The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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1 .
flit if PKB
university Webfodts to : Get
t-ootDaii rractice r-rom
February to June
Captain John J. McKwan. 'head
Oregon football coach, is starting
reparations' for a. lengthy spring
practice session to open' late in
Jebruary and to continue until
une, it was announced, today.
from the present Outloo he' will
je alone when it comes to 'in
structing the athletes in the'faa
famentals of the army system
iic m installing nere
Harry Ellinger, Mne coach, was
Klyen a one year , contract last
Drinir and nflrwr 'itnTof Ia ttrtoi
f tate that If will not 'be renewed
irhen it terminates" next month:
'his will leave a large hole in the
rmy coaching system here and
rom present indications" the of
icials are confronted hv a. ttt
problem in tryfng to- find a netf
Fan who will fit the situation
Unofficial reports here are to
the effect that university officiate
pre dickering' with one . or "more
Kv'est Point men although no def
inite announcement haa been
knade. A man from some , other
Institution would prohabljr rduse
ilifflculty next year. Coach Ellln
Ker has -grounded the- "Vebfoot
llnemeh' In tne style used by Mc-
pwan. after the players -had pre
rvionslv learned Rvatemn nf two
former head" mentoVs;and nowIf
they have " to unlearn this' and
adopt a new style, l points "Co
ward another "poor" year at Ore
gon, is the opinion expressed by
Gross. OPP ... 1
'tfettarport; DSD ". . v"
Marr. DHD &
Gregg. CP 5
SLenxioB, CP. ... .10
Gibson;' CP I
Lucas, USB .' 6
fW. Jones, USB.
It. Kelly, USB 1
Stop, look, and listen to onr. ap-
peaX' It yon are ft'dt absolutely
satisfied with your lanndry prob
lem, call 165. Hand" work our
specialty. ()
F. L.. Wood and Geo. F. Peed.
real estate, 344 State. Farms and
city property. They bring buyer
and seller, together, for the bene-
and profit of, both. iw)
Christmas Chocolates- wonder
ful present for yont! wife and kid
dies on Christmas day. Give
candy the sweetest gift erf all. J.
F. Tyler Pros Store. 157 8. Com'l.
Automobile : accessories f o r I
Christmas gifts appreciated be-
jcaose of their utility: ' Perhaps we
lean help you Belect a suitable gift
or "him." Malcolm's TIfe Shop.
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class, stylish looking, comfort
giving, Jong wearing shoes f of the
'1 a ci t n An ao Pnma onn ha rVMI
Ivineed. 125 N. Com'L ' ()
Elker Auto Co., Ferry at Lib
erty St. Autos stored, and bought
and sold... Cars washed day and
night. Low prices and service .win
make long friends. ' :i ' ()
t - i
May This Be a
Where a Dollar Does -.
. its putjrw ;
173 South Commercial
L. A. Scheelar Auto Wrecking
Co., oldest Inr the Willamette val
ley. New and used parts, and
equipment. Low prices and quality
service here, 1085 N. C6h'U ()
The Hamilton Furniture Com
pany has added a toy department
to their stock.' Many new things
in toys to gladden the hearts of
the little f olki, 34a Court SC. )
The number of Hungarian., bus
iness failures in the' last year has
been greater than in 2 SO year,
the finance minister'reportedV
' II Fill CIliCTEB
Miss McKinnie Was a Lover
of Children and a Worker
for" Good Things
The funeral services of the late
Miss Florence McKfnnle were con
ducted from the Rigdon Mortuary
chapel, at Salem. Friday, Decem
ber 2t, at 2 p. m., the remains
interred at Mt. Crest abbey. She
was oorn at McGregor, Iowa, be
ing a resident of Salem for many
years, making her home with Cot.
and Mrs. E. Hofer, iief ony sister.
She was given Christian Science
burial service.
Miss McKinnie was a great lov
er of children and helped bring
up several generations to whom
She was as devote'd as a mother.
Miss 'McKinnie was also a. Volun
teer worker and member of the
Oregon State Humane society arid
has a large circle" of friends who
knew of her kindness of heart arid
labors in that field of humanitar
ian charity. t dTi
' She) leaves relatives in Oregon,
California, Iowa and Ohio.
Deharports Drop Hpop
Game to BeecWer Team
The - DeHarport Ducks, one of
of the' two leading teams ' in the
city basketball circuit, ran into an
unexpected defeat last night when
they lost a game to" the BeechTer
Blackbirds 32 to 23, Beechler
was'high point man with 21 mark
ers. The Blackbirds piled up an easy
lead in the first half, and man
aged to stave off a Dellarport
rally in the second half.
Flake, the star center of the
Ducks, was not in the game.
