The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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LovaltyWeek Campaign
.. OjjecT at i Presbyterian I
.Church. on Sunday -
' following re excerpts from
th opening ermon of the Loyalty
" Week CampaUn of the First Pre
Ijrterian churctffcypr.- Norman.
K,Tuilv. ;
, ".' writes to. Timothy and ad
"taptflsheii himto build up "the
jrhtirch ofthe LlTjns God. the pil
lar : and. ground .-"of truth." The
tsbnrelt Is -a prtniay Institution of
'oHetr. bAcause truth Is estab
lUhed' and made "refcivaiit in our
llTeji. . We can, engage In no more
necweary or arduous irork thsn In
building our portion of the auk
Serial sorjety :of Christian be
lievers. tt us build! according
t ; the pattern laid down in the
New; Testament.
Xotlce j how ? that church grew.
First It grew numerically, begin
ning with the Twelve, expanding
to- 120,vtben 3.000,' then daily ad
ditions,: then" 5.000 men besides
omen ' sud children, : and after
taat several summaries to the ef
fect that "multitudes'? were being
added at frequent -intervals. Sec
ond, it grew geographically, from
Jerusalem, ? through Jade and
Samaria, 'across Asia Minor and
Europe, to. the "utter-most parts
of the '! earthy Third. K grew
spiritually ;.'the book of the Acts
mentions the Holy Spirit specifi
cally over eighty times, and
hoxbrs Him more than any other
ooojc Jn, the Bible. Fourth, it
A Jtrew InfluenUally. "exceedingly
troubling" wicked men, and "turn
ing the world upside down." So
mightily u grew the church and
prospered.. '
' Utery effect has . an adequate
Trase. 'This gTowth did not come chance, The Scripture
re-veals explicitly what that cburch
dht gr.ow. First, it was
' a jrraying church, meeting "not
nly! publicly in the temple, but
"from' house to house. The' mem
bers continued steadfastly in "the
apostles' doctrine and fellowship
breaking of bread and prayers."
Pentecost; with the first ingather
ing.. ca,me . after a protracted
pfayer-meettng. Second; it was a
teaching church. Its Divine Head
catne "teaching: and preaching'
iwr went the first, church members
across Asia Minor and Southeast
ern Europe. An instance Is Paul
In IThessalonica "opening and al
leinr out of the Scriotures" the
facts and 'doctrines about Christ;
aiao, Aquua ana rnscuia msiruc
t4 Appollos "more accurately" in
the Word. Third, it was a giving
rhhrch. - Everyone, on the Sah-
batn.'as cod bad nrosoered him
gave.aa a. paitot worship. Again
and again Paul iook up special
benevolent ofMrtngs. Fourth, it
was. a' missionary, church, sending
- its leaders; notably Paul, to carry
toe doctrine of Justification by
faith to the regions, beyond.. Fifth,
it:;wa an exnectant church. With
Its- face upturned, looking for the
coming'of the Lord.'. ' It was on
tlotoe always: it had to be up and
46lag; for who can tell what will
nappe n when the Lord comes
aowni 'Finally, it was a sacrificial
church, glorying only . In the crpss,
proclaiming none but "Christ and
him crucified," f'to the Jew. a
tombling-block, ;to the Greek
foolishness, but unto them that be
lieve the power of God unto sal
ration." - Now, brethren, here we are be-
rlaninir a "Loyalty Month Cam
palgn.r iif which we want to grow
: Id tiwiinbers In equipment, in at
tendance;1 In interest.' and in spirit
ual power. What shall we do and
now sbair we act. to achieve these
purposes T The' answer is plain;
the pattern is eleaa. God always
' honors those who foUow his plan.
Let' n pray.-ffor. a. closer walk
with Go4.for the energUing of
out minds, for vision and develop
ment; let' us teach; let Us give as
Christians should; let us be a mis
sipnary church: let us hold up the
cross, enter gladly into "the fel
lowship of Its sufferings," in order
that the Holy Spirit may raise us
to. nearness of life.
