The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Capitol Thrater
A program, of rsal stars is of
fered by, the Capitol theater for
jtoday. AH radio fans will welcome
the Metro Harmony Four who be
came "popular whilp entertaining
atWCX where they were the out
Standing i feature of the popul-jf
Red Apple Club. They are an exceptional-
quartette and wou the
first prize on the Keith-Albet Xa
tional Quartet contest. Hyland
Grant and Hyland. "Vaudeville's
Versatile Three'' a snappy trio of
comedians, singers, and dancers
have a routine ol fast
material. Ed and
have a new up-to-the-minute of
fering entitled "All Balled Tp"
which la hubbliae over with bright
breezy caattcr and tuneful son
hits. Buster La Mont a pleasing
eomedlenin presents a mirthful
oddity wMch she. terms "Tn Min
utes In Ipswich" which in most tn
tertainlnffl The bill is completed
fcy The Two Jannleys novelty ar
tist? In ;"Slze Means Nothing,"
which a real oddity and gives
them ample opportunity to display'
ther athletic accomplishments. On
the screen "Stepping Out" with
Ford Sterling a comedy ript.
Nadia Murray
All the color and flash of cir
cus, all 4 the memory stirring fas
cination of the sawdust ring will
be the portion of patrons at the
Pantages Indoor Circus starting
Monday matinee and continuing
until Tuesday. j
T!i Capitol theater will be j
transformed from a play house to
u regular circus- tent when the
new show features the second
Pantages gjgantic indoor circus to
travel over the entire circuit as a
complete unit. Pantages indoor
circuses that have sprung up since
Pantages brought hit first big
show from under the "big top" to
theater-goers. Kegular musical
novelty presented by Viola Vercler
Holrnan and her Capitol orchestra
wil complete the Mil. There will
be thre ?hows each day. matinee
at two and at seven and nine at
"The Maghian" which will have
its first showing at Bligh's Capitol
theater on Wednesday. Thursday
and Friday, is the first Rex In
gram production for Metro-Gold-wyn,
since his widely discussed
and highly successful screen ver
sion of Blasco Ibanez' '.'Mare Nos
trum' (Our Sea).
This new pitcure from the bril
liant young director deajs with a
subject entirely different from
anything he has previously done
and he has bandied it in the fine
manner which has marked all hTs
previous triumphs, it is his most
ambitious achievement.
The story of "The Magician Is
that of a girl caught between the
forces of a Magician, whom she
Is unable to resist, and the love
for a young surgeon who has
saved her from being a helpless
cripple by performing a delicate
operation on her spine. whUh
startled the surgical .world.
Klinore Theater
One man and one woman, ma
rooned, cut off from the world,
fighting their way to wealth. She,
with nothing but hate and fear in
her heart; he. strong, stoical, won
dering whether or not he really
loves her. How do two sinh peo
ple come from the ends of the
earth to mnet and marry?
Nora Marsh, up to the ago of
twenty, had lived a.11 her sheltered
life within the confines of a Lon
don home. Suddenly, walls, seem
ingly secure, had crashed. Where
before, she had been rich, she is
destitute. So. Nora sets out for the
only haven she knows, her broth
er's farm in far Canada.
There she meets Frank Taylor,
a horny-handed tiller .of the sofl,
temporarily working for Ed in an
effort to recoup the monetary loss
sustained the preceding winter. At
first, Nora repulses him. Then,
after ouarreling with her broth
er's wife, she asks Taylor to take
her away.
Then to disturb their happiness
comes tragedv. sweeping down
without warning. Overnight, ev
erythinr Is wined .out. Failure
onens the door and tals in.
