TT$E OREGON; STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 29, 1926 1 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Guardian Reports The third annual report of Mary Hansen, guardian ofiona C. and Lucille Brewer, ras approved by the county court yesterday. - lO to SO Per Cent ' aTinR on furniture. Giese- Powers January sale now on. d29 Y'JVv A Wt&Cliwliile Investment Is a course in bookkeeping and stenography at the. Capital Busi ness College day and night ses sions. A new class in shorthand next Monday. School office open each day this week for registra tion. Call let us talk over a course that will start you in busi ness right. . d29 Approves Sale The . sale of . personal property by Clarence S- Bowne, adminis trator of the estate of James S. Bowne, was approved by County Judge Hunt yesterday. Odds and Knds 1 Sale now in progress. Stiff Furniture Co. II. L. d30 Estate Closed Carey S. Martin, administrator of the estate of Lydia Campbell, filed his final report yesterday. It was approved by Judge Hunt and the administrator released. Just -Received 1926 Model Touring and roadster, cannot be Sold from new; 27 license free. Save $ 100 cash. Terms or trades. iTsed Car Corner, blockfwest Xadd & Bush. : ' d23 Sends Check to Veterans Bureau Robin D. Day, guardian of Nicholas 'Turano. a war veteran fand mentally incompetent was (authorized by County Judge Hunt yesterday to "forward a check for 500 to the U.-S.r veterans' bureau o be used by Pasquale Turano in paring for the disabled veteran. u Modern Woodman of America Will meet tonight in north side ot McCornack hall. d28 , ,.r- . .... .... Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to Arthur II. Ross of Oakland. CalM and Lois C Wheel er of Salem; Floyd P. Do .Lapp and Nina Lathrop, both of Salem; 'George H. Hurd and Ellen Ruby Bradbury of Salem, and to Bert Hoyt and Gertrude Rydo of Sa lem. Furniture Uphoiatery And repairing.- Glese- Powers Furniture Co. ' tf Woman Has Operation Mrs. J. F. Bullock of Monmouth was operated on at the Salem hos pital yesterday and is doing well. klTracta uTTWe saiem, ciose 10 dus une and school, 1 1,000. Terms.-Thre left. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. v. r d3 Doctor Called to Portland Dr. G. H. Vehrs of Salem was called to ' Portland yesterday in consultation with Dr. Kisner. 1927 Calendars Free, Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. dl9tf Treatment Received Mrs. Marvin Little of Vernonia is in Salem receiving medical treatment. Motor Vehicle Apply for 1927 licenses .at tem porary quarters, corner Ferry and High streets. Entrance on Ferry street. Sam A. Koter, secretary of state.1 d31 Leaders Selected Leaders for athletic exhibitions to be given at the. YMCA open house planned for New Year's day were selected yesterday. For the beginners' division they are Claire Miller. Harvey Brock, Scotty Marr, Kenneth Webb.. Francis De llarport . and George Beechler. For the junior high division they are Franie De Harport, French Hageman"' CJaire Miller, - Maxey Langford, John Schaeffer, Homer Smith, Bob Gamble and Ivan Ka toury; i . ; . . " ;. Lots of them--$50, $75, $100, ?125. ?150.: Whpay more? Tall man Piano Store! 395 South 12th. N J2 Jailcl for Xon-Support J. K. Crimes is held in the county jail in lieu of $500 bail demanded of him in justice court on a charge of non-support of a 12-year-old child. .The complaint against hiin wasfiled by Ruth -Mills, his former wife. Grimes requested a hearing. Special Da New Year's Eve. McCoy, i v r Domes Hall. d30 Car Is Robbed . " A spotlight and niotomoter. were stolen Monday night frohi the car of F. Di Smith parked in front of the paper mill, according to a rtporf made aV local police; neau quarters. : anted, Vsed ; Fu r n i t u r o. ,Tef. " 5 1 1 . J .'onion Jiot Moonshiner- Mrs. Theresa Becker, who was lined $li0 :iiT justice court Mon ilav on a . Ii.iuor charge, did not run a plant for making moonshine whiskey, s was originauy siaiu but was making wine at her home Warelioin IVonerly Buy a t,eatifvio2xA3D..corner;.h.a8 leen cut from $15,000 to $12,000 and todaw to S10.000 total price. Two reslrfepcea how on; the best Two reiddAneea-now on: the best l.iiv ret ft Had In Salem. Cash Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. H8h ntret.