The Qp&qon;Logf9rsiturlBtV Orda.nte;lK:;Reb:Tinte; .'Yesterday, Will jdet Down HtorRoutine BusinccQ .ToCzu, iThb League of Oregon Cities Will riolcl itrj ArHiiiai Sessiongat the ! Salem Chamber of ' 'Conimercb Toci WW iTIIirn WIRRPAfiT' ' ITniiofllmt with i occasional rains west portion, probable local rains and snows over east portion';' moderate temperature; .strong east and southeast winds on coast, occasionally of gale force. Maxi mum yesterday, 53; minimum. 41; river, 6.6; rainfall, none; atmosphere, clear; wind, northwest. When you see iiuu. aiier puiuicuut . name It may stand 'for Little Lame Duck.'" Washington Post. ; ; . , v Persons whom' money could not. hire to ride in an -airplane cross., traffic-crowded streets in the middle of the block. Toledo Blade. " .-..-'.. '.. . . - .. -rn-rn-nnr -- . SEVENTY-SIXTH YEAB SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 11, 1927 PRICE-FIVE CENTS lie Wk&lmmm i " It - 1 1 ; WALTER PIEHGE STRESSES FI VE Declares 'Prohibition Here to Stay and Law Enforce ment Stronger PRAISES HIGHWAY BODY Favor Outline of Polity on Hydro Electric, Reforestation, Tax ation, Law Enforcement and Irrigation Governor Pierce Opened his fare well address by denying being a "pardoning governor," Baying that in one year of his administration he had granted five fall pardons, which he declared to believe was a record. Pierce expressed his re grets at having been always re garded as having virtually opened the gates and letting his convicts rv free, and "am retiring in the ft., belief," he stated, "that in the main my administration has been successful." He expressed his wish that the legislature would do air in their power to aid and increase state wide electric development. Pierce urged laws be made re quiring reforestation, taxes to be levied on the cut timber to fin ance reforestation. He spoke of Oregon's excellent timber resourc es, and natural climatic conditions favorable to reforestation. Taxation, the governor said, was one of the most Important functions of government, and the greater part of bis address was devoted to this subject. He was given loud applause when be declared that prohibition was her testsyf andlhaT laWen- force ment was .becoming stronger ' "better organized. . He express- m Naceretc.wHflf success of the coming1 administration in law enforcement. Governor Pierce spoke , very bighly of the work accomplished by the state highway commission, praising the commission 'for hav ing done, among other things, oil ing on more than 575 miles of macadam, - built bridges, ; and so speedily and efficiently having the Roosevelt highway so near! com pletion, and stated his hopes that this highway would soon be fin ished. In discussing office buildings on the state grounds, Pierce ad vised the erection of a fireproof, six -story state office building to centrally locate the different de partments of state. In closing, the retiring 'gover nor declared that he had always held to a straight course, and had done what he thought best for all the people, often disregarding per sonal demands for which , he was severely criticized; that , he was leaving office with personal ill will toward none, and kindliness toward all. and sincerest hopes of success for Governor Patterson- The farewell address in full fol lows: (Continued on page 9.) FACTS LOOSED BY PRESIDENT NAVAL FORCES LANDED AT NICARAGUA- SEAPORT Executive Minces Xr Words i Tolling Congress Reasons for Policy in Crisis MANAGUA. Jan. 10. (AP) Priazapolca. a port G5 miles north of Blueflelds, was established as a neutral xone today when United States naval forces were landed. The troops of the liberal govern ment are coming Inland by way of the Grande and Eacondido" rivers. if " ., " . : , :'i 'i 'i WASHINGTON. Jan. 10 Al In a special message to,' congress today President Coojidge minced no words in. telling ' where he stands on tho Nlcararuan crisis. II PROBLEMS Vjj . Laying bare "the facta which V,-Ujderle the government's policy, I ' t he-president told house and sen 1 at that he was acting not "only to preserte American lives and prop erty, but to protect the Interests of ' thtB , government itself, ,'- whether assafhid by Internal strife or "out sidet interference." - , And he made-it plain' .bat the gQveramcn t is convinced 'the oul side: interference comes from Mex ico." j , - , 'r ai--v- : " The president detailed how the Sacasa faction upset the Diaz gov- U'- a iOjaJlnasa ca .j . V ' : v.; f -I WALTER AI. PIERCE DIVORCE SUIT NAMES CHAPLIN SENSATIONAL CHARGES FILED AGAINST COMEDLAN Lita Clutrgcs Infidelity ami Makes Unprintable Accusations Against Charlie 'LOS ANGELES. Jan. 10. (AP) A suit for a divorce from Charles Spencer Chaplin was filed here today by his estranged