Whst hanne"? See "The Canad
ian" tt the Flsinore theater Sun
day and Mondav. There will be a
sneHal nrolofuo on Mondav and
todav Cole McElrov's band will
furnish special entertainment.
j - SUNDAY MORNING, JANUAUY , lirsri ; l f
Cole McElroy's Spanish Ball Room Band lM W .
tt rrxri ' ..igrar V : , . 1
wll riff it Mi 1l i f l ir j ?'itfPlil ,ou- W
L i ..tegs a 'cm pnivlm U
'kM. -dHV I III i f V 111 fc m m g
m . i mm-. . i him i i nniiiii i mmm w - i in i: b -
Famous band to appear at Elsinore theater this afternoon
Dick Hunt and K. Kent
Draw in Fight at Eugene
EUGENE. Jan. 8 (API Dick
Hunt, 144. Cleveland, Ohio, and
Kenneth Kent, 140. of Portland,
fought a draw in the 10 round
main event oh the crmory card
here tonight. Billy Robbins, 112,
Portland, defeated Joe Paragon,
110, Seattle, in a six round semi
wlndup. Kid Farmer, 122, Eu
gene, defeated Jack Foley, 12,
Salem, in another six rounder.
In the curtain raiser Charley
Hunter. 152. Portland, received
the decision over Wild Oats Mab
ion, 150, of Aberdeen, fash.
(Continued from page 1.)
"Rain." the outstanding drrtm
utie sensation of the last four
vears of American theatrical h's
torv. comes to this citr shortlv.
This announcement alone should
stir the hearts ot local amusement
lovtprs. The coming of th' great
play will be an event in the the
atrical historv of this communitv.
The production of the piece here
is made possible throueh a specisl
arrangement made bv Henrv Duf
fy with Sam H. Harris. This city
has been Included in a new west
ern tour of th's unusual offering.
The cast will be headed bv Isa
bel Withers, one of Hroaawav
most appealing and fascinating
actresses, remembered for her
great work in "Love' 'Em and
Tf,av "Km." She is said to be par
ticularly well suited to the exact
fnr role of SaoMe Thompson, the
heroine of this romantic drama of J
the South Seas. The part of Rev
erend Alfred Davidson, the domin
ating male characterization, will
be In the hands of Harold Salter,
a New York actor of prominence,
and Frank Dawson will be seen as
Dr. McPhail.
The fact that the action occurs
at Pago Pago in the South Seas
gives opportunity for
scenic effects.
Army and Outing Store. Biggest
bargainst in clothing, shoes, under
wear, hosiery, gloves, valices and
suit cases. The working man's
store. 189 N. Commercial. ()
Mr. Used Car Bayer: Have you
seen the real buys at the Capitol
Motors Incorporated? See Biddy
Bishop. 350 N. High St. Tele
phones 2125 and 2126. ()
in Paris recently of a former offi
cer of the British army, Graham
Vivian Stranders, whose wife i
German. He is awaiting trial as a
German spy. Then a woman,
known as the "eye of Moscow"
"recently was imprisoned in
France. In Essen a long trusted
German employee of the famous
Krupps works was arrested and
charged with esponlage in behalf
of France. He was reported to
have committed suicide after his
Czehco-Slovakia furnished the
most sensational spy drama of all
in the retirement of Rudolph
Gaida. young hero of the Czech
legions in Siberia, from high army
rank after a scandal involving
wine, women and military secrets.
Gaida is alleged to have been
mixed up In the meshes of the
Soviet secret service which is the
bogie of all the European govern
ments. Great Britain is ever watchful
against "soviet spies." Even a
party of innocent appearing Rus
sian teacers desirous of attending
an educational convention in Eng
land have been refused admission
to the country.
In the Mediterannean countries
the rule of Mussolini, De Rivire
and Mustapha Kemal Tasha have
resulted in numerous plots and
counterplots. They are mostly
domestic affairs but the secret
service nets often catch foreigners
involved in them.
At the oot of Europe's revived
spy system is the fact that al
though the League of Nations el
iminates the old European menace
of secret treaties, it does not
touch the secret services. Conse
quently the governments are still
spending large sums of money
watching each other.
