The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 01, 1927, 3 A. M. EDITION, Page 1, Image 1

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'R?"?gV(3ry ynoa -y ancrrpsperous MeYear, arid High Resolves for Unselfish arid
.as JlMHh -a
If one's everv -wlshr eonld-hn gratified 'as'
s WEATHER lORECAST; Unsettled, rain
fin west 'portion southerly gales "on" coast.'.
Maximum yesterday, 51; minimum, 41;
river, 7.5; rainfall, il 2; atmosphere, part
cloudy; wlad, southeast.
. ho makes It, about two 'days experience
would 'prove to teach' him the lesson of
contentment; with what ho has..-.
divorce action .between : opportunity and-
vcmevement, ?
t i
Filipino Youths or Way to
Portland From jndepend- .
ence; Crash at Canby
;e Slightly Damaged, One IJoj
iously Hurt, First Aid Treat-
t GlTen, All Taken to
Oregon City
li was fataliy injur-
fV wliei their car - ran Into a
o t h b o und Portland-Ashland
'atra voiforrfsir oftarnnnn nt 1-9fl
j 'clock ' as the stage was pulling
out ; fron the station at Canby.
Dan Sazala and Carmen Taplay,
passensers' in' the car with Salo
mon" and Batek, were slightly in-
Jured. - '- , ' :' "
' The : four Injured youths were
Filipinos who had been t working
on. a farm near Independence and
were , on their way to Portland
when the .accident happened.:
' They were drWing through. Can
by at ft ' rate of speed, estimated
by eyewitnesses at between 25 and
SO miles an hour, Just aa the stage
drlyeni by W. Iu Marsh started to
pull away : from the stage depot.
The drtTer of the car apparent-
'H: lost 'control or became excited,
av mt YiauA gvrk Intn tTtA
' BLacel-Nrh'e "car - wa completely
' ' wrecked the front seat being torn
' from .Its foundation and thrown
15 Jteet by the force of the im-
- pact. ' V ?;: - -V-
- The stage was only slightly
damaged, f -V-l-H
. First iid treatment was given
the Injured boys by a Canby phy
sician, and they were rushed to an
! Orego City hospital In private
a vat a. i -.
Salomon received serious intern
( Continual tf 2.)
r " 1 - 1
Man Who. Killed Hymle AVclss in
October la Identified by
Woman Witness
One of the two machine gunners
who killed Hymie Weiss, gangster
chieftain, last October 10 from a
nest in a rooming house window
beside the Holy Name cathedral
on North State street, was-Identified
today as he- lay dead on a
.slab in the county morgue, himself
a victim .of renewed I bootleg war
fare. ' - - .
Mrs. Virginia Romain, employe
of the rooming house from whose
window came the raking- fire
Which killed. Weiss and -wounded
three companions,' including W.
W7 O'Brien, looked at the body of
Hillyar Clements, found last night
with three bullet wounds in the
head, and declared it to be that
pf one, of two men who occupied
the' room theday of the shooting.
Clements had lately .renounced
the "beer racket" and had gone
'to ,work in the stockyards. , Dis
covery, of his boJy followed his
diaappearanca and a search of
more than a week by his brother.
- Police immediately denominated
Clements' slaying a reprisal for
thel death of Weiss, and said it
borb out their prediction that the
truce which followed Weiss' slay
ins is ended: '-; -
fcw Nov Hu4vbHMn ,Su fvt-
C iir ussiott lit 11 hjh wa y i rash
OUFXON f CITY. jUit, ' 31
i A V Two automobiles were
risked and Nova Hutchin.son of
S.item suffered a concussion ot the
brbfn in a. collision here today.
Mis Hutchinson was riding in a
ear driven by her father. The
olbej machine was driven by C. G.
- Vorhieu of Portland. None of the
live persons in the Vorhlcs car
yaa Injure!. . ,
Happy Season in Sight for ETery
" one in Country, Great Pros-
The Gods have brought around
another brand new year for Sa
lem and Marion county and Ore
gon and the rest of the world.
The proper place to go for a
look at 1927 s far as Saiem is
concerned is the top of our newest
and tallest business hlock, the
First National Bank building.
