The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    i - I
SP ; Freight ; and Passenger
J Agent, Mickel Predicts; a
. Very, Good Year
, :r A good yearadra '.prosperous
one. i the foreca8t"for,1927 made
by A'a; Mickel," district agent for
me j eouinern JfaciUc company,
who jeterday returned. from" San
"... - . ...
r muuiica, wnere - ne . attepaea , a
three day conference -of the com
pany traff ic'off fcera, gathered to
. discus business conditions for the
coming year and to plan refine
ments of service In the handling of
traffic. : ,
' "There should be little if any
falling -off in prosperity during the
coming- year." Mr. Mickel said.
"The "nation business is general
ly good-and this, satisfactory con
dition' is bo and to. be t reflected
throughout the Vest. . ". ''
"Faster -and more: dependable
freight' service has; placed the na
tion 'a, b u y Ing on a ha nd-to-mon th
basis, enabling manufacturers and
merchants to release for produc
tive purposes many millions, of
dollars, that otherwise vronld bo
tied 'up in high .inventories.
.,-. Greatest Volume Kvr
i "In spite of this the greatest
to W tne of f reigh t jeVer offered for
Bhfprtienfc'in.any. year M loaded
ohti? ' 3quthrfl ;Paclf i's liciie
lines uunpg izo, 'ana '.a,' ireipiu
load iu g records for J the 'rail roads'
1 whole; were brqJceft. '. V'
?lt obVious tfiatc capid and
pTOHtablei.turn-drs'niust have
been1 made i'on the great .bulk, of
the commodities thus handled,
a n d . that bu sihess is not i n du Igf ng
la 'the excessive -.'arid speculative
buying . which ' heretofore . has
tnarkedf every peak of American
prosperity immediately before the
coming of depressions.
ewrt8 ? pm.the company's
e aster ijagenfs jcont Irjji fiarlie.pre
dicJJons that 1 927, wiU'Je a'jyear
tft x heavy ' passenger' -travel 'ffifh
thtourst Influx wflj'rtme many
settlers .and hojne 'seeiers. ,creat:
ioK : new demands.- for., homes:.
wbictr should .work to-JLhrn- advant-1
age' of the' building, trades.-
'The 'Southern -Pacific, started
tTae-ryear'by placing, one order for
nearly two and' one-half million
dollars '.worth of new locomotive
and Volling stock all 'of it to be
built' in . the company's "western
shops.' . t -
; ."Plans were d iscussed. that, wilt
resbH In ' new, a nd natioa-wide ad-,
rertfsing for ourstatcanihg at
fefattpn rioCalonG; to Scenic attract
lton 'buttpagHttlUiriir. ntanu
rciuritf g ajjltifesjs pppotthni
tfesCjThese , matte-'. will also ; re
zee ire- extensive ijiubticity through
the"; company's -foreign agencies in
Europe.;'; ."- ' " ;,
' "AH ".signs point to a jear of
satisfactory ; business conditions,
l ,W : 1 1 Ail -aw l I i- I II kii i , ,.
1&X ' "LU 'Is Now Ready
Vk;tS5 " There is a certain satisfaction
n being among the first to
- . ,y it j Mil f aon me new spring attire and i
A.". '-X-All ' 1 ' one wDI find authentic styles ;
- '' 'VW'- " ) -Vl V nd clever materials in our '
. ' 4V---" first spHng showing. ;
-MM See Our Windows and I . '
r.. . - i i ,1 ':', ' - r
Tin? 0UDN:AttfilkMAliMpili2G0N
and - steady employment; a, year i
that at worst will not fall far he-1
low the' blah records established
to forthwith transmit ihis memor
ial by, telegraph to the speaker of
the house of -representatives and
the vice , president of the United
States as president of the senate,
and to each of the senators 'and
representatives . in congress from
the state of Oregon."
The memorial was approved in
the - senate with one dissenting
vote. Senators Moser and Hunter
spoke briefly in favor of the me
morial, while Senator Norblad
opposed it.
In presenting the memorial Sen
ator Hunter said the people of
Eastern " Oregon were deeply in
t pr'ri in, the bridge project, and
hoped that no structure would be
-orited which would interfere
with commerce in the Columbia
Senator Moser said that reports
received from Washington indi
cated that the bridge would be
authorized by congress, and that
the only question at issue at the
.present time was that of provid
ing safeguards which would insure
against interference with naviga
tion in the Columbia river. He
said the port of Portland had
pledged itself to pay the costs of
all "of these safeguards in event
the plana and specifications for
the structure were not satisfac
tory to the port district.
"The memorial is fair." said
Senator Mdser. "and should have
the support of every member of
thU senate."
Senator Norblad said it would
be a mistake to adopt the memor
ial, lie averred, that the city ot
Portland apparently was opposed
to. the construction of any.. hridgs
across the Columbia river at Long-
view, in that it feared that such a
span would detract traffic from
that,' city.
"If la my opinion," said Senator
Norblad,. "that the Longview
bridge would not harm Portland
nor any other section of the state
of Oregon. On the contrary it
would stimulate traffic and open
lip a vast empire at the mouth of
the Columbia river."
