The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 .
First Gjpth Made in Salem's Soconri ; Linen EUlill, and
Linen Display, in Shipley's lyjVindpyif
! i ? - , ' , , t . . ....... . 1 " i '"' -
This Is tfte Last Day Before Ch'ri
... . b ! a
to Help the Christmas FUhd for Salem's Nee.dy
S i
WEATHER FORECAST: Unsettled, rain
In west portion; rising temperature; in
creasing southerly wind becoming gales
on coast. Maximum yesterday. 38; mini
mum, 28; river, 6.8; rainfall, none; atmos-,
phere, part cloudy; wind, southeast.
Trotzky has given up and promised his
red comrades that he will be good from
now on. And this . promise is doubtless
worth just as much as the average com
munistic one.
u. s. s
Details Which Prompt Land
ing of Party Unknown in
Slate Department Believes inter
ference With Hard Wood Lum
ber Shipments Cause of Ad
miral's Action
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. (A?)
A force of American blue jackets
hare been landed at Rio Grande
Bar. Nicaragua, to protect Ameri
can and foreign lives and property,
the state department announced
late today.
The department said that Rear
Admiral Latimer had sent word
from his flagship, the cruiser
Rochester, that he had sent ashore
a landing body of Bailors and was
proceeding himself to Puerto Ca
bezas. No further details of the situa
tion which prompted the landing
were given. . "
Rio Grande Bar is assumed at
the state department to be at the
mouth of the river of that name
on the east coast of Nicaragua.
There have been no previous official-dispatches
report difficulties
encountered ."by American and
other foreign commercial Interests
in this region, now controlled by
the rebel revolutionists against
the Managua government, which
has been recognized by "the United
States. -
Admiral -Latimer himself is pro
ceeding on his flagship to the
(jfl Reenter of the revolutionary
tuft ent at Puerto J Cabezas,
which also Is on the east coast,
close to the Hoaduran border.
In the absence of any explana
tion from the admiral state der
partment officials were inclined to
believe that interferences' by the
revolutionaries with tb Movement
of hard wood lumber by American
and other foreign companies had
caused the naval commander to
put ashore a blue jacket force.
These companies, it was said,
probably have loading terminals
at the sea outlets of the Rio
Grande and other rivers which tap
the hard wood lumber regions.
The leader of the revolutionary
movement, former-Vice President
rOratlnnad oa p 8.)
United States Attorney Believes
Close Approach Blade to Of
ficial Corruption
SEATTLE, Dec. 23. (AP)
As the number of arrests in a gi
gantic liquor conspiracy case of
northwest Washington tonight ap
proached 30, the names of 11 Se
attle policemen, a former federal
prohibition agent, a county prose
cutor,! two deputy , sheriffs and a
former itate senator were on the
list of those who had been feppre
bended. The arrests were made
on indictments returned by a fed
eral grand jury here last night.
More than 100 persons were
"We are closer to the thrones
of official 'corruption than we
have ever been before." declared
t'nited States Attorney Revelle.
"And I am afraid wo are about
as close as we will eTer get."
Ed P, Fitzgerald; prominent In
King county republican politics,
and a traveling guard of the state
penitentiary at WiUla Walla, was
sought tonight on a ;ben'ch , war
rant, as were Frank' and John
Gatt, brothers- longrrepnted to! bo
intimately associated with King
SC !y law enforcement officers,
'iffy Oalts are at liberty on bail
Vending an appeal from- & previous
liquor conspiracy conviction.
Tons - of Brick Fall on Men as
lliit-nhtg Theater Collapses
WINNU'KG. Man..Y Dec, 23.4-
t Al')-V;'orese firemen wer killed
and one c ritrcally hurt when tons
-of bricks fell as, the Winnipeg
theater, which burBed.;today. -collapsed.
Js'ine other firemen were
-.iiUased.., XheBtractttre was a
dY&SjpeS . lanimarlb "J"
The majority of people de
sire to spend Christmas day
with home folks and in so do
ing they follow out the true
spirit of the season. Believ
ing in the real Christmas
spirit, The Oregon Statesman
Publishing company decided
to combine the editions of
December 25 and 26, and per
mit the members of The
Statesman family to spend the
day at their, homes. ; This
means a regular Christmas
edition will appear on Decem
ber 25, and there will be no
'edition on the morning of the
26th. The patrons of the pub
lication are requested to bear
this change in mind and assist
to the best ot their ability in
the spreading of the true
Christmas spirit.
