The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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A group of prominent Salem children who are celebratinR Christmas today in their homes: Lpper
loft: William Carson McCaranion. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MrCamraon. Upper right: Mary Patricia,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley. Lower left: Thomas B. Kay III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ercel
Kay. Lwer right': Thomas A. Roberts. Jr., toft of Mt. and Mrs. T. A. Roberts.
Mis Lord at Shelton
Hotel for Xmas Holidays
Misa Kliabeth ord is spending
the Christmas season at the Shel
ton Hotel in New York City. The
building, which Is one of the most
beautiful and distinctive of re
rent years, exemplifies a new type
or architecture. Friends inter
ested in sending greetings to Miss
Lord may address her in care of
the hotel which is on Lexington
Avenu at 48th Stree. She win
be at th Shelton until New
Tomorrow Misa. Eugenia Zeib
er will Join Miss Lord.
Chriz&nas Party Is Enjoyed .
at' Charles Chase Home " .
on Croisan Creek
: A most enjoyable evening was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Chase on 'Croieafa 'Creek
southwest of town on Thursday
evening when a group of friends
inotored out for the evening.
f The Christmas tree sparkled in
the light' of a glowing yule-log In
.the Nre p!e. whtle other evi
dences of a festive Christmas
trere in evidence throughout.
j Th newly installed radio af
forded music and other entertain
ment, including a very interesting
service from the Angolus Temple,
with Aimeo Semple MCPherson in
The feature event of the even
ing was a burlesque Christmas
tree from which gifts were dis
tributed by a real Santa Claus
impersonated by Mr. Chase, the
host. No gifts of more than 25
cent value were allowed.
Delightful refreshments were
served by Mrs. Chase, assisted byl
her sister. Miss Gladys Harbert.
Among those in the group
were? Mr." 'and Mrs. C. N: Need
ham, Mr. - and Mrs. W. C. Con
ner, -Miss Gladys Harbert, Clare
Conner, and the h6sts, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Chase..
Christmas Week-find Will,
be Celebrated at the
Elsinore Theater
Various types of home talent
will be featured at the Elsinore
Theatre over the Christmas week
end including both song and
dance. Since this is .the first
Christmas celebration in the his
tory of this theatre the manage
ment is eager to Impress the peo
ple anew with the fact that it is
. ?
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I rift I TLM ft A JfyvVT.
0L4 can
their theatre, and a stage, on oc
casions, for their own talent.
A special number will be the
singing of Christmas carils by a(
mixed quartet including Richard.
Robertson, Margaret Hodge Rose
crans, Louise Benson Robertson,
and Richard Barton.
The complete program for the
week end has been announced as
I In Scrambled Yeggs Felix
II "Out Where the West Be
gins," recitation
. . . .Miss Francis Lawes
III Prologue
... .Staged by John W. Martin
A Invictus Huhm
Mr. Dan. F. Langjenberg pre
sents Martin J. Doerfler, bass
B Virginia Reel & Square Donee
Miss Bonnie Schaefer, F.e
Williams', Iris. Brown, Nibo
Shoemake, Jean Andrews,
Francis Baier, Martha Hob
son, Doris Hicks.
(From Helen Hope Rodolf's
Studio of Russian Ballet.)
C The Ragged Vagabond
. . . -. Randolph
Salem' Indian School presents
Mr. Raymond Haldane.
D Spanish Dance. . .Helen Rodolf
E Prayer Claire Hurley
F Songs My Mother Taught Me
Mr Martin J. Doerfler
IV Elsinore Theatre presents
The Henry King Production
From the famous novel by Harold
Bell Wright
' ' "with - '
Ronald Colman and Vilma Banky
Christmas Dinner at
Wallace Orchards
Christmas dinneT at Wallace
Orchards will be served a 6 oclock
this evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Paul B. Wallace as hosts. In the
gronp will be Miss Edna L. Sterl
ing of Seattle, Miss Mabel Robert
son, Mrs. Elizabeth McNary Al
bert. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Scott,
Prof. H. C. Kohler, . Nancy Lou
Wallace and the hosts. Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace. A basket, of red
poinsiHtas and rcl candles in sil
ver holders will .ornament Ibc
W. R. C. Ladies' Aid
The meeting of the Ladies' Aid
society of the Woman's Relief
Corps which was postponed from
this week to next on account ol
the Christmas holidays will be
held on Thursday, December 30,
at the home of Mrs. Katie Scott,
850 13 Street. . ;
Sympathy Is Extended
Friends of Col. and Mrs. E.
Hofer are extending their sympa
thy on the occasion of the death
or Mr. Hofer'a sister. Misa Flor
ence McKInney, during the Christ
By Emma M. Whealdun
0 Christmas is a ship that sail
Along the coast of years.
All fieighted down with memories
Of laughter and of tears.
And -i? this ship in yearry round
Comes sailing in frtiiii .--a.
She brings, like argosy of old.
The golden fleece to me.
Her decks ire piled with cedar boughs.
With mistletoe and holly;
Her hold is filled with gifts of love,
With toy and Christmas dolly.
Tl fi-f'.- m (Kic in the lra"t;rant breath
Of fir and cedar twining:
-A score of Chri-itmases and more
With this one are combining.
The far and near are interchanged,
Til's long ao is now;
These carol singers blend with those
Who've crowns upon their brow.
1 hear a tender, haunting strain
Of melody that sings
Across the yuletides of the years,
Like rush of angel's wings.
I feel my childhood's happy thrill
In list'nins to the story
Of Jesus in a stable born.
While angels sang of glory.
The loved ones lost so long ago
Are mine again tonight;
Sweet miracle of Christmas joy
And Christmas candle light.
