The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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L O ;A L
XV. V. Graduate Visit
Clarence D. PbiUipa, a recent
graduate of the Willamette uni
versity law school, was a Tialtor
Vi Salem Tuesday evening, coming
;re as a member or tnu Koosevelt
b. basketball te&m from the
Portland YMCA, which played the
Comet club here. Phillips is now
connected with a Portland law
J 027 Calendars Free, Homer tL.
Smith Ins. Agency, oyer Millers.
Hardman Piano, 9185 .
110 down. $8 month. Portland
Music Co., 355 N,'HIgb. JIB
Courider New Study
The young men's dlvtelon of the
Salem YMCA at its meeting Tues
day evening heard a report by
Robert H. Dann on the mental
measurements and self analysis
club plan which the division may
take op.
Hotel Marion
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening, ' - -n2tf
Special. All-Wool Overcoats
' To close oot, 9. 112 and $15.
Boys' suits. ' one pair pants 6;
two pair pants, 18 and. f 9. Also
boys overcoats and blazers. Thos.
Kay Woolen MilJ Co. ' J13
" . . r
Speeding Charged- '
P. R. Woodry was arrested early
Tuesday morning, charged with
speeding. ?.-... .'Z V,
Portland's Premier Quartet
In concert at the Knight Me
morial church, Tuesday, 'Jan. 18.
at 8 p. m. J12
Arrested For BkaHnff
Delbert Harritt of 1670 Market
street and- Leland Franklin of
2170 Market street were arrested
Tuesday for roller skating on
State street.
Atwater Kent -
One dial radio. iTick Bros.'
Brick Building for Sale
Excellent lease-will net 9 per
cent. Price cut from 122.500 to
821.000. Becke Hendricks, 189
N. High street. 1 J12
Endeavor- Union MecTs
The Marion County Christian
Endeavor urlon held its monthly
meeting Tuesday evening at the
First Christian church, with: Dal
las Rice, field secretary of Chris
tian Endeavor in Oregon, present
as a Speaker. He" discussed the
state convention to be held at Ore
gon City April 21 to 24.
cks for Sale Every Tuesday
Salem Chickerieg, 264 N. Cot.
- jl
85; $5 a month, Portland Mu
sic Co., 355 N. High, , jl5
Board mans Have-on
A 10 pound-son was born 4o
Mr. iand Mrs. R. R. Boardman last
night at a local hospital. Mother
and child are doing welL
Card of Tlianlcs
We wish to thapk the members
of the Sons of yeterans and all
those that gave -assistance; also
our friends for the beautiful flor
al offerings and kindness shown
' at the death of our mother. Phil
.V. Thomas. Mrs. Belle Frost. J12
Moved to 230 N Liberty
Cherry City Cleaners. Tel. 934.
Hearing for Boy Thieves
Phil Wilbur. 15; Leonard Schaef
fer, IS, and Thornton Coffey, 16,
must face the charge ot larceny
la juvenile court -this morning for
"the theft of an automobile. Of
ficers caught .them .with .a- ma
chine belonging to Harry Levy as
fthey were returning from a dance
early Sunday.
f40 Halts Now
: G. W. Johnson Co., 469 State.
.r. it . . : J12
'Overstuffed Furidture- -
Made to order and re-covered.
' Salem Wicker and Overstuffed
Manufacturing, Co., 2218 State.
"' Tel. 223e.f:ff !t m r.i .j, J12
; Disparity in
A young logger, Martin W. San
ders, who gave; his age. as 19 and
his residence as Scotts Mills, was
j granted a license yesterday
- marry a woman 12 years his sen-
lor Ethel WUlsv-31. of Silverton
$633 Bush A GerU Piano
"i ILike new $325; 110 month
buys it. Portland Music Co., 355
; . Hign street. J15
f ' . " ,; ...
p "live Acre Tracts for Sale '
; On paved road, hear Salem, best
; of, soil. .825 down, balance $10
S per month. Price, 81600 each. W
i H. Orabcnhorst & Co.fc 13 4. S. Llb-
aerty St. . .. , J14
Award frince Claim
' . A jury in circuit court decided
, late Monday that Fred Prince had
X 8176.63 coming from E. A. Kurts.
