The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 02, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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' -- Oregon ThmUr
Uncle. Sata and FimtrN&tloaal pic
ture Joined forces for ibe making j
of First lsatixnaiV latest . Milton
S Ills sU rrjn g f photoplay, ".."PI p
pets, which comes to the" Oregon
theater Tuesday and Wednesday.
"There are war scene and prison
eamp iewenes ia I'ippeti," so
Undo Bam turned Fort Schuyten
NewTork, brer to Producer Al
Rocket t for; the filming of some
of these scenes. In this historic
old fort, one of the oldest lit the
coun try, Milton Sills takes the .part
of a priBoner of war exchanged by
the enemy for one of their own
meo While the shootings waa go
ing on "alt the enlisted men and
officers of Fort Schuyler lined the
hlgh; wall and the n&occnpied
spaff .on t bAf round ' to" watch the
xnovio people at jworlc . :
Sills ta starred In -"Puppets."
Gertrude- Olmsted Is his leading
lady In the" supporting cast are
Fra&cfs McDonald, Mathilda Co
monC Willla'm 'Klcclardl. . I.uclen
Prlral. Nick Thompson and oth
ers. jThe picture was directed by
Ceorje Archainbaud.
Klsinor Theater
Wallace V geery an d Raymond
Flatten have the time of their lives
- as the job her'oes of Paramount'
tecoid "sunny side of -the war"
comedy, "We're la the Nary. Now,"
which ts flaying last times today
at The Elsinore theater.1- ,'
Starting la a prize ring, going
to' narat training camp, from
there p the deck of a. troop trans
port end. 9 turn, a , small row
boat,' submarine, French dread
nan g3it; France and thenall the
way feacW to 4 here It started from,
"We're in the Nary Now" creates
. a caw. laugh' record for future
directors -to' aim; . at. Edward
Sutherland,; the man who made
"Behind the Front," has Injected
more ; gags , JS this picture than
havejfever bee, seen, before.
In one sequence; the .two stars
land at Brest, and .proceed to a
cafeA "There, they see the' girl
each adores, but who remains an
enigma, to both, keeping. her true
Identity a secret Glimpsing her
two suitors approaching, she. pass
es ttfem. a few drinks ana tney
"pass,", out of the picture. Only
temporarily however because
well,' -"We're in the Nary Now"
should be seen to be appreciated
Chester Conklln and Tom Ken
- nedyarfe featured. Monty Brlce
wrote the original , screeV story.
ttVtTi -': IMrTuttnMf nnnsr(d the
screen play. .
-' Casltol Theater
Fife acts of Pan tages vaudeville
are jpn the '' Capitol theater pro
gram; Monday and Tuesday, head-
ad by."an air entitled 'Pirate Treas
ure which features? Seoma 3 up-'
raatIir.'?A-pirato ship and color
fur -'costume 'add" tf 'the1 product
tibn-fci"--- ''
Eight Intelligent dogs and three
cat anbeara8 the second act on
the bill aai.n their fabel-
od 'enmity Wor k in. perfect har
mony' " -'-"". , --- " , - -
Other acts Include Aaron & Kel
ly 'UT-tTwo: Broadway Steppers'
lMdifc'CarR'A Company in "The
Bl ;OII" "Man" and 'Jess Llbonati
on the' xylophone.
