The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1926, Page 12, Image 12

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U t
- Cotta4 txnm t .) .
solos. Mh. Unn McDonald ac
companied her. Recitations were
rien by Stanley and Corydon
Blodgett Jr., and; little Billy Ut
ley sang. ; His little cousin, Cory
donV played;-Lis accompaniments.
In addition to those previously
mentioned in connection with the
affair., the committee in charge in
cluded Mrs. Ulva Morse Mrs. Wlh
h If red Jones, Mrs. David Wright.
Mrs. Lou Orote. Mrs. E. A. Kurtz
and Mr a. Ilarley White. - k .
M uts Ruth Bedford Meet
With Continued Success
in Music
TA great many Salem friends of
Misa Ruth Bedford are - following
with interest her gratifying prog
ress1 in the field of music which
she has chosen.' Misa s Bedford is
studying in- Chicago- for her sec
ond consecutive winter Her pi
4no work is with Edgar Nekton,
president of the Bush conserva
tory. 'Miss Bedford was recently
pledged to Sigma Alpha Iota, the
oldest national musical sorority
in America. In addition to study
ing intensively. Miss Bedford is
spending considerable time as a
student teacher in the conserva
tory., i- Not many days ago Miss Bed
ford composed a mazorka which
was received, with much enthusi
asm on the part of her associates.
Permission was asked to buy it.
Probably Miss Bedford is be
coming best: known through her
work as an 'accompanist. She
meets with continued favor wher
ever she' gees.' Earlier In the sea
Boa Miss Bedford was given the
privilege of substituting for Clar
ehce Eddy, the world famous or
ganist who played at the Elsinore
theater only last summer.
Miss Marian Emmons, .talented
Violinist, who ' went to Chicago
from Salem a number of years
ago, asked Miss Bedford to play
her accompaniments at an out
standing program given at the
American conservatory. Miss Em
mons is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W W. Emmons, while Miss
Bedford is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Bedford.
Annual House Party at YW
CA Thursday Night
" A group of eighteen residents
of the city YWCA assembled on
Thursday evening for the annual
Christmas party which was a de
lightfully informal affair. A deco
rated Christmas tree held gifts
for each guest. Christmas carols
were sung and refreshments serv
ed. Holiday Guests' at
Churchill Home
Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Churchill
are entertaining as their house
guests over the Christmas week
end Mrs. Julia M. Goodwin. Mrs.
Alice Hsrt and G. N. Hart, all of
"Made in Oregon" Sale
Planned for Next Month
The women of the First Congre
gational church .will sponsor an
extensive "Made In. Oregon" pro
ducts sale next 1 month ' as one " of
the leading enterprises of a new
season. The committee In charge
Includes Mrs. F E. Neer. Mrs. O.
L. Newton, Mrs. W. I. Staley. Mrs.
John Orr. Mrs. W. E. Hansen and
Mrs. Harold Brown.
Miss Levy in Philadelphia
MIrs Elizabeth Levy nas wired
of her arrival in Philadelphia
where she will spend .the holidays
visiting her uncle. She reports a
pleasant trip in spite of much
cold weather. Miss Levy will re
turn to Salem on January 8.
Christmas at Tualatin
Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Logan left
yesterday noon for Tualatin to
spnd Christmas with -sir. Logan'
parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Lo
gan. They Invited to accompany
them Drl and Mrs. Fred W. Lange
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes.
Ever-Ready Birthday Club
Members of the Ever Ready
Birthday club will be entertained
on Tuesday. December 28, at the
home of Mrs. Mary Briggs,- 344
outn ism street. Tne nonor
guests will be Mrs. Briggs and
Mrs, Louisa Loyeland.
Moores in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur II. Moore
and daughter, M Lss Ruth Moore,
are guests in Portland of Mr. and
Mrs, It. Diller. ,M rs." Moore and
Mrs. Diller are siaterss
The Commercial Book Store has
everything you need In books and
stationery and supplies for ' the
school, office or home at the low
est possible prices. ()
, Cross -Meat Market. Biggest,
busiest and best In-Salem. Choicest
steaks, bacon, hams, sausage, lard,
eggs. milk. Absolutely sanitary.
370 State St. ()
(CuminafA irom ft 1)
Shipleys Have Guests
Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Shipley are
entertaining V. H. Fleming
and Mrs. Harry Young, both of
Portland, In their home today.
Miss Bur en Is Home
Miss Maxine Buren reached
home on Thursday evening to
spend the holidays in Salem and
Portland. 'Miss Buren has been
in Seattle since early last fall.
Guests From Vancouver
Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves have
as their guests for the holidays
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morse and
daughter, Josephine, of Vancou
ver, Wash.