So far as known Groat Britain
ami the United tSates are the only
countries having - a gentlemen's
agreement to-put their cards on
the table and bodly ask each other
for any information desired, mil
itary or otherwise. If the informa
tion wanted is so secret that the
other country cannot disclose it.
the gentlemen's agreement is that
there will be no spying, snooping
or plotting to get. it,
SILVERTON. Jan.-8 (Special)
Bank deposits in the two Silver
ton banks, the Coolidge & Me
Claine bank and the First Nation
al bank, show a gain of over 1 30.
000 since the last call. The sum
total deposits of the two hanks
was 82.086.486.48 on Jan. 1, 1927.
Doesn't hurt qne bltf Drop a
little "Freezone" on an ' aching
corn, instantly that corn 'stops
hurting, then shortly ' you Hit ' it
right off with fingers. i; 1
Your druggist sells a, tiny ; bottlo
of "Freezone" for a few cents,
sufficient to remove every ird
corn, soft corn, or , corn, bet" reen
the toes, and the ! 'foot call ises.
without soreness or irrltatiQi .
Admission 10c -35c
Modesty is a virtue. We dislike
annAarincr egotistical, but WO DO-
Hftve the offering we make you in
tires reaches the height of econo
my. Malcom's Tire Shop. i-
John W. Gates, in Hillsboro.
raises best acre of fiber flax in
Baker project gets S45O.0O0,
Owyhee $2,000,000 and Vale 1 ,
000,000 for federal reclamation.
Starts Wednesday
t B
rui a rxn
ii :. ... -
I fiJifrxi a re ri n?n?
IS1 bu till
1 1 ( '-twf .J&&m
There comes to every
community an event that
demands attention, that
stirs the imagination
and excites the admiration
of the people in a most
remarkable way.
Such an event is the
forthcoming Henry Duffy
production of RAIN
shortly to be seen in
this city. Here is ;
the perfect play,
courageous, virile, true.
Here, too, is a perfect
cast. A real star, set
in a bright constellation.
Actors, who seem not to act,
but to live their roles.
Scenic features unsurpassed.
The Pacific Coast dramatic
critics have not enthused
over another play in years
as they did over
Portland's Own Orchestra
McElroy's Band is composed of 12 artists playing 38
instruments unaer tne direction 01
Johnnie Sylvester
: S t -iiWA'S iWsiTO C
- -w' - .:-: :-::;:--:-.'-::- '
, -
Harry McDaniels
Pompy Romaine
Del Porter
Eddie Hawn
Billy Priest
Bob Misner
Bill Stewart.....
Fred Morelock
. Royland Allen
Tom Curtiss
Ted Mullen.
Piaffis Accordionist
. Pianist
Sax, (larinet, Trumpet
Sax, Clarinet, Violin
. Sax, Clarinet
Trumpet and Entertainer
..Drums, Trumpet
Bass, Violin
...Singer and Entertainer
The Elsinore Prologue Supreme
f 1 Mil rWTfrsSr T - wfr I "1 I
ti crrj i ii ia- rn ii if v v.
II . U ti ll J H I I III IV L
II! .a. - B - 1 Vr I II I J I M r
a Amu .
- I'MenSovfe
l MU Bedim v paAiy
Snaring Assyr 5,
ii in r : in ii rv i miss -w" in 11 n
"Rain"" is the most cotwwtendv popular dramatic
tucccw in ten caon. He is act of the 6rt
rank, acting that ia ironic, mordant, vivid and won
derfully sustained. Lover of fine ctm j are unfor
tunate if anything prevents them from teeing
"Kaux". Id wal Jooe.
"Rain" ia a fine play, maybe great, in hi under
standing of a woman' soul. Isabel Withers give an
independent and vivid performance of Sadie, an
illuminating impersonation, well planned and skill
fully executed. George Warren.
A mighty play, mightily wen played.
First 7 rows $2.20. next 10 rows $2.75. next
8 rows J1.05. Mezzanine first 3 rows $2.75,
next 2 rows $2.20. Balcony first 2 rows
$2.20. next 8'rows $1.10, last 7 rows 75c.
Tuesday, January 1 1
Phone 307 or Mail Reservations to Your Theatre
- 11 MiW- " -