Buy at Director's and save, $20
men'a aU wool suits !.. in Di
rector downstair tore; gz.50
slicker pants. '.; t0 alicker
coats, $1.6 1; too toe rubbers, 19c
( )
The Auburn Community Club
will meet at the school house Fri
day. January 14th at 7:30. l
: .There will be a program of local
- talent, and refreshments and a
social hour will follow. All neigh
bora and friends are invited to at
tend. ' i"--- '"':v- '
' Mrs. C. E. Earls received , y
r telegram the sad news of the sud
den; death of her mother who with
-her- husbsnd ; was ' spending the
winter .with her daughter in Cal
' Ifornia. Mrs. Earla, left Sunday
to he: with tbo lerieted ones.
" Tha Dixie Bakery, leada on high
class- breads.;- pies, cookies and
' fancy . baked supplies- of every
' klud.; Best by tosU 'AskTold is
toraera. 439 Court St. (
Salvation Army to Hold !
Series of; Special Meets
VTe Slvstloa Amy aunouuecs
a special serics.'oT public "meetings
to! take palace-at tbeirhall. "24t
State street, this week as follows:
Tuesday.: "Old timet Raally?, with
titf -coaTjrtsiakins part; . Vcd-
"Tuesday "OH Tiine Ray jfc with
meeting, - wun r. tL Davis, state
president from 'Portland" as the
speaker: Thursday. W. R. Could.
of Eola, will speak on The Amer
ican Flag; and Its Origin." Satur
day night will be known as "Leslie
M. E. Church night." when Rev.
and Mrs. J. W. DeYoe. together
with . Mrs. John Ulrlch and the
Leslie young people's league, will
have : full charge of the Bervlce.
Street meetings held at
30 p.'m., while all Indoor ser
vices will begin at 8 p. m.
C. F. Brelthaupt, - florist and
decorator, S12 State. Phone 380
Flowers, bulbs, floral designs for
all occasions. Pioneer and leader
fn Salem. ()
Acclimated ornamental nursery
ftock, evergreens, rose bushes,
fruit and shade - trees at Pearcy
Bros, in season. We have our own
nurseries, 178 S. Com'L ()
Halik & Ebff Electric Shop, 337
Court St. Everything electric.
from 'motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. Get prices and
look at complete stock. ()
Dr. James W, Kramer De
livers Excellent Messages;,.
Singing Attracts
The revival meetings at the
First Baptist church are in full
swing right from the first., Sun
day being a great day in every
way, for attendance and interest.
The church was filled to capacity
in the' morning and Dr. James W.
Kramer preached on "What Is a
Bible Reviva?." In the evening
the auditorium was too small to
accommodate the crowd and the
prayer meeting room was opened
for an overflow. Dr. Kramer de
livered a powerful message on
"The Go-Oetter Church." The
singing was a splendid feature of
the meeting. Frank McCravy is a
past-master in the art of song
leading. He soon had the audi
ence in full swing with the lively
tunes and wonderful effects were
produced with the old favorites.
The choir filled the platform and
rendered special numbers. The
audience was enthusiastic and re
sponded to every appeal that the
evangelists made.
Last evening, though it was
"blue Monday," the church was
again filled to capacity, and Dr.
Kramer, (Big Jim) preached on
the subject, "What I saw at Third
and Market Streets, San Fr ah Cis
co." There was wit and pathos
in the message. The audience
laughed with him and then felt
the power of truth and the preach
er turned the message to drive
home the conviction of the world's
need of a Saviour. "Big Jim" is
a great preacher, and no mistake.
He holds the attention of his audi
ence and sways it at will. To
night his message will be "Honest-tO-God
Folks." Mr. McCravy will
sing. The public is invited. Mem
bers of other churches will find
inspiratibh 'and help in these
meetings, and tboBe who are not
members Of any church at all will
be pressed with the fine way in
which these evangelists carry on
their meetings.