5 Kurts owned a prune drier and in
3 handling Prince's fruit, there was
a mix-up that . was- Jeff, to the
. course or justice for aettlement.-
This Week ,
I clean ail men's watches free
to demonstrate zny ability as a
watchmaker, L, G. Prescott, jew
eler. 32 3 N. ComT.' JXl
3Cew Arrivals la Salens i '
, A son, Uaryi Errol, was born
; yesterday to Mr. and- Mrs. Ber
" nard E. Otjen. 910 Rural avenue.
Qni. January 10 Mr. and Mrs. Ru-
dorph'H. Wecken. route "9," box
v .139, became the parents of Cor-
frtoe Lois.. Twin daughters , are
announced at.the. iura of Mr.
girls arrived on Jan. 8- A son
was born yesterday to Mr. and
Mrs. Hara Frey route 7, box 19.
$40 Salt Now 28.ft5
O. W. Johnson Co 4S9 State.
Boy Boolegjrer Hearing
The Juvenile court case set for
yesterday morning to try Roy
Stewart. 16 year old Silverton boy
on a charge of illegally possessing
and selling liJuor,.has been post
poned until Friday morning. The
boy has been released and p laced
in the custody of his father until
such time as the court can reach
a decision. Stewart confessed to
selling a bottle of moonshine to
another young fellow. . ,
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese- Powers
furniture Co.; : ait
Trade Tour Present Piano i
In as part payment on a Baby
Grand. We have a large stock.
Portland Music Co., 355 N. High
street 5 jlS
Traffic Offender Fined
Lowell Dial of Chicago was
fined $tS in Justice court her$
yesterday on a. charge of driving
a car with improper-license plates.
Dial had Michigan 1926 plates on
his car when :. picked up by state
traffic officers. V
Moved to 230 S. Liberty
Cherry City Cleaners. Tel. 934.
Acre of Frultp .
Edge of Salem, 81.000; close
car south,. Becke & Hendricks,
189 N. High; street. ; J12
- m& syiiiiSini II 'Jtt. - 'r
Chicken Stealer Caught-
Bob QlafffT an employe of the"
Hop Sing bop ranch, was arrested
yesterday, on a charge of stealing
two chickens from Zed Blanken-
ship. Clark wa8 released on his
own recognizance.
Complete Line of
Monarch Electric Ranges at
Hamilton's. aJltf
40 Raits Now 28.&
O. W. Johnson Co., 469 State.
Board Does Not Meet
The Salem board of education
did not hold its meeting Tuesday
evening, postponing it until Jan.
18 for the reason that Dr. H. H.
Olihger, chairman, is ill and sev
eral other members are out of
Attorneys Move Offices-
Donald W. Miles1 and Robin w.-
Day, attorneys at law, hay e moved i
from the Ladd & Bush Bank huUd-
Ing, where tbey have-been for the
past eight years, to 510-511-612
First National Bank building. J18
Steinway Squar Piano-
Fine condition, 7&: 95 u montn
Portland Music Co., 355 N. High
street. J
Former ftatan Man Dies
J. Ill Kolts, formerly a resident
of Salem, died Sunday at his home
in Long Beach, Cal., according to
word received by his niece, Mrs:
W. C. Dyer. He had .been ill only
week ?Mr.fand Mrs. Kolts left
Salem to make their home in Cali
fornia' tit years ago.
. -
Ifcar the Gnlbranson
Registering piano as low as &u
in price; easy terms, i Portland
Music Co., 355 i. High. 315
Warehouse Properties for Sale-
One: 60X165 for $7,000. The
other, a quarter block, at $22,000.
Both have income at present. Suit
able wholesale and some retailing,
packing, stecage, etc and. future
retailing: Becke & Hendricks 189
N. High strjtet:, , , J2
Civil War Veteran Dies J
Funeral services were held on
Tuesday at Halsey for W. J. Crary
who was born at Silverton 79 yeajls
ago. He died at the oifl soldiers'
home at 'iRoseburig tm week.
