THE OREGO& STATESIIAKJ SALEM." OREGON SUNDAY MORNJNGr JANUARY 2, 1927 ,: m T FADS INTOtil Old ckamas Comes Second, lariotr Shows Gain for . 1927 of $10,844.63 Mu ilr.ian county, wnn me iirgey ,uierty assessment value n Wtyate. will pajrf 2,70,S r,i;.!.7S of the total sUte iax for ,i.- year 1927. according to 'a .tatf-ment issued here. today by l:.irl Fisher, state tax corariiission- r. Multnomah county's propo'r- .n of the state tax in. az 6 was "l". 559. 405. "69." ' Clackamas county is second in he state with its proportion of the ,tal state tax fixed at $340,- 17.4 2. Clackamas county's pro ortion of the 1926 state tax was .126.039.32. Lane county's pro- . . 1 i A A I t ortion 01 ine siaus iax wuau m )6 was $306. 49 Has. been in cased for the" Vear 1927 to SIS. 571. 53. ;" 'Sl The following srimmarif-showa he counties, together-with their roportionments of the state tax ,r 192fi an 192T:-;""'"V1&' . 192T l..a,74fl2 f 1 St, 714.30 107.8S5.SS 100.255.46 .14,0,51 T.42 191,3i3.Ttf 1 l.Si8j0 176.S-..8.4? 3M44.32 'J H, 561 .40 H."i,7..t; 2U.BS1.3 li...H14.1 49,965.09 .kr Dillon wrry I. -rhul-' . 1 1 !): in rant .. .vB 36,939.32 7J94.2S5.62 - 11,40S.O7 173.2:M).39 32,941. IS 2S.709.71 tm.:ts5.2 2dS.425.3rt n6.2SX.05 50,045.77 J.ff ern ' Josephine -; .... . es, 01.31x04 85,7V34. f:i,3S4.2t Klamalk .... ' 1T6.1114. Vl 7.75..' Kan ...i 32S.57f.S4. .... 59,2XH..67 Linn . .221,207.4 "-. Malheur ...1- .- KS..Wl.30 Marion . ; 324.T3S.04- Morrow ,rU- .8.269.11 ! Xnltnomah 2.708, 63jfa- lIk . 129.03 1.1 Sherman S7.750.4T ' Tillamook ! 151,081 UnutiJIa. 313.713fbT Union , ; 131,091.9 Wallow .. 77.469.54 Wa-o . ... 1 10,213.1 Washington , 237,5.7 - Wbeelrr " 30,601. t - Yamhill , 158,528.80 Ttal .$7.44T,56t.8 $7,200,830.T9 The Commercial Book Store has everything jro need in books and stationery and v supplies for the school, office or home M the low esj possible ; prices. , ' () S."Vr. Daycares tubes and ac cessories r has the Goodyear tires, the standard "'it thVworldv My Iay -can- give f ou ;more mileage-. Corner Com'l and Chemeku (1 195, 178.52 i S5.973.33. 52.530.06 ISO.SM.O Stt.343.08 . SS.449.14 220.547.Q5 93.409. IS 313,831.41 72.497.98 2,559405.69 12,734.62 67.068.54 t4.7,7S8.25 311,T7.5t 127.375.50 8 . Oil. 64 119,71.0i 230,332.97 31,546.84 150.35O.S3 Buy at Director's-and save20 men's air wool suits IS-SSJn Di rector's downstafrs ' stor li. $2t5() slicker pant?;' fX?$2.5Csltclter ceats, 11.59; eOe'teaTrubbeY 19c: j.yi7l' . 7 Ira W. Jorgensen, .iiO S. High St. Parts for allmakes of cars. Best equipped a a to accessory store iii this section. 1 Prompt and re 1 fable erTiceith rule. , () H. T. LoTe, the jeweler, 335 State St. High quality jewelry, Bilverw'are and diamonds. The gold standard of values. Once a buyer always a customer. t ) v - lour ineatre i i ii ' -T- THE : ?:'vg;: : THURSDAY, 6 J4WJARY rQ5ie Worlds Greatest Dramaticc Actress n ii izDumn u IP r- r IN PERSON irsffrows $220, next lb rows $2.75, next 8 rows $1.65. 9 j ( First I Me Mezzanine first a rows $2.75, next 2 rows $2.20. Balcony, first 2 rows $220, next 8 rows $1.10-, k :, last 7 rows 75c Reservations now. Send self -addressed stamped envelope Mrsiulia Hi TibbitsM ji lssvait Her Home Ms. Julia H. Tlbbits, who pass ed away at her home In this city Thursday evening, December 30, was i born in Syracuse, ;N. Y March S, 186S, and was at the time of her death 5$ years, '9 months and 5 days of age. She Was the daughter of John II. and Sophje Nubbjers Mische. Who -were early'j settlers in -the section of Syracuse In which they made their homej. , Mrs. Tibbits early life was spent: as a professional nurse;-and in her work she ministered to the comfort of many of the promin ent families of her native city; as well' as to many of ihe poor to whom she gave her time and sym pathetic help without stint. On January 30, 1901, she was mar ried to J. C. Tibbits; and together they went to live at Trumansburg. N. Y. where Mr. Tibbits became pastor of the Baptist church. Af ter four years spent1 at Trumans burg and two years at fctica',' tby located at 'Chester.1-Ccmn., -where Mr.i Tibbits was. for three years 'pastor of ;the' Baptist chbrch. 