New wMt n f
A large ship
ment Just in. New patterns, new
shades In the popular pull-over
and coat styles. Scotch Woolen
Mills. ()
Hungry? Don't wait, order
some Better Yet Bread from your
grocer. It Is fresh, wholesome
and clean. Made by the Better
Yet Baking Co. ()
Announce Speakers for
YMCA Forurri Meet Friday
Three speakers for the Y.M.C.A.
forum program Friday evening
were announced today by Manager
C. A. Kelts. Ellen Gilbert will
speak on "My Work With Boys";
Asa Eoff on "Electrifyin tho
Modern Home" and C. J. Lisle on
"The Eveloution of Firearms." In
addition, every member of the for-um-who
attends will talk for five
minutes on some subject of gen
eral Interest.
"Lady of title Is williug to in
troduce Americans or others wish
ing to enter London society;- re
muneration required and refer
ences. E. M.'R."
All ISIellp
in one tablet for
- Modem science has developed lour
effective helps for colds, v Now they
are combined in one tablet, - called
MILL'S.- One of the world's largest
laboratories perfected the prescription.
It is sd well-proved, so quick and com
plete that we 'paid $1.000000 for" it.
HILL'S stops a cold jn 24 hours.
It checks the ? fever, opens tfce1wcl
tones the entire system. It U kept
ever-ready , in. millions of homes by
people who have proved its powers. '
Don't rely ot lesser help. And don't
delay.v A cVJd need never develop if.
you beep HILL'S on hand. And it
rccd not continue when you get it.
Start it now.,'." :- ' v
E rt If i&fi J
. . . -.
C." -"V
.. . . r - '
Henry Meyers and W. B.
Bartrum Employed by
Board of Control
Henry Meyers, part i owner of
the Miles Linen mills, and Colonel
W. B. Bartrum, "field representa
tive for the Oregon Linen mills,
yesterday were employed by the
state board of control to make a
complete survey of the state peni
tentiary industries. The investi
gators will file their report with
Governor Patterson.'
The' survey will include an in
ventory of all flax stocks, machin
ery and other equipment. An ac
counting of the prison books also
will be made by some person yet
to be selected by the board of
control. The investigators Said
that approximately a month would
be required to complete the under
taking. As soon as the report is com
pleted and filed 'with: Governor
Patterson it will be condensed by
attaches of the executive depart
ment and released to the press.
It was decided to make the survey
of the prison industries because of
conflicting reports that have gone
out with relation to the assets and
Colonel - Bartrum has been en
gaged in the flax industry for
many years. Prior to locating in
Salem he was connected with sev
eral large linen mills in Canada
and Europe.
Mr. Meyers was until recently
owner of a large department store
in Salem. He also has had ex
perience in the linen industry.
The Cherry City Baking Co's
bread, pies and cake are of high
est Quality. One pt Oregon's most
sanitary bakeries; visit it. Worth
while. A Salem show place. ()
Quality painting, both varnish
and lacquer work, fn onr modern
equipped paint shop. ' Washing,
greasing and night service; tire
repairs. Wood's Auto Service. ( )
Three Said to Have Stolen Auto
Blearing Wednesday
Four Marion county boys, no
one of them over 16 years old,
fac e crime charges in juvenile
court this week. Three of them
are charged with stealing an auto
mobile, the fourth with illegal
possession and sale -of liquor.
Jay Stewart , must answer the
liquor charge tomorrow morning
before Cbunty Judge J. T. Hunt.
He is said to have admitted selling
moonshine to a young Silverton
fellow named Whitlock, who will
appear as a witness. Stewart told
the county court and Assistant
District Attorney Barney Page
that he found the liquor and then
left it where he first saw it.
Whitlock came along later Ste
wart said, and asked where he
could buy some hootch. Stewart
then got the bottle and sold It to
No evidence has yet been intro
duced that would show that older
persons had anything to do with
the fact that Stewart got hold of
the moonshine, but this phase of
the case will be investigated.
The three boys charged with
stealing an automobile are held in
the city jail on authority of the
juvenile court. Their case will be
"I was bothered with a hard persistent
coagh,and triad othar madiciaes, bat
none were so good and so relieving
as Foley's Honey andT&r Compound."