Now outward boajjd, dear phantom ship.
You set your sails once more;
God grant you land your freight at last
On yonder golden hore.
Beverlev Roberts. Season's :
Most Popular Bride-elect,
is Honored With Ball
No social affair has erer been
more distinctive than the formal
dance of Tuesday, evening at
which Mrs. Ada Strong and Mrs.
Fritz Slade - were - hostesses on
Tuesday evening honoring Miss
Beverley Roberts, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts,
and her fiance John Crandarf
Watson. '
The event was predominently
a. Yule-tide festival. Fir trees,
with a myriad twinkling, colored
lights literally outlined the ball
In the younger set were includ
ed the honor guests. Miss Roberts
and Mr. Watson, Miss Mildred
Roberts. Miss Dorothy .Livesley.
Miss Nancy Thielsen. Miss Char
lotte Zieber. Miss Lenta Baum
gartner, Miss Maxine Glover, Miss
Margaret Stolz. Miss Rovenna
Eyre, Miss Lucille DeWitte, Miss
Priscilla Fry, Miss Marjorie Hol-
man of Portland, Miss Virginia
Coke of Portland. Daryl Torrey of
Portland, Ted Young of Albany,
David Mason of Albany, Bill Sip
prell, Wallace Carson, John Caug
hill, Henry Thielsen, Willard
Marshall, Malcolm Smith, Asahel
Bush III, Tommy Livesley, Rob
ert Bishop and Chandler Brown.
Additional guests will be Mr.
and Mrs. Dan J. Fry Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mr! and Mrs.
W. Connell Dyer, Mr. and Mrs.
Curtis Cross, Mr. and. Mrs. T. A.
Llvealey, Mmond Mrs. Paul Hen
dricks, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Qulsen
berry. Mr. . and Mrs. Ercel Kay,
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hixson, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Waterous Craig, Mr.
and Mrs. Iner Olsen, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Rriffin. Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick Thielsen, Mr. and Mrs. John
Carson. Mj and Mrs. Allan Car
son, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCam
mon. Mr: and Mrs. . Hollis Hunt
ington. Mr. and Mrs. James Linn.
Major and Mrs. F. G. Andrea. Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. O'Neill, Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Lytle, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald' Young. Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ton Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Durbin Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Breyman
Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Asel Eoff. Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Powell, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Young, Mr. and Mrs.
R. M. Hofer. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Burns, Mr. and Mrs. William Wal
ton, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Locke. Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Deckebach.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carlton Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Burghardt
'Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brojvn, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Farmer, Dr. and
Mrs. T. C. Smith Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Ho
mer Egan. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Baumgartner. Mr. and Mrs. David
W. Eyre. Mrs. Asahel Bush, Mr.
and Mrs. George A. White,- Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Miss
Nell Thielfen. Miss Lou Thomp
son, Dr. Jerrald Backstrand, Carl
Gabrielson. Albert Egan and O.
K. DeWitte.
Church Bible Class
Holds Meeting
More than; 3(K members of the
Women's Bible class . of the First
Methodist church met at the home
or Mrs. Almlra Hale Thursday af
ternoon" for the" regular' business
meeting and Christmas party. Mrs.
Carl Gregg Doney spoke on
"Gifts. '- Refreshments were serTed
by Mrs. W. C. Young. "Mrs. G. F.
Johnston. Mrs. J. WPhenice and
the hosts. - ..
Plans ' w ere made for giving
gifts to several poor families you
Christmas day.
Ra inbow Girls P resell t
Christmas Pageant
Included in the cast of the
Christmas pageant which a tal
ented group of the Order of Rain
bow for Girls have given on sev
eral occasions arc: Angel, Vir
ginia Page; mother, Constance
Smart; Wise Men, Ruth Roblin,
Helen Lytic, and Mildred Drager;
Shepherds. 'Ethel Milburn, Dor
othy Meyer, Dorothy Ross, Molly
Trotman. and Arline Timm.
Mrs. Ira Darby directed the
girls in the production of the
Buren-Hausler Wedding
Will be Event of Monday
Sirht in Portland
6f much interest in Salem is
the wedding of Miss Luella Haus
jler -to Wolcott Buren, which will
take place in Portland on Monday
evening. Dec. 27. Mr. Buren is
J (Continued ad pax 8.)
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Is there a Santa Claus?
Dear Editor: I am eight years old. Some of my little friends
say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says if I see it in your news
paper it's so. Please tell me the truth. Is there a Santa Claus ?
Here Is the Letter Which Virginia Received From
the Editor of the Big Newspaper:
"Virginia, your friends are wrong. They have been
affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They
do not believe except they see. They think that noth
ing can be which is not comprehended by their little
minds. All minds, - Virginia, whether they be men's
or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours
man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as com
pared with the boundless world about him, as meas
ured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole
of truth and knowledge.
"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as
certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist,
and you know that they abound and give to yourlife
its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would
be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would
be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There
would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no ro
mance to make tolerable this existence. We should
have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The
eternal light with which childhood fills the world
would be extinguished.
"Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not
believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire
men to watch all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to
catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa
Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody
sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no
Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are
those that neither children nor men can see. Did you
ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not,
but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody
can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are un
seen and unseeable in the world.
"You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what
makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the
unseen world which not the strongest man nor even
the united strength of all the strongest men that ever
lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, ro
mance can push aside that curtain and view and picture
the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real?
Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else
real and abiding.
"No Sana Claus? Thank God! he lives, and he lives
forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia nay,
ten times ten thousand years from now, he will con
tinue to make glad the heart of childhood."
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A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Is the Wish of Miller's Store
Salem's -Leading Department Store
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