Appear in Conjunction With Orchestra on February 14 . The many music lovers in Sa lem who, for many weeks, have have known'that Herbert ,WUhr spooni was scheduled to appear heer Monday . evening. Feburary 14, were much concerned for a time when they learned that, Die Portland Symphonic Orchestra, tad been secured for . the same date, Inasmuch as the coming of the orchestra fead also-been wide ly anticipated. tbrtnnatelyj arrangements have &en made for a program in which the two rlll appear togeth er, at the -Elsinore Theater. Mr. Witherspoon's address on music education and appreciation, l egininning promptly at 8 o'clock v il preced the concert whieh will open at 8:30. Mr. Witherspoon is president of 1 he Chicago Musical. College. For many years he has been consid ered one of the outstanding bass solosists of the country. His wife I j the gifted Florence Hinkle. Salem Woman's Club WUl Honor Neiv Members and Guests at Tea, Today New members of -the Salem Woman's club and. wives of legis lators who are visitors in, Salem will share honors at an interest ing tea this afternoon at the club liouse, at 460 North Cottage street at jwhich the older members ff i he Woman's club will be the hol '.sses. -i " Calling .hours, will be from 3 to 5 o'clock. The members of the f-xocutive committee and of the ) osp Ita 1 i ty- eoroml ttee wll 1 v reete the guests in the club house re ception room, vs , '1 In the dining room the follow ing will be the- hostesses; Mrs. S. M. Endicott, Mrs, George IIT AUen, Mrs., II. D. Chambers, Mrs. F (I. Dowersox, Mrs. Wm. For dyce Fargo, ,Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney. Mrs. Charles Weller and Mrs. Charles' K. Spaulding. .Mrs. W..E". Kirk will pour and Mrs. Seymour Vones will cut the ices. Y. K. K. Class Spends an Enjoyable Evening at Kletziny Home Forty-two members " of the K. K. class of the First Meth o&ist church met on Friday night at the home of Mi1, and Mrs. Ralph H. Kletzing on South Lib erty street Tor an enjoyable even ing. All manner ot .. games were arranged for the amusement of the guests., The club, one of the most active of its kind, meets insularly each month. Mrs Homer Inprey is jv f Honored With Afternoon of Bridge Mrs. J. II. West, Mrs. H. IL White and v Mrs. William Yarnell J afternoon at the home of -Mrs West, in honor, ot Mrs. Homer Iagrey who is leaving soon , to make her .home . in Portland. Cy clmans,f ferns and pussy .wilows L were used for decorations. Those enjoying . tne wernoon -were: Mrs. Homer, Jngrey MrsRay Sim- era 1 of Cauias, Wash. Mm. -Clar ence TdwnaendrMrs. JoeMaddlr son , U ira. " Will lam -?Brte tzk e, Mr st ' 4 t" f i-V. W"l 3AUDEjD gun cm 4 mer, Mrs. George Vlesko. Mrs. I.loyd Rtifflar. Mrs. Damon Fleen er, Mrs. W. A. Commfngs, Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre, Mrs. R. G. Hen derson. Mrs. Frank Zinn. Mrs. O. Noyes. Mrs. Car 1 Engstrofn. Mrs. Perry Hubbard, Mrs. Clifford the hostesses. High bridge score was won by Mrs. Cu minings, Mrs. o'clock r-.. VA : . Week-End in Salem Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowman and daughter and Mrs. Lunstrom of Forest, City, Iowa, were guests on Sunday at the .home of Mrs. Rise at 960 Center street and of Mrs. M. C. Halvorsen at 1434 Ferry street. The visitors, who have been in the northwest since November plan to return to Iowa this week. Special Music at First Baptist Church Frank McCredy will- devote thirty-five minutes of the program tonight at the First Baptist church to the singing of Negro spirituals and the giving of im personations. This feature will Oopen at 7:30 .o'clock. Air. Mc Credy Is a southerner and his re pertoire is wide. - America's Greatest Baritone Will Sinn at Elsinore theatre This Evening Reinald Werrenraih, who will give a concert at the Elsinore to night at S:10 o'clock is American born but of Danish descent, , and ccmes from a family whose name has been . associated .with , musi clans ror generations, it was na tural that during hig last concert tour aDroad Air. vverrenratn was most anxious to sing in Copen hagen. The papers the morning following . his concert there were loud in their acclaim, praising not onjy his voice but his manner of singing. The Copenhagen papers said: "Mr. Werrenrath proved to be an txquisitely tasteful and musician ly singer.fllis baritone is smooth and beautiful in. tone, his pianis simo being tspeeialy enticing. "He is an artist from top to toe. His delivery bears the imprint of the surest of musical culture. His piano is exquisite. In short, he is a singer, who tIs able to held his own anywhere." Mr. Werrenrath' s .program to night will. be as' follows: - I - ' Para mio. ben Guiseppi Giordani (1745-1798) Che Fiero costume Giovanni Legrenzi (1629-1690) Old Irish Over the Hills and Far Aaway Arr. by Wm. Arms Fisher. Old English. Wl.eh Dull Care . .'