The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 02, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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" ; ; , - tux st atesmah piibushiho compact
" ' - - ' 1 Sirtl'dwitW St, BtUm, OTgW
B. J. EU4rieka, - HMr
ifi , in a. aieaaarry . --oj Kditor Brania . - Tatearrspk Edte -aV4ra4
attach -V - . Boai.ty Mita
Taa iMtdrta Prw U xelBsiTl7 Mtto4 to th aaa far aabliesvtiaa af an
BUptck??. f"!1' H . tkwwiM UU4 l tki papar ud alaa tk
mi paMiaaaa Mwli.
XaTIay, tS WtHMUr Bldi, Portland, Or,
I. Clark Ca Kaw Tack. ,12g-lS W. til
Basis Of tie S m St
to.-Ja at taa Part Otfiea m 8ala,
i?Kf?Bfc,PEIi:The,l',lliJll Jb wife . . . Dost thou
tUI reUitt tftlnenjntegrhy? Curse God -and die. But he said unto
5urVi U,pke,,tas-one uf the 'oolish women speaketh. What
,4W T?c5irf sood at the of God, and shall we not receive
eriiT ; Job 2:9, lv.
I li $alem must have still water in the Willamette. There is
an item in the pending rivers and harbors bill in congress, for
a survey; of the river as. far as Salem to determine the cost
and feasibility pf this project
' "But as to the feasibility there is no doubt in the minds
pi the chiefs at Washington in charge of such work
And as to the cost, a survey will show that it will be fully
.Justified, considering the fact that it will add millions of
dollars each year to the value of all the products of our lands
that must seek an outlet to American and foreign markets.
.And the project,, once carried -as far as Salem, will be
I taken on . up to Eugene, giving
- " Fy" water)?orn transportation connections with every pari
I of the world. ,
Salem has just lost to Portland the location of the factory
Of Libby(McNeil & Libby. The managers of that great con
cern expect to put up in jeans many products besides fruits
and vegetables. They expect to put up mince meats and
meats and fish in other forms and combinations. So, for the
present time, they haveconcludedthat Portland is the logical
location for their proposed new factory, though the raw
materials in the way of fruits and vegetables will have to be
largely, trucked in from the valley.
With still water in the Willamette, admitting of very low
barge transportation cost, Salem will not be at a disadvantage
in securing such factories as , the one mentioned
. And perhaps Lflbhy McNeil & Libby will build their fruit
and vegetable cannery in Salem when we get still water in
the Willamette. That concern has many canneries through
out the world.
The campaign for a beet sugar factory in Salem, and for
a struig rpf Jthem in "the Willamette valley, will go on
' S- Must go on, for -there is no pther one thing that will do
Long and Short Distance Hauling
Public and Private Storage
... ; . Fireproof Building V
; Free Delivery to. any part of the city
. PAUL TICUO, Prwp. f
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-V
Relieve "the
bi .Gp.ughing
&jii only at'" ;;
1 r - ,
-. V A;va . " .-at. "
- IH;i'G STOKE U .
North Commercial St.
-' .: Original Yellow Front - '
The Penster Store
1 W. H
T H A.
H. Hntam - GlMalAtim Hium
Bate H. JCletsiar - Adrartiaiar Vtiuu
Frak Jaakoaki Maaagar'Jok Dm.
BtetM ljTMtoek Editor
OwCaaaar ... - Praltn EAitar
lit St.: Calf. Ifarqaatta Bid.;
' 1 - - ' DUtMM aSJ
Raws Dapartaaat S3 ar 10 Cirealaiiea Offiaa ftSt
Of., aa iMDiltN ur.
the whole vast Willamette
' (
Warehouse ,
r fill ib w
Ji( 14--
;Tailorcd-to-measurc Suits
J5uitsMadejTo Order :
I 532.50
. -. -.. .. ' .
5. .Vlr.
The Merchant Tailor
M74 Court Street'
so much for the solid growth
Besides, sugar beet growing
able of the major crops of the
sdhere. ' -7 i;
This valley is bound in time to have many sugar fac-
tories i
And th sooner they are
greatest period of agricultural
"There will be no cessation
agent for Marion county "
For We are losing by this
lagricultural development ought to have. We arfe m many
respects lagging behind some of the other counties of the
Willamette valley, like Washington county, for instance,
through this lack.