wife, Lita Grey Chaplin, in which she made sensational charges against the film comedian. While the suit asks that the court set temporary alimony and attorneys fees for Mrs. Chaplin to be followed if the decree is grant ed by permanent alimony and proper division of the community property, no specific sum is stated. An injunction was granted by the superior court following filing of the suit restraining Chaplin from taking any of his properties out side the state or in any way dis posing o them. Mrs. Chaplin s suit asks that she be given custody of - the two children, Charles Spencer, Jr., FIRE DEATHS .NUMBER 77 Victims of Montreal Theater Dis aster Mostly Children MONTREAL, Que., Jan. 10. (AP) Seventy-seven victims of the fire and stampede in the Laur ier Palace moving picture theater yesterday most of them little children are awaiting burial. All the dead have been identified, and of the 30 injured the majority have recovered sufficiently to be removed to their homes. A general mass will be sung in the Church of the Nativity, Hoc helaga, tomorrow morning by Mgr. Le Pailleur. the rector. Vith in the church already the bodies of many of the children repose. They are of the poorer classes of the, city, and the celebration of a general mass will save their par ents the expenses of a funeral service. An Inquest begun by Coroner McMahon was postponed until Thursday after two witnesses had given their testimony. ROBERTS ENTERS PLEA Trial Scheduled to Begin Monday; Jury Dismissed Until Then DALLAS, Jan. 10 Leo Roberts, charged with second degree mur der In connection with the death of John Macomber here last Tues day night, entered a plea of not guilty when he was arraigned in circuit court this morning. His trial was set for next Monday morning. Oscar Hayter has been appointed to defend him. The jury was dismissed until the time for this trial, as the cases to be tried this week do not re quire a jury. . YESTERDAY IN WASHINGTON O IwotlaUd Praam i I. President f!fwH"lp-o KCfcflt mason wm w v- v lllooaQ to congress iu the Nicaraguan situation. ; Senate and conference agreed oo amendments to the rivers and harbors bill. Harry. P. Sinclair was denied a review by it hi? 'Supreme Court of his senate contempt case. , ' ; The hotise,; r"U-uIture commit tee cleared tho way for considera tion of the 'new McNary-IIaugen 'bill. ' I : - '"-'' . i , s )'. ; .. ' Thw navy d'parl!H:n (.'announced arrangement tor the departure of the -duam f navy department for clttnaT-," :- '':, : kV -: , ; ; ' A" senate investigation "o re ports that Senator-elect Brook hart of Iowa was a. Rbbylst for Cyrus J3, WP2S?2 95 2, HIGH EH PRELATES HELD SyGOVERiENT Police Order Bishop of To basco peported Following Arrest of Churchmen CORRESPONDENTS HELD American Press Representatives Jailed Incommunicado For Honrs ; Embassy Takes Steps For Release MEXICO CITY. Jan. 10 (AP) Bishop Paseual Diaz of Tobasco, arrested in the Catholic Episco pate building by the Mexican police today, has been ordered de ported. Bishop Diaz is secretary of the episcopate, and has been closely identified with the opposition to the Mexican government's new re ligious regulations. He is a Mexi can, having been born at La Popam, Diocese of Guadelajara, in 1S76. Mexican police descended upon the episcopate at an early hour thi3 morning, placing Bishop Diaz, Archbishop Ruizy Floras of Mich oacan. and four other bishops un der arrest. They are Mgr. Jesus Chavarria. Slatill, Mgr.; Miguel de La Mora of San Luis. Potosi; Mgr. Nicholas Corona, of Papantla; and Mgr. Ignacio Haldesplno y Diaz of Aguas Caliente. Bishop Diaz was led away from (Continued on pace 2.) LIQUOR EVIDENCE HUGE Spokane Grand Jury Adjourns to Consider Mass SPOKANE. Wash.. Jan. 10. (AP) The federal grand jury, which for the last four days has been conducting what is believed to be an investigation of liquor law enforcement conditions in. this city,, adjourned at 3 o'clock this afternoon until 11 o'clock next Monday forenoon. The week's adjournment was declared to' have been taken "for the public good." As a result of testimony by a number of witnesses, including representatives of many interests in the controversy that: has raged for several months about alleged lax enforcement of liquor laws, it was indicated that such a mass of. evidence has accumulated that the district attorney's office re quires time to consolidate, and pro ceed with the next step in the in vestigation. ll m J V 4P j w im . -- ! 1 r w wit aw m it . C-l ii mi lutji-jja iiiimuh- i. .i.