Crary enlsted In the Union army
at the sge of 16, "and also served
during the Modoc war. He ls
survived by Jour children.
Free This Weejc Only
Prescott s jewelry store is clean
ing men's watches free for dem
onstration. 328 N. Com'l. jll
,.,.. . ,, , . -
Wlnsrjft Sow Piano, f 95
Only $5 a month. Portland Mu
sic Cor., 3 5 5 N. High. J15
X ' ' 'i r i i -i ii i i '
Xurse Society to Meet
f "The practical J nurses society
will meet Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Fred Jackson, 1010 North Cottage
street. Important business is
scheduled. "
Fainnount Hill Home
For, sale, vacant, at 1820 Fair-
mount. street ; rooms and-nook;
every modern feature; room to
cars; landscaped,, 'etc . Price J Is
$7700. Terms to. responsible peo
ple: Becke : & Hendricks, 1 8 9 J.
High street J12
At tomey'ln -New Location '
Cecii Swope. local attorney.
has moved from room 210 Oregon
building to room 229 in the same
building, taking the office recently
vacated by the State Savings;:
Loan association.
Clean, Modern, Sanitary Kooms
For tent 645 Marion street. By
day. week or month: . Hot water
heat, ' three bath rooms. Mrs. " R.
Morris in charge, Tel. 2471, j!2
Release Board Jumper 4
-W L. Craig Jumped hls board
bill at' & local - restaurant . last
week, - t Officers found . him and
brought him here from Portland
Sunday. 5 Rearranged to setlle iip
Take Grange Course . .
Marie F. McCall. Mrs. Madge
C. Taylor,. Mrs. Florence E. Coley
and E. Lea Marsh of Salem are
registered for the annual grange
lecturers' course at . OAC which
opened Monday., Others register
ed from this vicinity include Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Edwards of Mon
mouth, Airs. E. G. Harris and Mr.
and Mrs. P. O. Powll of Dallas.
New Lw Prices
On . high grade auto ' painting.
"Genuine Dupont Duco." Jarman
& . Holcomb, 219 State St: J 13
Annual Mecting j
The, annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Thos. Kay
Woolen Mill Co. will be held on
Tuesday, the 18 th day of January,
at 9:30 a. nr.. at the office of the
company in Salem. ' Election of
directors will " be held ' and' any
other business that may rightfully
be done at said meeting. By or
der of the president. E J. Swaf-
ford, Sec'y..L jl&
Special, All-Wool Overcoats
To close out? $9, $12 and $15.
Boys' suts, one pair pants, $6;
two pair pants, $8 and $9, Also
boys' overcoats and blaxers. Thos.
Kay Woolen Mill Co. ; JlS
Endt Visit .Here
After visiting his daughters,
Anna and Chrlstensen, at the
Deaconess hospital for several
weeks, C. F. Duerkin of Oklahoma
left tor j.he coast Tuesday.
Blue Key Honors-Five
Five new members have been
elected to the Blue Key honorary
fraternity on the Willamette uni
versity campus Victor Carlson,
Claire , Geddes, William Walsh.
Keith Rhodes and Rod Blotch-
ford. ;).; i .
9150 Phonograph, Almost
Like new, 85. 85 a month.
Portland Music Co.. S55 N. High
street. jl5
Hurt in Collision
Injuries to his face were re
ported by Joe Perrin of Snaw as
the result of a collisioni between
his automobile and another driven
by J. V. Dencer, at the corner of
High and State streets. Dencer
claimed that Perrin was on the
wrong side of the street.
Practical Nurses Meet
Mrs. Fred Jason, 1010 N. Cot
tage street, will entertain the
Practical Jfurses' society today at
2 o'clock. Important business is
Story Telling Section
'The story 'telling section of the
Salem Arts league will meet with
the leader; Mrs. Clifton Mudd,
1715Nq.rih Cajltol street, Wed
nesday evening- at 7 o'clock.
To Hold Joint Installation
' Salem Odd Fellows and Rebek
r.hs will hold a joint installation
ceremony "at -the IOOF tempje on
Wednesday evening, " Jan. IS. New
officers for Chemeketa' lodge No.1
1, IOOF. and Salem Rebekah
lodge Ko. 1, will be installed.
