' . m f ft i '.V "1 l a I V Jav? .1 .MODERN 3-ROC If -APARTMENT, 4.9 N. FToat." Jaonir 17 Uaioa. Adults ' Uy.-. ' - j.-1', . -.. --- ?8dl APARTMENT PHONE 2056-J. BSjll- FOR RSNT. DUPLTJt S1 N.- Winter. - APARTMENT. - 2 3 lot PUBNIMHKD APT.. FIRST FLOOR." 2 North Soatmvr. - " 23d 16 BOOMS FtR RENT NEWLY EQUiP- AaA lEiett, 1539 or 1280. 1080 Chev - j -gaaiPtf alt , ttt MimrirT rOIV RK.XT- How- - 27.' FOB BfcNTHOCSK, T BOOMS AMD btMlM fmm. Blk. Ughta, ftntM, 13ta Bt. across trmm iimhm eeurt 30.00 per tn. Call 9400-W. 974 t YOB) Omi.KMK.1-A WABU, WKXt tarnished . b4ro. loe In. Itm 747-W.- , 37M4U FOR RE!T-KCBXiaHtD BOCSES sad unfuraiaLed house. OKBTRUUK J M. PAGE 491 -Wort Cottago. " -7S5tf FOB BENT- .- ' '- ' . Large house 'FairgroaAd fru-a Xrota th anci luaea Mil). ?a per i W, It. 134 H lAl 29 per moath.- ', UlCArJKXuuuKT w. - iberty St. 27dl5 WATT3MB-rellaaeouj S5 wttdvITL'RE PAC C auit! fiieaa-I'swers Famitur Co. V 85e20tf i. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB . farm loans. Wi kve several appitca- tlone oa bead. tliwtint avoDerta In.. 305 Owr-tWl- 3&dl4tf FOR SALE 87 CHOICE 40-50 PRCJfKS. QUALITY foarsoteed. 5 lb. bo SSe; 10 lb.. 1; 5 lb. 2.25. Phoae F2. KdwiM Denser. Route 3. Box 158. 37d21 HOI GROWERS PLACE YOCR OR drs for kop itlfki vltk the Salem Wood Mfg. Co. $1 pr thousand. No. 402 Stat Ht.. 811, Oreg., ?7417 BKD-WETTINU ., Lackiag parfact eoaUat of ria la Tvuaa' r m qaickl rlle4 WriU today. - InatrvatUa fEE. JL 3. Wat a. Bs laa, Lea AaxaUa, CaUC . iti YOB 8aUC OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 anta .kaadU( BUtaaaas . Wanta Poma!aJ . . . 0T8tf FIRST CLA&a APPLES." ?5! i PER bos. AaSlrerad. Phoaa lifU. 3 74 J 5 CNIVEBSAL COMBINATIOX KASOE, Wbita aamel (iaisb, aaarty . Phoaa lexa-J.. l V; T4tS BLACK DIBT FOR 8AJ.E IK EITHER North or Hatk 8la. Baaneubla. Pon 374tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY 7 H IN. Wordiag, "Kooma to Beat." priec 10 caata eack. St teaman Boaiaeaa Oftioa, irronnd floor. - FOR SALE UveBloek SO GRADE COW GIVING 4 GAL. PEB DAY teatiag about 6 per cent. CUraaeo N. Holdaa, BC 4. Bos 46. 3dI5 BED W. LANOE, VETERINARIAN offie 539 S. OaauaareiaL Pfcoao 1199. Kaa. Pboaa I960, o33tf WOOD SAWING 42 LET IIAM8 SAW YOCB WOOD. PHONB 3500 J - 43O8-109T WOOD FOB SALE 43 OROWTH PIR WOOD 97.00 per el aeiiTere. Jp rue W2. Taraer.. . dt 16-INCH OLD.ITIB. PHONE 2356. 43J8' Biest Grade, of vWpod Dry ; wood. 4 f t- 1 9leB." Lbr go Vtad ara thnDM t.kir. Mill Wee la oar . BBMialt. ProatDt doUvery ; ad reaaoaabla t-leo. - - tin ft AihL v Pnoaa l 549.x . DRY SECOND' OBOWTH KB. tT. PataV M 1 n fliwr.. Pboaa 117PI. ' -4923 16 INCH BLOCK WOO a $8 T5 LOAD. 4 load 914. dry tlb vood .94.50 load drm fit. u lunk. fa. -Caziateoeoa. Pboaa 14jT , : 4916tf GOOD COAX DRY WOOD. . . .PROMPT DEUVUUts. - 1ULLMAN FC1X CO, TELEPHONE 1964. 8ALKM TRANSFER FCEL CO. Local d Loag Piataaeo Hasliag. Storage aad rnaL T52 Trade Bt Pboao 819. - 43a80tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, 2.76 16-in. tad tig par load, 4.00; 9 lnch old fig per load, 84.40. Prompi delivery. Tel. 2818. Timer Faot Yard. 1067 D treat. 493 2t 16-LVC1I OLD FlbVBECOKD GROWTH oak tad ; Jh8 fiT. U.J0.HH field? - ' 4fI8tf s' ICXTRY AS1 JEOCrS 4S FOR SALE THREB HUNDRED CirOlC4i Leajwora pallet also chickea boar aad twe-erectric brooder. Call 351- after 6 p. m.- ' " 4541T HAVK 23 FTNirnrRKET!. WANT TO dUssavsUrs. ..T., P-ilodgsoa. Phono Amity, Oregon. - v; a1 WHITB LEGHORN CHICKS FROM SB lerted heas mated with record male. Sale arrival gaaraateed. Doeombor. January 613 per 1: exprossago - pro paid. - Graham Hatchery; Hayward. Calif. 