r r CHRISTIAN SCIEKCS First church, comer Liberty u Che meketa Sundi.y mor.ios '"uhleit Sunday evening service as . Subject Wednesday enmg teumo;ul meeting "M" , ' k,-.i ..hmt convene at li 45 end 11 m. Heading room ZU9 Maaie Temple open daily from 11 to VTO iwVt U and holidays; Sun '.' from- 3 to 3,-ery evening au , . Sunday Irom 7 :30 A' TMMAXTJEI. BAPTIST fcrvlce will W. held at tiie sew Dee, 2, Dr. A. V . n J 7-30 n. m. jiion will P"a both morning and lining. Covenant meeting ut Thurs day Dec. 30 at 7:90 p. m.. t the home . Vl W. Zobel, 145 North Winter street. V cordial invitation to attend these aer Ues is nnded to all. HAXAREHB ioik and Marion Ht s., C. IX. Hofikin. pa'""-! ., and Mr. Service 11 a. m.. Sermon topics: "Pr- titers of the Iivin NattiraA and "Pow er of Vital force." Special singing sundaT. Sunday . school f:4S a. m.. irnk" Litwiiler. superintendent. Senior 'oonr peuple' meeting 6:30 p. m top ", Tii'- Growing Christian, Mra Fred William-, leader. Junior Christina Kn H,T..r G 45, Mra. Thomas Mauaeiaaker, leader Wednesday eveniar at 7:30 Ma, and praise meeting led by the pa nr Mr-, Mopkiu will iireach Sunday lornin. The pastor will preach Sunday "IeCnUy.eoi4c4. fre. fcfV ehare local Bible class. Phone -1450- W. , , chorus will eltijt at lxrth services. Sun day school 9:45 a. to-, K. A. Raotea, su perintendent. The two Leagues at 6:30. Oa- Friday evening at 9 o'clock fa eon nectioa with the watch night service. Full announcement ia Statesman . oa Thursday of net week. The chorus-trill reseat several of their numbers riven at Christmas concert. Kev. Ira lnmaa will i Saturday, January 1 be. present in the evening service and church day". Basket di nave cnarge ol ,tn natic. f BETHANT SJSrOKMXO 1' . 1 Corner of Capitol . and ; Marian St. Sunday school 10 a. -m, and ngiish services 11 a. aw M.' DanyK taster. : -ftrst christian ----- . Center and llich st,, i-. C. Whiuker, pastor.'- Vivian C. Whisier, assistant pas tor.' Service 11 i. m, and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics. . "Christmas Program." and "The Immutable fat." At the morning hour the IS i hie school will give a Ohristmss- program. . There, will he Christmas at the evening hour. '0 Holy Xijtht." as an instrumental trio and 'lirightekt , and Bent," by the-choir. Sunday sehool 9:45. K. C. '.Vhitaker, an perintendeht.-: Senior Christian Endeavor at 6f30. led 1J Vernon Williams, topic. "The Past Year Its Ijftson- The New It Possibilities.- Special Chriatmaa music, intermediate Kndeavor at - 6:30. Katurday, January 1, will be all day aner at noon. IA- trresting services and busines sessions all day. st. i:omit'a eiTODMn. t. Corner Cottage - aad ChemekeU . St Rev. J. R. i)ack, paster. Services 8 and 10 a. ta. Sermon topic, selected.' Ben- edictioa fnllowa last: mass." 'week day services at (This week they are. an I hour later than usaat.? F.veryone cor dially welcome. r- C0TJB.T STREET CHRISTIAN Court and N. 17th 8t.t. It. U Pt nam. pastor.' junior pastor. Mrs. R. L. Putnam. Services at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Junior service at 11 a. m. Ser mon topic: "What the Birth of Christ Means to the World," and a Christmas Pageant. "Following the Star." Mu sic in the Bible school furnished by Mrs. Joy Turner-Mosea' orchestra. " Sunday Kcneoi :4a a. si.. i Vk . Cooley, superin tendent. Yoong peoples' meetings: Vol unteer .visit shot ins in afternoon. Christian Endeavor 6:40 p. m. Youn peoples' and senior. Meetings of interest to young people and adults. Church night Thursday 7-9 p. m. The senior C E. society will conduct the annual watch party New Year's eve. Nest Lord' day the pastor will bring the annual message aad ' the next evening, January 