The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 02, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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On the Balcony where
you .will find the biggest
' - - .......
values ever given by this
store or elsewhere.
42 IADIKS' COATS These gar--ment
were all new this falL( 'o
old garnwnti to palm off). Some of
these garments 'sold as high as
$29.50. All foil lined and many fur
trimmed Home tailored garments in
the lot. Director's
January AW l 77
Price . . . ffimV i and I
29 Indies' Coats all fur trimmed and
many full crepe de chine lined.' Won
lerful garments. You will be pleased
with any one of them. Values as
high as S36.0O. C17 77
Director's January I'rice $1 I
5M Ladies' Coats, right smart gar
ments, too. j Bolivia' cloth, Vanice,
Buckskin Suede ' and other popular
cloth" nil nicely trimmed with fur
, such as Fox, Squirrel, Wolf, Lynx,
" etc. -Any woman would be proud to
own one of these beautiful garments.
Values as high as S42US0.. 4
pSrrr'"".?...... $2i.oo
Corduroy Kimonas
Values to 4.95. Tuxedo collars,
self trimmed and side ties, assort
ment of colors. i ! iy
Clearance price, each .. $01 4
; Spring Dresses
Tlds shipment was ordered for later
delivery and through error the manu
facturer shipped them at once. They
are lovely' dresses flat, crepes, crepe
meteors, . satin back crepes, etc., in
all, the new spring shades. Our
spring price on them is, to 919.95.
We can not lay. them oiie fide there
fore we place them in the
January Sale at ....
Women's House Dresses
Consisting of Ginghams, English
Prints and Broadcloth all cut .full
and well made sizes 16 to 53.' It's
just a question how many you want
Children's Dresses
Sixes 2 to 12 years,' in English prints,
AiBOskeag gingham, broadcloth, etc.
Outfit the girts now at
this low January Price . . ,
Tom-boy Blouses of fine Knglish
Broadcloth. Fancy. Voiles and Dimity
In the popular Vestoe styles. Slue 34
to 44. AH go in this T"T
January Clearance Sale at
Silk and Rayon Blouses, also some
t -rep tie 1enc and" longce In odd
styles and sixes. Some sold as high
as (f 7.98 but we must clear them out.
Director's January
Price .
Ladies' and Children's Hats
.My! What Values! -Don't overlook
this one. Any hat in the house that,
sokl as high as 99.93. C 1 flfl
Out (hey go, for each .. vllU
crhjUdrea's Hais what there is left,
which U about U-go .la this HQZ
January1 Sale at ..... . . . I yC
Formerly sold to $5,1X5.
Children's Knit Caps
Any stocking Cap In stock will be
Fabric Gloves
' -! i ! . - i . --, ( "
OniC line .or fancy turned-back, ruff
Suede fjirislu Values to 91 "' '
Clearance price, iwlr' . . . . . . . J C
I Ouling Flannel
Inch , White or .CkHorctl res I 2c
Talucood, quality. f . ,
, Clearance rice, yard ' . -.T. I
w T VAi4Vl a MA Asr ymmmm m
to 50 per cent. Plan to be
and the
Pure Silk Hosiery
We have one special lot pure silk
ravel stop Hosiery in black and col
ors, that are regular 81.25 7Qf
sellers, i Clearance; price, pair I ? C
Infants' Hose
BJark only that's the reason of the
low, price they are 50c regu
lar. Clearance "
Price, pair . . -. , 1UC
, Ladies' Hosiery
uc lot Silk and Wool ami AH Wool
Hosiery. Values to 1J50. (tQ
Clearance price, pair VrC
Rillqr Tubing
42-inch Meached Indian head tubing
linen finish. QH
Clearance price, yard OUC
30-inch Unbleached Muslin. 1 ftl
Hard twisted, yard 12C
36-lnch, 2!ic Unbleached Mus
lin. Clearance Price, yard
30-inch fancy Cretonne. JRig line to
choose, from. Reg. Values 4c. jrQ '
Ck'arance Irice, yard IC
Pure 1.1 nn Toweling -fO-inch soft
bleached Toweling. Regular value
29c. Clearance 'Price "1 Q
Yard IOC
Mohawk Sheets
81x90 Bleached soft finish, well made
-regular f 1.89.
