The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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V ...
Final Order Meyer Estate
The county court has granted
the final order in the estate of W.
M. Meyer, a
Cigar Store and Card Room
Doing big business, fine loca
tion, Terms, cash. t See. -W. H.
Rrabennorst & Co., realtors, 134
B. Liberty St. Jll
3IOTe to S-pprm r .
4A-motion to -suppress evidence
oered by the state was made by
defendants, Scotty Speight, Joe
Ackerman and Arnold Selm in cir
cuit court yesterday afternoon.
Judge Percy Kelly has the motion
under advisement. The three men
were indicted by the grand jury
for the illegal possession of liquor.
Their case is now listed to come
up January 24th, Barney Page, as
sistant district attorney, said last
1927 Calendars Free, Homer II.
Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers.
Speeding Is Charged
Charles Curry of Albany and
N. Mann of Portland were arrested
Sunday on separate charges of
speeding. Hermann Lanke was
charged with driving with his
cutout open.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Qiese- Powers
Furniture Co. a2tf
Fined for Drunkenness
Miles Randall was fined $10 in
Recorder Mark Poulsen's court
Monday, pleading guilty to a
charge of drunkenness.
Cleaning and Pressing
Cherry City Cleaners. Tel. 934.
Failed to Sto
Earl Viesco of 1343 South Lib
erty street was fined $5 for failing
to stop before entering a through
street, and Grant Rice was fined
$1 for overtime parking, in Re
corder Mark Poulsen's court to
day. 1
Moved to 230 X. Liberty
Cherry City Cleaners. Tel. 934.
Instrument Stolen -
A trumpet belonging to Harvey
Thomas was reported stolen from
the Mellow Moon dance hall early
Sunday morning.
Hotel Marion
Dollar dinner,' served 5:45 to 8
every evening. n26tf
Coupe 1m .Missing
The Ford coupe belonging to
Frank Roner, 9 $5. Broadway, was,
reported stolen shortly after mid
might Sunday night. It had 1926
license plates numbered, 40-629.
Waller Hall, 'January 17
Carl Sandburg.. Tickets. 75c. at
ias and Patton's. jll
Vscd Expired Permit
Charles F. Sample of Sasto.
Cat, was fineQ $5 in Recorder
Mark Poulsen's court Monday on
a charge of operating his automo
bile after his Oregon permit had
Atwater Kent
One dial radio. Viek Bros. Tel.
1841. jl3
Brick Building for Sale
Excellent lease. -will net 9 per
cent. Prie cut from $22,500 to
$21,000. Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High street. jl2
; ,
Alleged Beggar Rearrested
Charged last week with beg
ging and held in jail until this
jjnorning, Ed Lasky was released
Monday morning with' instructions
from the police to. get out of town
within an. hour. At the end of
-that time the officers found Lasky
still in the city, and allegedly in
toxicated as a result of drinking
canned heat. His case will be
Lcard in municipal court.
Jlardiuan Piano, 135
$10 down. $8 month. Portland
jMusic Co.. 355 X. High. J15
Only ft
For cleaning and pressing suits
and wool dresses. Varley's Up
stairs Cleaners. First class work.
Over Busick's. Tel. 1981. ' j9
Wrong Lieenwe Alleged
, La Verne Davis of- Perrydale
was arrested early- Sunday morn
ing on a charge of using switched
plates on his car.
Chick Tor Sale Kvcry Tuesday
Sialem Chickeries, 264 N. Cot.
Spcrial. All-Wool Overcoat
j: To close out. $9, $12 and $15.
Boys suits, one pair pants, $8;
fwoijair pants. $8 at4 $5. Also
boys overcoats and blazers. Thos.
Kay Woolen Mill Co. J13
- . '
tRnrschraan to Build
V A building permit to erect a
onc-Htory dwelling at a cost of
i$5.000 at 1325 North Sixteenth
-.St.. was issued to W. C. Rutscbman
, today from the office of Recorder
'Mark Poulsen.