5 In 1910" they5 camsf west anil located at Ipswftch. S. 'D.i -and1 in 1912 VISITORS SHAKE HANDS tbap e.OvD-persons ; Tradition was closely followed today and promptly at 11 o'clock marine corps trumpeters, in vivid scarlet-and. blue dress uniforms, sounded a i flourish to announce that the president and Mrs Cool idge 'were about to descend 1 the state stairway and enter the blue room. The marine . band orches-. trai stationed in -the foyer," played "Hail to the Chief," as. they came down the stairs, accompanied ; by members of the cabinet and their wives, whom th.ey had greeted in the library on the second floor. The first lo pass along the re ceiving line were foreign diplo mats, headed by Baron de Cartier de Marchienne, the Belgian am bassador, who is dean of the dip lomatic corps. The representatives of foreign governments, who later attended a breakfast tendered them at the Pan-American Union by Secretary and Mrsr Kellogg,' were in full diplomatic uniform, some em broidered in gold upon black cloth with swords at the side, some?' with colored . coats and as- t Oregon. Since 19 18, they have trakhan collars and Russian boots. made itheir' home in Salem. Bere Mrs.' Tibbits ; has endeared herself to her" friends" and neighbors by her cheerful disposition and spirit of .helpfulness,; She will be' great ly missed by heir -friends: She leaves! to mourn her passing, be sides her husband, three children. Ruth jE., a graduate of the Los Aagelfs" Bible ' institute and at present employed- fn the office of thie state highway department; Edgar; A a public accountant em ployed by Lybrand,' Ross Brothers arid Montgomery, Portland; and Neltjei E5. Tibbits, a recent grad uate qf the 'Salem high -school. Tjhej funeral" 'service will be held from the Terwilliger "funeral 'par lors "Monday morning at "10.30 o'clock with concluding services at the Portland crematorium at 2:30 p. m. 1 Final Interment will be in rth east at the convenience of the family, n j l , Modesty is a virtue. We dislike appearing egotistical, but we be lieve the offering we make you in tires reaches the height of econo my an'd service. Mai com s Tire Shop, $05 N. Com'l. () issTn Ctm- 74w ': -y -rt-t - H. ii. Stiff Furniture Co., lead ers in Complete home furnishings. priced ;to make you the owner; the store that studies your every need and is ready to meet it, ab solutely. () others in still different habits tra- had been urs for admit- litionalln the ..countries which Jhey represent, here J 1 t Wtien the doors Were opened "to the-public, at 1 o'cjlock, those' at the head of the . line waiting three ho tance. One tiny tot. about two years of age, was among the visitors. "Welcome," rtaid the president, smiling broadly, "t guess ; you Are the smallest that ever came here. J JIr8. Coolidge also greeted the youngster by patting his head. ir : 1 Henry O. Miller, 1S4 S ComT St,, where most people prefer to jfet their auto parts for all makes of cars. Trade here, and ' make savings on all auto "parts." ' t Fry's Drug Store, 380 N. Com'l. the pioneer store. Everything for everybody in the drug supply line, with . standard goods- aud quality service" always. ) ; : ' Only the best! Our patrons will bear this out. We serve only the best in meats and poultry. Hunt & Shaller Market, 263 N. Commercial. () The Dixie Bakery leads on high class breads, pies, cookies and fancy baked supplies -f every kind. Best by test. Ask old cus tomers. .-439 Court St. () OREGON : 'ffi&cfey; ' W. Gi. Krueger. realtor, progres sive, fair, equtable. Growing city and country makes possible buys that will makef you good money. Complete listings, 147 N. Com'l. '" ft i w f ..";y'0-R"-" ;13 sc 1 iU . 