Clearance price a .
Freemont Sheets
81 xOO Splendid value.
Clearance Price ......
- - i
Rayon Bed-spread Krinkle
Make sour own roread from this fan
Js fan-
rh and
, blue
cy krinkle weaw. tt is 40 inch and
sold for 91435 Rose, orchid, blue.
Clearance f
Price, yard
Huck Towels
15 doz. extra heavy linen finish huck
towels, biff size. 25c regular price.
Clearance ' 1 Q
Price, each IOC
Rubber Aprons
Pure gum rubber with tie back and
dainty .rubber flowers! S1.25 QQ
regular. Clearance price . . 0f C
Dress Gingham
32 inch dress Ginghams, checks,
plaids, stripes and plain colors fast
colors. .85c regular. .
Clearance Price, yard' blC
Ladies' Shoe Section In Rear of Dry Goods Department You May Take the
Court Street Entrance If You Like. 'We Have Never Given Such Values Before
Queen Quality Shoes, that famous
well known brand or quality will be
offered in one great lot Straps,
'Pumps ami Oxfords 'in patents, kid
and tan Every pair in the house of
Queen Quality Values S0.50 to
-50. All at one M AO
Cash Bargain Basemeimit
Offers Exceptional Bargains for the January
r. s. sport boots
. IVss Than Wholesale Cost
The reason we offer them so low is
wo have sizes. 0, 10, 11 only. These
are X H. Super Quality and sold reg
ularly at S.5.( ;
January Sale, ialr. . . .
Men's Pocket Hip (M 07
iioojts ,l. ;.V.v.; lmVi
Men's all leather .Shoes, values to
$.. January - i
ITIcc .
t JHeu, extra, . good All Jeathcr . jvork .
Klioest values, to fOJDO. . , A j Q fj
Men's i'oinposll jku
Belts .
mkv l (Llvni luwyr '
r V-- -rr
AU leather, composition sole. Kegi
racuts.;- - 1 , An rf
TKroiicrriont the Drv Goods Section ReducUons from 20
- ' ,
here the first day as some of the items may l?e gpne
very ones you wanted Director's.
Ruffled Curtain Het
Barred net ruffled, in c ors of rose
and gold. Also plain net. 1 M
Clearance price, yartl , A 3 C
Lingerie Silk
One lot of Tiffany and Blossom Silk.
36 inch in several shades. Fine for
Lingerie purposes. o r
Extra special, yartl JJC
Flannel Pajamas
Windsor Flannel Pajamas in fancy
stripes, neatly trimmed, well made.
excellent quality. 92.4U
regular. Clearance Price
Jap Lunch Cloths
Two Lots One lot Crepe, one lot Jap
cloth, all fast colors. Clearance price
$1.19 ,. $1.49
Turk Bath Mats
We have a few fanacy ones that were
SI .50. Out they go. QQ
Clearance price, each 0f C
Mercerized Damask
(U inch fancy weave looks like lin-
en, will launder easily
95c regular.
... 68c
Price, .yard
Curtain Marquisette
36 inch fancy designs. 45c value.
Ecru, white, Tlg. ' ni
Clearance Price, yard ...I. ... 34C
Bath Towels
20 doz., size 16x32, a real buj Lim
it 6 to a customer. q
Clearance Price, each 1C
Fancy Towels
We have only 18 of them. They sold
to 9 1.50 each. q
Clearance price, each UC
Bath Towels
Heavy 4-thread towels, fancy stripe.
Size 18x36. iq
Clearance Price,- each X 51 C
One lot Rubber Aprons.