3, the annual meeting of the church will- he held. It is of interest to each memher to be present for both these occasion's o welcome most heartily any one of inese emees. i At. FIKST TJXITED BRETHREN Mis.iou near 12th. Sunday achool at a j lr. Kplwv will have euarge of the o&ool there will be a i aurrrUe in the WilS 0 special music. Cnne aad take a wouie of the sunshine ia aoag and Bible ttudy. Preaching at 11 a . There w a be vome special iBUte in song. U. ' C st :80, John P Thompson. leader. Mid week prayer meeting every Weiawlay evening. C. Wf Corley, pae- tr. ' . . TIEST aPIRITUAXIST The First ispiriteaiUt chur.-h of alem. mil held service , at their hall (over Mil !tr s sr thia 8u4ay evening, Iec. Jth. at 7:30. Mrs. LaYaliey of Port r.j .ill U 9ktf aad message bear- ... -Tk. nublte'ii cordially Invited to . - - TTRST BAPTIST Liberty and Marion tts.. Ernest H. ci,.i. na-,tor. Services 11 a. in., and 7 JO v m- Sorma topic: ''When jus Was loau' VandsChriHBa l're t-.,.. " Sundav- schawl 9:45 -a. -m i rff.nl SchntiSeZ" aaperinteu4en. Sun- (Uv eTroisn the yoang people wiU meet th irsonml .At 5:30 'for informal hour. At: hy will give a Chriatmas orosriin in- tbo -church parlors . Sunday t'hrutm hvmns, Christmas carols, oy he or.aetra". Anthems: "lirightest and IWt," Coomb. H.'hrttmas Bells, Vin' Simons, "fjlori in Kxcelsis, vi.n. Women's ? Chorns. "The New Vinn at :hritmaa.'- - Marsh. Men'a . v..,, "j.t -fk tin -to- Bstklehem.'- N v -n Vooal iora. '"Oesu Bamhino." Yon. M..t Neva CooleJ.,!5.VioJ'a Solo .Vleii in.. Snands." Kriens. Miss Iva Claire l.ove. Mid week prayer service, djt evening at 7:30. Thurt XNSTITTJTI0H9 State Hospital 9 a. m., Jf. C. Stover rreoie Minded institute 9 a. m.. J. Wil. ira ueioe; uottage arm 2:30 p. m. . r. quiver; iria School 8 p. v C. Whitaker: T. B. HoRnit.1 Mt Khanka. J. VWillard DeYoe, aecy. E. IL ranuac six still sweeping to ward unchallenged leadership. laanaau seaar 9& r. o. b. factory, tasy to pay on General Motors time payment plan.-VJck Bros. ( biate surface roofing applied I orer your old shingles. We hay over 200 Jobs In Salem. Nelson! Bros., plumbers. Sheet metal worsr, 355 Chemeketa. () PEEP INTO SANTA'S NEW YORK WORKSHOPS! (Continued from page 1) . rcVTEK STREET METHODIST I nth and Center Sta A. F. Hilmer, T,-.it..r Services 11 a. m. Sermon topic Joy to the World." Sundiy school at 10 a. io., H. H. Uralapp, snpenntendent. At T the Knworth Leasne will give Christmas program. Beginning with next wek w are planning to have meetings ererv evening with a New Year's serriee at 10 M,. Saturday, Jan. 1. st vraemT de paux. ATB0ZJ0 Kef. Tbos. V. Keenan, pastor. Corner inirhiaiut .and , Mrrtla Ave. Masaes - oa Chrintma will be celebrated aa foUowa: Hih xnasa will be offered up at mid nict. Cbjastmaa carols and music ren d 3 h'the specially augmented parish rh5tf and sermon by the pastor. On rtrUtmaa-day masses will be at 6:80, 7:30, 8:30. 9:30 and 10:30 o'clock. The children's choir will sing at the 8:30 .t a-nn o'clock masses and the Iat ma wiM.be a high masa sung by the Kev. Father Reynolda of Columbia Cni VHrsity of Portland, who will also de liver the sermon. Confessions will be liard Friday afternoon and evening. On the following day which is the first Sun day after Chrisvmaa, masses will be as i.Mial at and 10:30 o'clock. Everyone, both Catholic and nn-l'uthoIie are ea lended a moat hearty welcow " !fr' ices Osteihism classes hr.d each feat urday -afternon for the eh'Mren will be dUcontiaued during the Christmas holi days. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY AULIANCB . Tabernacle 6i5 Ferry St.. II. E.. and r. (..w.l! nitstora. Sunday school at 'i p. m,, J. Wilson, superintendent. Sun, day sftertoon 3 p. m.. service. Evangelist: Betts la charge. 