. Arr. by H. Lane Wilson II Gruppe aus dem Tartarus Franz Schubert Allerseelen Richard Strauss Die Beiden Grenadiere - Robert Schumann . . Ill "Prologue" to Pagliacci ............ Leoncavallo i IV , .Piano Solos ' Gavotte in, minor Bach RliapSodle In F sharp, minor..''.- Dohnany i Herbert Carrick . v "' . OiHiway Indian Melodies ...1. .. Arr. by Arthur Whiting Carmisal ' Ybuth'ff?ong Ii; the -Forest lionging frif'tra"r Song - My Bark. Canoe - . VI Captain - Stratton's- Fancy Deems Taylor Princess of the Morning .... J. i: C. Clark-Harriet Ware Duan Marjorie Pickthall- Josephine McGill Danny, Deever... .Walter Damrosch Mr. Herbert Carrick will be at the piano. Tblsss You fclxxst Do f er . I A cold calls for four helps, all at one time; , And each should be ' the, best. One must stop the cold, check the fever, bpen the bowels, and tone the entire system. Do them alL ' HILL'S combines these four effects. Each is accomplished by a modern dis covery. the best' mea. have found ef its. Icind. Ope "i of the world's largest laboratories has embodied them all far one tablet in a .way. to hring no ill results.-' ' CHILL'S isl the perfect help or colds. .It is so entcient, so complete that we paid 1,000,000 for it The use has'gtownrand grown,; Until millions have come to employ, it If yott have a cold, start MILL'S at. once. .By tomorrow youwill see the results. OTou . wilT never again rely on lesser, help when yon learn what MILLS can jda: ... , Ei Sera l?tSX&ytt&&t m&Mmmlm Nine Caver :D inner Is Served on Sunday at Hall Home A gronp of nnt-of-town tmesis wero among .those honored at a delightful dinner on. .Sunday at which Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Hall were hosts. Covers were placed for: Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Miss Frances M. Richards, John Fuller of Ash land, Mr. Urlggs, a representative to the legislature from Ashland, Mis. Sakrison, Miss Olsen, Miss Hall, and the hosts. Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Hall. Fine Arts' Department Meeting Will Be Held in Portland on February 4 The fine arts department of the Oregon "Federation of Women's Clubs, of which Mrs. Franklin E. Smith .of .Portland is f chairman, wltl hold aiL.inatitute In the. Port land Woman's Club-building- Feb ruary 4.' All club women in Port land and throughout the state are intited t6' attend. The Institute will be opened by Mrs.-Sadie Orr Dunbar, .past president of the state federation and chairman of institutes. The department ' Is composed of four divisions, those of art, music, literature and bill boards. The morning program, which will begin at 10 o'clock, will be devoted to art. Mrs. E. P. Moss man of La Grande, chairman, will speak on the picture libraries. toiling how they may be made and their .purpose. Luncheon will fol low at 12 o'clock and will be served in the club hous-e. Mrs. William Krass.:g of Oregon City, chairman of music, and Mrs. E. H. Whitney, literature . chair- man, will have charge of the aiternoon program. A paper on "The Technique of Program-mak ing" will be given by Mrs. .Whit ney. An exhibit of ptudy programs on literature is'planncd to-be. fol lowed by an informal round-table discussion. Five-minute talks will be given by members of the liter ature division. Ways and means by which music may bo profitably correlated in the school, the home the club and in the community will be given consideration. Mrs Krassig will have charge of a mu sical program. A short play, a comedy written by Bernard Shaw, "How He Lied to Her Husband," will be given by a group of women, members of the Portland Woman's club. Mrs. Lora Allen is directing the Play. Certificates will be issued to tl.e club for each member, attend ing the institute and credit given on the honr score cards. Many out- state club women plan, to attend. The billboard committee. Mrs. Louis Fuller, chairman, will be represented. University Women . Will Hold State Meeting -in Eugene on