(y, THE JOClSCOaSXAarSUAM. SAII. O2EG0 SATURDAY -M08CL(DEfi3BB .25, :192S ; : CSfom and Ctiar&eier ikpU ':liBlNi s ... IOIUUIUUIIIUUH . Vj JiminsnmimiL 1 -rift, " T A 1-C .'OK THE PANACA. DESIGN 6A45 ULONIAJ- txpbpmes will always claim a ; types there are few that l.fc-.b jl M m m mm. . imsv w luvur iur an designs f. , ifiey are tne most yjMcai 01 early Amen cai ideals,. )teai(Jes beip jn other respects most desirables. No house is more convenient or . affords -more .privacy -.than that with the center hall, v It lends itself readily to the in stallation of ves- ... tibule. cloak closet p and downstairs lavatory.w.bile providing -cdnven t ient access to ho ;, second floor, with- 1? i. - iivmg or tuning room. :' ,Tts rectangular avails, devoid of intricate interrup tions, insets or ir regularities, may be laid up with the greatest celerity and the, .least expense, while always affording a pleasing interior room arrange ment of the greatest convenience. Always, too, there may be ample lighting with win dows "set to line best advantage: While the ,Colonlalisnat as. showy .house as some other " " IS looM-fi ;.ato pwJE3 .S.L i L J l: taanri Siiiij it in the possibilities of convenience and comfort- which, after all are .the real test. r This, .particular-home of common brick does not exactly jfol.ow the floor plan which ac companies it. .The sun room, for instance, was switched by the builder from behind the living room to the end of the house oeside it, entrance being through French doors on either side of the chimney, an ideal arrangement. The p 1 a n, if u r t h e r, should be exactly reversed to repro duce the home as illustrated. ' . In arrangement the house could hardly be improved upon. AM the rooms are of good size, conveniently arranged and well lighted. There are all the usual conveniences and ample closets. On the first floor are Uving room, dining room, sun room and kitchen. Three bed rooms, with .bath, comprise the second floor. HOUSES BUILT OF PERMANENT MATERIALS COST BUT LITTLE MORE THAN THOSE CONSTRUCTED OF MORE TEMPORARY MATERIALS J vButihb 'Upkeep Expense of Such Houses Is Small See ns for--cmmori brick, face brick, building tile, partition tile, silo tile, sewer pipe, drain tile vitrified pewer pipe, , . SALEM BRICK & TILE CO. TEIiEFHOCrarMT " SAUEkl, OREGON CHRISTMAS MENUS FROM DINNERS OF OLD TIMES cl; Le Motaise u Clicqfot; Les . G o u r ma ndinb d tt;Ptez Noel. " "The houu ' has a liistoy going .back 'taJjelbaJtlaliBld'.of.iA.riiay- le-due, whor4Ieary il"v ,lisUn Kulsbed himself -ia4M4)' -he e platned. "It was first .ttade by King Henry's soldiers on the bat- ' tlefield,' under his instructions. Simple, it is .made from capon flesh and ia'fjlavred 'with -rice and tomatoes. .'The 'sole -was' offe of -Cardinal Richelieu's YaTdrit hes h fillets of sole f terbeitig.'bnttered are braised in white 1 wine for about 12 minutes over a slow rf ire with pepper and salt. A sauce Is made of fish stock, white wine ) and butter, boiled to the consist ency of syrup,; and it should be poured through a muslin, before ' use. An additional garnture ot gdeen marenne oyBters completes the delicacy. Latry's attnetion was called to the Turkey which he had included on the menu. . , "Ah, said Latry,4that,Basi Js a concession, to those conserva tives who would insist on its pres ence. ... ButU is made according td an old 'recipe originated in 1573 ; when Turkey became an English dish. In those days it was stuf fed with sausage meat and, bread crumb! and it is still the best way to serve turkey. "Caiherirfe de Medici's favorite sweet ;is made similar to our Christmas pudding, with all kinds of fruits, highly spiced and boiled to a ;rk rich mixture. Cather ine made tit peculiarly her own by covering the .whole with almond paste, flaying the mixture in the paste lke a tart." The Man's Shop saves you a ten dollar bill on every quality suit. Shirts; hats, ties, collars. High grade clothing, perfect fitting, long .wearing. 416 State. .) , Christmas is the day for happi ness and rejoicing, but every day is one of pleasure if you eat Better Yet Bread, made by the Better Yet' Baking Co., 264 N. Qom'l. () r- i r t: U. . TOY INDUSTRY SHOWS LARGE GROWTH 4 '(Ouitinned from paf 1) is estimated to have been about 25 pec cent of her entire produc tion. Vhile this figure represent ed an, increase of. jabout' 12,000; 00 overlbat of the last pre-war year, the quantity of German toys exported In-1925 was about ;13 000. tons less than in 1913. The United Kingdom, Canada, Installfaf l- Your rCar v. arid Ride In Comfort These Cold Days r 1 W. E. BURNS. B&h BURNS J -. XOT BROTHERS THE SA3UT51AN) ' ffZ . 