1 . . V i . " 'v-i - y ' t i - .V? . - w - .. .-'-A U r f A Set i?v5 'JyT l!nperiJeXt:.0IrH., Roy Brink (Catherine, pates); wIjqss jwaryiage wis an: event of December 31 in Dennlsbn," Jp'wat., ;Mr. and Mrs. Brink will make. their home in- Audubon, Iowa. Mrs. Brink formerly taught at th Grant JuYilor High school.. Center .rlehtrMfsa .Vivian sEiker, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Pi Al Eiker who recently returned from an fnterestinrgV visit with friends in the east. Mrs. Williass C6n (Fern Andrew) whose marriage was solemnized in December at the efly YWCA. As far as U known Mrs. Cone's wedding is the first' eyer witnessed in the YWCA parlors. t GREETINGS FOR fX will not wish you riches, or the glow ' ; ' ?X)f greatness, but that whereso'er you go - j ome weary heart may gladden at your smile, .: r: Some, weary life know sunshine for while. " ; And so your years will leave a track of light ' .Xike Angels footsteps passing through the night.' Dohnanyi Conceft at ElsinorfT&morrpw Night Wilt he-Revelation , Muslorera hfre are fortunate to be lIe' to hear the great Dohn anyi Thq'H t6T appear at the Elsi oure 'theater under, tho manage ment of the!i5aleTn Artist Series. It ' is pohnanyf who" tho- critics of "vNe'w" -York idNjclared to be worthy of comparSoii with Beethoven. It 1 Indeed difficult to Bar which is the grealer - Dohnanyi, (the- plan lsu Dohnanyi toe'; composer - or Dohnanyi 1h-conductor. No doubt It id the" trinity that - makes him comparable! to Beethoven. Dhnaoyi'7s a matt .stiH in 'his early forties ytt he has played in tuore thanv& thousand concerts ami toured nearly every country of Europe.: His list of published work Includes more than two score opus. PI as this he has writ ten one opera, "Vayada's Tower. which'! wsa ; produced 1 la 1922 at the Royal Opera of Budapest and at present 1ha. lsif-work on a comic opera, Entitled :wThe Tenor" the llbrettff which has been written b$ Carl "Sterhelm,' ' Dohnanyi , one of ;tha most modest and nnas3unjlnc of musi cians. Indeed It i lew who have ever been able'jt'o laterview him. He lives thi greater part of his time In JBadapest, hut even wheit In ,Nw York-, one tan ' not, - find him whenrlie Is'not buried in some score. , V .- '"VT X , War Mothers Witt Meet . .Salem chapter of the American WartMothers will meet at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon In the Chamber dt Commerce rooms. : Answers ta Art Catechism Questions Are Announced A nnlqne prpject is eing; spon : sored by: the Fine j Arts depart ment of the Salem Woman's club whereby from week to week ques tions pertaining to varchitecture will be published In the, SUtes man. The answers to these ques tions, which ; protide interesting ; irionnation'wilt be published on the Sunday following. 'f The answers to the initial cate chism are as follows: , i V ' TOE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON C&r THE NEW 'YEAR 1. Parthenon. ' 2. On the Aeropolis' at Athens Greece. 3. 454 to 438 B. C I 4. l?entellic marble, a fine grained creamy stone found near Athens. 5. Ictlnus and -Callicrates were the architects. Phidias the super intending sculptor. 6. ' The waiis of the sides have in part been destroyed,- and the roof wholly. Almost all the sculp tures have been -removed.-. It has undergone many vicissitudes. For nearly 1000 years it was a heath en temple. In the sixth, century it became a Christian church. In the 16th century it became a Mo hammedan mosque. In: the -17th' it was used by the Turks for stor ing powder... ..A shell 'from the Venilian fleet caused an explosion which left It in its present condi tion ruined, hut Imposing. - - 7.. Some were destroyed, others carried way and thus lost.- The, British Museum has the1" larjjr j pan - oi tnose mat nave peen pr& served. Some are in Athens orvthe building or in the mnteum. All are Injured. v - f- - 8.. The then Srttish ambassa dor, to the Turkish government. 1 80 1-3. In the unsettled condition oi jtnai country, ne - yeauxeja -mat these .treasures wond.soopi be de stroyed. After many negotiations he obtained permission to remove anything he might desijre. . 9. In 183 the Bylflshf govern ment allowed ,35000 pounds al though the cost to thWpurcb'aser including interest on the amount originally paid was about 70,00 pounds. .Today 'they are; priceless. 1 0. Lord Elgin, 'whose efforts were not appreciated by the Brit ish public s He-was ,.f erltlclaed and ridiculed. Xater he .was cen sored for not returning them' to Turkey. After the Napoleonic wars France had been compelled by. the treaty of peace to " restore . the many objects of art that had, been taken to Paris" from, ' conquered countries. For? these, Jhere had. been no purchase price,", hence conditions were not the ame. In 1 London they can be seen and stud- ; led by multitiides , who . can not hope to visit Athens. Also, had they not been removed they would no doubt have been completely destroyed.