From there . one can -take a long
look ahead. 1
It was from the eleventh floor
of this edifice that reporters for
The Statesman got the first
glimpse of this youngster coming
over the hills east of the city early
today. '
Important news he brought, and
spilled to the reporters in his
young ambitious way so that every
one might know just what; he In
tends to do. Through years of ex
perience reporters have learned to
take with reservations announce
ments' that involved rosy and" op
timistic promises for the future.
r "It's all right, Mr. 1927. if you
think all this will really happen,
for us to quote you, isn-t it? We
ourselves do not wish to appear
too optimistic, because some of the
statements we might make on
your behalf might be taken excep
tion to by some of your success-
(Continued on pi 6.)
Reduction of Number of Steno
graphers Favored by Clerk
Drastic reduction in the number
of stenographers and clerks em
ployed during the 1927 legislative
session has the support of Fred
Draget, chief clerk of the house of
representatives, and John' Huut
who, as chief clerk of the senate
will open thathranch of the legis
lature. ,
The; innovation of doing away
with approximately 50 per cent of
the stenographers and clerks in
the two branches of the legislature
was first suggested by John Car
kin, speaker-elect of the house of
It Was Indicated here j-eaterday
that the proposal may meet with
defeat, however, in that a. large
number of senators and represen
tatives were said to have promised
stenographic jobs to their friends.
' - ' ' .
archite'ctspa'y" fees
State Board Reports Over SM.OOO
Balance in Treasury
A total of 123 architects have
paid their renewal fee foF the year
1927, according to a report filed
with the governor here yesterday
by the Oregon state board of arch
itect examiners. Certificates were
issued to' 11 Oregon applicants
d urine the Bast year. Receipts ier
the year ; aggregated $47T.u."j
wjth disbursements of I595.J.4. On
November 30. 1926, the board haa
a balance of $4181.99 in its treas7
ury. This money will revert tP
the general fund of the state, j
Twenty Organizations WillTake
Part in Annual AffaUC
A committee headed by David
Rvra is butiv lavine plans for Sa
lem's --participation in National
Thrift Week, from January 17 to
24. ' Twenty organizations here
will' take part in the programs,
which are sponsored by the Salem
YMCA.. i' .,(.
A meeting V will ; Je held next
week to further th plans , This
will be the: sixth-Annual ;observ-
ance et Thrift Week in Salem.
Affects "Jk iW Ont oftWs and
' i'urry t oinany .flrrojvriy ,;
The publib jterric. com miss jon
yesterday issued an order author
izing a sliKht Inreaso in the rates
of the Coos? & Curry Telephone
company., It wit said i that the
rale lacrwase would affect. approxi
mately JfS jPer cent et 4he com
pany's stations. A public hearing
On. the rate increase was , held in
Marsblield recently. :; Tho ? t o w
. I -,' ., . J. ' . JL, I ""' I. I II I II I LH I W III I MIIIM .
Oregon People Possessed of
. Unusual Spirit of Optim
ism Says Report
No liurcaso in Highway Construe
tion Expected During Coming
Year, Agriculturists Not
Disheartened ,
The year 1926 proved a pros
perous era In the state oj. Oregon.
The basic industries of the state
have encountered no serious ob
stacles during the past 12 moths.
Employment ha3 been .well baW
anced. wages have been, satisfac
tory in the" skilled trades and
there have been no i material dis
putes of any importance.
These were the outstanding
statements in a report issued here
yesterday C. If. Gram state labor
commissioner, in connection with
industrial conditions in Oregon
during the past year. y ; ,
"The year 1927 willfind the
people of Oregon possessed' of an
unusual spirit of optimism," read
the report. "There eems to be
no alarm felt in an? section of the
(Continued d page, 4.)
14 Help 'Make'; Year .Merrier for
t; y Some' Sick Folk.
;-iA. .; ' " fi ;, : i -f :-' '
The Salem General hospital was
presented with substantial gifts
during December from 14 donors.
Many of the gifts were given to
help make Christmas merrier for
those confined to the hospital dur
ing the holidays. .
Acknowledgement is made to
Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. Walter
Spaulding, Hal. D. Patton, Miss
White Ley, Lute Savage,' John
Graber,' Dr. and Mrs. Vehrs, Doc
tors Saurman and Sleeves; C. B.
Webb, H. S. Gile, E. B. Wood, Joe
Trecole. Harr White of the Bap
tist church, and the Young Mar
ried People ol the Presbyterian
Wake Up
' ''"' ";'"
Iiew yegr
Christinas Packages Mailed Dur
ing Deceiiber Indicates
Postoffice receipts increased
$12000 in Salem for the quarter
ending yesterday, Dec. 31, 1926,
compared with the same period
for 1925, The increase-was gen
erally distributed (hrough the
quarter and may be traced to the
general growth and expansion of
Salem, John H. Farrar, postmas
ter, declared. .
