- .THURSDAY MORNING; JANUARY lij; 1927 - THE OREGON STATESMAN,1 SALEM OREG02I ' Is. 1 OTS OF TP STAGE AND SCREEf j Elslnore Theater "The Vigilantes will help ns!" -was the cry of, the threatened or oppressed In the West after sold was discovered In California in 184 j, and In-the "rush" to Sacra , m en to and Saa Francisco . cities lw eo fast, that the agencies of the law to a Id not quite keep pace "with the lawless element, which threatened to take the op per hand. ilow the Vigilantes irere organ ized and how tbey worked is thrill ingly shown -in the "The Unknown Qavalier," - the Ken Maynard pie art the Elslnore theater today, January 13 for the last time, DaTid .Torrence is seen as the leid.er.of the Vigilantes, and May liafd aa.a yeong man who joins them, and through a curious but logical . combination of ' circum stanee. himself falls under snspi kn of 'feeing the' masked 'bandit who is laying waste the country eidejj . There is a girl, too, to fur nish an added motive for clearing himself, charmingly portrayed by Kathleen Collins. Otis Harlan and T.H'Roy Barnes furnish ample "comedy relief ji ' 'Beautiful,. Impressive, charm ing is Vra Reynolds' first star vehicle. "Sunny Side Up," a fine screen' version of the celebrated novel "Sunny Ducrow" which will be shown, at the Elslnore theater o'flidar, January 14. only Miss Reynolds, seen as a tunny d Is posi tioned worker la a-pickle factory. ?adiaterfas the star In a musical comedy, is thoroughly delightful. Edward Burns, featured as leading - roan, acquits himself cleyerly, whllf -Jtastt Pitts. Ethel Clayton land' George K. Arthur, other fea tured' players in the cast, are ex 'vcelleal - In their portrayals. The jlove interest of the story is well sustained and in every other re spect, the comedy drama is highly attractive. Don't miss it. for if ou do. you'll regret It., In ad dition to the picture there will be JJi high, class vaudeville bill con '.slstlng of several numbers. Oregon Thatr it Tbe Reckless Lady.'.' a Robert s Kane-First Rational, picture has fjpeen booked as the feature attrac tion - of the Oregon " theater on Thursday and Friday, January 13 Jnd 14. r Kane has gathered to gether an Minusuat number of celebrities to Interpret the principal roles. These Homprise Helle Bennett. Lois Mor an. Ben Lyon. James Kirkwood, Lowell Sherman and Charlie Mur ray. Thomas Holding. Edwin Au gust, Marcia Harris and Julia Hur Oey are also' in tlfe cast. The story, by Sir Philip Gibbs. is Said to be. an unusuil treatment of 4he mother-love theme. Sada, Cowan adapted the novel o the screen. - IJoward Tliggln di sjected. The majority of tho scenes ire laid nn "Monte Carlo. .!r v - I Capitol Theater " John Seitz who , has photo graphed aU of Rex Ingram's plc larcs during the past six years, J rr : For Children and' Grown-ups i t . . SCHAEFFER'S HERBAL COUGH SYRUP . r SOLD ONLY AT QCHAEFER'G DRUG 8TOBJB 135 North Commercial St. : "-.'Phone 197 Original Yellow Front The Penslar Store Efeinorp CECILIA HANSEN JlldlliUJ.C: Rnsaiaa Violinist 4- 'Miss Hansen blends the The ; Elsinore "As often as we have heard Werrenrath sing, , we still iJrX?&-V& - New York Eveninj? Mail was the cameraman for "The Ma gician" which is now showing at the Capitol theater and will be here today and tomorrow, January 13-14. .This new Ingram . picture was made abroad and Alice Terry, Paul Wegener, . Firmin Gemier, and Iran Petrovich hare the lead ing parts. . - - . The Fair of Lion de Belfort. which, corresponds to a fair or carnival in this country, - and which to residents.;: ' Paris is something to look forward to from one year to ; another, was photo graphed by Rex Ingram for use in his production of "The Magician." Pantiae Six still sweeping to ward unchallenged leadership. Landau sedar $895 f. Orb. factory. Easy to pa on General Motors time payment plan. VIck