8pecial music, orchestra led by? Louie, the Indian. Evening ser vice st 7:30, Evsngelist F. J. Betts will preach. Special Christmas music. Christ inas service Saturday night. Music by the Boy Pianist. Albert Knudson. Mon day nijht- Louis the Indian will ive hie experience. Monday night will close the week of apecial Christmaa aerrieea. public invited. aepartmenta . to take, care of all ages. Public worship at 11 a. ra., with Junior and Senior churches uniting for the ser vice. Sacrament of Baptism for infants ana otners. i be Sacrament of the Lord a supper win al.o e oiiserved. Aa ap propriate-message 4y the pastor. Rev. Thompson, Junior 'pastor will assist in the service. Three chapter . of the Ep- worm uras meet at e:ao for devo tional services. They welcome strangers. Open Forum - for ' adults at thia hour in the church Annex. Public worship at 7:30 p. m. Pastor's theme, "Three Christmas BaceDtions. Hone. fallow ship and gospel preaching will make the hour worth while. The riRST PRESBYTERIAN On Church St. between Chemeketa and Center, Rev. Norman K. Tully, D. D., lastir Mrs. It M. T. Hester, assistant pastor. 'Serv os trt:4S - m, and 70 p. ra. Rermon topics. "The Shepherds I'ind Jeauo;" and Kehoboam, the Auto-i-rat." Snttday ocltool 9:30 a. m, H. E. itarrett. upfrinteudent. Senior C. E. at o:15t auvaei-e Intermediate and tIn lrniediate B:30 p. m. FIRST" METHODIST EPISCOPAL State and rhur.h St.. F. C. Taylor, pastor. Marsrsret K. Sutherland, director jUligious Fxiucatii'n. Service 11 a. va and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "The lvvine Irevnce." snd Christmas pageant, 'The Story of the First Christmas," Sunday school. II. F. Shank, superintea . dent. " C"niTrrity Epworth League, Can dle Lighting ,..-rvice, l.ouii-e Findiey, leader: First (hnreh Epworth league will meet with the lniverslty Xieagae; Intermediate Lnague in the church an nex. Prayer and praise aervtco" oa Thursday night at 7:30 p. ra., topic. New Year's Resolutions. Christmas party and program given by the beginner aad pri mary department ot the ounasy acnooi on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Every body is cordially invited to coma and see the tiny tots in their program and good time. Junior Church will meet at ,11 o'clock on Sunday morning. Mr. -A. A. Lee will give the lesson on, Foreign Missions. XNIOHT laCBMORIAX. C0NQREOA v TIONAX. 19th and Ferry? U C. Stover, pastor. Sunday school l 'a. ., C. C. Harris, su perintendent, aleraing service at 11. Sermon, "My llifts for Your Tree," Everett and Ronald Craven will aiag, "Come, Jeiua, Redeemer," (Hammond.) The Senior, . Intermediate and Junior Christian Endeavor -societies meet at 6:45 p. m. Aa impressive feature of the evening service will be the candle light procession by the- choir At 7:30 the vested choir will present the Christmas Santata "The Holy Nativity," (Wildes mere.) The organist. lonald J. Allison, will play- a' a' prelude, "Largo," (Han del) and a reiuest offertory number Largo front Th New World's Sympho- ony," ( Uvorak.) The Caata numbers include: - - - . Organ Prelude ; Look Above .. Choraa Bo4o Tidings of oy i - ...Mr. Mead and Chora Solo--Cnto Yoa ia Bora a Savior .w. ..Ronald Craven aad Chorus 8olo The Song ot.the Khepherd;.. - Mm rear I Eyre Solo Withio a Lowly Manger 'Lying - I ma i i i - - . . . , hi rin Glory td Crod....lMa'a" Voices aad Chora Let Is Uo to liethlehem ..Choru Solo Tell 'Far and Near Leonard ChadwicJ-k Wonderful Night. i Men's Voice sad Chorug Christmaa Joy Bella Chorus i i JASOK XXS MEM ORIAIa M. E. North -Winter at -Jefferson Avenue. Take the North Commercial but to North bummer and Jefferson