. p 7crr:j" "r.vJA .""'T''' t-zf- ; 4 - 6 V.--" .:;'r-n-"-' TTTPI ni?P.nnN STATESMAN. SALEM. ORECON V'- ! - :... 1 ; SUNiPAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1927 . " " seeiEi committed suicide; Mr. Prior, a moody Vonng dypsomanlac, -who is the first one to suspect that he an ! his companions are dead; Mrs Cliveden-Banks, a-matron ..whose "5 confr l soc,al ?aste: eT J " J?DQkV l?K Clr5yman who helleres jn .being aahuman - a biuck nruter ogui ujs jou, Mrs. Midget, a worn but iraem- bittered .charwoman who fis later revealed as the mother, of Prior; and Mr. Lingley, of Llngleyi Ltd., a self-made millionaire. From',' this company and their strange circumstances first amusing, and then, pitiful the au thor makes his play one of the most interesting, novel, and sin ?erely moving entertainments of this or any other season. A play, of such nobility as to call f orth'the best from its actors, whenever and however performed. Mrs. Simeral and Mrs. Homer Ingrey Are Entertained . On ' Friday A fternoon Mrs. Ttr.' W. Simeral, who has gone to Camas. Wash., to make her home, and Mrs Homer Ingrey, who will leave .the first of the month to-live in Portland, shared honors on Friday afternoon when Mrs. W." A. .Cummings , and Mrs. Clifford Taylor' entertained at Mrs. fiummln ga home, 1557 X. Winter street. . . , j '. Four tableaux taken from class- -. ' Each honor guest was presented . jc ' myth depicting The Punlsh with a rift. At' the tea hour de-; merit "of yip?.'' "Atl " "nrn.. Extm 3 ODD LOT i S m ,1 This lot constitutes i'.ti wool and wool mixea 3-4 ana. i-o nose jor e i,.'jj;aa' AnA lorlioa Plain rlnrs- fanev tih-i ! I bed and combination colors with' roll tops. i . Nearly all sizes. ':; Rayon Slips All dark shades Double Bottom 5 1 i- JfeloMTSlTnJxmgiX .jrejre seryed, " Those inri ted for the afternoon Included: Mrs. Ingrey, Mrs. Simer- al, Mrs. Will am Tarnell, Mrs. II. R. White, Mrs. E. M. Hansen, Mrs. H. Et King, Mrs. Walter, .Eber hafdtV Mrs. Joe Madison, Mrs. William Brietzke, Mrs. Clarence .Towend, Mrs. Dan FIeener, Mrs. I R. O. Henderson, Mrs. Irene 1?t. Helens. Mrs." A. ; L. .Williamson, Mrg- p w Hubbard, Mrs. W. P. Drager, Mrs. Jud West. Mrs. George Viesko, Mrs. Fred- Swan son, Mrs. O. E. Noes, Mrs. C. C. Chaffee, Mrs. A. H. Bunn. Mrs. Herbert Jfasht;Mrs. ,W. E. Chad wick, Mrs. Saunders,; Mrs. Rich ard .Van Pelt, &rs. M. C. Petty s, Mrs. H. 3. Iovelahd, Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre, Mrs. C. Lv Ingstrom. Mrs. W. W. Chadwick; Miss Ben nle Hammer, Miss Hazel Price. Miss MUdredf Steyenson. Miss Grace Robertaoft and the hostesses Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Cummings. Willamette University Classical. Club Enter tains at Chapel The Classical club of Willam ette University gave ltd impressive program Wednesday morning, Jan. 19, at the regular chapel period in Waller Hall. Ports Klindt. Irene Ritchie, Wendell Keck, and Lyle ; Weed" were ,ln charge of the-program and ft was directed by Mary McKee." Malcolm Medler furnished the music A urn A iombinatipp of vest, stepins and shadow proof jlip. or can be used as slip alone. Those who go in for slender lines will surely appreciate, this jrjrnent. Made, of quality ray on Jn colors of rose, t,iah, peach, flesh and white. It is ideal for dancing. Other Senior Sizes -at 20 Discount on ; jail .Carter s ind Kayser s Jtnclrwear Specittt a sreneral cleanup .of " - -' WO.01 - . i k 1 Today Film, 'The White Sheep. First Congregational church, at 7:1 o'clock. ':';: Monday American Legion Auxiliary ben efit bridge. McCornack Hall. 8 o'clock. ' ; standard Bearers society of First' Methodist church. " Mrs. R. V. Hollenberg, 292 -North 20th street, hostess. Chapter AB of the P. E. O. sis terhood, Mrs. Harry M. Styles, hostess. , Founders' Day Program. Pre-schdo! child study class. City library, ;7:30 o'clock Mrs. Robert Dann, leader. Royal Neighbors of America. Installation. St. Paul's Parish House. . . Toefday Relnald Werrenrath, American baritone. Elslnore theater,. Final event In Salem Artist series, t : 20 O'clock. r ': Etoikta elu.b. Mrs., Eric Bntler, hostess. JSuBlness meeting. Wednesday : , mihee Country club dance.