The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 01, 1927, 2 A. M. EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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Familiar. Phrase "Ucrlv Skvsc
...'"-' ' - ' . - .' r i"i":'l: : J A-.. L'
amxliar, Phrase "Uslv SkvscraDer" Is OoDositeof Truth With Respect To Majestic Eleven Story Structure Erected For T. A. Livesley, Progressive business man, r armeranu ivxu,
raper Is Opposite Truth With Respect I o Majestic Eleven Story Structure Erected r of 1 . . Livesley, rrogressivc pusinc , M U
by L. L. Dougan Is Last Word In Perfection of Design and Arrangement-Romanesque Style of Architecture Is Especially Impressive. Because of
jand Tons of Structural Steel, 270,000 Pounds of Reinforcing Steel Assure Strength to Survive Stress of Years View From Top Rivals Capitol Building
S , -ia- ? - - ' ., .
of Satemr-r-Buildingi Designed
ing's j Proportions Ten Thousand
Is Proof Against Attacks
iOf Fire and Earthquake
Pink Sandstone Finish at Once Beautiful and Lasting
Massiyeness of Bank Section, Long Sweep of Straight
Lines Above and Artistic Upper Part Harmonize.
"The beautiful is as useful ai
the merely useful."
Standing 'proudly at the center
of Salem's i business district, the
teW rst National Bank build
ing, built and owned by T. A.
Wtesley, stands as indestructible
evidence of this oft Quoted maxim.
j' Commercial utility Is so often
aMOdated nith the. crude and un
beautiful, that the words "sky
scraper" and "ugly" hare become
Inextricably bound together in
many minds. It is conceivable
that persons who hare visited Sa
lem,' br wh lived here years ago,
on hearing! that beautiful Salem
has.a new II story building, have
sald.'Whai a pity."
here.kat least, is a buildintr
-which leties that much used
phrase, "ugly skyscraper." Its
tens of steel and of concrete were
not welded together to construct
a work of art; yet, despite the
utilitarian purpose to which 'it is
tor be -put, the First National Bank
building jas it stands this morning,
all but ready to begin its decades
of useful service to Salem's com
mercial and Industrial welfare, is
as much an artistic asset to the
city as it is a commercial asset.
For. T. A, Livesley, ' who had
been formulating bis plans for
this building for maay years be
fore actual construction was start
ed in July, taja Jove of the har
monious ana attractive as well as
keen business Judgment; and he
saw what, many industrial' leaders
fail to recognize, that, beauty has
a place in industry and commerce
as well as In the more Durely
aesthetie aspects of life.
Announcing tbo'New
- .J. Location of
fi. F. SMITH,
. no w i a urn. aiic
Insurance Co.
, I loom 31.1
f New First National
4 BankBldg.
Sets MiKli StanHard
To carry out this I belief, he
found in L. L. Dougan of Port
land an architect who could com
bine beauty of line and ornamen
tation with convenience of ar
rangement for practical business
purposes; and the result is that in
erecting a building which quali
fies Salem as a"city which will
some day merit the name "metrop
olis."' Livesley has incidentally
ee. a standard of architectural
beauty which; if followed through
out . all of the extensive growth
which is yet to come, will keep
Salem's business district far ahead
of other western cities in attrac
tiveness. Factors which contribute to
this building's beauty, include
first of all "the pink Florentine
r.andstone finish which is used, for
thfcj entire exterior. It is at once
beautiful and lasting, in contrast
to the lighter hues which often are
chosen, giving a building of ex
ceptional attractiveness at first,
fcut soon turning dingy and "ugly.
The walls or the First National
I;ank building will remain un
blemished longer, and may be re
stored to their original color
more quickly,, than .those which
hae just been described.
.- Next are. the lines of the first
floor, which houses the First Na
tional Bank. The massive front
section, affording a fully merited
impression of unlimited strength;
the impregnable . cast steel door
framework set off with pink Flor
entine sandstone and banked v.ith
beautiful cathedral glass; the
high arched windows on the Lib
erty, street side and the harmon
ious proportions of the architec
tuie which sets this part of the
building off from that above, are
indescribable in. their perfection.
Unes Suggest Cathedral
Above this is tho mezzanine
floor, distinct in its design both
from the lower floor and Trom the
continuous sweep of cathedral
lrnea which extends for seven sto
ries above it, and yet a harmon
ious part of the whole.
