Here's the Kodak dad got me for Christmas ' ? - ; : " . L . i - i ' ;- . ' i Yoii boy is missing! a lot of fun ! without a Kodak. If you didn't ' get him a Kodak for Christmas, do it now at this store. We've, a wide selection Prices are from $5 up . - i- Careful Finishing on Velox OnlK the Best. - ' J.viiVilctr HGtNTS & Tdt V WC UtCUb . wooers 5MTt Sirttr -t LBt.ffTF "IFfnTFRPTiTrRir SAYS: Sec Our llKW Star Touring Appearance 98 .09 .100 S423.00 Performance Value rwm The Mouse That Service Built Where To Dine tODAY ' and father were strong characters I and Bogue and at the-end of the who gave him sympathy and en couragment. ' - "Several worthy volumes have been written In his honor, and such addresses as that from, the Hon. Francis B. Harrison, gover-nor-general, and United States re- OBJTUAKY period the only Cardinal score was the result. Stanford started its driTO from its own 37yard line. ' First pass to Shipey netted 21 yards; two Hoffman to Bogus re verses took the ball to Alabama's . . Tlbbtta At the residence, ISO South 14th street. Dec. 29, Julia H... wife of J. C Tibbita, age 58 years. Sur vived by-her husband and three children. Edgar A.U Btith. E. and presentaMve Cooper, worthy of I8 I00 a u 10 v-W TibbiU-ll: Salem; three a more genedal study among Am-" M ra """sisters, Mrs. Auniek O. j Beyer ot ericans especially, penalty helped them a moment, New 0reaM, Earei Mteche Dr niut uo o avMtiHAn.i i out HoitmBn passea again , io i svramae. Y Mrs.: Minnie, a. . .. . ... ChttiV.o nnrl o til nrl rain ro. J r. i 1 1 w 9 T na ' inrelM. BTlri scientist, wiin a marvelous prom- I j - o i von ocum - . T ise. suited. A surprise was sprung, 0ne brother, Emanuel T. Mische nnocaf Inataari nf Hnffmn I nf Iw ABEelei. Unerai services sKimui engineer, as snown "U6"v . ---; "-7. -TorwflHeer in his achievements during hi, who.vsas back m punt wrmauon wm ub .-- - Ullt;r V kl &r 1 IUU ll. auu wcua : - - . : Louisa Mitchell of Detroit, Mich. ; two brothers, ' , Frppk Liston of WleyTille W. ya. and William. A. Laston oi saiem. : Jt unerai ser rices "Monday, Jan; 1, at X: 3 0 p. m.. from the.RigdoU mortuary. In terment City View cemetery. exile in Dapton. Sent there to sicken and die, he began teaching I across the goal line. the poor, children, nd With hand- j verted. Bogue con- . ... ? M . A m. uonciuaang Berfiwn Portland crematorium at 2 ; 3 0. LOCAL NEWS IN. BRIEF Cre?tiiig? From Filipino Club The Salem Filipino club wish to present to the public library of Sale ma year's subscription for The Philippine Republic, and hope that it will be of great aid to the people of Safem In providing first hand information concerning the present and future Philippine sit uation. The club also wishes this subscription to stand as a 'greeting to the people and an expression of good wishes, for a happy and prosperous year." Salem Filipino club, Marcus P. Rerbaur president. Our Business Is Firnily Established, well managed add permanent. $6 First Preferred shares. See friendly P. E. P. Co. ad, section 2, page 3. j2 Hotel Marion Dollar dinner, serred 5: every evening. 45 to 8 h26tf liost. Victor Portabl( Phonograph. Left on running board of Mitchell car. Reward. Inquire at Statesman office, it Gahlsddrf Store Moved The Wm. Gahlsdorf store on Liberty street moved January 1 to 325 Court street. Used Pianos Lots of them 150, $75, $100, $125, $150. Why pay more? Tall man Piano Store, 395 South 12th. For Rent, Xew Five-Room Hpuse, all modern, furnished or unfurnished. Immediate posses sion; close in. Phone 1131. J 4 Return From Trip ' Phillip Bell, Wesley Heise and Kelly Moore of this city have re turned from a week's trip to the Portland YMCA boys camp at Spirit Lake. Wash. While there the boys climbed Mt. St. Helens as far as the timber line. Correction of Announcement Through an error the announce ment of the removal of Dr. O. E. Prime's office to ' the new- First National Bank building made .it tar that the doctor practiced on Monday, Wednesday and ly. Tiie days mepuonea, no(w over, indicateflhe evenings on which the doctor is In -his office from 7 : 30 to 9 o'clock. Dr. Prime maintains regular hours each day. A Flower for Alt Occasions. Adams, Florist. J2 1927 Calendars Free. Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, tover Millers. dl9tt New Pianos Standard makes, $204, $245, $295; terms. See these at Tall man Piano Store, 395 South 12th. 32 Miss Dibble Will Register New students In platform read ing and speaking courses; also cultivation of the speaking voiceJ Monday and Tuesday afternoons at the studio, 180 NrCom'I St., room 25. J2 Dr. Marshall, OsteopathJc Physician and surgeon. J 2 For Rent, Houses And store uunoings. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High St. j2 OTcrstuffed Furnlt Made to order and re-covered. Salem Wicker and Overstuffed Manufacturing Co., 2218 State. Tel. 2230. J12 Furniture Upholstery And - repairing. Qlese- Powers Furniture Co. a2tf Car Reported Stolen A car-owned by A. E. Grone- wald of The. Dalles was stolen late Friday night from ;.Ferry street, neat the 'Marion hotel, it was re ported at police headquarters here. Water Tight Concrete-! Ask the Oregon Gravel Co- how to r-'ake it' and what, materials to usi- xeiepnone isv. . iz . : -..4.. : r There IsTt Time ' To enroll at the Capital Busi ness, College for work beginning tomorrow. The office will be open at : 8 o'clock Monday. Join the 160 other ear nest young people who are now attending this school which does so much to give a suc cessful start in business. J2 land last week. Among them were brace Allen. Mildred Starret, Mrs. Andrews, Thebe McAdams. Mrs. L. Clark and Laura Hale. Miss Starret was elected president of the: class room teachers' depart ment of the association. Wanted, Used Furniture. Tel. 511. 32 Laymen to Speak Four speakers, are scheduled to address the First Presbyterian church this morning at the annual "laymen's service," part of a "loy alty month" program. They are Gorernor Walter M. Pierce. W. A. Delzell, J. P. Bates and R. C. Da ia. xuecnurcn is starting a urive i a. m. to z p. m lori 101 new members. Eat Your Sunday Dinner At the Gray Belle. Turkey Dinner - Served ail day at the Spa. For Dinner This Evening Dollar dinner at the Marion Hotel today. Chicken Dinner At the Lunch Box. 181 S. Lib erty. Tables for ladies. Kort Kafe, 428 Court St. Special dinner 11 to 8, 75c. Eat Tour Sunday Dinner At the Valley Grill, 156 S. Com'l. Under new management. Mlnto's New Salem Restaurant- Will serve $1 turkey and 50c cream chicken dinner today from 12 to 9 p. m. Chicken Dinner Today Regular prices. Argo Restau rant. the two elevens battled without a ough to speak in them. Friend 8ingle mark bmg hUDg DP D th score Boeeu Gordon Holmes, the Tide's great center, who had been ill, took the field for the first time Just before half time, but played only a few moments. He was out made tools constructed a light ing system and a pure water ays tem from beyond the mountains. A naturalist; enriched museums of Manila and Europe with hun dreds of new and rare specimens. An Ethnologist whose friendship Dr. Meyer of Dresden sought. A philologist, a real polyglot know ing fully twenty- languages well en of Dr. Rost, greatest philologist. A chemist. A famous ocultist. soueht wherevere .he went, and a physician. The Malay Poet Royal, witn a spontaneous artistic nature. At 18 years he won a prize offered adults by Manila Lyceum: "To the Philippine Youth." A natural sculptor his bust of Father Guer- rico won the gold medal at the St. Louis Exposition. Author of two novels that ' set Spain and Manila thinking, one for revenge and the other with hopes for lib ertvl "Noli Me Tanger" (Touch me naU, was inspired by reading Mrs. Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was the first step toward his per secutions, as he .exposed Spanish perfidy and Philippine slavery The second. "El Filibusterismo f Greed), told in awful sarcasm the truth about the friars The passes completed by the Cardinals were big factors in their ground gaining, one third of their advance yardage being made through the' air, but fumbles sev eral times killed promising at tacks. - Bennett 1 irvin Bennett, aged IK died at his home east of Brooks Jan. . J He is survived by his widow., Mrs- Antoinette Bennett; two children Marie and Harry, and two grand- Geraia. children. Annabelle and in tko ainnA ani third neHnds I Announcement o I funeral later from the trfortuary or itigaon Son. " FUNERALS Lucv ' Souder ' died at Salem Height Dec i 29. age gJL,years.v Funeral Mom ay at Z