Ctonplrte Line of
Monarch El c trie Ranges at
Hamilton's. slltf
e 3 our 1 "resent Flan
la as part payment on a Baby
Grand J Wo have a large .stock.
i-oq land Music Co., 355 N. High
street.; - J15
"Will Add to Shop '
C. J; Pugh has taken out a per
rait to build' an addition' costing
$900 to his machine shop at 550
south z 1st street,. '
'Acre f Fruit
" i Edge of. Salem. $1,000:' dos
car ! aoatb. Becke &-Hendricks,
JN.jUigb street, v Jll
Mayor on Trip South-
Mayor T. A. Livesley has gone
to San Francisco on a business
trip. He will return to Salem on
Steinway Square Piano
Fine condition, $75; $5 a month
Portland Music Co.. 355 N. High
street. j!5
Auto I Recovered
An automobile belonging to H.
Dodson, reported missing Satur
day night, was located Sunday by
the police, parked near the cor
ner of North Liberty and Ship
ping. Xevc Low Price
On high grade auto painting.
"Genuine Dupont Duco." Jarman
6 Holcomb, 219 State St. J13
Censorship Is Sought
Censorship of public dances,
motion pictures and other shows,
will be urged upon the city coun
cil by the ministerial association,
that body decided at Monday's reg
ular, meeting. A cgmmittee was
appointed to bring this matter be
fore the council, and another to
cooperate with other local organi
zations In legislative matters.
Only 75c to Hear and Sec
Carl Sandburg, greatest Ameri
can writer atter wmtman, at
Waller Hall, Jan. 17th. Tickets
at Atlas and Patton's. jll
Fairmonnt Hill Home
For sale, vacant, at 1820 Fair-
mount street; 6 rooms and nook;
every modern feature; room two
cars; landscaped, etc. -Price is
$7700. Terms to responsible peo
ple. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N.
High street. J12
Nursing- Committee Meets
The county nursing committee
met Monday noon at luncheon at
the Gray Belle.
Giese-Powers January Clearance
-Sale-continues. Reductions 10
to 50 per cent jll
Overstuffed Furniture i
Made to order and re-covered
Salem Wicker and Overstuffed
Manufacturing Co., 2218 State
Tel. 2230. jl2
Students' Fiiud Large "
The Salem high school student
body, fund showed a balance: of
$2239.50 at Ihe end ' of Decem
ber, according .to a financial re
port submitted to George W. Hug,
school superintendent, by Merritt
Davis, treasurer.
Vietrola Console, Like New
$65; $5 a moWn. Portland Mu
sic Co.. 355 N. High. jl5
Health Officer Lectures
Dr. Walter H. Brown, county
health officer and head of the
county health demonstration, was
in Portland Monday night to give
the introductory lecture in the
second emester of the course of
fered by the Oregon State Medi
cal society for physicians on health
examinations. .
Giese-Powcrs January Clearance
Sale continues. Reductions 10
to 50 per cent. jll
Calls Mass Meeting
The general public and those
particularly interested in the old
age pension act to . he introduced
in the legislature at its . coming
session, are invited to attend the
I mass meeting to be held at the
salvation Army nan weanesaay.
night, commencing at 8 o'clock.
F." E. Davis, statet president of the
O. A. P. league, will be the speak
er. SOc Chicken Dinner Tomorrow
Noon at the Black Cat. jll
Country" Club Meet
The Illahee Country club will
hold its annual meeting and elec
tion of officers Wednesday even
ing at the Chamber of Commerce
rooms. This meeting was post
poned' from an earlier date. Re
ports on the year. just ended will
be heard.
$02.1 Bush & Gerts Plan
Like new, '$325; a month
buys it. Portland Music Co., 355
N. High street. jl5
Five Acre Tracts for Sale
On paved road, near. Salem, best
of soil. $25 down, balance $10
per' month. Price, $1500 each. W.
