Union Roster HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING 14-' borer Local No. 441, MMl Wed. a p. m. Call 179 lor men. CAPITOL TYIMXIRAPHICAL UNION No. 210 President, O. P. Evans; aee rrtarv, M. 1). Pilkenton. Meet e od Saturday, 3:00 p. m. CAKI'KNTKRS- UNION NO. 1065 Mrcli Tnurs. evening-. Herbert Hale, president; Win. Pettit. lecrelry. Skilled mechanic furniihed. Phone 179. gALEM UNION LABEL Jt&AUVK Meet at Labor Hall J call of presi dent. F- W. Sear, eeretary. Boa 4 43. Salens. Or. Lodge Roster KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEETS AT McCornaek Hall, every Saturday evening. N. Park Sturre. C. C: II. R. Burk. K. of R. S. Tel. 131-W. FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES, meet every Wednesday, Fraternity Hall, 8. M. Willett. See'y. Tel 889-R. The Oregon Statesman. Published every morning; (exeept Mob day) at Salem, the capital of Oregon Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dailv or Snndav One time 2 eenta per word Three time cent per word Six linei eenta per word 1 mo. daily and Sun. -20 eenta per word In order to earn the mora than one time rate, advertisement moat ran is consecutive issue. No Ad. taken for 1e than 25e. Ada. run Sunday ONLY charted at one-time rata. Advertisement (except Peraonal and Situation Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if the Advertiser ia a subscriber to phone. The Stateamaa will receiv adver tiiementa at any time of the day or night. To insure proper elaieiiiea tions ads. ahould be in before T p. m. TELEPHONE 28 OR 58S ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING Theaa eol Dmt muat be kept free from anything of a questionable nature. Misrepresen tations will not be tolerated. Infor mation allowing any questionable in tent on the part of the advertiser should be reported to thia news paper or the Salem Ad club. Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD (Over Ladd A Bush Bank) AUTO TOPS BEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK O. J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop, 287 S. Commercial. iiS'tf HELP WANTED Male 11 WANTED SOME ONE TO CUT OAS and fir wood on shares. Phone 72F2 lldl2tt HELP WANTED Female 18 WOMAN TO COOK OX FARM. CALL lHd2H- 2453. W ANTED Employment 10 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT dirrinr and team work. Phone 72F2. - 0ta Il4tf City Chjmney Sweep Ss faction or No Pay Call 955 19jl8 FOR RENT 21 FOR RENT CHEAP TO RKRPONM iKi. irtte furnished modern country home, near good achool. Phone J .'j FOR RENT HOUSES AND APART - r. U'nnd B41 State St. """"" Slmiatf FOR RENT Apartments 23 FOR RENT APARTMENT WITH OA -n nn 899 North Commercial " ' ' 23J21 TWO avn THREE-ROOM APART rn.nl. liirht and water furnished. 1421 N. Church. 23di8 I APARTMENT PHONE 2058-J. -23ill ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF APPOINT3IENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as administrator of the estate of Sarah E. Taylor, de ceased, and that he has duly qua! ified as such administrator; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon building, Salem. Mar lon County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 21st day of December, 1926. E. B. TAYLOR, Administrator of the estate of Sarah E. Taylor, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for administrator. Sa lem. Oregon. d21-28-j4-ll-18 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as administrator of the estate of Frederick Adolph Graf fen, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such adminis trator; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover. 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six month from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, thia 3rd day of December, 1926. RONALD C. GLOVER. Administrator of the estate of Frederick Adolph Graffen, de- waA d7-14-Zl-Z8-4 ETRIFIED TREES USED Petrified trees in he petrified forest, Navajo county, Arizona, are yielding vari-colored cufflinks at the hands of expert sOne-work- One result of the coal dispute la to reduce the amount of laid-up tonnage in Great Britain by 56 per cent. All tonnage is required to carry coal from the United States and the continent. FOI5 RENT Rooms 25 SLEEPING AND ' HOUSEKEEPING ' room, clean and warn., 839 N. Libertv. 2Sd29 ROOMS rOR RENT NEWLY EQUIP ped at the Alexandria. Phono Mrs. E. A. Bennett, : 1539 or 1280. 1030 Cheiueketa 25nl9tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY 7 IN. Wording. "Room to Rent, price 10 eenta earh. Statesman Buaineaa Office, r'eiind floor. FOR RENT House 27 4-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE ON N. Com'l. Phoo .93P32 .r 1411-W. ' n 27d28 5 ROOM garage. FURNISHED 1145 N. 5th. HOUSE WITH Phone 2217. 