- d22tf Lindon Loses Suit , , ' R. Lindon, who filed suit In justice court here to collect a sum of money from Walter Zosel al leged due as wages, was the loser yesterday when ' Justice Brazier d. Small found for ' the defendant. Zosel maintained that he had paid Lindon in gasoline, oil and auto mobile supplier. Universal Heaters, Allen Circulators. II. L. Stiff Co. Furn. d29 File Kxneustt Statement W. C. Miller, recent candidate for constable in the Woodburn district, filed his expense state ment .with the county clerk yes terday, showing an expenditure of only 5.; , The Holiday ' Season Is not complete without a one iial Atwater Kent radio. VJck Bros., phone .4841. , . d29 Lumber' Contract Let .The Charles K. Spauldlng Lum ber company, being the lowest bid ders, were awarded the contract for furnishing lumber for the new Buena Vista ferry by the-county court yesterday. -Construction will begin, as -soon as the lumber can be "put oil the ground. Complete line of Monarch Electric Ranges at Hamilton's. a21tf Arreste! for Xon-Support Emil Van Damm, a resident of St. Paul, Or., was brought here yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Sam Burkhart on a warrant issued in Portland charging npn-support. Van Damm will be held for the Portland authorities. Modern Woodman of America Will meet tonight in north side of McCornack hall. d2S Rash for Auto Licenses The i "last-miBute rush" for automobile license tags began yes terday. ' By 9 o'clock in the morn ing the waiting line had formed at the downtown quarters of the automobile department, which ex tended down the stairs and into the street, and was kept up until closing time. A total, .of. 489, pas senger car licenses were issued during the day over the counter. Figures were not available, but it is estimated that at least 100 truck' and other licenses were issued in addition. - These figures do not include licenses issued by the mail department. Big Reductions In fine furniture during our odds and ends sale. II. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. d30 Churches to Play Basketball The West Salem Methodist church will, play the Evangelical hucA Jn a basKetoaii game nere Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Anl inter-church basketball league will be formed after Jan. 1, it is be lieved. High Grade Graiid Piano- Will be sacrificed if sold this week. Terms Tallman Piano Store, 395 sWh 12th. 32 Ross in Salem Arthur (Pug) Ross, former Sa lem high school and OAC basket ball star, who is now director of athletics in a high school at Oak land. Cal., is in Salem to spend the holidays. Income and Business Properties At $8,000 and $22,000; we have extraordinary buys in Inside in come property. Both are corners. One.lQ2xl04; the other 165x195. Others all sizes and locatidhs. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. aw Ward Is Speaker Rev. C. E. Ward, spoKe last night to the Young Men's divis ion of the YMCA at its weekly meeting. His subject was "Mak ing Good." $500 Down- Balance exactly nice rent, inree new modern homes, 4 to 6 rooms. $4200 on up. Every one nas double construction throughout. large furnace, fireplace, narawooa, .. "' 1 1 ll.AlA.ifMa garage, iary, coi,. electric water beater, shades, light fixtures, cement wains ana arive. lawn graded and seeded. Quick possession. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. Hign street. Basketball Games Planned The Comrade club or tne rirsi rroKhvterian church will play a basketball game against the Wood- burn Comrade clun i nursaay ai- ternoon at 2 o clocK ana against the Silverton cluU rnuay aner noon at the same hour. lO to SO Per Cent ! Saving on furniture, uichc- Powers January sale now pn. d29 Feed Is Held .... A feed was held last nignt ior thoSalcm- boy chorus at their weekly rehearsal in me hnllding. George Arbuckle was responsible for the party. Pajicr Cfate Thursday " IT. VAMt-A -.-111 a TOO tyuivm " . . 1. .. Tliief1'll paper cnase iur morning to start from tho Y' building. .Nothing La prefer . . ' Except real estate. Why not-a lot as tt Ucw Year's present to somo ouo or lo, yourself. "From $125 on up. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High sli-cot: " i d30 aines Committee ' no erowers and packers meot- tti hold at tho Marlon hotel on Monday; has announced the names of -the organization committee who are to cooperate with the govern ment , representative, Mr. . Crltch field, in crfectlas. a permanent marketing organization, as fol lows: W. T. Jenks, president of the Northwest Dried Fruit associ ation; M. J. Newhouse, manager Northwest Prune Growers Ex change; Louis Lachmund of the Drager Fruit company, William Wood, president Washington Fruit Growers association, and R. H. Kipp of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Rig Reductions In fine furniture during our odds and ends sale. Ii. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. d30 Boys Visit Paper Mill Twenty-five boys took part m an educational trip through the pa per mill yesterday, sponsored by the Salem YMCA. Loyal Warner was leader of the trip. A party will be taken through the woolen mill this morning, leaving at 10 o'clock from the "Y." Xew Pianos Standard makes, $200, $245, $295; terms. See these at Tall- man Piano atre, 395 South 12th. Visit at Gardner Home A. Wood and daughter of Marsh field are visiting in Salem at the L. E. Gardner home on N. Liberty street. Universal Heaters, Allen Circulators. II. L. Stiff Furn Co. d29 Here for Holidays Russell A. Kenny of New Plym outh, Idaho, was here for a short visit over the holidays. Just Received J0U Model Touring and roadster, cannot be told from new; '27 license free. Save $100 cash. Terms or trades. Used Car Corner, Vfe block west Ladd & Bush. d29 Realtors on Trip Leo N. Childs, president, and L. E. Oberer and W. G. Krueger. members of the Marion-Polk County Realty Jboard, have gone to Tacoma to attend the meeting of the Pacific Northwest Realty as sociation Saturday. Start the New Year Right By taking a course in book keeping and stenography at tho Capital Business College. Day and, night sessions. A new class In shorthand next Monday. A bus iness education cannot be lost or stolen, and earns the possessor handsome dividends throughout life. Call, let us arrange a course for you. Office open each day this week. d28 Students Honored Ruth Griffith and Lester Oehler. Salem students at the University of Oregon, are among 76 cited on the honor roll for high scholastic work during the fall term. Player Piano -j Left with us Will sell at a real bargain. Terms. Tallman Piano Store, 395 Stfuth 12th. j2 Club Not to Finance Ward The Salem Kiwanis club, by a vote of 4 6 to 12 yesterday decided to take no action towards financ ing a new ward for the Salem hos pital, estimated to cost $675. The board of-directors had-refused to sanction the expense,' so the vote yesterday 'was on whether an in dividual subscription among the members should be raised. Ralph Cooley was elected director to succeed Karl Becke, who becomes president. Rotarians to Have Music A special musical program will be held at the weekly luncheon of the Rotary club this noon. Walter Jenks will have charge. The Schubert octette will sing. Miss Weiser Returns- Frances Weiser, employed in the parole office at the state prison, has returned from southern Ore gon where she spent the Christmas holidays. x (Kids and Ends Sale now in progress. Stiff Furniture Co. H. L. d30 Airives From Germany- Expecting to make this his fu ture home. Joseph Geiger arrived in Salem-yesterday from Munich. Bavaria. Mr. Geiger is a relative of Carl Vogl, living north of the city. Overstuffed Furniture Made to order and re-covered. Salem . Wicker and Overstuffed Manufacturing Co.. 2218 State Tel. 2230. jl2 Attends Convent io Prof. W. E. Kirk of Willamette university will spend today and Thursday in Portland attending the state - teachers convention. He is chairman of the department of classical teachers Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the many kind eses shown us during the illness and death of our loved one. Mr a m . s a a . T a I;. A. Jenney, nir. ana nirs. r. i. Kenney, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ken- ney. fc .Icrident ReKrt.s " Threeauto-aci tdents were re ported yesterday with no injuriesi and bnt little property damage. K, J, Weyman. while driving his car ou north I light street was struck by a car driven by J. .B- I'arker. Both cars were slightly damaged. - J. Ii. .T&ompsonof Authorized Distributor The Personal Writing Blachine Typtmltr Exchange . THOS. ROEN Phone l - 42 1 Court, ftolem fottt ti ss;n run.; SAYS: Anyone wanting a new Star ear of any model can save WO.OO buying It through Vick Bros. 3 lake your se lection from the show room at the Star agency and come to Vick Bros, to obtain your S50.00 discount. T Phone 1841 28 South High Portland reported his car being struck by the car of W. Robins Sunday on the Jefferson road. The report stated that Robins was blinded by the lights of an ap proaching car going off the high way and in regaining the' road struck the Thompson car. W. . Gallia of Mill City reported a col lision between his car and one driven by J. F. Crowe, between Gates and Mill City, Saturday. 10to50 Per Cent Saving on furniture. Giese Powers January sale now on. d29 King Bing Elected O. A. Olson was elected as King Bing of the Cherrians last night and will succeed Harley O. White, who has served as the Cherrian executive during the past year. King Bing-elect Olson will be in augurated at the annual Cherrian banquet Tuesday, January 4, at the Marion hotel. OBITUARY Davis Died at the residence. 