The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 21, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    St. Louis Paper Carries
Story of Baseball Deal
"Between Teams
RT. LOUIS, Dec. 20. (AP
Rogers Hornsfajr, ' manager of the
world's - champion Cardinals, han
l)n traded to t be New Yorkf-
Giants for Franlrie Pfisch and
Jimmy Ring, pitcher, the St. lKoi
filobe Democrat said tonight.
The -paper , said that the an
nouncement had 'bean made by
President Sam iBTeadon after a
Ions distance' telephone conrersa
tion wltfi Charles Stoneham. pre
ident of -tfie NewTYork" clob.
Breadon announced that the
trade. was made 'because of his
failure to 'reach an agreement with
, Hornsby ovr a contract at an
other meeting today, in which
Harnsby asked for a three-year
contract and . Breadon stood pat
on a one-year document. The
meeting was the second discussion
orer the contract in two weeks.
No money wasinTorved In the
trad Breadon said.
I believe that to b a good
trade." Breadon said. "We get
a star , second baseman to' replace
Hornsby and we get a first string
pitcher to fill a flrBt string pitch
ing can that has been on our
club. I closed the deal with Mr.
Stonefaanv, president of. the iiW
York club.
" realize tliat it is a sensational
trade,, bnt It : had. to come. I did
ray besl to reach a iUract . set
tlement with Ifornsby fwt I learn
ed t the conference with Hornsby
today, that. a settlement was im
possible. . I, offered what I con
sidered a yery fair contract. Mr.
-.Hornsby still had -year. to run
on IsTcontract, which was a ?30,-
000 a year, in arcana 19Z5. 1
desired' t6':ebmblrie''thls contract
with tiiT 'trm ' to cover the sea -
sen'-ef 12I and to increase Horna-
by'4 saTary S0yOOO from T3 MOO
"Hornsby turned down this, of -
ferJ He still insisted on a three-'
yeat contract and he asked .for
$ 1 5p,0 0 0 for three- years
NEW YORK, Dee. 20. (AP.
Secretary James Tieraey of,tj
New -York Giants tonigh cpnflrm
ed announcement of a player ex-
change with the St. Louis Cardin
als 'under which Rogers Hornsby,
star second baseman and manager
of the world's ehaanpiens. wiir
come here in exchange Cor Infield"
er Frankie Frisch and Pitcher
Jimmy Ring. -- -. - -.,.
Th4rad was aceepedVas the
biggest iff-thehlstory -of s modtm
baseball, inromng -players esti
mated to be worth more than half
a milion dollars. Horrisby's worth
was placed at $300,000, both the
(Hants and Brooklyn Dodgers haw-;
ing offered a quarter .of a.' million
for him two years ago. ..Frisch. and
.... !. .i1!.!..
tung, togetner werejpnceo; we
'same figure.
Pens, pencils, stationery, pen
and pencil sets, heoks, Icedaks,
typewriters, magazines and novel
ties everything in the book, store
line for Christmas atPaJtQjiV.t)
Quality painting, "sbotfa varnish
and lacquer1 w6rVhrttri?fflsSlern
equipped pafri1?slipv ; Washing.
greasing and night set fleet tire
repairs. Wood's AtjoSeryice. (
t - -
Nash Furniture Co, takes the
lead "With low prices on chairs.
rockers, tables, wood and. steal
beds springs, mattresses. Safes
you 95. 219 N. CenVL t)
New sweaters! . A large ship
ment just in. New patterns, new
shades In the popular pull-over
and coat styles. Scotch Woolen
" t .
Pay Only
mOO Gash
Balance Easy Terms
thing In
Special at $3.95
; Kiddie Kars .