- Art History Class of Willamette" University. Appear Thrifty by Using Kafoury Bros. Credit Plan Kafoury Bros. January "Glearajice Sale Esmond Blankets Beautiful Cdjorecl ? Combinations. Very Popular. Artis tic and Effective Indian Designs and Plaids We secured these at a cleanup price from the mill where they are made we know they win. win favor with the buying public. They're soft, downy and warm, with splendid wearing1 qualities as a result of .their careful con struction. Youll not get quality blankets like these elsewhere at so low a bargain as we're; offering them during this Great Clearance Sale. 7 T We Expect These Will All , lBe Sold Out in One Day t ,:S. See these 1 Blankets -on Display : in. Our ShowWindows': r I.' i 3 , Illahee Country Club Dance 4ttrUcts Salem Society on New Year's Eve A large numoer 01 oaiem a ao rtal contingent. welcomed the New Year ion Saturday morning while dianclng at the Illahee Country club house. A group of attractive dinner pjurtieH gave Interesting diversion to the early part of the evening. Particularly enjoyable wan the no lipftt dinner at the Marion hotel in WhiiU the following were includ ed: Mr. and Mrs. J-ohn J. Roberts, Wr. and Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mr. ami Mrs. Dan J. Fry Jr., Mrs. Anahel Bush, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Slade, Mr. and Mrs. W. Connell, Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton frwin. Mr. and Mrs. O. A., Young, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Egan, Mr. and Mrs. John If. Carson. Dr. and Mrs. W. H Lytle. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn, Mr and Mrs. kelth Powell of Wood burn. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Ainge of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- l!am Walton. A distinctive affair was the community dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise Their guests included Mr. and Mrs Frederick Deckebach and their house guests. Miss Dorothy Clel- land of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. P. I Quisenberry. Mr. and Mrs. Lew is Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Asel Eoff. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hlxson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater. Miss Ietha Wil son, Miltoh Steinor and Mr. and Mrs. Boise. Another dinner of interest was o t Social Calendar Today "The Man Nobody Knows." Film at First Congregational church. 7:15 o'clock. Monday Ernst ,von Dohnanyi. great Hun garian pianist, in concert at Elsl nbre theater. Second event in Salem Artist series. 8:20 o'clock. Hal Hibbard auxiliary Armory. Installation of officers. Woman's club classes. Club house. Salem Garden club. Chamber of Commerce rooms. "Oregon For ests." by Mrs. F. A. Elliott. Music section o& Salem Arts League. Tuesday W. C. T. U. Halls. 2:20 o'clock. Salem chapter of American War Mothers. Chamber of Commerce, 2:30 o'clock. Chadwick chapter of the East ern Star. ' Masonic Temple, 8 o'clock. Wednesday Benefit bridge tea. Salem Wom an's club. Club hpuse at 461 N. Cottage street, 2 to 5 o'clock. Salem branch Oregon State Teachers association, 1 o'clock luncheon. Business and Professional Wom en's club, 6:30 o'clock. Thursday Chapter G of the PEO sister hood. Mrs. E. J. Huffman,' hos tess. Friday West Side circle of the Jason Lee Aid society. Mrs. Lena llock ett, 1603 N. Commercial street, hostess. Saturday Salem Woman's clubv Address on "Applied Psychology" by Dr. E. S. Conklin of the University of Oregon, 2:30 o'clock. Club house. On Sale Monday Regular $5.95 Value $3,19 Salern Store 466 State St. . : , - ; SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2, 1927- ' v ? 1 that at the Marion hotel at which covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs- Lloyd Riches, Mr. apd Mrs. Edward Woods, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chauss. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wilt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Heinlein, Miss Ikoris Riches, Miss Florence Cart wright, MLss Ruth Peyton.- Fred Shunf man. John Beyerl and Her bert Shaffer. Following ' the da no the same group met at the nom oi Mr. and Mrsl Ralph Olson for a sup per party. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durhin- Jr.. Are Honor Guests at Evening of Bridge An interesting affair of the holi day interim was the 12-cover bridge party of Tuesday evening at which Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross were hosts at their home on Lin coln Hill complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin Jr. The Dur-bin-Pearson wedding was an im portant event of last autumn in San Francisco. Christmas greens were used in an attractive manner about the rooms where playing was enjoyed Mrs. Bert Ford and P. D. Quis enberry won the honors of the evening, while second place was taken by Mrs. Gus Hixson . and Harry Hawkins. The rues group for the affair included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dur bin Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rob erts. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mr and Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs Frits Sladft. Mr. and Mrs. P.?D. Quisenberry. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hixson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stensloff, Dr. and Mrs. P. V. Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ir win, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Car son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mrs. Robert McMurray of Port land, Miss Beverley Roberts, Carl Gabrielson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Deck ebach, Mr. and Mrs. Riehard Sla ter; Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry Jr. Mr! and Mrs. Hollis Huntington Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carson. Mr and Mrs. Keith Powell of Wood- burn, and Mr. and . Mrs. Homer Egan. Needlecraft Club Mrs. F. G. Stearns will enter tain members of the Needlecraft club on Tuesday afternoon, Jan 3. at her home. 180 South 19th street. Silver Tea Will be Featured in Connection With Benefit Bridge on Wednesday An outstanding event of the first week In the new year will be the big benefit bridge tea of Wed nesday, Jan. 5,, which the Salem Woman's club will sponsor at the club house. The card parties sponsored by the club, the largest organization of women in Salem are always affairs qI considerable prominence and the many ta,bies available are much in demand. A number of matrons are in the habit of reserving several tables for use by their own group, thus giving a small party within the larger, less intimate, one. The lands derived will go to ward the purchase of a covering for the club house floor. Each hos tess is asked to bring a deck of cards and pencils for her own tsble. ' Reservations may be made at once with any member of the committee. Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell is chairman of the group, while Mrs. Roy Bur 7 "CAN AND JXr , : 362 A!ierSL .;;!:. ... Mr. Work Pointer On Aucfaon Bridge ( Villon (. Work. th tatrVatioaa lliority. will our uiio- hrs top Sihsi pmnj rwa rt4 - DO HOT BID A KO TRUMP IT TOO HAVE A VLAHK. SUIT r WOKTUIXaS SIMPLETON ! ittoj playr who - 1 know tfte hgn-car jlMtUr- the ilctnal tid C . 'o -'ijrnmp, 4u net rprdi- that there ar No Tramp danrrr sic- aaU in the fare of which a sound bid 4er would be tes apt to bid No Trump than a care fa! engineer would to ran past the red heat at full Kpeedi for instance, a blank auit is am ab Mlute No Tramp taboo, no matter how strong the hand, the better it i for a uit bid: but th. meaare of a eardleaa suit is just m great fur a No Triynper, no matter contain. With a worthies aiagleton the danger that the adversaries will save the game by running that short Kuit is almoKt as great, it mar even be that an adversary will have sufficient length in that abort suit to defeat the Ko Trump contract of Declarer who could bare made game at a sait-bid. I hare often said. "Never bid a No Trump with a worthiest single ton, unless rou have a worthless part ner;" and the partner would have to be pretty bad to .justify risking the bid merely to make him Danimy and thus avoid the loss cf tricks which he might no expected to tnrow away it he played ine nana. Today's pointer and those for a fe day to con:, all refer to the initial bid of a No Trump. Initial bids are made by players whose partners' have not breo ucaru iron; mai is, iney are ma maa by lealer or by eond Hand after a pass, by ltealer. The bid l.jr Third Hand after two passes (the partner having' been one of. ma patscrs) reiruire greater airengin and I snait give a pointer about Ibat later An. Now for a hand for you to thiirk over until tomorrow. Suppose dealing at the oerinnjng oi a runber, you held: Spades: King. Hearts: Ace-x-x-x. Iia monds: Ace-x-x-x. Clubs: A-x-x-x-x tx means any card of lower value than toe Ten). What would you declare? Of course you understand in stating the que tKn this way I am not suggesting that you isnouia Dia. nee a use a pass is a dec laration, .tomorrow g article will answer ine question. ton, senior member of the house committee, is in general charge Those eomprising the group in charge of this interesting benefit affair are Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell. Mrs C. S. Hamilton, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. H. L. Stiff. Mrs. H". J. WlArl mer, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. Wafter L.. Spauldiqg. Mrs. Lewis D. Grif fith. Mrs. Will Alien. Mrs. E. E. Bragg. Mrs. D. X. Beechler and Mrs. Roy Burton. The hours for playing will be from 2 to 5 o'clock. In addition a silver tea during the later hours will be featured when those not interested 1n bridge may call for tea. Line Party at Capitol Theater Honors Ovt-Of-Town Guests A delightful affair of Friday was the line party and tea at the Capitol, theatex and at the Gray bello at which; Mrs. John H: Lut erman and .Mrs. Frank Snedecor entertained