H. Grabenhorst & Co., 134 S. Lib
erty St. jl4
Taken III While on Yi.nlt
K. L. Law of Marion, a resident
of Salem for many years, was tak
en suddenly ill while visiting in
this city yesterday. He is at the
Willamette sanitarium. Mrs. Law
is with him, having accompanied
hint tn the trip. to Salem.
The Kntlre Stock Most Go
In our big closing out sale now
in progress. The Capital . Ex
change, 342 N. Commercial, jll
School Board to Meet
The Salem board of education
will hold its first meeting of the
new year on Tuesday evening in
S a pf.i 'George; W. Hug's office in
the high school building.
Clean, Modem, Sanitary Itooma
For tent 645 Marion street By
day.week or month. ' Hot water
heat, three bath .rooms. Mrs. R.
Morris ih charge. Tel. 247K jl2
Meeting ; Scheduled-
: National Horticultural Farm
Loan association will hold a meet
ing -thhj afternoon at tho - local
chamber of commerce rooms.
Special All-Wool Overcoats '
' Ttr dose out, . $9, $12 and $15.
Boys Buitsbne pair pants,- $ $ :
two-pair pants, $8 and $9. Also
beys' overcoats and" blazers. ' Thos.
Kay Woolen Mill Co 113
Speeder Arrested . t .
Floyd, WIson was arrested yes
terday by state traffic officers on
a charge of speeding. ; He pleaded
guilty to the charge ' in justice
court here and was fined $10,
- " i i. Ji
f 130 lbonograph,J Almost'
Like new, $35. $5, a month.
Portland Music Co,., -355 N. High
street. J15
Man Jailed for ;Fraud
W. I' Craig was arrested yes
terday by Walter De Long, con
stable, on a charge of defrauding
a boarding house keeper. Craig is
said to u have left town without
paying his hill at a local restau
rant. He was arrested when he
came back." Craig is held in the
county jail. No bail has been set
as yet ; 71
Warehouse Properties for Sale-
One 50x165 for $7,000. -The
other, auarter hlock; at $22,000.
Both have income at present. Suit
able wholesale and some retailing,
packing, storage, etc, and future
retailing. Becke & Hendricks 189
N. High street. - jl2
County Business Quiet
There was "less activity than
usual at the court house yester
day. Most pf the attorneys in town
seemed to nave knocked off and
gone up to the state house to see
the legislature get started safely
along the lines recommended in
the messages delivered by gover-nor-that-was
and govemor-that-is.
Only the marriage license business
held up. The county clerk did his
duty for two young couples
Harold J. Leah, 23, Vernonia, and
Cleta -Evans, 19, Silverton; Ray
T. McKee, 22, Silverton, and
Olive Morley, 21, Silverton.
Free This Week Only
Prescott's jewelry store .is clean
ing men's watches free for dem
onstration. 328 N. Com'l. jll
Tusto Back at Desk
111 for a week and in bed part
of the time. Arthur Tasto of the
county clerk's office was back at
his desk yesterday.
At the Kltdnore, Jan. 27tli
Moroni Olsen Players in "Out
ward Bound." Tickets, $2.20.
$1.65, 50c, at Patton's and the
Atlas. jll
Name Osltorn Adininjntratr
Ronald Glover has been ap
pointed administrator for the es
tate of Don B. Osborn. killed re
cently near Marion when he failed
to get out of the way of an .S. P.
train while working with a sec
tion gang.
. ..Wing & Son Piano, $95
Only S5 a month. Portland Mu
sic Co., 355 N. High. jl5
Mary Andrew Appointed
To administrate the estate of
D. A.tThompson, valued at $4600,
Mary'F. Andrew has been named.
She will also, act as guardian for
the Thompson children.
Hear the Gulbrantton '
Registering piano as,low as $4 50
in price; eay terms. Portland
Music Co., 355 N. High. jl5
Horse, No Harness
When thieves went to the place
owned by E. Brattl, Aurora, they
stole the harness but left the
horses. Brattl reported the theft
to -the sheriff yesterday.