'H High and Cuba are the best foreign markets for American toys, the report shows. -Last year our , ex ports to the United Kingdom were valued at 1873.674, which was, .however, only 7 per cent ot the total imports of that country. Germany :- furnishes fully 80 per cent of all the British toy imports which last year reached a value of around 111.000,000. Canada took about $700,000 worth of American toys in 1925 while Cuba bought about half of that amount. While our sales to Canada showed an appreciable drop compared with 1924, the first half of 1926 showed a 17 per cent increase over the- corresponding period of last year) indicating that Ameri can -manufacturers are regaining the ground lost in the Canadian market. The outstanding characteristic of the American-made toy, the report-points out, is quality. Ger many while manufacturing many high-grade toys, finds her preemi nence in the field of low-priced prodncts. The American toy in dustry has now reached a point where production is equal to the domestic demand and, therefore, if Jts. growth is to continue, it is essential, thab foreign outlets be developed. The most promising markets for American toys, it is in dlcatedare Great-Britain and her dominions, Cuba, Argentina, and other countries where the eco nomic position of the people per mits them to purchase the highest grjide products- BUILHER flRSMALL m Bonds Given by Dealers and Manufacturers Guaran tee Good Construction Put yourself in the position of a man pr woman who, after care fully saving the surplus of the family income for years, decides to invest it in a lot and a new house. ;Naturally you will want the best construction your money will bur. for .cheap construction is. likely to be poor construction, while sound and durable construc tion reduces the cost f mainten ance and protects your invest ment. And of course, you will want your home properly insulat ed for, little as you may know about the technic -of building, you do .know that thorough insulation results in lower fuel-bills, econ omy in the heating equipment and comf oTt in excessively hot or cold seasons. Now, suppose you tell your con tractor that you want a certain patent shingle on the roof. You can tell whether the contractor follows your instructions or substitutes an inferior product. Because the shingles show; you can see whether or not they are the right kind. But when it comes to insulating materials you can't be so certain If your plan ot guarding your home against costly heat-losses is to apply an insulating lumber made of cane fibre as sheating. taking the place or orainary wood sheathing on the ; outside of -the studs you -cannot tell if this -plan is .f ollowed exactly unless you, are on the job when the sheathing is nailed on. For afterward the ex terior finish stucco, shingles, brick veneer or wood siding will be applied and will cover up the sheathing. Now, suppose that, instead of building your own home, you wish to purchase one ready-built. You want quality construction in it; you want it insulated. The .sell er tells you it is so built. Yon must take his word for it. But how .will you know that the hid den comfort of insulation, the non evident qualities of superior con struction, actually are in the house. The Celotex company of Chica go announces a solution of this problem. When the insulating lumber manufactured by this con cern is used as interior finish with no covering, except the paint, paper or other ' decoration. It can be distinguished readily enough. This is true, also, when it is used for the exterior finish of a gar age, cottags or similar structure, with only paint on its surface. But the most important and growing use of this material is sheathing, replacing ordinary wood lumber and any extra insu lating material; and in that case Ht is hidden behind the exterior siding or stucco or brick veneer. Another of the principal uses of the insulating lumber is under plaster, taking the place of wood lath and being hidden by the plas ter which adheres to it more strongly than it does to wood lath. And still a third hidden use for this amaing lumber is in floors, where it serves as insulator and sound-deadener, being covered by the finished flooring. ' So, as an added service to home owners who install tnls material iSi.M.inuiii.uua.ir.ijrkBiH.i: n-' w- ua.ru c twnii-iwiiiiriin rmjicji nxmu n::v mum m s asbj s sh m c 1 1 We Most Heartily Wish You All The Joys Of Christmastide Stewart Warner Products Service Station 245 South High Telephone 225 tw"f!nnwciiinni!;i;iBi!ii;.iErmr!i;i mmmrvmmmm i ' v mmthirr irnn; mm mh tmi"nm im mi-ninm To CALIFORNIA By PICKWICK STAGES 30 HOURS TO SANFRANCISCO Through Reclining Chair Car Service Four Schedule Each Day With Stop Over Privileges Leaving: the Terminal Hotel 9 :20 A. BL, 12 :20 P. M, 7 P. BL, 1 :25 A. M. SAN FRANCISCO "One Way ; fits sn Round Trip rtnnn -. . - One Way . Round Trip LOS ANGELES K 4far Informatloa Call At TERMINAL HOTEL or Phone 96 J27.35 .