The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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Marion County Child
Health Demonstration
Holds Christmas Party
V- affair
infiW in
affair of more than ordinary
inOVst in a wee primim 01
CJjPwas dinners and dances was
th holiday party held last night
by the Marion County Child
Health Demonstration for the staff
and a group of special guests. The
affair, which was in the fc-m of
a dinner, party followed by a
Christmas feature and dancing,
was held at the home of Dr. and
M -s. Walter H. Brown.
The group of special guests In
vited for tlM evening included Mr.
njul Mr?. Georpe V. Kug and son
Robert and Wallace Mr. and Mrs.
A. .V. Fulkerson. Mr. and Mrs.
ltobert Cioetz and son.
The dinner was served at 5:t0
odork. A Christines hunt and
distrituiion of gifts following, af
ter which a program was enJoy.l
with a reading by )r Brown tne
at th features. The sing1n of
Christmas carols and. danclns
completed a t jcoughly delightful
occasion. , f .
In the staff group arv Dr. and
.Vrs. Walter H. Brown and son
and daughter Phillip and Lucy,
Kstella Ford. Dr. Eatella Ford
Warner, Mrs. Rosalia Greene, Miss
Elnora Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Thomson, Miss Ha Twedten. .
Mrs. Lydia King, Miss Gertrude
Stroud. Miss Agns Covalt, Miss,
Ella McNeill, Mrs. Helen McNeill,
.Mrs. Ruth Sheldon, Miss Grace '
Taylor. Mrs. Josephine . Taylor,
Miss Mildred Shackteton, Miss
Elizabeth Freeman aild nephew.
Miss Anne Simpson, Miss Mildred
Ehrig, Dr. Eatill L. Brunk, Dr.
and Mrs. Vernon A. Douglas and.
daughter Ruth, Miss Helen' Plppy,
Miss Mildred Johnston, Miss Es
ther Dieffenbach, Miss Vtvian Os
treick, Mrs. Blanche Schwiening,
Miss Zelda Harlan. Miss Althea
Stoneman, Miss Marian Lord, Miss
Kathryn Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs-. Lawrence Flagg.
Wedding Is Solemnized, at
YWCA Yesterday Morning
The living room at the city
YWCA was the scene of an at
tractive wedding at 11 o'clock
Thursday morning, Dec. 23, when
Miss Fern Andrew became the
bride of Mr. William Cone. Rev.
Forrest Finley was the officiating
clergyman. The impressive ring
ceremony was used.
Immediately preceding the cere
mony Mrs. Mildred Bright, YWCA
house mother, played "I Love Yon
7 as an instrumental solo
Th" Dride's only attendant was
Mrs. N. S. Berry, a sister of the
groom, who served as .matron of
A lovely improvised altar was
arranged for the ceremony which
was performed in' front of an or
namented Christmas tree, on
either side of which palms were
The bride was lovely in pale
green georgette. Her corsage was
of roses, fricsies and viqtets.
A wedding breakfast was served
following the ceremony. After a
wedding trip to. Portland Mr. and
fO HE'LL expect candy as a matter jl
& of course. She'll be doubly Jj MB
j happy to receive fresh, fat-choco- (i nsH-
rJ lates, ricji and creamy, "With the 'I p4 YiV
f j individual quality and flavor for s. U t.
j which the Gray -B
J ' .
Mrs. Cone will return to Lyons
to make their home.
Those who witnessed the cere
mony Included, Mrs. Mildred
Bright. Miss Elizabeth Baker, Mrs.
TV. H. Lorenz, Mrs. Sylvia Orrell,
Miss Rose Stajgr. Mrs. Finley.
Miss Finley, both of Junction
City, and Miss Clementine Charles.
Christmas Meeting of
General Aid Society Is
Interesting Affair of Week
The general aid society of the
First Methodist church, held the
annual Christmas meeting at 2:3 0
o'clock Wednesday in the church
Mrs. H. H.'Vandevort. president
of the society, presided. The af
ternoon openedwith a devotional
service led by Mrs. H. F. Shanks,
who chose the Christmas scripture
reading from rLuke II. During
the business session the Yew Park
circle was named to take charge
of the pulpit"decorations during
the month of January. The South
Central circle wjll be the hwstrss
circle for January.
South Central circle No. 1 re
ported the serving of the six
o'clock ctub sepper for the month
of December. .
The generar aid has lust bought
an electric range for the parson
age kitcnen and is already mak
ing plans to buy new curtains for
the choir loft.
A program and social hour fol
lowed the business session, with
the West CentraJ circle, of which
Mrs. I. L. Patterson is president,
in charge.
The short program, consisting
of a reading. "John Norton's
Christmas," by Miss Lulu It. Wal
ton, and two Christmas carols.