Fancy trimmed.
Clearance Price
89c value.
. 69c
Pequot Sheets
72x99 This well known brand needs
no introduction. ' A 4 J(
Clearance price $JLfJ
Pequot Muslin
9-4, or 81 inch Sheeting, bleached or
unbleached. jjj
Clearance Price, ytfrd DdC
In High Grade Shoes
Another lot Ladles Shoes in black
ami tans,' straps, pumps and ox
fords, high, medium and low heels.
Values to S7.30 An rj
January Price, pair ...... I
One small lot Boys' SUpon Sweaters.
Values to 94.75. 07
January I'rice ) 1 tf
200 Pairs Women's Spats.
on. Xo exchanges.
Every sale final. Pair ....
'o try
e Ixt Alttminumware. Values to
$1-50. You must not miss this' op
portunity. ;
January' Clearance r'ch
.300 iwirk Uuster Brown Hise and
Wearwelt . Hose. Tlie regular SOc
-S kind- AVo. juust, seU them
IPP rir; 3 pair lor
ihie lot 3len!jj jiud ; Uoys Khaki
Coats. "It's really a shame
to name the price' , ......
a ,f .
One loc of .Men's Ralntest Pairtsv lUxm
ft J th Road ml Black Bcar'BranO;
1 Nrw-U.M.' ,so'rm, i;tibberk. 1 CQ' -
Dress Suiting
A real fast color suiting that- will
make smart dresses. All good colors
to select from. Regular priced J-
49c. Clearance Price, yard dvC
Dress Percale
36 inch best quality, fancy patterns.
Checks, stripes, etc. IP
Clearance Pricr, yartl XJC
Windt r Crepes
Tlw fast color kind fancy designs,
splendid quality, 35c values.
Clearance price , yard .1C
Fancy Lingette and Sateen
We gathei-ed tlie two In one lot ;
Values to 75c. Beautiful soft finish
materials. OPp
Clearance Price, yard OiJC
Serpentine Crepes
Fine for' kimonas and jumpers
Flowered designs. Q
Clearance price, yard 1C
Children's Coats
In a big variety of colors, sizes and
styles. Values to 914.95.
January Price v''
Men's Shoe Section in
Rear of Men's Clothing
Department. Take Com
mercial Street Door
One lot Men's Wesco-made for Ore
gon. High Shoes, solid leather in
side and outside. Genuine calf. 'For
merly $7.50.
January Price, pair . . .
One lot Men's Oxfords, such as W. J-u
Douglas Foot Schulz, O'Donnels and
other makes. Values to $10.00.
January Q7
Price, pair $J7f
27 Boys' Caps in plaids, checks, etc.
January AO '
Price 5JOC
Here are heavy all-wool, knit Sweat
ers, in pull-over styles, assorted col
ors. Big value for little
money. January Price .
Children's Shoes -
Plain combination patents tans
combination trimmed. AU high class
shoes. Values to 87.50 go at
$177 to $277 p.
Clearance Sale
200 pair Women's All Leather Shoes, '
fumps and Oxfords, kJo and calf,
also one lot women's high shoes.
Values to $5.50. Ixok! ' C7
Out they go for U C
One lot Women's Vlt Hats. !MuHt
be cleaned out. Take your
choice at . . . . i I . . .
4 ' - ' .v r. .-.
Tatie O Cloth. All colors.
January Price; yard
M EX'S STORM y . " . jn
RVBRMICS . . . . . '. . . . . , tUC
Men's Comfort" Shoes with -cuslilon
sole, ptaiiftoe. -The shoo for- eoiii-"
forU . . 50 regular. - . K7 7
January. Prtce ... . .". tfrd I I
Worth looking after '.... $DI
One .lot . Men's and Women's ; Raiit
Coat. c .VJaes to S8JSO. , (jji niy
January Price -. . J ; . V l .