-).M. ! , ... J SENATE FORMED IN SHORT ORDER H. L. CORRETT OF MULTNO MAH ELECTED PRESDDENT Joseph Says New Man's Ideas Con trary to Oregon Systen; Votes for Brown Organization of the senate re quired less than an hour and the proceedings were devoid! of for midable opposition to any of the candidates for the several of fices. Henry L. Corbett of Multnomah county was elected president of the senate with a total of 27 votes. - Senator Banks cast a com plimentary, vote for Senator But ler of Wasco, while Senator Cor bett cast his ballot for Senator Eddy of Douglas. Senator Joseph voted for Senator Brown1 of Mar ion. In casting his ballot l Senator Joseph said: "I do not feel that I could vote for Senator Corbett in that his ideas are contrary to the Oregon system, and he would be embar rassed because of his business as sociations." 1 John Hunt of Woodburn who has served in various legislative capacities for more than 20 years, was elected chief clerk, while Mrs. Elizabeth Glatt was elected assis- (Oeatinnsd on pat 2.) PROTESTS APPLICATION Company Claims No Need For Addition KtMge On Route The Columbia Gorge Stage lines yesterday filed in the offices of the public service commission here a protest against granting the ap plication of the Union Pacific Rail road company which desires to operate a fleet of automobile carriers between Portland and Pendleton. The charge was made that the operating schedules of the two stage lines were conflicting, and that thrJSMauyidjtord , - .JT al service in the territory served ny the Columbia Gorge stage cor poration. SENATE PAGES NAMED Brown Apponted Doorkeeper and Sutton Sergeant at Arms Senate pages announced by President Corbett yesterday in clude Violet Purdy. Consuelo Eisa mann and Ralph Blyberg. James Carsner was appointed senate messenger to the state printing department while Allen Hunter was appointed messenger to the house. A. M. Brown was selected for assistant door keeper, while F. A. Sutton -was appointed assistant sergeant at arms. Selection of senate bill clerks will be announced today. THE NATIONAL PASTIME HOUSE PREPARED FOR BIG SESSION PATTERSON DECLARED GOV ERNOR AT JOINT SESSION Committees Escort "State Official to Platform for Inaugural , Ceremony The house of representatives of the 24th legislative assembly of rhe Btate . of Oregon convened at 10:30 o'clock Monday morning, whpn Fred Drager, for over 20 yers chief clerk of the house, opened the meeting, and the Rev erend Fred C. Taylor, pastor of the First M. E. church of Salem, delivered the opening' prayer. Representative A. M. Collier, of the 21st district, moved that the hoitse organize by electing a tem- fporary speaker and chief clerk. which motion was seconded by JYed W German from district 18. 'Mt, Drager then called for nom inations for (temporary speaker 'whereupon Representative H. H. AVeatherspoon nominated S. P. Pierce, who has the distinction of being the oldest member of the louse. Arthur Phillips of the 13th distrcit seconded the nomin ation. Mr. Pierce was unanimous ly elected, and escorted to his chair by Representatives S. A. Mil ler and Albert S. Roberts. Mark D. McCallister nominated Fred' Drager to act as temporary chief clerk and Mr. Drager was unanimously elected. Speaker Pierce then appointed a permanent organization commit tee composed of Representatives Fred J. Meindl and W. C. North of Portland. R. S. Hamilton, Bend. Denton G. Burdick, Redmond, and Onntinitd on vf 0.1 BRIDGE RESOLUTION UP Urge Congress To Oppose Con struction of Longview Span Senator Albert Hunter of Union and Wallowa counties will offer a resolution within the next few ritttVA mAinA.lAl.'.l.f opposed to the construc- tlon. of the proposed Longview bridge across the Columbia river. The resolution will set out that the proposed bridge would be an obstruction to navigation, and is not necessary to meet the traffic demands at the present time. Copies ofthe resolution will be sent toOregon's delegation in congress and to the president of the United States. SEEK BETTER SERVICE Marshfield Plans Extension Water System Soon of The city of Marshfield, ttirough its attorneys, filed a petition with the public service commission re questing extensions of -water ser vice in that municipality. Hear ing of the petition has not yet been set by the commission. RKII IIS IDIliElG HOUSES TIKEO Attention Called to Damages of ! Trees Browing in i Parking Strips PUMP REQUESTS DENIED i Williams Urges New Traffic Or dinance Keep Space in Front of Public Meeting Places Free of Cars Launching of a campaign to re new the program begun last year, of renumbering the houses in Sa lem's residential districts, was dis cussed by the zoning commission at Monday night's session. The commission planned to investigate the matter and then make a rec ommendation to the council. Other policies considered in cluded two matters which were declared by members of the com mission to constitute menaces to safety; in the city; the parking of