TITE OREGON SfATESHAKr SALESl OliEGON SATURDAY MOKKINGJAmJAliyil5;i027r; -'T f Union Roster HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING borsrs Local No. 441. bmU Wed. p. m. Cell 179 tor - CAPITOL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION Jo. 210 President. Q. F. Eveaa; aee Trtarv. M. D. Pilkeaton. Meet aea oud Saturday, 3:00 p m. CARPENTERS' UNION NO. 1065 Meets Tuori. CTtnisi. nwwwr president; Wm. Pettit. McrtUn SkU'ed mechanic furaished. Phoae 179. If .. 1 - BAlipjf UNION LABEL. LEAUUn. S3P alleti. Labor wan n c,u F. W. Sears, secretary, doi lam. Ore. 7 Lodge Roster KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS. AT MrC'ornick Hall, over Miner more, everv Saturday evening. F. J. Tooxe, C. C.: H. 14. Burk, K. 1 R. S. Tel. 1319-W. . FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES, meets wy Wednesday. Fraternity unit, a. M. Willett. See'y. Tel 889-R- The Oregon Statesman Published every morning (except lfoa day) at Salem, the capital of Oregon Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday One tine 2 cents per word Three times 5 rents per word Six times - 8 eenta per word 1 mo. daily and San. 20 eeu.s per word In order t earn the mora than one time rate, advertisement mutt run in consecutive iatuet. No Ad. takes for lest than 25a. Ads. run Sanday ONLY charged at one time rate. . Advertisement (except Personals and Situation Wanted) will be taker, over the telephone if the advertiser U a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver tisements at any time of the day or night. To Insure proper elaifica tions ad, should be in before 7 p. as. T FLEPHONE 23 OR 588 hVtBTIOTVfl HONEST ADVERTISING These eol oms most be kept free from anything of a questionable nature. Misrepresen tations will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable la tent on the part of the advertiser shoal 4 be reported to this aewt paper or the Salem Ad club. Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T K. FORD (Over Lsdd k Ttnsa Bank) AUTO TOPS SEE C8 FOB TOP AND PAINT WORK 0. J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Sbaa. 287 8. Commercial. 6altf HELP WANTED Mala 11 NEAT APPEARING MEN TO WORK with tii an -it. Call for Mr. Barber. Fsleiu Hardware Co., between 9 and 12 a. m. ItJIS WANTED 2 MEN WITH LIGHT CARS, rural a!es work. $50 per week an upwards to nitn who can qualify. N !nvetm"it or eTMrt"nre required. Se I). D. Hirgins, 411 Front St., Sunday between 3-6 p. m. Week days 7 to 9 . i t it P. III. J ' HELP WAXTKIV -r-ctautle 13 A ifj, WANTED TO ANSWER PHONE ' nfid do light house work, in a new ttioderu hon.V in Portland in a family 'J two. One that can play the pian" ref err d. A Rood permanent home fr ijc riitt z'ir'i. Uffr-nc-. IM-Ne btul height uimI a"-. Ad'tn-fs 1616 Eilt Hiiinniii.. tii-et. Pulllaiid. Oreeon. I'hoiK- Tal.ur iH. lojl. SAI.EsiLAniES A lurv New York State Corporation C'M-nins branch in thi city and ur y'Minclsn; ioaus tan place seftral bright woii'eu ver 2" in pt r natitnt jto'mI pn iiijr ;sitionp. Salary Jtia a week witli bonus. No selling or bni i.on - '.itrifin t; neCfssarv a i.ire f-iil i:st ruf-t oii-i in our line. No p'mr.e cul!s acci-pted. Apply B:00 a. m. ji n day morning, ilrs. Marion Hotel. 13jl6 SALESMEN IS SALESMEN IF YOI7 ARE NIUT AP ianr,)f. a furnish references and acet in,, public. I have a fine proposi tion io offi-r you Will be at the Bliffh Hj;.'l Tuoil.iy January 18th, bctweflSl 2 at .i i p m. Ak for Mr. Polskv. M M 15jl6 WANTED EmDloymeiit 10 riR UARUE.N PLOW! SO, BASEMEN'l UgS'ng and team work. Phone 72FS twe14ti VOH RENT 21 FOR KENT HOU8ES AND APART neets F. L. Wood, 341 State dt. tlmlStf FOU KENT A part mentai 23 T!:RF.l I:io.l HEATED APARTMENT. 133 ; tc. o!3-j2. 1 l't KMMiED APT. 721 S. I2TM 23jl7 ONK j;.n,M A A ItTM EXT. FL'RXACK beat I -Mnlr f ti rntutiori In miulvrn b..nje .So-.,th 14th. Phohe 770-W 23jl8 DOWXr-T.VIk.S APARTMENT, 292 N Sumner. One block North of State house. 23j5tf OIi RE r nni S .Ite v FILLY FURNISHED 3- -' '" per month. 1510 '' -oni 1095-4. 2j5 fOK RFvr APARTMENT WITH OA fce u. 0.j9 Kertb Commercial 23j2 1 AMI s v . j , j A ,, A KT M K N-Ts Sorumer Street - i ,.nd i nly modern art I'le ritj with electric 11 l radio programs over 1 -th apartment. 2 and : i-l:.d apartments. We are , n --rvatioa f r" the Irz nii-Tit i. r !'r.t-e l .ud s. :; rooiii ' OW In 1 h 1 11 re FOK KENT itoomi 2i REX .' 1 SLEEPING ROOM. $2.50 r r. -i with board ait' " 86. 25J17 A X f lrTt:.7:KEEPINr, per ce month T Sl.r KflVi, ' " " warm. bJ9 X. Liberty 25jl eEEIlN,; j;(KJf yotl LADY NEAR ""use. J,35 SUte. 25jti Furnished Room ' Ke.ir jji.t,. n,,ufcP larjre and airy m 1 f....:.i 1 . f t-v- " .i.ii.,., rumace nests, pri- 1 1465 Chemeketa. Tel. JT UOOJtS WITH nninn ron v- . - - "" ijn nr.ni t'h y l''!'el at the Alexandria J "on- Mrs. K. A. Bennett. 