Guests at II". D. Clarke Home
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke will
have as their guests until after
Sunday Mr. a.nd Mrs.' J. E. Bailey
of Forest Grove. , Mr. and Mrs.
Bailey are. Mrs. Clarke's parents.
Visitors at Babcock Home
Mrs. Ida Babcoek lg entertain
ing as her house guests for the
holidays her daughter and son.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mauldlng of
Portland. ....
The Prince of Wales speaks
French so fluently that he makes
a point of reading French books
and newspapers regularly.
Halik & Eoff Electric Shop, 337
Court St. "Everythfttx electric,
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. Get prices and
look at complete stock. ()
Cobbs &-Mitchell Co.. lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estimates, look at
quality of material, then you will
order. 349 S. 12th St. ()
O. W. Day. tires, tubes and ac
cessortes; has the. Goodyear tires,
the standard of the world. " Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner Cora'l and Chemeketa ()
Buy at Director's and save, 320
men's all wool suits $9.95, in Di
rector's downstairs store; $2.50
slicker pants, $1.59; $2.50 slicker
coats, $1.59; 6c toe rubbers, 19o.
ing there to worship. Every one
who passed them. turned fo look
af them. None one spoke to them.
When they " reached the - outer
court of the Temple, they inquir
ed of the attendant at the temple
gate where the king lived. The
house of Herod the King was
pointed out to them, ami they
went immediately to the-palace of
the king.
As they approached the king's
house, or palace, a Roman guard
halted thejn and inquired their
business. When told that' they
would see the king. . the isuarcf
called one of the soldiers standing
near and asked him to show the
three strangers into the -king's
audience room. On entering; the
court, they. met. King Herod him
self I The king- was. surpriiWd. for
the. visitors were j of evident high
cast and- appeared to be ambassa
dors from some great kingdom.
No announeemerV ha.l.been given
him of the coming of such visit
ors. He asked them to come into
the audience chamber and 4h
would hear of their business. -One
of the' three m,en addressed the
king: : :
- "Long live the king! We three
are? from a far .distant land. We
have come to find and worship the
King of the Jews. We have been
told that such a king has been
born. We saw His star in the
East and have come to worship
Herod was astonish. "A king of
the Jews. born?" said he.
"Where? When?" Then the Wise
men from the East, explained
about the star, and the vision God
had given them and the holy er
rand on which, they had come.
Herod called them into his own
private room, and treated them
with every courtesy and great
kindness. He made them his wel
come guests. But secretly he
called together the rulers and
leaders of the Jews and inquired
of them about the prophecies con
cerning the promised king. He
gathered all Hhe information he
could get about the place where
the Messrah was to be born. When
he had this information, he called
the Wise Men and told them to go
on to Bethlehem and to seek out
the young child and to let him
know when they had found Him,
so that he might come too and
worship Him.
Adah and Ezra were waiting
without in the open space near the
King's palace. The Wise Men came
from Herod's house in great haste
and evident Joy They were say
ing, "And thou Bethlehem of Ju
da, art not the least of the prin
ces of Juda. for out of thee shall
ccme a governor which shall rule
my people Israel." Quickly they
went out through the Sheep Gate
and down to where their camels
were resting. Adah and Ezra fol
lowed them. By this time others
were elso following, for the news
of the visitors had spread.
When they came to their cam
els, the men turned, and one of
them spake to the people who
gathered around. He said :
"Ye people of Israel, there is
good news for you this day. Unto
you there is born a King. We
are told that in Bethlehem is the
place where he should make his
appearance according to prophecy.
We believe that this Kjng has now
been born, for we have seen his
star in the East and have come to
worship" Him."
They mounted their camels.
and the great .stately 'whl.te drom
edaries rose easily and quletly'arid
without even a word from. "Re ris
ers.' turned toward the' West tp
pass out the valley gate, and take
the road to Bethlehem, As soon
as they started, a Wight "star,
brighter than t,he light of day. ap
peared and moved . before -them.
The three men gave joyous
shout at' sight of the star. -Thoe
who ere watching were "filled i
with "awe at the wo'.drons sight, j
When they were gone and out!
of sight. rAdah and Ezra-went!
home, to tell their people .what i
they -had seen and heard.. Their,
father had just come in from the
plains where he had been tending
the-sheep. lie was greatly moved
by what the children told, .and
then-said, he too had learned that
very j&jlv from some shepherds
who. had been over on the. plains
of Bethlehem, that a remarkable
think had taken place there. Some
shepherds had seen a vision of
angels, and going to Bothlehem
had found a Babe that was born
ir. a manger, and said to be the.
King who was "to reign onr the
throne of David.
Adah and Eira believed then
that the King had come at last; of
v. hleh they had so often been told.