automobiles in front of theaters and. the presence of trees in park ing strips adjacent to intersections where! there is rapid traffic. That the numbering of houses in some sections of the city is bad ly jumbled, causing difficulty both to the postoffice employes and to private Individuals, who at tempt to find a house by its num ber, was agreed by the members of the commission when the mat ter was introduced by Chairman Lewis K. Campbell. City Engineer Hugh Rogers said that his office, with the as sistance of C. E. Wilson, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, and a representative of the postoffice force, had fully outlined a num bering system, but that the diffi culty was in getting house own ers to put it into effect. A spe cial - man with power to enforce the plan would be necessary, he averred. At the intersection of Center street and North Summer there exists an especial danger to auto mobile traffic in a group of trees on the northwest corner, a condi tion which caused a serious acci dent recently, it was reported. The commission authorized a communication to the park board, calling attention to this and simi- (Continued on pge 3.) SALEM CHILDREN SAFE Infantile Paralysis Spreads Slow ly, Healtb. Officer Says There is no occasion for alarm over the reported existence of in fantile paralysis in Amity, Dr. Vernon H. Douglas, deputy coun ty health officer, told The States man in the absence of Dr. Walter H. Brown, county health officer. Infantile paralysis is supposed to be the disease that has caused three Amity children to die, and has three more seriously ill. The disease is only mildly contagious, Dr. Douglas said. Not too mucb is known about infantile paralysis, but it probably spreads from se cretions of the nose and throat. FAIR BOARD HOLDS MEET Members to Seek Liberal Appro priation From Legislature Members of the Oregon state fair board held their irst meeting for the year 1927 here yesterdaty. Proposed , expenditures for the current biennlum were discussed. It was decided that at least two members of the board should ap pear before tho ways and means committee of the legislature and submit arguments for a liberal ap propriation. Governor Patterson has indicated that he . would soon announce the appointment of a member of the fair board to suc ceed Horrace Addis, who has left the stale. It is likely that a Port land man wilt be selected for this Office. . . . CITIES' LEAGUE-MEETS Important Problems Scheduled for Discussion ioday . r Mayors and their official repre sentatlves from many of the prin- cipal cities of Oregon will gather la" Salem; today for the second meeting, of the league of Oregon cities, at which matters of import ance to cities via general will be taken up. John B. Giesy whose term as mayor of Salem ended a week ago, is president, of the .-Y. - ...'- .... . . " GOVERNOR L L. PATTERSON OFFICIALS PLAN GIVE MORE HELP MORE INDUSTRIES NEEDED, ACCORDING TO SPEAKER Olspn Tells of PropomMl Trips for I'heriians During Coming Season Prospects of even greater use fulness to the community . which it is organized" to serve, in the year now opening than in that just closed, were seen by officers and directors of the Salem Chamber of Commerce at Monday noon's luncheon, when, they made their initial remarks to the member ship since taking office. The principal effort in 19 27 will be that of interesting prospective new industries in the advantages to be found here. President U. S. Page declared. In this connection- he, mentioned the committee of 15 members which will be ap pointed soon to work with Fred A. Erixon in the industrial depart ment of the chamber's work. Salem needs more industries and more people, but the principal need is more farmers, and to get them; 'money must be spent for advertising. Vice I President Fred D. Thielsen said. To this end, he urged support for the proposed law providing for a .4 mill option al county tax for publicity pur poses. Dr. Henry Morris of the mem bership committee "explained the method by which the enamber ex pects, to add 200 or 300 members this year without the unfavorable (Continued on pare 6.) LAND REMOVAL ASKED Sinnott Introduces Bill Affecting Timber Properties WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. (AP) - Withdrawal of timber lands in California, Oregon, Neva da and. Washington is provided in a bill introduced today by Repre sentative Sinnott. republican. Ore gon, Tbe measure was introduced by departmental request. Representative Sinnott also in troduced', a bill . authorizing con firmation of titles to federal land granted the state in aid of the public schools; another bill to set $1.2-5 '-as - the minimum . acreage price for public land, parcels con taining 325 acres