" We are standing in our own ligfy. Marking time. Our
county authorities are listening to and being influenced by
knockers and mossbacks and reactionaries and the twa'ddle of
Silurians and ne'er-do-wells.
We must have a county agent ; and we will.
Bits For Breakfast
Salem J growing
1 '
Biz new Y. M. C. A.
new Y. M. C. A. building;
not' large enough for ; its 9 pen
house crowds yesterday, and it is
already orercrowded with Its regu
lar work and service
And the Elsinore theater was
n6t big enough fox the people who
wanted to attend the New Year
evie programs on Saturday night.
i S S ;
iLet us have still water' in the
Willamette, and Salem will be
the logical place for many fac
tories that may otherwise get
away from her.
Last week 116 persons applied
for work at the Salem Y free em
ployment office, and ; 64 were
sent out to jobs. The other 52
must lire, as best they can. There
is need for more money and food
aid clofching for the winter relief
fund, and will be for five or six
weeks yet till the spring work
iThe same jrinks. and their kind,
who are cracking jokes and mak
ing slighting remarks about the
sugar beet campaign were, a little
while back, almost laughing their
fool heads off about growing flax;
also about the bulb industry; and
about celery and lettuce growing,
and about mint. 2nd wafnuts.and
Oh, well, about any thing and
erery thing that looked like prog
ress. " .
You don't . mean in Salem'
said a well dressed lady, looking
at; the flax display in the Shlpley-j
Ftore window, when told that such
linens as the table cloth exhibited
would very soon be manufactured
here. The inferiority complex and
general mule cussedness are the
wOrst drawbacks Salem has. And.
ery generally, she is being cured
of these ailments.
Pomeroy & Keene. i Jewelers.
never rail to give you iwuvo on
the dollar. Watches, clocks, pins,
charms. Standard high grade
stock in all departments. ()
-J If you are in need of comforts.
blankets pillows or other bedding i
you shonld see what Hamilton's!
are offering. See the wool mixed
blankets at 14.45. ()
The Hamilton Furniture Com
pany has added a toy department
to their stock. Many new things
n toys. to. gladden the hearts of
the little folks, 340 Court St. ()
Army and Outing Store. Biggest
bargain st in clothing, shoes, under
wear, hosiery, gloves, valices and
ss it cases. The working man's
store, 189 N. Commercial. ()
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class,: stylish looking, comfort
giving, long wealing shoes for the
tfat money. Come and be con
Tinced. Is5 N. Com'L! ; ()
of our industries on the land-
is in itself the most profit-
United States, and will prove
secured the quicker will oui
growth begin.
of the effort to have a county
lack part of the headway our
(Continued from past 1.)
spiration for his late book "Splen
did Summits," to have been de
rived from a trip, as correspon
dent for a metropolitan daily,
when Governor Pierce and party
visited southern Oregon in the
interest of the development of the
state's water power, etc., and in
which book are incorporated Gov
ernor Pierce's theories.
Viola Price Franklin talked
upon the benefits to the literary
interests of Oregon from Gover
nor Pierce's cooperation and in
terest. Robert Paulus paid high tribute
to the achievements of the gover
nor, and Edna Garfield read a
poetry quatrain. Mr. Alexanders
book. "Splendid Summits.
autographed names of" the pvests
was presented to Governor Pscr'-e.
who was deeply affected over t.aa
high tributes of praise given him
at this function. He voiced deep
appreciation for the cooperation
of both personal and political
friends, and assured them that his
interests were "all-Oregon." and
that his efforts would continue to
he exerted for the wholesome and
ri.uhteoifs upbuilding of the com
monwealth. The guests besides Governor
Pierce, included Dr. and Mrs. Nor
man K. Tully. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Delzell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Dann. Justice O. P. Coshow, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Alexander, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Paulus, Dr. and
Mrs. F. G. Franklin. Mr. and Mrs.
U. J. Hendricks. Renska Swart.
Mrs, William Fordyre Fargo. Dr.
Mary Rowland. Mirpah Blair and
Mrs. Blair, and Edna Garfield.
The Man's Shop saves you a ten
dollar bill on every quality suit.
Shirts, bats, ties, collars. High
grade clothing, perfect fitting,
long wearing. 416 State. ()
The Peerless Bakery. J70 N.