27d30 POR RENT HOUSES AND PLATS 20 to 845. Kecke A Ilendrick. 19 N. Hin-h Street. 2d30 $:!0.oo w ill new modern h06-J. RENT home. MY NEARLY Phone 303 r 27d29 'OK GENTLEMEN A WARM, WELL furniahed bedroom, clk in. Phone 747 W. . 2704tf MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE. ALSO PUR niahed house, fall 1540 State. 27d;!0 POR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES and unfurnished house. GERTRUDE J M. PAGE 491 North Cottars. 27n25tf SWAPS 33 1924 REO TOURING. LOOKS AND runs . liko new. Priced right. Will trade in piano. Radio, phonograph or .nmall ear. Phone 1241-M. FORTY ACRES UNDER IRRIGATION. Siskiyou county. California. Will trade for small acreage in Salem dis trict. See owner at 655 N. 16th St., Kalem. Ore. Phone 1714-W. tf WAXTKi -Miscellaneous 215 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP aients, Giese-Power Furniture Co. . 35a20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR furm loan. We have several applica tions on hand. Hawkina A Roberta Inc.. 205 Oreyn Bldg. 35dl4tf FOR SAJLK 37 ROMAN BEAUTY APPLES, 3, BOXES for 1. Phone 113P22. 37j2 FOR SALE OR TRADE TZLECTRIC washer and mangle. Also some house hold furnishings. Mrs. R. E. Dodd, Phone 831. 37dl a . APPLES $1.00 BOX. POTATOES $1.00 ack; oniona $1.35 aack. 1005 N. Broadway. 87d28 STOCK IX COSMOPOLITAN CHAIN Mores at a sacrifice. K. N. Tibhetts. McMinnyille. Oregon. 3"j2 BED-WETTING Lacking perfect control of urine ia young ox old quickly relieved. Write today. Instructions FREE. H. J Warn. Box 228. Los Angelea, Calif. 7j2" BLACK 'DIRT FOR SALT IN EITHER North or S'mth Salem. Reasonable. Phone 72F2. 37dl2tf MICH GRADE GRAND PIANO WILL BE sacrificed if sild this week. Used pianos. Standard makes $"200 $245 $295. See these. Player piano left with si. Will fcell at a real liarrain. Terms. Used pianos. Lots of them $50 $75 i?100 $125 150 Whv pay more! TALLMAN PIANO STORK. 395 South 12fh. , 37j2 SPECIAL ON RABBITS NEW ZEALAND Red Rabbit Pedigreed Doe $5.00 to $7.50. Utility bred Does and Does with young $4.00. Breeding pen of 10 Does and Buck of same $40.00. Some nice yonng breeding atoek to 4 months old $2.50 each. Rneka breeding are, $5.00. ' Junction City Babbitry, R. B. Murdock, Junction Citv. Ore. 37 jl FOR SALE Livestock 89 EIGHT COWS FOR SALE. GUSTAV F. ISahnsen, Rt. 3, Box 49, Turner. 39d30 ERED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN office 529 S. Oommer-ial. Phone 1198. Res. Phone 1866. 39m23tf WOOD SAWING 42 LET HAMS SAW YOUR WOOD. PHONE 250-J 4208-1927 WOOD FOR SALE 43 16-IXUH MILL WOOD $3.00 PER LOAD. 16-inch 2nd fir $4.25 per load. 16-inch old fir. $4.50 per load, at Tracy's. Phone 2313. 43d22tf 16-INCH OLD FIR. PHONE 2356. 43j8 Best Grade of Wood Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-lnch. Large load are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is our specialty." Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Wells 280 S. Cburch. Phone 1542. 43d9tf 16-INCH BLOCKWOOD $3 75 LOAD, 4 load $14, dry alab wood $4.50 load dry fir any lenftk. CTaaa. Gaxistenftea. Phono 142. 48al6tf GOOD -COAL DRY WOOD. PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 4Jj29tf SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Local and Loss Distance Hanlinf, Storage and FnaL 752 Trade St. Phono 529. 4330tf 1 6-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Phono 72F2. M. D. May field. 48fl8tf MISCELLANEOUS 01 FCRNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairins. Giese-Power Furniture Ston . ' K1s2Dll PERSONAL 05 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS WIDOWS OF WEALTH AND REFINEMENT aeek eorresoondent and companion through thia Gold Old Club. Many .membera worth from $1,000.00 to $50,000.00. Confidential, Digaified and Unexcelled service'. Long established and reliable. Big list of deaeriptiona. Introductions FREE. Send no money. RELIABLE CLUB, BOX 24, RICHMOND HILL. NEW YORK. 55j20 MINUTE MOVIES DRUGGED GUARD" THE eANXpUET iW L.PR1NCE L! YEN SIN AND THE EMPEROR- ALREADY WTo A -PEACEFUL OBLIVION MONET TO tJOJLS B7 HAVE 13000, 6 MONEY TO LET ON farm, also private money to let ost Bar lem real entate. SOCOLOPSKY SON. 341 State Real Eatate, Loans, Insurance. 67d23tf FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6V4. T. L. Wood, 341 State 8. , 7m7tf FARM AND CITY LOANS Monthly payment and straight loans on city property. Long iinui loans oa farm property. Lowest rates. Prompt service. Call or write Chas. Hndkina. Room 6 over Miller Store. Phono 96. 