Bros. () Donshton & Sherwin, Hard ware. 286 N. Com'l St. Hardware builders' supplies, paints, varn ishes. Give us a call, youH find our prices rMoaable. () SENATE VOTES FOR HIGH AUTOMOBILE SPEED LAW (Confiaaed from pf 1.) gated a large number of fatal ac cidents, and bad found that few of them resalted from excessive speed on the highways. Senator Miller arerred that he favoid adoption of the amend ment for th . reason that Other states had approved a speed limit of 35 miles an hour, and t,hat the tendency was toward uniform traffic reflations. It was Sen ator Miller's contention that most of the accidents resulted from reckless driving and were not due to the speed at which the vehicles were traveling. " Senators voting against adop tion of the majority report of the committee were Bailey, Butt. Cars ner and Eddy. Senators Beals and Bell were absent. Senator Miller indicated that a traffic code would be Introduced before the close of the legislative s.iD, wbih woM hange ma terially many of the present traf fic regulations. The senator said be would favor an amendment to the existing traffic statutes mak ing more severe the penalty for persons convicted of reckless driv ing. A senate joint memorial intro duced by Senator Hall urges the United States congress, either by federal enactment or by federal enactment coupled with an amend ment to the constitution, to remit from , the amount , of -federal in come tas collected 25 per cent, or such other parcfeniage as may be deemed advisable, and. place such amounts remitted at the disposal of the governmental agencies of the several states The distribution of the funds re mitted would be made in propor tion to the amount received from each state. A bill introduced , by Senator Strarer provides that the. county Judge' of Baker county shall re ceive actual expenses while travel ing to and from the place of hold ing court, inspecting county roads. bridges and other public property. and supervising county work and business. A state income tax bill which is similar to the one introduced in the house yesterday was Intro duced In the senate today by Sen ators Carsner and Butler. It was said that this bill has the support of the Oregon state grange and a large number of other organiza tions. A somewhat ' similar bill was sponsored by the state grange at the general election last No vember, but was defeated by the voters. A bill introduced by Senator Dunn of Multnomah county would make it unlawful to conduct a billiard parlor and card room un der the same roof. This law is now in operation in (he city of Portland and was said to hare proved very successful. The Opera House Drug Store. Service, quality, low prices, friend ship give, increasing patronage. Old customers advise friends to trade here. High and Court. () L. A. Scheelar Auto Wrecking Co.. oldest in the Willamette val ley. New and used parts and equipment. Low prices and quality service here. 1085 N. Coml. () SEATS NOW SELLING ELSINORE BOX OFFICE Prices: S2.00; $1.50; $1:00; 75c No Tax best element of Heifetz.and both." Toronto Daily Star REINAtDlERilPRATH America's .Moet PopqlAr Baritone - SEATS NOW SELLING EUSlN ORE BOX Prices: $2.50; $2.00; $1U0;-$1.00-No STAGE II 150 BOYS TO TAKE PART IX -fOX 3IIXE, KVEXT f About 150 boys will take part in the treasure hunt, which the junior division of the local TMCA will stage Saturday, reports Iyal AVarner, boys' work secretary. AH ? boys In the grade and junior high schools over 10 years old, are elig ible to enter. The hunt will start from the TMCA at 9 o'clock, the directions for the first lap of the six mile contest being given out at that time. It will end at. the Ander son &. Brown sporting Roods store, where the winner wiO be pre sented with the prize! a baseball glove which is now on display in the store window, the prUe being donated by : the