This increase averages $4,000
a month for October, November
and December, and was derived
from all classes of postal reven
ues. The total: receipts for this
year's final quarter was over $66,
000. 1 Last year's corresponding
H,fiod brought postal revenues of
The "mail your Christmas pack
zges early" campaign is bringing
results. Postmaster Farrar said.
The load this year was well dis
tributed throughout the month,
aid there wag evidence ef better
wrapping and packing or mailed
pac-ltaj;')s. Claims have been ftw
following the Christmas gift sea
Three Portland People. Injured iu
Crash Near Rickreall
"Two Portland people and a four
year , old child were .injured late
last night when their north bound
ear ran into the rear end of a
truck parked on the West Side
highway one mile north of Rick
The two adults, A. M. Johnson,
and Mrs. Evelyn Johnson, his sister-in-law,
were seriously injured,
while, Pauline, the four year' old
daughter of Mrs. Johns6n, was in
jured slightly. '
Their car was completely
wrecked by the impact. They
claim that the truck tad bo tail
light. It bad stopped because out
of gas.
All three persons were rushed
to a local hospital by the Golden
ambulance. Johnson had a brok
en shoulder, was badly bruised,
and otherwise injured, it was re
ported. Mrs. Johnson suffered
severely from shock and bruises.
The child was able to continue to
Portland with friends.
the New Year 's Mere.!
' ':- ',nX!SD
mis. Hia Mi fetiMM
Treasury Chief Declares He Does
Not Intend to) Endanger
A discussion between Secretary
Mellonand Wayne B. Wheeler, of
the Anti-Saloon League, on poison
liquor today; brought forth a re
iteration from the treasury chief
that the government does not in
tend to endanger the lives of
drinkers in its adulteration of in
dustrial alcohol.
Mr. Wheeler went to Mr. Mel
Ion's office to protest against the
government's plan to abandon the
denaturing of industrial alcohol
with poisons to prevent its pas
sage into bootleg channels.
He held that wood alcohol
should be continued as an adulter
ant until other effective substi
tutes were discovered to make in
dustrial alcohol unfit for beverage
Secretary Mellon, however, de
clared he was not in favor of any
'ienaturant which would fatally
poison American citizens, even to
enforce the law. "After the secre
tary had ountlined his views, Mr.
Wheeler agred that poisonous ad
ulterants should be eliminated as
soon as feasible. j
Mr. Mellon declared that wood
ak-ohol still was a component of
the denaturing formula but gov
ernment chemists were hoping
shortly to produce a haiimless but
nauseating adulterant. The Anti
Saloon leader also assured by the
treasury secretary that .preventive
(CcBtinnnd on ' -
Lst Minute Rush of Motorists
Expect ed at Department.
To help accommodate-the last
minute rush of motorists who for
got to do their 1927 license plate
shopping early, the motor vehicle
department will be kept open to
day Jrom 8 o'clock this morning
to 5 o'clock this afternoon, it, was
announced yesterday bV Sam A.
Kozer, secretary of state.
For the last two days long lines
of last , minute applicants have
stood before the door of the de
partment's temporary quarters at
Ferry and High streets. Plates
for 20,000 commercial vehicles
were reserved early. , "
... f
J :-0ftttMy 'Warner Brot. :
' ' ' '
.. . m :: i 1.1
napEinSs f
Nation Can Look Forward to
Continuation of Economic
High Degree of Employment
all Lines Except Textile
and Coal Is Forecast
for New Year
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. (Byl
AP) The New Year brings a
promise of a job for nearly every
American, . Secretary Hoover said
today, and a business outlook that
is at least free from fear of a
violent commercial or financial
cataclysm. Despite agricultural
conditions and reeent recessions in
production and consumption, the
nation, in his opinion, can look
forward hopefully to a continua
tion of its economic progress.
"A reply to requests for opin
ion on. the new year's erconomic
prospects can only be based: upon
the economic ' currents already.
born of the old year," the, com
merce secretary said in a formal
statement. "New and unknown
currents will . enter in the new
year, so there is no such thing as
assured economic prophecy.
