The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    --I .-
; " : " - Wednesday mobc. January 18,1927 -. .- - .-. . -
k 7-..:
twenty-Baseball StarsJ Half
arm Active. Will Leafn
Kespectiye Fate;
CHlCAao, Jan. 11. (Ap
Twenty Juueball etAfs, halt of
theBl 6tn' In the major" leasees,
wui learn tomorrow whether Com
missi6tteTy Landls believes them
gallty of ".loughlng" a Chicago
Detroit aeries In I Sit, to help the
Whk. 6t rla the American
League pennant."
Tchee managers are among the
twenjty.fRay Senalk of the White
Sox.-iDoaift Bush of the PiUabnrr
Pirates, and Joha Collins ot the
Des Moines Western League club.
Clarence Rowland, manager ot the
White Sox in If IT, is now an
American - laasua? umpire. The
other - still active members of the
Detroit and Chicago clubs ot 1917,
lnrolred in the charges ot Swede
R is berg and Chide Gandll, are:
Eddr Collins, Philadelphia Ath
letics., ' .
Kid-Cieason, coach Philadelphia
Howard- Ehmke, PhUadelphla
Athletics. --
Bed Faber, Chicaga White Sox.
George Dauss,vPetroit Tigers.
Harry Heilmann. Detroit Tigers
. Da ye panforth, Milwaukee As
Reb Russell, Indianapolis As
. Roy rWUkinson, Louisville As
sociation. ;
Bob Veach, Toledo Association
Xema Leibold, Columbus Associ
OscarBtanage, Coast league.
Oscar YUt, Coast league.
George- Cunningham, Birming
ham Southern Association.
Bjrd Lynn, Reading. Pa. club.
; For two days Landis cross
examined these players and a
score ot others who hare sfnee re
tired from baseball. Risberg, face
to face . with the players he ac
cused, told his story under oath
that,Rqwfud (old him the Detroit-
Chicaga Labor Da; series I 1817
was "all lUad.' .:;
Thirty df players paradedi to
the 'witness Vtana, alt denying
knawtedjre of the plot. Gandil up
held Risberg'i confession and
elaborated on the details, admit
ting hfe waa the fixer and the col
lector of. the White Sox pooL
Bat BUI James, the Detroit
pitcher with whom Gandll said ha
made the arrangements tct throw
the series, denounced. Gandil's a
sertioaa as "an absolute lie," and
also, contradicted him on the rea
son for the payment of the f 8J0
Gandil gare him. I He declared It
wasTTTeward to thr Tiger pitchers
for beating Boston.
inmrnnrmc enni
F,VETFOtt MAY 13-14-15
-"The largest shoot tn the West"
is the' slogan adopted by members
of the- Yakima -Gun elnb ia-preparation
tor the 1927 Washington
State Trapshoetlng - Tournament
which is to be held under the au
spices of , the Central Washington
club. ; .
Labor .nor monejr' Is ' being
spared by the Yakima Gam Club la
preparation for this big event.
Newly laid out grounds, new trap
houses and club house is on the
program already partly worked
ootrJtar- the 1327 Titular . Trap
. May i3?14-15 are the dates ap
plied or by President N. C Janse
of the Yakima Gun Club from the
Amateur Trapshooters ; . Associa
tion. A.
' Four new concrete traphouses
and shooting walks ara atnr in
readiness and are being used 'by
be local members for their weekly
shoots. In addition to this two
temporary traps will be installed
during the tournament which will
asure the visiting shooter the
; crowd will be handled easily and
the programs run off with dis
natch. :
- While the program nas ony
'been outlined there is one special
event that will be a feature in the
State Tournament that being the
"Yakima 100." This special money
event was originated in Yakima
; several years ago and . has ever
since been a popular part- of 'the
annual toamament.
Portland YMD Win From
Salem Quintet Last Night
The Salem Young Men's Divi
sion basketball team lost last night
to the Portland YMCA-. on the- 8a
lem YMCA floor, 41 to 28, - Johns
and Janien starred for Portland,
while S. Satchwell and Gibson
. were best for the locals.
The lineup: i-
Portia ad . - - . Po.'- Smum
JrnOt) -F- J2) G.bsou
.Thn.lS r 3 M5i
AVahlirrn (T
Xewton (3,
Stiil (4 Ward
raid we ii
'l-m1ka .;,.j..' . ,.
PhilUp .
