1' Monby and Cibtfti Wo in Ordbp for Winter Belief Funr4, GontrhWatibii of j!3f-it':f.H. Is Planning the Finest Pipe Organ In Any Church n?FMhk-CU$&i&j St aptist Church WEATHER. FORECAST: Rains in the west and rains and snows in the east por tion; normal temperature, southerly tales on the coast. M axlmum yesterday, 4 7 ; minimum, 37; river, 5.7; rainfall, none, atmosphere, cloudy, windsoutheast. Two people we haven't much use for are J xne extreme paci lisi wuu wbh iw the '-army J and nary and the bumptious -Jingo who thinks we ought always to fight at the drop of the hat. lid lie itolMT wmlmmm. y y - " -.Tr..r - ... ----- , SKHf-iAAn Ixn . , - , ........ SALEM OREGON, TUESDAY JIOINING. DECEMBER 28, 1926 --w. . w .--.a I.--' - - " - I'-'- - - i , . w ... . -ir. , - - : : . . i 1 ; - ; . .-r- . s E10IRSIET INPRUNEWQBK Many Large Interests Rep resented at Special Gath ering Yesterday COMMITTEE APPOINTED Final Plan to Bo Presented to Different Interest for Approv al, Critchfield Cornea at Request of McNary An impromptu meeting of the prune growers and packers was held at the Marion hotel Monday afternoon. The meeting was called at the request of a number of growers and packers that they might have an opportunity of dis cussing the prune situation with B. H. Critchfield. who was sent here by the United States depart ment of agriculture upon request of Senator Charles L. McNary for the express purpose of investigat ing the condition of the industry. The meeting was called to or der by W. T. Jenks, who, after stating the object of the gathering. said that different interests had requested that W. S. Walton act as chairman, and Mr. Walton was accordingly chosen. Mr. Critchfield stated that the heads of the department of agri culture at Washington, D. C, which he represented, were anx ious and willing to give all the aid possible to the growers of the northwest and were now making a thorough investigating of the conditions, and, while he could not at this time outline any defi nite plans, he would welcome as sistive and advice from the dif fer marketing . agencies that wflald tend to Iron out the diffi culties that now beset the prune industry or that might exist be tween the growers and packers. Mr. Kipp of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce stated that his organization was doing all in its power to effect an organization and would cooperate in any feas ible plan that might be ,evpl,ved. After considerable discussion a motion was carried to the effect that two organizations be com pleted, one of the growers and the other among the packers each o.f these to appoint a committee of 'Continued on page 3.) CHAPLIN DENIES MEXICAN RUMORS REPORTS INDICATE NEGOTIA TION'S MADE IX SOXORA Film Comedian Claimed to Be Waiting Action on Part of Mrs. Chaplin NOG ALES, Ariz., Dec. 27 AP) Charles Spencer Chaplin, motion picture comedian, who a little more than two years ago November 25, 1924, slipped across the border and was married to Lilita Louise Murray (LitajGrey , his leading lady, at JSmpa)me, Sonbra. Mexico, has written a lawyer in HerraosUIo. relative to obtaining a divorce under Mexican law. fho N'ogales Herald today aid it had learned. The attor ney, the newspaper said, is promi nent in Hermosillo, the capital of the state of Sonora, Mexico, and will not allow his name to be used in connection with the case. The Sonora laws provide that a divorce may be obtained for cause the same as in the United States and by mutual consent, but re quires no residence within the state in either instance. When causes are named the defendant must be served with a personal summons and regular proceedings followed. When husband and w in- agree to the action, a divorce in Sonora may be obtained in from two weeks to a month, but tlicj must have been -married for mq Jian one year :when the ap pliLion is filed. - LOS ANGELES, Dec,,(27(TrrAP Lloyd Wright. VUSHIST' fPE Charles Spencer Chaplin, said here today the film comedian bad no intention of seeking a divorce from his estranged wife, the former Lita Grey, inT Mexican courts, as intimated in r rcpOrtt from Nogales, Ariz. . ''There's nothing to It," Wright said. "I never heard of Chaplin Eelftg in communication with a Regular Edition Of .The Statesman On New Year's Day The news section of The Oregon . Statesman for Janu ary 1, 1927,' will be delivered only to the regular subscrib ers. It will not be a part of the annual year-end edition, which is to be released on that day also. The subscribers and patrons of The Statesman are request ed to remember this an nouncement. NEUTRAL SFflELD t ADMIRAL'S AIM NICARAGUA AGENT CHARGES SAILORS NOT NEEDED Report Lacks Information on De velopmcnts at Puerto Cabezas WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 (AP) Steps to maintain the Bluefields neutral zone established under American naval control last Octo ber by agreement of