"No one will, deny that 1926
has shown theihighest total pro
duction and consumntion nf in.
dustraf commodities of any year
nx the history "of the United States.
Esfcept in the textile industry and
parts of the coal industry, it has
been a. year of high degree of em
ployment, which has been accom
panied by the highest peak in real
wages, because wage income for
the country as a whole bas slight
ly increased and costj of living
(Contlnnsd on pc 5.)
Evangelist and Three Co-Defendants
Will Be Prosecuted
LrOS AaGPLLS, Dec. 31. A
definite policy that Aimee Semple
McPherson and her three-co-defendants
must stand trial in su
perior court, on charges growing
qut of her disappearance and story
of kidnapping has been adopted
by the district attorney's office,
tie prosecuting attorneys declared
i Information againsthe auburn
hliired evangelist, her former ra-.
do man, 'Kenneth .G. Ormiston,
her mother. Mrs. Minnie Kennedy,
aftd Mrs. Lorraine Wi$eman-Sie-laff
will be filed immediately fol
lowing the report of the county
gnfand juTy, which will resume its
investigation of the case Tuesday.
PiIk County Greatly InteresteI iu
Work According to 3Iead
The beekeepers' bill is being
drafted !y W. .WJ Harcpmbeidia-,
tict attorney for p.olk county, ac
cording to H. M. Mead of Salem,
be inspector for Polk county,
.hls measure Willi be presented to
tlie legislature o behalf of the
legislative committee of the State
Iee keepers'1 association.
I Polk cennty, Mft Mead said, has
paid $60- toward j bee inspection
ork thiti year and' lias further
evidenced their, interest n modern
nlethods of beekeeping ihy pledg
iig $250 for 1927 i :
I -
''" . ;it : ' 1
?!.. '- i r ' 1
Gbvcrnor. ExiMctI 1 ltivo Ko
unic if Work During1 Term :
- 'Jt;: ; j ; ' -
. Governor I Waltel" ML. Pierce will
g&r& a f kreweiL'.ddrcs4 Monday,
nqon at the Chamber of Commerce
Iufcehedny He as invited! to speak
either that date or January 10,
hv(t on January id-will' pe giving
hi 4 farewell message to the legis
lature, i - , ' " - j
jjThe governor is expected to
gie a renumc f work done dur-
Swimming, Wrestling, Basketball,
Volleyball Games Make
Up Schedule
Radio returns from the Stanford
Alabama football game will be
one feature in the YMCA New
Year'a day program beginning this
afternoon at 2 o'clock and lasting
all aCternoon and" evening. Sep
arate rprograms will be held in the
physical , department, swimming
tank .and lobby.
The gymnasium program will
begiij with an exhibition by tho
boys' gymnasium class of begin
ners, with Harvey Brock in
charge. The junior high school
boys will give an exhibition at 3
o'clock, and wijlhave a basket
ball -game at. 4 : 15 o'clock.
At 5:30 o'clock there will be a
volleyball game between two
picked teams. One is composed
of Dr. E. L. .Barrick, : captain, P.:
Acton, Hertzog, Rev. E. C. Ward
B Wright, Powers and Lee. The
other is - made up of Hilborn, cap
tain. Richey. Gregg, O. J. " Hull,
Eakin, L. Gleason and Wenger.
Two teams from the Lutheran
churches will play each other.
From 7 to 7:30 o'clock there
will be exhibitions of tumbling,
wrestling and wire walking. At
8:15 the Oregon Pulp & Paper
company will meet Cooley-Pearson
in a basketball same
In the swimming tank there
will be a water polo game at 2:45
o'clock between selected teams of
' JOontioned on page 4.)
471 Accidenta in Week According
to tate Commission
There were three fsftalties In
Oregon due to industrial accidents
during jfhe week ending December
30, according to a report prepared
here yesterday by Ihe state indus
trial accident commission.
The victims were Robert W.
RandaIl,vPortland. window clean
er; Jim 'Gram, Portland, repair
department, and A. Rloux, East-
side, boiler fireman. Of the 4 71
accidents ; reported during the
week 372 '-were subpect to the pro
visions of the workmens compen
sation law; 97 were from firms
dud corporations that have reject
ed; the act; "and two were from
public utility corporations pot en
titled to state protection. i
Willis Falls From Top of Bus,
Striking Head on Pavement
Ed Willis, stage driver,
from the roof of his stage
night as he was unloading bag
gage at the stage terminal. He
tripped as he fell off, striking his
head on the pavement. The ex
tent of his injuries was undeter
mined Jt was -reported at the hos
pital to jwhich he was taken.