I- ijatchweU (4)
Bu ) a -
PORTLAND, ' Jan. 11? f AP)
Corporal Izxy Schwartx, bantam
welghC New York Cttyy twoa a
' slashing 10 round decision nrer
Sa IJor Willie Gordon. -Ana'cortes,
Washington. la the double main
event-of. the. boxing -rfc' the
arnjory; -tonight. ' Benny PclR
Portland featherweight boxed
fast 10 round -draw with Tommy
O'Criea; also ot Portland; -.-. .
Oreaon' Basketball Team
Begins Secret Practice
EUGENE, Jan. 11. AP) Sec
ret "practice was ashered in today
for-the-University of Oregon bas
ketball teams. From now on
Coach Reinhart said, the gym will
be i closed to all except sports
writers and university -officials
and the students and general pub
lic frill have to be content In glr-
In$; the teams the once over in
actual games.
The new basketball pavilion,
Just nearing: completion, had hun
dreds of visitors yesterday, and
practice iwas interrupted several
times.- Reinhart contends. For
that reason the ban was clamped
an spectators, and not because the
Oregon coach teara his team is be
ing scooted here.
Oregon will open its ieason here
Friday night against Willamette.
The game , will be .played In the
new McArthur pavilion. More than
6.000 seats will be available tor
the students and public, graduate
manager Benefiel said.
(Continued from !
definitely postponed, which was
also carried-
Joint memorial resolutions Nes.
1 and 2, introduced by D. C. Lew
is of Portland, and house concur
rent resolution No. 2, introduced
by Mr. Mott, were then read and
House concurrent resolution No.
2, which was introduced by Mr.
Mott, provides for the appoint
ment of a committee composed of
seven 'members from the house an
six from the senate to confer with
a like committee front the. state
of Washington to consider legis
lation affecting the finshin indus
try on the Columbia river.
Joint memorial resolution No.
1, which was introduced by D. C.
Lewis, called attention to the need
ed development and extension of
Portland's , port and harbor. In
part, it 'follows:
"Be it resolved by the house of
representatives of the state of
Oregon, the senate jointly concur
ring: "That the congress of the
United States be memoralized, and
congress is hereby memoralized to
appropriate the necessary money
for making a survey and to cause
u savvey to be made from Termin
al Not 4,; along the low bottom
lands and via the Columbia slough
to Kenton, and also from the Co
lumbia river via the Columbia
slough to Kenton, and from Ken
ten up the Columbia slough via
Blue lakes near the Foster road,
to a connection with the Columbia
river tot the purpose of determ
ining the cost of construction of
a ship canal for ocean going ships
from deep water near Terminal
No. 4, or front the Columbia river
via the Columbia slough to Ken
ten, and also for the continuation
ot said canal for river steamers,
and river craft 1 from Kenton via
Columbia slough and the Blue
lakes near Foster road to a con
nection with the Columbia river,
and be it further
"Resolved, that the secretary of
the state of Oregon be and 1b here
by directed; to transmit a copy of
these resolutions to- the speaker
of the house of representatives,
the president or the senate of the
United States, and members of
the senate, and representatives for
the state of Oregon."
Joint memorial resolution No:
2; which was introduced by Mr.
Lewis, called attention to the work
done- on the development ot the
Colombia channel" to provide a
safe means for shipping and that
there is a need to keep the water
way open. In part it follows:
VBe it resolved by the house of
representatives of the state ot Or
egon, the senate concurring, that
the congress of the United States
is hereby requested to 'pass no act
authorizing- any bridge across the
Columbia river below Portland,;
and that all pending bills in con
gress for any such purpose or with
any such object, be rejected and
"Be it further resolved, that the
secretary of the state ot Oregon
be requested to mail copies' of tlrisi
resolution to the senators and rep-1
. v 'pi ;a t.-t
I rr r
( ' ..'ii 8
resentatlves of the state bl Ore
gon at Washington. D. C."
The roll call for the afternoon
session was taken at 3 o clock and
Mr. North was the first member to
take the floor, announcing that
Mr. Lonergan of Portland ; had
been appointed aa chairman of the
Multnomkh county delegation at
a meeting held last night. .
The joint memorial from the
senate was read, bearing on the
Long view bridge, which will prob
ably be constructed across the
Columbia river at that point.
There was considerable ; comment
upon this 'rosolntien. and Mr.
Lonergan explained to the house
that the resolution gave to the
Port of Portland the right to sup
ply sufficient additional j funds to
make the bridge high and wide
enough as to not interfere with
water traffic an the river, in the
event : the specifications; do not
take care of this. Representative
Mott of Astoria waa recognised
by the speaker and stated - that
he desired to go on formal record
as being opposed to the passage
pf the memorial, and further Btat
eLthat although he was sure the
building of the bridge was as in
evitable as the rising and-setting
of the sun,, he was strongly op
posed to the memorial.