Prune Case St a 1. On
Prunes were still in the. docket
when Judge Percy Kelly's circuit
Court recessed last night. The
case of Prince versus Kurt- is a
controversy over payment for
prunes. It should be finished up
some time today.
This Week
I clean all men's watches free
to demonstrate .my ability as a
watchmaker. L. G. Prescott, jew
eler, 328 N. Com'l. jll
Nelson at Eugeni-
Principal J. C. Nelson of the
Salem high school, is in Eugene,
where he will address the senior
English classes in the university
high school this morning. Last
night he addressed the philosophy
club on the University-of Oregon
campus, discussing Count Keyser-
ling and his educational ideas.
Will Attend Conference
C. A. Howard, state superin
tendent of public instruction, and
Made to Order
Recovering and
Complete Line of
Wicker Ware " '
. Salem Wicker & '
. . '' - - v : . . . j - -
-: Overstuffed
Furniture Mfg;. Co.;
2218 State Phorie 2230
t 7
hi n n n
SAYS:" 1
We are giving special prices
on Ford touring. We are
over-stocked and can save
you money on a Ford tour
fcK from 102O to . 1926
models. ... . -
The House That Service Built
Supt. George W. Hug
of theSa-
lem schools, will go to Kugenerlate
this week to attend;tej conference
of all junior high schools oCthe
Elk i Leader Coming :
The Salem lodge of Elks will
be visited at Thursday evening's
session by Charles H. Graeklowi of
Philadelphia? grand exalted ruler
of the order. A reception commit
tee to meet him will include
Frank Wrigutman, Charles Archer
and C. P. Bishop.
Delegates to Iieave :
Delegates from the Salem high
school to the state high school
conference at Eugene this coming
week-end will be Kenneth Allen,
student body president; Donald
Deckebach, editor of the annual;
Merritt Davis of the faculty, and
student body treasurer, and Miss
Ada Ross, faculty advisor.
Dan re Tuedy Night -
Security Benefit association
dance (relief benefit). Admission
50 cents a couple. McCornack hall,
Tuesday night. jll
Bower in Portland
Sheriff Oscar D. Bower was ip
Portland yesterday on business.
Fisher to Meet Garth
Buddy Fisher is scheduled to
meet a youth by the name of
Garth in a boxing match at the
Silverton armory tonight at 8:30
o'clock. Both boxers are fast and
both are confident of victory.
There will he plenty of! action for
the followings of the boxing game.
Attends Inauguration
Mr. and Mrs. G. C.I Eshelman
of Portland attended the inaugu
ration yesterday -in Salem.
Here From McMinnville
W. W. Nickell, former county
assessor of Yamhill county, was
in Salem yesterday, from McMinn
ville attending the inauguration
Ducks Defeat Blackbirds
Last Night by Score 31-29
By the narrow margin of one
baskot. the "Ducks" defeated the
"Blackbirds" on the YMCA bas
ketball court Monday evening. 31
29. The game was hard fought
from the beginning, with first one
team and then the other in the
lead. At the end of the regular
playing time the score was tied,
and an extra three minutes was
necessary to decide the contest.
The Ducks will play the Oregon
Journals Wednesday.
The teams:
fDavenport 11 .
. . Siegman
7 Kafoury
16 Beachler
2 Gaines
Marr 2
Hale 4
Hagemann 2 .
Schaffer'2 . . .
4 Hllf
Baeholor 4 S
Gambler 1 S
Oregon has 42 firfniture-factor
ies, with 1562 employes, $1,922,
029 annual wages, and $6,618,
614 yearly production.
Phone 727
6 room modern house. Four
blocks from postoffice.