Willis Is believed to. have lost
his balance as he was standing
near the edge of the 8tag0 roof. He
toppled, tripped on 1 the railing
around the edge, and fell head
foremost. He was rushed to the
hospital,; where he later regained
partial consciousness.
Traffic Officers Catch Arouette
Removing jLiceuso Plates
L. R. Arquette, Indian Hying
near Hubbard, made a practice of
taking license platfes from other
cars and using them on his own
He got; away .with it for a time,
but was caught yesterday by state
traffic officers. ;'
Arquette was sentenced yester
day by Brazier Small, justice of
the peace, to piay a fine of $50 and
gprnd 30 days 'in the county Jail.
His case is ; expected to be ; a
warning to other offenders of the
same nature, it was said yester-
. V - f i ' - .
Fred WhJMen to Serve For Term
of Threo Years ,
Fred C. WhItten- yesterday ws
reappointed by Governor. Pierce.
member "6f the state' industrial
welfare commission. H e will
serve ander his appointment for a
pcritftl'of thrcs'jrearjk ir .jgaidlaj rccsgaitiou.prtlitiilHarlr
Ambulances Rush B a d l y
Hurt to Hospitals as Crowd
-Leaves for Home
St. Paul Scene ofAnnual tlathcr-
ing In Front of Edltfre for .
' Many Years on EjCjof . ,
' New Year V
LONDON, Jani l.-(AP) A
panic in . which several persons
were injured- and many women
fainted, ended ; Lhe New Year's
revel in front of St. PauPs cathed-;
ral early this morning.
In accordance with custom, im
mense . crowds from all parts of
London and its suburbs gathered
before the famous church ;to cele
brate the coming of the year,1927.
The exact cause crtbe stampede
is not known; but It was a little
while after midnight when a sud
den rush ofr people began down
Lndgate Hillr which slopes fairly
steep' fromthe west front of the
cathedral. In a few moments
women and children were scream
ing, and men were ( shouting,, as
the crowds sought safety froni -some
unknown danger. "
Women " and children fainted i
others . were thrown down -to be
trampled and kicked." Those meu
and women who kept their heads
seized children and held them
above the'croVd, meanwhile i fight
ing their way to side streets. For- .
tunately there was an absence ot
wheeled traffic which had been, di
verted and by the ? time . the rush '
reached the foot of the hill and,'
cur ints-Ludgate Circus,' the pres-,
sure was relieved; But for those'
who had gathered in, the vicinity,
the celebration was over and they
went to their homes much earlier
( Con tiou4 Ironl jmg 5.) '
. - -i -
Attitude or American Goveinmcut
, Toward Russia Believed I
AP) From both the White Housn' ,
aud tne $;tate department tne wora ;
went out today that ehere-was no
basis for- reports ' from- Sloscpw'
that the United States had .ap
proached Russian officials on the '
subject of recognition.
The Act statement was made at.
the White House that President
Coolidge knew of no recent move
looking .toward recognition of the.-;
Russian, soviet, ' while at Ihe state ,
department .it was stated that the ,
attitude; r the American govt-rn-J
men t - toward JAussia was an-.:
changed. ' - '
President . Coolidge feels -that.'
diplomatic relations continuously
suffer from the, voluntary -activi- "
ties of Americans '. who. while
abroad, create the erroneous im
pression that they have authority -to
represent; the United 1 States.
Representatives of foreign govern-
mentP, itf his opinion, frequently
are misled and get the mistaken
impression that they ? have been
approached in an official way. .
At the sthte departmenilt was : "
said that the Hughe pronounce- j
ment of 1923 that the' United j
Slates would not discuss the ques- ' '
tlcn of Russian ; recognition, and ;
did not propose ."to barter away
nflnoinlon" TWresented correct-.
y : the department's present atti
tude. Russian-American relations
were touched on in another quar-.
ter today when Boris E. Bhuln-
sky, director of tho Russian in
formation bureau, said in a New .
Year's statement that alpresei
there aro obvious handicaps . to
tho development of commercial re- -
lotions between the United States
ard the soviet union which, I hope
will: be' removed in due course."
Hti made no reference, "however.
tf last night's Moscow 'U;jat h r-
' . " "T 'm',' 7'" '