The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 22, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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    Salpiw -'.KingV Dohratiqr?'.; pip&t 'J? ? Be fplfon Qver J3y F?porganizotipn pf the Original StpckhoI9rp
They Mawe Jjec Qolpraidp; dpvel More Are PrpjgcJ gre
.' .
WEATHER FORECAST: Unsettled with
light local rains In west portion and local
snows in eastern portion; temperature be
low normal; moderate northwest winds be
coming variable. Maximum yesterday, 41;
minimum; 34; river, 7.5; rainfall, .54;
atmosphere, cloudy; wind, southwest.
SHOP EARLY: Only three shopping days
remain befoire Christmas. Do your shop-'
pins early and arefd the rush".. . You will
find a new delight in this early shopping,
and also you'll bring happiness to the;
merchants and the postofflce clerks. , . ... .
Colonel Green Exonerated of
Charge of Embezzling
Liquor Stores
l nited States IHtrict Attorney
Satisfied With Verdict anil
Say Law and Duty
Folly Performed
SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., Dec. 2f.
( AP)-f-Cplohel Ned M. Green,
former federal prohibition admin
istrator here, was acquitted by a
jury in the United States district
court today oaa charge of em
lzz'linK confiscated government
lienor stores.
Th jury went out at 4:17 p.m.
and reported at 4:33 p. m. that
it hart reached a verdict,. Judge
A. K. St. Sure was sent for and
t ho clerk' of the court read the
verdict of acquittal.
The jury not only exonerated
Colonel Green on the eight counts
remaining in "the indictment but
on the three additional counts that
were dismissed during -,the trial,
civinK the colonel a Vclean slate.?
Theodore J. Roche, chief de
fense counsel, announced Imme
diately after the verdict that he
would telegraph to General Lin
coln Andrews in .Washington ask
ing that4 Colonel Green be rein
stated as federal dry administrator
so that the colonel ... ntay resign
with a clean record.
When the veraict was returned
there was a demonstration in the
couH room that had to' be sup
prSd by the bailiffs.
"Hi jurors crowded around the
defejse counsel table and con
gratulated Colonel Green and the
defe'n&V attorneys." They were In
the midst of thia when Judge St.
Sure remarked: j ,
'"We must atop this now. Let
us not have any reception commit
tees here." .
Colonel Green said later that he
might accept reappointment atTthe
hands of General Andrews if" con
ditions demand It, "but. the whole
thing is poison to me now."
The courtroom was cleared a
few minutes afteti the verdict, was
returned. ' .
"We are satisfied with the ver
dict," United States District At
torney George Hatfield said. "We
(Coatini4 on para I.)
1'olice Check on Passengers Shows
Fatal Craft Carried
NEW YORK, Dec. 31. (AP)
The probable death toll due to the
apsizing of the launch Linseed
King in the Hudson river was set
it fil today when police announced
that 21 passengers were still Un
accounted for. Thirty bodies were
recovered and 29 person's were
saved from the ice choked river.
The launch left the 95th street
pier in the Manhattan shore early
vesterday morning loaded with la
borers answering the advertise
ment of an Edgewater, N. J.,
plant. The advertisement offered
7 cents an hour for unskilled
labor and the applicants were
singing for Joy as they left the
pier at the thought of obtaining
employment.' - j
The river was jammed with Ice
floes down from the upper river
and in midstream the launch cap
sized. Tugs anad other river craft
pulled from the freezing water all
who had been able to get out of
Oie cabin. Police checkups today
showed there were 80 men on
board although the captain, him
'klfC "PS tbe survivors said there
weijyt 60.
Tn bodies were found float
ing in the ice where the" launch
oyercurnea and the rest were
taken from the cabin after the
boat had been carried upstream
several miles bv the ice.
. "'Captain John Rohweider. f of
V . . 3""' . i ..
jbiwj -y. was unaer nonce
guard today in Knickerbocker loo.
pital, suffering from shock and
submersion and charged with hom
icide and negligence. He .was
picked out of the river as he was
skimming Jhrough the floating Ice
tonne jersesaore;
Five Pnn-AmeHcan Winged Mes
sPRRrrs of Peace to Tonr
Latin Countries
21. (A.P.) Riding tonight on
the gentle waters of Lagiina Madre
20 miles east of here, the army's
five pan-American flight planes
had completed the first leg of the
20.000 mile journey they began
at San Antonio today.