"There Is a Song in the Air" and
"Holy Night," sung by Mrs. Grant
The church, which had been
previously decorated for the vari
ous Christmas affairs of the sea
son, was made even more beauti
ful when a tea- table was placed
with a centerpiece of holly and
red berries. Red lighted tapers
glowed In crystal holders, "he
platform was decorated with two
beautiful evergreens ornamented
with silver.
The committee ,for the social
features included Mrs. A. B. Han
sen, Mrs. R. K. Ohling and 'Mrs.
Fred L. Miller, who were assisted
at the table by Mrs. J. H. Baker,
Mrs. Ronald , Glover and Miss
Minnie Miller. '
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary Is
Entertained at
McKinley Home
Mrs. Lulu Humphrey and Mrs.
Charles McKinley recently enter
tained several ladies of Hal Hib
bard auxiliary at the McKinley
residence. Holly, Oregon grape,
poinsettas, red and green tapers
were used about the rooms in
keeping" with the holiday spirit.
The afternoon was spent in needle
work and plans for dispensing
Christmas cheer to friends and
i needy ones.
I A beautiful birthday cake was
served in honor of Mrs. H. C.
teocial Calendar
r 1
Midnight service at St. Paul's
Episcopal church, 11:45 o'clock,
Christmas eve.
"Old Scrooge." Film at First
Congregational church, 7:15 o
clock. First Baptist church. Christ
mas music at two services, 11 a.
m. and 7:"0 p. ni. Choir of 2
voices under direction of R. H.
Christmas cantata at Knight
Memorial church, 7:30 o'clock.
Gould, Mrs. Charles .Brant. Mrs.
John Seymour and Mrs. Lulu
Humphrey. Beside the honor
guests the group, included Mrs.
A. T. Woolpert, Mrs. Fred Thomp
son, Mrs. Vernon Newcomb. Mrs.
J. H. Arnold, Mrs. Bessie Baker.
Mrs. Glen Frum and young son,
Mrs. B. J. Walcher. Mrs. H. O.
Miller, Mrs. Rayburn, Mrs. Percy
Pugh, Mrs. E. J. Raymond and
the hostesses. Mrs. Humphrey and
Mrs. McKinley.
The next meeting will bo at
the armory on January 3 Mon
day evening. Hal Hibbard ramp
and auxiliary will have a joint in
stallation of officers. The new
officers to be installed by the aux
iliary are the following: Presi
dent, Mrs. Bessie Haker; senior
vice president, Mrs. Percy Pugh;
junior vice president, Mrs. H. O.
Miller; chaplain. Mrs. F. Thomp
son; historian, Mrs. Charles Mc
Konley; patriotic instructor, Mrs.
A. T. Woolpert; conductor. Mrs.
Carle Abrams; assistant conduc
tor, Mrs. Chester Baker; guard.
Mrs. E. J. Raymond; assistant
guard, Mrs. Lulu Humphrey; mu
sician, Mrs. B. J. Walcher.
The new president will name
her treasurer and secretary at the
Sweet Briar Club
Holds Meeting
All 20 members of the Sweet
Briar club met at the home of
Mrs. W. P. McCall for a covered
dish luncheon yesterday. Two
guests, Mrs. A. H. Steener and
Mrs. Choffer of Calgary, Canada,
were present.
Those taking part in the pro
gram were Mrs. F. Allen. Mrs.
Arthur t'tley, Mrs. P., K. Mercer
and Mrs. V. F. McCall".
The next meeting of the club
will he held at the home of Mrs.
W. C. Franklin.
Sacajaicea Camp Fire Girls
The Saeajawea campfire girls
met at the First Presbyterian
church Wednrsfaju evening for
their annual froie. Stunts were
performed by the girls. Their
guardian presented each of them
with a box of campfire . stationery
for a Christmas present. Stories
were told after lunch.
Those present in the group w'ere
Grace Rhoades, Elizabeth Clem
ent. Roima Tully, Mildred Mul-
key, Genevieve Molkey, Edith
Clement, Doris Godsey and their
guardian, Mrs. R. M. T. Hester.
House Guest at
Barnes Home
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes are
entertaining as their house goes
their daughter, Mrs. Willard Seton
Kaufman (Ruth Barnes) of Se
attle. Mr. Kanf man will arrive
this evening to join the family.
Book-of-the-Month Club
Selects a Glasq&uf Booh
1oV '. CtWen t '' 'Hoiwrjt ...
The bock which has' been chosen
this "mdnth by the selecting-committee
or the Book-of-the-Month
club, of which the Salem Woman's
ftlub maintains a branch, is "The
Romantic Comedians," by Eller.