1539. TOS' lyk,u, ' S5nlU FOR. RENT Hoawa 27 r0fum?5N.TIt,::MEWA WARM, WELL tw mira la Phoa. L ' WAXTEDanireeilanaottii 3a S2SIV2? PANG rOB fiHII-ta.Gieee-l'w.r. raralteura' ru. - lti fcarmKW..T tf'X" MONEY ryH '8 en eY lae- Boa "king . BeWta 0rr Uldf. , 15414U 87 HlOir GRADE rrRXTTCKE FO& SALE .1191 North. Capitol. . ..37jl7 U ANGELS BT THE TON. PHONE 721. 87jl5 BLACK DIRT FOB ' SALT V XITHCR North or South Salem. Reasonable, Phone 78F3. . 87dl2tf FOB SALE 1ST CLASS BALED straw wheat oat and vetch., $6 at barn 18.00, delivered. Ill one 81F2. - S7jl2tf FOR S A l-r- LiTewtocfc SO GOOD FAMILY ttW. MILKING. ALSO three year old reentered Jersey. 203O North 3th St. 39)16 TEAM WT. 340O, ALSO SOME GOOD orchard chunks, 1810 Mission. 3!jl5 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN office 529 S. CeaaueraL Phoae 119$ Re. Phone 1888 X0m2r1 WOOD SAWING 42 LET HAMS SAW TOUR WOOD. PHONE 2S0-4 eVOftlflST WOOD FOR 8ALH 48 THE BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOR tne money at Tracy's wood yard. Phone 2313. 43j4tl BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and IG-inch. Large loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood ia our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church. Phone 152. 43d9tf 8 INCH BLOCKWOOD 99.75 LOAD. 4 loads 14, dry elab wood 94 50 load dry fir any lenxta. Chan. Christen sen. Phone 143. 49alStf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD. PROMPT DELIVERIES, HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1655. 43J29tf SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Local and Long Distance Hauling. Storage and Fuel 753 Trade St. Phoae 629. 48s30tf 1 8-INCH OLD FIR 8E0OND GROWTH oak and ash. ..Pbaae 72F2. M. D. May field 48fl8tf POULTRY AND EGGS 45 - PRODUCE tffE PAY CASH FOR POUL trv, tgg&, 1 pork, veal and hides. We carry feed and poultry supplies, here and at Silverton. JWithera A Neal Pro duce Co. 260 Ferry. Phone 125. 45f4 BABY CHIX HANSON OR TANCRED strains 8130 per 1,000 $10 on 1, 000 holds order. Lena P. Caldwell, Ronte 7. Box 90. Salem. Ore. 45d29tf MISOKLTJA VEOU8 SI TRNITURF UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. Gieee-Poweri Furniture 8tor 5I2Utf FOR EXPf:KT PIANO TUXINO AND rebuilding. fcee the Whitley-Sproule Mubic Co., 463 Ferry street. 51j7tf EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING. REA sonable prices, skilled workmanship. The Wbitley-Sproule Music Co., 463 Ferry street. 51j7tf LANDSCAPE GARDNER PSEPARES plana with estimates at cninimnm cost. Rockery's and ba.se plantings a spe cialty. Periennial borders and general landscaping. All kinds of periennial for sale" at 25c spier c. ERNEST IUFER The man who ha a renutation. R 4, box 19 C. Phone 69F2. PEKiiONAL BEAUTIFUL GtRLS WIDOWS OF WEALTH AND REFINEMENT aeek correspondents a DtL companions,, through this Gold Old Club. Many members worth (rent $l,0O.0 to? $50,O00.0T. Confidential, Dignified and Unexcelled service. Lone established and reliable. Big list of descriptions. Introductions Vy.E. Send no money. RELIABLE CLRB, BOX 24, RICHMOND HILL, NEW YORK. 55j20 fONEY TO LOAN 57 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on Salem real estate and farm proper ty. Socolofsky & Son, 341 State St. 57f4 FEDERAL FARM LOANS (V. F. L. Wood K4i State St. B7m7tf WANTED LOANM SO WANTED: Privste money to leaa oa REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHOBST CO. 184 R. Liberty St. 59028tf nUSINESS OIIORTUNITIES 1 FOR SALE GROCERY STORE $5100 doing a fine paying business, has living rooms, lease, best of loca tion. A real huy. See Childs & Bech tel. Realtors. 320 State Street. 61j.4tf FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN PAY ing real estate office and business, also insurance aad rentals, other interests require all my time, cheap office rent. Box 355 Statesman. 61jl6 REAL ESTATE Director 62 J. R PAYNE 1920 South Church St. Tel. 2068-J. BECKE a HENDRICKS 189 & High. Tel. 189. A. a BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tat, 677. P. W. GEJSEB 441 Conrt. Tetapaoae 8313 r K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K V K" K K o W. G. KRUEGEkt 147 N. Com'L Km. 1, Tel 317 JOHN W. ORR New Bligh Bldg. Tet. 3485 GERTRUDE J. 14. PAGE 92 N. Cottage. Tel. H88 " TRIANGLE' REALTY CO. 421 Court 8U Tet. 851 ' ULRICH ft ROBERTS 133 N. Commercial v 'leL 1354 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor 147 N. Com'L Phone 677 SQUARE DEAL REALTY H. ft. Natl Bank Bldg. Tel. 4Tf MINUTE MOVIES aVV- et MiMtCLAH I ANO VU1TH "THAT OW OtllU I UN?, CULU7 ' v r-M ! Wi f I -- ntijri SEATED. AWAV. To eEEZS ou FOR SALE Part TViPfEE. in S FOR SALE OR TRADE. HOUSE AND lot. Sera