Representative Lewis j of Port
land spoke a few words in favor
of the memorial, while W- 8. Ham
ilton of Astoria made a few re
marks in opposition, and said al
though he did not want to appear
to deter the development of the
state, he was opposed to the pas
sage of the resolution.
A vote was taken and the reso
lution adopted with only four dis
senting votes.
House joint resolution No. 1,
introduced by L. L. Swan, provid
ing for no Increase in salary of
any elective officer of the state or
county, in accordance with the
governor's message, was read and
referred fo committee oh resolu
tions. Joint resolution No. 2. intro
duced by Messrs. Lonergan and
Olson, providing for a joint ses
sion to hear address of Charles H.
We make the "hard road ride easy." Our
equipment enables us to reach every bearing.
Monroe S Cheek
Complete Automotive Lubrication
Court at Capitol Phone 2205
And His Sales Room
Now Located At
217 S. High St.
With E. Tollman
The place where you can get the big
sweet Noble French prune trees which
will bring you the big sweet prune
like the ones which Mr, Andrews has
exhibited for three years at the State
Per Per
Each 100 1000
6toSft $1.00 $75.00 $500.00
4 to 6 ft .50 40.00 . 350.00
3 to 4 ft , , ; JZ5 20.00 150.00
, - j i
Cg-t.i ' i ii
Few persons become rich on, earning power 'alone. Only by
.working their savings as well as hands and mind can the aver-
age Wage earner get abad.- A .
Savings, however, must, be : invested wisely and' carefully to
"avoid loss and disappointment. -' ; "J
And here Is where the United States latlonal can be-of Im
mense service to the ambitions worker. -Oar widolexporlenoe
in, and information on, all forms !of investment are always
available for ypur guidance and use. , Confer with ns. then, at
any time.' i
! " ; ' '
United States
: National. Banlr
' i i .Salem.Oregbn.
Grakelow, grand exalted 'ruler o:
the : Elks : lodge,- was read and
adopted. " i ,
Hoase joint resolution No. 3
introduced by Hazlett, repealing
J article 9 of the constitution of the
state of Oregon relating to state
guaranteeing the interest on irri
gation district bonds, was read and
referred to committee on irriga
tion, f
House joint resolution No. 4
introduced hy Mr. Glesy, I to re
peal section 6, article 2 of the con
stitution of the state of Oregon
relating to elections, was read and
referred to the committee on elec
House resolution No. 5J intro
duced by Meindl, authorizing the
speaker of the house to appoint
an expert proof reader and an as
sistant, was read and adopted.
(Continued from pag 1.
will be virtually bankrupted by
this additional financial burden, it
was declared at the meeting. Oth
ers will not be able to . bond for
the-necessary amount, as they are
already bonded too near, their
i Criticism of the attitude of the
game commission members on this
Issue was voiced by some of the
It was declared that the real
purpose was to make the river a
bathing place, as none of the cities
use the water -for drinking, with
out treating it, and treating makes
the water safe, no matter how
much it is polluted.
A proposed resolution opposing
the passage of any legislation forc
ing construction of disposal sys
terns by the present legislative ses
sion, or until a full investigation
oi tne nnanciai prooiems is com
pleted, was defeated despite
strong support especially from the
Oregop City and Corvallis j dele
gates, j
Corvallis, represented by; City
Attorney Jay L. Lewis, Is opposed
to the entire program of thejanti-
nollntion league, on;, the ; ground
that the disposal plants are not
necessary, Lewis declared.
The iresolution which sought to
prevent action at the present ses
sion or before the financial prob
lems are settled, was introduced
by City Attorney. Cf A. Sphubel of
Oregon City. enubei admit tea
that the disposal system may be
necessary, but expressed his fear
that unwise legislation would be
passed in the last minute rush of
the session.
The resolution was opposed by
City Engineer O. Lanrgaard of
Portland and City Attorney Fred
Williams of Salem, who saw no
especial danger in legislation ' on
the subject at this time, for .the
reason, according to Laurgaard,
that the anti-pollution league will
ask only an investigation, which
cannot be completed until the mid
dle of 1929, looking toward a con
struction program - in which it
would allow until 1935 for com
pletion. Williams opposed the
cities' attacking a bill, the exact
nature of, which is not yet known.
Other delegates whose cities are
not directly concerned with this
problem, opposed the resolution on
the ground that it might injure
the league's constructive legisla
tion program. Among these were
Charles Wells of Hillsboro and F.