The following eminent folk of
letters accomplished the decision:
Henry Seidel Canby, chairman;
Ileywood Broun, Dorothy Canfield.
William Allen White and Chris
topher Morley.
"This book." says an accom
paning press sheet, "is Ellen Glas
gow's 15th novel, and from the
chorus of praise that has been
rising from the reviewing col
umns, it is apparent that quite
universally it is due to be con
sidered her best."
Dr. Canby says: "Miss Glas
gow lias exercised her very great
powers, not only in a feat of fine
writing, but in a story that should
move every middle-aged reader
and should interest every young.
For sTie has taken that situation
usually made absurd or merely
pathetic, the devoted love of an
oldish man for youth in a lovely
Rev. Martin Fereshetian. pas
tor of the First Unitarian church,
and a scholar along many lines,
conducts the Book-of-the-Month
Study club which meets at the
Woman's club house.
The next meeting will be on
Jan. 3, 1927.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackerbu
Will Ohsrrrp. Inth Wed'dinn
Anniversary on Neic Year' ft
In honor of the 25 th anniver
ary of their marriage Mr. and
Mrs. P. L. Hlackerby of 1130 S.
Liberty street, will entertain their
friends at an "open house" on
New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs.
Blackerby will welcome their vis
itors all afternoon and evening.
Miss Neptune Is Guest
Miss Doris Neptune, who is
teaching at Cove, Or., will spend
the Christmas holidays at Ikt
home in Salem.
House Guests From Seattle
Miss Mary AiKen and Miss Effie
Aiken of Seattle will' spend the
Christmas holidays in Salem as
the house guests of Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Aiken. The Misses Aiken
are teachers in the Seattle schools
and sisters of Mr. Aiken.
7 vitr---ff I
And through
the years . . .
Let this gift of music
brighten your "home
"THE GIFT the angels
brought to Bethle
hem! -the gift of music
and song
Nothing you can
choose will bring more
deep and lasting joy into
your home than this
same gift.
Give it not for this
Christmas only, but for
all the richer, happier
years to come.
And let it be music
you play yourselves -and
so .enjoy far more than
any other.
Such is the music of the
Gulbransen Registering
It gives you all the pleas
ure of hand playing. It en
ables you to play with all
the naturalness and beauty
of hand playing.
Gulbraoaea RegiaCcring Piano
S450. $530, 95. $700
Minuet (h'lQC
Model tyZtD
for hand playing, is only 3 feet
, 8H Inches ih height, yet its tone
is full and sweet. Beautifully fin
ished In Du Pont Duco. A Gul
bransen quality product through
' out -for less than $300.
Uprights Grand
$29$, 350. $440 $785
P ices branded on cocfc pianm
Portland lusiq Co.
L. Luosford -355
North High Street
' 1 Z m
Guest at Belle Home
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Belle will
have as their house guest over
the Christmas holidays" their
laughter. Miss Grnie Belle, who
will arrive from Portland this af
ternoon. Christmas Visitors at
Moore Home
Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth A.
Moores and children of Seattle are
Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs
A X. Moores.
Week-End in Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perrine and
sons. Stanley and Johnny, will j
leave in the morning' for Eugene
where they will spend the holiday!
week-end as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Perrine's daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hodges.
Miss Simpson Is Guest
Miss Mabel Simpson of Portland
will be the gust of her sister.
Mis3 Anne Simpson at the Marion
hotel over tlio Christmas week
end. Holiday in Portland
Mrs. Mildred Bright and daugh
ter Miss Virginia Bright, will leave
this morning for Portland where
they will be quests until after
Christmas of Mrs. Bright's sister,
Mrs. H. X. Aldrich.
"Old Scrooqe" at First
Co w grega tiona I Chit rch
The Christmas film, "Old
Scrooge," will be shown at the
First Congregational church on
Sunday evening at 7:15 o'clock.