rooaaa. Plaatered. Zaairy . arranged for apt. Vary close ia, CaU ewner 778-J. ; -; 8341 Itt FOR- SALE, RENT OB TRADE 820- aere lawn, tea aaiieo rjoaa narea. gosa soil, modern house, ban and em build ing. . Modern six-room house with fur nace, four bloeka from poet offiea, 94500. Easy terma. Will taka a ear aa first payment oa three room house oa paved a treat at $2000. Waat tat hay a modem house not over to blocks from state bonae. Want flTa or eia room house South. Salem, Apartment house to trade for small farm. F. L. Wood, Geo. F. Pood. 341 State St. Mjltf A GOOD BUY IN 8AXJEM HOM i. Must asll a-room aaodera, well kteat d home, paving paid, walking aiaiaac close to erbeola. Price $27 Ml or $50 all forniahad. Terms. Lota oa paved street a. a fod filliag station sit a. See Us For Homes VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor Loan Insurance 147 No., Commercial St. 3nl4tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3000 propertiea listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. W can match year exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade yonr property TODAY, come in TODAY. Sea GAS KILL A tlAKLE, Realtors. 168 S. Liberty. Phone 2242. 63ml2tf CONTRACTORS INVESTIGATE OUR building lots North in fine borne iliv ) irici. i eii j-r,iii tots snouiu be worm $1200 in 2 years. DKCKK tc HENDRICKS 189 N. High Street. 63jl6 1927 BARGAINS Good well improved 50 sere farm near Salem $9500 terms part exchange. G.od lots N. Salem from $400 to $600. Terms. Loans and fire insurance. 185 acre farm near Salem all in culti vation. Snap $50 per acre, some ex change. 320-a-re Canada farm for Salem resi dence or acreage. Extra fine large all modern 5-room bungalow. N. Salem, $5200, easy terras. PEJIRINE a MARSTERS. 212 Gray Bldg. 638tf. SPECIAL 1 acre oa highway south with store and living rooms, might take some trade, b room house aad 3 lota. Snap for $1625. See TH0MASON. 320 State St. With Childs and Bechtel. 63j9tf BEAUTIFUL HOME 8 rooms, strictly modern, east front, fine Iocs 1 1 n or creek, with nice shade 2 bjts. garsge. Clooe to car and school. 650HJ. cb tih. SOC0LOFSKY 4 SON. 341 State 63jJ5f SPECIAL $1500 For a 4-roora almost new bun galow, part basement, garage eo. d location. Terms. $ 50 Down, balance easy payments for a 4 - room bungalow, base ment, garage, bath, etc. Price 2.-00. $ 250 ("nub balance monthly for an 8 room home, fine l t, some fruit and paved street. Price $25. $2250 for a 6-room house, partly fur nished, fine location, easy term. $7000 for a modern ft-rrom home in a fine location $1000 will handle. Loans, InMiranee, Hoiimvk for Rent MELVLN JOHNSON 109 S. Commercial St. Phone 559. 6:jjl3tf ATTENTION '. HOMESEEKEKf Homes, f.-irtns, Luin4;Mi aud' iiicomr property, lots for -hale and i-ictiinc-. For Kent Humes and apartments furnished and unfurnished in different parts of the city ranzius in - price tO to 3S. BERTHA ZUEHLKE 671 N. Capitol St. I'll; ne 1879 W. 63jl5tf F.tmMOLNT HILL LOTS t2(i0 To fiUxH). Si-vinty in choose from. All bines, faclnirs. rt-. ;,.t wiiik now. IUTKK & HENURICKS 1! X. Hish Street. C.ljKi CAN YOU MATCH THIS f Eight r om house, corner lot, bsth. etc. $200 cssh; balance 8. Contract to make certain repairs, and pay only the interest for TWO years; after that only $33 per month. J. R. PAYNE. Phone 577 or 2063-J. 63j9tt SOLD LOTS LOTS T.OTS Buy now, don't wait 90 days and pay $100 or more for the same lot here are a few priced right with pav injr paid. $.'!75 iX). or two for $1050. One $'250. and up for real lot bargains. See CHILDS ft BECH TEL. Realtors, 320 State street. 63jl4tf FOR SALE OK TRADE $ 800 I.t on 16th street, for acreage near Salem or C rvallis. ' $4000 Nice hon-e 1 2 acres land set to walnuts, fruit. In Ashland. Oregon, for Salera propertv. $ 700 Two fine lots; trade for house, assume or pay fiifference. also me choice lot iu Portland for a borne in Salem. To Trade Propertv. See CHILDS A- BECHTEL Kesltors. 320 State Street. 63jl4tf WE8T SALEM SNAP A quiet homy heme of S rooaaa and garage. Concrete foundation, side walks, sewer. Price $2200. with terms. Beantiful Fairmount Hill 7-room residence with every modern conven ience. Price $6500 with terms. If you are looking for a beautiful home you had better see this at once. BUIX3IN a BCLGIN 275 State St. 63dl2tf KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K FOR SALE 5-room bouse on Ferrv S'reet. Io 45x1 5o. Jrice $'0OO. $350 cash, balance $20 a month and interest at 0 per cent. ('onA j nil m hon'-o with base ment in the Richmond Addition. East front. Price $2250 and as sume paving. Ciose in -l-room house nn I'nioii Street. Pri-e $1850 and MNsunie alley paving. W. G. KKUEGKK. Rcalfr 147 N. Com"! St. Phone 217. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K o Pf4ip" BtEF. THE Pool a. t TA t4 I . PELL rf3flf SALtV SHARP AOtBLXS'. VJJHAT A PALL IT . GOSH - I LOVB ' VOO, SbLLV IfllUI WU' I V.Kr.t9 ITl - ; ..7 1 . . . ' njrv : t--- t- IHlAtJARA FAl AT .THE "SX;M HEAL, ESTATE F7 ; REAL ESTATE! ACRE ' I X FRUIT NOW . $ 1 OOQ OCT side limits south, block to has and schveL Terms. BECKE & HENDRICKS . 189 N. .High Street. 63J1S FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEW MOD era stucco house. Basal! payment, bal ance tike rent. Phone 97F13. C3dl9tt 5-ROOM COTTAGE, LABGE E. FRONT corner. S. Liberty St. $3750. Trade 5 acres, buildings, Albany, Ore., for, Salem bouse or acreage. New 5 r'Kjm bungalow, everything modern - 2-year-old bungal w, everything mod ern $.1650. 4 room E. front bungalow, everything modern $43UO. Beantiful groumlv, large E. front home $9000. Most beautiful h- me E. front $9800 Good homo on N. bummer etreet. $800. New EnglinJi style houae, E. front $5500. On Liberty St., a beautiful home $8200. "J -room house $1100, easy payments. Apt. bou.se bringing good dividends, ran be used for rooming bouse, trade for House and lot. For $11,800, you can bay a fur nished rooming bouse, large corner lot joining business houses. A g"od bay. We write fire end auto insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage Street. 63j5tf HOMES FOR SALE AT KiiiHT PRICES foiliH) buys a new ri room modern En lisli style stucco home, attractive , in every way , on large corner lot. has garage, full basement, fur naee, fireplace, uak floors. ;! btl rooms livinu room, dinins room 'kitchen and nook. Terms $500 down, balauce oaay terms in" month, immediate possession $JSOO buy& a niodurn 5-room bunfalew with jfaraice, located at 475 N. 21th street. $500 down, ba lanes easy terms, immediate i ssession. $!oi0 buys a modern 7 room home com plete in every way with 2 large lots on creek. 15o0 down. balati- reasonable terms, immediate los fcessiou. 2650 $.IM oUjwn. balance 25 per mi nth interest ti'," , bus a 5-room fiome located at 745 N. 2oth street, im lnednte possession $5750 buys a good 6-room bungalow home located at 1775 Fir street, terms. 1300 buys a g od C-room home located at 9 45 Cliemeketa street. cash balance lttortage to be as sumed, immediate possession. 6J00 buys a good 9-ro- in home located at 1515 Market street, with large corner lot, Vi cash to handle. $1750 buy a go d 4-room plastered home located in north Salem, has gsratre and Waring cherry trees. tl'Jl) down balance '25 per mouth. $J'200 buy in S room bouse with 2 lo( paved street, located at 1279 N. 18th strptt. immediate liOises si' n. $2500 buys a 4-room house located at 05"J N. Front street. $200 Uow n. balance $25 per month. 1J00 ffjoo r.iih, balance $15 per mouth buys a 5 room litiine located at 1875 X. Liberty s'reet. $550u buys a modern 5 room bungalow located at J4 1 M. .nun:n FOR IIO.MES A X 1 EIHE 1NSCRANC. Se W. H. GKAISKXIIOKST A CO., Kesltors 1J4 S. Liberty Si. Phone 515 6-tjKi $3200.00 SMALL PAYMENT . DOWN buys new 5-room bungalow and garage. Only 7 blocks from new bank building. Good grocery in Salem for sale at a sacrifice. Lwing a line business. 6 acres of land on Pacific Highway, close in. Trade for residence in baiem. Art A Needieeraft shop for sals at a sacrifice. iving a good business. One of the best garages iu valfey to tra-le for Salem residenee. Fine ranch stocked and equipped. Will trade for Salem property. New 5-room bungalow and garage on paved Mree-l, concrete walks, on cat line. 2250.00, small payment down. Balance like rent. $1H)0.00 400.00 down buys 6-' room hi use and garage ou paved atreet.t House and lot on paved street. Will tratte "tor fwxt caf dir" ti " " GASKILL KAKLE, Itealter. I06 S. Liberty St. Phone Z242 63441 BARGAINS A word about ' 'bargains. " We do not believe in using that much abused word unless we have a "real barsain. Foil, wing are descriptions of the two iiggeM Murrains in Saleui. 01A UU1.J UUMi.ll.UH ust a few bloiks from Capitol buildinz and university in a fine restricted district. three i rooms ; fireplace; built-ms: full cement basement; trays; coni-rett waiks; paved street; lot 4 1x145 with fruit and shrubbery the lot alone is worth $1500. For quick- sale price c'n ( ?iirou. .j.juu Uowu from reliable party. EIGHT ROOM BUNGALOW Ko u i bedroont; iarge living room and dining room: buffet; fireplace: lots of built ins in kitcheu: bath and toilet both up aud down stairs;, full cement base-. Inent: furnace; trays; garage; paveu street: etnerete walk . The lots are lo:i200 and have 2 large shade trees. It cost just $7200 to build this home sis yesrs ago and the lots are worth at least $211)0. You will hardly believe that we can sell this home for "$55O0 but it must be sold to cKse an estate. If you appreciate a real bargain see these. ' TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court St. Ground Floor "Headquarters for Home'' 63jl5tf SOME BOND BUYER HERE'S BRICK building with sertain nel return oi 9 t. Must be sold for $21,000. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 18'J X. High Street. 63jl6 REAL ESTATE TRADES W 90 ACRES FARM, FIVE MH.KS FROM Salem, 70 acres in cultivation 2 1 acre in bearing fruit mostly sweet cher ries, good bouse and fair barn, water in house, will take Salem property up to ;,0, balance terms. Salem Real ty Co. Xn. HiZ State St. 65jl4tf , GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS in small town to trade for Salem prop erty. nicken ranch wanted near Salem will turn in 7-room modern house in good mill town at $2000. 40-aere river bottom farm oh edge of Corvallik, 1 acre nets. 8 priineo. 3 Mrs wherries. 7-rem bouse with bsth, good barn $e.)0; wants Salera, home. 9-Vacre- timber and pasture, good creek. 50f0 will Inm a Salem home. WINN'K PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 173 S. High St. 65j9tf v vol Vfso - wnu H iPPOPOTA M us r.y Pound opfccs Sharp, H?f2 C0PP0P, i AKt 3AVE , Him AN CARfUL. W. J e- aa a. m REAL ESTATE Farm. 07 HAVE CLIENT WAXTTXO .8 TO 5 acres in Hayes ville District not more : than half mile from Pacific Highway. Submit full information and t price quick. : -.- ! ; - : A. C. BOHKNSTEDT i Realtor Loasta Iaaaraaee 147 No. Com 'I St. . Saiem, Ore. 67J12U WE SPECIALIZE EN ORJCOON FARMS You will find oar farms all priced right. some leaa than their value aad we will prove that they are good bays. Some irrigated. Suited for betriea, fruit, flax, grain, 'mint, track or poul try. Soma wonderful stock and; dairy farms: also trades. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor Loans insurance 47 No. Cora"! St. 87al4tf AUTfJMolilLK A TKb 77 ftsSH PAID FR FtKi kikfo r"- T7ml3tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 1W7 IiriStN. PRACTICALLY NEW prii-pd to -M. 19"i5 Ford coupe, bal loon tiren. 1927 license, only $375. Overland to'iring, rciiaiut job, gi.od Tubbcr, $195. CALIFORNIA GARAGE 100O South Commercial 79jr6 MARMON WIIIPPET WfM.YJ! -KNIGHT OVERLAND Sensational Cleanup Sale Must close out the csrs listed below. Biggesi bargains ever offered in 1926 Overland sedans Overland tourinjs Iodee roadster Ford coupe h'ord tourings Gray f uring Many others to choose from Prices $50 to $775 Liberal terms Trades accepted MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage e,l Ferrv Phone 409 MARMO'' " WILLYS-KNIGHT WHIPPET OVERLAND 79jl3tf " Big Town Stuff The ' thorough way we recondition nsed Fords snd the low selling price we put on them Every car has a 1927 license and is worth fsr more, in transportation; than we are asking for tbem : 1922 Roadster, with pick up body $113 1923 Touring with best grade of paint job, some nice extras ..$lftf 1924 Coupe with balloon tires $285 40 CARS TO PICK FROM Some are overhauled and guaran teed. Others you can buy "As Is" at very nroeh reduced prices. Buy from an authorized Ford dealer. VaiSey Motor Co. Falem, Ore. 79j5tl FOll SALE GOOD FORD 'TOURING cur equipped with cainpini; outfit, tent, 10x12 e.-irivas. bed. cabinet with dishes and fruit, radio cabinet. 1 bicycle, full set of carpenter tools and case, work bench, step ladder. 1 2 foot lailder, etc All f r $"225. Pik this up ouick must sell. Tel. 679 or call 245 D. 79jl0 The Worthwhslls , . Guarantee On Good Used Automobiles Is sound business methods applied by a company well grounded in experience and a company of well established fi naiii ial dependability. The PVttyjohn Valuation Policy, the careful attention to mechanical details, and tihe excellent facilities for handling our used automobiles, are building con fideoce iu aud gaining eustrmers for our use automobiles constantly. f' Caevrolut- touring, late model ..Chevrolet coupe, food appearance Gardner louring 'tianlni-r i-ouie Overlajil 1 urin; Ovi-riand -lau T Ford touring Essex touring Buick sedan, late model Willys-Knight sedan Hupinobile tnurius Cadillac sedan Nasii touring luds n sedan Buick coupe, country club Maxwell sedan Dodsre coupe, 1926 model Our used ears are displayed in a well appointed salesroom; attended by rep resentatives snxions and willing to shew the entire line to you whether yon buy or not. Come in and look them over, get acquainted with our plos staff and the Pettyjohn Policy of automobile sales development. F. W. Pettyjohn Co 365 North Commercial Street Phone 12C0 CADILLAC. NASH. "After we sell we serve." 