One lot short pant Suits. Every, size
in lae lpt. Values to8.50, Jpng
as iheylast the price Qy
will be y . . . .. . ..:'. . y Xy
In a Great January Sale
One lot Men's Top Coats, -virgin wool,
snappy styles. Regular price 24.50.
Director's January 1J QC
Price . . . $ JLOsifO
One lot Men's Heavy Overcoats.
Double breasted, very Istest models.
A regular S35.00 garment, i ' ''
Director's January
Price . . ,
Men's Dress Shirta
One lot S3 and 93.50 Shirts,! collars
attached or neck ' band . styles, con
sisting of percales, madras and, broatf-
January l'rlce .......
Another lot Men's Shirts, collars at
tached, broadcloth and flannel-ette.
'January 1 OD
Price ............... j VOC
Men's Rayon Silk
Bow Ties
Men's Silk four-in-hand i Ties
crepes, etc. Regular $1.00 Sellers.
January JA,
Price i OSfC.
One lot boys all-wool Sweaters and
Blazers in pull-over styles, fancy de
signs and colors. Extra 0 QQ
value. January Price .... O
Another lot boys all-wool Sweaters,
pull-overs and blazer styles in fancy
designs and colors. Extra ' special.
January go QQ
Price . :. J)O70
Men's and Boys Underwear
Men's media mweight ddono long
sleeves-ankie, splendid garments.' ""
January AO
Price ifOC
31 en's heavy part wool Unions, all
nicely made and finished. QQ
A realbuy. Jan'y Price . . . ll0 -
The well known brand of Wrights
heavy wool Union Suits in &O QQ
the January sale at-'. . . . ..vm9u
Boys' heavy part wool Unions "(natur
al color). A wonderful garment for
boys. 4 QQ.
January Price ........... Q7 V
Men's sample line Unloqs, silk and
wool, and all wool, heavy and light
weight. Just SO0 in the lot. i If iold
in regular way they would be worth
$5 and S6.50. An fikf-
Januarj Price . . . . w . .
Men s Suits
Hits the Toboggan in this
January Clearance Sale
25 Men's, Young Men's and conserva
tive modelsstrictly all wool and
up-to-the-minute styles. ; " f , , ,.!. "
Director's A 4 yf n Pf
January Price ....... 314t)
20 Men's and Young Men's Suits, alf
new models, strictly all wool.. Ex
tra Special Values. ClQ QC
Director's Jan'y Price
About 22 Suits for Men and Young
Men in double ' breasted blue serges
in stripes ami fancy diagonals, sir
Director's 7Q QC
January Price ...... . . r
30 Young Men's, and Men's &ults In
the very finest quality Metcalf ami
worsteil in double breaated and nln
gle styles. - Regular S45.0O KulU.
Director's QC
January Price Q)
All our 3Icn's Hats , divided; in tyvo
lots. .. .
livt OneMen's- Hats, values oO.
January' ftp
Price, . . . i . ., i..0s5lD
lt Two- Men's Hats, values JKl4t
S7A. January
I'rice. . . K. k.!. . .
Men's-C'apV, smart nlaids. clierks. etc.
Ha.isewriee at $2.30 to
:. $1.79
ViJiO. Our Jan'y Prlcei
Young Men's Yellow lickers-M
prusr l'Vog Brund, guars nteil waer
proof. 90.00 ; value. 1 iV''. 4A tT
January Priwr.V"..- 1 D
"JIKXr - Xiuy These" by tliel tlweiil
aren's Pant) siik ihi mix ; .on - '
.MJxctl Hose. Pair .... . i'pj?Q
Men's SUk 'and Jtt'ool ' Hose!, f auey
plaids, stripes, etc. KegulMr Pn
f LOO value, ralr ... L D?C
3Ien'sa;ant Bust En
Overalls . . .
Ievl- Straus famous Waist
Overalls .
4m . ft
".V R-St't
... ; i ' .