p. m. at the Webb fnheral parlors. Rev. Nor man K. Tnlly officiating: 1 Martharjr.Thomasr'83" years, died at. Vancouver, -Wash. - Fune ral at Webb funeYal parlors' Mon day at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. W. C. Kantner officiating. Interment at City View cemetery;- ' " . . . dark' ; Mrs. Ruhama M. 6lark, 7t, died at the residence, 1402. North 18th street, Salem, early Friday Shefis the widow of i$e late T. C. Clark. Survived hy several chua- of the lineup again at the start ollren residing in thej east and Mrs- Sunday Chicken Dinper With All the trimmings at 50c per plate, will be served at the Coffee Shop, 175 So. Com'l St from 11 32 Drunken Driver Out Y. Magaki, charged with driv ing while drunk, was "released from the city jail yesterday on $500 bail. RIZAL MARTYRED LEADER IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLES ((unturned from page 1.) Player Piano - Left with us. Will sell at a real bargain. Terms. Tall man Piano Store, 305 South 12th. J2 Resume Marine Recruiting Lieut. Marvin V. Yandle offi cer In charge of the marine corps an official inspection of the local recruiting station in charge of Sergeant F. E. Car nes yester day. . Information from headquar ters furnished Sergeant Carnes states that the marines will re sume recruiting for a limited time. Marine recruiting has been closed since November. . Universal Heaters and Allen Circulators.. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. ' . 32 Chevrolet Owners Come in and see the newest and most beautiful Chevrolet, Many improvements and changes in col ors. On display New Year's day. Open evenings. Newton Chevro let Co. ' ? ,.; . 32 Auxiliary to Meet Wed m-NdaT. afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the auxiliary jt - Veterana of Foreign Wars will meet with Mrs. B. C. Waelke at 701 North Church street. - - New Stule:ilM in Public Speaking Voice training and dramatic ex pression may enroll for mid-winter term at Miss Dilrhle'e studio cm Monday and Tuesday " after noons, 189 N. Com'l st., room 25. , . - . it MwK'bcr Arretl Joe Kxyi)uy was -arrested- by- lo ;il police n a charge of mooch ing late Friday 'hJght.v - .' " Visit Mt. Hood Mildred thrig.' Mildred Shack -leton and Helen Pippy have- gone to ML Hood to spend some -tme in ' win terc sports.,' -. . - Wanted to Itent s ," Space in my offices in now First National Bank buildings JPhone 870 orj231tWtr 32 latictttM In Ilbtpiti:Is- Frank "Siemens was . released from a local.r hospital New Year's day. following : recovery from an operation. . , : Warelioase Property Buy A beautr.:102xl35,corner; lias been cut from $15,000 to $12,000 and today to $10,000 total price. Two residences .now on; the best Two residences now on; the best laiy of Its kind in Salem. Cash. I'-ecko & Hendricks. 189 N. High street. "4 . . 1 d22tf ' .- ' , J'ortMry tjoartl to Meet - -v The stale board of forestry will 'vHMi TilMiArlav n iownlnr aoafltfin rest ry flls to be .presented to iiu lcKishtture will be discussed. WatteI,' Reponiible Person .'"Wishes to ;caro .for! and occupy Saiem home for month' or more, during owner's absence, at nom inal rental.' Reference 'given. Box 2, Statesman. : r-' : . J2 V -; ' - . '' ' Hchoci tur J teopcu Monday Classwork jin all the Salem pub lic schools will ' . begin . Monday morning, following the1 holidays for Christmas and New Years. Classes -at .Wlllametto university will reopen Tacsday. Lost, Indies Wrist Watch With black ribbon attached. Fiider please return to 1161 4th street. West Salenu -v J2 High Cjrado Granal 'Piano f Will he sacrificed It sold this week. . ' Terms. Tall man Piano Store. 395 South 12th. . 