79jtf LEGAL NOTICES I o o NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notfee is hereby given that the undersigned has filed Jn the Coun ty Court of the State of Orejron. for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account as adminis tratrix; of the estate of Edward B. Keene, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 7th day of February, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated, at Saiem. Oregon, this 7th day of January. 1927. IDA M. KEENE. Administratrix of the estate of Edward H. Keene. deceased: RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for administratrix. Sa Umiu Oregon. J8-1 5-22-29-f5 Medford. New "Mail-Tribune radio broadcasting station KM ED went on air tec. 28. PULLED OUT, BJT - WATER MMMr r.y r vTi M A Vit SVCti v CUPS" EUFlrvlHt? . v- Love - AMD NCJ I mV CBl J Ta I t a . ass. a. : .a ft v- J KSCCAMT y x y i M. aYl ami I hit nF LM K l I I eL' 5 a '.asa w m a a v ar- .a U fr-' ,T -awrV -V . I- USED CARS "FOR SALE 70 REBUILT USED CARS 1926 Chevrolet Coupe. Looks and runs like new. Some - extras j $550.00 1925 Chevrolet Tearing, i late model, sew tires, finish bke new , L $450.00 1924 Chevrolet Touring j $300.00 ?1923 Ford Touring . u. $175.00 A dandy buy ia a Sedan, completely overhauled, new paint fully equipped. Newton Chevrolet Co. Opposite City Hall. Telephone 1000. 79jl3tf USED CARS WITH US j DOES NOT mean ordinary used cars! But some thing a Little better. Both in quality and price. We feel aero that it will pay you to investigate our stock be fore you buy. We have .n stock at present. Chryslers. Maxwell. . C'hevroletts. Stars. Ford. GINGRICH MOTOR CO. Chrysler Dealers. Call for Burk. 79jlB This Week's Offerings To Used Car Buyers 1919 Studebaker Special Touring, new paint. mof r . worked over good tires, some ex trss , $285 1922 Studebaker Special Touring, rood paint and tires $525 1920 Velie Touring, new Duco paint, motor OK j. $.283 1919 Hnpmobile Touring, very cood tires -. ....L... $350 1924 Star Coupe, 4 . wheels brakes . . , $450 1922-23 Ford Touring, in best of shape 1 $185 1923 Flint. Model E-5j, with en closed t p, heater two swipes, rear view mirror, two bumpers, big trunk rack, stop light, spot light, heater, val ve just ground . You will have to see this car to know just how nice it is, fi r only $800 Yes, we trade and give terms. Open Sunday and Evenings, Marion Auto Co. Studebaker Dealers. 235 So. Commercial. . Phone 362. Ask for Gil.bins Used Csr Dept. 79jl5 Vick Bros. Used Cars 1924 Oakland Touring 1926 Star Coupster 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 1923 iKdge Sedan 1924 Ford Coupe 1922 Essex Coach 1926 Ford Touring Rurstell axle 1923 Ford Touring 19.24 Ford Tonrins 1922 Chevrolet Touring Vick Brothers TUe House That Service Built Phone 1841. 280 South $550 $525 $525 $550 $325 .$30O $365 $250 $225 $ 75 High 79jl6 TWO Packard Of Oldsmobila TnE BEST II 927 License Free Any Purchase Over $200 TRY AND BEAT THIS SIX AUTOMOBILES UNDER $50 -All of these cars run aad will give any one good transportation for ten cents on tbe dollar. Elgin Touring $ 30 Ford Touring i $ 35 Ford Roadster (delivery body) $ 40 Buick 4 Roadster (del. body), t 49 Buick Roadster $ 49 Buick Touring $ 49 Ford Tourings $o5 to $ 193 Ford Coups $15 to $ 4o0 Ford Roadsters $150 to $ 195 Studebaker Roadster $ 90 Chevrolet. Tourings ....$100 to $ 2:i5 Oldsmobila i-Wnn i 475 Hudson Couch t. ........ .$ 475 Oldsmohile 4-pass. Coupe ..." $ 550 Packard, 120, Sport Touring .. .$1150 Packard, 126, 7-pass. Sedan ..$1650 Have you seen the 2 for 1 car. This car can be used for a neat 3-passenger sedan or a light delivery. Seats can be removed f r a comfortable bed, if wanted. Just the thing for touring or business. Fully equipped.; A bargain at $675. We have a complete line of good used cars and have every car marked with the price in plain figures on the wind shield. Most af. of these cars have been reconditioned by our shop and carry our thirty day guarantee of defective parts end free service and adjustments We have good running automobiles as low as $25 snd up to $1650, in other words, anything from F rds to Pack ards. - Many people have already looked over our stock and we want you to come back again because the car you was interested in might be one that has just been lowered in price. We also offer as an extra inducement a 192 7 license free with a pnrrhase ot $200 or over. If you are interested in a good used car don't buy : before you 1 ok our stock over. WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CapitoS Motors, Inc. 350 N. High St. Biddy Bishop. Al Rousseau. PHONE 2125 " Have you seen the New Oldsmohile! 