Unitarian Church Holds
Annual Christmas Meet
The annual I'nitarian church
entertainment for the Christmas
season was held in the church on
Thursday evening and was well
attended. A very interesting pro
gram was given, as follows:
Piano duet, Martha Louise
Fereshetian; recitation, "A Little
Boy in Our Street," Richard Ai'sla
man; recitation, "Some Good
Christmas Advice." Henry Keith;
.song. "Christmas," Dick Smith;
reciurtion, Betty Romaine; recita
tion, "Kris Kringle," Merlin Gun
neil; recitation, "Song of Christ
inas," Jack Pollock; recitation,
"Santa's Secret." Lucille Arsla-
man; recitation. "Jolly Batche-
N'o. 1
Mr. Richard Robertson, Tenor Mrs. Louise Robertson. Soprano
Margaret Rosecrans, Alto Mr. Richard Barton, Bass
A Silent Night t
U Little Town of Bethlehem
C Come All You Faithful
No. a
Recitation Miss Prances Lawes
Staged by John W. Martin
Mr. Dan P. Lan gen berg
Mr. Martin J. Doerfler, Barit6ne
A In vict us By Huhn
Miss Helen Hope Rodolfs Studio
B. . . . . Virginia Reel and Square Dance
Miss Bonnie Sehaefer Mr. Fae Williams
Miss Iris Brown Mr. NIbo Shoemake
Miss Jean Andrews Mr. Francis Ba4er
Miss Martha Hobson Mr. Doris Hicks
Salem Indian School '
Mr. Raymond Haldane
C. The Ragged Vagabond . . .... .By Randolph
Miss Helen Hope Rodolf
D. .V....;.. Spanish Dance
E Prayer .Miss Cfcire Hurley
F Songs '.My Mother Taught Me Mr. Martin J. Doerfler
MATINEE 10c - 35c EVENING 20c - 35c - 50c
3bm T$1W
lor," song:. "Christmas Bells,"
Louise Cramer; recitation. "'Santa
C'laus in Ireland." Phyllis Keith:
recitation. '"Quite a Stoekins."
Walsa Lumen; recitation. "A Very
Benevolent Boy," Buddy Arlsa-
mun; violin solo. "Twilijilu Pic
ture," Kleanor" Wagstaff; recita
tion. "A Dutch ("lirl's Christmas."
Scdonia Keith; recitation. Peter
Batcheller: Barcarolle. Tales of
Hoifman. Marjory Taylor; recita
tion. "In Santa's Shop." Kleanor
Wasstafl"; recitation. Twas the
Night Before Christmas." Frances'
Ilostou; duet, "Qui Vive." by
Truth Houston and Helen Pollock.
An additional feature of the
program was an interesting three
act play. Those taking part in it
wore Jack Hathaway. Robert Hall.
Freddie Jacobson. Rose Houston,
NJarjorie Taylor. Louise Cramer,
Elinor Wagstaff and Rev. Martin
This was a wbita pift Christmas
program, and articles were pre
sented for use of the Associated
State Prohibition Officer
Finds 50 Gallons of Wine
Fifty gallons of wine were net
ted by Claude Hickman, state pro
hibition officer, when he arrested
Mrs. Therest Becker of Uervajs
for violation of the prohibition
law. Mrs. Reckor is said to have
poured most of the liquor on Hick
man in an effort to resist arrest.
Mrs. Becker was released on
$153 bail. Her husband. Petfr
Becker, is said by officers to have
been arrested twice for violations
of the liquor laws.
State Highway Trucks to
" Distribute 100 Crates
Christmas Cheer
Karly this morning two big
state highway trucks, whose serv
ices together with drivers, were
obtained through the courtesy of
E. A. Halek, foreman of the high
way shops, will begin distribution
of The Statesman-Salvation Army
Christmas boxes. Each of these
boxes, about 100 in all, have been
filled with a week's supply of
staple food articles and on top of
every box will be either a chicken
or a roast and a specially baked
cake for the Christmas dinner.
There are 30 articles in each box
selected with a view of meeting:
the needs of the average family.
Quantities in the boxes vary, some
being made up for large families,
others for old couples and still
others for single old people. No
one will be overlooked.
Many of the families, who will
be recipients of these boxes of
Your Theatre
With Special
Starts Saturday
Wally Jackson and Co.
"A Novelty Act"
Present Few Pleasant
The Life Saver Moments
A Feature Picture
MATINEE 10c - 35c EVENING 20c - 50c
j res ems j
c Crt&icst.Comedf
good cheer today, have. heretofor
Tjeen receiving "slides "and clothing
from the Salvation Army. , s i' " I
Mrs. Pitt has for the past two
weeks' been giving: special atten
tion lo the needs of a number of
child inmates of the state laber
eulosi hospital and some of the
old people of Salem. The Elks
eommittee together with Ensign
Pitt and Mrs. Young of the Salem
Associated Charities, have care
fully checked over their Tarpons
charges and feel certain that never
before have the poor been taken
care of in Salem as they will t)
this year.
SILVERTON, Ore., Dec. 22.-
(Special.) Alvah Van Cleave
left Monday for Gibralter on a
business trip. He expected to re-,
turn to Silverton sometime this
week. - ' ;
Wed. Night, Dec. 29
The All Colored Musical
Comedy Success' "'
Fifty People
- Southern Ueauty Chorus ,
pixie prchesj.ra
"Charleston" "Black Bot
tom" "Alabama Strut" '
Danced by the Originators
50c to $1.65
Including Tax 1
A Parisian Novelty