32 Drunken Driver Held Y. Migakl of Labish is being eld by local police ona drunken driving chance. He was arrested Friday I night, but his name -was not learned until yesterday after noon, j The companion , of Wayne Ray. arrested late' Friday-night on a charge of drunkenness,' was yesterday identified as Clark Val enilne. - MEXICAN EDICT ON OIL LEASES AWAITS ACTION ,JCaaa from paK 1) changed, fundamentally it is still a j Case of waiting to see whether the Mexican government actually will confiscate any land to which foreign interests claim 'title or leases legally acquired before 1917. The United States embas sy has no news or any confisca tions thus far. Tampico dispatch es do not report any such devel opment in the oil fields of that region. Up to tonight the Mexican gov ernment had not announced the character of the last minute ap plications for concessions, but well informed observers do not think they include applications by foremost foreign oil companies for the confirmation of rights ob tained before 1917. ! Since the foremost foreign oil companies apparently have, not applied for confirmation of their titles or leases to oil lands . ac quired before 191 7 under - the constitution they have lost recog nition of their rights to such lands. Speculation continues, however, as to whether the gov ernment win actually take over specific' pieces of property and w-haitthe policies of the foreign governments will be then. The closing hours of the cham ber nession bristled with outbursts against! the "invasion of Nicara gua." vehement criticjsm of the department, of- state and Wall Street for their "designs against Mexico," and appeals in fervid phrases to the 'patriotism of Mex icans and Spanish-Americans to oppose "Yankee 'domination." . j The agrarian leader; Soto y Gatna, and; the labor - leaders. Eualito Martinez and: Alejandro Ceribola, were the principal spiak crs. . . : T. ' ; - ., Cerlsola dwelt., upon Mexico's Visit in Caiiww. Wa,li. ? C Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cutnmings. I heir cb lldrcn ; and ' M r . a nd M rs. CM ft Taylor were in Camas, Wn., yesterday" to visit Mr. and Mrs. R W. SImeral, former residents of Salem A t -y ' - 1 Acre . HearinjE Fruit - j Block . to .school - and bus line. si.vuo. - terms. ttocKe c lien d ricks. 180 N. High street. 32 -v,: 1 . . - Complete Line' of v ' - Monarcn ; Electrio . Ranges at Hamilton's. )?p u aSXtf Teachers Attend OSTA Meet ' . ' A number of Salem teachers at tended the Oregon State Teachers' as8ociaUoa:-2aeeUii5 Jield 4a Port- j "great 'moral victory under Pres ident Catlos" in putting Into ef- archepeligo running feet the petroleum and land laws! north and south and some may catch vision of the truths for which Rizal died. His ideals are in keeping with the highest principles of Democ racy and Christianity. He believed in self-determination. He was im bued with the iconoclastic wisdom of scholarship. He fought the laws or corrupt government, the selfish exploitation of capitalists, and the dogmatic creeds of churches. Rizal believes in the truth that it may set men free. "Rizal gave his life for the ful filment of these principals. It is for this reason that he is so dear to the hearts and in the memories of Filipinos everywhere. For this he deserves the sympathy and the admiration of the world. For these same ends we too. should consecrate and reconsecrate our lives. "LeKus know and remember that weffcaunot be patriotic with out being idealistic. Rizal went to spain. England. France, Ger many, Italy, the United States and to many other important -nations He studied their civllizatiyns, so that the Philippines might irise up from her self to the hlghur thin as of life. . & "This is vwhat Rizal said: 'I have traveled around the world. I have studied the important na tions by personal and direct ob servation. I have noted well all the races that have contributed to human progress.' I speak all their languages and others. And yet,' he, added with a melancholy smile. I am to the friars merely a vulgar half-breed.' "Ladies and gentlemen, you re present American culture. It is your civilization that survived Che death of Rizal, and rescued the stricken Philippines. Surely, it is your civilisation that has helped crystalixe our civilization." Dr.. Canse' address on Rizal re ferred to him as a "Martyr to Or ganized Bigotry and Greed, Dr. Jone Rizal." Dr. Canse said, ''was a scientist, a poet, and a patriot., "Together we shall do well to Ikw in patriotic recognition ' the. exponent of the liberty-loving in stinct of the people of your own Filipino nation. 'To know Rizal well we must know his native Tand, its rosourcr . . 1 . - - 1 . i es. iiH neuuitj. .