Saturday The third anhnkrmeetingof the Oregon state division of the Amer ican Association of University Women -will le held in Eugene on Saturday, January "29. The morn iug session will open at 10 o'clock in the alumni Tiall Of the women's building and will be occupied with business and reports of . the six branches, which' make up the state organization. : These are lo cated at Portland, McMiOnville. Siilem, Corvallis, - E,ugene and Klamath Falls. Miss Mozelle Hair, state president, will preside at this session. At noon a luncheon for dele gates and A. A. U. W. members, both local and visiting, will be served at Jiendricks hall with Dean Kate w. Jameson of O. A. C vice-president, presiding. The af ternoon session will be . held in the auditorium of the school of music. After a short musicaliproi Aram. , which iis very generously being arranged by the school of music, the main addresses of th4 convention will be 'given by Dr. Apr ell a f Henry Reinhardt, presl- A t-r f rt Xfilla frtllacrA on I tinflrtnaf president of A. A. U. W.. and Dr. I thia label. 'T&titt&ER tie best food is being served, 'VV you wUl find 'Ewights "AM. O'the Wheat" Bread. : Its -nut brown colorand deliriously rich flavor fciVe-an' appetizing zest to every meal. i v T- f .- EnriiKts Jti&C Fck conUmingreal noumffme uniform in color; ; taste and CiUality, as it is baked .according to' our bwd formula. - - , ; Your Grocer Sells Enrighfs 'JAil O'the Wheat". Bread. ' 4- -j flooi a1 3alendmr fry.-:- ,Renald Werrenrath. American baritone. Elsinore theater. Finl event in Salem Artist series. S:20 o'clock. Etokta club. Mrs. Eric Butler, hostess. Business meeting. "Salem Woman's club tea honor ing new members and visitors' at legislature. Club house. 4 CO N. Cottage street. 3 to 5 o'clock. Social afternoon club. Chadwlck chapter of the Eastern Star. Mason ie Temple. , Special music at First Baptiat church. Negro spirituals and im personations by Frank. McCready. 7 :30 o'clock'. Joint installation of Sons of Veterans and Auziliary. Woman's club house. 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday .Illihee -Country club dance. Club house. , Informal. Lelia Can Do's. Mrs. J W illard DePoe, hostesev ?i30.o.'clock. - The story telling section'of the St.lem Art League will meet Wed nesday evening at the home of the auction leader. Mrs. Chester MiVfld. The lesson subject, "Historlal Siories." Thursday Moroni Olsen Players in "Out ward Bound." Elsinore theater, 8: SO o'clock. Town and Gown club. Lausanne Hall. Fjriday District meeting of Woman's Missionary society. First Evan gelical church. 7:30 o'clock. Saturday Frederick Starr, leading anthro pologist. Lecture program at Waller Hall, Willamette univers ity campus, S o'clock. Subject, "Japan's Place in the Sun." Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the University of Oregon. j The afternoon session is open to tin? Dublic. Members of thei Eugene branch ot A. A. U. W.. wh'ch is year the hostesses brant li extend a most cordial invitation to Eugene folks who would like to h.?ar these two eminent speakers, to be present at this session. Mr:. A. W. Cooper, regional director ' tho North Pacific of A. A. U. W.. will preside. Morning Register. Journalist at Legislature Announces Engagement to Professor Tin nbull Of interest to Salem friends, especially those who are follow ing the events at the state house. is the engajrment oi! Miss Mary Lou Burton of Eureka Cal.'; 10 Professor George S. Turnbull of the University of Oregon school of Journalism. The news was told at the home of Dean and Mrs. Erie, W. Allen in Eugene. 1fie Wedding ...Ml 1. A , . Will Ut2 UU CVCUl Ul JiCAL IUUUlI. ,1 The morning Register acids-th'J following details: Miss Burton was graduated from the school of journalism with the class of 192:nTo4ha2j time she has servtMjtl"?swa5BsJ ul and uoDtilar newsDaner womiw -:'th the Central Oregon PresaJ-'of Bend, with the Humboldt Stan dard of Eureka (Calif.) and with the Orefon Voter, Portland.nShe is at present covering the session of the legislature a$ Salem for-the latter. While, an undergraduate. Miss Burton was a member : of Professor .Tnrnbulls class. " Mr. Turnbull came tothe U"n- versity. of Oregon as Professor of journalism in 1917 from the Seat tle. Daily Times of whose editorial staff he was a member. Prior 'to 1 .HAROLPlj Kid Brother "If yoiikfibw rvyhat's good for you " and of course- you