J Roller Skates
Give a
Harry W. Scott
Cardinal Second Baicnxin Goes to GinJij
(Continued from sage 1)
and through the agency of United
States district attorneys. ,
To support this statement,- "the
senator produced excerpts . from
testimony given "by f ormef District
Attorney Boyles'of southern Ala
bama, in a court proceeding at
The court record, he
friend of Smith, about raising the
$2,000,000. Reading from the
record Heflin said Boyles quoted
Boykfn as saying that "the plan
is to have liquor men, the men in
the liquor business and the brew
eries to contribute te this fund,"
and that United States attorneys
in some places already "had been
arranged with" to do the actual
collecting. ,
All of this testimony, said Sena
tor. Heflia, was read at . a secret
meeting of the senate judiciary
committee last April when Boyles'
nomination for another term as
dls4iefc--aoTttey-'was" pending;
Beyles Iknaelf was present, and,
affording1 to the committee rec
ord, he said at onu point that he
had not said the things attributed
to him. The district' attorney did
say, however, according to Sena
tor Heflin, that he had asked Jess
Smith to, help his condition for
JJnited States marshal. .,-
L "Sou Boyles - was to get Jess have.his men appointed
UnTted States marshal to gather in
the loot on this rotten work.
"1 don't knew whether It was
Mellon's money or the govern
ment's. But I know $3,000,000
was brought in and Jess Smith
was assigned to get the other
Senator Heflin said he made
these statements because he had
heard that he would receive a re
quest from District Attorney
Buckner of New York for evidence
to bear out his charge- that Smith
was murdered.
' :
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4.-" .t'''- f
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V :. )::-, . , :. ' '
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Low, Round Trip,
Oregon Electric Ry.
k and
Spokane, Portland & SeattleRy.
Tickets on sale Dec. 17. 18. 22, 23, 24, inclusive
Return limit January 4, 1927 V
-jc Albany .;. .;...;. $ 1.00 La Grande ..
Astoria $6.50 Seattle
Baker $20.50 q -
x Corv-llia . y.'jj $ 1J50 jacoma . $ 9.85
x Eugene $ 3.10 Walla Walla .-41540
Great Falls, Mont. $46.85
x Also Rood on Dec 25, 30, 31 and Jan. t
Proportional red net Ions between other points
Baggage checked to all, stations
O. E. Ry trains leave -Salem at 7:10, 10:10 a. m.;
1 :05, 4 :Q6,i 5 :30 8 :20 p. ta. t or Portland and at
10:00 a..m.; 12:5 4:15, 8:10 p. m. lot Eugene.
Returning: trains leave Portland (Hoyt Street) 8:05,
10 :50, a. m.; 2f;05, '4 J33 605 and 9 :30 -p. m. All
trains run through the business district of Portland.
rrave nff Tasaenger Agent
.-k 1 i :. . .- v .
Jack UcCuiluogh Victor
Babe Ruth Essay Congest
Jack McCullongh, 851 S. Churth
street, Is the Incky youngster .to
v.-in the bat and ball offered him
in th'e Babe Ruth essay contest. A
number of essays were turned in
and the selection was very diffi
cult for the Judges. Jack will re
ceive his prize on. the stage at the
CPitol theater Tuesday
As announced, there are five
other winners in this contest.
Tliey ran Jack a close race for the
big prize, but failed to score quite
as high. They are in the order of
the final markings: Richard Bak
er, Horace Stewart, Jean Luclen
Graham, Malcolm Badger Jr., and
Homer Kelly. They will receive
their tickets at the box office of
the Capitol theater.
Ira W. Jorgensen, 190 S. High
St. Parts for all makes of cars.
Best equipped auto accessory store
in this section. Prompt and re
liable service the rule. (J
- - - - ., --) r - .
The Marlon Automobile Co. The
Studebaker, the world's - greatest
automobile value. Operating cost
small. Will last a lifetime, with
care. Standard coach $1415. )
Bonesteele Motor Co., 474 S.
Com'l baa the Dodge automobile
for you. . AH steel body! Lasts a
lifetime. Ask Dodge owners They
will tell you. ()
The Cherry City1 Baking Co's
bread, pies and cake are of high
est quality. One of Oregon's most
sanitary bakeries; visit It. Worth
while. A Salem show place. ()
The Opera House Drug Store.
Service, quality, low prices, friend
ship give increasing patronage.