William Yarnell, district deputy
grand master, and Mrs.' Elsie
Townsend, district deputy ' presi-.
dent, will officiate as installing of
ficers. The ceremony will be open
to the public.
Construction- Engineer Here
i Fred A.' Fatrey, superintendent
of the Warren Construction com
pany at Benj, passed through Sa
lem Tuesday evening..
Bechtold Visits Here '
; C. C. Bechtold, an executive of
the Western Building & Loan as
sociation, was in Salem Tuesday
evening from Portland, leaving
later in the evening for Albany.
Eugene People Here
1 Harvey Rae and H. T. Holden
were among the Eugene people
who were in Salem Tuesday.
Corvallis Editor in Salem
Claude Ingalls, editor of the
Corvallis QaxUe-Tim -was in 4
Salem yesterday attending tne
legislative sessions. ; j
Eugene Pastor Visits , -
Rev. and Mrs. C. ;Lc Trawin of
Eugene were in Salem last night
attending the special meetings at
the First Baptist church. .
E. A. Miller Speaks i J ,
E. A. Miller, principal of ..the
Grant school here, addressed'the
teachers'-association at Woodburn
last night. He described the work
of the Salem school department of
research and guidance;
jHeld In Jail; ; I . i
Driving on South commercial
Street la such fashion that .he took
UP both sides of., the J street, ac
cording to -th officer's report,
Mert Tallman was arrested prim
arily on a charge of driving on
tire-wrong side? of therstreet.- uut
when 'he caught up and stopped
Tallman, the officer found :wthat
the'i driver ,jwas intoxicated," he
charged, in Sling two complaints.
Tallman was held fa jail.
Fast Driving Alleged
Walter Pearson or Portland was
arrested .late Tuesday evening by
a city traffic officer charged with
driving up State street at 33 miles
an hour. . He was released under
$5 baU.'7 "
Too Many in Seat-
Joe Gllsner, 78& south istn
street, was arrested Tuesday eve
ning charged with driving an auto
mobile with three other persons
m the driver's seat with him.
SILVERTON.' Ore., ijan. 11.-
(Speclal.)-Mr. "and Mrs. 5 Victor
Madsen and Mrs. Ikdsen's mother,
Mrs Ole Satenw were business
callers at Portland Tuesday. Mad-
sen is one of the partners in -the
If yoa are looldog fori cheap,
tranxport ju io nee our 1921
Maxwell touring with SS -rubber,
bumpers, 8. & Mt!
spot light and a car that U
in fine condition in every
way. Our price is only
The House That Service BuHf
The following bills were Intro
duced In the house of representa
tives yesterday:
House bill number 1, introduced
by Mr. Buchanan to amend section
19, chapter 371. general Oregon
laws, 1921. as amended by chabter
33, general laws of Oregon of
1923, regarding operation of mo
tor vehicles.
House bill number 2, introduced
by Mr. Olson, to amend section, 6.
chapter 201. general Oregon laws
for 1921, as amended by section 3,
chapter 96. general Oregon laiws,
1923, as amended by section ,1,
chapter 330. general Oregon laws
1925'. relating to Veterans State
Aid Act.
House bill number 3. introduced
by Mr. Swan to amend chapter
173, general Oregon laws 1923,
relating to withdrawal of districts
from Union High School District.
House bill number 4, introduced
by L. L. Swan . to amend section
8 59 8,. Oregon laws and j to repeal
section 8599. Oregon laws relating
to practice of j osteopathy.
House bill number 5. introduced
by Mr. Swan regarding appeals
from municipal courts, and pro
viding that any person convicted
in any municipal court shall pot
be fined less than $20.00 nor sent
ened to less than 10 days iiff"1aUi
House bill number 6, introduced
by Swan to amend section 426,'
Oregon laws relating to purchase
price of mortgages. . k
House bill number 7. introduced
by Swan to amend section 1, chap
ter 281, 1925 Oregon laws, pror,
viding for a board of forestry con
sisting of the governor, the head
of the forest school at the Oregon
Agricultural College, and 5 elec
tors appointed by governor .Said
board of forestry to supervise all
matters of forest policy and man?
agement. The members of this,
board are to receive no compensa
tion for their services, , except
traveling expenses are to be paid
by tfie state of Oregon.