Commercial. Sanitary, up to date
Prompt delivery. Bakers for those
who appreciate the best. Increas
ing patrons tell the tale. ()
Stop, look, and listen to our ap
peal. If you are not absolutely
satisfied with your laundry prob
lem, call 165. Hand work our
specialty. '()
W : 1 . . ' " - ' - " - - -
..: ilf-.: ' - -. ' - . '-. - ; ' -,
u r i- , -rr-
iifc --.-rTrr 3-
J " ' . .- r . r ; ' " '': : . -, ... . s , - ' , ' . . , ' - ' - -
S-i -i , : - : . -"T"'. ; ' : ' ' : ;y'y:i: iy - - . ... yyy - .'-..' . ',;f ,vy.rv; ri-ft ----,y.yi -,y i--W - .- :
(.Continued from pme 1.) -
, , ' ,-. - i
swimtn ing exhibition. TheYoung
Mn's division also gave a swim
ming exhibition."
' John Charge and Arthur Hutch
ens, Scotch bagpipe exports, Stept
their musical Instruments eoine
ciuring all the evening.
Boys' swimming races were held
in the evening. Win Needham was
declared bevt small boy swimmer,
wiih Bob Brownell second. Others
ivho did well, were Billy Swifert,
Robert-Baldock and Thomas Wip
er. 1 Best large boy swimmer was
pjhjllip Brownell. with Frank Crbss
f?ond. Others who did well were
gillie Hawley, Robert Needham.
Ud! Cross. Claud Cross, Donald
Woodry and Ed Schunkt". .
The gymnasium program began
with exhibitions :y the different
boys classes, from beginners on
up through high school boys. A
volleyball team captained by Nile
Hilborn beat one captained by Dr.
E. L. Barritk
Exhibitions of tumbling, wresti
Uig, wire walking and gymnastic
work were held in the evening.
Two basketball ' games were held,
in which the Night Juniors beat
the Day Juniors, 16 to 13, and the
Cooley-Pearsons beat the Paper
IV'. Ill boys, 2? to 15.
Bask at bull scores were as fol
lows: Niht Juniors
Roth (2)
Lehman (2)
Esch (4)
Woods (5) .
Ifciy Juniors
(9) Byrd
. (1) Simpson
(2) Nash
. Remington
... (1) Baker
Beckwell G--.
Kleinke S. ...
White (3) S
Gregg ( 6 ) F
G. Nash (7) F
Gibson (6) C
Farley (4) G -
E. Nash (2)... G -
PaiM-r Mill
(8) Ellis
..... Wilkinson
( 3 Kibbe
(2) Gross
(2, Satchwell
J Reamey
Referee: Iouis Anderson.
A church building where pris
oners may worship in accordance
with thei rreligious beliefs stands
aione within the great enclosure
at the Indiana state prison. i
Automobile accessories far
Christmas gifts appreciated be
cause of their utility. Perhaps we
can help you select a suitable gilt
for "him." Malcolm's Tire Shop
Nash leads the world in motor
car . values. Beautiful display !
new models at the F. W. Petty
john Co.. 365 N. jCom'l. (
Mr. Used Car Euyer: Have yoa
seen the real buys at the Capital
Motors Incorporated? See Biddy
Bishop. 350 N. High St. Tele
pliunes 2125 and 2126. ()
Patton's Boos Store is Salem's
agent for the celebrated F. S.
Webster line of ribbons and car
bon. All other makes at close out
prices. (
l Continued from page 1.)
wen and volunteers to halt the
spread of fife.
The first shocks in Mexicali at
12:18 a. m.. turned terrorized
ank ou r?any Palrons f r their patronage arid our pleasant
, V V business relations of the past. - r 7
We wish for all people a full, measure of Happiness and Prosperity
during the year to come - ' J . .
, ' -'. v.. .,. . - .., - . -i . , i - . - .
Van Sellar Wc'eder
merry-makers" ' out e -of brightly
lighted cafes and casinos into the
streets. The crash L of falling
walls and the underground rumb
lings . accompanying; the earth
quake silenced the gay music of
the dance halls. . ;.- .,
Reports that trickled into Im
perial valley centers over crippled
wires told of successive tremors
felt as far north as Anaheim. Cal..
nearly 150" miles" distant, and as
far east as Yuma. Arizona.
El Centro; county seat of Im
perial county, suffered sKght dam
age. Hundreds of windows were
broken but walls of buildings
withstood the recurrent shocks.