- Club house'. " fnfprmaL T - ; . Moroni Olsen, Players; in "Out ward. Bund. El8ipore thea.ter, 8 t?0 o'clock. Town and Gown club. Lausanne Hall. ' SatOrdAy Frederick Starr. leadIng,antthro pologtst. Lecture .program at Waller Bali, Willamette, univers ity campus, I o'clock., - Subject, "Japan Place in tne Sn." ess and Euridfee and 'IThe !hree -Fntes' were presented. Appropriate organ music was played, which helped to Interpret the spirit et each, tableaux. ' two nnouncers, draped as .Grecian mummies, stood, 'on ech side of thi platform andbriefly explained each. , victure. .Their, sepulchral voices.' like tho scenes which ther aescnDea, seemea to come xrom v remote past. It was as ' though the dead lived for a brief feoment to point out the beauty ot a far. Wther age "when the grods Inhabited .Meant Olympus nd loved and noted even as human, beings. National President of AAUW Witt Be Guest in Salem on. February : Miss Frances M. Richards,. dean of women at Willamette univers ity, has' received word that - Mrs. Aurelia Henry Reihhardtr presi dent of Mills college, has accepted her Invitation to visit the 'local c&mpuA on. Wednesday Feb. .2. President - Re inhardt is also the national pjrtsident of he ,Amert Cjn association, oi tfbiverslty wom en. r During, her, stay In Salem Mrs. Reinhardt. will be the house gu6st bfrMisa .Richards at Lau sanne Halt .? ' ' , While definite.. plans, for Presi dent Relnhardt's : entertainment gf 3 S Rayoh Slips ; 1 ' ' Peach. Orchid. ' ' ' .Maize., Flesh .v ' -Soma Milff-Shcensf- I Social Clewdnr hare i not - been completed. It is iPI?J?aJ)1 J . "i?1-6 -Fill peak . at the 11 o'clock chapel service at which, townspeople will be wel come. In the afternoon a recep tion will honor her, and in the evening. If present plans are fol lowed, she will speak before the Salem branch of the American As sociation of Unirerslty Women. Capital Assembly Meets in McCornack Hall Capital Assembly of the United Artisans met in regular session on Thursday evening in McCormack Hall. The newly installed officers were in charge. Sister Norman TerwAllgeiwis Master Artisan for the next six months. Recently over 60 members went to Leban on to initiate new members find install the officers. Special at tractions are being arranged for each meeting. -.- On ' Thursday the Portland ? as semblies will exemplify the Initia tion ritual before Capital Assem bly. . , . . . Faculty Women's Club is Entertained Twenty-fire members of the Faculty. Women's cjub of Willam ette University met 'on Thursday afternoon at Lausanne ball - for the. first meeting of the year. Miss Frances M. Richards. Miss Edith Demise, and Miss Alida Currey were the hostesses." ' -r ' Needlework an conversation occupied the guests during " the afternoon. ' - : ,T - Ever Ready Birthday Club h Honors Mrs. Mary Neyhart "The members of the I Ever Ready Birthday club mel bnvFri- day afternoon to honor Mrs.Mary Neyhart. In the group ,;.were Clara Adams, LItzie SmitV- Mary Briggs, Julia Strand, and 'Doris, Mary Hall, Jennie Martin -Hattie Kehnon, Pauline Clark Pearl Ah- rens. Bertha