The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 29, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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Oregon Theater
f'The Cat's Pajamas?"
Li you ask someone what's run-
pits at the Oregon theater, and
tney reply "it's 'The Cat's Pajam
aV don't think theyr'e trying to
kid you,
pThe Cat's Pajamas" is really
the "title of a Paramount picture.
It teas chosen because it accurate
ly (describes the situation in a de
lightful story, written by Ernest
Vajda, well-known Hungarian
playwright. The picture stars
Batty. Bronson and Richardo Cor
tci, and features Theodore Rob
erts and Arlette Marchal. William
"vYlrman s the director.
jThe film concerns Betty Bron
fob, a little seamstress taking care
of! her. Invalid father, Theodore
Roberts. She has-a cat. Tommy,
for which she makes a small pair
of pajamas that Betty's dream of
meeting; and winning the love of
llcardo Cortex, a temperamental
opera tenor, is realized. The pic
ture will bow through Friday.
r ' : -
'jT Elsinore Theater
'Gee. but it's great to be.
(This song refrain might be the
ky-t the entire career of the
famous negro comedians, Haris &
Webb, star' funny men in Arthur
Hockwald's . all-Creole musical
show "Struttin Sam From Ala
bam," which comes to The Elsi
nftre" tonight.
lit was this. pair. o.f irresistable
entertainers who set a new vogue
14 'musical comedy and onl the
vaudeville stage with their ttast
and furious comedy portrayals.
I Harris and Webb secured their
first theatrical engagement wnen
they we rd in college. in Alabama.
Harris started out as a violinist
while Webb was studying cartoon-
At a New Orjeans night club
tpey made effort to be serious en
tertainers but their appearance
was -picked out by fate to make
Bhccess - for them as comedians.
they "went over" with such phe
nominal success that the manage
ment immediately signed them as
I From there they graduated onto
the vaudeville stage and became
School Board Holds Meet
: Last Night, Hug Absent
ThA Salem scHool board held its
veeular me tints last night, but it
was little more than a. formality.
Other than authorizing the pay
ment, of some bills, no action was
rken by the board.
George W. Hug, city 'school snp
erintendentwas not. present, as he
Is In Portland attending the state
teachers', convention.
Tr Lillet Inn nn all ftata at the
"fanftw Hat' Sfloone. 387 Court St
Be sure to see our line of hats be
fore buying, latest metal cloth
lata Just in.- - iw
known as the two "crazy colored
Capitol Theater
Vienna before the war. Bewitch
ing, mad Vienna, with Its light
hearted gaiety, its capricious .dis
regard of the conventions, its sing
ing and its waltzes, forms the
background of a charming, yet
virile story. From royal palace,
stately, regal and solemn, to the
wine gardens of old Vienna, where
love and wine and song mingle
gayly, the romance of a princess
grows in "The Waltz Iiream," a
new UFA film opening at the Cap
itol theater for a three day run.
Eugene Rotarians Charter
3 Train for Roseburg Meet
EUGENE, Dec. 28. (AP)
Eugene Rotarians will charter a
special train to go to the Joint
meeting of Rotary clubs to be held
ni Roseburg January 13, it was
decided at a meeting of the local
organization today.
Members of the club voted to
attend 100 per cent, or as neatly
that as possibly. MarshflelU.
North Bend. Roseburg. Grants
Pass. Med ford and Eugene club
will meet together that night. The
decision to take a special train in
stead of going by automobile was
made to avoid Inclement weather
conditions on the highways.
Bend. "Daily Bulletin" ab
sorbs "Daiiv Press."..
The Cat's Pajamas'
' at Oregon Theatre
Betty Bronaom and -BJcardo
Letters From Hawley Con
vey Idea That State Will
Not Receive Money
Telegrams anJ 1-tters received
hy the county court here yesterday
from Representative W. C Haw
ley at Washington, conveyed the
impression that the state is not
entitled to share in the Oregon
& California land grant refund.