Senator Norblad concluded his
remarks by stating that he sus
pected there was a 'nigger In the
wood pile.'
This was denied by Senator Mo
ser who declared that the large
majority of Portland people favor
ed 'construction of the proposed
bridge,, but. were insistent that
commerce in the Columbia river
Should' be safeguarded.
I'nirernitj- of Oregon Team To
' Start Against Montana
EUGENE. Jan. 11. (AP) Sale
of JUtht wines and beer under a
modification of the 18th amend
ment, will furnish the. subject for
the first debate on the winter term
schedule tor the men's team at the
University of Oregon, it was announced-
by the debate coach to
day. The Oregon orators will
meet a team frort the Unirersity
of Montana here Feb. 21. Jack
Hempstead and Dudley Clark will
debate for Oregon and will up
hold the negative side of the ques
tion. .
1 1 K h I S 1 1 1 I T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Former Member Of Board
Gives Talk Before Kiwanis
Club Luncheon 7
That Oregon's parole system be
retained under the present law or
in some manner which will pre
serve its benefits to the individ
uals concerned and ti the state
prison system itself, was urged by
W. E. Delzell, formerly an ex
officio member of the parole
board as private secretary to Gov
ernor Walter M. Pierce, in an ad
dress before' the Salem Kiwanis
club Tuesday noon.
Oregon's constitution provides
that the penal laws be adminis
tered for reformatory purposes,
not In a vindictive spirit, Dilzell
declared. Persons who are sent
enced to prison terms are mueh
like any other group! of people,
and there comes a time in the
term of most convicts; when they
are truly reformed. ; If paroled
then, they may be saved to society,
if forced under those, conditions
to serve out their terms, they will
be discharged usually as hardened
criminals, Delzell said. '
The parole is open only to first
offenders and persons not convict
ed of crimes of violence. Delzell
pointed out. That the system is a
success, is shown by the fact that
85 per cent of the convicts paroled
''make good," only l per cent
violating parole in such a way
that they must be returned to the
Frank McCravy, singing evange
list, was the entertainment feature
of the luncheon, which was at
tended by a number of Kiwanians
from other parts of the, state, here
attending the legislature.
(CAntinud -from pae t.')
ganizMlon. Mr. Hamilton was
lauded by Adjutant General White
as an efficient and capable em
ployee. In addressing Governor Patter
son following his deposal, Major
Simpson said: j
''I have been in the employ of
the government for more, than .10
years, and this Is the first time
that I was discharged. I regret
that my services as secretary of
the bonus commission have not
been satisfactory, and am sorry
that I was not given an oppor
tunity to resign."
The motion to depose Major
Simpson was seconded by Secre
tary of State Kozer, wbo also pre
sented the motion which resulted
in the election of Mr. jMoores as
secretary of the commission.
Daring the executive session of
the commission Governor Patter-
6 room modern house. Four
blocks from postoff ice.
$4500 i
341 State St.
oa stressed -thcr necessity of care
ful ami-painstaking action in con
nection with' all loans.' lie . said
that he was of the. opinion that at
least one additional fiehl inspector
should be employed by the com
mission in order that all lands of
fered Tor security for loans might
be investigated.
"There should be a thorough in
spection and appraisal of all lands
upon which the bdnus commission
authorizes loans," Governor Pat
terson said.
It was brought but at the meet
ing that Harry Brumbaugh of
Portland had been considered for
the secretaryship of the commis
sion, hut that he had declined to
serve. Mr. Brumbaugh organized
the department following its crea
tion by the 1921 legislature.
(Continued from page 1.)
bill makes it definitely a price fix
ing measure; the Haugen and As
well bills are not," said a state
ment from the four groups.
"Neither the Crisp nor the As
well bill provides means to main
tain a domestic price Independent
of the world price on any com
modity, when it is necessary; the
Haugen bill does.
"The Haugen bill is the only
one that lays the basis for a per
manent continuing policy for farm
marketing. The Crisp bill is
drawn to function only as 'emer-1
gencies develop. The Aswell bill
turns the marketing over to gov
ernment corporations. Complete
political control is established by
both the Crisp and Aswell bills: in
the Haugen hill, farmer control is
"Neither the Crisp nor Aswell
bills provide means for placing a
restraint . on o v e r production
through an equalization fee. The
Haugen bill does."
Blue Ribbon Velvet Rugs,
"taupe background, with
blue and old rose figures.
9x12. Reg. price tfOQ
?43.50, now WUU
Wilton Velvets, 9x12
mouse colored bcxiy with
brown border, regularly
$57.50, t$QO CA
On sale at OO.DU
Dining Room
8 piece walnut Dining Room Suite; consisting of
Buffet, Table, 5 Chairs and Carver. &QC
Odds and" EndsSale PriceLu....!..;.... 9Jp -4.
Five Floors
FurniturSe Values
I (A.
The federal government." acting
through R. J. Newell, superintend
ent of the Vale project of the re
clamation bureau, yesterday filed
in the office of the state engin
eer application for a permit to ap
propriate 600 cubit, feet of water
per second from the Warmsprings
storage reservoir and 200 cubic
feet of water per second of the
direct flow of the Malheur river.