Loveland, Mary Ney hart, and Hazel Barnholdt, the hostess of the afternoon. '- ' WRC Ladies' Aid Spends Afternoon at Koon Home Mrs. Louisa Koon .was hostess on Thursday afternoon at her home for the members of . the Ladies' Aid society ot the Wom an's Relief Corps. A resume, of the work of the entire year was given during the business session. New officers were elected "as follows: president, Laura Mc-. Adams; vice president, Clara Adams; treasurer. Jennie F. B. Jones and secretary, Bertha Love land. The committee assisting ' with the social afternoon included: Hattie Kennon. Cordelia-La Bare, Laura McAdams, Pauline - Clark, Mary LIckle, and Lbulsef Krapps. Royal NeigJibors Witt: Install Officers Monday NigkV The Royal Neighbors of Amer ica will hold installation of offi cers on. Monday evening at .(Sk Paul's parish houses qn .Chemeke ta street, between ' Church and High. All candidates for installation are, asked to wear white The state supervisor for Oregon and Idaho, Ida Hamblem of Port land, will be the Installing offi cer. She will be assisted by dis trict deputy, Beatrice ' Showdoin. ot Corvallis. Altar Society Card Party is' Successful " The card party sponsored by tne. Altar society ot St. Joseph's church last week, was a -decided success. Mrs. .George . Patterson was the chairman of the affair. Her assistants were Mr. Schut pver, Mrs. ; Patterson. Miss' Cash mere, Mrs. . Redding and Miss Theresa Schottley. Mrs. John Nathman wont the first prize, and Mrs. Quackenbush the' second. , , Oa the second Wednesday In February Mrs, Quackenbush ' will sponsor a card party. Etghtyzeighth Birthday is Celebrated ai Porter Home :' The 38 th birthday anniversary of Grandma Thurman was cele brate on January 19 at the .home of her daughter. Mrs. J. It: Porter A. delicious 6 o'clock dinner was served. The centerpiece consisted of three birthday cakes. The evening was spent In telling stor ies and with music. .Those present were, the guest of .honor. Mrs. Thurman: Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. John Thurman and daughters, Gertrude and Elizabeth, Mar quam; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thur man. Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Robinson and son, John, Scotts Mills: Miss Marv Jones: a niece ot Mrs. Thurman ot Portland- Mr. and Mrs. C. M.; Watson,1 JMrt. Marie Bahrke and daughter; Louise; and Mr Allen-Porter, SQ- verujn., . i nree aaugniers, Airs. Eliza Whitlock. Lebanon: ' v.Mrs. Amelia WhlUock, Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Susan Remington, Vhttnn vara nnf Ma in ft a present but sent greetings. ; Elizabeth Skeen, pioneer who crossed the plains in. 1882 was married to E. J. Thnrman la 6ct ber.3 1856. Thirteen Cchildreit were born toj them. . Jtfr.. Thur man passed away 'May tl5ff 1909 at the age . of 8 years. Mrs. A. Sheeler: Arito - WrftoVI- v.o-..oiaesi in tne Willamette ral- JfT. Now tktkil nuH Titf ' Equipment. "Low prices and qiiality serv j c,9 ncre, a o s &- N. corny., - ) .We aVft Statft . Aivtrihntnrt . iueV4ii.ias-vtirfcana tubes, s ilai wrn'a Tiro Shop, corner Court and Commercial Htreeta. , rrtira in - v u vw v ; Thurman . has speht Jnost of her i life in and around Silverton. She makes her home with her daugh ter, Mrs. Porter. In formal Education in Architecture Continues in Art Catecfdsnt Much interest has been, aroused hr the questions and their subse quent answers which have been published, from ,week to week JLn the pages of The Statesman con cerning architecture. The, new est group of questions, submitted for , release are as follows, with answers in reserve for next Sun day: , ' . 