1 n Monday Matinee Oiily "We're in the Navy Now" f : LAST TIMES THIS ATTERNOON. " Fanchon & Marco not Included Children iOc Adults ;!l :35c Your Theatre I ii o tit. .1 RE LAST TIMES TODAY Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton IN fESE IN THE NAVY NOW 'J' AND - FANCHON & MARCO'S " ' A NIGHT IN THE ORIENT" Starring RENIE RIANO French Composers Turn AtaMusic: forrxMany Films PARIS. (AP) Prospects that every moving picture production sent out will hare-its own orches tral score has caused leading French composers turn their attention to this new and rich field 'of artistic expression,. 1 ' Muster composed by. Paul Lad- mirault, for "La Briere," ia Freheb'" peasant tragedy film, was performed at the Pasdeloup Con certs, ' and even wnthnui th pic tures, made an excellent''1 impres sion. "' " ' ' . : i Bonesteele Motor Co. ' 474 S. Com'l has the Dodge automobile for you. All steel. hpdy. Lasts a lifetime. Ask Dodge owners They will tell you. - - () sorbins the attention o( - the Paris medical world. !?oliowinj? a sbocfe- tbr man, who is or a nervous tem perament, "turned biuo'1 all-over: Vri ngBtudiodbV ; JH'UbfuVj, jj dermatologists-and pytlotoRtis i There '-.appears? to "beho hoP of 'i restoring bihf to hi-normat" htiet First National Bank,' the bank of friendship and helpfulness in time-of need. Interest-paid on time deposits. -Open an- acco mt and. watch your money grow ) SHOCK TURNS IAV BLUE PARIS. (AP) The ca'of a man literally "scared blue' is ab- "Pay Me You Are Paidi ....v,.-.-4X X'V--v:-.- :-'u('Sv. . .vw'-v-x-' : . .. : & v jf XTV ' 'I BATES THE EYE MAN" i : MAKES GJasses ! that fit Convenient Terms X 457 2State Street Withfeurnett Bros. NOBLE -4 ANDREWS And 'HKSa Now Located At 217 S. High St. With E. f allman The place where you can get the big p sweet Noble French prune trees hicV will bring you the big sWeetn prune like the ones which Mir. Andrews Jb'is exhibited for three years at tKe State : r air. ; - THE PRICES OF THE TREES Eacn ' 100 ' '1000 6 to 8 ft ..... ..... $1.00 $75.00 ,v, $500.00 C i 4 to 6 ft........ . .150 140.00 i350.0Q . ; 3 to4ft.-: 23 20.00 150.00 . - .. i . t - ' . . -5 Last TimesFoday ' a,3l s Continuous Shovr 2 - 11 " ' A mm NEW YEAR'S OFFERING PELUXE SUN'S EASTERN Snappy f Acts ON THE SCREEN r- Geo. Walsh in "The Man of Quality'! Comedy;- .Webfoot Wee r-aftoon.'j' v ' ADDED a' Viola Vercler Holman and her Capitol Orchestra Featuring "What's the Use xf Cing? ; , Pantages VaudeIe.T6m6iw i-'.i . j- - rt J J . r Also . P' FRANK STEVER . Jack Melford arid Lanore Delara Myra Kinch, Dorothy Jfisher and Mariori Dabney Mya UtAch-s fyoi'n? 'ipiwirt THE HAREM BEAUTIES it Ma mm t j. aiuarr niacKion I Production ' A Stirring Drama of the Carolina JFeudists: COMEDY1: - . CNliW5 ; i ADTiIISSION 10c-35c r i i 'ZSrir - ' 4ryry m, yjsss , ....... 4 ; H t --,4,-''C',:ll',..-..V. I -71 :" i V f 1 M J J ' r r; j Main Floor 60c Add -Index Cash Re 9 DEPARTMENTS 9 CLERK KEYS 1 c TO 999.99 RING-UP CAPACITY PRINTED TAPE RECORD OF: DEPARTMENT, CLERK MAKING SALE, WH E T H E R CASH OR CHARGE, t AMOUNTs OF SALE, PAID bUT ITEMSRECD; ON ACCOUNT ITEMS (and thie clerk who handled the transaction). r ? ' n addition to the above it is high grade adding and listing machine giving ' you a neat printed tape-'with list of items- and all totals and, sub-totals i printed m red. -Vj ..pM0:.9 . V " : ' ' Nothirig like ft has ever been available at the rice. A complete book-keeping register and an adding'machine for $185.00. Liberal terms fjid generous allowance for your old register, 9 A. :. A -.. i- - .V-:V- Write, yire or telephone at our expense . u 1Y1 ROYAL SALES COMPANY INC. TV. - 272 OAK STREET 1 n BROADWAY 0530:- - ; - PORTLAND, pREGON Pacif icTCdrth st' Distributors for Add-Index; Corporation of; 5 V i rJ a . urana itapiasj Aiicmgan, , . . t '.a rt. ' f 4 - ""ii '-5 Children 25c Balcony 50c