Ave., Thomas Acheaon. tiastor. Hmrt TtiAtnts&AM mnA Mrs; Oentry, helpers, in charge, of Junior I a circular saw and the top of the tn public to share with, it ts tts'rtr. "emon ot me luoying eye mecn- rices-of theooming Lord a Way. assuring I anism. Gr&Xt imiirovprnnU .. ail -ot a glad welcome. -ChirTch school I i , . - - --... opens at t:4j a. m., with six separata I maue in llU3.COUUT.ry In per- tane, care of all ages. lectin g the fflAvlnr hvm P'aisti pair of eyes is adjusted by hand and each eye is carefully set and fixed firmly in position by a set screw; " Because of "this feature American dolls do not become "wobbly-eyed" after being In the world afew months. After the eyes hare been adjusted the mech anism Is secured in place and the 1 top of the head is cemented on again. Now the head is ready for its wig of hair, which is made of real or silk hair. This is glued on and an expert workman trims' it in most becoming manner. Since j styles in dolls follow closely styles in actual life, many of the dolls being made today have bobbed hair in the latest fashion. Now let us go into the depart ment where the bodies are being stuffed. Besides having unbreajt able heads, American dolls bat '4 soft, cuddly bodies, plumply filled with cotton. The old sawdust doll ! that figures in children's songs is a thing of the past. Upon enter ing the stuffing department we are greeted by -a thousand voices crying "mama." - We learn thai the mama voices are placed , ,4 the bodies when they are stuffad with cotton and that as the bodifs are moved about by the workman the voices are set into action. After the body has been filled and the voice mechanism inserted. the body of the doll is sewed V up and the had glued on. Now the doll is ready for its dress. And what a galaxy of styles and colors shl has to choose from. In addi tion Ao the many simple, yet at tractive costumes, many dolls are garbed in character habits to de-j pict various interesting features j of American -life.. So attractive! are the designs of doll clothes. many women secure ideas for making their Own dresses as a re sult. Some women visit the doll departments of stores in quest of attractive and novel styles. When the dolls are dressed in j the factory they are packed in int dividual boxes so that they will be lean and fresh- when delivered to the child to whom destiny brings them. In our visit to an American doll factory, .we; cannot but be Impress-: ed by the excellent conditions un der which the dolls are made. American doll factories are light and airy and every precaution ts taken to insure the making ot sanitary dolls. The cloth used in making the bodies Is fresh and new. while the cotton used in stuffing the dolls is sterilized bet fore using. The clothes of the' doll are made from bolts of new cloth, and should the clothes of. a doll become mussed in any way. they are carefully washed and ironed. Strict sanitary laws and state supervision control the workings of the doll factories, al though they seldom need to be In voked, for American doll manu facturers take a keen pride in pro ducing toys of highest quality. . Although the American doll in dustry is not large as compared with many others in this country, the fact that 20 million dolls are produced annually indicates that immense quantities of raw mater ials are used, and thousands of workers, men and women, many of them highly skilled, are em ployed. Great yardages of cot ton and silk fabrics are used to clothe this great horde of dolls, in addition to the muslin used In making the bodies. Many thou sands of bales of cotton are con sumed to tRff; the "dolls. : About IS raiulon feet of timber are need ed, annually ia producing the spe cial woodr flour used In making the unbreakable heads, arm snd feet. ' The glue and enamel used also run update imposing figurrs. W. CL Kraejre?!. realtor, progrss eive, fair, efu table. Growing city and country makes possible buys that will, make you good money. Complete listings, 147 N. Com'l. " Acclimated ornamental nursery stock, . evergreens ros? bushes, fruit and shade trees r Pear cy Bros, in season. "We have our own nurseries. 