The resemblance to European
cathedral architecture is most
marked in viewing the building
from in front; its side view em
phasizes the utilitarian purpose
because of the uniform rows of
office .windows, and yet is no less
But when the eye encounters
the perfectly arranged arches and
abutments of the tenth and elev-
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Beaute Shoppe
, Jan. 5th
In the
New First National Bank Building
SUITE 709-13
e .th stories, their beauty can be
but faintly suggested with any
words that fome to mind. The
best of Italian Renaissance artis
try, unequalled by any other type
of architectures-is portrayed there,
all the more effectively because it
could not be a harmonious part
'of any building less imposing in
its total dimensions.
What about strength? Ten
thousand tons of structural stt-el
and 270, Ot ton-of high carbon
reinforcing steel were used in
construction, together with tbe
additional support that could be
afforded by mixing concrete from
3,500 barrels of cement, 1,150
cubic yards of sand and 2,300
.cubic yards of gravel.
The whole structure js built
like an immense concrete block,
with steel bars at 18 inches on
the center throughout all the
walls, and four inches at the cen
ter throughout the floors.
Kartbquakc and Fire Proof
The , building is not (only far
fctponger than it needs to be to
Et&nd any ordinary strain which
tan be put upon it, but it is earth
quake proof.' No wood is used ia
construction excepting the mahog
any frames and doors, and the
tuilding'is absolutely fireproof.
It will stand the storm' and stress
of ages.
For years, visitors in Salem
have made aopint of ascending
the winding stairs in the state
house building. to the cupola
which afTordV a magnificent view
of the Willamette valley for miles
iu all directions of Salem.
But now the statehousef dom
has a rival, for the roof of the
First National Bank building is
not only higher, affording an even
more impressive and perfect view,
but it can be reached more read
ily and with less, exertion. . The
elevator will take visitors to the
eleventh floor, and a short stair
way leads from there to the roof,
from which this unequaled view is
to be had.
Much Material Used
A few statistics with respect to
the building and the materials
med in it nfty be of interest, and
add to the clearness' with which
its magnitude may he realized:
The building is 100 feet by 44
feet 5 inches in ground floor area.
It is 115 feet from tho sidewalk
to the top.
It has 55,M0 square Tett of
floor space.
There were o.OOO yards of ex
cavation. Lumber was used to the extent
oi" 510,000 board feet, in making
forms for the concrete.
There are 41.000 feet of burnt
day partition tile in the building.
There are 400 doors, all genu
ine mahogany, and all of the
trimmings are mahogany.
The floors are cement finish,
v ith the corridors and toilet room
floors all finished in marble and
All of the toilet ' rooms have
Alaska marble partitions, with
mahogany trim.
All of the stairs are cencrete,
enclosed with concrete partitions,
with kalamlne fireproof doors at
each floor.
The lighting will be semi-Indirect,
leaving no dark places in any
room, and the fixtures will "be of
the most modern type, and dust
Every room 1ft the building is
an outside room: there will be no
dark rooms in the daytime, and
thanks to the perfect lighting
none at night.
The entrance to the building is
at the right of the large circular
entrance of the main .banking
rochi, and will be finished itt'Ten-
i;es3ee marble and mahogany.
The building is equipped with
two high speed elevators and will
ctr 3 ) ea r'.'j
from Salem's Mayor-Elect
-.- "----i -
A Happy New Year in 1927 to all!.
That represents just about all that needs be said
on this joyous occasion, when tradition bids us take
mental inventory, individually and as a community, of
the past twelve5, months, their successes and pleasures,
their failures and regrets if any; and then to turn1
toward the corning twelve months and estimate what,
they may bring forth.
Either of these tasks might, on some New Year's
day, be undertaken with regretful reluctance on the
one hand and trepidation on the other; but. not this
year. It is an exceptional Salem citizen to whom the
past year has not ben one of happiness and prosperity ;
and he, is also the exception who does not look forward
confidently to 1927 as a year of even greatep enjoyment
and progress.
It is a source of joy to me, just to be privileged to
live in as clean, beautiful and wholesome; a city as Sa
lem, and in the midst of such ideal conditions of climate
and scenerv as surround us here in 'the Willamette
valley. Such has been my feeling even when to most people the prospect of material
prosperity seemed remote, and I still find time to be grateful for such surroundings
now that prosperity is here.
Todav, confronted wth that retrospective and prophetic task which the closing of
an old vear and the opening of a new year bring, I am buoyed up by the conviction that
it will require no self deceit to survey the past years accomplishments and call them
good, nor any Undue optimism to look forward into 1927 and predict even richer
blessings. J . i
Further than that comes the thought, comforting to anyone.who essays such a taskr,
that no word which any one of us may utter, nor any attitude of mind which any group
of us may entertain, can now avert or diminish the measure of success- which is in
store for all the people of Salem and the Willamette valley. In. times past faith and
loyalty, united and continuous effort have been needed to bring these yiings about; an
equal uniting of forces could not stop them now.