The winged messengers of peace
to neighboring ' nations to the
south lay close into the shore of
the once pirate island of Padre,
ready to start on the next lap of
the the flight oraorrow,,with Tam
pico, Mexico, scheduled as the
While the pilots were being
feted in Brownsville tonight by
officials of the United States and
Mexico, the planes were under the
watchful eyes of coast guardsmen
f com Point Isabel.
' The 260-mile hop from land to
water was made in two hours and
40 minutes, the planes averaging
about 90 miles an hour.
All the ships were functioning
normally as they' roared down to-
words the gulf and cfreled the land
locked laguna. Coast guard
launches scurried out tp the ships
as they strucklhe water, throw
ing high the sparkling spray. The
aviators were taken to Browns
ville by special train to be enter
tained at dinner. All were or
dered to retire at 10 p. m.
At Tampico, on the east coast of
Mexico, arrangements have been
made for a welcome befitting the
squadron's first landing on Latin-
American soil, and expressing the
spirit of co-fraternity among the
nations of the North and South
American continents.
Unidentified Assailant Shoots a
Rancher at Dor of Home
HOOD RIVER, Or., Dec. 21.
(AP.) R. F. Peepers, residing on
the La Roux ranch, ten miles from
the town of Mt. Hood, was shot
and killed by an unidentified as
sailant as ne answered a knock
on his front door about 1 o'clock
last night. '
Meager reports received here
declared .the shooting was a com
plete mystery, neither family or
friends being able to offer a logi
cal motive. '" Coroner Siston and
Sheriff Edick left immediately for
the Peeper ranch .to investigate.
Peepers and bis wife and three
children have been 'living on the
La Roux ranch for several months.
During the apple harvest season
he worked on several ranches.
Husband, Wife and Child Die
From Automobile Injuries
BAKERSFIELD. Cal., Dec. 21.
(AP); Assemblyman Alfred c.
Murray, of Riverside, who was in
jured in j&n Jautomobile accident
near here tonight ; in which his
wife-was killed, died at 11 p. m.
tonight. His son, aged nine, died
a few momenta later.
Ice Cream Sells at f 1.75 a Quart
With Mercury 40 Below
CIRCLE, Alaska, Dec. 21.
(AP) With, the thermometer at
40 below, ice cream sold rapidly
at $1.75 a quart here today. It
was pronounced the first shipment
of that delicacy from Seattle to
any point within the arctic circle.
" i Allocated Pre
The house passed the agricul
ture appropriation bill.
President Coolidge thought it
was unnecessary to rush construc
tion of the proposed ten light
The nation's winter wheat con
dition on Dec. i 1 wad estimated at
81.8 per cent of normaL '
. Two . moves ; to bar Frank L.
Smith, of Illinois, from .the' sen
ate were discussed by leaders.
t Justice Bailey reserved his rul
ing pn theinatlon Yo quash tle in
dictments "agalnstall vrid'-'Bln-ciair.
, . , . :', . VV.'
v At a n,ight i session ,the senate
passed the house fivers and har
bors 1)111 .with numerous .amend-
Judges and Commissioner to
t rfisehrMure Before "
Kanseler Holds Parents Respons
ible for 95 Per Cent of De-
. . .. , , . .
linquencies Among Chil
dren of Nation
Portland. Dec. 21. (AP)
The designation of market roads
in the various counties of Oregon
will be entirely in the hands of
the county courts or county com
missipners, and will not be made
by the state highway commission,
as the present law requires, if the
county judges and commissioners
succeed in having an amendment
to that effect enacted by the next
This was made known '
When the amendment was read
before the county officials, in an
nual session here.
It was declared by the judges
and commissioners that ' there
would be more general satisfaction
for all concerned if the authority
for designating the market roads
would be given to the counties, in
stead of -having it vested with the
(Continued on pope 2.1
Hundreds See Window Washer
Plunge From Building to Walk
PORTLAND. Dec. 21 (AP)
Two men died as the results of
accidents here today, while a third
man is at a hospital, not expected
to live. - -
Robert Randall, a window
washer, was killed shortly after
noon when, he fell from a second
story window. Hundreds saw the
man plunge to the sidewalk. He
suffered a deep fractured skull.
Carl Liberanti. 41, the second
man injured fatally, died from a
fractured skull and Internal in
juries after he fell in front of a
street car.
Sam Midoff wastaken to a hos
pital in an unconscious condition
after he had fallen in front of a
truck.' Physicians do not believe
he will recover.