79jlltf FUNDS FOR BEET STUDY i Senator Mr Nary Wires Salem Chamber Of Commerce Report ' The Salem chamber of com merce yesterday received a tele-1 gram from Senator Charles Ale- j Nary, which said th.at he had per- j Huaaeu tne jioase io pass an amendment providing $10,000 ap propriation for beet study iu this valley. The telegram reads as follows: "House yesterday accepted an amendment including $10,000 ap propriation to study curly leaf in beets and control of beet hoppers in , Willamette Valley. When in vestigation and survey are ready I shall be glad to present the mat ter to the department of agricul- ture. OH SALLy - I LOVE VOL! LEMC 'M JuST VAT TiLL T--tEKPLAiM GlMME A.CWftNCE- TTELLpAyi FATHER:' -T TLllsir' . V U7AWTfv KaV . .- -m aj wr 4 , j . x; - " iei nn ssisraaTsi 3 -' ' ' - -I 1ASSIHED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4tf Rliable Baalnetts aad An AJplusbetical Order APcnojrEEma F. Na Wopdry The Woodry everybody "known. Cash naid far esed uraiture. Res. and' store 1610 N. Summer SW. . Telephone $11 li. F. Woodry; & Son Right down town. - t'ash paid lot used furniture. Store 871 N Com I Phone 75. Agents for Lang Ranges. HALES" .AUCTION MARKET, 254 FER ry street. Sale.Svery Saturday, 2 jp. m. Bring what yea hare to eelL - JjO ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 831 State. Phone 2098 R. . al7-'3$ BATTERY 'AJfP ElaEOTRICIAMS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES. Starter aad generator work; 803. South High. -:' Phono IBS COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BICYCIXS AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN- COLOMBIA Bi cycles and repairing.' 887 Ceort. OHUTESE BBMXDT VICK SO HERB COMPANY, E8TAB lished 1908. J. H. Leong. Mgr. Phone 283. 420 State Et. Upstairs. O20tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. 8COFIRLD. P. 8. C, $38 Oregon, bldg. Phone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSO CHIROPRACTOR 258 N High. ' Phone 2g R, or 87. SLECTRIC1AMS FIEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by ur or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St T ARM PAPER IP YOD WANT TO . GET THE. BEST farm paper sendfive 3. cent stamps to the Pacific Homeatead, Salem, Oregoa. for a three months' trial aubeeriptioa. Mention this ad. POCLTRYMEN SEND E'.GHT TWO -ent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The articles and adver tisement are of special interest to the poultry breeder, of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregoa. i FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust Deeda, Contract on houae Will net 8 to 30. Becke A Hendricks Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St, Jl tf ARJa LOANS PLENTY OF MONET to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pra dential Insurance Company money oa city residence and business property, at plus a commission. Hawkins a Roberta, Inc., 206 Oregon Building d!4tl FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral Wreaths, decorations.' C K. Breithaupt, florist, 512 State St. Phone 8M0. I8U&ANC2 LOAN 8, REAL E8TATE, GENERAL IN nranea. W. W. LAFLAK, 410 Oregon Bldg. Insure Your home or ear now Phoae ll BECKS a HENDRICKS Heilif Bldg, 189 N. High St. Ji-tf LATEST AND BEST AN INCREASING. life-long monthly income if totally and permaaently disabled. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. "America' oldest company." Fred A. Duffey, District Manager, 442 State St. Phone 2197. 51J28 LAUTTDBIES CAPITAL. CITY LAUNDRY The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 166 1264 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Telephona 35. 263 8. Bigb rtf? THE HOME WETjWASH LATIN dry. Phone 171, I36 B street. 17tf LADIES' TAILORING O. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOK MEN end women, 474 Court St. KATTBZSSBS MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 Norui Cwnitol. ' Called for and delivered. AM work guaranteed Phone 19. f!9tt MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH, REMEDY Phone S17-W. - - ' ' MUSIC STOBEb GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, sawing machines, sheet macia and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sawing machines, 433 State NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency. The Aea. Tel, 9S9, THE OREGON STATESMAN. 66 CENTS per month delivered to your home rVel rnoreirig. Tel . 23 PAPERHAJtGINO AND PAINTIHO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperheogiog, tinting, - etc. Reltabla workmaa. - CHAS. BENNETT, PAINTING CON tractor, interior deeerating.- $41 Milt 1771-M. ' 27tf PACKING AJID SHIPPIHO FOR EXPERT FURNITURE" PACKING and ahipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. Phono 94. , By Ed WWlan m a war - I -...,' '. - a MnaTCaJ v W J -v Mam n w I - ' 1 FrofeasJonal FIrta"ArresI for Qtilck Reference ' PIAHO TtnTEBal THOMAS FAY, PJANO TUNER. NOW at the Portland Mnata Co, 853 W. High -- Hava your piaao tuaed by " bad years of eiperienoe la Ua Jj PIANO TUNER EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaaa) tnaer Lee oMere W.ll e Maato Wtore. paorrrNQ FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lata, pregrama, booka or aar aTUsd of printing, call at the 8uteemaa Print Ug Departaeat. 