B. Layman of Newberg.
The legislation favored by the
league included:
To amend section 380, general
laws of 1925, so as to provide that
the state should refund to ench
incorporated city or town the sum
collected ,In taxes for the motor
transportation fund within that
municipality, as the first item to
be returned out of the surplus
above 15,000 remaining at the end
ot each year.
Thousands of pairs of the finest shoesxin America are being sold in this saleat half their
actual value. Every shoe in the store on sale only a few lines excepted from the half
price sale. ....
Florsheim Oxfords
Men's black or tan calf ox
fords, large selection of
styles, all sizes. These are
sold regular at $12.00. Our
price to
Pumps Oxfords
Latest styles, novelty de
signs, also Hanan and Arch
preservers. Regular $13.50
and ?15.00
Men's Brown
Kid Shoes
An exceptional $9.00 value.
Practically all sizes. Get a
T. $4.50
Children's Shoes
All styles of children's
shoes must go regardless of
cost. Buy thera now at
House Slippers
Entire stock kid, satin and
ieit, an siyies, sizes ana col
ors. Regular $2.00 to $4.00
65c to $1.95
Women' Galoshes
Women's gray ;f galoshes,
very latest atyie. Regular
$6.0$ valuesv (A ir
Closing out at..vfyO
. .... .i .... ''.'. ' '
Men's Tail and Black '
V' r Chrfoxd I'
Men's tan calf oxfords, new
feupM;othe-ninute styles sin
gle soles. A wonderful val-
lue& spjd regular; at $9.00-
will go at closing & A C A
price of..:.....y"pU
, House Sliprers
.Entire stock- of men's felt
house slippers must co.
. Regular $3.00 .values QC -".
go at --.w..,rt. vv L
Regular $1.00 ,
values gd at
5 To amend section- 14 of the
motor -vehicle law so as to appor
tion 20 per; cent of, the incorpor-H
ated cities f and towns, of the
amount returned to the respective
counties in which those towns are
situated. .. ;
Favoring a general statute pro
viding for the vacation of streets.
Opposing" any. modifications of
the provisions of cbapter 361.
Oregon laws of 1925, which would
in any way limit the supervision
or control of the state highway
commission oyer market roads.
To amend section 4600, general
laws of 1925. so as to provide that
all taxes levied for road and bridge
purposes be levied under section
4 600, andthat incorporated cities
and towns Bhall receive ?0; per
cent of taxes so levied and? col
lected in such Incorporated cities
and towns. .
A standing legislative commit
tee was appointed' as follows:
Carl E. WImberly of Roseburg,
G. L. Barr of Silverton, W. L
Clark Of Hood River, R. H. Fox
of Bend, C. A. Schubel of Oregon
City, Charles E. Wells of Hills
boro, Fred A. Williams of Salem,
A. A. Hall of Tillamook.
A. L. Barbur, Portland city com
missioner, was elected president
of the league, which he was in
strumental in organizing; J. L.
Brand, city attorney of Marsh-
fioid vn tlete1 frrst vice resi
dent; A. J. Crose of the Bedford
city council, second vice president; j
Charles Cleaveland, mayor of
Oresham, was re-elected treasurer,
and R. Shawcross of Portland was
appointed .secretary. All of the
officers were elected unanimously.
Twenty-eight delegates, repre
senting IS cities, were present at
the meeting, held in the Salem
chamber of commerce auditorium.
The Price Shfoe
Florsheim Oxfords
Dozens of styles of men's
Florsheim Oxfords in black
or tan calf. Latest lasts
sold, as you know, regular
at $10.00 everywhere. Clos
ing out
To close out while they last, go at. .,.,;.!
Ladies' Silk Hose. Hundreds
of pairs, all sizes, all colors,
grouped in one lot to close
out; Priced up
to $2.00 go at...
Our full line of the famous
McCollum Hose, regularly
sold at $2.00. Hundreds of
pairs, new colors, &
just ree'd, go at vlD
3 Pairs $500
Salem's Leading Shoe Store! for 20 Years
Men's Work Shoes
Our entire stock of work
shoes, sold regular near at
$5.00, $6.00 and $7.00. Go
at closing q
price 6f ... bOUO
Edmond's Foot Fitter
Edmond's Foot Fitter shoes
and oxfords, in black and
tan, all sizes, in high shoes
and oxfords. Sold regular
at $8.50. CC OC
Closing sale price v
Women's- Galoshes1
Women's 4 buckle black ga
loshes, the best $4.00 value
in America. ah
Closing sale price i$L$UO
25c f
: - A" Makes of
Repair Dep't.
Out shop is equipped with
alt new machinery. We use
BotbinK but "the very beat
grade of leather that money
wilt buy. r:;V -;;- j' ' -Mr.