2395 East Nob Hill, Mrs. Calista Davis, age 71 years, wife of C. K. Davis, mother of Grace and Wilma Ges ler of Salem and Inez and Homer Gesler of Bluffton, Ind. Funeral services from the Rigdon mortu ary, interment in the City View cemetery. Hawk Died on Monday, Dec. 27. Mrs. Catherine Hawk, age 70 years, of Jefferson, wife of George Hawk, mother of Mrs. Fred Smith of Jef ferson. Mrs. Charles Fox of Con don, Mrs. Rose Dawson of Baker. Mrs. Gasuen of Iloskins, Ore.. Will Hawk of Falls City and Wilson Hawk of Grand Ronde; sister of Mrs. Sidney Skidmore, South Bend, Wash., Ellen Tout of Port- and and George Richardson of Spokane.- Funeral services will be held Thursday. Dec. 30. at 30 p. m. from the Christian church at Jefferson, interment at Shelbourne. The remains are at the Rigdon mortuary. i Moderation In all things and full ness in the sincerity, coijsidera tion and thoughtfulness for be reavement. Webb's Funeral Parlors Telephone 120 TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Serrloa For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa Street Telephone 9S4 DISEASES Treated by Osteopathy, Dietet ics, Radiant Therapy and Elec trical Therapy Including Dr. Abrams' Electronic System. No Charge for Consultation DR. B. H. WHITE Physician and Surgeon 606 C. S. Nat'I. Bank Bld. Salem, Oregon STOP THAT BARK Take SCHAEFFER'S . HERBAL COUGH SYRUP SOLD ONLY AT SCHAEFER'Q. DRTKl STpBB O 135 North Commercial St Phone 197 ! Orisinal Yellow Front " The Penslar Stoit r 1 E Touring California ," ; it l : Dr.' and Mrs. W. J. Thompson left ;yesterdayv f or a three? weKks acto trip to southern California. They expect to . spend the greater part of their . vacation in 'and around San Mateo. Just Received 102a Ford Trnck f One Star coupe. aJl new rubber; 2 Ford sedans. 3 Ford coupes, 3 Ford roadsters, 4 FVrd tourings at bargain prices; '27 license' free. Used Car Corner, . block west Ladd & Bush. d29 Orders Allowance John Muehl, guardiam of Leo dice and Harold Marielfe, minors, was authorized yesterday by Judge Hunt to use the estate funds to the amount of $40 a month dar ing the minority of his wards. Hearing Continued Judge Hunt yesterday continued the hearing of final account of M-artisha Curl, deceased, unftl January 3. Will Cae Decided County Judge Hunt issued a dev cision Tuesday in the Morley will case dismissing the claim of ' the plaintiffs and admitting" the will for probate. Each of the contend ing parties are to bear their, part of the costs. Visit Son- Alex Beaver of Portland is vis iting with his son. Nat Beaver. registrar at Willamette-university. Tj-pographical Error ; rnrough a typograpuiicaD error n the report of the couintv budeet meeting it was statedj that the neaitn- board apnrODriaition had been increased from $100 to SI 250. This should have read from $1100 to S1250. . Week End House Party- Mr. and Mrs. L. H.'Lickel. of South Thirteenth street, were hosts to a house partly over the weeK ena, negmmng U'ltn turkey dinner on Christmas day. The guests were 'Mr. and .Mrs. C. M. Kennedy, of Kansas i City, Mo.; OPENING Corbet's Quality Meat Market AT 1316 State Street, Thursday, December 30 Walter Corbet, manager of the State Street Market for the past several weeks and up until December 15 when that market was sold, is now located in a new up-to-date market of his own at above address. Come in for beJt quality Meats and Good Service 5 DELIVERIES DAILY LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 i General Banking Business Of floe Hours from IO a. m. to p. m. THE ELSINORE nJT MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 3 Ernst von DOHNANYI World Famous COMPOSER, CONDUCTOR, PIANIST One of the Great Musical Personalities of our times PRICES: 73c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Special rates to PIANO STUDENTS. Seats on sale The Ebinore box office, December 31st, 10:00 a. m. FARMER'S WAREHOUSE Paul Traglio, Prop. GRAIN, FEED 'AND SEED Free Delivery to any part of the city. QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Telephone 28 -kijV. - ' . r 1 Long an Day Teler. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Llckel and daughters Winifred and Dorothy, or, Kent, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor, of Cflemawa; Mr. and Mrs. John Cornforth, Mr. Idas Cdrnforthy Mrs. Eugene Hill and daughter 'Barbara Jane of Salem. Building' Permits Issued A building permit was Issued yesterday to O. P. Driggs for erectirig a one story store at 1990 North ' Commercial, estimated to cost 11000. Permits for erecting one Jtory. dwellings were Issued to V. Cf. Beatty. 