TOE OREGON SZATCSnXK, kXiai;:bRE(3dH, ; S ATUBDAY iibRNING DECEMBER 2u, 192G .7 - - - . r Union Roster BU CAR"-. , W.4. 1 79 for men. UNION I I 1 Kn I iui A' ..i,.. -President, o. .; see N" l. Pilkenton. Meets aee l.u.rr, 3:00 P- m. I NlOX NO. 1065 rttiilM. Herbert Hale. A. hi rilllk ana wans J Zl . ,i mechanics furmsne. I'MM r7777 FnToN LABEL LEAGUE 1 Mil il u:l ISalem. Ore. KKIOHTS PYTHIAS MEETS AT K Vl""rn.W H.IL ever, evening. S- g" 13W-W K. Hurk, K. of K. 8. TW. . FRATERXAI- ORDER OF EAGLES. meeU 'aryWedneeday. Fraternity Hall. 8 gg-w,tt W. Tel 889 R. TheOregm Statesman i. t k -.1 .rf mAratOf (fticept Haft day) t 8lm, th cpitl of Oregon Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Saaday .....2 natt par word 5 rents per word ....8 niu per word One time . Thru time B,I ,nc. ------------ ,. k., r t ma. dativ anu c-- I. order t5 srn the more thsa on. time rste, advertisement mwl ru Mnseeutive issue. VeAd- tsken for less than S5e. Ad. run Sunday ONLY charred at 0B-tia rt- Advertisements (ecp ... Personam Md fiitustioas' Wanted) will U ttliii over the telephone If ,th advertiser i a subscriber to panne Th Statestnaa will receive ndver tUtmD at any time of the day or niht. To inanre proper elaaeiflea ticoi ads. ihonld be ia beforo 7 p. m. AUVERTIS1SO HONEST UVKkT!StNO Taeae eol om ot be kept free from ftkiil ( a aaastionable nature, ltureproaoa UUooi i "o be tolerated. Iafor natkia ahowiuc any oueationable in tent ob the part of tho adrertlaer boold be reported to thia newa paper or the Salem Ad club. Money to Loan OS RFAL ESTATE T. K. IXJRI fOer I.add A Bueh bank Al'TO TOPS ' m ..i ! sail "Tg n r-n $dge Roster i SEE C8 KK TOP AND PAINT WORK O. J. Hull Auto Top and Paiat Shop, ga7 9. Commercial. nll XI r.i-tl l n.i mi mm 2 MEN WITH CARS. PERMANENT pomtion with reliable company. Per sonalis and character must he of the ).t ! to 3 Monday at 336 N. IJijsh. A. ('. IVters. Ild25 WANTED SOME ONE TO CUT OAfc and dr wood on share. Phone 72 F2 Ildl2t1 KELP WANTKD Fematfe 18 WOMAN WANTED FOR TRAVELING POSITION . Munt be entirely uaiaoistnliered, with hifli whool education,, between 85 and 40. Salary, bonus aad transportation. fall i-ormatttn.irt lotior r. SMPTON A CO., 10J9 Jc ear Xw-rrrrs ix terms of $6,000 vT'rYEAR WRITE ME NOW. o line for retail store. Nation Itv Xdvertiaed. I . ijl season "vow w1fly advance to fal Co.. 2010 Ki Established concern. starting. Liberal to - produs-er. tl'ntin- uclid, tteveland. ".. ept. 974. WANTED KmpIoYmCTit , Itt j FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMEN! digglag aad team work. Pkoao 72F2. 19m 1 4U City Chimney Sweep Satisfaction or No Pay Call 955 19)13 VaR REXT 21 IXiR REST CHEAP TO RF.SPONS ible parties, furnished modern country home; near good schooL Phone lOUFSl. J 2ldJ5 FOR RENT HOUSES AND APART menu. F. L. Wood. $41 State 8t. lml2tf FOR RENT Apartment 23 FOR RENT APARTMENT WITH 0A n $-0.00. 899 North Commercial. 23j21 TWO AND THREE-ROOM APART roeDt. light and water furnished, 1431 N. Church. 23d28 NICK FURNISHED apt 590 Union. 2 AND J ROOM 23d25 APARTMENT PHONE 2056-J. 23ill 4. IVIt KK.M, UlTLtJl ArAaTl a cs s, vj .n. winter. zaaiuu FOR RENT Rooms 23 HEATED SLEEPING ROOM. BREAK fast if desired. Phone 1144 W. 2d25- SLKEPINU AND HOUSEKEEPING room, clean and warm. (39 N. Liberty. 25d29 ROOMS FOR RENT NEWLY EQUIP pad at the Alexandria. Phoae Mra. E A. Bennett, 1539 or 1280. 108 Chemoketa. 25nl9tt FOR RENT Hobsct 27 5 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE WITH parage. 1145 N. 5th. Phone 2217. 27d30 $.10.00 WILL RENT new modern borne. ot;-j. MY NEARLY Phono 303 ni 27d2 FOR GENTLEMEN A WARM. WEU furai.h! k&dMWkaa. ekiao in. Phoa 747 W. J7041I 09 RENT FURNISHED HOU8E8 aad 'f ORRTRrrns; J M. PAGE 1 North Oottaco. 97o5tf WANTEB TO RENT ? SI SMALL FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE Write box 60 earo Statesman. 81i25 SWAPS 33 1924 REO TOURINO, LOOKS AND ... ... , is : 1 1 runs in new. meH rign. wn trade in piano. Radio, phonograph or FORTY ACRES UNDER IRRIGATION, Siskiyou county. California. Will trade for small acreage in Salem dis trict. See owner at 655 N. I6tk St- , Salem. Ore. Phono 1714-W. tf I t.rJ V!9 It . T ,n a a.,i i - ww 1 I V I "UHNlTfKK PACKIN rOR 8BIP oeata. Uleae fowera r'arniiure Co. ' S&20tt WANTKX PRIVATR MONEY 'OR (mm loana. Wo Wae aeeal applle tioae on band. Kaokiao Roberta I nr.. Wit, nrt-fn Bldg. B 5d 14 tf P(K SALK 87 FOR KAl.r-KCONl HASD BRICK AT farmer' Hardware Store, i'red A. Kriekaon. . . 87d24 APPLES $1.00 KOX. I'frTATOES 1.00 ak; onioat aek. 10OS N. Broadway. 