B. Boggesai
Pomona, Calif.
i. -
Coaghs mnd thro t irritations, hmxd
branchiMl boaghml iiagering "flu"
coughs, yield quickly to
F01EYS H02IE5rwTfR
Liked by children effective for
Sold at Capitol Dng Stors
And His Sales Room
Now Located At
217 a High St.
' With E; Tallman
- .'. . .;JV- " ' 1 :' ' ' i,i
The place where you can get the bif f:
sweet pble! French pruhej trees; whiclv f
will bnng r6u , the big sweet prune
like thebneAvhich Mr7 Andrews hasP T
exhibited for three years it the State
F i - . -
air.- : .:;.-.;'' .-
. ,'','A XtH -: I . VPcr ' ; ;- Per . L
1 i ivrv: i
6 to 8 ft
4 to 6 ft
3 to 4 ft-
2 f- . ,- . ... -, ' .
heard Wednesday morning-at 10
o'clock.-" " 7 i ' ' -
j These boys, Phil Wllbury: 15;
Leonard Schaeffer, ISr and
Thornton Coffey,' 16, were arrest
ed early Sunday morning by city
and state officers, who found tbem
in possession of an automobile be
longing to Harry Levy, Salem
business man.
j Levy parked his car downtown
Saturday evening and reported it
missing later that night. The
boys had gone out to the Hazel
Green dance hall and were appre
hended on their way back. I
Stop, look, and listen to our ap
peal. If you are not absolutely
satisfied with your laundry prob
lem. call 185. Hand work oir
specialty. ()
Nash Furniture Co. takes! the
lead with low prices on chairs,
rockers, tables, wood and steel
beds, springs, mattresses. Saves
you 95. 219 N. Com'L ()
They Will Hold Their Usual
Annual Banquet on Satur
day Evening Next
The Marion-Polk County Realty
board at their regular monthly
business meeting last night elected
officers for the ensuing year. L.
E. Oberer was elected president,
W, G. Krueger. first vice president,
J. F. Ulrich. second vjee president
Winnie Pettyjohn secretary, and
Walter M. Pennington treasurer.
The executive committee elected
was E. B. Grabenhorst, Leo N
Childs and E. A. Miller.
The annual banquet will be held
next Saturday evening at 6:30 at
Hotel Marion, at which J. Fred
Stover will be the principal speak
er. He is the vice president for
Oregon of the Pacific Northwest
Real Estate association. The in
auguration of the new officers will
be had at the banquet. There
will be music and a general good
We are state distributors for
the Viking tires and tubes. Mal-
.com's Tire Shop, corner Court atfd
Commercial streets. Drive in" for
your tires. ()
Cross Meat Market. Biggest
busiest and best in Salem. Choicest
steaks, bacon, hams, sausage, lard,
eggs, milk. Absolutely sanitary.
370 State St. ()
b a a o p a a a a n
Like you have never seen
These pianos have been'
serviced and put in the
best of condition and are
We also have the
line of pianos at
$300 and up
Piano Tuning
Expert Watch Repairing
Whilley- Sproule
Music Co.
463 Ferry
-Each 100 ; 1000
50 40.00
150.00 ,
Used V
Pianos j
j - r
Miller Introduces First Bill
Affecting Vehicles Owned
by Salesmen
. Creation of a state board at edu
cation which would supplant the
existing state textbook commis
sion, state board of higher curri
cula and the present state board
of education, was provided in a bill
infjoduced by Senator Eddy.
The board of education would
be composed of seven members
who would be appointed by the
governor. Three inembers of the
board shall be practical educators
actually ingaged in the profession
of eaching. The four remaining
members of the board shall be
selected from other walks of life.
No member of the board shall ba
in any way connected with - the
university of Oregon, the Oregon
agricultural college or the state
normal schools. The state super
intendent of public instruction
shall be the executive officer of
the board. '
,It shall be the duty of the board
of education to outline courses of
study in the public schools and
select textbooks. The board also
would have jurisdiction over all
private schools. Members of the
board shall not receive any sal
ary, but would be allowed their
actual expenses while engaged in
official duties.
