; ' ' i & i c I m ma BIRD mWOS. ehnny4HinesScores-Affain in Amusing Comedy Film s ": About Milkman : There is So end to the limit mo-' I(ai f . - m picture producers will go these days to obtain the necessary .. realism In their nlot - .... " - i u cifjurnec 4 Tim mMtH r-k Johnny Mines , which plays today only at the Kl&inore with fire acta or randevitle. 7 "The Early Bird" has all to do 'With the TnetenrLn -rf nf a , . . ...J V. W Ul..fk '' irian to fame and fortune, and A afnce a great partt)f the situations take place in a milk bottling plant '" there waa nothing left for Pro-- ducer Durr to do but construct an actual bottling plant at the studio - 'ine tecnincai staff was able to field -dairy mechanicians and after . twp we eks of conistent work the , , task waa .completed. Two hun dred gallons of milk were: poured Into the vats and the mechanism started bottling forty-eight bottles of milk at the same 4ime. The rapidity, with which this machine literally "ate up" the bottles was remarkable, and so absorbed was the cast In watching the machine operate that more than half the supply of milk was exhausted be fore director Charles .Hines awoke .from hi rerery and ordered the works' stopped. , Good grade of cooking coal re ported from Elk river. Curry county. EXECUTRIX FINAL NOTICE .Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned executrix has filed her final account of the-estate of George Bayne, deceased, with the Clerk of the County, Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion Coun ty; and an order has been made and entered by, the said Court fix ing the 3rd day of January, 1927, at ten o'clock in the forenoon as the time for hearing objections to said final account and the settle ment thereof: find that any cred itor, or other person. Interested in said estate, may, on or before said time, show cause why said account ahould not be settled and ap proved as rendered. . Dated this 3rd day of Decem ber. 1926. MARY BATNE, Executrix' of the Will and Estate if George Bayne, Deceased. JOHN BAYNE. Attorney for Executrix. d3-10-l 7-24-31 Jfotlco of Intention to Improve Thompson Avenue From the North line of Center Street to ' the South Line of Frederick :i . Street. .. . Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City .of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and. expedient and hereby declares ft purpose and intention to im prove Thompson avenue from the north line of Center street to the south lne of Frederick street, in ' the City of Salem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the ex- - pense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by ' bringing said portion of said street . "ttfthe established grade, construct ing Portland cement . concrete curbs, and paving said. portion of said street with, a six-inch Port land, cement concrete pavement, thirty feet in width, 'in cccordance - with the plans and specifications tterefor which were adopted by the Common Council on Novem ber 15th, 1926, now on file In the office of the city recorder, and - which are hereby referred to and - made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to '''maker the above described improve !' thent by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil the 15 th day of November, 1926. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is Dec 8. 1926. Date of final publication hereof will be Dec 19, 1926. dl9 Notice of Intention to Improve .- Cross Street From the East Line of South 12th Street to the West Line of South 13th Street. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Cross street from the east line of South 12th street to the west line of South 13th street, in the City of Salem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and 'ad jacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by tire City of Salem. Oregon, by bring ing said portion of said street to the established grade, construct - lng Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Port land cement concrete pavement, thirty feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council, on .Novem ber 15, 1926 now on file in the office of the city rec&rder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ; The Common Council hereby de rlares Its purpose and. intention to ttake the above described improve ment .by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem.' Oregon.,. By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th. day of November, 1926. . . . M. POULSEN. City Recorder, ; Date of first publication hereof ; Is Dec 8, 1926. . - Date of final publication hereof will be Dec 19, 1926, dl9 Democrat Leader Enjoys Visit Abroad - v -4-- ;: ... v. 