87d28 BRDWETTINU Laekins perfect rontrol of arioe ia youag or old quiekly rolioved. Writ today. laatrut-tiooa ITRKK. H. J Warn. Boa 22S, boa Ancxlea. CaH riUST CLASS APPLES. 7'.c A fl PF. R box. doHvered. Phone 14FI5. ZT&V BIACK DIRT rtflt 8AI"? IS EITHER North or South Salem. Reasonable. Phone 72 F2. 37dl2tf SPECIAL O.N" KA Bit ITS NEW KALANI Red Rabbit " Pedirroed Ioea $5.00 tn 87.20. Utility bred le& and Doea with youag 4.00. Breeding: pea of u !Mi and Hurk a- m Some nire yoaag breediag fcftek S to 4 month old $2.50 each. Baeka breeding ace, 85.00. Junction Oiy Kabbttry. K. H. Murdock. Junction .jtv. t. 7jl FOR SALE Lireetock 89 YOtTVQ JERSEY COW FOR QUICK sale. Prire 865.00. Phone 163M from 10-7 or call 295 N. Liberty. 39d23 REGISTER Eli ICROC PIOS FOR SALE J. A. Smith, Turner, Ore. 39d23 fRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN office 629 8. Coauner-'al. Pkoao 1198. Rea. Phone 16S0. 89m28tf "WOOD SAWING 42 LET HAMS SAW TOCB WOOD. PHONE 3SOH-J 4208-1997 WOOD FOR SAL.K 43 16 INCH MILL WOOD $3.00 PER LOAD. Irt inch 2nd fir $4.25 per load. 16 inch old fir. $4.50 per load, at Tracy 'a. Phone 2313. - 43d22tf 18-INCH OLD FIR. PHONE 2356. 4318 Best Grade of Wood Dry wood. 4 ft. and 16-lnch. Large loads are eheaoer to bay. Mill wood ia oar specialty. Prompt delivery and reaaonabie price. 1 Fred E. Wells 280 S. Church. Phone 1542. 43d9tf 18-lSCH BLOCKWOOD $3 75 LOAD, 4 loads $14. dry slab wood $4.60 load dry fir aay length. Chaa. Christen sea. Phone 14. 4Sal6tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD. PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 4SJ29tf SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. I .oca I and Long Distance Hanling Storage and Fuel 762 Trade St. Phone 529. 43e0tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Pbona 72 FX. M. D. May field. 4Sfl8tf POULTRY AND EGGS 45 WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS FROM s"e lex-ted beus mated with record ma lea. Safe arrival guaraateed. December. January $13 per l'; expressace pre paid. Graham Hatchery, Hayward jCI-ar---f i t- 45d25 FOR SALE OWCKKKKLS. BARRED " Rock, OAC Strata. Fine vigprou birds, .. April katoh. $3 aaea. liiea Abahr, Corvallia, Pro.- - 45d2t M1KCK1.LA.VIXUS 51 FURNITURE UPHOLSTER1NO AND RE pairing, uieae-Powers Furniture Mtort SIsSOH PERSONAL 53 HARMING YOUNG LADY WORTH $J5.0fi0.00. I-onely will marry. Cmb . ft-1822. Wichita, Kansas. .riAd2&w iTtESOWEf WORLD'S GREATEST CLLIl. fdies worth $.0l,0OMH $ 1 50.O0d.0O. tlentletnen worth 7.".- , O00.00. 8100.000.00. Iee Com - nlefer deser'tptiows. tQuiek ResuRs.t AMERICAN FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY. Box lOO. Detroit, Michigan. 55d25 WOrLD YOU MARRY. GIRL 18. $80, "000 widow 45. $23,000. Photos and description free, club. Mrs. Warn. f6"4 Figueroa 1st., Loa Angeles, Cal. " a5d25 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS WIDOWS OF ;f WEALTH AND REFINEMENT seek ' correspondents and companions through this Gold Old Club. Many members Worth from $1,000.00 to $50,000.00. Confidential, Dignified and Unexcelled service. Long established aad reliable. Big list of descriptions. Introductions FREE. Send no money. RELIABLE CLUB, BOX 24, RICHMOND HILL. NEW YORK. 55jiu MONEY TO LOAN 57 HAVE $34)00. 6 MONEY TO LET ON farm, also private money to let on Sa lem real estate. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON, 341 State Real Estate, Loans. Insurance. 57d23tf FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5H. F. L. .Wood. 341 State St. 57m7tf . FARM AND CITY LOANS Monthly payment and straight loans on city property. Long time loans on farm property. Lowest rates. Prompt service. Call or write CUas. Hudkins, Room 6 over Miller Store. Phone 96. 57d23tf WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED: Private moaey ta loaa on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORtTT A CO. 4 R LiHertv lt "SOOtllH RCHINRSS OPrORTUNITIKS 61 GUOUEKY STOCK. LEASE AND KIX- tures 4WBer must sell. In good loea tiou and doing good business. Have other business opportunities. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON. 341 State. 61d23tf MINUTE MOVIES f , A HAwy And MAy" 1 ItIi.I. ESTATE Otwtorr 63 i. R. PATHS ' 1920 Rotttk ClMtrck BC Tat. 806S-J. BECKC HENDRICKS 189 & High. , . Tel. 189. A. C BOHRNSTEIT 147 S. CommoreiaU , Tel. 177. P. W. OtUSER 441 Court. . Talopkoaw 191S W. O. KRCXfiZB 147 K. Coam'L Sam. X. Tel. 2lT JOHN W. ORR New Bligb Bldg. TeL 2485 OERTRDDE J. IL. PAGE 493 N. Cottage. Tel. UBS TRIANOLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. Tel. 851 ULRICH A ROBERTS 122 N. Commercial. - 'lei. 1354 VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor 147 N. Com'L Phone 577 SyCARR DEAL REALTY Nat' I Bank Bldg. Tel. 4 Tf. R, 7f RFAL, KSTATK 63 Own Your Home NICE, ROOMY HOMELIKE PLACE with Iota of shade, fine fruit, grapea and nuts. 7 room itlaatered bouae. bnao ment, rireplace. bath. 3 big lota, ga rage and poultry aooao. Ponr block to atreet ear, noer new Tuxedo park school. Will double ia Talne ia short time. 3900. teraM, 849 Koral a?e nue. W. C. Conner, owner, Stateaman office. 