-'. "The Philippine Islands are' in,' the Ironical zone. They are near China at Hong Kong. Borneoand New Guinea, with Australia at the south and Japan at - the -north There are 3000 islands, only half of them named, stretching in an 1000 miles 600 the second half, and his team mates missed their pivot. Alabama's offense was built principally on Winslett, who time and again deserted the line to drop back and charge the beefy Stanford row. As the Cardinals continued to hold their ground, Brown and Captain Barnes took turns at car rying the ball, but the Palo Alto forward wall held them off. Punting on both sides through out the game was worse than poor and it was noticeable that both teams were slower than daring The Patriot of the Philippines. their, seasons 3nst completed. The wtmso onlv prime was desiring his weather man was blamed, for it country good. He read as a stu- was a near-summer day dent about American presidents Th attendance was estimated who came up from poverty, about at go.oOO John Brown, and was nreu iu Summary and lineup: otanH ncrainst the svstem that de- fcUndard (7) i"os. o . I i. i. 1. - -. nied justice, robbed men, wronged Swi women, and persecuted every op-1 8wn c) He saw needed reforms and stated them clearly. Americans should not forget tho rp,i trouble from the friars. Wavier the Butcher, and many other cruel leaders ol church and state. The treachery of officials st time of his safe eonduct back to manlia, and his death Let us remember the influenc- and results of his great me. His mother who reiusea a pensmu, as Rizals did not serve for money His iron will, like a 'camomile, the more it is trodden on the more it crows.' His reward; oppression shall not always reign w comes a brighter day. His religious faith that held throng n awiui frlala SO 'he could say, 'To under- .tan,t' all is to forgive all.' Jessie Lowe, Mrs. iGijac Darling and Thomas Clark of Salem; also two sisters, Mrs. Emma Albaugh of Littleton. W. Va., and Mrs. (7.1 Almmaba . Enis Perry Hagler Pearce Bowdoin ..... Pickhard Winilett Baraei Brown Taylor Caldwell es LE. IT LO MeCreery C ; Kobefclty RG HarriB KT - Walker -RE Iwrs QB. Jlyland ..L,1I Kag-ue RH. Hoffman tB Score by periods: Stanford 7 0 Alabama - O 0 Stanford soorine: Toni-hdown, Walker. Points from try aftpr touchdown, Bogue. Alabama troring: Touchdown, Johnson1 ((tub. for Smith who substituted for Tay lor). Point from try after touchdown. Caldwell. Officials: Referee. Quigley, Kansas;' umpire, Ktrupper. Georgia Tech. ; field judge, McCord, Illinois; head linesman, Kvn, Stanford. 'lime of periods IS minutes each. 0 7 I 7 7 I o VISITORS REPORTED IN SALEM o ll-ol.hmnn Tell US Of the . tkV. , havintr visited the Islands '6"'i ' r In h nnme of Jose' maternal uncle. He Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Landis ef fought for Christ and we may sing J Mill City visited Salem on Satur- Bowering. wno wrote aay. j. k.. uragt or Toledo ana a. Wassmuth of Lebanon were in this city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Leffer of Scio spent New Year's day in this city. . t Dick B. Miller of The Dalles spent Saturday in the city. He was accompanied by his family. Mr. and Mrs. T. Willetts of Roseburg were Saturday visitors in mis city. Mr. and Mrs. S. Swank of Junc tion City were here Saturday. Mary Griffin of Burns is a Sa lem. visitor. Mrs. E. M. Craig of Vale spent New Year s day in this city. H. C. Hamilton and family of Eugene were in this city Saturday ALABAMA GETS 7-7 TIE SCORE IN LATE RALLY (Continued from page 1.) play failed to alter the tally sheet. Three . outstanding features marked the football battle; Big Biff Hoffman's passing and end less succession of ground gaining reverses of all kinds; Stanford's series of fumbles which prevent edbthem , piling up a score al though they gained three yards to night. Aubamaa one from scrimmage; anr-f inaily, the spectacular rise of the TLiAa..o the last emereencv. - when it gathered iits force into j Anna Tanger or is ew berg is a week-end visitor in Salem. five charges and srrL-Stfiftd through the Cardinal wall forhe touch down and 'then the converv to tie. Twice in two successive Year's Day appearances in the RoseP Bowl, the lads from . the soutb have risen to real heights, last yearjo .win from Washington, and (this year to hold the mighty Cardinals, bosses of the Pacific coast conference, to an even break. " .. A 40 yard gain on a pass, Hoff man to Hyland. opened the game with Stanford carrying the ball. Thereafter, Hoffman systematical ly displayed his repertoire of re verses, with th' help of Hyland despite the "unscrupulous North American oil men, who with lim itless ambition desire to continue exploiting our riches." 