The Barbara Worth hotel. El Cen
tre's leading Jiouse, had only a
few windows broken.
A Heber, a community of about
400 population, five buildings
were cracked. Heber is midway
between El Centro. nd Calexico.
Radio reports from the steam
ship Emma Alexander at anchor
off Ensenada, about 60 miles
Hurry, Mother V Remove poi
sons from little stomach,
liver, bowels
LGive "California Fig Syrup'
u cross, Duious or
No matter what ails your child,
a gentle, thorough laxative should
always be the first treatment
given. '
If your little one is out-of-sorts,
half-sick, isn't resting, eating and
acting naturally look, MotherT
see if tongue Is coated. This isia
sure sign that the little stomach,
liver and bowels are clogged with
waste. When'cross, irritable, fev
erish, stomach sour, breath bad or
has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore
throat, fulf of cold"," give a tea
spoonful of "California Fig Syrup"
and in a few hours all the consti
pated poison, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of the
little bowels without griping, and
you have a well, playful child
again.. y
Mothers can rest easy after giv
ing this harmless, "fruity laxa
tive" because it never fails to
cleanse the little one's liver and
bowels and sweeten the stomach,
and they dearly love its pleasant
taste. Full directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown
ups printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit fig syr
ups. Ask your druggist for a bot
tle of "California Fig Syrup;" then
see that it is made by the "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company' Adv
263 South nigh Street
- JANUARY 2, 1927
nVw of San Diego on the Lower
California toast, said that ?
gers who iad gonejsbore for the
night were unable to return to the
ship became of-fc.W "
was impolble to attempt , the
launching of small J?"!
aboard i the: steamerlwere
to detetlnewhethelthe city had
suffered damage;-! f ; vT -
, widAnts AfrEl Certtro,nd i-
! cinity flaked torttmain aumo-
hiles loads after ui 4j "Vwtr
had frightened them tro
homes. Yuma rf porte a weeesj
sion of shocks terminating at 6.10
' Brawiey. one Withe large, centers-
of po-n-the-impW
valley, exrrienced more ih
dozen slxocks, ? tMi off them par
ticularly heavy, early this morn,
ing. No damage was reported. ;
r CaprtaJ vity rc!'"',Z k.
ery. milk; cream. Diera"n
Buttercup butternjhas no equal
Gold standard of perfection. 1 ?
S. Com't Phone 299 , -s ; K
Mr H.-JBUth.i minujery.
Most beautiful hats lnj Salem all
shapes and colorsyfulfc ock rom
which ib .make -Jiae j ectj
Best qualify. 33 S Static St. I
" :;':. '1 i
Acclimated ortamtal
stock, evergreens; rose busnea.
fruit and shade trees at Pearcy
Bros, in season. W hare onr own
nurseries, 178 S. Com'l. ; i t
- . '' ; : u - .' -X
At Shipley's the UdJea of Salem
have satisfied themseryes that they
can get the finest, fall and winter
frocks,4 coats and j'- dresses ever
rhrtrn in this city. I C- J-
10: 35-12,; 30 KJV .(J9lf. Churfh err
l 'Vlfo'l 30 KKW V 324 Orgnr reeiUL
1 00-3:00 K XL. (4V). Music. - -
3:00-4:00 TTpR. Concert; orchestra nd
soloists. , ' J, :
4 00-a:00 KXU 400). Jbue.
5-oO-6-:00 "KFMT. Wtudio progrmm. ,
3 r0-6:O0 KKX -(44"). Music.
-00-l:0 KFWV. Orchestra.
6:0O-7 rOO--KOlX (,31). jOrgao . recital.
7:O0-d:0U KTBii. OrfheJra.
7:30-9:00 KtiW. . (."Jiurrh serrice.
7:50-9:00 Kil.V. Cliurch services. V
t :00-a :0O KTlilt. Archestra.
:O-10-:0O KJV. . r;besra. .
nmmrW KOlif. Orchestra.
KKS1 San." birco- BtSi. 7-8, veier
5our; -, mUfd iirogram; r-t-'urtilra
and l.amoilO.
KfO San Franchro- (428J. 6-6:30, orchestra-,
6:SO-8:33y; Town Cryer, r
chestra; 8:35-10,, orchestra; 10-12,
dine rchentf ? t " ,
Kl'SX Pasadena - .(316).. 6:7, k piusie ;
7:SO-B :13. charcli sdrviceV ' 'T . -
KFJMi . Acel. r; (27i). 6:30-S.
choir, band and Ml6rts; 'S-9:Se,-revival
acrnctr JO-lj; organ 1-eeital. .