Old customers advise friends to
trade here. High and Court. ()
Pantlac Six still gweeping to
ward unchallenged leadership.
Landau sedar 4886 f. o. b. factory
Easy to pay on General Motors
time payment plan. Vick Bros. ( )
J. W. Ritcbie
7 A ,r
First Game of Three Pfayed
Last Night for City League
In a much faster sjame than the
scute would indicate the V. S.
Bankers defeated the Dellarport
quintet last night In the YMCA
gymnasium to the tune of 22-10.
The game was tiard fought
throughout and at the end of the
first half the score stood for
the Bankers. The battle royal
continued into the second half and
with three minutes to . go .the
Bankers led 14-10.
At that juno-
tion they apparently ran wild and
could not be stopped befere the
final Whistle.
Lucas played a" remarkable
game for the Bankers and ranged
all over the floor, securing 12
points. Shafer played ah excel
lent guarding game for the De
Harports. while DeHarport was
high point maa for the team with
6 pointers.
This Wa the first of a three
game aeries to be played between
the two teams to decide the cky
championship. The next game was
scheduled for Tuesday evening,
but has been postponed until next
The line up:
n. f. BilrR Pos. IVHrport
Krott K . Y2 Marr
Jtxa (4) -V..,,-., ffl) iMHarjwirt
l.uo (12) ( .' (0) Flake
It. Klley (2) O (0) J. muLtt-r
il. KHUij (0), O (2) Hagoraan
S Ward
S:.i '. Bachelor
Slate surface roofing applied
over your old shingles. We have
over 200 job in Saienr. Nelson
Bros., plumbers, sheet metal
work, 355 Chemeketa ()
Nash leads the world in motor
car values. Beautiful display of
new models at the P. W. Petty
john Co., 365 Nt Com'L ()
Fry's Drug Store, 380 N. Com'l.
the pioneer store. Everything for
everybody in the drug supply line,
with standard goods and quality
service always.
vernonia Hundreds of colonies 1
of bees will produce 200 pound
honey per hive.
Just received a new, lot of the hand tooled
Mah new designs and pieces such as ladies purses,
-sewing.sets, coin purses, gents" wallets, etc.
In many jbolors, priced as low as
$16.00, $10.50, $20.00 and $28.50
Gents' sets $5.00, $7.00, $8.00 and $10.75
Sterling Silver Pieces Special
r ! I 484 COURT. STREET. :: SALEM '
rUgH School Five Meets
Alumni Team Thursday
Coach H oil Is Huntington is not
oytimistie ever the coming bas
ketball game Thursday night be
tween the high school team and
the alumni. This year the alumni
have the advantage of having had
practice, making a prospect of
rough going for the red and black
John Drager, star of last year's
high school team, is expected to
play center for the alumni. Some
promising material for this year's
high school five is expected to
come to light In this game. A
big turnout is expected.
Wardrobe trunks as low as
$24.70 aad as high as $85. 18-in.
cowhide hand bags with leather
lining reduced from $8 to $5.90.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. ()
C. A. Luthy, reliable jewelry
store. What you are looking for
in jewelry. Whare a child can buy
as safely as a maa or woman.
Repairing in all lines. (
(Con tinned from page I)
Petroleum company announced
tonight that the price of gasoline
will be increased one cent a gallon
tomorrow making the price to
consumers 20 cents a gallon.
Neither Shell, Associated nor Un
ion gasoline offices here had re
ceived, word to increase the price,
although orders were expected be
fore morning. ,
fAP) The Standard Oil com
pany . of California today an
nounced that effective tomorrow
it will raise the price of gasoline
in 'its Pacific coast and tributary
territory. The increase will be
one cent a gallon in San Francisco
and points to the north and two
cents in Los Angeles and points
inland therefrom.
The price of gasoline in San
Francisco is now 18 cents a gallon
and in Los Angeles 16 cents, in
cluding the two cent state tax.
