rod ay vO"? PFJUQ g Lead i ng Authority Thinks Prune Organization of all Interested Parties Should Be Coabt Wic!o - .WEATHER FORECAST: . Cloudy over east and unsettled with occasional rain orer west portion, continued jnlld ; moderate to fresh sooth and southwest' winds. Maxi mum yesterday, 55; minimum, 46; river, rising;; rainfall, .5T: total for storm, 1.75; atmosphere, cloudy; wind; southeast. mm mmmmm Amundsen Is said to be nlanninp n. trtn around the world by flviiur over both nnio He may be all right in his calculations, "but it seems to us taat it would be a lot easier to go the other way around. .MMi.i.llli.Wl ! I.. , 4SVENTY-SIXTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS SOLOWS ATTflGK U5EI.P0IS0I fiCDHI Congressmen pensored for Setting Poor Example by Excessive Drinking TALK BEACHES TREASURY Senators CopeVan - and , . Bruce, Democrat, Assail. Prohibition Measure', as Iiutooral and indecent" WASHINGTON,- Jan. ( AP) The controTersy - oyr deaths during the holiday . season from the drinking of poisoned! alcohol reached both the .senate and house floors today, as soon as congress reconvened. , : At both ends of the capltol the personal eonduct of members in the obserrance" lot the dfy Jaw was questioned, and before , sundown the discussion had reached the trMinrr. where . both Secretary Mellon and Lincoln C. Andrews, the prohibition enforcement chief, issued statements. While Representative ' Cellar, democrat. New York, Vi accus ing his colleagues in the house of "drinking to excess," Senator Ed wards,' democrat. New Jersey, la a lengthy speech In the senate was condemning "the "hypocrisy of some of the representatives of the people who vote dry- and drink wet." , - : Cellar declared that - members of both house and senate "drink to excess, and called upon them to keep poison out of industrial eohol to protect those "who ape During the day both houses were also called upon in bills and resolutions to take cognizance of the industrial alcohol situation. ' Another proposal by Represen tative Pairchild, republican, New York, would ask congress to call. to the attention of federal officials that "there is no such thing as legalized murder," and that any federal official who causes : pois on to be used in denatured alco hol does so upon his own responsi bility and his own risk. ' ' On the floor the drys let the wets do most of, the talking al though Senator Sheppard, demo crat, Texas, defended the use of Wood alcohol as a denaturant and said that the "lamentable deaths from indulging In ' industrial al- ' (CosUnad b pg 3.) REGIME OF DIAZ f HIT BY SENATOR WHEELER CONTENDS V. B. SHOULD WITHDRAW FORCES American Sailors Held Blocking Efforts to Restore Gov ernment WASHINGTON, jab. 3- (AP) Contending that the Diaz gov ernment in Nicaragua never should have been recognized by the United States j Senator Wheel er, democrat tyontan, introduced a resolution today demanding Im mediate withdrawal of the Ameri can naval forces from' that coun try. ' " . The measure charged that the American sailors and marines were blocking fh efforts of "Dr, 3 uan Sacasa to restore- constitu tional government, " . The order of Rear Admiral Latimer in declaring Puerto Ca he zas a neutral cone and the estab lishment of a. censorship ? there were cited as ''hindrances' to the Sacasa movement's 'success. The Diaz government, it was charged In the, resolution, was II- ii-Kauy eiectea ana."u must nave been apparent jtp ihe state depart n jfnt that Diaz could not maintain y 'stable government without the tV14 of . , American gunboats . and merican . marines., " . ' . . t ; Dr. T. S. .Vica, Washington rep resentative 4of JSaca8a,v in; state nif nt asserted .that ,'rnot, a single Mexican officer is' to be found tin Sacasas rarmy,! bat at the same tlmo declared .thef sailing the United i Fruit company's! 8nip Abangaria'.wUh Un airplano and wiuus ,ior xav i V1 iorcos"wa ample Justification tor any1 assist- ' whfch, might be given to Sa casa byvexico3 The Abangaria is sam to have sailed from jsew Orleans on December 29 to the PIERCE TELLS. ABOUT PARDONS CRmciSSI FOB 3IANY RE- rRnyEs jcxjusT, he says FareweU Speech Given Before Sa lem Chamber of Commerce