Senator Miller of Josephine
county has the distinction of in
troducing the first bill in the sen
ate at the 1927 session of the
legislature. The bill offered by
Senator Miller would eliminate
from the provisions of the so-call-
here is a
whole field of public wants and heeds,
prices have been ruthlessly uprooted.
Participate in this
Mammoth Event; the
ed peddlers motor vehicle license
law vehicles owned or operated by
commercial . salesmen. ,-. The pres
ent law makes it incumbent upon
so-called peddlers to pay a license
fee 50 per cent in excess of the
regular license fee.
Another bill introduced in the
senate today provides for the
amendment pi the existing statute
relating to the foreclosure of tax
liens. This bill was 'introduced
by Senator Eddy.
MacDonald's Farmers' Almanac
of 1927, which gives the predic
tion about crops, the weather,
sickness, lucky days and future
events. Only 20c at J. F. Tyler's
Drug Store. 157 S. Com'l. ()
. Eiker Auto Co., Ferry at Lib
erty St. Autos stored and bought
and sold. Cars washed day and
night. Low prices and service will
make long friends. ()
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. (AP)
Two grand juries had a perfect
right to ask Earl Carroll, theatri
cal producers, whethey anyone oc
cupied a bathtub at a party in his
theater, although they were spe
cifically investigating an alleged
liquor law violation, the United
States circuit court of appeals
ruled today in affirming Carroll's
conviction and sentence.
On Feb. 22. 1926, Carroll gave
Melt in spoon; Inhale vapors;
apply freely up nostrils.
V vap
Qpr 1 T Million Jarm Ud Yearly
on the widest scope ever attempted by us,
sale whose opportunities overflow the
(UNo postponing, no waiting for a "better sale" This
is GJ. Breier's greatest sale of all time utilize it to
the utmost NOW! The savings stagger the imagination!
STWithout doubt thisis the GREATEST retail merchan
dising event ever held in the West,--coveririff as it
does, a territory from tCentral California to
border, reaching1
individual shoppers
After an intensivestudy of the ever growing needs of this progressive,
forward-moving chain, we have decided to. inaugurate a new rnerchan
dising policy with the new year. Which explains this drastic price-cut-tmcr
event now launched to "clean house" of all seasonable merchan
nise m nrenaration-for the new rjftiWt; u j r
nhistoiTMnaking event opens
to Srifty people n be here' Nothing else : is more important
v.? iBL 6fit tale VaV
ai:e unparalleled. Price, slashing hag been most daring
Arfe Vital
. t - -
a patty in his theater ahd news
paper , accou nts said-that Joyce
Hawley.. a show girl," had served
men guests ; liano front a bath
tub in which she was seated, un-
draped. Federal Officials ordered
an. investigation of the; report that
liquor ; had been: served. Carroll
denied before two federal grand
juries that liquor had beep served
and that anyone pad occupied, a
tub. He was Indicted for perjury
for both "statements. , :
A jnrv convicted him of perjury
in saying no one was in the tub,
but Innocent in saying, no liquor
was served. Appeal was made on
the ground that the grand jury in
vestigating was concerned with
liquor law violation and that ques
tions concerning occupation of the
tub was immaterial to the issue.
PORTLAND, Jan. 10. (AP)
The Oregon State Council of Fish
ermen, temporarily formed in
December, was made Into a per
manent organization at a meeting
held Sunday in the labor temple.
Late Model Chevrolet Coupe
By Owner .
Liberal Terms
as it does, countless
in all walks-of life.
on Thursday.- January
f The council is made up of 11 lot al
fishermen's nnion from along the
coast and the-Columbia river, it
was organized for mutual protec
tive purposes. ;
Gargle Aspirin
or Sore Throat
Al harmless and effective gargle
Is to dissolve" two "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin?, in four tablespoonfula
of water, and gargle throat thor
oughly. Repeat in two hours if
Be sure you use only the genu
ine! Bayer Aspirin, marked with
tbej Bayer Cross,-which can be had
in tin boxes of twelve tablets for
few cents. Adr.
Martin, 23
the Cana-
13th. at 9:30
56 fereier
Will Open 56 Doore
ori Thursday Jan. 13