Christmas is the day for happi-
ness and rejoicing, but every day
1, one of pleasure if you eat Better
Yet Bread, made by the Better Yet
Baking Co., 264 N. Com'l. ()
Toilet Sets
i watch OUB wmmw y
we move next to the Oregon' theatre next month we can then say Window
Swift and Dramatic Finish
Made in Second Round
of 10 Round Bout
Jack Delaney, world's light
heavyweight champion, scored a
sensational two round victory to
night over Bud Gorman of Wis
consin, gaining a technical knock
out with a slashing attack that
ended the fight after one minute,
3S seconds of the second rennd.
It was Delaney's first bid for
honors in heavyweight ranks. He
spotted Gorman 25 pounds, weigh
ing 175 to his opponent's 200, but
put a swift and dramatic finish to
what was scheduled to have been
a ten round match.
Held to even terms in the first
round, and cut about the nose in
the first few seconds of the sec
ond round, Delaney appeared
slated for an interesting bout un
til his sharp shooting right hand
found its mark. A clean smash
to the point of the chin toppled
Gorman to the floor for a count
of eight, another knocked him
down for a ton of five. He came
up each time, but was out on his
feet, hopelessly beaten and cling
ing to the ropes when Referee
Jack Masterly stopped the fight.
Cross Meat Market. Biggest,
busiest aad best ia Salem. Choicest
steaks, bacon, hams, sausage, lard,
eggs, milk. Absolutely sanitary.
370 Slate St. ()
Halik & BofT Electric Shop, 337
Court St. Everything electric,
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. Get prices and
look at complete stock. . )
C. F. Breithaupt, florist and
decorator, 612 State. Phone 380.
Flowers, bulbs, floral designs for
all occasions. Pioneer and leader
in Salem. ()
Only the best! Our patrons
will bear this out. We serve only
the best in meats and poultry.
Hunt & Shaller Market, 263 N.
Commercial. ()
Falls City 30 tons of lime dis
tributed to farmers and gardeners
in and near town.
ASTORIA; Decr 20. (AP.)
Ralph Smith, Los Angeles heavy
weight, bo has been making his
home is Portland of . late, weft it
ten-round "decision from "Tfny"
Herman, ex-Astoria policeman in
the main event" of a boxing com
mission smoker hero tonight. The
affair was furiously fought, with
Smith clinching the argument by
a wild drfve in the closing anto in
which he had Herman hang! ft g on.
EUGENE, Dec. 20 (Ap)TeI
Thye, light .heavyweight Wrestler
of Portland, moved a notch nearer
the top here tonight by gaiaing a
fall and the match on a foul over
Tom Alley. Omaha, on the card
staged at the Heilig theater.
Alley took the initial fall in 21
' Ml p
Coif Esolida -travel
Christmas, New Year's- each comes
oaSaturday. So plan a trip. Visit the
Home folks. The whole family can got at
surprisingly low cost. For example:
$2.00 to Portland and back
Ro and trip fares specially reduced, for
.use Dee. 17, 13, 22, 23, 24, 25, .10, 31, Jan.
1 and good until Jan. 4.
mftlfoGE-a IPcBO0c
City Ticket Office 184 North Liberty Street
We Sell for Less
Come in SiH Paclg-crs
. . ... . . . SI . 35
minutea wiUi.a:h sel-Sors and Thye took the second
in 18 minutes with a double M rUt
lock. When the twomet for the
final fall Alley was slightly the
aggressor, but became too exei!-,j
When e hd Thye's neck over the
fopel tfsing his knee to advant
age the Omahan pressed the Port
lander's neck against th rr pft
Whteh. caused strangulation. at
Herman, Portland -referee, stnppj
the bout and awarded the match
to Thye. 5 ,
First National Bank, the har.k
of friendship and helpfuln,- ia
time of need. Interest I ca
time deposits. Open an account
and. watch your puney grow (
Sutherlin Golden Bosc p.ira
yielding average of 10 boxes per
nu- v. via- rH. .F ". ?US I Illicit. . UVLlMSVrUJTiZ .
llggtSgfegfczz: :T