sporting goods firm. H. T. Love, the jeweller, 335 State St, High quality. Jewelry, ilverware and diamonds. ' The gold standard of values. Once a buyer always a customer. () KELLOGG TELLS OF RED PLANS IN NICARAGUA (Cootinod from pas 1.) cite particularly the present atti tude of the Calles government in Mexico its general Latin-Americanism, its policy in Central Am erica, its tendency toward coop eration 'With the all-American anti-Imperialist league, and the decision of President Calles to Bend a personal representative to the Brussels world conference againstimperialism." "The bolshevik leaders have had very definite ideas with re spect to the role which Mexico and Latin-America are to play in their general program of world revolu tion," Secretary Kellogg told the senators at the outset of his state ment, "Thus." he added. "Latin America and Mexico are conceived as a base for activity against the United States." Secretary Kellogg quoted from a resolution of th third congress of the red international of trade unions, in July, 1924, saying: "Mexico is a natural connecting link between the movement of the United States of North America and Latin-America; therefor, Mex ico must be the center of union,'. Fry's Drug Store, 380 N. Coml the pioneer store. Everything for everybody in the drug supply line, with standard goods and quality service always. () A witty Irishman was invited to a dinner party in the hopes that he would amuse and divert his host's guests. But from the be ginning to the end of the dinner he preserved a solemn and serious face. The host was surprised. "Why, old fellow," he remark ed. "1 don't believe the biggest fool in Ireland could make yor laugh tonight." "Try." was the cutting rejoin der. ' Today and Friday f t jk i m n -i i , y 3Iat. 33c - lOc Evp. 50c . 10c COMEDY NEWS YEARS L Tues. Eve. JANUARY 18 8:20 P. M. Elraan and improves upon Tue. Eve. JANUARY 25 8:20 P. M. OFFICE Tax BOYSTO IT i i i III tsFX w st sW, I think , hV is supreme.! . , x" ; At The Elsinore ' f'-;. - ... ;N -:'- n JCe n kfj. yn a. rcL im the CHAPTER FORTV-SIX Argument poised on the detec tive's tongue at his rebuff from Brazenose, Sr., but hi3 orders were explicit. Under no circumstances was he to lose sight of Peter Erown. and in default of an ultra ego to perform this duty his choice was limited. Therefore, he. too, plunged down the bank and into the brush, leaving Brazenose to tramp on alone to Fitzwilliam de pot, amid the ruins of his life The business was doomed to dwindle, the temple, had been des ecrated by the son of its high priest, and the Boy the Boy upon whom all his hopes were set had failed him When the detective had seen Piggy enter the barn, he left his associate of the motorcycle brief ly in charge and hastened to the tavern, where he made inquiries about the stranger. But Braze nose, thougtfi observed, had not been identified. The man then called headquarters, at Jaffrey, by telephone, gave a. detailed de scription ' of the visitor, and re turned to his post. t Roberta, depressed by the quar rel, was sitting with Cclia when I'iggy returned, pretending to read but really wondering what there wis in a name, however silly, to send him into such a rage, and not a little indignant still over his charge that she lacked honor. But Janet, in the kitchen, saw him ap proach from an unusual direction and her keen eyes marked the de jection of his mien. "When he passed the windows' without a glance and went on to the ban), she hastily dried her hands, threw a cloak over her shoulders, and followed. She found him sitting on the running board of his car. elbowB on knees and head in hands. J?S-S MACGACTET CAMEJ50M Thursday V . S5it naUonol.ficfur The Oregon offers G R A N D I N n irA t ar aaoM Theatre Today 7 Uokno wn Ca vs. Her "What's come to ye lad' she asked. He lifted a haggard face. "Dad. He's