Two New Bridge and. Two Steel
Spans Ordered by State -Commission
PORTLAND, Dec. 23. (AP
The estimate for the construction
Of the Wilson River-road, the so
called Tillamook cutoff, is 2,
736,400, according to. a .report re
ceived today by the state highway
commission from its engineering
department. The estimated cost
is said to be far in excess of that
originally calculated. The com
mission has no plans concerning
the Wilson river , road and. " the
survey and estimate was merely,
made to ascertain its cost. 'With
the present condition of the fi
nances ot the commission, it is
said, there is no immediate pros
pect of the state undertaking to
build the road. The report shows
the distance is 53.77 miles from
Forest . Grove to the town of
The oiling program for -1927
was outlined in today's session,
and involves 400 miles. Among
(Continued oa pace 2.)
Efforts to Quash Indictments Fail
Against Defendants
The last legal maneuver to up
set conspiracy indictments against
Albert B. Fall, former secretary
of the interior, and Harry F. Sin
clair, growing out of the leasing
of the Teapot Dome naval oil re
serve to Sinclair's Mammoth Oil
company, failed today and the
trial was docketed to begin in the
supreme court of the District of
Columbia on Feb. 2.
Fall and. Sinclair both entered
pleas of not guilty after Justice
Jennings Bailey had denied- two
motions, one in behalf of each de
fendant to quash the indictments.
Governor Pierce Commutes Sen
tence of Convicted Embezzler
Governor Pierce late yesterday
commuted the sentence of Earl C.
Patterson, serving a two year term
in the - state penitentiary on an
embezzlement charge. Patterson
was committed from Multnomah
county, and had served eight and
one halt months.
Patterson willtbe released this
morning, it was stated by Warden
J. W. Lillie ot the penitentiary.
Q JUioc luted Prcti '
American bluejackets landed in
The Fall-Sinclair oil trial was
set for February 2.
Peter Augustus, Jay, ambassador
to Argentina, resigned.
The war department ordered an
investigation of the Chanute field
aircraft crash.
Mexico was -denied the right to
ship 10 airplanes purchased in the
United States. '-,
Bids for an airmail route be
tween New York and Atlanta were
asked by the Uostmaster general.
Chairman Butler of the house
naval committee, charged that:the
United States Was "fooled" in sign-
i . u . ia9 n.ivil Hmitnttnn
yatjr; rr-) r-Trrt -;;r';rv 1
- ' -
Snow, frost, Winds, Lightn
ing and Frigid pains Strike
Sands of Mojave Desert Grow Cold
With Three. Inches of Snow
Reported and No
Sign of Le,t-Up
LOS ANGELES, .Dec. 23.
(AP) A medicine man who us
ually brews weather east of the
.Rockies, launched an attack on
rose blooms and citrus fruits in
southern California last night and
today with the east's most effec
tive weapons,. but was turned back
in defeaf although one life was
lost as a result of his antics.
j With, snow, frost, lightning and
frigid rain, the entire coastal area
about Los Angeles and the citrus
belt shivered and dodged during
the night and early, day.
Temperatures flirted near the
danger levels in the orange and
lemon country, but a counter of
fensive by the growers with
smudge pots left the fruit un-
I damaged.
Pasadena, Alhambra, Glendale
even Hollywood, were treated
with flurries of snow, while Los
Angeles got probably the nastiest
weather of all cold drizzling
A flash of lightning, descending
in the southwest aectio nof" the
city, severed a high tension wire
and Fireman Ross .Secbrist was
Many Endorsement Given, Served
Under Herbert Nunn
C. C. Klley of Klamath Falls,
who has been mentioned promi
nently, in connection with the of
fice of state highway engineer
under the Patterson administra
tion, was in Salem yesterday con
ferring with state officials and
Employes of the state highway de
partment. Mr. Kelley served as assistant
to Herbert Nunn, while the latter
was state highway engineer. It
was said that Mr. Kelley has re
ceived a large number of indorse
ments for the office.
Be Sure
nr--; mw "?ih - I
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iJCifld folk, you'll nq m
" ' :
Law Enacted at 1925 Legislature
and Approved by People
in November
Suit to enjoin the state highway
commission and the public service
commission from enforcing the
provisions of house bill No, 413,
otherwise known as the bus and
truck law, will be filed by attor
neys for the bus operators within
the next few days.
This was announced here yes
terday by John F. Logan, Portland
attorney, following a conference
attended by members of the high
way department, public service
commission and the bus interests.
The conference was held in the
offices of the public service com
mission. It was said that the bus oper
ators were satisfied with the regu
latory features of the law, but al
leged that the fees were excessive
and more than the revenue would
Attorneys for the bus interests
indicated that they might go be
fore the next legislature and seek
an adjustment of the fees which
would be satisfactory to both the
operators and the state. In event
such an agreement is reached the
litigation probably would be aban
doned. The law . under attack was
enacted at the 19 25 session of the
legislature but subsequently was
subjected to the referendum. The
voters at the general election sus
tained th action of the legisla
ture. The bus operators said they
would pay the fees under protest
pending disposition of the suit.