Luncheon "Criticism that has been direct ed at me ai 1 nirnnlnr AAr Arn haf been mostly unjust,' sid Gov- tsrjiyr, w axier m. inerce in a rare well 'address before the Salem Kl wanis club at its Monday noon luncheon. . Governor nerce stated that his so-called pardons were mostly re prieves' given to liquor law viola tors' wio had served their time, and who then were faced with ihe necessity of serving out cash fines. I reprieved these men only at the requests of the county judges and district attorneys, and then because they had families which they could be made to support.' Some men had been reprieved thus as many aa five times, the governor stated. "I don't know whether the su preme court would say I had a rlghf to do this lawfully," he con tinued,' "but I myself believe it was legal. Attorney General Van Winkle! told me it was legal. I know that Judge Skipworth said ft was illegal, but I have done it anywayj with a clear conscience." " Governor Pierce has not paroled or freed one murderer during his four years of office, he said. Only one man charged with murder was freed, and this only because the governor was convinced he was in nocent of the crime. I personally believe in capital punishment.' I can condemn a man to hang and sleep just as well the next night." Four years from now the state penitentiary will be a self-supporting institution, the governor ad ded, in praising John Quinland, superintendent of prison indus tries. "My predecessor warped me to stay out of the linen game," he sUted, fbut I! km glad l did not follow his advfee:- We have ihadef a success of the flax plant in spite of the fact we have been forced to sell on a"f ailing market: J "One 'of the Wat features of the prison .industries, I believe, is fn keeping the convicts at work. It helps keep the penitentiary from being a breeder of crime." Governor Pierce believes his work in ' supressing irrigation ' (Ontiaaad ob paf S.) ARRESTED HERE SUNDAY Two' Released to Portland Officers on Monday Ed L. Phillips and Miss L. L. Kidder, arrested here Sunday morning ic possession of an auto mobile stolen from Portland Sat urday night, were released to Portland' police yesterday. The two were arrested at Eighteenth and Court streets at 3 o'clock in the morning. When arrested Phillips gave the name of Kidder, showing a driv er's license that Miss Kidder is said to have taken from her brother. . VILLAGE BATTLES COLD Mercury 40 Below as FireWipes . Out Only Store in Town WISEMAN, Alaska, Jan. 3. (AP) With the mercury at 40 below, Wiseman tonight was de pendent for its supplies oh the town of Bettles, 50 miles away. , A 140,000 fire today destroyed this camp's only store, and an ad joining warehouse.'' About i00 persons live here. . , YESTERDAY IN WASHINGTON Associated Prss Congress reconvened. ,. The house received the naval supply bill. t . ; ' The agricultural appropriation bill was reported to the senate. ; Florida's challenge' of the fed eral inheritance tax-fwas thrown cut by the supreme court. . ' Senator -Wheeler proposed im mediate withdrawal o(r American naval forces from 'Nicaragua. Ttfe supreme court consented to review , tha v legality of Harry . F Sinclalr's Teapot Dome oil lease. . , , : - - . - - . f'nnbrress and the treasury con sidered the poisoned alcohol prob lem in the light qtihouaay tataii ties. u , ' A split developed In Uks senate over the qnesrton of eeating Frank U Smith, senator-designate from VERBAL SHELLS Plan Brewfmg to Demand Elevation of Guns on ! American Battleships LIGHT CRUISERS SOUGHT Senator Johnson Asserts TJ. S. ''Outgeneraled in Arms Con- . f erenco" and Present Strength Inferior ! WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-(AP) I-Drawing a barrage of criticism of the American navy from both sides of the capitol, the naval ap propriation bill was reported to ay to the house. The 'verbal shells were merely range finders for concerted attacks to be; deliv ered whet? 