1. What, was the origin ot early Christian architecture ? , 2. Previous to the adoption, and use of this style, . where - had the Christians of Rome worshipped,? 3. What are the characteristics -f this style? V 4. How does its ornament, dif fer in motif from Grecio-Roman? . ; 5.' Where are the best examples now found in other countries? 8. Are there: any examples of ttils style found in Salem? Pre-School Child Study Ctasd WtU Meet at Library The pre-school chifd study class the t American Asociation of university women will meet promptly at 7:30 o'clock on Mon day night at the city library. Mrs. Robert Dann will be the leader, taking as her subject "Bases of Learning." -I Visitors are invited. ' Institutions Department Witt Sponsor Program at Deaf School A . program of feature dances and ; music will be gtvfen at the state school for the deaf on Wed nesday.' January 26.' under the auspices of the institutions depart ment of the Salem. Woman's club. Pupils of Mrs. Ralph, White will give the dances and Jack. Spong will give an exhibition in magic. Mrs. Martin Is Hostess for Woman's Benefit Association .The ladies . of the Woman's Benefit association met Thursday afternoon at the home of - Mrs. Avis; Martin. Sewing and social conversation was the diversion of the afternoon. The colors of the Order were, suggestively carried out in the refreshments, red and white. The members present were: Mrs. Jennie MiUer, - Mrs. Myrtle Putnam, ,Mrs. .Minnie Baker, Mrs. &eba Smith, Mrfi. Hazel Newgent. Mrs. Viola gwarts, Mrs. Bessie Boehringer. Mrs. Rosella Crossan; Mrs. Carlina Bushnell. Mrs. Clara Shields, Mrs. -T. Maplethorpe, Mrs. Norma Terwillinger, Mrs. Maggie Patterson, Mrs. .Melvina Sloper, Mrs. Ermma Arnson. Mrs. W. M. Dodson, and the hostess Mrs. Martin. Ihvited guests were: Mrs. C. w. Shields, Mrs. C. D. .Ross, Mrs. L. W Lewis. Mrs. Frank Martin. K The hostess was agisted In serv ing by Mrs. L. W. Lewis and Mrs. Frank Martin. "the Lodge -win hold tbeif installation of officers on January 27. American Legion Auxiliary Witt Hold Benefit Bridge Party Monday Evening Plans are ;being completed for another benefit bridge party in the series sponsored by the Amer ican Legion auxiliary which will take place Monday evening, . Jan. 24, at McCornick ball. .Reservations for tables should be made by calling Mrs. Richard Meyers at 24lt or Airs. Albert Gragg at 24i6-R. Other members on the commit tee, include Mrs. James Jennings, Mrs. Lyl" Eunsmoor. . and Mrs. John Brady. Victrola Records Are Acknowledged Among those who have re cently contributed Victrola records to the various state 'institutions, through the cooperation, ..of the institutions department of the Sa lem Woman's club, are Mrs E..M. Hoffnell. Mrs. Lee CanfieldTrs. Josephine Taylor, and Mrs. W. P. Fowle. House-Guests at Reeder Home . Mr. and Mrs.. E. G. Merriflefd of The Dalles, Miss Georgia Merri- field, who 1$ attending the state normal school at Monmouth, Mrs. George Hurst of Silverton and Mrs. George F. Oatts of Bend are the house guests of Mrs. Rachel Reeder this week-end. Mrs. Oatts will remain with Mrs. Reeder dur ing the legislative session. Mrs. Stearns Is Hostess . for Barbara Frietchie Serving Club , ' Mrs. F.,G. Stearns was hostess on. Wednesday -. afternoon for fourteen members of the Barbara Frietchie sewing club. An inter esting afternoon of needlework was ; enjoyed, with refreshments served at the tea hour. . 