31$ 8. Coaamereisl, Tel. S83. PLUMB INO PLUMBIXO AND GENERAL- EPAI work. twraoer in . ' Z phone $50. 19lf PLUMBING AND REPAIRING RLA nnable -Estimates. A. L. T. U' 'ey 121 L nk St! Phone 49i-W. , 13j2d t XACIO RADIO LAS .". v; Tor every purpose, for every purse. AH standard sites of Radio" Tubea. 114 M-K VOIT ELECTRICAL SIIOl 833 Court St. 'Phoae 488, REAL ESTATE IFj YOO HAVE; PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are lookina; for a home, farm, or buio. property, aea as. I BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 V Htrh Pt Heilig Bldg. jttf REAL ESTATE GROUP INVESTMENTS -Close-in income property in Salem. In icreasing in value 10 to 20 peg cent by aUandant comparison Any amount from ' $100 op Many pleased to realize possi bilities of united Investments. II Alt It IK, 123 X. Com'I. Tel. 218, 244 OJ - - SECOND BAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL ry. Guns, Tools, Bicycles. ; Star as Change, 824 N. Commercial, phono i&4 ' WANTED EVERYTHING 'IN CLOTH ing. and shoes. - Best price Paid. Cant taf Exchange: 842 North Contmcrcia 4-Phone lSfl8-W, STOVES AND STOVE BBPAIRIJIO STOVES FOR SALE REBUILV AND : repaired by espert. All kiade of wov en wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooka, logaa hoik. Sales Fence and Stove Work. 350 Coarl Street. . - - . TAXIDERMIST 1. TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIO rins. Prop., 1145 Norway. Na Wowlry'e Auction Msrket. Tel. 221 W . TRANSFER AND HAXTLTNO TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 72K3. ; WK MOVE". STORE AND SHIP HOLSE hold go1s. Oar specialty ie piano ana furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. M'e hsndte the best coal and wood. . Call aa ue for prices. . We giv good measnre, good quality and gov - service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phoae 93 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 2t State SL. phone 933. Diatrthuting 'orwarding and - atorago our apeeiah 5e eur rates. I WELL PRILLING K. A. WEST, RT., . Boa 103 A. PHONI 110F.V 3 mile east en Gardes roaj ! - ; WATER ' . - - SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWIii C5 Office 304 South Commercial St. Tc per coat discount oa domestic flat ra -paid la advance. No dedoetiea for al aenee er any can a a leaa water la aha jlfjnjBTIjlrisM TRAVEL ' ' Safely twiftly and Comfortahrj in busses of the Parker Stage Line. Stages leave tors Silverton -7 e. m., 11 a. av, I p. as. Mt Angel 11 a. m, S p. am. - Dallas 7 a. as , 9 a. m 11:25 a. FsUs City 7 a. rx. 3:10 p. m 5 .15 p. at Independence 7 a. 9 a. aa, 1115 a. m.. 8:10 p. m, 8:1$ a. aa, ' Sunday only 8:80 p. aa. Monmoata 7 a. a.. 11:18 a, ss 3:10 p. m, 5:15 p. at. Seaeay cmra 7:10 p. re.. 8:30 p, m. MeMinn villa 8:80 a. at, 1:10 . av. 6:15 p. a. Newberc 8:80 a. aa4 Stiff p. av, 5 : 1 5 p. m. - Tillaaton 8:89 a. m., 3:10 p. sa Call 223 or 898 for information. - 38tf Rosedalt The Red Hill Birthday club met at the Falrview home of Mr. and Mr8. Brownlee .la8t Saturday, eve ning. The - twenty-fifth wedding anniversary .of Mr. and Mrs. Brown lee wa$ celebrated. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Mc Donald, former members of the club. - 'On Friday. evening, January 7, Lois Cope, a returned missionary: from Africa, spoke at the church. She showed interesting fcrliclett from various parts of the world. Miss Copo vpoke on Sunday at hn morning service. i The Kills family has moved to aiem. , , Mr. White Who WUt lha ulnri.r t the.rjrcciiil meetings last fall, isited In . the community lust week end. ' -' Helen McMillan visited in I'ort- land last week end. - - Pringh llr. tnd Mrs. fropst n(erf allied it nunilrer or kiwhU Saturday even ing. M rs. Ford of Iiidpendehcs Ji. Jh;ch visiting at the J'ropst home for a few (lays. , ' .-vi rs. uuncan ana rntuiren aihh. 1 with friends near Liberty last itinrlay. I The Tolbort anI I'roft TnnHe-t visiic-d with, Mr. Tonics last Sun day., .-f: ' - : , ftllstFr-s Krmie and Hallio Klmple Were Pririgle visitors recently. , fiarj MeekH and a., friend called at the home of his parents the first of the week. V y J Mr.-;nBd Mrn. Mn IrpftanhMt vt ' West ' Salm rnllml - n Ftune f llu-lr old rrnnrJi? "riKlibiirs rTcuU lv j hut sfallctl" to find them at home. " ,-' ' : . : ,. ; f T. "Mvcks Iian relurnel frtun hts busiiiess trip to soulbvru Ore-." BUll. . ... ; .. . - - Albany post oHh' becomes t Irs,' class oKIce, with taortfair tlO,- 000 bubloeea a year. - : -a, i ' a ........