House bill number 8. introduced
by Mr. Bailey to amend section, 25.
chapter 363. general Oregon laws
1925. regarding peddlers license
11 w
House bill number 9. introduced,
by ftlr. Bailey to amend section94,
Oregon laws relative to joinder of
causes of action.
House bill number 10, intro
duced by the Josephine-Deschutes
county delegation, to amend sec
tion 2597, Oregon laws, fixing the
boundary line between Josephine
and Douglas counties.
House bill number 11. intro
duced by Mr. Hazlett providing Tor
an income tax.
House bill number 12. lntroT
daed hf Mr. Hamilton, to amend;
section 16. of chapter 31. of Ren
erallaws of Oregon 1921, regulat
ing the speed of motor vehicles.
House bill number 13, intro
duced by Bailey to amend section
221, Oregon laws, relating to
homesteads and exemptions.
? ft a , t . .
Fve Jurors Selected by Court
Trying. Texas Clergyman
AUSTIN. Texas, Jan. 11. (by
AP.)-Dr. J. Frank Norris. noted
fundamentalist pastor of Fort
Worth; went to trial for his life
in district court here today with
the law of "apparent danger" as
the ; chtef pillar of his defense.
Five jurors had been selected y
4:30 p. m.
American Industry is setting the
pace for the world in efficiency
and resulting high wages. .
n.. ai i
A chaririing retreat" where
.one .may enjoy mealtime' icu
private t4 " v , i, 1 r
18. Private Booths-
The following bills were intro
duced in the senate yesterday:
SB 4, by Norblad Defining the
term, ocan going vessels.
SB I. l,j"ilaftft Amendlnglthe
statute relating to gambling and
games of chance.
SB 6, "by Strayer . - Amending
sfatutes relating to weed control
districts. ' '
SB 7, by Miller increasing the
maximum speed on state highways
front 30 to 35 miles per hour.
SB 8, by Miller Amending the
statutes relating to protection of;
game birds and gane animals.
SB 9, by MJHer; Amending the
statutes relative to rules of the
roaa. . .
SB 10,, ht Marks Amending
statutes relative to appeals in
criminal actions.
SB 11, by Hall -Amending the
statutes relating to petitions for
calling elections in highway im
provement districts.
SB! 12, by Hail Amending the
(statutes relating to issuanceof
boqds in highway improvement
SB 13, by Hall Making it un
lawful to operate a motor vehicle
without a muffler and providing
a penalty.
SB 14, by Hall Relating to use
of surveyors marks and the mark
ing and establishment of govern
ment eorners.
S0 15, by Hall, Banks an Dunn
of Clackamas Amending statutes
with relation to registration of
license fees for motor vehicles and
declaring an emergency. !
SB 16, by , Hall, by request
Amending statutes relating to
compensation of clerks' in school
SB 17, by Strayer Amending
statutes relating to salaries of
county treasurers.
SB 18,! by Strayer Amending
statutes relating to extermination
and eradication of rodents.
SB 19, by Strayer Amending
statutes With relation to term of
circuit court in eighth district.
SB 20, by Strayer Amending
statutes relating to the salaries of
county Clerks.
Theology Uninteresting
x to American Students
College students of America are
not Interested in historical theol
ogy, anJ they are not worried
about a life to come, but they are
deeply concerned with religion as
ft is concerned with the real prob
lems of life, was the declaration of
James' , Rettie. reporting to the
Willamette university students
who sent him to the national stu
dent 'conference at Milwaukee.
Itettie spoke at the university
chapel exercises Tuesday forenoon.
' Students generally are dissatis
fied with the present economic,
social ' and religious life as they
find it, Rettie said. They are be
ginning to realize, however, a true
conception of world brotherhood,
and that is the reason for .their
stand against war. taken at the
Milwaukee conference.
Public Schools Close as. Tempera
ture Falls to 37 Degrees.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Jan, 11.