57d23tf WANTED LOANS 60 WANTED: Private money to loan oa REAL ESTATE W. II. GRABEKHORST A CO. 34 S. Liberty St. KOOStUf BUSINESS OPlORTUNITIES 01 TRADE YOCH BONDS FOR BRICK bide This man wants ready money. If you want more interest return, as afe aa any bonds, and a certain in erease in value. Come now. 22.50(.00. ltecke Hendricks. 1M9 N. High St. 61d30 01M0:RY STOCK, LEASE AND Fix tures Owner must sell. In g'od loca tion and doing good business. Have other businwsa opportunities. SOCOLOPSKY A SON. 341 State. 61d23tf REAL ESTATE Directory 62 J. R. PAYNE 1920 South Church St. Tel. 2063-J. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 8. High. Tel. 169. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tel. 577. W. GEISER Telephone 2812 441 Court. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com;, Km. 1. Tel. 817 JOHN W. New Bligh Bldg. ORR Tel. 2485 GERTRUDE J. 492 N. Cottage. PAGE Tel. 1188 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. Tel. 851 CLRICH ROBERT8 122 N. Commercial. 'lei. 1854 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor 147 N. Com'L Phone 577 SQUARE DEAL REALTY U. 8. Nat' I Bank Bldr. Tel. 470 REAL ESTATE 63 Own Your Home BUILDING LOTS NORTH ANY SIZE or fncins Restrictions. $100 to $799. Terms. Becke Jt Hendricks, 1Q N. High Street. 63d30 NICE. ROOMY HOMELIKE PLACE with 'lot of shade, fine fruit, grapea and nuts, 7 -room plastered house, base ment, fireplace, bath, 3 big lots, ga rage and poultry house. Pour block to atreet car, near new Tuxedo park school. Will double in value in ahort time. $3800, teres, 849 Rural ave- wiiiaa W C C rrX a nVrtAr fltraxstCftlan office. " ' ' 6307tf WHEN YOU ARE I-OOKIXO POR THE best offering in nice Salem on rlose in acreage homes and farms for sale and exchange, see us. We make a specialty of sectirine the very best propositions for sale and exchange. See Wells Tall man A Son, 216 Masonic Temple. 63d25-tf FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEW M0D em stucco house. Small payment, bal ance like rent. Phone 97FL2. 63dl9tf TWO GOOD BUYS FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW Nearly new, full basement; furnaee; laundry trays; fireplace: Dutch kitchen: breakfast nook, parage, paved street, walk. Only $3500. Down $500. Bal ance easy monthlv payments. NEW FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW Fireplace; nerd wood floorm; Dntch kitchen; breakfast nook, Pembroke tab, full hasement, furnace: trays; jjarage: paved street and cement walks ThiR home is finished in the popular drift worn! finish two tone work. Only $:t7."0. I town $30O. Till ANGLE REALTY COMPANY 41 Court Street. Phone 6."1 "Headquarters for Homes' 63d24tf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K K K $1200 Cash buys a GOOD lot in a restricted district. 9 blocks north of po-t office. Price in cludes paving paid. KRI'EGER Realtor 147 N. Com I St. Phone 217. K K K K K K ? K K K K K K K K K K 3d2H K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $ 20 down and balance $20 per month buys 20 acres of first class land, for walnuts, filberts and fruit, lo cated nn main gravel road. Price $1600. int. 6. $ 10 dwn and balance $10 per month buys 10 acres first class straw berry soil, small shack. Price $1350. . $ 2" down and balance $10 per month buys one of those fine 5-acrc tracts on the Garden road close to the Hwecle school, paved road. Price $1500, int. 6Vr. $ 25 down and balance $10 per month buy 2 acre tract near Silver ton road, close in. Price $875, int. 67c $100 down and balance $10 per month buys 5 acres located south of Sa lem, not far out. some fine tim ber, eravel road. Price $1250, int. 6rr. " $ 25 down and balance $10 per month buys acre1 tract located at the end of. the bus line on S Com mercial street. Price $750. Good store location. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month iiuys a line acre tract located V nth not far from McKinley school all in bearing cherries. Price $8o. $ ."O down and balance $10 per month buys 1 acre tract all in bearing apples. Price $100. int. b?-. $ 50 down and balance terms buy a fine view tract overlooking the euy soutn of Salem. 1'rice $850, int. 6'. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buys a fine view tract in Ben Vista park, covered with oak trees. Price S800. nt. Ci- If it i& an installment acreage that yon are looKing lor. see W. H. GKAHEXHORST & CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty Street. 63d24tf "to PREVENT PRINCE Li ye sin from MING , TEALOUS GUM SHU rMNALLy pVRSUADEs? MER. RUN AWA1 MJfTW THE SAf2t3eNER,LON; HO you AND ijmc RCAL ESTATE FOR ACREAGE. Adam. PHONK GLENN C3iaa Do you have farms, aat or cherry orchard, stock or dairy ranches, 4 or suburban property for sale! We are in touch with prospective purchasers and the remainder of this month would like listing from owner of thia class of properties. If you have property to trade for middle west lands we have them. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor a as Insurance 147 No. Com I St.. . Salem, Or. 3di4tf FAIRMOCXT HILL J.OTS 71 TO -hoe from. Any .size or facing. On i ."x 1 . ha it block to car. Two pav ings paid faring north with alley at ite. $1 ;.') totai. Becke & Hendricks 1S9 X. High Street. bJdUO CLOSE IN PROPERTY 5 room old house, $1900, $900 down. Small lot. e-roou". cottage, east fronL 3 garages $1500 Apt. house 9 apt&. all furniahed $18,000. Will trade f' r house and kit. Apt. house. 4 apts furnished, large cor ner lot. $6000. Apt. house, 4 apts. aa fnrnished. $3500. Apt. house all fur nished $7500; $7300 attractive home, 7 rooms, $5500. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. We write insur ance. 83dl9tf 19 ACRES WELL IMPROVED, IX5AT ed just nut side of city limits of good town, 12 miles from Salem to exchange for Salem property. Also good lot no Fairground road tit ft. frontage. Make me an ffer on this lot. 4 block to new linen mills. 462 State St.. Salem Realty Co., E. N. Peets and H. K. Barrett. 63d24tf INVESTMENT SPECIAL LARGE business corner, block off state. Price $32,000. but possible for neat few days to be secured for $21,000. Ask about this. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court. 63d24tf RE8TAURANT DOING GOOD BU8I ness with low overhead. Reduced for quick sale, $1200. Portland 3-r. temporary home fur nished. Lot 50x100. Rents $15. For sale or exchange for Salem. Exceptionally good 25-acre tract on Pacific highway, improved. Exchange for good Salem property. 30 acre Polk county, 8 acres logans. 1 acre prunes, 3 acres strawberries, new 4-r. house with basement: stock and equipment, for income property. Business income property, corner, suitable for garage, $3000. One tide paved and paid. Exchange for resi dence, Salem, Albany or Eugene. Practically new, duplex, north, two 4-r. apartments, bnilt-ins, plumbing complete, basement, close in. Exchange for smaller residence, north. BERTHA ZUEHLKE .671 N. Capitol. Phone 1879-W. 63dl9tf SPECIAL Prices on the following properties that must be sold at nce: .7."00 A real home, 8 rooms. $tiOOO Krai home. Court street. .ono Modern bungalow. Capitol St. $375i New strictly modern 5 rooms. $2600 Good 6-room. easy terms. $1100 Half cash. 4 rooms. SUBURBAN HOMES 2.")00 Clxyce 10-acre tract. $!K0O Ch ice 1 acre, paved road. $l0n Fine .Vacre. no huildinc. TWO GROCERY STORKS Both doing a fine business, with living rooms. rVase; $5500 and $2.ri0. LOTS LOTS LOTS Choice locations. Paving paid $373 $550 $rt0, and up. Other lots for $125 $250. up. FOR AN INVESTMENT See choice corner in d wn town dis trict, real business property. A rare pick up. Buv Now, Start New Year Risl.t. WATCH SALEM GROW See CHILDS & BECHTEL Realtors. 3J0 State Street. For Real Real Estate Bargains. 3d2Stf ACRE NEW 6-KOOM PLASTERED house Outside city and close in. $2500. 4 room bouse, close in, bath, toilet, lights, basement, paved street, $1900, $500 d'wn. 5-room house in north Salem, Jath. toilet, lights, ga rage and barn, 2 lots, plenty bearing applea and cherries. $1250. See J. A. or W. O. MILLS 63d28 BUY NOW AND 8AVE MONEY 2 acre suburban home close in, new, 5-roru house, garage, electric lights, $2noo, terms. 5 acre tract, good bldg., fine soil, nap, $2000, want small residence. Good 5-room bungalow and garage, nice corner lot $2600, $250 cash. 8 room bungalow, 5 block from State House, snap, $2500, $500 down. We can match your exchange. Loans and Fire Insurance. PERRIXE & MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. 63dl4tf FINE NEW HOUSE JUST BEING COM pleted, double constructed, fully plumbed, built-in. electric fixtures, four room and breakfast nook, bath, connecting hall, cloaets, with one-half acre fine garden land, enough to al most support a family, located on pave ment just outside city limits. All city conveniences but no city taxes, $3200. Small down payment, balance like rent. Carle Abrams, 1465 Cbemeketa St. Phone 1894 J. 63s26tf WEST SALEM SNAP A quiet homy home of 5 rooms and garage. Concrete foundation, side walks, sewer. Price $2200, with terms. Beautiful Fairmount Hill 7 room residence with every modern conven iences. Price $6500 with terms. If you are looking , for a beautiful home you had better see this at once. BCLGIN A BULGIN 275 State St. 63dl2tf 6-room bouse, gr.iage. 4 lots, on paved St. variety fruit and shrubbery. $3000, easy terms. o room modern home f airmount, you mutt see thia to appreciate it, $6300. 6-room and breakfast room, verv close in, new stucco, entirely furnished for $15,700. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 175 S. High St. 63d21tf BARGAINS IN HOMES $1500 for a 5 room bungalow one block from Jason Lee Church. Terms. $1600 3-rr.om plastered bungalow, easy terms. $2000 New 3 room bungalow both, paved street, easy terms. $3300 5 room bungalow, basement. furnace and paving paid, $300 down. $1600 All modern 6-room bungalow. Terms. $4500 Modern 5-mom bungalow. Terms. $3400 New 4 room and nook, $300, down. $7000 Modern np to date 8-room home $1000 down. $2500 4-rom bungalow, hasement and garare, $SOO down. MKLVIN JOHNSON 109 S. Commercial St. Phone 559 63d22tf LOVE MIM.CWA MiNGO I ALL "THAT'S I AFTER, ONI V TMfNG- TriAT COUNTS.' I CAT VOUR SEIVES" INTO "THE. Meanwhile. Fl TiNG- REUEVE -rue PRISON 3UAfD.ANt MUCH TO TWE jvffePRiSE OF LONfr HO, ir MED'ATELy falls ntda Deep sleep 3 A GOOD BUT IN SALEM HOME Mast sell 5-raem sap derm, well locat ed home, paving paid, walkiag diatMeo, close to achool. Price $2750 or $3500 all furnished. Terma. Lot on paved street, a food filling atatien site. See Us For Homes VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Commercial St. 63nl4tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC- COAST We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to Arade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL FARLE, l.ealtors. 166 S. Liberty. Phone 2242. 63ml2tf NEW HOMER FOR SALE ' $100o buys a new modern 4 room home complete in every way, located on D street near north 15th. has garage. baement. furnace, laun dry trays, fireplace, oak fbors. J l'd rooms, living room, and k tchen large enough for break fast set. good bath room with receded tub, $."o0 down, $40 per month. Let us hw you this home today. $4200 liuys a new home located on N. 17ih street just south of Cen ter. This dome is modern tn every way with tile drain board, oak flo. rs in livin; room and hall. 2 bed rooms, bath Tom, kitchen and breakfast room on lower floor, has fin ished stairway to attic large t't.ough for 2 nice bed room-, garage. paved street and walks. $500 down, balance $45 per month, immediate posses sion. $5200 burs a new modern English style stucco home. cement porch, living room with fire place and oak floors. 1 bed room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast room on lower floor, 2 bed rooms and bath room on upper f U or. garage, corner lot. terms $500 down, balance like rent, immediate possession. W. 11. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors 134 S. I.ibertv St. Thone 515. 63d24tf FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT SIX room modern bouse, four blocks from post office. Price right, easy terms. 320 acre stock ranch ten miles out, well improved for city or suburban property. See us for trades. F. L. Wood. Geo. F. Peed, 341 State St. 63d23tf for sale or trade, house and lot. Seven rooms. Plastered. Easily arranged for 2 apt.' Very close in. Call owner 773-J. 63dlltf REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 COUNTY STORE. DOING NICE Busi ness, for sale ir trade for Salem prop erty, business or a borne, preferred. Invoice $4000 00. Rent, reasonable. Write E. Phillips, Scio, Ore. 65d29 WILL TRADE 75 acre of good land, 50 acre in cultivation, 6 acres Lake Labiaa Beav erdam land. Good 7-room house. Will take Silverton, Salem or Portland property ia trade up to $8000.00. w 52 acres. Hazelgreen district, 6 acre strawberries, 2 seres loganberries, 2 acres orchard. 7-room house, electric light, water system, bath, toilet, etc. Want 5 acres close in. What have you I RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor. 147 X. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. Fbone 865. 65nl0tf REAL ESTATE Farms 67 SPECIAL A jmod "lO-aire farm 7 miles out. .List off paved road, will trade for city property: 9 room apt. house trade for smaller house. Some good timber land near Salem, will trade for city property nr small acreage. See THOMASOV. :V2 State St. , With Childs & Bechtel. K7d2tf 1 WE SPECIALIZE IN OREGON FARMS You will find our farm all priced right, some less than their value and we will prove that they are gO"d buy. Some irrigated. Suited for berries, fruit, flax, grain, mint, truck or poul try. Some wonderful stock and dairy farms: also trades. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. Loans Insurance 147 Nn. Com 'I St. 67nl4tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 ACRE TRACTS IX FRCIT AND NUTS Bearing. Outside limits close bus line and school. $1000. terms. 3 left. Beck & Hendricks, 9 X. High street. 