the Nicarag uan conservative and liberal mili tary chief a,T were reported today by Rear Admiral Julian Latimer. Advices, however, were lacking as to developments at Puerto Ca bezas, , where marines and blue jackets were landed last week to protect American lives and prop erty. Announcement o y President Diaz at Managua that his govern ment would regard the entire east coast of Nicaragua as neutral ter ritory and withdraw its forces which suffered defeat recently in action with the liberals may pos sibly mean that these troops will take refuge within the Bluefields zone and surrender their arms to Admiral Latimer. The Diaz announcement said the troops were to be withdrawn to Rama, up the river toward Managua. If the liberals should prevent this move, however, the only recourse would be to enter the Bluefields zone. The announcement also may mean early withdrawal of the forces landed by Admiral Latimer at Rio Grande bar and Puerto Cabezas to protect American in terests. . This decision would rest with the admiral and be made on his information as to any danger still 'threatening. He notified the state department today that he had warned the commander of the defeated government forces that they would be permitted to enter the Bluefields zone only on sur render Of their arms. It was reiterated today that the Washington government did, not regard landing at Puerto Cabezas as intervention in any way in the Nicaraguan civil strife, but only for the purpose of protecting Americans. The department also made no (Continued on pace 3.) 21 SAILORS PoisONED Tinned. Corned Beef Hash .Served Bluejackets for Breakfast SAN DIEGO. Cal., Dec. 27. (AP) Twenty-one bluejackets, oonf iped aboard the receiving ship Rigel at the destroyer base await ing trial for court-martial offens es and three sentries, were taken to the' naval hospital today suf fering from, ptomaine poisoning. Npne of the men is said to be dangerously ill. Captain John Church, com mandant of the destroyer base, said the afflicted men were served tinned corn beef hash for break fast this mornins. A few hours every one of the prisoners to whom the food was given became ill. This is the secpnd time this year that a large group of , naval personnel here hast been made 111 with ptomaine poison through eat-? Ing Improperly cooked ojr spoiled foods. Last summer an entire ward of the naval hospital was filled with such patients. There were no deaths. SHOTS FATAL TO THREE Cliihlrcw.Hult't" Room and Find Mother and' Two Men Dead t HOUSTON, Texas, Dec,. 27v (AP) While four children wero asleep in nearby room,' Mrs. Maria" Ai -llivas. 28. a widow Jos Tapia, 30. a baker, and Anastiro Tejeda, 50. were shot and killed here today. The- fourschllu'ren of MrarRivas wertwiwaktncd by Ihe shla and found their mother and the two men dead. The children said Te jeda had been ordered"? f com tin? house two months ago,, and about two weeks ago returned, threat ening jo kjlMoe famllrt 3 K1LIE0 WHEH OIL Mil! 1ECRSTLIT Company Orders Guards to Exclude Newspapermen From Burned Area MEN FLEE FROM FLAMES Throe of Injured Who Worked Jn Gas and Construction Depart ment Expected to Die From Burns VENTURA, Cat., Dec. 2,7 (AP) ; Three lives were the toll exacted by a fire near here today which, started by an explosion in the ab sorption plant of the General Pe troleum company, trapped employ es of the unit in a flaming circle 400 feet in diameter. Three other men were so seriously burned they are hot expected to live, several others, while seriously ; injured will recover, and a number of em ployes were given- emergency treatment for minor burns. The loss in gasoline and equip ment was estimated at $7r.,000, but although company engineers have begun an Investigation the cause of the fire has not yet been determined. The aead are: Mack, Lendon of ios Angeles, Sam Ingram and Wi'Unra Lejune. The Injured expected to die are: T. J. Garrett, F. J. Berry and P. B. Dimock. Those who probably will re coyer include: T. L. Kimes. George McGussle, Burt Gavin, A. T. Boles, Jim McGlinchey, Wayne Gibboney and four men named Kinney, Hen derson, iufflemar, and CoTistenel li, whose first names were unas- (Contianed on paf 2.) WHISkEY CARGO SEIZED Vessel Able to Leave Port After Intoxicants Removed VICTORIA, B. C. Dec. 27 (AP) Seizure of a cargo of more than 20,000 cases of liquor con signed to Mexico aboard the aux iliary schooner Chris Moeller, which has been detained here a month, was ordered .today by the acting minister of customs and ex cise at Ottawa. The 'vessel will be allowed to clear from the port after the seizure. Counsel for the vessel said ac tion would be taken to oppose the seizure, which was ordered on charges of false entry. You vtr y ) ii c : : : v HOLIDAY DRINKS TAKE 16 LIVES GOVERNMENT DENIES DENA TCRING CAUSED DEATHS Chemists Hopeful of Making In dustrial Alcohol Less Poisdnous NEW YORK. Dec. 