.'Vihbert fc" Todd Electric store,
High at Ferry Sas. Agents for the
, esiit washer. . Good service ana
low nrlces are bringing an increas
Ing trade to this store. (
D. H. Moshef, Merchant Tailor,
Is turning "out 'the "nobbiest and
best -fit Mag- tailor made suits to
measure; 109 businessand pro
fessional man -bay off Mosher. (")
Wardrobe trunks as low as
124.70 and as hlah as S8S. 18-tn
t-owhide ..hand bags - with leather
lining reauoea irom as to
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com L ('
Assisted by Wonderful Com-
pears Here J anuary , 6
. Like r the i lttmortat Rachel,
- whom aha portrayed 'on' i he stage
. a few seasons ago. Bertha Kalich
has made a profund impression
upon the world with'her fine dra
matic artistry. Beginning her car
eer as a Polish singer in the ' Na
tional theater of Lemberg, then
playing both in German, and Tld
dish, continain aa a. Roumanian
actress on . the American 'Stage,
Mme. Kalich has n? artistic back
ground auch aa; few, if any, ac
tresses In the world have had to
build onii Her polyglot career .as
an acresa would Indicate that she
la po8sesser of an extraordinary
gift of adaption, to different con
ditions and that she is capable of
adjusting herself to every phase of
life in her stage work. And diffi
cult as it Is to attain Xante in the
art of acting in one language, how
much . more difficult must It be
to acquire -fame la the mimic art
in many, languages, as has Mme.
Kalich. ; -. " :
Versatile, as ahe is in different
languages, she Is no less versatile
in the various' phases of her hls
tronic art. By ; her jrery nature
Kalich Is Atragedienna of the
classical school." Indeed - it Is a
great dtssppointment that ahe has
not the opportunity to display her
' .I i ' i r . '
genius - as a tragedienne - because
the American stage does not culti
vate. tragedy. ; "'. . "
-The prevallng realism ia the art
of acting has forced Bertha Kalich
into path which, if sh bad been.
given the liberty of her choosing,
she probably , would . not have
trodden at all. But while playing
modern realistic drama she has1
succeeded in keeping up an envi
able height, ;and' connoisseurs, of
the art who have seen her play In
realistic, drama vand have been
pleased by it -would never suspect
that primarily she belongs to the
great school of classical acting.
- Kalich. the tragedienne, who
can display solemnity and a grave
and edifying dignity -on the- stage,
turns Into a live wira, full of ac
tion, full of motion' When he ap
pears in a part In modern drama.
Critics often have aserted that
there are two Bertha Kalichest
the 'classical actress and the rea
listic one. But the latter state
ment does not explain the remark-
Qie .versaiuuy or tnis great ac
tress nor does it bring us a step
nearer to an understanding of her
personality. -For that matter,twe
might assert that there were two
Goethes --the poet Goethe and the
scientist. But there was only (me
Goethe whose mind embraced the
two realms, the realm of Imagin
ary and that of Ideas. There is
likewise, but one Kalich. whose
mind embraces .both realms of the
mimic art the classical and - the
realistic. The secret of Kalich's
versatility la that she Is onehnn
dred per cent the actress. She
can so Imbue herself with the
character, no matter- whether" her
role Is that of thej classical trage
dienne, or of the modern realistic
sort.' This presumes, of -course
4 certain quality of the soul a
softness and plasticity and Mme.
Kalich undoubtedly possesses that.
She can, as It were, break her own
soul, as the- play on her part de
mands, and like the- mythical
ghosts who can traverse vast dis
tnaces in periods- of no time, so
she can alter herself and change
to 'fundamentally "different posi
tions, without eer denying her
own traits, and her own personal
ity. This is not 'true of the mertsly
classical tragedienne, for he fet
ter cannot altogether free herself
from a certain formalism to which
by her very nature she .is com
mitted, and the world that does
not vibrate to rhyme and meter
must, forever remain a closed book
to her. The formalism of classi
cal tragedy ibues the tragedienne
with a sense of solemnity and dig
nity of things, but makes her
somewhat rigid in her manner.
This rigid manned is one of the
characteristic features of classical
acting and ja whiolly. opposed -to
the elastic mariner of modern, act
ing Just as .staifsticaj Is opposed, to
IB " ' .''Mi . . . : M1W
...... ; - , v- - : - '!