'At the next meeting of the club. which, wni be on the first Wed nesday inFebruary, Mrs. W. B. SolxiiadnJtiS. Liberty, street; will entertain (fie club., r i: Entre Nou-k Cltib Enjoys ': SjfciXabUzjt FivesHundr-, Of hel many recen V iociai nf fa. rs' planned- by the ; Entfe No os cbonevifj the f most enjoyable yas the cird party, at ; which Mrs. Z UWch.fi 'Il6oeftsr realtors 122 N.' Commercial St know property Vainest andmn.lcrt: fnr von ' nmf( abJo investments. -wih both pavb ani tniko you tnoneh t ; j 4 S 47 and S hir h a.4 ' 1 i ft.I cowhide ; hand bags with leather William Moses ani Mrs. Ernest A. Iee were hostesses." Six tables of five hundred were in , play. The first prize was won by Miss Fran ces Aline . and Ernest Livingston, while the second award went to Mrs. ; M P. Dennis" and Mrs. GeofgO Johnson. , ; ' 'After the serving of luncheon; dancing was enjoyed until a late ilOUr. ; ' " " '-": ; ' r ; ; ;l.V Special guests in the group WerevMr. and f Mrs. M. P. Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough, Mr. and Mrs. Livingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook. . Club member present includ ed: Mr. and Mrs. H A. Smart Mr. and Mrs.! Harold Cook. Mr, aid Mrs. H. C. Hummel, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Aline, ' Mr. arid Mrs. George Johnson, Miss Annabelle Lawrence,. .Miss Constance Smart Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hale, Mr.4 and Mrs. Karl Jenson, and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Lee aridMr. and Mrs. William E, Moses. Standard Bearers Will Celebrate Founders' pay The Standard Bearer . society of the First Methodist church Awlll meet on Monday" evening at Uhe home of Mrs. R. V. Hbilehberg, 292 N. 20th street, to. celebrate the 26th anniversary of the found ing of the society. Hostesses',wlth Mrs. Hollenberg will be - Doris Phoenicie, Gladys Taylor and Mrs.' A. A. Lee. -i. . Helen ' Breithaupt '.. will " have charge of the devotions, arid Es ther Lisle will conducts the study i hnnr rVorrhw flntelrnnst will slve the stories' from the January "Woman's Friend." , Seven-Cabet Dinner Party at Kantncr'Home ' One of the many delightful af fairs honoring Mr. and Mrs. Dan. J. Fry who will leave tomorrow for Lbs Angeles to embark on the S. S. California for a six. months tour 'of the world was the seven- cover dinner party on Friday night at which Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Kantrier were hosts in their home. Mr. and Mrs. Fry and Dr. and Mrs. Kantner are friends of 1 . standing and the intimate, nature of the" affair brought particular pleasure to both guests and hoi-ts. A centerpiece Of violets cen tered the' table around which covers were placed for: Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Sr., .Mrs. Kitty Graver, Miss La Verne Kantner, Miss Constance Kantner, and the hosts. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Kantrier- .. Salem McDowell Club Will Hear Program oh "Harmony of Art" on January 31 An exceedingly attractive pro gram has been arranged by the Salem McDowell club for Monday evening. January 31, in Waller Hall. At this time Anna Ellis Barker, . Portland musician,, will give an absorbingly interesting recital on "The Harmony of (fie Airs." She , will make a. special discussion, of the relation between music and painting, dwelling on the Greek, Renassance, and ex expressionistic tendencies in so far &i they dominate. Illustrative musical excerpts will .be played from Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, arid others. Since this is an educational pro grain of distinct value special rates hare been arranged for students. s Hungry? X)on't wait, order some -Better Tet Bread from your grocer. It is. fresh, wholesome and clean. Made by the Better Tet Baking Co. - - Have your., prescriptions filled at the first drug, store west of the New Bank building. Reliable and trustworthy; nothing but the Pur est drugs: Crpwn Drug, 332 State. Chas. KSpanldlng Logging Co., lumber .and'- building- materials. The best costs no more than in ferior grade's.: Go' to ihe.big Sa lem factory and save money. () oesiffe J. FRY, SR. LEAVING (Contiaed from pze 2.) Fry will make Ostend, Belgium,' "tlje watering place of Europe," their chief objective. At this city, which Is of ten referred to a? the Atlantic0 City of Europcr Mr. nd Mrs.