(AP) In the wake of the lowest
temperatures In several years,
southern Florida today witnessed
the temporary closing of several
schools and skw overcoats become
the vogue for the first time this
Season, '
. Lack of heating facilities in a
'region where' the sunshine rare
ly proves insufficient for warmth
caused the suspension of public
L ADD & BUSH, Bankers
EutibUshed 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hoar
Lohrj and . Short Distance Hauling
PubKc and Private Storage
. .riPre.DeHTery to any part of the city -
: -
; Farlneirs Warehouse
1 Z Jr;;;r"-iyATJl."TRAGLIO,Irop.,: ' '--;
ay Tclrricr ! 28 1 ; Ni-iit Telephone 1267-W
schools in Miami, Fort Lauderdale
and Broward county.
Five public schools closed at
noon in Miami and several hun
dred children enjoyed a holiday,
Miami's 37 degree temperature at
7 - o'clock this morning was the
coldest since 1920. Fort Lauder
dale thermometers' registered 34,
while other places in southern
Florida reported low tempera
tures It was colder in northern
. f Brant
Joseph A. C. Bcantr died at a
local hospital Jan. 10, age 73. He
is survived by three sons, C. W.
Brant of Salem, L. J. Brant and
Russell Brant, - both ot Portland,
and four ' daughters, Addie Van
Dishorn, Maude L. Roberts of Sac
ramento, Cal., Nellie Ferguson of
Centralia, Wash., and Miss Sarah
Brant of Portland."' Funeral ser
vices well be held at the Webb
funeral parlors Friday at 2 p. m.
Rev.t Tully and". Chad wick chapter
of the Eastern -Star will bare
charge of services there. Pacific
lodge No. 60, AF t AM will con
duct the burial service at City
View cemetery.
Mrs. Ellen Cripps died at her
residence, 1526 North 16 th street,
Jan. 10, aged 69 years. She is
the mother of Irs. D. P. Johnson
of Salem, Mrs. J. J. Johns and
James Cripps. Funeral services
wilt be held from Rigdon & Son
mortuary Wednesday at 10:30 a.
m.. under direction of First Chris
tian Science church. Interment
in City View Cemetery.
Anna Konrad. wife of John
Konrad of route 1, Salem, Oregon,
died at a local hospital on January
11. She is survived by her hus
band and one stepson. The re
mains are in care of the Terwil
liger funeral home and the funeral
announcements will be made later.
Funeral services for the late
Mrs. Filda Zielinski, who died at
her home Jan. 11, . at the age of
69 years, will be held from the
St. Joseph's church Thursday, Jan.
13, at 9 a. m., where requiem high
mass will be offered. Interment
in St. .Barbara cemetery. Rosary
will be recited this evening at the
chapel of the Salem mortuary at
7 o'clock.
to one and all regard
less of creed or class,
with a service that
omits nothing in be
half of bereavement.
Webb's Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
Perfect Funeral Ssrvlee
For Less
Licensed Lady, Mortician
77'Cheineketa Street
Telephone 934
Charter Oak Grey Enamel
Regularly priced at 3135.00.
Offered at a very special
price of only
220 NORTH Commercial Street
10 a. mu to 19.
Building . V,
-' , ...?-
Mrrts Optical ! aoi-302-303
Dr. Henry E. Morris, Oteatfttrist
" rhoa 239 -
C. r. OUlett :..8att 318
. Lawyer Phona 1056 -.-"
im.i.Maw tvwL cour-Avr
ItetaU ome -U.M sn-sia
SUkr ZMspUr . - ll-3ia
OonsultiBx Eaglnaer 310
Execativ Boonu . .30-313
TIephon 27 Td 1858. ,
Frank B. KellOf Public Aeeenntant
Systems AudiUuz Incoma Tax
Phone 1846 .. Bom 308
Kirn ft Wyckoff...