IH 271 xsorth Commercial , .
j " . . . :! W Buy, Sell c' Exchange Furniture
V ".
dvnamw-a n the rfalm nf nMrs1s
Bnt Rertha Kalich can be both
the personification of meter in the
classical traeedv and the whirl-
1 i
wind actress in the modern drama j
bec&qse she can master emotions
and feelings of Jioth types of
She ran play wifh enviable
mastery all the notes of the hu
man iheart the feminine human
heart. She Is, in fact, a skillful
virtuoso on the entire gamut of
human emotions of gloom and
joy, sadness and delight, depres
sion and enthusiasm, vivid hone
and unavailing or bitter respair:
of melodious song, and moving
lamentation. She has them all.
Every vibration of. life finds an
echo in her. heart and nothing hu
man is strange to her mind.
"If iever the' fatef arid tempera
v "V. " -'r
' v "" V. 1 V
- - XX x
" - v
U :i!cwlSK! j 1 1 1 1 1 1 ffi ... . f. n n kt -wcrd
Abctiorieers and Furniture Dealers ? r- - V
. -
Sole Agents
- '
' ' ' . " ' ( ' ' -
rs -- w.i-.M-.-
Bertha Kalich to appear at Elsinore Theater January 6
ment of an actress were a watch
to'one another, then Kalich's fate
and her past are a thorough match
to her astistic temperament. Born
a Gallcian. on the border of Polish
and German civilization, she went,
while 'but a girl of seventeen to
Romanian drama. Before she was
twenty, she was Polish, German,
Romanian and Jewish' at one and
the same time and instead of be
coming confused by this appalling
mixture of tongues "and life and
forms of life and literature, she
discovered the rhythm and indi
viduality of each and could play
the characters of all four peoples.
While acting in Bucharest, in the
midst of a Latin civilization, she
was by mere chance drawn to
New York, or to be more precise
to the New York Chetto. ,
Beginning in 189 in the fa-
in range con
etruction. ' Em
fizodies years of
range - making
Fuel caving:
Furnish via
enamst t?i
Lcsl CSio entire
i5-trsily enjoy
the comfort,
economy and
convenience of
"BUFF" Ranee
this year. '
..... r .-.
- i - .
yctxr eld range
: talica to trade
LANG Ranges offer the
guarantee of a Pacific North-'
west . Manuf acturer - and a'
quality product that assures
years of satisfactory service.
the iLAMu at our store
Fhone 75 or 1031-M
for the Lang Itansc) :
i ' i
A St
5 v
mbus old Thalia theater of New
York, Kalich early sowed the
seeds in this country, of the well
nigh perfect Repertoire company,
much the same as the widely-heralded
and magnificent Moscow
Ar theater of today. The com
pany then at the Thalia theater
containing such eminent players
as David Kessler, Jacob Adler.
Mogolesko. Maurice Mockowlstz,
now the leading 'light" on the
London stage, Mme. Lipzin, Sig
mund Fineman, including the
small hild actress, Celia Adler.,
along with Kalich, developed the
fine ensemble acting that made
their performances stand out with
great distinction. Indeed during
the fen years following the then
leading dramatic critics of New
York, including the late James
Huneker, Acton Davles, Willjam
Bullock, William Winter, Louis V.
Use Your '
DeFoe,' Norman ilapgood. Hutch-
Ins liapgood. John Orbin, Clayton
Hamilton and . Alen, Dale, who
went regularly to the Thalia and
almost every week wrote their
earnest and sincere pralsea of the
flue work of thin band of pioneer
actors In the "new" school of the
theater. .. .. -
Of course. Kalich was -most
fortunate to bnveasher manager
Harrison Grey TFiske. who? own
jdeais for the best in the theater
were of Incalculable aid to her.
- Together Wiey searched for "the
great American pray and en
couraged Samuel Shipman, Thom
as II. Dickman and Percy Mack
ave. whose noetic tragedy, "Sap
pho and Fhaeon, 'they produced.
. . . i r 1
And wnen ine corner-siooe or c
first '-'National" theater 1n Araer
icathe New theater was laid.