27. (AP) Charges that some of the six teen alcoholic poisoning deaths over the Christmas holidays were caused by poisons put in alcohol by the government today brought a defense of government denatur ing from Chester P. Mills, federal prohibition administrator. Chief Medical Examiner Norris, commenting on the 16th deaths, said: "The government knows it ig not stopping drinking by put ting poison in alcohol. It knows what bootleggers are doing with it, and yet it continues its poison ing . processes. Knowing this - to be true, the government must be charged with the deaths that poisoned liquor causes." Assistant Medical Examiner Gonzales said that autopsies on seven of the dead revealed the cause of death to have been ex cessive drinking and not poison ing. The denaturing. Mills said, was done in order that users of ajco hol for non-beverage purposes might avoid payment of the high tax on grain alcohol and there was no intent on the part of the gov ernment to risk the lives of citi zens. The denaturing, he said, also helps the domestic dealers meet foreign competitors on a nearly equal basis. The total of deaths from alco holic poisoning was raised to six teen today with three deaths in Bellevue hospital and two else where. Eight additional alcoholic fOontinnad on Mil S.) FALL'S ILLNESS SERIOUS Outlook for Recovery Good Unless Complications Set In EL PASO, Texas, Dec. 27. (AP) Former Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall, who is seriously ill with pneumonia at his home here, is "resting easy, his condition showing little change, said a bulletin issued at 5 o'clock by Dr. H. T. Safiord. The following bulletin regarding Mr. Fall's condition was issued by Dr. Safford: "As a result of my examination of Mr. Fall. I find that he has pneumonia of the lower lobe of the right lung. His temperature- is not high, his pulse is good, and the outlook for his recovery is good, if no complications or further ex tension of the pneumonia occurs. At his age, 65, pneumonia some times mild in its onset, develops into a severe case within a short time." NECK AND NECK MORE FREEDOM SOUGHT BY SIX TWO MEN RECAPTURED BY SHELTON AFTER FIRIXG Hole Dug in Wall on Christmas Afternoon, Four Make Good Their Escape Six inmates of the county jail dug their way -to freedom late Saturday afternoon while Sheriff Bower and his deputies were en joying their Christmas dinners. The escape was made through an opening in the north wall of the courthouse. Two of the prisoners were recaptured by R. Shelton and returned to Jail. TJsing an old nail and piece of iron piping from an old radiator, the prisoners removed the mortar and bricks and, selecting a time when the streets were deserted in the vicinity of the jail, crawled through the opening and were crossing the yard when discovered by Mr. Shelton. a deputy in the assessor's office, who was working on the records. Mr. Shelton called upon them to stop which only ac cellerated their speed. Seizing a gun he gave chase and at Court and Chemeketa streets, he came near enough to fire. Hearing the shot two of the men stopped and surrendered to Mr. Shelton who returned them to the quarters from which they had so uncere moniously departed. The other four kept on their way and es caped. Up to a late hour last night none of tho four had been recaptured. The prisoners were: Mart Broom, held on a liquor charge, Ray Livingstone, for statutory crime, Gordon Gillis, in jail for attempting to aid prisoners In escaping, Harry Wolf, held for burglary, Seward Teglund and Kenneth Loter. Loter and Teg lund were recaptured. Mart Broom is an old offender and considered a hard case. Gordon Gillis is a satelite of Broom and was arrest ed a few weeks ago while making an ingenious attempt to smuggle hasksaws into the jail by placing them Inside a can of condensed milk. HORSE THROWS ROGERS Hard Riding Movie Lariat Tosser Lands in Heap Unhurt SANTA MONICA. Cal., Dec. 27 r (AP) Will Rogers, elevated last week to the mayoralty of Bebesly Hills, residential hub of the movie colony, was a full fledged member of the Prince of Wales equestrian club today. While playing polo at a Canyon cltb near here yesterday, the hard riding movie lariat tosser de scribed an arc over his pony's head and landed in a heap in the most approved royal form. He was unhurt. STOEISJUI INTO TORRENT THROUGH SOUTH Six Deaths and Property Damage Running to Thous ands Storm's Toll MINES FORCED TO CLOSE Eastern Kentucky Experiences Second High Water Within Week as Heavy Rains Flood Rivers MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 27. (AP) Six deaths and property damage into the hundreds of thousands was estimated tonight from flood waters that spread over the lowlands in Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. The flood began to recede in most of the inundated area, but the crest of the flood was not in sight at other