341 State St.
A charming retreat where
one may enjoy mealtime in
, 18 Private Booths
CHOICE of Traub Genuine
Orange Blossom engage'
mctit and wedding rings is a
tribute to the Judgment and
good taste of the wearer. ,
: ilartji nnox
tt r ,
Water at Housetops and Still Rising
i - t- r - - - v
As this flood picture was being taken at Pincf ille, Ky., with waves
lappine the tops of some of the bungalows, the water was still risf-jg
't inches an hour.
The business men's gymnasium
class,- 40 strong, put on a gymnas
ium contest and followed it by a
dinner last night at the YMCA.
Delegates appointed to attend the
northwest physical conference to
be held at the Portland YMCA
January 22;.an4 23 .are O. J. Hull.
Leon 6leasbn and L. E. Barrick.
- H. B. Glaiyser led the singing
at the dinner program. The busi
ness men's quartet, Harry Pear
son, E. H. Leach, L. E. Barrick,
and J. J. Moritz, were loudly ap
plauded. .
New members for the business
men's class will be sought under a
plan presented by Leon Gleason
for the contest next month. The
class has been divided into two
groups under Nile Hilburn and L.
E. ' Barrick, captaineds. The
groups will compete on points for
attendance at class, winning of
games, and new members ob
tained. Talks at the dinner were given
by O. J. Hull, Byron Wright, John
Bayne, Dr. R. D. Wood, and C. E.
Ward, Gedrge Hug was chairman.
Ike Patterson First Oregon Gov
ernor to be so. Filmed
The movies caught the inaugur
ation ol the governor of the state
of Oregon for the first time yes
terday when. powerful lights were
rigged up in the house of repre
sentatives so thai the Oregonian
Screen Review and the Pathe
News could film, important parts
of the ceremonies.
Will E. Hudson, Pathe staff
cameraman from Seattle, made a
special trip here to cover the in
auguration for the northwest edi
tion of the Pathe News. He was
accompanied by Charles Piper,
cameraman for the Oregonian
Screen Review.
. Thirty boys; .worjt .leaders from
communities throughout Marion
and Polk counties have signed up
for the leadership training course
-. . , :
Casey's .Guaranteed
Monec refunded if it does not
' - ' cure your case
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
Your Car Deserves
America's Finest Tiro
190 H. Commercial Tel. 471
Anthorixed Distributors
tbm Pereonal Writing Blachtne
Typewriter Exchange
Phone feSl 421 Oonrt. BaJen
Charter Oak Grey Enamel
Regularly priced at $135.00.
Offered at a very special
price of only
$100.00 '
AORTH Commercial Street
LADD&BUSH Banlcers
CsUbHshed 18C3
: :., J i .-' .A i i
General BnnYrfng Dudacia
: v. .
I- P-fiee Etna from
which Dr. Robert M. Gatke is of
fering at the Salem YMCA. The
first meeting of the class was
Monday evening, and others will
follow weekly.
Joseph A. C. Brant died at a
local hospital Jan. 10, age 73. He
is survived by three sons, C W.
Brant of Salem. L. J. Brant and
Russell Brant, both of Portland,
and four daughters', Addie Van
Dixhorn, Maude L. Roberts of Sac
ramento, Cal., Nellie Ferguson of
Centralia, Wash., and Miss Sarah
Brant of Portland. Funeral ser
vices well be held at the Webb
funeral parlors Friday at 2 p. m.
Rev. Tully and Chadwick chapter
of the Eastern' Star willhave
charge of services there. Pacific
lodge No. 50, AF & AM will con
duct the burial service at City
View cemetery.
Mrs. Ellen Cripps died at her
residence, 626 North 16th street,
Jan. 10, aged 59 years. She is
the mother of Mrs. D. P. Johnson
of Salem, Mrs. J. J.' Johns and
James Cripps. Announcement of
funeral will be made later by Rig
don & Son.
The Golden Rule
is the invisible sign on
every wall in our estab
ment; a Golden Rule
lived up to to the final
detail in all our conduct
Webbs Funeral Parlors.