Kalich also contributed the Jener
fit of her early repertoire theater
training in one of the roost artis
tic successes there of "The
The average nlayer Is a mere de
tachment from her role, and is
quite willing to admit that her
part ia pretty bad, but that it is
rescued from the ignominy of
'bad notices" by the sfciu invest
ed in the Interpretation. Kalich
is not that kind of an actress. She
is not a player of parts. She is a
student of humanity. sne is noi
a mere puppet of the playwright.
but an interpreter of Hie as sne
sees it. Thus she does not elect
to appear in a role unless it ap
neals to her conscience. And if it
does that, a criticism leveled at
the part hits her. She does not
dodge the Issue, nor than you
for approving of her. while dis
approving of her flay.
Ponltol Rarraln House. Capital
Tire Mfg. Co.. Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Three in one. Bargain center
of Salem. Thousands of bargains.
H. Stelnboek. 215 center. i-i
1924 Ford coupe, in nne shape,
an excellent buy for 1275. Also
1925 Ford coupe at a bargain.
Phone 220 or call at Otto J. Wil
son's garage, 38 N. Com'L ()
Elker Auto Co., Ferry at Lib
erty St. Autos stored and bought
and sold. Cars washed, day and
night. Low prices and service will
make long friends. ()
F. E, Shafer'a Harness and
Leather Goods store, 170 S. Com'L
Suit eases, valises, portfolios, brief
cases, gloves and mittens. Large
stock. The pioneer store. ()
1 ' 1 11
Chas. K. Spauldlng Logging Co.,
lumber and building materials.
The best costs no, more than in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. (")
C. F. Brelthaupt, florist and
decorator, 512 State. Phone 380.
Flowers,, bulbs, floral designs for
all occasions. Pioneer and leader
in Salem. ()
-. Roller skating at the Dream
land rink, Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday from 7:30 to 10.-.10 p. m.
Ladies admitted free. Gentlemen
10c Skating 25c. ()
. . - 7. .... L, . , . II
The Event of the Yearin progress NO W
10ito 50
On Furnishings forthe
Never before have we been o' well prepared-through
large assortments of better
queility merchandise and low . prices offered
-to make it the biggest in bur history.
furniture Company
Li, JAlNUAiu , . '
Some wise man it was who.. wrote
on the desk of an Oregon senator::
'Dust thon art, to delist returneth."
He not only expressed a great
truth, but by writing his Inscrip
tion in the dusl afop the desk he
proved beyond a doubt that (he
senate ehamtier W frM now quiet,
Another week and the inscrip
tion musf .be erased., - Prepara
tions for the coining ( the solons
aie eoinir steadily forward; The
senate chamber, and the house of
representatives are ordlnarny c
oiinioit hv .state departments, that
have now removed their flies and
established themselves eisewnere
to .stay during" the biennial con
Tuesday and Wednesday
Through Reclining Chair Car Service- Four Scbedmle
Bach Day With Stop Over Privilege " v -
Leaving the Terminal Hotel
920 A. 12:20 P. M- 7 P. M, 1 :25 A. IL
One Way ; ::
t Roond Trip - , ,. ?,
One; Way ',1 ; ; " r -- .
Round Trip L. ; .i i.
for laformation OaH At
ermina iHcnrp-i;
IV - I I .
clave of Oregon's lawmakers, v,'
Names of Jiew members have
been printed and placed on their
desks. For the senate committee
rooms have' already been selected
andv signs . placed without the
Beginning Monday preparation
will become more active.-A few
members are now here. This wek
the rest will come and establish
themselves for the proverbial 4t
days and. 10 nights" "of law-makinK
and law-busting.
Cv A." Lutiryv reliable, JeA y
store. What you are' lKklm r
In Jewelry. Whare.a child canSf iiy
as safely as a man or woman.
ItepairlnsJQ all. lines i (!)
Portland' handled 14.526.800
bushels of tlie 22.187,200 bushels
1926 wheat ; shipped from all
northwest ports. .
' ''' "-:i."
orrntmebytt r
We Charge
. ' - ' 1 ' ' . .7"
No' Interest
- . s.