"It would be a great misfor
tune, if after securing the legisla
tion for the advancing of the
moneys to the counties, which ser
iously nee It, a tlaimt outside,
those provided ia the law .should
interfere with ifcr operation," read
Representative Hawley's letter. '
County officials have assumed
ih attitude that the state already
has received its share of thej
Representative Hawley's lelter
to the county court continued:
"I have conferred with Repre
sentative Sinuott. chairman or the
public lands committee, which
will have Jurisdiction over any
amendments which may be nwes
sary to preserve to the counties
intact the amounts to be paid
them under the recent act.
"I am confident that the intent
of congress was not to modify the
law approved June 9. 1919. which
provides how the moneys received
from the sates of Umber, and lands
of true former Oregon aftd. Califor
nia railroad land grant shall be
distributed, after the payment' of
certain snms directed to be paid
by the United State supreme
court." -
Representative Hawley request
ed in his telegram to the county
court thar a copy of the opinion
of Attorney General VanW inkle
i... 'ond fnrwaraea to mm
iim .-,i-iiost noHsible moment.
si..., official.- have held
lT. ...) jvia entitled to si
III' -" " ' "
the land grant funds.
eld that
Th Dixie Bakery leutls on' high
cla-sa breads, pies, cookies and
fancy baked supplies of every
kind. Best Jy test. .Ask old cus
tomers. 439 Court'St. ; ()
Mt -Usod Car Buyer: Have you
the real buys at the Capitol
IJtrtojs. - lniorporated?.. See Biddy
.iKon. 250 N. High St. Teie-
tnea 212b and ziz. t J
V,..-. - :
i3;ry O- Miller, 184 S. Com'l
lA-r u tipn; .-mnsi. Denote oreier 10
V.fhtr :xin yarts for all make
km Tfi-it- her and make
iiVwizs, . all auto parts. l"
" if i
try' Drug Store, 380 N. Com'l
ptoneer. store, icveryining ior
vetj'hodyjn the drug supply line.
kith standard goods and quality
ervjce: always. ' ()
s '
Ofcly .the bent! Our patrons
tvill boar this out. We serve only
h bet In meats and poultry
iunt & Shaller Market, 263 N
Jommereiil. ()
Your Theatre
New Year's Eve -
s 7 ,
'.5;H tUMMawiUSC LMSnr -"mi i
' With -i
Fanchon & Marco's
( "A Night In
yt i The Orient"
x r- And
5 Pthcr Big Features
Has Made Possible the Extremely Low Prices In
This Stupendous Clearance
of Women's and Misses'
S and COAT
Dresses Formerly Marked Up To
Twice As Much
Coats That Are Marked To Clear
At Once For
Others $9.75, $15, $16, $19.75,
$24.75, $29.75, $34.75
Others $9.75, $19.75, $24.75,
$29.75, $44.75
The entire stock of our Coat and Dress Departments will be reduced for a
grand clearance! It's the most drastic selling event we've staged this year
and one that is bound to set the whole universe talking. Every Coat and
Dress in stock (excepting spring merchandise) regardless of former
prices has been reduced. An event of such magnitude will riot take
place again in this store in a long time. Sale starts immediately we advise
you to get there early for best selection.
vThe Dresses
Are of satin back crepe, velvets, flat
crepes, satin face crepes and other
materials that are fashionable right
now.' The style features are the very
latest and there is a full range of
sizes. Come early, we urge.
Colors are green, navy, grey,
tans, Roumanian blue, plaids,
"two-tone effects and the ever
smart black.
The Coats
Dress Coats, Travel Coats, Utility
Coats, Sport Coats a wide and var
ied choice and all lavishly trimmed
with smart furs arid mandell. We
have never seen such wonderful
coats at this price before. All sizes.
All the fashionable new colors
as well as smart mixtures.
See window display of these
fine coats! V .
V.V . v m v m m ,
Ml! tU 11V
This is a "Pay As You Go" store and the low prices which we are quoting
OIii " cofts anc resses in this sale were made possible because "cash
talks with you, with us and with everybody else. Those of you who are
now overburdened with credit are especially invited to participate in this
low price, cash sale and when you get your coat or dress you can raise your
arms upward and shout "It's mine, thank heavens, its mine."
k -I i1
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