9d30 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K FOR SALE Acre tracts 1 -t miles from Salem's business center. City water and electric lights. $500 $25 cash, balance to suit. KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com 'I St. Phone 217. K K K K K K K K fi.l8 K Q K K K K K K k'K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Q WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 WANT A FARM THAT CAN BE bought on easy terms and long time. Box 44:t. Salem. 71d28 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKFR AUTO . T7ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 Let Us Buy Your 1921 License TRADE YOUR OLD CAR WITH ALL ITS TROUBLES FOR A RECONDI TIONED FORD. 1(20 Ford Tourings with 1927 li cense $95 to $110 1923 Ford Touring with 1927 li cense $165 to $175 1924 Ford Roadster with steel pick np delivery body and 1927 license $215 1924 Coupe, balloon tires, 1927 license $285 1920 and 1921 Sedans, all with 1927 license $125 to $150 Act Now Get one of these bargaina while we still have real good buya. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Ore. 79dl5tf REAL ESTATE I VJILL LEAD VCAJ &OTH K THE SECRET Passage undetwe palace, and ytwrz flight is nscrrvERED. MULL SAV THAT I SAW VOU &OTH RIVER'! I vstE IT NOT WR ttx& ti BELOVED CHA 1 VWbNG .1 LE S S'CS ! ATTfeMDT TO I ui was PRISON USED CARS FOR BALE 79 1825 Chevrolet Touring. 1924 Chevrolet Tearing. 1924 Ford reaps. 1923 Ford Touring. 1923Chevrolet Sedan. Newton Chevrolet Co. 7!d25-tf Salem's Greatest Used Car Sale Mast close out all used car before Jan. 1st, as we are overstocked, your gain is our loss. Your tiioice of lour ing. roadsters and sedans, in nearly al! makes. VOI R CHOICE IN Willys-Knights, tourings. Willys Knights, sedans. Studebaker, sedan. Overland, sedans. Dodge. Overland. Moon. Cleve land. Star and Gray tourings. 1926 Ford roadster and 1925 Ford touring with balloon tires. All cars are in good mechanical condi tio n. nearly all have new paint and good rubber, also many extras. Before you buy any used car be sure and look over our stock: you aaay be certain that any car purchased from us will be absolutely as represented. LIBERAL TEBMS TRADES ACCEPTED MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage k Perry. Phone 409. Marmon. Willy-Knisot. .Overland. Whippett. 79d22tf 1924 OAKLAND TOOIKIXO, LOOKS like new; balloon tire, bumper, snub bera, etc. Will take a piano ia trade Phone 1241-M. . 79nl9tf ,-MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS-s, TWO g Packard OP Oldsmobil 2 THE BEST Stop Look Listen Mr. Used Car Buyer. Whv Walk Buy a good used car tor Christmas 1927 License Free Ford Sedan (Starter) $65 to $150 Ford Roadsters (with and and without starters,) $40 to $225 Ford Coups (with starter) $175 to $400 Ford Tourings (with and without atarters) $35 to $200 Mitchell Sedan (good rub ber1 and runs good) $ 75 Studebaker Roadster (a snap $ 90 Buick Roadster (m bargain). .$ 55 1925 Oakland Tour. (look this over) $695 1925 Oldsmobilo Coaches (extra good value) $700 and $800 1926 Oldsmobile Coupe (can't be told from new) ....$850 1923 Hudson Coach (a real buy) $525 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe (new paint, A-l condition) ..$550 1923 Dodge Leather Coupe (try to duplicate at this price) $475 No. 226 Packard Sedan (like new every way) $1800 No. 126 Packard Sport Tour ing ( Daco paint, new car guarantee) .'.....$1150 We have a complete line of good used cars and have every car marked with the price in plain figures on the windshield. Most all of these car have been reconditioned by our shop and carry our thirty day guarantee of defective parts and free service on adjustments. We have trood run ning automobiles as low aa $35 and np to $1800. in other word anything from Fords to Packard. Many people have looked our stock over and our prices are re maining the same with our offer as a Christmas present to you of a 1927 license free with each car that sell for $100 or more. If you are interested in a good used car don't buy before you look our stock over. WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Motors Inc. 350 N. High St. Biddy Bishop Al Rousseau PHONE 2125 79dl8tf is. -MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS- Sound Business Methods Are necessary to every successful merchandising program. Sound busi ness methods applied to handling of used automobiles create a commodity of legitimate merchandise which has a distinctive place in business and for which there is a constantly increasing market. Reasonable purchase, searching in spection, expert attention to recon ditioning, conservative representation expert attention to reconditioning, con servative representation and terms of credit which make buying from this company a ron-venience. is the estab lished policy of this company with re spect to merchandising used automo biles. i.uick Coupe, late model master si x. Ford Touring. Buick Totiring. Ford Coupe. Overland Touring, oldsmobile Touring. Sport. Essex Touring. Overland Sedan, excellent condi tion. Chevrolet Touring. Jordan 8 in Line, Sport, Duco finish. Ford Roadster. Willys-Knizht Roadster. Cleveland Touring. Hudson Sedan, paint like new, eood shape. Hupmobile -Touring, Duo finish. Nash Touring, Duco finish. Willys-Knight Sedan, fine shape. These are excellent values. You will appreciate them in appearance and me chanical condition. The season for "purchase is right here now. Call and look ovtr he offerings. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street. Phone 1260. CADILLAC NASH "After we sell we serve." 79d2Stf Great Britain will have a coop erative national theater, said to be the first of the sort ever at tempted in England. The first pro duction will be launched about Christmas, in London. ftfssmGr ALLAYED cha mings Fears Ar MISGIVING-,? , HERE.FI CHA VHHCr WVTH THE CRAFT JUM SHU NOW SCEK CUT IPC f?ELlEp oUARO AMD OFFERS HIM A CUP OF DRUGGED WINE ( ccxe, dear - T-rei drug should vl HAVE TAKEN EFFECT etf MjM)-M -I JjjXvyg s x can see. Ju "THE DEAD Op 46HT,Un SMU STEALTHILY LEADS THE 1 WAV Tb LONG- : CLASSIFIED BUSINESS; DIRECTORY Of Reliable Baslswsa & Ireloiutl firms Arranged . In Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference AUCTIONEERS F. -N. Woodry The Woodry everybody know. Cash paid for used fSirnitura. Re. and toro 1610 N. Baasmar 8. Telephone 511 H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for nsed furnitare. Storo 71 N. Corn i. Thone 75. Agent for Lang rtangea. .ACComrraifT O. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Arb iter. 331 K State. Phono 2098-R. a!7- 2 BATTERY AND ELECT RICIAWI R D BART0S EXIDK BATTERIES. Starter aad teaarator work; S03 South High. Phono 19i . COURT 8T. JOE WILLIAM8 BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bi cycle and repairing. 387 Court. CHINESE REMEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY. ESTAB lished 1908. J. H. Leong. Mgr. Phone 283. 420 State St. Upstair. 020tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. P. 8. C. 28 Oregon bldg. Phone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR 258 N High. Phone 828-R, or 87. ELECTRICIANS FIJ5ENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimate furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St. PABM PAPEB IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2 cent stampa to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for (pecial three month' trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The article and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeder of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trait Deeds, Contract oa houses Will net 6 to 30. Becke A Hendricks Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High St. Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm aecurity. CITY LOANS We aro loaning Pro dential Insurance Company money oa city residence and business property, at 5hi, pins a commission. Hawkina A Robert, Inc 205 Oregon Building. dletf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decoration. 0. F. Breithaupt. florist. 512 State St. Phone 380. m,, INSURANCE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, GENERAL IN surance. W. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. Insure Your horn or ear bow Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Hsilig Bldg., 189 N. High 8L Jl-f LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pur Material" Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 & High TRY THE HOME WET WA8H LADN dry. Phone 171, 1856 B street. j!7tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women, 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed Phone 19. fltjtf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM Phone 517-W. COUGH REMEDY MUSIC STORED GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, sewing machines, sheet musie and piano studies. Repairing phono graph and sewing machin, 432 Stat street, Sslem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND T M, SALEM Agency. The Ace. T 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your homo early each morning. Tel. 28 or 583. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanging, tinting, ate. Reliable workman. CHAS. BENNETT, PAINTING . CON tractor. interior decorating. 