178 S. Com'l. ) PARRISH PARAGRAPHS GIVE PRIZEWINNERS (Coattamed from pg 1) Bonesteele Motor Co., 474 S. Com'l has the Dodge automobile tor yon. All steel body. Lasts a lifetime. Ask Dodge owners They will tell you. () First National Bank, the bank ot friendship snd helpfulness in time of need. Interest paid on time deposits. Open an acton et and watch your money grow () Hartman Bros. ' Jewelry Store. Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia monds, charms, cut glass. ' silver ware. Standard goods. State at Liberty St. () day evening after a Christmas program bad been given and they will not be opened until after the new year. The program was un der the direction of Mr. Rice. The basketball schedule is about complete. Up to this date the schedule runs like this: . DeHarpqrt Ducks at, Parrlsh on Jan. 5. .Perrydale at Perrydale on Jan. 11. . Perrydale at Parrlsh on Jan. 21. Monmouth at Parrlsh on Jan. 25. Jeffersftn at Jefferson on Jan. 28. Stayton at Stay ton on Feb. 4. Turner at Parriah on Feb. 7. Jefferson at Parrlsh on Feb. 12. Turner at Turner on Feb. 22. Stayton at Parrlsh oa Feb. 2S. The team is progressing rapid ly, and is expected to be in line shape for the opening game. D. H. Mosher, Merchant Tailor, Is turning out the nobbiest and best fitting tailor made suits to measure; 100 business and pro fessional men buy off Mosher. () Yoirll Enjoy Motoring : . . When Your Car Is Equipped With McCLAREN TIRES AND TUBES "The Tire That's Guaran teed to Cost Less Per Mile" Remember "The Right Spot for Tire Service - When You Have a Blowout SMITH & WATKINS PHONE 44 ' 1 CHEMERETA ST. E V AH OEUC AZa Corner of C'hvmeketa and N. 17th St., O. E. akine, pastor. Services 11 a. "Writtea ad Uu written Records ' and m., and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topic: "The Queen's Quest." Sunday school 10 a. m., 0. R. Strausteugh, superinten dent. Evangelical League- of Christian Endeavor, senior and Intermediate, at 6:30. Mid Week prayer service, Thurs day evening at 7:30, P Kur, leader. Train in gClaws, Wednesday eveninr at fl :45. followed by choir practice at 7:45. CHURCH OT GOD 1346 N. itourrh St.. J. J. Gillespie, pastor. Services 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. Kermon topics, "Peace oa Earth," and Evangelistic, .unay school lO a. m., Mrs. Walter Barkua, superintendent. Young peoples mjeting S:30 p. m.. Miss Dora -Hanson, leader.' Prayer service en Wednesday 'evening aV 1:30. The state young people convention will be held at Wofdhum, Ore.,- Dec.-- 31, 102 to Jan. 2.- l&?7-in the high school auditor ium. -Services 10:30 a. m., 2:30 and 7:3( p. m. riRSr C0NOREOATXOVAX, . Center aad Liberty Sts., Charles E. Ward,, paotor. Services 11- a. m., and 7:15 p. vn. ' Sermon topics' "The Turn of the Tide.' 'and- "Old crooge." Th services . will, include Christmas hymns and - anthem. At the evening service the three reel picture of Dickens Christmaa. crol entitled. 