points. Forecasts of further rains in the flooded area, however, caused ap prehension and additional safe guards to protect life and prop erty were taken. The heaviest property damage and most widespread floor was thought eastern Kentucky and Tennessee in the valley of the Cumberland rivers and through portions of Tennessee, where small streams became raging tor rents and spread-out over the low lands. More than 2000 people in Nash ville were being routed from their homes when the Cumberland in undated 50 blocks of the city. The weather bureau there forecast a stage of 52 to 53 feet before the flood reaches its crest. The Cum berland will probably continue to rise until Wednesday or Thurs day and is higher tonight than at any time since 1S82. Tennessee bore the brunt of the flood, many small streams spread ing out over lowlands covering highways and causing an estimat ed damage of $50,000 to roads in the state, according to the state (Con tinned on page 2.) METRIC PLAN FAVORED Doctor Claims American Children Squander School Time PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 27 (AP) Children in the kinder garten should be taught measure ments the same as they change a dime, Dr. S. J. MacFarren, of Washington, told the metric asso ciation tonight in urging the adop tion of the metric system in the kindergarten classes. "The French child," said Dr. MacFarren. "learns measurement in this manner in half the time and with only half the effort, and much more thoroughly than the American pupil twice his age.." They develop naturally into logi cians and mathematicians. Dr. MacFarren declared. "Why should the bright street urchin," he continued, "w h o makes change- for your morning paper with the accuracy of a bank cashier, have to spend years in school before commencing to learn the merchandise side of calcula tion? Because our weights . and measures, unlike our simple cur rency which is the envy of the world, are still undecimalized." LINER AGROUND IN MUD Three Tugs Work All Day In Fu tile Attempt to Move Ship SAN JUAN. Porto Rico, Dec. 27 - (AP) Although three tugs worked all day in an endeavor to pull off the Cunard liner Fran conia, the Bhip' was 'still fast aground late today, with little prospect of being released unless more powerful vessels came to her assistance. -A strong sea astern was driving the vessel farther on the mud 'bank. The Franconia grounded near the entrance to San Juan harbor Sunday. BURNS KILL MEXICAN Effort to Start Fire With Gasoline Fatal to Laborer EUGENE, Ore., Dec; 27 (AP) Martinao Vasquez. 5 Mexican la borer employed: by the Southern Pacific company on the new Cas cade line "seventy miles' east of Eugene, was burned to death. last night when he attempted Co -light a fire In a cabin 'with "" gasoline. The can of gasoline eip1qdedt I . - - -I The Winter Relief Fund . . . . Just because Christmas has passed does not mean that some people will need ' no ; more help 'during the winter months. The good citizens rallied in a splendid manner to the Christmas Cheer work and now a" campaign for the relief of needy ' families dur ing the- remainder of the win ter months is being launched by the Salvation Army and The Oregon Statesman. Food and clothing should be left with the Army and the money with the relief editor of The Statesman. Every articles and every cent will be used, free of charge, to bring the neces sities to some needy people. Send in your contributions now and help this most worthy work. A Friend ..$5.00 WINTER RELIEF WORK STARTED SALVATION ARMY AND THE STATESMAN TO COOPERATE Clothing, Food and Money to Be Used to Supply Necessities to Needy Christmas has passed, but not so the relief work for the needy people of the community. The Oregon Statesman and the Salva tion Army are cooperating in car rying on this winter relief work. They will continue it until the spring work begins. This means that the people of the community should continue to give to this fund. Some may ask, "How long shall I give?" The best answer the re lief editor has found for that is contained in the following verse: " 'Go break to the needy sweet charity's bread; For giving is living,' the angel said. 