6807tf BEST BUYS Choice Iota, buy now. Lota advance Jan. 1st on following property: $1000 N. Capitol St.. paring paid. $ 375 Paring paid 4th St.. Snap. $1300 Beaut if ol ereek lot. $1060 Two fine lota, paring paid. $1250 Fine lots N. Church St. OTHER LOTS $150 AND UP Cat oat the rent, make a small pay ment down. Own a borne of your own or buy a lot and build so yeu can enjoy the next Christmas. See CU1LIS A BECHTEL Realtors. k20 State Street. 63d23tf SPECIAL A nice little 3 -room house and ra?e only 775 with 100 down. b- room plaatered hnuae. Good locatioa f'JOOO with $aO down. 6 room house. Garage, corner lot. bath, streets paved. $'J300 with $2(K down. 5 room plas tered cottage. $3000, will trade for 5 or i;0f(0 house. 10 ncret ejtt oa paved roal, haa 5 acres of cherriex, will trade for lots. See TH0MASOX. S20 State St. 63d24tf Io you have farms, nut or cherry orchards, htock or dary ranches, or suburban property for sale J We are in touch with prospective purchasers and the remainder of this month would like listings from owners of thU class of prouertien. If you have property to trade for middle wefct lands we huve them. ' A. C. rtOIIRNSTKIrT Realtor Loann Insurance 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem. Ore. e'ld'J4tf TWO OttflD BUYS FIVE- ii(H) Jl B I ; N G A LO W Nearly new. full basement: furnace; laundry travs; fireplace.; lutch kitchen:; breakfast nook, tenra-je, paved street, walks. Only $350O. Down $500. Bal ance easy monthly payments. NEW FOUR-ROOM BUNOALOW Fireplace: hardwood floors; Dutch kitchen; breakfast nook, Pembroke tub, full basement; furnace; traya; ars rales pavel street and cement walks This home is finished in the popular drift wood finish two tone work. Only $.1750. lown $300. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 4 Court Street. Phone 651:. "Headquarters for Homes" 63d24tf INVESTMENT SPECIAL' LARGE business corner, block off state. Price 32.rt0i. . but . possible for next few days to -be secured f or f 2 1 .OOO. As about this. TR1XXGLE JtE VUPY CO. 421 Court. 63d24tf INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $ L'O down and balance $20 per month , buys 90 acres of first class mad. for walnuts, filberts and fruit, lo cated on main gravel road. Price $IfUM), iat. -$ 10 d. wn and balance $10 per month buys lo acres fir-t class straw Wrry soil, small shack. Price $ 1 350. $ 25 down and balance $10 per month buys one of those fine 5 acre tracts on the Garden road close to the Swede school, paved road. Price $1500. int. 6,i. $ 25 d' wn and balance $10 per month buys 2 acre tra.-t near Silver ton roal, close in. Price $75, ' fn. K'.'r. $10O down and balance $10 per month buys ." acres located south of Sa lem, net far out. some fine tim ber, gravel road. Price $1250. inf. $ 25 down and balance $10 per month buys -i acre tract located at the end of the bus line on S Com mercial street. Price $750. Good store location. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buys a fine acre tract located nth not far from MrKinley school all in bearing cherries. Price $00. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buys 1 acre tract all in bearing apples. Price $40, int. B'.c. $ 50 down and balance terms buys a fine view tract overlooking the city south of Salem. Price 4ji. int. lii. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buys a fine view tract in Ben Vista park, covered with oak trees. Irice $800. int. 6'-. If it is an installment acreage that you are looking for, see W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. ' 134 S. Liberty Street. 63d24tf CLOSE IN PROPERTY 5-room old house, $1900, $900 down. Small lot. 6-room, cottage, east front. 3 garages $4500 Apt. house 9 apt, all furnished lM,0O0. Will trade for house and lot. Apt. house. 4 apts furnished, large ear ner lot. 60OO. Apt. house. 4 apts. ta furnished. $3500. Apt. house all fur nished $7500; $7300 attractive home, 7 rooms, $55iff. Gertrude J. M. Page, - lottaire Kt. We write Insur a nee. 8dl9tf START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT TO 17 CAN JUftVK IV Yonr own'-home by paring a sma.II payment down, balance like rent. Good room bouse, garaee, large lot. near .