been here. I've just seen him. He knows all about it and Janet, he's thrown me over. Turn ed me out." ' "Never!" "He has. Hp said I was no son Of his. I've got you in bad, too. He he's through with both of us. Oh, I'm a wonder, I am!" He dropped his head into his hands again and she sat down be side him, drawing him into her arms. "Ye're my aln dear laddie," she crooned, as she had a thousand times before when his sins had found him out. "Tell me, too. Tell Janet." His head pillowed on that faith ful breast, forgetting in his dire need the anger aroused by her. revelation to Roberta, Piggy told her the sorry, complicated tale. "An' so, because ye'U keep yer word, he cast e off? Weel, noo, that's wrong o him. Ye ken, lad, ye've been an awfu' fool. There's no blinkin' that. Ye canna blame him for bein' angry. But for a that, ye're his ain flesh, an' he wasna sae wise himsol' nir sae set on business, neither when he waor a lad. Even thirty years ago, when first I knew him weel. I could tell yet things that he's forgot. Ye're made i' his very image, an' he shouldna cast ye off for that." He pulled himself away from her and rose, squaring his should ers. "Oh. well he gave me fair no-r tice. He told me what to expect if I got into the newspapers again, and I did it right away. I knew I was taking chances, too, but I didn't see any other way. He says Bob could have yot hold of Celia by law. Well I can take my medicine. But he's down on you, too. He may stop your pension." "He'll no do that. Gin he THE OREGON 7 a free trip (o Hollywood. Watch for particulars. Your Theatre "THE ELSINORE" nttiNi att.'a r?r r -v UJ- UU STARRIMC Tal moa ian w utv should, I'm no sae aul yet that I canna work; ' But I'm thinkin hell no do that." " . Her stanch courage merely made matters worse and Piggy turned away to hide a quiver of his chin, inuttering, 'There's The Business, too." "Aye, that's bad. There's no f blinkin. lad. Come, noo, epme infae the hpose wi' Janet an eat yer lunch." Piggy wished no lunch. Neither lid he wish" to see BcTberta. . He resisted the old woman's efforts to entice him. and left untouched the plate of food she carried out to him later, though he drank the coffee thirstily. About five o'clock he presented himself at the kichen door, having first ascertained by peering through a window that Janet was alone. "I won't be here for dinner." t "Whaur are ye goin' lad?" : "To the devil." said Piggy short ly as the easiest way to avoid ex planations. , A moment later he shot down tire road in his car, trailed, by the motor-cycle man. (To be continued.) fOopyriekt by Marcret tWron I-wis. Kcleased through Central Press Ass'n. ) Mr. Used Car Buyer: Have you seen the real buys at the Capitol Motors Incorporated? See Biddy BishoD. 350 N. High St. Tele phones 2125 and 2126. ( Wardrobe trunks ag low as 24.70 and as high as $85. 18-in. cowhide hand bags witlt leather lining reduced from 18 to $5.90. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'L im) "GREAT OR HULL" KRAMER TO SPEAK OX "STOP KICKIX' MY HOCN DAWG" "Consider the lilies." This was Dr. James W. Kramer's text for one of the most powerful address es ever civen' in Salem, at the First Baptist church last night The revival meetings are gripping the people and the attendance is a great surprise," considering that the meetings only began on Sun day. Mr. McCravy sang "My Sav iour" and the chorus led the sing ing for the great congregation. "Big Jim" has a happy faculty of getting his audience in a good humor and then striking his mes sage home with telling . effect. Speaking on the subject "Great or Small, Which?" he called atten tion to the lily of the valley, its beauty, its purity, its sweetness, its glory. Yet it never spins, it does no work, in a short time it crumbles to dust. But it is not useless. God never made a use less