When they went to their beds that
night they prayed- that they might
bt permitted "some day to see , and
serve the King 4 This they were
permitted t' do after many years
wheBtv, Jesj9'?tame to Jerusalem,
preached, ' cleansed the Temple,
and healed the sick.
fV. Contlauei f rou ps 1) "
Walter II. Zosel, automobile
tires, tubes and accessories. Vul
canizing that holds. High quality,
superior service. A trial makes a
customer, 198 S. Com'l. ()
Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.,
lumber and building materials.
The best costs no more than in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. ()
ties are celebrated by children in
the United States, no traditional
doll customs have developed as In
most other countries. What
promised to be the beginning of a
very beautiful custom took place
about twenty years ago in one of
the large cities. An appeal was
made to children to give their
old dolls to orphans on Thanks
giving Day. Thousands of dolls
of all kinds were collected and
the message of thanksgiving was
expended to the unfortunate moth
erless children Who received the
discarded dolls. Unfortunately,
although this appeal for old dolls
met with generous response, the
event was, not. repeated. Thus
was. .a beautiful, charitable cele-;
brat ion allowed to die out.
: Recently, however a number of
prominent women's organizations
have become interested in reviv
ing this Thanksgiving-doll offer
ing to orphans and plans are afoot
to celebrate this custom on a wide
scale at the coming Thanksgiving
Day. So it would appear that the
United States may soon have a
distinctly novel and worthy doll
custom that will both bring hap
piness to thousands or orphans
and stimulate the altruistic spirit
in girls who donate their dolls to
the less fortunate.
Many other curious doll cus
toms are seen throughout the
world. If a child in China Is ill.
a doll is hung before the door of
the house. The diseased spirit is
supposed to enter the doll, which
is then taken down and burned.
When a maiden In Syria Is old
enough to marry and has the de
sire to do so, she hangs a doll in.
the window. The sultans of Tur
key used to keep dolls dressed
like their enemies, ranting over
them and beating them. In' this
way finding satisfaction for their
malice. '
Dolls occupy an important place
in the life of the Japanese. Each
family ha collection of dolls,
called the' Hint, which is- often
the family's most treasured pos
session. The customs surround
ing dolls In Japan are very beau
tiful, and mights-ell bo emulated
by other nations of the world.
When a girl is born in Japan
she is given a small collection of
dolls that are effigies of the em
peror and empress, and five court
musicians. The child is never al
lowed to play with these dolls ex
cept on holidays, the chief of
which is the Hina Matsuri. the
feast of the dolls, which falls on
March 3. Special shelves are of
ten made to exhibit the family's
collection of dolls on this day.
and frequently visitors come from
long distances. The dolls are ar
ranged according to rank, the his
torical members of the royal fam
ily occupying the exalted position.
The Japanese girls naturally go
wild with delight at the Feast of
the Dolls. The festival is equally
enjoyed by the mothers, who
adorn the house with peach blos
soms and wear their 'holiday at
tire. When the girl is old ejiough
to hold her own party, she sends
tiny invitations to all her friends.
When a Japanese girl marries
she takes her Hina with her, keep
ing the collection of dolls until
her eldest son marries, at which
time they are presented to him.
In this way some families possess
a number of Hinas, some of which
are hundreds of years old.
In addition to fthe special dolls
that are used only on festive occa
sions, the Japanese gini has many
other dolls made of various ma
terials. At every temple festival
in Japan there is a sale of dolls.
Although most of these are- not
expensive, they are attractive. The
Japanese regard all their dolls as
alutost sacred. ""A pretty belief, of
Japanese maidens I" thatIf they
love"their dolls enough, they will
become' l1vlB74Tngs. "-'
The Japanese, represent sex in
their painting's of flowers and it
is natural to find the children in
that country ..with dolls hearing
the seVorgahs portrayed in detail.
Practically ;all dolls intended for
consumption are so
. F. Ew S hater's Harness5 and
Leather Goods store, 170 S: Com'l.
Suit cases, rallses. portfolios, hrb-x
cases, gloves, and mittens. Larn
stock. The pioneer store. ; (
Nash leads the world. In motor
car, values. Tjeauiif ul d Isplay of
new - models at the F. W. Petty
John' Co..' 3 65 N. Cora'L ()
1 1
1 .
I 1 e-
To Our Many
Customers and Friends
; . -----
Merry Xmas
..,'- -.-- a
New Year
. . '
Hillman Fuel Co.
Otto Hiliman
-v. 1
Hear Ye ! !
Hear Ye ! !
We Extend
To All Our
Friends and3 Customers
Thankinjr Them
One and All for Their
Patronage Tfiis Past Year
Shermanplay & Co.
1 is rjrz', -i3&rtr -sJ j
4 For Their Patronage This Past Year,
and to Wish Them
A Very
e :- :J . '. ; ' : ' . . - . - ., , . . . . , . -. .. - . - .. . .. 7-