Soldiers Deolavod Deserting Ranks
at Rote of One Thousand
a Month -
NEW YORK. Dec. 21. (AP)
The United States army was pic
tured today by Brigadier General
Henry J. Reilly. rainbow division
war veteran, as a demoralized
group of under-fed and unhappy
men. trooping dejectedly atros.s
the military scene on aged, under
nourished nags and living In
shacks unfit for habitation.
American soldiers, he said, are
deserting at Ihe rate of more than
1,000 every " month fn protest
against being made the victims of
excessive governmental economy.
In an article entitled "Our
('rumbling National Defense,"5 in
the January number of The Cen
tury Magazine, issued today. Gen
et al Feilly said the country's de
fense is in a precarious condition
due to economy measures of the
past six years.
The man power of the army, he
wrote, has been cut from 297,700
officers and men provided for in
the national defense act of 1920
to a total of 121.700. and that tie
contemplated strength of the na
tional guard under the same act
(Continued on page 3.)
. f
Ross Island Span in Portland Is
Example of Cantilever Type
PORTLAND, Dec. 21 (AP)
Completion of the $2,000,000
Ross Island bridge, latest to span
the Willamette river, and one of
the most outstanding examples of
the cantilever type to be con
structed in America, was ac
knowledged formally today in a
fitting dedicatory ceremony. Rep
resentatives of the state, county
and city took part in the dedica
tion of the hugeo structure.
Zoning Regulation Becomes City
Law With Mayor's Signature
Salem's zoning ordinance, pass
ed at Monday night's coruncil
meeting, was last night signed by
Mayor John B. Giesy, thus passing
the last obstacle to keep it from
becoming the law of the city.
The ordinance is the result of
several year's campaigning, and
was drawn up by the present zon
ing commission after several
weeks' work, both day and night.
The ordinance had an emer
gency clause attached, so it goes
' into effect immediately.
(Unless You Do Your Part)
Several Proposed Changes in Game
Laws Considered at Meeting
of Body
After a stormy session the Salem
Rod and Gun club adjourned at a
late hour yesterday evening with
nothing definite done in regard to
the election of officers for the
Coming year. The' club members
were faced with a number' of ques
tions in regard to proceedure un
der their by-laws and with a num
ber of questions of policy and
from the maze they were unable
to reach orderly solution.
Th questionnaire sent out by
members of the state game com
mission was first considered by
the club and definite action was
taken upon two of the points at
issue, these? being in regard to tho
deer season and in regard to
changfhg the dates of the Chinese
pheasant season.
Elimniating the spike buck
from legitimate game raised con
siderable comment, as it is in -accord
with the policy followed by a
number of eastern states in their
game conservation program. It
was attacked, however, on grounds
that it is too difficult to determine
whether or not a deer is a legiti
mate buck or only a spike and that
such a policy would have the effect
of increasing the game law viola
tions among sportsmen who were
conscientious hunters and had no
intent to violate the game laws.
Limiting the bag to a single
buck in one season was considered
as an unwise move because there
is no present danger of extermin
ating the game in Oregon and that
deer are still plentiful enough to
(Continued from pase 5.)
Lane County Man Chosen at
Meeting to Head Group'
PORTLAND, Dec. 21. (AP)
R. S. Bryson of Lane county was
elected president of the County
Clerk's association of Oregon at
the concluding session of the an
nual convention of the organiza
tion, held here today. Kent Shoe
maker, Hood River county, was
elected vice president, Carl Gilder
sleeve, Lincoln county, secretary,
and Delitia Stevens, Jackson coun
ty, treasurer. The clerks conclud
ed their business early this after
noon and attended the Ross Island
bridge dedication ceremonies.
Before concluding their session,
the county clerks went on record
in favor of a law permitting them
to close their offices Saturday afternoon.
Deal Made Under Grand
stand Allowed Detroit to
Win Third Place
Scandal Third That Has Rocked
Major Leagues Since Barring
Forever 8 White Sox
Players In 1919
CHICAGO, Dec. 21. (AP)
Two of the greatest baseball play
ers in the history of the game, Ty
Cobb, and Tris Speaker, today
were named by Commissioner
Kenesaw Mountain Land is in an
expose of a scandal that went back
to 1919, the year climaxed by the
famous crooked world's series be
tween the White Sox and Cincin
nati Reds.