'J v. hi ;a Is ill j- ' ' , - ' 4 - " '' ' 1 I ' m"-'fmM li i , This photo of James M. Cox. former-governor of Ohio and democratic candidate for president in 1920, was taken recently in London, England. He is with Mrs. Cox. Real Estate Transfers Brennan. J. F.. to Brennan, E.. land in Ducharme Claim, C4-5-1, J10. Dusenbery, Elva L.. to Dusen bery. Walter E.. land in A. Bonin fant Claim, 43-5-2 W., SI. Nutting, W. B. and wife to Tur ner. F. E.. lots 1 and 2. block 38, Gervais. Oregon. J 10. Nutting. W. B. and wife to Tur ner. G. E.. lots 3-and 4. block SS, Gervais. Oregon, $10. N'eirkirk. 11. G. and wife to Kun- kel. John S.. lot 18. lreton F. F. $10. Manning. Donna E. and hus band to Smith. Walter D. and wife, lot 8. block 1. Brooklyn Add to Salem, Oregon. $10. Ladd'& Bush 'to Rowe. Harrison A. and wife. lot 7. block '29, Sa Uni. Oregon, $3&00. Burch. C. C. and wife to Ilaw k'ns. Ben H. and wife, part of lot 7 Marion Gardens. Sltf. , Bvrnes, G. E. and wife to Mor ris. J. D.. lots o znd 6. block 2. Wood burn. Orenon. $10. Smith. William L. to Smith. James E.. land In M. L.aForte Claim. $100; J. Isham claim $17: State Sec. 16-4-2 W.. $10. Fuller. Charles M. and wife . to Barnard. Arthur R. and wife, lot 2. block 8. Depot Add. to Salem. Oregon. $10. . : ; Angel. W. and wife to Keithley, A, F.. land in D. McMillan Claim. Sec. 24-9-2 W.. $10. Keithley. A. F and wife, to An tel. W and wife. 12 Me acres In D, McMillan Claim. Sec. 24 !-2 W. Jory. Walter H. to Mi.ldleton. O. K. and wife, land in T I'ranm Claim. Se-. 4--3 W.. 10. I Jory. Walter II.. to Middleton. f O. K. and wife, land in B. Simp son Claim. Sec. 9 and B. Harding Claim. Sec. 8-9-3 W.. $10. Williamson. John and wife to Bose. W I.. -lot 4. block 2. Wil liamson Add. to Salem. Ore.. $10. Hartley, Althea C. to HIbler. Grayce E.. lot 4, block 2, Church street Add. to Salem. $10. Ackerman. Howard to Acker man. Kuby, interest in lots S. 9. SH of lot 10. block 5, Kiver side Add. to Salem, $10. Martzatl. Irene S. and husband to Dumbeck. Inez A., lot 3, block 15. Englewood Add. to Saleri. Ore.. $10. Barnard. Arthur H. and wife to Childs. Leo N. and wife. land in Parrich Claim, 1-8-3 W.. $1. Pocan. Chas. and wife to Childs. f.o. N. and wife, lot 1. block 3, Walnut Grove Add. to Salem. $10. Hawkins. H. M. and wife to Miller. E. A and wife. E. SO feet of SW U block 12, Myers Add. to Salem. Ore., $10. Carter. W. 11. and wife to Car ter. E. C. and wife, land in B. Lipscomb Claim. 4 6-8-1 E, $10. Carter, W. H. and wife to Car ter. C. C. and wife. land in Lips comb Claim, 46-8-1 E.. $10. Carter. Myrtle E., Heater. Wil liam A. and wife, land In B. Lips comb Claim. 46-8-1 E.. $10. Carter, C. C. and wife to Car ter. Dorothy. 120 acres in O. Dake Claim. Sec. 21-9-2 E., $10. Carter. E. C. and wife to Car ter. W. H. and wife, land in O. Doke Claim. Sec. 21: J. M. Doke Claim. Sec. 22-9-2 E.. $10. Gilbert, Carrie to Drennon, O. T.. east Vz of lot 20 S. Silverton. Ore.. $10. Hicks. T. M. and wife to Krueg er. W. G., west of lots 7 and 8, block 2 Southwest Adj. to Sa lem. Ore., $10. Mortenson, William and wife to Bitney. L. M.. et al. lots 7 and 8 block 2. Woodburn, Ore., $800. Tompkins, Luella to Tompkins, Only 7 Shopping Days Till Christmas KAFOURY BROS. IS A GREAT STORE FAIRLY BURSTING WITH CHRISTMAS GIFTS Our store is wonderfully replete, overflowing with lovely things necessi ties luxuries and frivelous. Bring your Christmas, list along and find your inspirations. We can and will help you solve your gift problem. You Can Have What You Want at Kafoury Bros. Your Charge Account Makes It Possible - Use It! 3 SlVE TO NEW SILK UMBRELLAS FOR CHRISTMAS Very high grade stub size parasol umbrellas of won7i derful quality silk with fascinating beautiful bor ders. The smart new 16 rib frame handle and fer rule to malch. f7 Cf Special .Oil .' Jt.