- Fry .will officially "reprc ?en Salem, Oregon , at, the Rotary In ternatlpnal. Mr.vand Irs. Fry , will spend the entire week in attend ance at, the. sessions ; . At the fflose qt the international convention, which will be "attend ed by persons from every corner of the .worjd, Mr. and vMrs. Fry will visit .Norway and Sweden, and then cross to 'Scotland. While in the British .Isles they ..plan to do their ( sight-seeing by motor. - ; .On'!4jBlyt 2, from i Southampton, the Salem tourists .will sail .on the Auuitariia jtor home. ,,. 'After Isit ing the eastern part of the United States'lor a short -time, they will arrive in Oregon early In August. Mrs; " Fred Steusloff4 will 1 ave tomorrow.' morning "with Mr. and Mrs.r Fry- and acompany them r as far as Lgs..ngeles.. to see t hem off on their long "voyage.. . She will spend. fl. mbnth with friend V In California before returning-htijne. The" Man's Shop saves you a ten dollar, bill on. everyi Quality uit. Shirts hats, ties, collars. .' High grade -clothing, perfect fitting, long wearing. .48 State. ( J The Cherry r City lBaking;Cd.'s bread, pies and cakes are pt high est quality. . One ot Oregon's rnost sanitary ?hakeries ; .visit it TYjJrth. while. A Salem sho.w. plaice.f () High Altitude Gives Women Commanding Presence Be fore. New Customers BOSTON, "Jan; 22-(Ai') r Although the- salaries of -t ales girls in this huh of culture are riot yet measured by their height, nev- rcrtheless 1t Has been revealed that department sto?ev owners' here place a premium on taHness. Miss Susan J. 'Giriri; director of vocational guidance in the public schools, made the disclosure. She was discussing the never.-. ending search bf. employers for 'the sicile that wiris and other attributes of good selling personality. 1 "Girls' of commanding' presence are in greatest" demand," said Miss Giriri, ""for " personality is a -big asset. Customers s seent to have mbre" .confidence 'ih-the" tall, mature type of girl. - Tall girls are also preferred because those ot shorter stature might -gfeasily "he hidden behind ; counter; piled lifgh with gbod However, one cf the most successf ul salesgirls I ever knew ..was Shorter' than the average and had to make up for It bV standing a a box. ; ' "The demand for trained work ers Is increasing also because cus tomers rely on the clerks', more and mdre. ' " Customers used to know that ' difference between pure, wool arid- shoddy 'but. now! tney depend j.on tne salesgirls to tell them and to help make selec tions." ' : , , i , : Portland. North Pacific Wal-' nut Erc,hafage markets 3225,000 worth of walnuts for growers. . MAROLD fatfflBromzf cnnoi nvrno cm tli(ir,LUICII0iJLI.V TALL SALES GIBLS Be al Weldio Machine Works First ClaccS Welding ALL OUR ; WORK GUARANTEED f OR MONEY REFUNDED (Thl$ is not a cut- rate shop). GyUrider .Grindibfj, Reboring and General Machine Work . r p. 4ftj. ".- Bcsf. Equipped Electric and Acctlylene Weldinsr Shop, in State of Oregon Union Roster TOD CAR&IZSS AKD BTJ1LDIKTJ la borars Loesl Ke. 441, bhM W4. . Sk m. 0U ITS for UPrrOlj TTTOOBAl'HiCAX. UNION No. SIO IfidDt, O. I. Imna; -rUrr, H. D. Filkenwm. IftoU m ad Sittnrday. 