It remains for us only to remember the teamwork and integrity which have been
necessary to realization of our present goals, and to construct new and higher goals
toward which we may strive even while we enjoy the benefits of present prosperity.
Nicholson & WfiHT Have CluirRe
of entliis )ffUrs
SevenUT-five per cent of .the
available oflice space In the new
First National .Bjink building was
rented before- the building wasi
ready for occupancy, fs the report
of Nicholson & Wiper. Inc.. local
insurance firm .which has had
charge of .renting these offices,
this feature of tnanagement hav
ing be delegated! to them by the
owner, T, A. Livesley.. at the time
construction vas arranged for.
Nicholson & Wipar. Inc.;; have
placed no restrictions on the type
of tenants who sliould occupy the
building, except ihat they be re
putable b'!birt-s-t inid professional
people. However, the tenants
number more .-physicians and dent-,
ists than any oi:her class of busi
ness. The greater part of these
tenants had been pre'viriisly esta!
I lished in Salem. ;
! The firm of Nicholson & Wiper
Ii.c, which took over the insur
ance business tit ' JW1U,ij in Bell
Ire, on July IS ofthe past year,
will continue in charge of the
renting of space in the buikiing
and have moved their own offices
irao rooms 703, 704 and 705 of
the building. In their insurance
business, they represent the In
surance Company of. North Amer
ica, Indemnity Insurance ' Com
pany of North America. Palatine
Insurance Co., Ltd London &
Lancashire Insurance Company,
London & Lancashire Indemnity
Company, New Hampshire-Insurance
Company, Fidelity & Deposit
Company, Employes Indemnity
Corporation and Globe Underwrit
ers Agency.
have a capacity of approximately
144 oflice rooms. -
Constrm-t ion has boon in charsc
of the Hanseii-Uammond Com
pany, of Portland. K. M. Nesbitt
bay been superintendent for tlu
Socolofsky & Son Add Insurance
ami IXMtn Itusiness
The public is eordially invited to inspect our
modern, completely equipped Beauty Shop.
Thls new shop will be in charge of Gladys
Irwin and Marion Young,, formerly :of the
: 4 litii Beaute Shoppe, and Genevieve Gray of
'A 5 . the! Gray Improvement Shop. Joe Maddison,
; i formerly of the Bob Shop, will be ig charge
a I "
. !
jGenvicvp Gray -Gladys' Inrin -Marion Young
Suite 70913
vi-Krst National Bank Building t
.-. ..; -r- .-'." ... '.,ts- .:. :, . i
Telephone 187 -
fi a
5 i
- I
f a
s n
S s
i m if
S i
- E
Will Get
v . i
W. G. Krueger
loan And
Phone 217
147 NV Commercial St.
. Salem, Ore.
One of the most active realty
tnd insurance firms in Salem.
Socolofsky & Son, is among the
occupants of the new First Na
tional Bank building,, moving
ccross the street from tho Bayne
building where D. D. Socolofsky,
the senidV member of the firm,
1ij.s been conducting his business
for many years. His son, Walter,
entered the business last spring.
At that time ,the business was
broadened to inclnde insurance
and loans. Socolofsky & Son are
representatives here of the Inter
state Fidelity Building & Loan
association, and have a full line of
gi neral insurance.
Occupying rooms 304 and 305
in the new building, this firm ex
pects, as a result of moving into
these more suitable and conven
ient, quarters, to bei better able to
serve the large number of clients
who have found it a wise practice
to consult them on matters con
nected with real estate.
The elder Socolofsky has been
conducting his real estate busi
ness in Salem since 1916; but
prior to that he had engaged in
the same business for ten years in
the east, and had also handled all
lines of general insurance, so that
the new denart menf of his activi
ties nere is one in wntch he, was
already thoroughly informed.
Suite Especially Arranger1" or Dr.
- Harold M. Brow t f
Dr. Harold M. Brown. local eye,
ear, nose and throat specialist, is
moving his offices into the new
First National Bank building,
where he will occupy rooms 90 1
bud 905. '
This move, providing for Dr.
Brown quarters more exactly .-suit
ed to his needs than those, he has
formerly occupied, comes' at the
end of two years service, to the
people of Marion and adjacent
counties. These rooms, arranged
tike-many others in the building
i.'.cordlng to the specific plans of
t lie prospective tenant, include a
reception room as well, as the re
fracting room and others well
e uipped for Dr. Brown's special-
lied practice.
A graduate of Creighton Media-,
at CoUege. Omaha, Nebr.. Dr.