Cobb, famed as the "Georgia
peach" and Speaker, the famous
"Spoke," of the Indians, had their
names linked with'"Dutch" Leon
ard, and "Smoky Joe? Wod,,both
former American league pitching
stars, in a conspiracy to bet on an
alleged "fixed" game between De
troit and Cleveland, played at De
troit on Sept. 25. 1919.
Cobb, until after the close of
the 1926 season, was manager of
the Detroit club, and a star player
on it for twenty years, while
Speaker held the same managerial
position with Cleveland. Both re
signed, suddenly, after the finish
of the 1926 pennant race.
The scandal, breaking today,
was the third that has rocked the
major leagues since the barring
forever of the eight White Sox
(Continued on pas 3.) '
State Committee to Prepare Bills
for Legislature
Members of the state tax inves
tigating committee " which was
created under an act of the last
legislature will meet in Salem to
day. Proposed laws to be sought
at the next session of the legisla
ture will be whipped'into shape at
the meeting of the committee.
The committee returned re
cently from California, where its
members spent 10 days investigat
ing the tax laws of that state. It
was said that one bill to be rec
ommended at tomorrow's meeting
will provide for a gross earnings
tax similar to that now in opera
tion in the state of California.
It also is likely that the com
mittee, will recommend an increase
in the corporation taxes, and the
levy of a tax on intangibles. A
more -equitable system of making
assessments also will be consid
ered at tomorrow's meeting.
Automobile of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
West Plunges From Road
REDDING, Cal., Dec. 21.
.AP) The bodies of a Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. West, formerly of Falls
City, Ore., were found today in
the Sacramento riveri near Cas
tella. Their automobile had
plunged from the bank into the
W. J. West was well known in
Salem having visited his brother,
Roscoe West, here many times.
Roscoe West lives east of Salem
on the Garden road.
Passenger HiU- Rear of Freight
Near Eureka
EUREKA, CaL, Dec. 21. (AP)
The Northwestern passenger train
which left here this morning for
San Francisco crashed into the
rear end of a southbound freight
train near Willetts about noon to
day, according to meagre reports
reaching here. The reports state
that the conductor of the freight
train and one other man were ser
iously injured
GREAT FALLS. Mont., Dec, 21.
tAPJ-Siyeri'B. Peterson, secre
tary of - the Montana Newspaper
association and until recently sec
retary of the Great Falls chamber
or commerce, committed suicide
here today by-' shooting himself
through, the heat) while be was in
the garage at Ms home, .
The Statesman
Cheer Fund
Unless a few more people
give of "their 'money and sup
plies some little youngster will
arise during the early hours on
Christmas morning and find an
empty stocking or some needy
family will have just the bare
necessities on that day.
Only a very few days remain
to aid Santa Clans. Bring your
money contributions' to the
Christmas Cheer editor of The
Statesman and the food and
clothing to the Salvation Army.
Join ' the Cheer crowd at
once " and help some needy
1 Previously aeknowMiced $83.50
I Mrs. "ilUy McRynolds 1.00
I Another PrinUr 1.00
v .,
Work With Santa and See Tfmt N'o
Sioc-kiug Remains Empty
This Year
Yesterday as the Christmas
Cheer editor was walking along
the streets of Salem he noticed a
little girl crying as though her
heart would break. Upon inquiry
he learned that she had lost a
very small sum of money, which
she had planned to use In getting
her mother a present. In this
home M'as the mother and two,
other little children. They had
only the things absolutely neces
sar5 to live on with yery little
prospects of anything to bring
Christmas Cheer into their lives.
Santa Claus is determined to make
a visit to this 'house and just as
many others of a smilar nature as
he is able.
Only, a very few days remain in
which to join forces with Santa
Claus in his efforts to visit every
needy famly. The Statesman and
the Salvation Army have been con
ducting a campaign for several
weeks urging the good citizens to
rally to the support of this worthy
wotk. Many have done so and no
doubt many more will do so in the
next few days. There should be
many more coming with their con
tributions: "The people are not
hard hearted," according to Santa
Clans', "they just are forgetful and
don't take time to think of the
great good they might do and the
happiness" they might bring to
others by giving a few things to
this work."
Clothing apd food should be
left with the Salvation Army for
distribution. The Army is ' mak
ing a careful check of needy cases
and every. article goes to some one
who really needs it. The money
should ibe sent to the Christmas
Qljeer editor of The Statesman and
evry cent will be used to buy
those things which the people need
as essentials. You may direct the
expenditure of the funds, but Just
be" sure and make the contribu
tions -within the next two days.