Distrlbntr for Wilsbirt's 4'I-on-a-o'
Socolofsky & Sob .j.; 304-305
Seal Estate, Xouia, iBtnrmac
(After Jan. 15th)
rorsTH zxoob
On. O'Neill & Burdette. OptotaetrUU
Phone 625 ... : 4QL-402-03-404-405
WlUsxA E. Wirti
-.Attorney Phone 185
Xo Action Taken by Association,
According to L. S. Geer
No decision as to what may be
done about rebuilding' the frater
nal temple on Liberty street has
been, reached by ' the Fraternal
Temple asabciation it was stated
Tuesday evening by L.S. Geer,
president of the associatlin, de
nying a newspaper utory published
here yesterday afternoon.
Geer mentioned: that he per
sonally favored rebuilding In case
the property Is not sold by the
time the wreckage is cleared away,
but that statement did not repre
sent ' the- decision of the associa
tion, he declared.
A three-story fireproof structure
was mentioned as a possibility by
Geer, although no definite plans
have been made. '
11. (AP.) Gus Comstock, the
coffee drinking pride of Minne
sota, today gulped his way into
the national championship.
Downing 85 cupfuls in 7 hours
and 15 minutes, Gus brought back
the title from . II.! A, Streety.of
Amarillo, Texas, whose 71-cup
record recently had bettered Com
stock's old mark of 62.
,'omstock, porter In a barber
shop when not .defending his cof
Every Wednesday Nite
1610 North Summer Street Corner Norway 1
Comprising the furniture, etc., ofi the" home of W. B.
Foster and others." Also a few han4 pamtetl picture's and
other miscellaneous articles. Follow the: crowds, to
Woodry's every Wednesday nite. .Private sales of new
and used furniture daily. The cheapest place in Salem
to buy furniture. '
; " -
"It's Warm and Cozy at Woodry V
Thursday, 1:30
1288 State Street
Furniture and f urnishingsof 10 roomed apartments of
real grood furniture, rugs, ;draperies, etc.
F. N. WOODRY v. '
Salem's Leading Auctioneer " : '
Si Saturday,
- . ' 1 - - 1 - - . . . .
; 11610 North Summer, Street
Furniture of evpry description arid lots -of olherfthirigs. Farmers
bring' in anything you want cold.. -Phone Tne for arranscmc nU
as early as possible. .Farmers, this is yoin day. take advantajjo
of it--the same honest treatment will always be extended you,
Auctioneer and Furniture DealerPhf!r.3 Sll
. . n
".:H;:! ' '
,v rf '5; i' 1 i
rrrrH rxooa
KobiA Day end Donald "W. Milee
1 Attorneys at IW ;
Phone 193. ..- :- - 510-511-512
Drs. Zvtsl Schmidt It CavaofB..502-503
H - r Dentlsta
- ' SIXTH IXOOg .' " :
X. H. Sanders, M. D-, Physiclam Surgeon
- -J,.- - Saita 603 - K -Office'
Ptona, 613. , Jteildenca, 8348
G. X. Vehrt,- M. S.. Physldaa Surgeon
. .).. . Snit 603
Office, Phone 16. Residence, 773
Sr. H. B. JScofleM.
Chiropractor, Ketirocalometer Serrico
fee laurels, was cheered by a large
crowd thiat jammed a hotel where
Gus imbibed the coffee. It didn't
cost Gus a nickel, as tha hotel
paid the bill; t t '
Treated by Osteopathy, Dietet
ics. Radiant Therapy and Elec--trical
Therapy Including Dr.
Abrams' Electronic System.1
i No Charjre for
" j Consultation ; , '. J
Physician and Surgeon s
SOO U. S. Nat'I. Rank Bldf.
SaJeiu, Oron
Yick So Herb Co; "
EstM. 18 Vciirs in' Salem i
j ST. If. L,EON3, 3Igr. i '
If other treatments have failed
try our Chinese remedies for
asthma, bronchitis, croup and
cough.j We have given relief to
many suffering' with throat
trouble. Never neglect a cold.
We also treat all' disorders of
men, women and children.
! Consultation Free , ,
Cull or wtIUv 120-420 State St.,
Salffln, Oregon, Phone
P. MJ This Week
Farmers Day .,..
.1:30 Mo
t and Mrs. Clyde' H. Mock at 1510
L&iL Grocery k t SUrert :aili
yesterday and was : released xram