Census Report Shows Number of
Marriages Increased
The Bureau of Census report
received recently by County Clerk
IT. G. Boyer from the department ;
of commerce, giving the total num
ber of-marriages and divorces in
the United States, shows that there
were 2S8G divorces granted in
Oregon in 1925 as against 2946 id"
1924, a- decrease of 2 per cent.
There was an average of 3.34
divorces for each 1000 population,
being the average for the en
tire United States.
There were 6987 marriages in
the state in 1925 as against 69 67
in 1924 an increase of .3 per cent
and an average of 8.1 per each
thousand of population. The pop
ulation of "the state is estimated
in the report as being 863,0 64, and
the population of the United States
as 115,378,094.
That Santa Gets
'A ' Mv" it?'' i
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Christmas morning some kiddie's heart will b reak unless more people show their belief in
" 'Tis more blessed to give than to receive.'' Make yourself happier bylielping others in need.
. f 1 -
General Public Urged to Attend,
Seats for All, Distribution
' of Gifts
Promptly at 6:30 tonight the
doors of the armory will open for
the big Christmas tree given by
the Elks-Salvation Army. Any
children who have not secured
their tickets at the Army bead
quarters are urged to secure them
today, or if unable to do so before,
apply at the door of the armory
All day long workers under the
direction of Mrs. R. E. Skopil will
be busy preparing the big 25 foot
tree. Sergeant Harry Plant, cus
todian of the armory, will be on
hand to render all assistance pos
sible. From top to bottom the
tree will be loaded with decora
tions and colored lights and the
presents will be placed on special
tables in front of the platform.
Dr. B. F. Pound, chairman of
the Army advisory committee,
will have charge of the program
which will start promptly at 7
p. m. and continue for one hour.
(Continued on pass 2.)
the Letter
MXa0 Q :
ft I. rjiif'K
" jt iii ! -v .
empty stockino; mcAD5 tragedy.
of the Empty Stocking
. ...... .v.-..-; ::..:..;:v::-T-..
HE above scene may be typical
inmany homes in this commun
ity on Christmas morning un
less more of the good people join in
the Christmas Cheer work. Some
little kiddie, dear to the hearts of
a father and mother, will arise
with a bright face of expectancy
and race to the mantle only to
find an empty stocking. "The
tragedy of the empty stocking,"
yes, it is a tragedy, for all of the
joy and happiness will fade quick
ly from the child's face. The
hope and faith in those things
dear to the heart of every child,
and even adults, will have been
shattered. The home will be sad
dened as it should not be.
Such scenes should not take
place, for there should be no
"tragedy of the empty stocking"
on Christmas morning. Santa
Claus is working every hour to
make happy those who might have
been missed. He Deeds the help
of everyone in some manner. To
day is the last opportunity to join
in the Christmas Cheer work.
There are so many families need
ing help and so many worthy kid
dies who should not be disap
pointed that the picture of "The
Tragedy of the Empty Stocking"
should touch the hearts of all.
You'll make yourBelf happier on
Christmas day if you give some
thing toward the Christmas Cheer
for others. " 'Tis more blessed to
give than to receive," and yes it
is more fun also. Why riot try
Clothing and food should be
left with the Salvation Army and
the money with the Christmas
Cheer editor of The Statesman.
Everything will be used to make
someone happy on Christmas dayl
Do not hesitate another minute,
but join the Cheer crowd now.
Deliveries of Christmas Cheer
baskets begin this morning and
will continue until every needy
person possible has been remem
bered. Help the workers do more.
Loss at Pleasant School S5,000;
Some Insurance
The Pleasant school house, lo
cated about a mile east of Silver
ton, was completely destroyed by
fire yesterday evening about 6
When the flames were discover
ed by Elmer Lawrence, who lives
near the school, the building was
well afire. An alarm was turned
in and the Silverton fire depart
ment went out there, but could do
very little. The building, a one
room wooden structure, was burn
ed to the ground and all the equip
ment lost. . A new piano, which
had been in nse only 10 days, was
burned. No definite cause has
been placed for the conflagration,
although some think the fire
might have started from a defec
tive flue. A program was given
in the room during the afternoon
and when the people 'left every
thing there was no indication of
fire. " .
The loss has been estimated at
J5000, which is partly covered by
insurance of $3200.
Col. Ned M.:; Green, f who was ac
quitted? in fhe United States dis
trict court here last Tuesday of a
charge .of ha Ingf embezzled some
liquors confiscated by' the govern
ment, announced tonight that he
had resigned f as prohibition ad
ministrator for northern Califor
nia anil Novada.