or less, and a fourth measure authorizing sale of - desert lands. NAVY MAY VISIT ORfENT Department Takes Steps to Pre pare Fleet for Voyage , WASHINGTON,. Jan. 10. (AP) - Further precautionary moves by the Washington govern ment to insure readiness ' of its naval forces. to protect American lives in China, should the need arise, were disclosed today, at the navy department. ' The cruiser Huron, recently re lieved as flagship of Admiral Wil liams, commanding the Asiatic fleet, , and en : route to - Pugejt Sound navy yard : to be re-com missioned, was held at Gaum , in readiness to pick up the marine detachment there ; for service . in China. OFFER HISTORY PRIZES DAR Plans to 'EhconraK' Work Anions Eighth Grade Pupils 1 ; For. the purpose of encouraging interest in Lnlted States history, the members of Chemeketa Chap ter, Daughters ; of f -the American Revolution, are offering, prizes for the two eighth .grade; pupils who make the best, records In tho Jhls tory "cburso during' .'tbe wc"ond semester of the- present school year, it was announced Monday by Superintendent George W. Hug, to whom the offer had just been com-muhicatedw-i ij J iJ:::-K. . -,i A prize of $2 is offered for the best rasrlg Jthjcjpurse, and one of 2 .for the -Beonij best. i : y I! . 1TTI R S3 S CAREFUL - - IGT1E0T Seeks to Establish a 'Busi ness Administration for Affairs of Oregon ENACT GOOD MEASURES Governor - Asks Power, to Sfako. Budget for State and Cautions Against All Hasty Legisla tlon This Session . . . , Striking resemblance to the pre vailing ' republican style set "by President Coolidge was evidenced by Governor I., L.1 Patterson in bia speech recommending the steps necessary in his mind for a busi ness administratiom. Mr. Patterson gave his inaug ural address before the joint con clave of senate and house and as many politicians and fellow towns people as could squeeze into the political hall. He made these re quests of the lawmakers: . , : Enact only such laws as are ac tually needed, and wilj bave per manent worth. . . r ' -i t Give the governor power ; to make the budget for the state. ; f : Put the penitentiary under-the board of control. , Segregate first-time prisoners from hardened repeaters. j Make . no r retrenchment-' in tho school program 'of the state. (Repeal, the constitutional amendment providing ; that the state guarantee interest on irriga tion bonds." 1 , Enact legislation i that will eo courag.e and promote . reforesta tlbn. , . , ; v .. -,: - iGareftilly stndyrthe-Teport of , the legislative committee on work men's compensation. Avoid hasty, highway legisla- , tlon. - ; Complete the Roosevelt high way, j : Investigate the methods nsed by local governments for bonding so that regulatory legislation may be enacted. . . . Concentrate ail state offices in Portland within one building. t Center the purchasing power of the state in the board of control. The new governor tailed to touch on many issues that will be vital to the present session of the legislature. But, as was suggest ed, he will have-ample chance to apply his views on such issues when they arrive. : Following is Governor . Patter son's speech in full: ' . - - : (Continued on page, 11-). PIERCE HELPS 16 PRISONERS CHESTER KUBLI ONLY ONE TO GET FULL PARDON Remaining " Irisbncrs Panlonedl Conditionally or Get Comiuula . tlons of Sentence Governor Pierce pardoned, commuted-the' sentence of, or condi ' tionally pardoned 16 prisoners yesterday morning as one of his last official acts. Only one full ( pardon was granted the one to Chester Kubli of Jackson' county, convicted with C. 1L Owen and Wj' Johnson on charges of aiding and abetting the misapplication of funds from a defunct bank at Jacksonville. ' ? ; v . .. -iKubli was serving a three year sentence on this charge. Jackson, who was cashier of the bank, served two years of a seven year sentence. rOwens is still at large.' He Is said to nave left tbe state soon after the bank closed Its! doors. In' 1921, oa orders from, the state superintendent of banks. . Discrepancies appearing In the bank's accounts caused 'the arrest of iKubll, Jackson and Owens. Kubli had appealed to the su preme court following conviction to ;tho circuit,-court ' for ' Jackson county, and found that' the "su preme court f firmed the decree. Governor Pierce reprieved Kubli, following pleas Tor executive clem ency., y The reprieve would have expired on January 17 of this year. 0'. . : ' ' :'- . -. A. large numbfer f petitions urg ing af pardon for Knbll have Iwrm reirfeived by Governor Pierces. Theti petitions. Were signed by members of jtho' jury 'who 'sat in the trial ahdbther persons interested .in gaining' freedom.5 Knbll is now residing in Lane cfiunty. ".'Commenting on the ICubii ca?o