541 MilL 17T1-M. n27tf PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNrTURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. Phono 941. PIANO TUNERS THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Musie Co , 355 N. High Have your piano toned by on who ha had year of experience ia th work. 83 tf PIANO TUNER EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave order Will's Mnsie Stors. By Ed Wheelan TIf-Kr, PRINCESS SCND3 WU CDMPU- 16-MORROlO "THE. -SECRET . PASSAGE Hour miss SS;v"lH.s-. EPISODE FBXHTTJfO FOR STATIONERY, CARDS, PAMPH lota, program, book or -any kind of printing, call st the Stateamaa Priat ing Department, . 215 S. Commercial, Tel. 583.. PXUaCBINQ PLUMBING AND GENERAL JUSPAIR work. Graber Bros, 154 S. Liberty Phone 550. ?19lt XADIO Vv' Radlolas Po Every Pmrpos Every Para All Standard 8ioa , f RadU Tuha HALIK A EOFP ELECTRICAL-SHOP 835 Court 81 Paoa 4B$ KBAXi ESTATE IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO 6 ELL or if yon are looking (or a aoraa, (ana. r business property, see ,' " - BECKE A HENDRICKS ' lMNHigJtJienijrldjrBtf REAL GROUP INVESTMENTS Close-in Income property .in Salem. In creasing in value 10 to 2.0 pet cent by abundant' comparison Any amount from $100 np. Many pleased to realize possi bilities of united investments, v HARRIS. Masonic Ride. Tel. 218. S-MO-JE SECOND HAND GOODS BUT USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL ry. Guns, ' Tools. Bicycle. Star ex change, 824 N. Commercial, phone 8SO. ia WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH in and shoes. Boat urieea DeieL Canl tai txeaaars, 3z North (Job Phone 1868-W. ' aereta STOVES AND STOVE KEPAXZZNO STOVE8 FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kind of vrev en wire feare. Fancy and plaia. Hot basket and hooks, loraa hooka. Paleae Peaoe and Stove Work. 250 Coart TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIG in. Prop, 1145 Norway. Near Woodry Auction Market. Tel. 7t9l-W. TRANSFER AND HATJUNO TRANSFER AND HAULING OP ALL kind., fbone 72i'Z. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOC8E hold foods. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. V handle the best eoal and wood. Call on us for price. W girt rood measure, good quality aad rood service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone SSC CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 82 State SL Phone 933. Diatribating forwarding and store our apoeialtx Oet our rates. WELL DXIXXZKO . R. A. WEST, RT. S. Box 108-A. PHONI 110F5. 8 milee east on Garden road WATER - SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWKB OQ Office 804 South Commercial Bt. Tat per cent diacouut on deraostia flat rati' paid in advance. No deduction for ah enee or any cause unless water 1 aha JZILIiI2lia--. TRAVEL . 8afe1y Swiftly and- Coajfortabtj Jn busses of the Parker fitafa JUnaa. Stare leave for: Silverton 7 a. m.. 11 a." m., & p. a. Mt. Anrel H a. m., S p, as. 7 - . 9 a. m., 11:25 a. Fall Oty 7 a. m., 2:10 p. 5:16 p. aa. . . Independence 7 a. nu. a. n. 11:15 a. m.. 8:10 p. a, a. a. Sunday only 8:80 p. m. ? Moaaonth 7 a. m., 11:15 . a. ? 8:10 p. 5:15 p. m. Sunday 'al 7:10 p. m, 8:80 p. st. MeMiaaviUo 8:3d a. , 1:10 . st- 5:15 p. m. . Newborr 8:80 a. m , t:l9 V. mu. 5:15. p. m. ; r . Tillamook 8:80 a. m., 3:10 n. n Call 222 or 66 for .infortaatiora. - ' 28f VFTTS TO GET GYM - A gymnasium - building which includes a swimming pool and run ning track will be a feature of the new 11,850.000 United States Vet erans bureau hospital now under construction at Fort SnelUng. - NOTICE OP FTXAL) SETTLB- ME XT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the Conn ty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion his duly verified final account as adminis trator of the estate of LUla S. Iliff, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 24th, day of January, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the Connty Court Room in the County Court House; in the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, -as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 20th day of December, 1S26. JOSEPH ILIFF, Administrator of the estate of Lilla B. Illiff, deceased. -RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for administrator, Sa lem, Oregon. d21-28-J4-ll-18 Salem Markets' -O PEED No. 1, wheat, whit ' Red, wheat, sacked -? 1.2T . 1.19 br .48 . 14.00 ' Oat, per bo. millinf Hay, oat, vetch, per tea PORK. KT7TTOV AN DBEJtF Top bog ... . f!2.r,f. ,. Bow ; ' .08 l op steer - .06 . Cow, SO.04H - Ball . , w Sprias Iamb, ander SS lb. - ,iou Too live veal Q -- Dreaaed veal - . .15 Dressed ho- " jj fOTJX.TBT . L.i;ht heaa . Heavy ken ,I -.17.28 .08 lQ.18 FpriBf Rooster . Heavy colored fry EGOS, EUTTE. ETnTEXPAT Standard - : Relief. ' lit Per Poaad . : . BaUerfat ' - a Craaa batter - .6001 "EOETABiiEsV "PEtTXTE Vegetable, beet. eaeka4 02r?.08 Califarala lottmea, crate I 9