: The lineups:
Blackbirds (32) Pos. (23) Dncks
Kafoury (4) . .F Marr
East (3) F,DeHarport (9)
Beechler (21).C Simpson (4)
Gamble (2) ..G.. Schaefer (5)
Wood (2) . . . G F. Hageman (5)
Siegmnnd . . . . S . . k . . . : . Miller
Referee C. Hageman.'
Larmer,to, Construct New, '
Wai?QUSg Worth $25,090
D. A. Lumer of the Larmer
Transfer company yesterday took
out a building1 permit for the erec
tion of a two-story warehouse at
?25'Korth'Front street, the esti
mated cost being given as $25,000.
Construction will begin soon
after January 1, Mr. Larmer stat
ed yesterday.' The building will
hare two stories and a basement.
Construction will be done bjr day
Roller skating at, the Dream
land rink. Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday from 7;30 to lo:?0 p. m.
Ladies admitted free. Gentlemen
10c. Skating 25c. (J
Sublimity Visitor
Kd Jacobs of Sublimity was
transacting business with the
county court yesterday.
C. A. Luthy. reliable jewelry
store. What you are looking for
in jewelry. Where a child can buy
as safely as' a man or woman.;
Repairing in all lines. ()
Capital Bargain House, Capital
Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck
ing.' Three in one. Bargain center
of Salem. Thousands of bargains.
H. Steinbock, 215 Center. ()
Final Account Filed-
Mts. Eleanor M. Steiner, ad
ministratrix of the estate of Al
1L Steiner, filed final account
of guardianship of Marie Kibele,
an insane person. Mr. Steiner was
guardian of Marie Kibele at the
time of her death.
Marriage Licenses
County Clerk C. O. Boyer Issued
Hold Family Gathering
County Judge Hunt announced
yesterday that' he expected to
spend Christmas at home tbts year.
All his Children and grandchildren
have been invited to help celebrate
the day.
Deharports to Clash .
With Bankers Monday
The United States Bank and
DeHarport Ducks hoop teams will
clash Monday night on the YMCA
floor in the second -game of 'the
three game series to decide the I
city championship.
The penny counters won the
first game last Monday night 22
to 10. The Ducks were oft form
in that contest, and say that they
will come back in jhe next two
games to win the series.
Wesley Ellis,' Papertnaker fer-l
waVd. was high point man of the
regular season, with 46 points.
First accounts credited this honor
to another man. '
High point men for the season
are as follows:
Personals. Points.
Ellis, OPP 4 46
F. Shafer. DM 8 '41
G. JSash, CP 3 39
Beechler, DM 1 28
. HIS erd a thousand withe
For GbrUtmas Joy and ail good
135 North Commercial St.
Phone 197
Original Yellow Front
The Penslar Store
The Merchant Tailor
Season's Greetings
May we take this opportune time to tKank
the many merchants who sen their greet
ings at the recent opening of our new store
in Salem ancl to the hundreds of peopje
who called and gave 14s ther good wishes.
We deeply appreciate the spirit in which
the Salem folks accepted tWs new estab
lishment and it is with profound happiness
that we wish everyone of you
and trust that the New Year will bring you
a bountiful supply of prosperity and good
cheer. ,
" '.V,
Mi.r h mm m &?
marriage licenses esterday-toW.
B. Petersen of San Francisco and
Miss H. Christensen of Salem;
Cecil H. Libby ind Pauline Page,
both of Jefferson; Belra Gerald
Barton of Cottage Grove and Lillie
May Marlow of Sunnyside, Wash.;
Alford Waine Hosier of Albany
and Arma -McDaniel of Albany.
A license was issued Thursday to
Ira Kilgore and Alice Randal, both
of Salem. -- r - - - -
C. F. Breithaupt, florist and
decorator, 512 State. Phone 380.
Flowers, bulbs, floral designs for
all occasions. Pioneer and leader
in Salem. C)'
Henry O. Miller, 1S4 S. Com'l
St., where most people prefer to
get their auto parts for all makes
of cars. Trade here and make
savings on all auto parts. I)
"Black Bottom" is meeting a
more auspicious welcome in Paris
than did the Charleston.
The Coffee SJhep
Will open in their new lation.
175, South Commercial
Monday Morning, December 27
J We -welcome all old customers as well as new ones
Statesman Classified Advertisements Bring Quick Results
Two of the Best OLDSMOBILE
We Wish You
Biddy Bishop
Al Rousseau
4 Men's. Furniriuics ,
State at HighNew Bligh Building
- -'- it IV,
- ' 3 If JO
- ..TVi- -' . t' 1
We Wish to Extend the
To Our Friends and Patrons arid WisK You
a Most Prosperous NeW Year
ALL THJ6YS v. " Ti