thing. Point after point, in beautifully turned phrases and swiftly moving figures, was clinched in such a way that those who were there tan never forget. Kveryono can give something to God. He asks for two material things: one seventh of our time and one tenth of our Income. We dare not give less. It is the start ing point. Then we can give what is more than material things. We can give to him service, witness, i Authorised Distributor The Personal Writing Machine Typewriter Exchange THOS. ROEN Phone 851 421 Court, Salem Friday NEWS COMEDY SYRING MATIN EK lOc - 'rc KVEX1XG lOc - 5c C O M E D Y N E S life.t loyalty, personal influence. Dr. Kxanierlhd Igreat fund of wit and - . humor and S Incident. Evefy argument is) amply illus trated with story and . Incidents from real life. A 'man said last evening:; strongest "That is -one of the appeals -I ever heard from any. people."' minister j to Christian Tonight Dr.; Kramer will preach on Champ- Clark's 'saying. "'Stop kinckin' my houu dawg 'round." Great Interest is manifested in this subject and it is opei of his strong est messages, i'f'ul pt humor and pathos. - Kecontly'a traveler called at an L .tel in Paris and asked what the charge was. 'for rooms. . "Forty francs fOr the first floor, thirty frans for thei second, twen ty francs for th third, and ten francs for the fourth floor," re plied the hotel proprietor. "Oh, very well, thank you." said the traveler, as he turned to go away. . , j "That does not I please you ?" replied the proprietor, -as' he called biic back. ; "Oh, your prices are all right," st id. the traveler, "but your hotel is not high enough -for me." ECHO CAN VOX, Ariz ( AP) - HigVabove the cacti-studded des ert, with a towering cliff as a background, an open-air theater will be built in this rock-ribbed canyon," which is itself a natural amphitheater. . j : ; ' ; . Your Theatre . -- . - THE ' LSlMO&g ! FRIDAY ONLY . . i ' Last Week's Bill Was the Talk of Salem -"Don't Miss This One - Late Feature of Mclntyre AllCe Shrode and Heath whistjer ana Bee Ho Gray Impersonator ... Versaiu, Cowboy ' - . . i - . , i FOX TWINS CO. ; Offering Scintillating Sample of Sons and Stops ' . - . - - bob bud Dorothea Nielson t I i o Premier Norwegian' Violinist cSobby & King T with . "Stepping in Society" x OTIS FItAXCIS , ' . ,- i -: t Pianist and-Composer And . :f..'"",v 1 J f. eTMttClAVTOaj WOEOaoft a-AaTNtfH, 1 '. I 1 1 " 1 ! MATINEE 10c - 35c GRANDIN i Your Theatre ; ' , - : l THE ELSINORE ' !-:"- ' ? Last Times . f Today ON THE Capt Treasure The greatest novelty show -' cvpr produced for the public A C ARbo' OF WONDERFUL GIFTS FOR YOU FREE r And LOTS OF Here Every Saturday Night -o I LATE SPORTS I OAKLAND, Cal.. Jan: 12. (Dy AP.f-Young Jfarry Wills, negro junior Velterweight of San Dieo, won pn a technical knockout over Billy j Murphy of Lowell, Mass.. in the first round of a scheduled ! rouncj bout at Oakland auditorium tonight, Thie fisht was over tw nnnuu ; at terf it . started, w lils a terr ij Dunehcr. started out with O- with a rus" i' aroun i j , J. his a:i' t nr.l - . i ' jhd battered -Murphy ring with sweeping righ the jaw floored the .eastern !,., for the count of nine, and w .'.am.-, up groggy, reeling around u... ring. ; ".. - ' Two more rights to the. rhii, sent him to the canvass again, urui ihe referee stopped the content. Eukene -Broadcasting s1n'i.,:i opened . here.; to use University (r Oregoln talent. think o (Mch of ear Muxin NEW DISCOVERY, which contains No RROUlDES. that w will mail Toti a full axxMh'a treatment free ia advance. Don'i end a penny until vo are fatly convince 4 that it! baa prorea) aitcc rful la vaur cue Writ loe row trnumen codav. j PHENCLErTOL CO. Bo 71. Sc. John Place Srattoa, Dfpt ,31! BrooUyn. N. Y. STAGE Chest n FUN EVENING I 33c - 50c I I J- aS,3W 41 - ... THE GRAND) Saturday - - Sunday Monday L3