Resolution Adopted Following
Criticism Concerning Text
book Body
Members of the state board of
education yesterday adopted a
resolution urging that the attor
ney general make no appearance
in the proceedings filed by David
M. Graham of Malheur county, to
restrain the board from entering
into contracts with the publishers
for textbooks selected at the an
nual meeting of the state textbook
commission held here in Novem
ber. It was alleged by Mr. Graham
in his complaint that the textbook
commission was not legally con
stituted, and that samples of text
books to be considered at the No
vember meeting were not in the
hands of its members 60 days
prior to the date fixed for the
A temporary injunction was is
sued at the time the original com
plaint was filed in the circuit
court for Multnomah county. The
board of education is now urging
that this injunction be made per
manent. The resolution was
signed by R. R. Turnerstate sup
erintendent of schools, and Bam
A. Kozer; secretary of state. Gov
ernor Pierce, third member ot the
board, refused to vote for the
"It is the opinion of the state
board of education," read the reso
lution, "that the interests Of the
public schools and the citizens of
Oregon will be best served ' if ' the
temporary injunction prayed for
in the action shall become per
manent, thus necessitating the
legislative assembly of the state
LofOregon to take cognizance of
Fill, -iotinn. oSti.otlon
Attorney General VanWInkle
indicated that he would comply
with the request of the board of
Both the secretary of state and
state superintendent of schools
previously issued letters in which
Continued on page 4)
The Statesman
Christmas .'
Cheer Fund
Are you going to be guilty
of making "The Tragedy of an
Empty Stocking" a reality?
"Today is th last opportunity
you will have this year to
help with the Christmas
Cheer work. f .
Don't put off the giving. an
other hour. Attend to it at
once ' and so cooperate with
Santa Claus. The Statesman
and -the Salvation Army in
their efforts to bring joy and
happiness to the many needy
and worthy people in the com
munity. Prrvionnly acknowledged 34.0."
A Friend
Rtty Board .... . , 5.0O
fcilem Ad Club . . 50.00
I'. Prtt
A. Friend ...
A Boy
Dr. George R. Yebri
In Fry
Fimt Baptist Church C-hTmt
mas program collection 26.97
Railroad Officials Unable to
Determine Exact Number
of Casualties
Jlerrily Chatting Holiday Crowd
Filled Both Crack Southern
R. Passenger Trains
to Capacity
ROCKMART, Ga., Dee. 23.-
(AP) Thirty'persons at least are
thought to have met death in the
wreck here early tonight of the
Royal Palm and Ponce de Leon,
crack Southern Railway passen
ger trains.
All of those killed were on the
northbound Ponce de Leon from
Miami, Fla., which collided head
on with the southbound train
the latter waited for it to pass
on a siding. No casualties oc
curred on the Royal Palm.'. The
number of injured was estimated
at 65.
The wreck occured In a driving
rain with the Ponce de Leon, car
rying a large number of passen
gers homeward bound 'for -the
holidays, running late at a'report
ed speed of 50 miles an hoar.
Most of the dead were.fn .tho
dining car of the FoncO de Leon
and a day coach immediately be
hind. The latter car was piled or.,
top of the smashed diner, part 6 1
it tearing through the roof and
dropping down into the car which
a tew seconds before had been
filled with merrily chatting din
ner hour crowds who were return
ing home for Christmas.
, Thirteen bodies already have,
been recovered from the ill-fated
cars, including a woman and three'
children, who ate together at one
table. Rescue workers found it,
necessary to use blow torches to
free the imprisoned bodies and
injured passengers. The ". work
was made doubly difficult by
darkness and a driving rain.
Those whose bodies were re
covered could not be Immediately
identified because of the absence
of their belongings, left behind
when they went to the dining car
for dinner. '
Confusion reigned as rescuers
(Con tinned on pare 4.
Construction of Ten Light Cruis
ers Asked to Strengthen
America was "fooled" into
scrapping her navy while other
signatories to the 1922 arms
treaty have violated the spirit of
the agreement by building more
ships than they discarded; Chair
man Butler, of the house naval
affairs committee, declared today
In a statement published In the
army and navy journal. "
Butler is author of the bill now
on the house calendar to authorize
construction of 10 light cruisers.
The-' realization had come t
him, he said, that" government
must be by force and an interna
tional arms agreement could be
obtained only hy fear. He added
that "America had no cruiser that
would invite any whatsoever.
"I would like the American peo
ple to le told what the American
commissioners told " the " house
naval affairs committee of their
experiences while sitting' in the
Geneva convention that was called
by the league of nations and to
which America was Invited and la
which America gladly" joined in
the hope that an agreement won Id
be reached providing f of a limita
tion . upon cruiser construction,"
he Baid. "
"I would further like the Amer
ican people to know that some ot
those nations, which are standing
out against America, inclnde fh
fighting Balkan states that have
neither ports nor ships and want
America to interfere in the land
armaments of Euronn ' .
benefit and " they are not rn.
cerned oa the naval armaments
at all.
"Our commissioners were indu
ed to sit upon the washboard a