'ihe measure carrying 114,552,680 for activities during the next fiscal year runs the block ade of big navy men in both houses. While the bill still was In the safe harbor of the appropriations committee before the j house met, a jplan was brewing among naval committee members to demand elevation of the guns of Ameri can battleships to equal the firing range of British and Japanese war craft; That certain members of the committee were preparing to ask congress to authorize gun eleva tion, was disclosed "by Chairman Butler, who declared he would (Ceatinuad ' ca pan 5.) TRYS TO CASH CHECK i t" - Police to Invest igate Case, Ink and and Pen Found Alfred E. Allison Is being held by the local police for. investiga tion in connection with an attempt to 'pass worthless checks at local clothing stores yesterday after noon. Allison was arrested at a room ing house last night at 6 o'clock on information furnished by one of the clothing houses. Pen and ink were found in his possession. Police say that Allison attempt ed to cash a check on the Ladd and Bush bank at each store. The check was for $22.50. j When attempts " to cash : this proved unsuccessful, I Allison is said to have tried another one for $10. The checks were made out to Allison, 7 with a signature he said was bis brother's. HAVING 1 VfT wttATS THE. OX . '. . , . ! I. ' ' ' : ' - ' - " i - - - - - - - r SENATE DIVIDED ON FRANK SMITH APPOINTMENT OF IUJNOIS v . MAN CAUSES SPLIT Upper House Kept Guessing as to When Candidate Will Take Oath of Office WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. (AP) A wide open split over the ques tion of temporary seating of Frank I.. Smith as a senator from Illi nois, while his credentials are be ing investigated, developed today in the senate. ' Republican leaders had hoped this might "be done, but democrats in conference found themselves in substantial agreement that Gover nor Small's appointee should be barred from the senate until after the elections committee holds a hearing and makes a report. Smith, appointed to fill the un expired term of the late Senator McKinley, whom he defeated n the Illinois primary last spring, still kept the senate guessing its to when, if at all, he would, pre sent himself to take the oath. i Senator Deneen, republican, Il linois, who returned to Washing ton today from his state after con ferences with Smith and Small, gave little encouragement to re publican leaders who had request ed him to plead with the appointee to refuse the appointment. Thef had told him to tell Mr. Smith that there was small chance of his being permitted to serve out the McKinley term because of contri butions to his primary campaign (Continued oh page 3.) EXAMINE NEW SYSTEMS Commission Form and Manager Form Under Inrestigation Both city manager and the com mission form of city government will be investigated by a commit tee to be appointed by Mayor T. A. Livesley. A report introduced at the council last night suggested investigation of the commission form of government. A motion was made and acted on enlarging the report to Include an investigation of the city man ager system also. The mayor was authorized to appoint a committee of two aldermen and seven repre sentative citizens to prepare a re vised city charter. , lOIL CARRIER MISSING Japanese Charterers of Tanker Hunt for Overdue Vessel TOKYO, Jan. 3. (AP) The British oil tanker Toco, destined from San Pedro, Cal. to Yokohama is two weeks overdue. The Mit subishi interests, charterers 6f the tanker, have dispatched a ship to search for the missing vessel. The Toco is a craft of 4,286 net tons and is owned by the Sheridan Steamsrilp company of London. -A HARD TIME PASSING THIS LAW! URGE COAST WIDE MARKETING PLAN RATCIIFF IDEA SIMILAR TO THAT OF CALIFORNIA l-ubllsher of California Fruit News Relieves in Combining Coast Work J Editor Statesman: Since writing last there have been some developments in the prune situation. A meeting is now called for Wednesday afternoon. Just what is going to be attempt ed at that meeting I do not know. I hope It will be well attended byH prune growers. As I can not well attend, I am taking this oppor tunity of further expressing my self to my fellow prune growers. The Only Way I hold that the trouble in the industry is disastrous price cut ting by the various packers and selling agencies to the trade in general. That since the packer? are not permitted by federal law to organize to