Brown has been practicing medi
cine and snrgery for S3 yean and
naa been engaged in his specialty
f c r X 8year. During the war he
YYilliird II. Wirt, and lml 1 P.ur
rin on Fourth FIMr
Willard li. Virtz, for many
ytars district attorney of ('cook
county when that political divi
sion compris -d all of what is now
tailed central Oregon and is in
cluded in three counties, will be
one of the tenants of the new
Fjrst National Iiank building, oc
cupying a suite ofr rooms jointly
with Paul F. Burri; well known
loctl attorney.
Although he has been district
attorney in a relatively remote
and often much disturbed part of
the state for 13 years,' Wirtz is a
former resident of Salem and a.
Kiaduate of the Willamette uni
versity law school. .He was em
ployed by the Oregon Journal in
this city from 1908 to 1911. and
received his degree and was ad
mitted t6 the bar in 1910.
A year later Wirtz hung out his
S ingle in Prineville. and in 1914
was. appointed district attorney,
an bfflce to which he was re-elected
successively so that he held it
continuously. until .several months
ago. when he resipned. moved to
Sah-jn and returned private prac
tice. -
AVirtz and Iiurris will' occupy
rooms 410, 411 and 412 in the
mw building. Their law tuiness
will be conducted separa'ely.
Hemstitching Kstablishnient Has
7th Floor Location
The Salem Elite hemstitching
shop is moving into room 714 in
the new First National bank
building. This shop, which spe
cializes in stamping, pleating a.nd
button work as well as hemstitch
ing, 'and offers a full line of
stamped goods, is conducted by
Mrs. Winnifred M. Curry.
Dr. Jerald S. Backstrand, phys
ician who specializes in children's
diseases, will occupy room 903 in
the new First National bank
' T -. s
l 3. ll'Wcr, Well Known in. Salem,
. I' Jh Iropriet or , ;.-
One of- the most attractive and
u p to d ate "ba rber shops : in Salem
will fe th Bank Barber Shop.;
conducted by P. J, IJibler in the
basement of the new; First ,;N
tiotatl Bank building. The ahop
entrance will, be on State street at
the elevator entranced next door
to the. Spa. " : . -, ,
Hibler. who has been a harbor
in 'Salem for nearly 12 years, and
has many' friend's here, will. .have
a five chair shop, with, strictly
modern equipment. The shop
vwMI be finished in the attractive
"driftwood" tone. . , with ' gray
chairs to match the rest of the In
terior It will be equipped .with
sterilizers and all other , safe
guards to sanitation. A porter
will be on duty. . "..
Dentiststake suite;
Lewis and Schmidt Located
on Fifth Floor :
The French budget for 1927
promises a surplus of tetween 800
million and one billion francs.
trs. George E. Lewis and L. Ji.
Schmidt, dentists. : have taken
rooms 602 and 503 in the new.
First National, bank building. Dr.
Lewis, who was graduated from
Willamette university before tak
ing his dental course at North
Pacific college", has been practic
ing for two and one-half years in -Salem.
.' . - 1
Dr. Schmidt, who has been as
sociated with Dr. Lewis since last
August, is a plate, work specialist.
Dr. William. Cavanagh, 1 Port
land orthodontist, - 'who spends
several days, here each - month,
will' also make his Salem head
quarters in the offices ot Prs.'
Lewis and Schmidt.' U" . ' -
; Reedsport 15,000 pounds "saf- ,
mon.-o"gg" caviar' were made here,
this season. - ;
1 ;
Salem, Oregon
Telephone 388
nnHE school of double service. First, to the stu
A dent; second, to the business man who employs
its graduates. iThe first service must be good or the
second can not succeed. The fechool where pupils
are made to fee"! at home arid haye'the advantage of
strong courses, modern equipment, pleasant rooms
and skilled teachers. Day and night sessions. Start
the. new year by enrolling for a course today.
' . ; . V i ' - ,.
l lit.. ttr It'll -- .'&1P?l-,r:
i immm mm immmmmMmi1 X
eJ t'iVTOMi
To T. A. Livesley and
We wish to extend our congratulations"
on the high vision and faith manifested ' -in
our city through the erection of such
a magnificent structure.
We are proud of tfiis building just as
they, or any other organization, that
is striving for the growth of our city. .
- . . ; - r, .:" . ' . I if -y . ; '. ' ; ' V-..;
Hillman Fuel Company
! "Heat Merchants"
1 !" . : ' 'a 1 '
General Oitlccs, Suitc,309, 310, 311, 312, 313
t ni
If !
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' bi
1 1
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served l-anojUhJn-France.'-..