-.iawiii hmk MaayHWWWiWttfearw.Btiq "CHARGE IT". Credit, Privileges . - at Cash Price--. m n vr- a sw-ib-bi -h in "nnw.tarr tm t All silk good quality um brella; colored borders, suitable for sun or rain ' pretty stub handles with braided loop. Good line of colprs. 5.08 j J QQ value special JJO Gloria silk rainproof um brellas, have a pretty self colored border, sfib hanr dies. Stylish and .goodV looking. 4.98 f O ttQ value, special.... :y , v1 Salem Store 466 State SL CAX AND DO I : Portland Silk Store - ; . 362 Alder St., j H eads Changing - ' - -s . VW--. " : V V ; - -. Is ::: ..... -HjPlft tiiiiiu,. fc- vjc Englishmen's beads are chang ing shape but brain capacity isn't any larger, according to Sir Robert Kieth (above), noted phy sician and lecturer. Daniel E. and wife. of lot 5 and lot 6, block 32. Highland Add. to Salem, Ore.. $10. Fiester, D. L. and wife to Thatcher. C. l., N4 of lots 7 and 8. block 3. Capital Park Add.. Sa lem. $1. Bishop Blake of Methodist Church to Visit in Salem Bishop Edgar Blake, head of the Methodist church in Paris, France, will be a Tisitor In Salem today. Bishop Blake Is one of the best known leaders of the Method ist church, and is now making a tour of this country. Bishop Blake will be speaker at the Willamette university chapel period in the morning, and in the evening he will address a union meeting of all the Methodist church and any other interested persons at the First Methodist church. He will discuss "The Needs of the Protestant Church in Europe." LAKE SHIPS STORMBOUND PORT ARTHUR. Ont.. Dec. 15 -(AP) While ice-breaking tugs strove to keep the channels of Port Arthur and Fort William clear, a score of grain laden ves sels rode at anchor today awaiting an abatement , of the storm that has kept them confined since Sunday. Conditions on Lake Superior were reported more hazardous than at any time in 25 years The frequency of storms, low tem peratures and fogs from freezing waters have made navigation this fall exceptionally perilous. COUNTY JAIL OVERFLOWS KUOEXE. Dec. 16. (APV Ten prisoners in the Lane county jail will be taken to Portland to FARMER'S WAREHOUSE Paul Traglio, Prop. GRAIN, FEED AND SEED Free Delivery to any part of thecity. QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Telephone 28 I : ' STORAGE AND TRANSFER Long and Short Distance Hauling. Public and Private Storage. Fire Proof Building. FARMER'S WAREHOUSE PAUIi TRAGLIO. PROP. Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W be confined in the Multnomah county Jail, it wai announced to day by Sheriff Taylor. The local jail Is so badly crowded that con ditions are very unsanitary Ln county will pay'slxty cents day for each man. - About fifty pris oners are now confined In the jail here and it was built to comfort ably accommodate 12. Klamath Falls Klamath I Moudins company buys plant sit.. 10 acres At $1,000 an acre. Cr n-J eal Petroleum buys slte at sam i ac-re price. - " To CALIFORNIA By PICOCKSTAGES 30 HOURS TO SAN FRANCISCO Through Recllnlnc Chair Car Serrloe Pow Bchetelee Eacb Day With Stop Over PrlvUegee leaving the Terminal Hotel 9 :20 A. U 12 :20 P. M, 7 P. 1 :25 A. BL - - - SAN FRANCISCO - One Way ; - SI 5-50 Round Trip ; $30,00 One Way Kound Irip LOS ANGELES ror InformaUoa Gall At .$50.00 TERMINAL HOTEL or Phone 696 . 'is 6 NOBLE ANDREWS And His Sales Room Now Located At " 217 S. High St. ' With E. Tallman The place where you can get the big sweet Noble French prune trees which will bring you the big sweet prune like the ones which Mr. Andrews has exhibited for three years at the State Fairr THE PRICES OF THE TREES Each 6 to 8 ......$1.00 4 to 6 ft. JLL . .50 3 to 4 f t...... J25 Per 100 $75.00 '40.00 20.00 Per? 1000 ' $500.00 -350.00 150.00 Are Yoe BMldieg mem 7 Every day there are solicitors calling on local merchants for advertising on books, programs, menus, directory cards, etc. Many of these jobs are printed outside of Salem Salem money is going to support other cities. Salem has a number of well equipped Job Printing Shops which have ample equipment and facilities to handle all printing. Spend Your Money In Salem Statmaii'Publishing Co. Job Printing Department ' TELEPHONE 583 w : is j