eliminate this prac tice that the only way open is for the growers to organize and fix their selling price. That this can only be done by the growers holding title and ownership of the prunes until they are possessed by the Jobber, thus eliminating the'l point of price cutting. This Is Fundamental I hold it to be fundamental that the best way to prevent price cut ting is to make price cutting un profitable. I believe that the plan offered in The Statesman of De cember 18 1926 would do that. Mr. Drager's plan does not seem to nie to eliminate the profit or advantage to be at all times gain ed by price cutting, and for this reason I believe it would fail. Mr. Drager in reply says it is the only plan he has that would permit the packer to pay direct to the grower in delivery. I agree with htm on that point. If under hisjan it will be' possible to control , the price it is a good plan. But I am truly sorry not to have faith in it. The grower loses the vital point of .jipntrol when he .giveajaver ownership, and the pi-ice cutting goes merrily on ; the first fellow to sell would fare well, but the last poor fellow sure would be in bad, and all cannot be first. Nor not even a majority. Those Who Hold Ont The average grower who has not in the past affiliated with some cooperative movement has gener ally held out for two reasons: First, that he would join only if all or nearly all others would do so, and, second, that be wants hia money on delivery. To the first I would say that my plan : contemplates just 100 per cent of the growers marketing under the plan, neither more nor less. To the second, that no cooper ative plan ever will permit pay ment in full on delivery. But thai (Continued on par 4.) BRITISH FORGE HALTS CHINESE IB IN BATTLE Anti-Foreign Speeches at New Year's Celebration Incite Coolies FEELING GROWS BITTER Latest Attack One of Long Series of Demonstrations Staged in Recent Months Against Whites in China HANKOW, Jan. 3 (AP) A handful of British fighting men, without firing a shot, held in check today an infuriated mob of several thousands Chinese coolies that attempted to charge into the British concession district of this city of interior China. Incited by anti-British speeches at a New Year's celebration on the banks of Yangtse river, the horde of yelling Chinese moved against the British quarter. In their path were a few British po licemen, and they stood their ground when stoned while 20 sailors of British warships in the Yangtse joined the policemen. They fixed bayonets to their rifles, and they used their rifles as clubs in exchanging blows with the charging mob, but they did not fire. Marines, hastily landed, reinforced the little British party. Three of the British sailors de fending the concession were wounded and taken to hospitals. Twenty coolies bore down on one sailor, wrested his rifle from him and bayonetted him. Using long pales, the Chinese badly beat two other sailors. For more than four hours the thin British line held, protecting their civilian men, women and children kinfolk. Then, at night fall, came belated relief. From the native section of Hankow or from Wuchang, across the river where the Cantonese government has its headquarters, came Chi nese soldiers who dispersed the mob. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 3 (AP) The attack today upon the British concession at Hankow is one of a lone series of anti-foreign demonstrations of recent months ih'China. American, British and French warships have been fired upon in the Yanktse river while protecting foreigners in the inter ior of China. Missionaries have been kidnaped, and much prop erty of foreigners has been de stroyed. The British have been the chief objects of attack. An incident at Wanhsten, far up the "Yangtse, last September sharpened the hos tility of the Chinese toward them. Forty British naval men oh a small unarmed boat went to the rescue of Britishers held prisoner by Chines northern soldiers on two British merchant vessels which the Chinese had seized. They succeeded In taking off the captives despite heavy fire by the Chinese soldiers. Twenty or more of the British were killed or wounded. The British gunboat Cockchafer