- riii t apito street. Ideal location t ru e $.'M. rare pick up for the ern specuitfinr or nomeaeeker. .. See CHILDfl ft BECHTEL Keaitors. 320 State Street. C3d23tf ED WHEEIAN AND BIS MOVIlr STARS ALL WISH THIS DAY FDR yOU, VAiVERV MERfiy CHFHSTWAS - AND- new yEf. yr&o r bo IN Ht rlUMTHS 10 FOLLOW MAy success GzomAUyov&?iM$ you ALwaV5 ArwoNSr 1 saw T ' " xfJsBgsWmjajsaaa RISAT flSTATK FOR ACBSTA0B. PHONE GLENN 3)aaZ 19 ACRES WELL lSfPROVEn.HXCAT ed iuat ont aide of eity limit of good town. 12 mile from Kalern to esrhnae for HsW-m property. AU good lot no Falrgreand road r6 ft. frontage. Make me an . ffer on tkU tot. ' 4 block, to new linen mtU. 462 Stato 9t., Salem Realty Co., E. S. Pt and IL E. Barrett. tZA3U FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEW MOO era ato-o Ixxote. Small payment, bal anee like ret. hi.t- 7M;. 4Mdtfttf REST A V !A NT IX 1 1 NO fltM Bt'SI-lu-ji vnth low ovrihead. Reduced for onirk ale. 12n. Ptrtlanl :i-r. temporary home--fur-nihtMl. I :.0lCVi. R-nta $15. For ali. or etchatiire for Salem. KxcptMinally rood 2.',-acre tract n Pacific hishway, improvixL Exchange for eood Salem property. ao-acre Polk county, 8 acres loana, 1 acre prune. 3 acre strawberries., new 4-r. house with hK-mnf. stock and equipment, for income property. lliimricss income nroperty. eorner, KiiitaMe for garage. $30iHl. One aide paved and paid. Exchange for resi lience, Snlein, Albany or Eugene. Practically, new, duplex, north, two 4-r. apartment. built-in, plumbing complete, basement, close In. Exchangn for smaller rexidence, north. BERTHA 7.UEH1.KE C71 N. Cauito". Ph. oe l7f W. 63dl9tf A OOOI BUY IN SALEM HOME Most aell 6-room modern, well locat ed hone, paving paid, walking diitaaee. close to schools. Price 215u or $3500 all furnished. Terroa. Lota on paved streets, a good filling atation site.' See Us For Homes VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor Loana Insurance 147 No. Commercial St. 3nl4tf BEST BUY IN MARION COUNTY. FINE filbert orchard for two thirds aetual value if taken on or before Dee. 31, 1926. 25 per cent eask. Tel. 577. 63d25 H ACRE NEW 6 ROOM PLASTERED house O oui tie city and close in. 8J500. 4 -room house, close 'in, bath, toilet, lights, basement, paved, street, $1900, 5'K d. wn. 5-room - bouse n north Salem, jath, toilet, lights, ca rage and barn, 2 lots, plenty bearing apples and cherries, $1250. See J. A. or W. O. 5IILLS 63d28 christmas bargains in city homes and farms A New 4 room buruxalow on paved street in North Salem at $14:25, $3uu cash, balance easy terms. Merry Is the family that own a new fullv modern j-nvm bungalow in North Salem Price .$3300. Very easy payment and terms. Xmas Is the time to surprise your fam ily with a new home. A new fully modern duplex noire in East Salem, im income and a home at $5250. To Appreciate the bargains we have, you should see the property A new 4 room plastered bungalow at .fltO0. .'.'00 down, balance $15 per month. Yon Should list your property with us if you wish to trade it. 5-rom fully modern bungalow on paved street rented at $35.00 per month, to trade for i-ome vm.iil acreage. 1LUM II AND ROBERTS. Realtors. 117 X. Commercial. Telephone 13.4. 63d25 FINE NEW HOUSE JU8T BEING COM plcted, donble constructed. fully plumbed, bullt-ins. electric fixtures, fours rooms and breakfast nook, bath. connecting hall, closets, with one-half acre fine garden land, enougn to al most support a family, loeated on pave ment just outside city limits. All city conveniences but no city taxes, $3200. Small down payment, balance like rent. Carle A brains. 1465 Chemeketa St. Phone I894-J. 6326tf BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY 2-acre suburban borne close in. new. 5-room house, garage, electric tights. 9znuu. terms. 5-sere tract, good bldgs., fine soil, ,snap, $20to, want small residence. Good 5-room bungalow and garage nice corner lot $2600. $250 rash. 8-room bungalow. 5 blocks from State House, snap. $2500, $500 down. We ran match yonr exchange. Loans and Fire Insurance. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. 63dl4tf WEST 8ALEM SNAP A quiet homy home of 5 rooms and garage. Concrete foundation, tide- walks, skewer. Price $2200, with terms Beautiful Fairmount Hill 7 -room residence with every modern eon veo Price $C500 with terms. If yon are looking for a begotiful home you bad better see this at once. BULOrtf ft BULOIN 275 State St. - - 63dl2tf 6-room bouse, g&iege, 4 letr on paved St. variety fruit and shrubbery. $3000. easv terms. - 6-room modern home Fairmount, yow must see this to appreciate It, $63oO. 6-room and breakfast room, very close in, new stucco, entirely furnished lor $15,700. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 175 S. High St. 63d21tf, BARGAINS IN HOMES $1500 for a 5-room bungalow one block from Jason Lee Church. Terms. $1600 3-r om plastered bungalow, easy terms. $2000 New 3-room bungalow both, paved street, easy terms. $3300 5-room bungalow, basement. furnace and paving paid, $.1MI down. $4600 All modern 6-room bungalow. Terms, $4500 Modern 5-room lmngalowTermt. $3400 New 4 room and nook, $300, down. $7OO0 Modern up to date 8-room home $1000 down. ' $2500 4-roum bungalow, basement and garage, $20O down. MELVIN JOHNSON 109 S. Commercial St. Phone 559 63d22tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every prico, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If von would like to trade year property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GA8K1LL ft FARLE, Realtors. 166 S. Liberty. Pbona 2242. 63ml2tf WHEN YOU ARE leOOKING FOR THE best offering in nice Salem on dose in acreage homes and farms for sale and exchange, see us. We mate a specialty of securing the very best propositions for salp and exchange. See Wells Tall-, man ft Son, 216 Masrnic Temple. 63d25-tf HEAL, ESTATE Ft lit ' SALE STOCK OF MDSE. IX toace about $1500. Cheap rent, doing eood business, living rooms in eoaaee aecliou. Owner has other interests that require his time. Thia will bear investigation. F. L. Wood. lie. F, Peed, 341 State St. t3U5 NEW HOMES FOR SALE f 40GO bays a new modern 4 -room borne complete in every way, located on D street near north 15th, has garage, basement, furnace, laun dry trays, fireplace, oak floors, 2 bed rooms, living room, and kitchen large enough for break fast kt-i, good bath room with recessed tub, $i( down. $40 pr month. Let us h- w jou tl.l- httilic todiiy. $lno (- a ti. w botne Incited on N. 17th s r-.-t just south of ten ter. This ikiIdi- is mo.lern in -rtry wnv with tile drain board, oa I o .- "n living room aud hail. : ''-l rooms. Imih r um, kitclien and breakfast rooti. on lower floor, has tin-:-hed stairway to attic large r.ough for - nice bed roms, Sitrage, pated street and walks. .'. down, balance $45 Iter mouth, immediate p' sses s on. $5200 buys a new modern English style stiu-ro home, cement porch, living room with fire place and oak floors, 1 lied room, dining r om. kitchen and breakfast room on lower floor, "J bed rooms aiwt bath room on upper fl or, srae. corner lot, terms fUttO down, balance like rent, immediate posKesMon. W. 11. GRABKNHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515. 63d4tf Iflll SALK. TRADE OR RENT SIX- room modern bouse, four block from post office. Price riht, easy terms. 320-acre stock ranch ten miles out, well improved for city or suburban property. See us for trades. F. i L. Wood. Geo. F. Peed, 341 State St. 63d23tf FOR SALE OR TRADE, HOUSE AND lot. Seven rooms. Plastered. Easily arranged for 2 apt. Vary close in. Call owner 773 J. 68dlltf m 1- - .. . .i iei i p eavagaaaaxasxaga-MaBttstxejaM REAL TATB TRADES 63 ON INSTALLMENT LOVELY 8 ROOM house, strictly modern and 3 blocks from state house. C. W. Liston, 307, Oregon Bldg. 65d25 COUNTY STORE, DOING NICE Busi ness, for sale f r trade for Salem prop erty, business or a home, preferred. Invoice 44000.00. Rent reasonable. Write E. Phillips, Scio, Ore. 65d29 WILL TRADE 75 acres of good land, 50 acrea is cultivation. 6 acres Lake La blah Beavi erdam land. Good 7 -room house. Will take Silverton, Salem or Portland property in trade un to $8000.00. 52 acres, Hazelgreen district, 6 acrea strawberries. 2 acres loganberries, 2 acres orchard, 7-rooin house, electric lieht, water system, hath, toilet, etc. , Want 5 acres close in. What have yoaf RICH 1- KKIUANN, Realtor. 147 N. Commercial St. Salem. Ore. Phone 865. 65nl0tf REAL ESTATE Famui 67 WE SPECIALIZE IX OREKN FARMS You will find our farms all priced bright, some less than their value and we will prove that they are good buys. Some irrigated. Suited for berries. fruit, flax, grain, mint, truck or pool try. Some wonderful stock and dairy farms: also trades. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. Loans Insurance 147 No. Com ! St. 67ol4tf WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER of farm or unimproved land f r sale. (. K. Hawley. Baldwin. Wis. 71d25 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7T HASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKFR AUTO 77ail3tf USED GARS FOR SALrS 79 102. Chevrolet Tourins. 1924 Chevrolet Touring. 124 Ford Coope. 