Jacobson,' fn 'charge of
this department, la'an, expert
la hla- liQu has spent years
la factories and repair hop3 .
and will do nothing but high
fTado wort. r "
Thosfl .'reefsterfne Were R. II.
Fox, , mayor, of .Bend; George O.
Knowles, mayor of Cottage Grove;
W. li Clark, city manager of Hood
River; C. A. Schubel, city attor
ney; pnd. J. L, .Franxen. city man
ager of Oregon City;. Charles ' E.
Wells, councilman, and C. O. Reit
er, city manager of Hillsboro : J.
L. Brand, city attorney of Marsh
field; . Fred A. Williams, city at
torney, and - W. Wt " Rosebrau h,
councilman ot Salem; Carl E.
Wifberly, -city attorney of Rose
burg; G. 'C.--Nugent councilman
i" ";-" -' " : . ' -S f'"' 'While! THrL Lt'"V' -": -
. Kennedy 5-tube set, complete with batteries, CQQ
tubes, CNeil speaker.. ........ L .J O'
1 . Crosley 3-tube set complete, Batteries, frA Q
tubes, O'Neil speaker .: i . tPfgO
R. C. A. M4": complete
'enclosed! speaker.'.
R. C.A. 3-:A' complete
and speakeri...
Misses' and Children's
Misses' and children's house
slippers in felt or Tcid, all
sizes. Regular prices up to
$2.50. Entire stock must
go at j. .-: :
95c and $135
Our Entire 'Line Ladies'
Dress Pumps
Including Satin, Patent, col
ored Kid;, in all the best
shades, combinations X)f col
ors, every size and width.
$16.50 Values go at.S8.25
13.00 Values go at.;. 6.50
12.00 Values go ate..- 6.00
1.1.00 Values fifo at, 50
10.00 Values go at.. 5.00
9.001 Values go atM ... 4.50
8.00 Values go ai 4.00
7.00 Values goat.... 3.50
Men's Dress Shoes
Men's brown ' calf dress
shoes, regularly sold at $8.
Most all sizes to Cl
close out, .go aC:3.UU
Men's Black Kangaroo
. Shoes :
A wonderful $10.00 value.
All to go at the ridiculously
low price - (fr rf
of .;.$DUu
f K
Men's Hanan
shoes, f tan
5 ,T
Norwegian : , calf, I double
soles, a .heavy winter shoe,
a wonderful value. Sold
regular at $15. i Will go at
Rubber Heels Put on Shoes for
C0.y !
of West Salem: S. A. Wratlen.
mayor, and A-' A. Ilall, city attor
ney of Tillamook ;0. Laurgaard,
city engineer,' A.. 1 Barbur. ci!y
commissioner,' and i It. Shawcross,
assistant commissioner of Port
land? IA (I. Enelisl:. cltv atinrnnv
of Newport, R. E. Kion, consulting
iathamJ ' councilman, apd G. 1.
Barr, mayor of Sir. erton ; Jay. I
Lewis, ;
vail is.
fcity attorney, and C tf
newspaper maa ot Cor-'
with bat
ies, tubes,
with tubes, batteries OA7
Official Boy Scout ,
. i Shoes
A complete line made for
the better trade. Get a pair
now '-j .
$3.95 and $4.95
Men's Rubber Boots
Men's knee length rubber
boots, regular $5.00 values,
I - - - - . ;
Men's Work: Shoes
Men's heavy tan work shoes
with rubber soles. . A good
shoe, sold regular at $5.00.
Men's High Top
Every jiair of men's high
top boots must go. See this
price, tleg. $11
and $12 values .! I UO
Rubber Footholds
Women's rubber foothokU.
The proper, rubber for the
new style slipper. Sold
everywhere at 85c. Take as
many as you like at, rn
per pairi ...- OUC
Men's ILanan
Under, an agreement with
the manufacturers we are
permitted to cut prices for ,
this ocojasion anq still' re
tain the agency for our new f
store. :Hanan black and tan
calf oxfords, sold regular at
$12.50, f ill go jn AC
jon . sale' at : 1JLL, v' JO
Half Price
Do Your Feet Hurt?
Corns ami callouses remoTei
whhbn t pain or aorenesa. In
grown naiW restored and
treated, Pal& im feet. Weak
tootr fiat f dot, foot Btralas
and - fallen arches adjuatoi.
Do ,Jnot aaffer. fr I will civ a
you tha best , that aclenc
can prodoca ., la .acieatitia
chlropddy. j Consult
, Dr Ht 'D, Vinyard;