'And must I be giving again and again? My peevish and pitiless answer ran; 'No, no,' said the angel, pierc ing me through, 'Just give till the Master stops giving to you'.' All contributions of clothing and food should be left with the Salvation Army and the money with the winter relief editor of The Statesman. Every article and every cent will be used for the needy people. Not a cent is to be charged for handling all of the supplies. Everything goes abso lutely free to those in need. Anyone knowing needy cases should report them to the relief editor at once. Careful investiga tion will be made and then the needed supplies furnished free of charge. Send in the names of needy cases now. It is the hope of The States man and the Salvation Army to see to it that not a person in the community suffers for the lack of necessities this winter. Help do your part by contributing food, clothing or money. Do it now. DESTROYER SAVES LIFE Dash Made From San Diego to Southern Port and Return SAN DIEGO. Cal., Dec- 27. (AP) How the United States destroyer Farragut steamed out of the harbor at full speed yes terday for Ensenada in a thrilling race to save the life of Leighton Hope, American vice consul at the Lower California port was re vealed today when the warship re turned to the harbor. Hope had a stroke of paralysis Christmas day. His condition be came so grave it was decided to move him to San Diego. -Roads were Impassable- due to recent storms. There were no merchant vessels sailing for San Diego. As a last resort an appeal was sent to the local naval authori ties. The Farragut was ordered to leave port as soon as steam could 'be got up. The destroyer clipped off 30 knots an hour dur ing the voyage to Esenada and exceeded that speed by two knots on the return trip. Captain Raymond' Spear, com mandant of the Balboa park nav al hospital said today that Hope was Testing easily. " SKATES TO HIS DEATH Samuel Ladner, 13, Crushed Under Loaded Coal 'Truck PHILADELPHIA, .Dec.' 27.--,(AP -Samuel Ladner. 13, receiv ed pair of roller skates tfor Christmas. Today- he rolled into a street in. Weet 'Philadelphia" and was crushed i death under t load ed cou (jrnck. PRICE FIVE CENTS w PLIUG BODY SHIM B Capitol Motors Last Firm to Be Granted RelWt JGrpiip : Recommends PARKiNG PROBLEM CAUSE Determined Effort to Eliminate All ,Pumps Expect ed to Take Place Soon, Is Sentiment of Commission No more curb pumps will4 'bo permitted to be erected in Salem, in case the city council decides to follow a recommendation made by the zoning commission at a meet ing last night. The rommlssion went on record as being in favor of granting the Capitol Motors petition for a curb pump, but will not favor erecting any more.. The Capitol Motors petition was in before the commission began discussing the new policy, so it was thought only fair to allow it to go through. All petitions for such permits coming In the future will meet a cold reception, how ever. This action is being taken In an effort to solve the city's parking problem, which is rapidly grow ing more acute, and which is not solved by the city's : one and two hour parking restrictions for the down town district. Most curb pumps take np curb space that would park three or four cars, it was brought "out rat the meeting, and the large Dumber of such pumps in the business dis trict take up parking space that would hold a large number ot ears.-' -.. ? - i'w- A determined effort to prohibit all curb pumps in the business, dis trict will be taken at some future time, it was indicated at the meet ing. Representatives of several gar ages owning curb pumps wre present at the meeting, and point ed out that the pumps were a "necessary evil" in the storage garage business. Considerable difficulty is en countered in putting the pumps inside the building, it was pointed out, because of limited space and city ordinances regulating such in terior pumps. Several other cities, eepecially Portland and Sac F.ancisco, have (Continued on pc 2.) STRANGLER KILLS MISSOURI WOMAN HUSBAND LOCATES WIFE'S BODY ON SECOND FLOOR ' Coroner Indicates Bruises and Finger Prints Found in Throat KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 27. (AP) Mrj. Bonnie Pace, 26 was found slain in her home here to day, with evidence indicating strangulation. Her husband, Ray mond Pace, 28, who collapsed aft er the body was discovered, is in the general hospital under a police restraining order. Victor, six. year old son crt the couple, who is an invalid, also is in the hospital. Mrs. Pace's body was found in a front room on the second floor of the home, by her husband when he returned from work this after noon. His screams attracted neighbors, who summoned police and an ambulance. The body was still warm, neighbors said, when they reached It. ' . ? Pace, said that when he en tered . the house Victor", -who1 was in bed downstairs called to him' and said: j ' i c - "'1 think mamma fell - down stairs." ' The husband said he investigat ed and found his wife's body in the upstairs room, i t !; ? Dr. C. S. Nelson, deputy .coron er, who examined, the body," said he found finger marks on the woman's throat, and that her face had been scratched and her body bruised. There , was no evidence of robbery. : " . ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Pace ' separated early last month, police were told and Pace, who is a bricklayer was away untu a lew days hef or Christmas. ."-'.-. tj r - 1 An effort was being made to night tcr: locate a'Tnan. who a neighbor. saUL drove 1 np to the Pace home; In an automnrfo llcr In Ihffday. and after" rinciV,- PIPS 4