192.1 F rd Touring. lft'J.lChevrolet Sedan. Newton Chevrolet Co. 73d25-tf FORD SEDAN FINE CONDITION LtfTs of extras. Phone 204 l-M. 79d25 Let Us Buy Your ' 1927 License TRADE YOUR OLD CAR WITH ALL ITS TROUBLES FOR A RECONU1- - TIONED FORD. '1120 Ford Tourings witfc 1927 fl- j cense $5 to $110 '823 lord Tourings with 1927 li cense $165 to $175 roru Koadater with steel pick up delivery body and 1927 license $215 1924 Coupe, balloon tires, 1927 license $285 1920 and 1921 Sedans, all with 1927 license $125 to $150 Act Now Get one of these bargains while we still have real good buya. Valley Motor Co. Salem. Ore. ' 79dl5tf Salem's Greatest Used Car Sale Must close out all used cars before Jan. 1st, as we are overstocked, yonr gain is our toss. Your choice of tour ings, roadsters and sedans, in nearly all makes. YOUR CHOICE IN Willys-Knights, tourings. Willys-Knights, sedans. Studebaker, sedan. Overland, aedans. Dodge. Overland, Moon. Cleve land. Stmr and Gray tourings. 1926 Ford roadster and 1925 Ford touring with balloon tires. All cars are in good mechanical condi tio n. nearly all have new paint and good rubber, also many extras. Before you buy any used ear be sure and look over our stock; you may-, be-certain that any car purchased from ua will be absolutely as represented. LIBERAL TERMS TRADES ACCEPTED MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage ft Ferry. Phone -409. Marmon. Willys Knight. Overland. Whlppett. 79d22tf lAA4iat4t..l JfcRE'S H0PIHS- - i UHKI OA KM FOR IIAUB 1924 OAKLAND , TOOKINO, 1AKJK.S like new; balloon Urea, hampers. b bera, etc WU1 Uke a pian in fde- Phono 1241 M. - - TSal9tf uin v Whyt Keraase wo are giving honest ' values. Our eara consist of: Chryslers. MaxweUs. . Chevrolet, Stars, Fords. Priced to sell. If we are too hirh snow us we are ton high and we wilt come down. Call for Bl'RK at tlmgneh Motor Company. CHRYSLER SALES AND SERVICE 79d25 -MERRY XMAS MERRY XUAtK TWO K Packard K .lsit.hile Til K It EST Stop Look Listen Mr. Used Car Buyer. Why Walk. -Buy a good used ear for Christmat- II 927 License Free Ford fcedana Starters) $65 to ..I50 Ford Roadsters (with and and without starters) $40 to $235 Furd Coups (with starters) $175 to . $400 Ford Tourings (with and without starters) $35 to $200 Mitchell Sedan (good rub ber and runs good) $ 75 Studebaker Roadster (a snap .. $ 90 Buick Roadster (a bargain). .$ 55 1925 Oakland Tour. (look thia over) - $895 1925 Oldsmobile Coaches (extra good value) $70O and $800 1926 Oldsmobile Coupe (can't be told from new) ....$850 1923 Hudson Coach (a real buy) - $525 1924 Oldsiuobrle Coupe (new paint, A-l condition) $550 1923 Dodge Leather Coupe (try to duplicate at this price) $475 No. 226 Packard Sedan (like new every way) $1800 V lie tu. L-. r .1 UttSl.t Tniir. Oing (Duco paint, new car .... .iien guarantee . v " ' We have a complete line of good used -crs and have every ear marked with the price in plain figures on the windshield. Most all of these cars have been reconditioned by oar shop and carry our thirty day guarantee of defective parts and free service on adjustments. We have good run ning automobiles aa low as $35 and up to $1800, in other words anything from Fords to Packard. Many people have looked our stork over and our prices are re maining the same with our offer as a Christmas present to you of a 1927 license free with each car that sells for $100 or more. If you are interested in a good used car don't buy before you look our stock over. WE ARE OPEN EVENIXOS AND SUNDAYS " Capitol Motors Inc. 5 aiu . mgn mi. x Biddy Bishop Al Rousseau PHONE 2125 u. 79dl8tf ! MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS ' Free Christinas Turkey With every used automonila sold be fore Christmas Dsy, 1926. Buick Sedan, late model Master Six. Oldftnobile, Sport tonring. Ford Roadster, good shape. Cadillac Sedan, apiendiu buy. Oldsmobile 4 Touring. Nas'n Touring. Gardner Sport Touring. Star Touring. Willys-Knight Sedan, fine shape. Jordon. 8 in line. Karl Touring. Hudson Sedan, looks like new. Willys Knight Roadster, Duco finish. Cleveland Touring. Pierce Arrow, 7 passenger, good shape.. Used automobiles taken in trade under sound, business principles represent legitimate, usable merchandise. This company is constantly mindful of this business fact. Our used automobiles are subjected to careful attention, searching inspection and expert work manship. Our representation of Je eoiiipuietit is always conservative and fair. Hundreds of customers acquired during our business experience indicate by many repeat orders, the favor of the buying public. See these offerings at once. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 3C5 North Commercial Street. Phone 1260 CADILLAC NASH After We Selfl. We Serve 79d1f The total capital invested in the sugar industry of the Philippine Islunds is approximately $159, 000,000, the Philippine Sugar As sociation estimates. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion his duly verified final account as adminis trator of the estate of Paul Klin gele, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 4th day of January. 1927. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room, in the County Court House in the City, of Salem. Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3ra aay or December, 19 26. RONALD C. GLOVER. Administrator of the Estate of Paul Klingele. deceased. d4-ll-18-25Jl j t -w n i r CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of RIUbta BaitliMtsa) aiHl Prorrtisloaal Ftruwi Arraaied 'in AlphAiM-tiral Order for Quick Rcfer-Mice AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry The Woodry everybody knows. Cash paid for used furniture. Res. and store 16 10 N. Sumaser Si. Telephone Sll H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for nsed furniture. Store 271 X. Com'l. Phone 75. Agenta for Lang Rangna. ACCOUNTANT O ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud iter. 331 State. Phone 2098-R. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D BARTON KXIDE BATTERIES. Starter aad generator worx ; iui sou an High. Willp jok'wilLiam Phone 198 COURT sr. LLOYD E.. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI cycles and repairing. 887 Court. CHINESE REMEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY. ESTAB liahed 1908. J. H. Leoug, Mgr. Phoae 23. 420 State Ft. Upstairs. 020tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCOFILD, P. 8. 0., Oregon bldg. Phono 2194. 92$ DR. O. L. SCOTT. P8C CHIROPRACTOR 258 X High. Phone 828-R. or 87. ELECTRICIANS FI.EENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BE8T farm paper send five 2 cent stamps to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, fur a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO; cent' atamps for special three months" trial for the best and oldest Journal in tho west. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Tmst Deeds, Contracts "80 houses Will net 6 to 30. Back. A Hendricks Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. II -tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loaa on good farm security. CITY LOANS We aro loaning Pru dential Insuraoce Company money oa city residence and business property, at 5H. plua a commission. Hawkins ft Roberta, lne 205 Oregon Building: dl4f FLORI8T8 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations. C F. Breithaupt, Morist, 512 State St. Phooo 8 M0. anBXss3sa33SaaaBnaa INSURANCE LOANS. REAL E8TATE, GENERAL IN suranee. W. W. LA FLA R, 410 Oregon Bide Insure Yonr home or ear new Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. s l-tf LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Material" Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway THR NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE WEIDER LAUNDRY - ' Telephone 95. 268 8. High TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUR dry. Pkone 171. 1856 B street. j!7tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H, MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women, 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work tmaranteed Phone 19. fl9tf . MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC STOREo GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, sewing maehinea. sheet ' music and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing maehinea, 433 State street. Salem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency. The Are. TeL 939. THE OREGON 8TATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. Tel. 23 or 588. FAPERHANOING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanging, tinting, ate Reliable workman. CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, interior decorating. 641 Mill. 1937-J. B27U PACKING' AND 8HTPPXBO FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. Phono 941.' PIANO TUNERS THOMAS FAY, PIANO TUNER. NOW at tha Portland Music Co - 865 N. Hirl Have your piano tuned by oae who ha aaa yea re or experience Js tte work - - SaStf PIANO ..TUNER EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plan. nee 1.MM order. Will's Mwaie Wtore By Ed Wheelan ULLER PHUN DOES. HIS Annual tunT 0t BEHAyf or ED MJHEEiAH'S FlLh7 STARS By DRESSING UPASSAliTA CLAUS'AND SPEAKIHCS W1S LlTTtE PIECES"; ; . - , ; .k PRINTING FOR STATIONERY. CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, books or aay kind of printing, mil at the StatMsnaa Print ing liepartiaeat. 