'Mild Scrooge," will ho rho feature.' Sunday school 10, M. D. MqiCallister, superintendent. Bi ble study and prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30. Hart the Xew -Tear rirht by coming to church for this New Year ser mon. eit tsunday. Jan. wi, will be our next Communion Sunday and reception ot new members. II fus wish all ofyott The hnd of Qhrutmm cheer ,. That maies the day a joh vne lAttdlastia svlidyetu MARION AUTOlVfOBILE CO. - I First Baptist Church LIBERTY AND MARIO! STREETS Rev. E. H. Shanks, Pastor Great Christmas Praise Service at 7:30 Anthems, Carols, Solos, Choruses, Orchestra ; MORNING WORSHIP AT 1 1 Christmas Music and Sermon s ing a song of Christmas With voices ringing true, The jolliest of holidays, May this one be for youl CHAMBERS & CHAMBERS North High Street OZJLD TTDIRGS MISSION 343 1 Court SU C. S. Johnson, pas tor. Sunday school 2 p. m., Sam Ber key, superintendent. Week dsy services Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even ings. "" . " . " -r TTRST EYAVOEXJCAZi ' Center aad Liberty St., V. B. Culver, paktor. Sunday school 9:45, L. L. Thornton, superintendent. At 11 o'clock there will be a Christmas message by the pat'r. Thera wiUDe no Cunstian ta deavor meeting at S;30. At 7:30 the Young people-; will present a l'ageant en titled, Tho "ativity."; 8TTJDEKTS IMTERM ATIOHAIr RIRXK ASSOCIATION Meet every Sunday, ia Derby Bldg.. Court and Uieh streets,, tor Bible study. All interested in Bible 'Study, cordially invited. Hour 10 to Tl a. m., and 3 to 4 p. m. Fuaeral services in Salem and Tt r. TREE METHODIST Market and S. Winter Sta. J. C. Tay lor, pastor. Serricea. 11 a.--m., and 7;4& p. m. Sunday school 9:43 a. m-j, Dr. Y. S. Sichttt, superintendent. Young peo ples' meeting 6:80. Miss Amy Shepard, leader. Prajer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. ra. FULL OOSTEL MISSION . 237 State St.. Ralph I). Bullock, pas tor. Harry J. Morriss, assistant pastor. Services- 2 :30 and 7:45 d. m. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Bible atudy or evaa gelistie . meetings Wednesday, Thursday -nil Clin ...I n a T . 1 . ..mII,! invitation ia extended to all who are sin cerely hungry (or the pure, unadulterat ed word of God expounded "in the power and demonstration of the Spirit of Ood in tne beemmne. 1 Cor. 2. TO ne rilled with Grace and Truth" i God's only standard of preparation for His roraing. f Kom. 8.29 with John 1:14. ? Wishing You A Merry Christmas RrelProbf Storage C. S. PRATT Garage 33 South Liberty Telephone 659 r I 3 h 5 e a 61 3 3 li i H 2 tl 13 i S a U 5 K 3 ; II ' 9ev '" -r e at KW&tiiada, 3 inj? a sons With hem e pH as told Wishing jom. the (est V jap Tiwar uch a day nay hofci MAY EVERY JOY 'id. "AMP.--' HAPPINESS BE YOURS THIS CHRISTMASTIDE C. F. Breithaupt Florist V New Bligh Bldg. 512 State-Street CASTLE CHAPEL TJRTTED B RETHREW Corner K. 17th and Nebraska Avenue, W. S. Blodgett, pastor. Serricea 11 a. m.. aad 7:45 n. m. Sennea topic. "Falsing But -Once," and Evangelistic Bunday achool 10 a. ra P. C Weils, aa. perintendent. Younc aeonlea steetiag. 0:45. Will Duniran. aresideai. - Prayer meeting Thursday evarnr St -?730 Monthly business meeting Tuesday even ing at- T:30-:.-:;i. v. ' . .-i- -';. LESLtB METHODIST TXBaOTXXi South- Commercial and Mayer. J. Wll- -lard DeYoeii pastor. Services . and t i30 ,pi aw. Sormotv tpis, 'Chri is Glorious Iet TJ Make Him Knowa," aad t'The Tea' ComBiaodments. Tae 3LHIS Qhrutxna$ card - - y lt brinfrin''j9u I 3Y lindlj thought - And good w" to. t-: . i. kV. - . a f - , .-w-f v v 1 - . ,' ajV V ft " MacDONALD : AUTO CO;; ' Corner Cottage and Ferry, - .w 1 -v KIRKWOOD MOTOR CO. 311 North Commercial r3 S3 5 a P Ml II 3 "I i! 3 BiBgBiHirronaa U . ''- NIGHT LIGHTS HPHE glare of bright lights and the shad . . . ows of dim roadways, both require sharp focusing lenses- Our, optometrists vmake the mechanics of optics meet just these requirerhents. - : . - r - . : : t POMEROY ICEENE " Jewelers and Optometrists Salem, Oregon Jl . t . . www. w...nw.. . w m ' ii