4 Soto y Cajna declared that nil Latin-America - supported Mexico "against its enoiiiy. tho depart ment of etatev and. though they die, Mexicans will not tremble be fore this and other enemies. j Attacking the department of stale for. "falso , propaganda against Mexico with regard to Bolshevism.' Marttnes denied that Mexico had bolshevist or commun istic, tendencies. adding:- "We hare taken little of the I Russian soviet system because we have at tained many things' that have not been attained In the Russian sys tem." - .. miles wide. This was nis joveu land, and as Scott wrote, 'Breathe there a man with soul so dead who ne'r to himself said., this. is my own; my native land.' "Jh resources ot tho Islands am many. They are rich in min erals, as coal, iron,- copper arid gold; they are filled with great forests of rare timber, and.there Is much fertile soil. ' f ills people, capable, of , great good as great suffering, were em porerlshed by conquering nations who gave them a poor brand of Christianity.: -As India Is rich In potential wealth but , Is enslaved by false worship,,; so are the Phil ippines. BREAKS A GOLD III A FEW HOURS Tint dose of ' Tape' Cold Com- f - pound 'relieve all ? -Xx grippe misery Don't stay stu f fed-up! Quit blowing and snnfflinff! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours nntii three doses aro taken will end, grippe misery and break up a sevcro cold either In the bead, chest, body or limbs. , , . i It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils or nose running;; relieves sick headache, dullness, feTerlah neas, soro throat, sneexlng, sore ness and stiff ness -c "Pape s Cold Compound Is the quickest, surest; rellet known and cosu only thirty-fire cents at drug C stores. U acts witnoui assistance, Miss Mary Main of Peckham won the cake iceing competition of the annual Cookery Exhibition at . Olympia Hall, London, aad although eight men competed, the Sirst "fire prizes went to women. laaaa W aay gPt tt f ; ftitKMO. 1 .Ih.i Ba lutk. Vii.' AfMrmian toiaT t.....jnt irxlrvllax DEAi HEAR with the' tiny Utile Gem Ear Phonecan be worn with out Headband. ' Smallest hearing, device. The wonder of the age. By use of radio principles?, scientifically perfected, insuring clear, posi tive hearing at home, church, theatre and radio, all these pleasures can beyours. -CALL FOR FREE TEST Ask fo booklet v Perry's Drug Store I 115 S. Com'l. St., Salem, Ore. The hero himself, Jose Rizal, S tastes nice, and causes no incon- was porn ot a noble, cultured f am- j venience. Don't, accept a substi Ilr the Mercados. BotlLliis mother UuU. Adr, r, . fc : ,; Anthorized Distrfbutora The Personal Writing Rfaclvlne TypeTrriter Exchange KHOS. ROCN Phone 85f ' 421 Court, 8alnt CHOICEof Trsub Genuine Orange Blossom engage- ? meet and wedding rings is a , tribute to the Judgment .and V good tM of tho wearer. . HARTlIArf ESC3. : Csiars DmX fvlrs. - -1 gins aa aUatsirty. ' ; SYSTEM and order, with reverence and a sacred service, simple and complete in all its ten derness for bereavement. Webb's Funeial Parlors ' Telephone "120 ' Tor Sals. xubboas VpatdaU natal ntaa to Sradanta Fhona t6S S4t M. Oom'l St. Tietor Addlaa SCacala SarrU C, M. lockwoop TURKEY DINNER $1.00 Served All Day 1 Saturday and Sunday '"'ThiSPAv;- TERWILUGERS Perfect Funeral Berrioe For Less . ' Licensed Lady Mortlelaa 770 Cbexneketa TelepboMl 734 DISEASES Treated bj Osteopathy, Dietet ics, Radiant Therapy and Electrical- Therapy Including Dr. Abrams Electronic System. No Charge for Consultation DR. B. H. WHITE t Physician and Surgeon 606 U. S. Nat'L Bank Bids. Balesd, Oregon ; LADD oYBUSH, Banker Established 1868 General Banldng Business Office Hours from 10 a. sn. to S p. as. -- -. -.,- . V . .ar ! . .. J. '- Dr. George R. Vehrs desires to. an- nounce the removal or his medical and surgical of Hoes' dni January 1 1 927, from the United! States Bank Building to Suite 60yf INevy First National Bank,. Building. The office telephone 'will be the same number 6 1 S. Residence telephone 775. - . - f