The application also asks for all
the drainage water, seepage water,
return flow and waste water from
the Vale-Oregon project which was
estimated to be 200 cubic feet per
The water would be used for the
development of 365 theoretical
horse power and for the irrigation
of 33,464 acres of land. The esti
mated cost of the proposed works
is $3, 000, 000, exclusive of the
cost of the storage purchased from
the Warmsprings project. The
cest of this storage was estimated
at $680,000.
Emmanuel Church Holds
First Meeting Thursday
SILVERTON, Or., Jan. 12.-?
(Special.) Emmanuel church, as
Emmanuel church, will hold its
first meeting Thursday beginning
at 10 o'clock. At this time the
new constitution will be voted
upon as well as the calling of a ,
pastor. It is understood that a
committee will be elected to take
charge of this.
Emmanuel c hurch is made up of
Imperial Bussorahs' 9x12
assorted designs and col
ors, regular price Qf Q
$60, now VO
Victory Axminster Rugs,,
9x12, assorted colors and
designs, regularly $35
and $37.50. tfO-T C A
On sale at OU
" - ,
fit; John's : and Trinity congrega
tions, two of tho oldest congrega
tions at Silverton.
(Coatiaufed Item page
countries bordering on the Pan
ama canal.
Representative Huddlestoh. in
attacking the president's policy,
reiterated that America is "delib
erately and consciously drifting
into war with Mexico." Ite assert
ed that President Coolidge had
brought Mexico into his message
for no other purpose than to "put
her in a bad light." Mr. Coolidge
sent the message to congress, the
Alabaman said, "to back up the
charge that Mexico is a bolshevist
The landing of American forces
in Nicaragua was characterized
"as the most deplorable event in
the last century," by Representa
tive Lozier, who added:
"Within the past few weeks
good work of past secretaries of
state has been destroyed and we
are flaunting in the face of the
Latin-American republics a big
stick. The president has heeded
the cry of big business men in
Nicaragua and Mexico. He has
landed marines and now is await
ing some overt act on which to
predicate a' declaration of war."
Representative Wood decried
the talk of war and asserted his
belief that "there is no danger if
the governments of Mexico and
Nicaragua heed the warning."
The Winchester Store
Phone 172 12) N. Com'l. St.
Khorassan Axminster
Rugs, 9x12, assorted col
ors and designs, regular
ly priced flQO ClY
$13.50. Now $OL.O)
Consair, 8' 3"xl0' 6" Ax
minster Rugs, in old rose,
blue and taupe designs.
Reg. price CiT CA
$35.00. Now $0DU
E RUGS ' :
Genuine Armstrong's Inlaid Linoleum
, $1.35 ier sauare vard. laid
. r - iii ;wf
SW, With the Friendly
Slakes It Tnlawful lo Irlve
With 0-u4'utout
A, bill introduced by Senator
Hall would make it unlawful, to
drive or operate any - automobile,
iir.ii. it- njjJ;i cif-oof
To the Capitai'ExchangW ahd take advantage of our j5
We are not putting on this sale Jnerely to stimulate
tradewe are out to sIl everything in order to close out
our business In this store ire upwards. of 5000 articles
of men's wear each at a great reduction. When you
spend a dollar with us youget 175 or more in value.
Why. wait for a better opportunity to save?
j Men's 25c Work Socks
A limited supply go at 8c
75c Rayon Silk" Neckties
Only 25c
V Suitcase Special
$2.50 values go at 98c
'$5.50 Oxfords, Fine Quality-
Marked at $2.98
Three Season Union Suits
Regular $2.50 value $1.19
The Capital Exchange
342 North Commercial T
Hardihan worsted Wilton
Rugs 9x10' 6", many pat
terns from which . to
choose.; Regular price
$117.50. , tf7 r
Sale price ..... $ I O.DU
Arabelle worsted Wilton
Rugs, 9xl2,jnany beauti
ful patterns, j regularly
$145. Now on ! -: , d A O
Sale at i J. tDO
6 pieceIvory Bedroom
ltyi genc-h' Highboy
ana uocKer. - ; . "
To be sold for less than cost.' .;
J . -
'Spirit" . ' -Hr
i-t"lr mtnrf"velrf -ni-He f
, . , - - - " - 4 ! I W i ),
vehicle . pon any pubi c "road or
thoroughfare In this state withomi
using a muffler. The muffler Khali;
not oe cue oui or uiaconnectfM
jwhile the said vehicle is being np.
erated or driven off any road
Hardihan: worsted Wilton
Rugs, .9x12, different
styles and colors, regular
prkel25. V
Sale price........... J I V
Imperial Ispahon worsted
Wilton Rugs, 9x12, many
different colors and pat
terns in this lygh grade
Rug. Reg. M 1 9 Cll
$150. Now ?il.DU
Room Furniture
Suite.- trinU mirror vnn
ror van-. f
d Stand, ( 1
Bow - foot Bed, Bed Stand,
25 to 50
Reductions 'On .