1:00 p m. CARPENTERS' PNIOM NO. 1065 UX Than, enine. Hbr Hl, f resident ; ", Wn. Vftit, tcrrj. kilted mchniei rarnUfcod. Phoa 17. ALEU UNION liABCU LEAUUK Mt at Labor HU eU of prai dont. ' F. W. Er,- ertry. Boa 448, Salem. Or. , f KNIGHT8 OF - PYTIITla MEETS' AT MeCornica Hall, or.r Miller' Btoro, rery Saturday we. T. J. Tooto, . C. C: H. B, Burk. K. of B. S. Tel. lais-w. . RATEKNAL ORDKB Ot EAGLES, mHt Tory Wodnoaday, Fratarnity Hail, S. M. Wlllott. Boo'y. Tei. S8-&. The Oregon Statestnjn - Pnbliaaod ovory morninr (oseopt Mon day) at Saloai, tho ital of - Oroco Local Ret es . For Classified : , Advertising Tally or Sunday , ,,' - a oonta par word t eonta per word :.a tonta pot trotd Onotimo Tbroo timaa Six time 1 ma. dkiW aad fina. . Mtul par WOfiT la ordor to oara.Uio omto than ono timo rato. adertiu?nlf aioat, rv in conaoentiro iaanoa. , - . No Ad. takaa for loao tnan SSe. Ada. ras Snnday CIS&Y nkarsod at ono-timo rot. . . AdraHlnoBioBta xpt . Poraonala and Sitaatiomo Wanted ) will bo takon OTer tho totophono it Uo adTortir U a anbaeribor to phono. . , .. j Tha 8utBiB' i l roooivs- Bdoort kiaomanta at any tin nt tho day or night.: To iBar proper lolaMJien. tioaa ad. ahoold bo in boforo ! P.a, TKLKPHOMB ?3 OR S - ADVERTISING HONX3T ADVEET1S1SQ .TSM ooK imi aut b kept tret from Mrtkinf of quMtioBSU utarA. Uicrapreicn- -Utions U1 ot bo tortod. Infor matiom akowias ny toiUonabl In Mat oa tho part of tho adTartlM .kl,4 k, nortad ta taia AIVK I papor or Uo glia Ad olnb. Money, to Loan ' ' ON iREAI I.f-TATB .. . T. K:IX)BI Over Irndd Hmi Boat) AUTO TOPS SEE US fOB TOP S1 PAINT WOES ' O.J. Hail Aoto TopaadPaJnt Shop. Set 8. OotnmoreiaU talflw raap WANTED UAIMVAY - POSITIOX MEN, 17-4U. wanting- posUiona, office of on trajih. $1239400 month, jfrro passes, fxprr ienco unneceMary. write Baker, Supt., 859 St. Louis, Uo. -i ' SjJ3 3 YVANTF.D A MAX AT- OKCK, WITH A mail family to take f hitrge of a smalt farm. John-H. Scott, 306 Oregon KMr. ' phone- 254, or 22. " !J2 HELP , WANTED Female IS LADIEH -EAKJT SCO ITU HUXDRKli.' Gild tarda at'brwo. OpportnEity for beginaera. . Addres i ; envelope brfnK particular!- , Goldea Card, 110 Vt 42nd BU N. T ... J3j23 WORK: AT HOME $9 A DOZEN MA K ing .'aearfa.'.'vEnr!i4jire nnnoesito-. No, enTaslng. ParliTvIara for Mnron Linnit Serrice. Inc., 4a, Lynn, Mm EARX S25 WEEKLT. SPARE TJME : writiSLg- for Bawepapers, itocaiiun. - perienco -nnnec. : detail Kree. Tren ' Syndicate. 803 St. Jx lU. Mo. LADIES EARX BIO HOiEV AT IIOMK. ed enralope fcriafrt particulars. Sil rertono Card Co 13'- UK Kassau St., X. Y. " - 13i-3 Lodge Rb&er ' WOMEN MAKE MPSHT SEWINO Bus calow aprons, cbilureu'v dresses. W teriala cut. inatmct kina fumisheii. Es- Serienco nnnecefcfcar. Write Henry tannfactnring-Co., 10. Fifth Avenu. Kew York City. 123' LADIES EARN 920 23 WEE v UY IN spare time. AddresM d rnrelope brinCi particulars. . Kine; Novelty Co. 1"9 East 87th. St., X. Y Dpt, BIL i3j2S WOMAX WAXTED FOB TRAVELING position. . Mast b eatirely usinani- . bered, with hig.h nlxoi dacatii n, be- 1 ' twoen SS and 40. Ba. -y, boni s and tranaporUfiob. Cite- foil -Inforastion first letter. F. E. O IPTON k OO.. . 1000 X. Dearborn t. Caioago- . 133 dALESBLEN 15 SALESMAN WK H VE OPENLVO FOU - A aaleaman to rejire - r't os in -Ilin( tho iiew . lDcrntio: a) EnCycl -pd to achnols, librsric .id ael- '.f'l. in ; r dividual. WboM nt V rt time--Penn-. aoent povilion. K:.;tr. ore be'cfol but not necessary, as i iH . instrp-- ion Is . , eiren. , lxld. MeA, i mpaur, ?S4 Pacific Bldg,' Han riicisco. 15j2J A- your tires. lining reaucea from ? 8 to S5.90. wax u. iiuren," 179 N, Com! ()