330 D street. JlSOOi andW. H. Broarn, 990 Twentieth street, $4000. Speeder Is Arrested ' Chester Hickman was arrested last night by local police officers on a charge of speeding. Bail Is Forfeited ' Henry Johns forfeited $10 bail yesterday in police court here byj failing tj appear to answer a; charge o: being intoxicated. Man Hurt in Crash I A. M. Southwick, 106S Marion j street, ws bruised on the head, when hft car crashed into one driven by Glenn Finney of Cor-i vallis yesterday at Chemeketa and I Capitol streets, according to re ports filed at local police head quarters. Leave For Seattle Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Kennedy; who have been visiting at the honie of Mrs. Kennedy's sister; Mrs L. H. Lickel. left Sunday aftejrnoon for Seattle. Car ' Reported Stolen A'. Ford car was stolen last night froiri A. R. Vanderveck, according to a. report turned at at local po lice' headquarters. Overtime Parkers Fined Persons fined $1 apiece in po liiie court yesterday on overtime pajrking charges were Frank Farmer of Rickreall and Clair Sefetzenger. Tualatin. Contract let for $6,000 school house at Cipole. PHONE 290 GE AND TRANSFER Distance Hauling. Public and Private agcC Fire Proof Building. lElt'S WAREHOUSE VAVh TRAGLIO. PTtOP. J . i V I . Nlfht Telephone T VISITORS REPORTED 1 I IN SALEM I o- o Mrs. O. B. Hartrampt of Ilills boro was in this city Monday, ac companied by her son Robert. Ernest Reltx of Albany was a Salem visitor Monday. Joe Hora of scio .was a saiem visitor Monday. Mrs. E. E. Rowe of Marshfield visited this city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Cooper and daughter Margaret were in this city Monday night. They are res idents of Eugene. F. G. "Van Blaricom and G. D. Van Blaricom. residents of Ver nonia, were in this city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cowles and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Deaver, all of Announcement Dr. George R. Vehrs desires to an nounce the removal of his medical and surgical offices on January 1, I 927, from the United States Bank Building to Suite 603 New First National Bank Building. The office telephone will be the same number 615. Residence telephone 775. Aiacit: Wednesday Nite, F. N. WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET 1610 N. Summer St., Corner Norway New and used furniture, ranges, heaters, beds, springs and mattresses, dressers, tables, chairs, Windsor rock ers and chairs linoleum rugs, linoleum by the yard, Axminster rugs, china cabinets; sewing machines, boil ers, tubs, washboards, brooms, vases, dishes, phono graphs, box dry goods, onions, carrots and lot of other things. Terms cash. It's Alwaj's Warm and Cozy at Woodry's Furnish Your Home Where You Can Buy for Less F. N. WOODRY 10 Years Salem's Leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer I always pay more than the other fellow for Used Furniture PHONE FIVE-ONE-ONE ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM - BLANKETS ALL FIRST QUALITY 72x84 Nashua White 66x80 Part Wool Blankets Blankets Striped Borders, $5 values Pretty Plaids A lbs. Now $3.65 Pair $4.50 Pair - 6 lb. All Wool Grey Grey and Tan Blankets Blankets $6.00 Pair $1.75 Pair Ladies' and Children's Knit Underwear Bargains to clean up Long Sleeves Ankle Length Ladies' Wool Union Suits, White Regular $3.50 Now $1.90 Ladies' Wool Union Suits, Grey Regular $3.25 Now $1.75 i. ; $ Ladies' Union Suits, $2.00 reg., now $1.25 Ladies' Union Suits, $1.50 reg., now 85c Ladies' Two Piece Underwear i 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Children's Wool Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle length, sizes 10 to 16, sale price $1.25 Children's Heavy Cotton Union Suits 59c Crinkle . 27-inch . . Bed Spreads Outing Flannel $2115 Yard 122c ' 3 lb. Stitched 2ya lb. 72x80 Cotton Batts ,CottonBatts $1.00 95c : ii.. . . i i 240 and 246 North Commercial Street Mehama. were In this city Tuesday. night., . . - " - , , " ' Mrsl ' John Grimes of Cottage Grove Is a visitor in this city. Fred Myers and family of Port land arrived in Salem Tuesday evening. Lawrence Pietrol of Stayton la a local visitor. Mr- and Mrs. C. A. Rastall of Grants . Pass were in this city Tuesday. S ' R. W. Davis of Albany is a Sa lem visitor. - BABY DAUGHTER BORX SILVERTON, Ore., Dec. 28. (Special.) A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ryan Monday afternoon. t! ion DBiie 7 P. M. Sharp at 1 V