a group of four prom inent visitors from out of town: Mrs. F. M. Jordan and Miss Edna it JV - 7 L. Sterling; both of Seattle, and Mrs. Charles A.Cray and Mrs. Josephine Stewart,? both, of .. Eu gene. , - -" Additional guests : invited 4n- cl u ded . Mrs.t R. . I. Hols. Miss Mar- garM diPr, Mis. J. W McNary Miss Mabel Rbberlsbn. Mrs. Clif ford Brown. Mrs. II, Burg bardt. Mrs. Henry kMyiers Mrs l atil Wallace and the hostess, airs Snedeeor and Mrs. Lauterman. Jason Lee WFMS ! ThA Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the JaiMn ee Meth odist chnrck will bold a jtea meet- Ine on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Melvin-Johnsonj 1388 North Cottage street, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. - 1 :. V 7 Mrs. W. L..Iwis will take as her subject for thei devotional. "Your Mecca? and Mini." Mrs. Hans Boxrud 111 give j'The-Latest Measure of Reform"! from the study book ''Moslem! Women." At the tea hour Mrs. V. A i Bond and Mrs. L. H.J Robert' will as sist. " ;i : Miss Sterling Leavesl for Seattle Miss Edna L. Sterling jwill leave today for her. home, in' Seattle af ter spending the holiday season as the house guest of Mh and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace at Wallace Orch ards. " ' - j Gray Belle Is Scene Of Meeting of Merry Go Round Club on Tuesday Members of the Merry Co Round club, with Mrs. Charles A. Gray of Eugene as an additional guest, were delightfully entertained on Tuesday evening in the " Chinese room at the Gray Belle, when Mrs Frank Snedecor was hostess. Mrs. IT. G. Shipley and Reuben P. Boise won high honors. - At the nei meeting of the club THE ELSINORE "eoS?ht MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 3 i - . . , . i Ernst von DOHNANYI . i World Famous COMPOSER, CONDUCTOR, PIANIST One of the Great Musical Personalities of our times PRICES: 75c $1.00 $1J50 $2.00.. . Special rates W PIANO STUDEN'S. " Seats ori sale The Elslnore box office. December .31st, 10:00 m. . roup .Home in 1927 - Resolve to Pay As ogi ' - V -J, - -.. Because a merchant "extends rrerfit mean that, he refusegcash. For your own sake ,-: "pay cash and save the worry.? The big financial heads of today agree that the - would is overrun with credit and that soon a re arrangement must take place to save the good name if not the real health of the wage earner. - - Some forms of credit have received the stamp -of oky from these.men who know. : i;; t : ; ; There isihe credit obligationassumed in buying a home, that is considered a tangible asset. Then . there are the furnishings and fixtures that go into theiiomg they too are termed necessities - , : , ' ' ' BUT-;-:"; ''--.L:'i.. - Anything that does not constitute a tangible asset," anything that cannot be turned into cash or money i borrowed on it for emergency s taboo and should ' be paid for in cash. , "If all apparel and luxuries were paid for at the time of purchase there would be happier homes and more easy going merch- ' ants," says one authority. , "j . 1 ; Possibly some of you, right now owe more money than you really have coming and are labor ing under that strain. Whether this is a fact or not you would do well to RESOLVE TO PAY AS YOU GO and let the other fellow do the worrying. Mr. and Mrs. Sklplej will enter-. teinv - In the group for which Mrs. Rnedcor was hostess were Mrs. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. John McNary. Kr. and Mrs. W. G. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. RoUln K..Page. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Max -O. Huren. Mr. and . Mrs. R. It. Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Ship ley; Dr. and " Mrs: C. II. Robert son. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rolse, Mr. and Mrs. T. II.. Kay, Ir. anir Mrs. J., N.. Smith. Mr. and MrH- Moores, air. and Mrs. 5 faim Brown. Mr.fand Mrs. Wll f Thlel sen. .Mrs. 1 Russell Cat 1 1 n ipd-. the hostess. Mrs.-Snedecor. Mtss Zetber Has Guest Miss Charlotte . Zeiber Is enter taining as her house gnest during U.e holidays Miss Frances Wright oi l'asaueua v-'- - -.v. classmates at Miss Brennon's school In Northampton, Mass. New Year's ' Guests at Myers Home -- Mr. and ! Mrs. ' Elmer Hnlden t Beulah Myers) are spending the New Tear week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Myers. Their home Is In Blalock, Or. Grandchild in ' Stanfield Family Salem: friends of the Stanfield family will be Interested in the news of . the blflhbf a . daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Henry - Teasdale Dunn (Barbara Stanfield) in At lanta, .Ga., . on Decamber 17. The little girl, is the first grandchild of Senator and Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield.' Mrs. Dunn Is a niece of Mrs. W. H. Lytle of Salem. . n. - ". t T"Vi turn v?AA Heritor uauei istass anjoys -Annual Christmas Formal Drinq Holidays a ; ; . One or the leading events of the holiday season ' was the annual (CanaiaaM paga ft.) I 1 i "2, ' ?ma- -nrt P ' r-