Telephone 120
Perfect Funeral Srvle
Por Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
779 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 794
Yick So Herb Co.
Kst'd. 18 Years in Salem
J. If. LKONG, Mgr.
If other treatments have failed
try our Chinese remedies for
asthma, bronchitis, croup and
cough. We have given relief to
many suffering with throat
trouble. Never neglect a cold.
We also treat all disorders of
men, women and children.
Consultation Free
Call ot write 420-426 State St
Salem, Oregon, Phone 283
,1 For
The: Neurocalometer lo
cates the exact nerve that
causes your neuritis and
measures accurately the
amount of pressure. Chi
ropractic removes this
I Consult
j Straight Palmer
806 First National Bank
: I Building, Salem r
. t.
10 a,
S-k . v
':' A' :
MerrU Optieml C ; 'SOI-SOS-SOS
Dt EUnry E. Morrla, Oytemvtru
rkena, SS
C. F. Offletu
JBatts Sl
-P-oat 1068
Beua Offtc ' ; ' : ;.Sll-lt
Stoker ZlralT : i . S11-18
Osntaltl t E KlaMr - ; 310
Hxecnttr Room . . 30S-S1S
Talep-OM 27 -Tsrd X86S
rnnk U. XeUofg, FsbUe AccoonUat
- 8jstma AndlUisg Income Tz
rhon. 1848 - ' i - -. .K-iom SOS
King a Wyckoff ....... ...SOSOT
Distrtbatbrs fr WtriliV "I-a-r-' i
Sooelofskr ,Su 304 805
- Bui Eiuti, Loan, inrorsac
(AtUr Jn. 16t)
Dr. O'Neill Bardett, OptoratrtU
Phone 825 401-40S-40S-404-405
WUUrd H. Wlrtl
Attorney F-on 185
Roadster'".:. i.-..,-.570.00
Disc Wheels and Balloon Tires .
Touring Car ...... ; ; 67X).00
. .. Disc Wheels and Balloon Tires '
Landau Sedan .........
Coach .....................
All enclosed cars have disc wheels and .
balloon tires--ne-w! colors . f,- ,
Many extras and improvements on the car
included at this new low price
N e w tori-Che vrole t Co.
ISrery Wednesday Nite . -.
7P.M." j '
. ii . -. v. " -
1610 North Summer StreetCorner Norway
.. . j.: :.- yl. -
Comprising the furniture, etc., of the home of W. B.
Foster and others. Also a few hand painted pictures and
U other miscellaneous articles. Follow1 the - crowds to
,Woodrys every Wednesday nite. j Private sales of new,
and used furniture daily. The cheapest place in Salem
to buy furniture. -
'It's'Warm and.
Thursday, 1:30
1288 State Street
Furniture and furnishings of -10 roomed apartments of
real good furniture, rugs, draperies, etc.
. Salem's Leading Auctioneer " ' '
Farrhers' Day
.: 1610 North
Furniiore of every description
bring 4n anything, yon want
as early a possible. Farmers, tnis is yonr-nay iae aarantage
of it the same honest Ireatment vfliralways Ira extended you.
Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Phcns 511
Bobta v. Dy -o- rxm-i- w. icim
IbOM lS. . . . BIO---8"
Drm.. Iwla, 8c-t Cvg60-B03
. . 8-drs. SC. tt- P-ysJ-i-a ft -rfon
r, . v-.ti. . SniM 03
Offlc . 615., KMae, S4
Oml S. Taan. M. T Pytidn mxg
Offles.1 FtOM 15. ldoe. 775
V se-tsnth rxoon
i' . ' UGHTH 1X00 '
Dr. H. B. 8cel4.
Cklropr-ctoz; Tarec-Iomefr Berrlc
I..... .. .. 777.00
Cozy at
P. M.
This Week
1 :30 P,M.
Summer Street 1
and Iota of other things. Farmers
sold. Phone me for arrangements i
. .
. ' -