replied to the Chinese fire. Ac counts differ as to the effect. The British official version was that the Chinese suffered approximate ly 339 casualties In killed and wounded, of whom 200 were sol diers, the others being civilians struck by stray missiles. The Chinese asserted that the British fired into "the city of Wanhsien, killing upward of 2000 Chinese. POLICE ARREST SUSPECT Son-ln-Law Questioned About ; Slaying of Wealtihy Widow ' -' HEMPSTEAD, N. Y., Jan. 3. (AP) Harold Franklin Webster, son-in-law of Mrs. Catherine Cal laway, wealthy widow," who was found murdered 'here today, was taken Into "custody tonight1 f or questioning. .'..His : mother '- told Nassau county detectives": that Webster had come to her home to day ; wjt&iaa old coat, asktegher to destroy it. She said she burned th'acoat; The mother. Mrs. Alice Garrison bfi Brooklyn; said that U Webster which, he said-war too shabby to wear longer. She. was brought hexe t of questioning. Z , . ' District Attorney Elvln N. .Ed wards sail that Webster was ar- restedat the Pennsylvania station, New- York, as he ; was about ' to RESCUERS FIND MISSING YOUTH NO TRACE FOUND OF SECOND LAD LOST IN BLIZZARD Calvin White, Cold and Hungry, But Suffering no HI Effects , When Found PORTLAND, Jan. 3. (AP-). Calvin White, 16,-ob of the two youths who became lost In a blix- zard on the slopes of Mt. Hood Saturday, was found tonight by a searching ; party headed by Earl Hammond, veteran tracker. White had found shelter under a log and was waiting' there tor the storm to cease. j ' ' The White boy apparently suf fered no ill effects from his two- day tramp through, the Mt. Hood blizzard, his rescuers said, al though he was cold and hungry. Hammond, who led the rescuers, has had wide experience in Alaska as a dog team driver. Bill Faub ion of Rhododendron, a member .of Hammond's party, is thought to be- the first to actually reach White. The boy was placed on the dog sled and taken tt Gov ernment Camp, a'nd later brought to Portland. No trace had been found late to night of Leslie Brownlee, 20, the other lad lost in the blizzard. Although- he became lost higher up on the mountain, where weather conditions were most severe, the searchers received much encour agement at the finding of White, and believed that Brownlee may still be alive and safe, as he was more warmly dressed, was more experienced in the open and had enough food for at least two meals. Young- White is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Calvin S. White of Port land, and is a student at Wash ington high school. ACCIDENT VICTIM DIES Man Sustained Injuries When Car - . Collided With Stage J . OREGON CITY, Jan. 3. (AP) Pedro Baluyot, 40, died here this morning as a result of injuries suffered in an automobile acci dent at Canby Friday,-when a car in which he was riding 'collided with a stage. Baluyot received internal injuries and a compound fracture of the arm. It was first thought that Joseph Solomon, also a member of the party, was the most seriously injured, as he re ceived a fractured skull, but he was abl e to'leavja the hospital for Independence today. The accident occurred when the car hit a stage pulling away from the terminal at Canby. . SECTION HAND KILLED Osborne - Fails to Get off Track Before . P, Engine Don Osborne, 26, was instantly killed when bit by a Southern Pa cific engine a mrile and a half north of Marion station yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Osborne was one of a section gang moving a handcar off ; the track, and did not get out of the engine's way in time. The engine had., no train at tached, it was learned. Osborne's body was removed to Jefferson. He was a stepson of James Trus ter, who died recently at Salem. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Tom Winn of Snake River, Wash., and by a half-sister, Mrs. S. G. Small of Cheshire, Or. AUTO ACCIBENT FATAL v.- j t . Owner of Largo Poultry Farm Dies When Car Turns' Turtle SANTA ROSA Cal., Jan. 3. AP) F. 