215 8. Oomaaorctat, Tel. 583. ". PLTJMSING PI.UMBINO AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grajier -Mroa... 154 S. Liberty 550. ltf RADIO Radiolas For Every Parpoaa Every Parse All Staadard Site ot Radia Tabee HALlfeC ft FOFP ELECTRICAL SHOP 335 Court St. Phoae 498 REAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking for a home. farm, or basinets property, see us. - BECKE ft HENDRICKS - REAL ESTATE GROUP rNyESTMENTS---Cloae-lD income property ta Salem. In creasing in value 10 to 20 pet cent by abundant comparison. Any amount from $100 up Many pleased to real I ta possi bilities of united investments. . HARRIS, Masonic Bids. Tel. 218, 2440-J SECOND HAND GOODS ' BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHINO, JEWEL ry. Guns. Tip Is, Bicycles. Star ex change, 324 N. Commercial, paene 456. ia- WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and ahoee. Best prices paid. tal Exchange, 842 North Cemmercia Phone 1368-W. - STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING - - - . ' i " STOVES FOR SALK REBUILT AND repaired by a x pert. All kinds of wov en wire fence. Fancy aad plain. Hop basksts and books, logaa kwka Saletc Feneo and Stove Works, 260 Court Street. TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMIST. SHOP E. E. WIO frins. Prop.. 1146 Norway. Near VolryeAuetonJfiirk TRANSFER AND HAULING . i , lit i TRANSFER AND HAULING OP ALL kinds. .Phono 72 F2. WE MtjVE. STORE AND FHIP HOUSE hold gosds- -Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also mako coon try trips. We handle the bast coal and wood. Call oa ua for price. We givt good . measure, " good quality and fO" service. Laruier Transfer Co. Pk"no 93C CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 2 State St. Phena 933. Distributing forwarding and storage our specialts. Gel our rate. - ' - WELL DEIXXING R. A. WEST. RT. 6, Box. 103-A. PHONI nura. a roues east on decaea road WATER AI.KM WATER, LIGHT POWER OQ Office 804' Srfuth Commercial St. Tef per ceat dlaeonat on ttameatt flat rati paid ia advance. No deduction, for ab scare or any rause.oaless water m shi$ fyourjirejwdjies - TRAVEL . . ' Safely Swiftly and Coeafortablt in busses of the Parker Stage Lines. Stages leave forj- .- - - T Siivertoa 7 l. eu. It k ex.. 5 p. am. Ml. Aagel II a. 5 p. at. DalIaa-o-7 a. as.. 9 a. m, 1 1 :t5 a Falls City 7 a. aa, 2:10 p. sa 5:15 p. ai ' Independeace T a. aav t a. as. 11:15 l.-io p. gs, 5:1ft V at. Sunday only 8:80 p. m. MAnmoatk t a. m 11:15 . am. 3:19 p. nv; 515 p. am. Suadmr anlm 7:J p. m 818O p. at. -s . McMiaavillo 1:30 aaVt t:lO . sb 6:1 p. at. . . Nawbergifl a. nt.,et:10 av ta 5:15 p. a j , , ,.: Tillamook 8 ;io a. eaj tlo . am Call 222 or 696 for informalioa. " "'? ' - 428H AD.MIXLStRATOR'S NOTICE OP AITTU1KT3IEXT' Notice Is herebv riven (hat thaa undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the state of Oreiron far tha County of Marion, as adminis trator or the estate of James A.' Trester, deceased, ",: and that he has dulv auallflfrl' s inch administrator: all persons having claims aeainst hr, pstsie of decedent are iiereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me. at the office of Rnnald r? Glover. 203 Oregon BuUdlng, Sa- lem, Marion county, Oregon, within six months from the data of tpis notice. Dated at Salem. Orearon. i thin. 10th day cfT3ecember, 1926. ' RONALD 'C niiVRTr Administrator of the Estate of James A. Trester, Deceased.; dll-18-2?-ji-8 TRIPLE AVEDDIXG PLANNED RABAT, Morocco, Three of the sons of the Sultan, of Morocco are to marry simultaneously. The population is preparing some great fetes in anticipation of the triple wedding. One ot the bridegrooms will be the heir apparent. .Salem Markets I o . , c FEED. . f: No. .1, wheat, wtiite . l-L S 1.22 Red. wheat, sacked 1.19 Osta. per an. milling -- Hay, eata, yetch, per tea 14.00 PORK. MUTTON AN DBEP Top hogs Top mtmmmm. .. v.- -0 - .0 te.otvi Bulls Jw Spring- tambe. under AS Iba. - .1 Top live real , ' , im . . . . tVk tresaeej vest ' . .14 Dr eased hog ,. .15 rOTJLTRY- ' . Light heas '. , Heavy bona - ee' ... ' I .on en .174J.2S Roostara Heavy euhtred frya EGOS, BTJTTER. ' SUTTERFAT Selects ' ' ' ' " - . . . e- . ' w. . Bwtevfat - - .. .41 , ,,.. .HO .500.51 Cream butter , FXaSTASIXS, muiTs Vegetables, beets, aacka4w A2C9.0S r roa. iU himrVn . iDii to Celery, i. kn aches 60Q85 f $1.25 rww wm Out potato "C!t Local sslasa , Osrrota , . j - California lettuce, grata - ta