Don't make it necessary for
some youngster to arise on Christ
mas morning, and find an empty
stocking. Don't make it neces
sary for some needy family to
struggle through the day with
just the bare necessities.
Help others and make yourself
Contribute to the Christmas
Cheer fund.
- v - - " ' '
Governor Will Give Series of Ad
' dresses in Iowa
Governor Pierce has accepted an
invitation to give a series of ad
dresses in Iowa late in February,
according to announcement made
at the. executive department here
The governor will spend a few
weeks preceding his departure, for
Iowa on his ranch in. eastern Ore
gon. He ' will retire as governor
of the state January 10. following
the inauguration of L L. Patter
son, governor-elect.
Governor Will Practice in Portland
W . 'Willi pickson "
.PORTLAND, Dec. 21. (AP)
Governor-, Walter M. Pierce, chief
executive o Oregon during the1
past tour years, and Judge Asbby
tC." Dickson, of the -Multnomah
county -circuit court, both Ot whom
will retire from office theT first of
the year, have4 formed a law part
nership, and will practice in Port-
10'. ,-' -' -;-;'-:----
-This was announced today, by
Judgejpickson. The offices will
be opened January 1, he said.
Ill Fill'
Neyv Corporatipn Expects tQ
Commence Operations for.
Coming Season
All Stockholders Will Be Included
In Reorganization Whether
They Threat 'iiel Liti
gation r Nut
PORTLAND, Dec. 21. (AP)
The assets of the old Kings Food,
Products company are to be re
turned, a new corporation is to be
organized and its capital stock
exchanged for stock of the old
company, with the new company
operating the Kings plants at Sa
lem and The Dalles. There will
be alund of $125,0Q0 on hand for
initial plant operation, expected to
commence in time for the 192?
fruit and vegetable season.
This became known here to
night following an agreement be
tween representatives of the
Nassau company, which some tlm
ago took over many assets of the,
Ladd and Tilton Bank, and repre
sentatives of the stockholders com
mittee of Portland, composed of
stockholders In the defunct Kings
Food Product company." '
Representing the Nassau com
pany were the law firms bt WoodJ
Montague and MattblesBen; 'Dey,
Hampson and Nelson; and Winter
and Magulre. L. EL Crouch 'and
John F. Reilley represented stock
holders in the Kings company
holding approximately $l,3&o;oo
of stock, and -who also are 'nienv
bers' of the stockholders commit
tee of Portland.
Mr. Reilly declared that th
agreement, the result of several
months negotiation, will probably
end litigation growing oujL of the
sale of the company.
Terms of the settlement provide
that the Nassau company shall
foreclose the mortgages and
pledge's it holds against the plants,
patents and some personal prop
erty of the Kings Food Products
company, amounting to approxi
mately S800.000. It Is to turn
over the sheriff's certificate to
(Cnstinnod a Mil a)
Supporters of Bill Confident .Early
Agreement Will Be
The Tiyers and harbor bill was
passed tonight by the senate. The
vote was 5 7 to 9. All provisions
proposed by the senate commerce
committee as amendments to he
house bilb received approval. '
The bill as approved by the sen
ate would authorize the expendi
ture of about 170,000,000 on river
and harbor improvements In all
sections of the country. The fig
ure Is higher than the house pro
vided, and on aceonnt-of the sen
ate amendments the bill now goes .
to conference for adjustment 4 of
differences. " ' '
Supporters of the bill were con-'
fident that an early agreement
would be reached and that the
measure would be in the hands of '
President Coolidge well before
March 4. ' '
From every corner ot tfie floor
senators, shot new proposals Into
the already bulky measure as It
neared a vote and almost without -exception
the amendments went in
with a chorus of ayes. Among the
amendments incorporated in the
bill were:
Construction of inland water
ways from Jacksonville, Fla., to
Miami, 75 feet wide and S feet
deep, at a cost of $4,221,000.
X Improvement of Crescent City .
harbor, Cal. f- ,
-Improvement of Coos Bay har-.
bor. Ore., and "Gray's Harbor and
Olympia harbor, ; Wash. ; , '-J
Approval also was gives, to pro-1
posed ImpTOvtmeats of the Willi-:
pa harbor. Wash. '
.- Surveys of 'the following proj-r
ects in addition to those ' ordered
by the bouse were approved. .
Umpqua harbot and river J Ore
gon ; - Columbia river," - Wash in g- -
ton. between, 111 waco and Chinook; '
and Stillaguamlch river, Washington,-