$50.00 1 7 I Ht-D0OV ; HqME IitfioiiiSf. V .1 - BECKS A HENDRICKS Insnrance of All Kinds TeLTlaj HeUlg Theater. Xxbby 189 N. High ' it Seasonable Items that will help' in the battle with rain, wind and snow. Check up now on cracks and unwarranted openings in the house or out-buildings. Metal lUdge Rolls Weather Stripping ' KolI tRoaflns Shingles 'T' '' JBoilding Paper, Drain Tile Deadening Felt Plaster Lth ffaterproof Cement Window Glass Flooring All Kind of BUILDING MATERIALS (HAS (-$PAULDinG LOGGING (0. Telephone VoatlasTlr Lumber Telephone 18SO.. in 'their homes, the company. off ers the Celotex Bond to users of its product; a! This bond Is the CQmpany8 guarantee ,that this insclating .lumber : has been in stalled in va building. , Upon satisfactory-proof that dt has not been applied irhere specif led, .the company, thro ugh the Fidelity and Casualty company of New YpTk, guarantees to the owner , the sum of 4200. This bond, which has a definite value when it comes , to selling home, is obtained through the contractor and the lumber dealer. These men guarantee that so much of the materials .has been .uaed.aa sheathing, as roof insula tion under plaster, as exterior finish or in any other of its many places of service. TJie.Ir state ment and an application for the bond is made out by a registrar in the dealer's of fife, fchom the Ce-J lotex company pays lor eacp-application sent in. , . . If this application blank estab lishes .beyond question that the material was used, the $200 bond is forwarded to .the lumber deal er In the owner's name, .and Is turned over to the owner .by the dealer. This . plan of bonding quality construction has been in operation only. a. few months, but already hundreds '- of ,Celotex Bonds are in the hands of owners who regard them as further safe guards of their investments. About 200 ; Swedish engineers and technical ; experts .will aerve the soviet 'government In "its dif- ferent line ot industrial activity in response to' ft Jitoscow. invitation, f j?earl rey in jxer street attire. King GeprgeJi-ts gone In for the style of wearing & gardenia in the button hole of his light grey over- coat Qneen Ma ry leans more to May All. the Joys and Happiness , of Yuletide Be Yours MONROE S. CHEEK " Cohiplete. Automotive Lubrication JSurt atJCapitoi .Telephone 2295 '"' Special as long as they last body powder and bath salts only 69c. regular 76c -each. These make wonderful Christmas pres ents. Crown Drug, 332 State. ) STRANGE REQUEST MADE OF MANY POSTMASTERS (Continued from page 1) fice and here I am at the telegram office. . ; ! ... i Letters seeking someone with whom to corresppnd-r wjth the promise to exchange photographs now come mostly from women, but not as frequently. .Prosperous times with, everyone busy is .given as the reason. During the heat , of the cross word puzzle craze, postoftice clerks were called upon to work out several addresses done in cross-word puzzle fashion. A letter with no other address than a photograph ot Bobby Jones reached him all right, but it was because almost everyone in Atlanta knows Bobby Jones. The Peerless Bakery, 170 uN, Commercial. Sanitary, up to date. Prompt delivery. Bakers for those who appreciate the best. Increas ing V&trons tell the tale. . () Army and Outing Store. Biggest bargainst In clothing,. shoes, under wear, hosiery, gloves, valices and suit cases. The working man's store,. 189 N. Commercial. () The state flower of Arizona is the Sahauro, the bloom of the giant -cactus, a large, waxen, white blossom. if WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUJLtTI Tl pUICK WILL BUILD THEU J IMMEDIATELY, die Brack engine starts. The weathec may be. lat terly cold, but Buick has a high speed starting motor, Automatic Heat Con trol and Thermostatic Circulation ControL 1 These -three Buick features mean easier starting and smoother perform ance 365 days a yean .:; -;w Buy r Buick. You "will enjoy driving it! Otto J. Wiilon ' 388 North Commercial - 5.6 7 , I 7 R t A T F. S I f I L I T Y FRIENDLY Davideaid 9f s JaJL JLJI.iL Sunshuie Thousands of careful investors in Oregon will testify to the lact that they are proud of tlieir financial interest in this company. "The reason is simple enough. The Preferred Stock this com--pany? owned by agreat army oi thrifty persons in this territory, is eariiiqg attractive dividends- ;regular,ly and -the; dividend checks, are delivered to tthe shareholders just as regularly as f clock work. T r .. ,"" . . ' - . , -This means that the securities we are now offering the public provide a safe outlet for savings and earnings and at the same time yield a good rate jof return. You, too, can receive these cash dividends every three months. Youxan buy our First .Pferred shares foticisb at$90jash4re, or at the' same' price on easy terms. In either case .they "net you 6.67 on every dollar you invest. - .. - f "We1 have ah attractive 'Easy-Payment, Interet-Beqnne olan wnicn is, wen wortn investigating. If you subscribe for our shares on the easy-paynent plah? you earn' 6 on the money you put in until the shares are fully paid for. Full information gladly given on request. t Investment p.epat Intent 2Z7.North Liberty St, ;feiand -Electric : .ilSli: Txrnck, the Staier .... Division Of ficc at-- Salem, Oregon City, Hillsbor? and Stv Helena Ore. aiir" Vanan : ' ft i- , u - 5? U s 1 M ' S : l 1 f r 1 f i X IlJLJJS,.N a ..SUB ST I 2rTR rf r W V