'Wesley" Corliss, 39, and owner of the Corliss poultry farm In the. Wilson district near Peta luma.'was' fatally injured tonight when an automobile he was driv ing skidded into a ditch9' and then turned oyer west of Petaluraa. v Corliss Is Survived by a widow and two children. Residents of this . . district j claim the Corliss poultry farm, with 50,000 hens, is the .largest in thd ; world-, T'T"-; Salem Portlarid'ir Date .oh Magda - t .- v., - - -:- -: -v - . . - -l '. J l "' '$: - fj Berths Kalish - was ; booked ' -fpr Portland bnTbursday-eve- ning, the. t tliTherB"iwas a' . mistake-thereind Salem got' this: date, on Magda by ; BerthaVJ Kalisnlthe ;wrITjr greatest ill vlhg 'emotional , tressij Shecplays In ? Seattle, V S41em Eugeae-f-tb11-' to :, San Francisco At ithe Elainorel and ; no doubt ito-.J a- j packed CITY'S NEEDS lEDIITALi; ey Din All Officers Elected " Last Night by Council Withput Much Opposition 50,000 PEOPLE IN 1937 Curb Pumps Cause Lively Tilt Efforts to Ccl Mado to Abolish AH Within the Next Two Years , "In 1,0 years ' Salem .. will have 50,000 population.. There Is no use kidding ourselves into believ ing that the present city facilities are adequate. Wo- must have more streets, better sewers, and bridges where they- are needed," T. A. Livesley, Salem's new mayor declared in his message to the city council' last night. r , "Salem has just started to grow. We should hate, the things that the city needs. We have only a small bonded indebtedness how. "It will be my ambition to have the city's' business move along as it should. You as councllmen are limited in the amount of money you can spend. However,' T be lieve you can show citizens the city's needs and get a proper re sponse. . .' . V; . -. "I believe the sewerage end drainage systems should have at tention. There should be a means provided so that 'surface drainage water will be separate from the sewers. v , - - . "It is my belief that If the cpun-,-cil and the press will take hold; the people of Salem will give the city, things It needs.f . -, "New council-members and the mayor were ? sworn . In. 1 The ' re tiring mayor, :- John B. Glesy thanked the council for Its telp and cooperation. The new alder men, Byron Brunk and Harry Hawkins, replaced George Thomp son and George Alderih. ' ; Mayor Livesley said, he would appoint council committees at the next meeting. ; ! 1 The expected skirmish over city attorney did not materialize. Two' men were nominated for Ihe post--tlon and three voted for. Out of 15 votes the present attorney,' Fred Williams got 10 Chris Ko wltz 4. and Allen Carson 1. Other city officials and employees were, continued In office without op position.. 'The question of . allowing a claim of $ 2,500 to Stephens and Co6n for an appraisal tof the water works was laid on the table. The city recorder was instructed: to see if there had been a contract made covering the matter. Complaint was made regarding, the inadequate drainage of sewer age In that section of the city af- (CoBtinued en pg'2.j FEW BANKS TURN DOWN VET LOANS ATTITUDE OF BANKS VARIES V TOWARDS SOLDIERS More Than One Thousand Ex- y Service Men Call at Federal Institution . . WASHINGTON, Jan.' 3. (AP) Confidence 'was expressed by .the administration today that most of the banks soon would make loans on the soldier insurance certifi cates as steps were considered In congress for authorizing the veter-4 ans bureau to loan on this collat eral. : i- , jl'-S-x , " r- ;' J Although reports received by : the veterans bureau Indicated 6nly r about one-halt of the "banks were acquired a loan valjie today, Sec retary' Mellotj expressed the belief the banks would soon turn to these loans aa a ''business proposition." "TTie adjusted 'service' certificate fund was increased today by $123- nflA And tn a tnfal nf tifin AAA ADD. : AH of this is pledged to the cer- UUC&ic-. wmcu asTe bq esuuiateu loan value of $200,000,000. . There .is no chance for ,thc banks to lose, on the certificate loans, Mr. Mellon explained. ; If ; the;war veterans faiL to repay the - loans, tho veterans bureau will niake them good, cutting this sum from, the value of the certificate finally due the veteran.:- : . , " "NEW. YORK, Jan. 3. (AP) More than one thousand former service men went to the New York Federal Reserve Bank today tscck- I honse.j;t;; ;- r"..-;- j 1 - - - - - - Illlinots." - I 17777? J-T7n :tT- T -