KKgil-Hol ly oort aa K orchentra.;
JJ-.l. Yellow-jackets; H-12, old-im or-
CKCT Victrr (529).' T-?:3j band ton
certv 7:33. church kexTMses. '"-V
KOA "enver (3ai. i 5 :SO-6 : 4 ; organ
recital? 6:45. churcfc" servicfw.'
KtQ Oakland (361). fi:30-7:30, rches
tra: 7:3-J, weather) report and. church
services; 9, orchestra. i - - : -
KF1 U Anrl 4S7). :36-X; sirht
ir doing. Father ! Kicard'a -weather
forecast; 7-8, orgaarecial; 8-9, classic
hour; -10, orcoestrb; lu-il, orcuesliit
and aolcist. I
KFWM Oakland . (36). 7:30, ehorch
. services " 11 v
- jvA tic -Santa Monica C238; 6:15,
church teerrices; 7-8, organ recital;
8-9, band concert ; 9-10, rchestra.
&FDX Mng Hch (232 . 6-6:20, organ
recital:;, 6 :ao-7,.'jorciietra; 7-7:45, r
chetr;i 7;45, thurch services; 9-12,
everybody's- night, j.. - , ,
KFWI 8s n Francisco (250). 6:30-7:50,
orchestra; 8-9 churcheb services; 9-10
atadio program. .' i
T:15-7i30 KG W. (49t); Setting up exer
cises.. ! ! .
10:00-11 ; ao KG W. . Town Cryer, muaie,
houschoJd helps. i
10:00-11:00 KFWV (212)... House
wife's hour." : 'i
11 :00-u!:00 KOIS" i(319); Domestic
science talks and music.
1 2 ;0,o -KKF.C 253 ) i Weather reports.
12;0O-l-.f30 KFWV. !
ais concert.
ti-S0-l:0 Kw f concert. .
X :30--:o xittusn-,
00-a:00 KXI (400). Kttslc
8-OO-4'0O KOIJf. New, music.
-00-5:00 KFEC. ' iJniie.
S-OO-a-.OO KFWV. - Twiliu hour.
SOO- s0 KTBR.-: CjhiJUrenji pr.,
-00-7:00 KOIir;(Sm- L Orgn tech.!
6 80.7.O0 KOW (4lb Concert.
a-rt-S":SO--KTrat-(26.; Toarin jajj.
:00-.-OOKFWV 212). T.,li ho
6:3O-T :O0 KffTT. ; ChUdivn'a -projrraaj, "
7 :00-7 iSO-KQlS.j . Amusement mi--
tions. , ;
t:K-7:00- KrWYi Ammemetif e,-
pT:00-7:iO---KTBIV UesUK talk.
r7:SQ-7;45- KtJW. VtifXy servic
1:30 8:15-KFJK 2fi3. Kvenii
8.00-9 :00KOWV aadevtll.-.
S:00-9:00 KlWTv .lfnic.
S:l5-:30 -JCFU. llusine- talk.
S:SO-8:45 IsrJK.-4tdio mile t!aj t)
ducted bjrAshljfWAon.
S:45-9:45 KTBIt. Kasic.
9:00-9 s0 KFWV... Music.
9:St-10:OOKKWlr"i Violinist ami i.l;J
10:00-12 :0-KTi W Orchestra. '
1 :40-aO:8 KrW; - Srudio procram .
11:0-1Z:00 KFW'. Organ, recta!.
Y o ii r Underwear
Size Is Too Import
ant for Us to Guess
- rOV caiirt .get the
X height of a bar
- rel., by: measuring
: the diameter, neith
er, can you get a
man's u n d e r v ear
t size by measuring
.' ; his chest. -1
We m e a s u r e the
trunk of ajman the
Wilson. Brothers
. way avtape -measure
. from shoulder
through the crotch
and return gives one
' -measurement quick
ly and accurately. -
V Underwear; bought?
in this manner will;
correctly fit your
uuujf uu j,w u ill
"never go back to the,
old guess-work mtU
system when Jjuying1
underwear. ; . .
Sizes"36 to 50
$1.50 to $500
A. A. ClothiDg
Masonic Temple