dot- K lil?..connecilon wiih.tho' Times he hitd held ..various editorial . Jtanl tions wih ll? Seattle Post-Int,cUI rancor, and with other metropoli tan aiid rural pape rs in I he n'ili west. " lie v its graiitiated from th I nivi?rs:ty nt Washington with ugh honors in is 1.1. Joint Installation Will Be ' Held. Thus Evening at Woman's CI id) House The Sons of Union eterans of the Civil War and their auxiliary will hod" a joint, public installa tion this evening at;, 7:30 o'clock hi the Woman's club building , at 460 N. Cottage street.. Charles Sessenden, division secretary, will be the Installing officer for the Veterans and Mrs. Louise King, division president, for the auxil iary. Friends of the two organiza tions are invited to be present. Delegates from Portland and from local patriotic organizations' are expected to attend.. ISdctat Afternoon jQlub Pldhs Card Party - All members of the 'Eastern Star who ara visitors or new rpsi dents of Salem are invited to at tend the card party which the r.ccial afternoon club of Chadwick chapter will sponsor this after noon in Masonic Hall for the pleasure ; of its members. Mrs. Dorothy Daue is the chair man of the affair. Her assistants Include: Mrs. Odeil Ohiing, Mrs. Katherine Ingrey. Mrs. Otto Hopoes, Mr?. Harriet Paulsen. Mrs. Velma Ellis. Mrs. Mabel Moore. Mrs. Edna Rowland. Mrs. Clara Patterson. Mrs. Virginia Maruny, Mrs. Agnes Tschopp, and Mrs. Murray Curtis. Leslie Can Do's Will Meet at Parsonage .The members of the Leslie Can Do's class of, t,he Leslie Methodist church will meet at 2:3 0 o'clock SPECIAL! G room modern house. Four blocks from postoffice. $4500 . F. L. WOOD 341 State St. TRY US FIRST SALEM HARDWARE CO. Inc. um The Winchester Store SALEM, OREGON Phoueira J20 N. Gom'-L St. r -T- mill ti K&M M. i 1 H 1 oday we, shall offer half a hundred Umbrellas at less than one usually navs to recover;- 1 . . j . - f - . ' j..., - r . . .: v : , WdncSula-y, rf rnoon at Jh :pajr uirasP'fo'f the"fuUJr,i"J?eMu; .;, District Meeting of Evangelical Chit rVi W. M. S. The jnnual district meeting or i lu- Woman's Misslohary societies rf Oregon Evangelical conference will be held "Friday morntng. be- pinning at 10 o'clock, at. the First Evangelical church on the corner or Liberty and.CeWer streets. bafket dinner will be servel u 1 "I !, 1 w s s I 6 weather may will;keep out BURNETT BROS. JEWELRY an old ME W GALmM Children ALL THE NEW COLORS ALL THE NEWi HANDLES ALL THE'BOBBED'' STYLES Never was there rso goodness offered for Wfiile they last one Two Ninety We prefer not to sell any for cash. If you jiavean account take an Umbrella and addit to the bill.' If youhave not .yet opened one take an umbrella and pay next month: fifty cents a week will do. vi In this way w hope to show that t the Burnett budget 'Plan is the Easiest, eiHappie$ta-nd he'most.Econom: y' r ical way of secifrmg3 v. Gifts that Endure and En:dear." Bates, "the Eye 457 StateS j y .iujv y ,iu) ',u V1 . toon ftf(er which the conference will reaume. " !4 . Mid-Winter Ceremonial of Day gii't u s of Nile Mill Be . Ert-nt of Saturday Nydit . temnlo. n.niyhfera of be , lm,d Jhe mid-winter ceremonial Saturdav, January 29, th? auditorium of, the Pythianl 'Umplo fn Portland at 2 o'clock. Thi Wilt lr tlm lnki A to lM, at ' of Mrs. J. RU hard Thiehoff, queen Zippers and Buckle Style $3.25 to $5.50 A new shipmqnt of ?cti' en's and children's galpVAst arrived in time for thfcJ'win- ter weather. ' These.are good I quality with excellent fast- ; ; eners. Nearly eVery'.size in ' ' medium and Iqw heel Galoshes s $2.75 to $4.25 -Ample foot protection duriner save a big doctor bill. These galoshes the rain and snow besides keeping the , feet cozy wrm ; MILLER Kalom's Leading ; Department Store IP AY US AS YOU ARE PAID Stt TtP W IL U JJS. JCj one! much practical so small a sum to a buyer t - Five. apiece, FA - - .' y..v::i. yXJlvj- .Vr Man makes GLASSES THAT FIT. See him at tret,vSa!em of the emp!efc-and hf-r grcup of ttjlifcers. A' largo vla.n.- of r canjU- dales "wfil bl initiate.! ' an'dj aro asktl to nit'Pt with i he recorder ContiniMd on page 8.) N8EURALGIA R I ,othoC&cb ub tfie forehead, . Jt A I gatUandinhala the vaoQriv'" mm V Vapi 0 4tLJX3 fhTj T Mil Ham Jan Um4 Ymmrty Air & : I-) r I j5 -I mm I : ' - this indement , . -r.'.i r . -A . UX? 7T 7 3 iLiJj XlLfci) ? 'I if : t - ji T. .' -Dragrer," Mrs.:E. 1 M. Hani- ! i 1 .. 4." 4