4dl3 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS. UOU.Y wood strain. fUe. 6. B 122, Pboao 100F9. , 45dl FOR SALE COCKERELS. BARRED Rock, OAC strain. Fiao vigorous birds. April batch. 98 OSCB. ajioo aaoaar. Vrvlla, Or. " 45d3t1 irFCRNrrUBE UPHOL8TERING AND RE patrtaf . Oisse-Power gnrntrare THE , SALEM WOOD MFO.'. CO, DO custom sawlac of both .hard aad. toft wood.-, Former bring ta yenr log aad tsk borne the lumber, vasrgrs . very veaaoflablel Salem Wood JUg. U. 402. Stat St.. Salem. 91dl7 . JKRSONAXi MARRY IF LON ELY JOIN "THE 8UC- LorTMpondenc cwa.v -deseriotions . free. Box (69, island. ; California. , 55dH UNO YOUNO LADY WORTH a rut ti k;ti . m i rtinV B-1032, WTekita, Kaaaaa. , S5d LOAN ttttt. tiiw ansoo an good SICUB itr. Taleoaoao 1166. 7a5tf vrnnit. rAK.lt LOAM& SO4. V. Wood, 841 State St,-, . itatTtf . . , Bt w aT n V4S J LIFE JX8TJBJLNCX5 COMPACT MONEY We ofUr yon. Vry tow lorost rsto - Prompt axamhaatiosv, Qmok elosinr of Joa. Liberal rrj?"? bTtvilog. Cbaa. Badkiae, Boom K!r?i7nie. t-rv aianv On. Phone o -r.? 7 ' Mltf WAJ5TXD-aimt6 - WANTED: oWt,la Private 2T 4l REAL W. H. GRABENHORST h 0a,- t 18d i. Llbertr it, 'B.,W X uood BcsoiEsa - opposTcsmta t'luoo Oraoary alar, fmo lacatiaa. r 2SOO KatlMraat ta aod laeatiaa. Variety- tttt m1 Waaia( aa- tablUbma. - - -- - -$3250" S rata, wll auippe4 avaat - tuarket ia arw balldiar. ' $3500 irnrj atara. 4iaf ca4 bsair aeaa. i 94504 Osrc aad aqnipataat. - WamMl trade lor city praaarty. 5bOO Uaod ceaiaatMaary aad, foaatala la liMim lueatiaa. . 9&300 Ceafectloaary aad laaea. goad loratloa, SOOOLOi'SKT SOS. 341 Btata. Roal EUta. Loaaa. lasnraaca. OldlStf REAL Bt-KINKSS OPPOKTUNITIE8 VXFECTfONKBY and luaeh roam aood baaiaessr fine location: Building; tons laaaa, oclt and fixture, livinc quarter. ONLY 3000. 8om tenn. PILLIXO STATION SaUmBuild iac. tork, rquipmanl. - Oond toa-te, low rent. ONLY 3700. $.000 will baa dl. . HIGHWAY SERVICE STATION Over 3', i -acre ground, two pomp; ron feetioaenr and fruit .staad. PRICE 95600. Down 91OO0. Accept iialem reaidenee. - APAKTMEXT HOUSE 4 faraishe apartment aad - Imrf alaapiag raeai Good iacwatav plastared. tarmaea. S ragaa, larsa lot aa paTemaat. 92500, will aaadU or eept Saleat raiidaaca. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 42 Coart Street. ' Paone 51 "Bnaiaaaa Headquartert" . . 4. eidUtf A GENERAL MEBCHASDISK BTOKC In a good We tawa and doiaA a fia baaioeaa. , Priced at 935.OOO.00. Will trade for t ana at equal value. 7 am aut be clr. . C'oafoctioaerr atork " and 'fiatoraa. Doing a find tAtaiaeaa. Will trad lor 8a lea property. Sea O ASK ILL- EAKLE, Realtors. 160 8. Liberty gt. PImoo 3342. 01dl2tf TtEAIj VfflATR Directory A2 J. R. PAYNE . v 1920 Soatk Cksrck St. , TaL2X)63-J. BBCKE HENDBJCKS 8. Higb. Tat 109. 109 A. O. BOH11NOTEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tel. 577. P. W. OEIREB 441 Court. TolapaoBo 2312 W. O. KRL'EOEK 147 N. Coat I, R. 1. Tel. 217 JOHN W. 0BA Now Bligh Bldg. TaL 249S OEBTBCDE J. 492 N. Cottage. PAGE Tel. 1189 'TRIANGLE KB ALT Y CO. ' 421 Court 6L TaL 651 i CLJtrCU 8 ROBERTS . 12 S. CoauaarciaJ. 'teL 1354 niCTOK SCHNEIDER. Realtor 14T.M. Com'L Pboao 5?T u , i, . , ' SQUARE-DEAL REALTY 0. B. Na I Baak Bldg. TaL 470 WELLS TALLMAN SON TeL 618 216 Maaoatc Temple. RKATj kstate 6S WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN B0Y tbta well bo lit, clone in. groom, old trie home on better tbaa rent term providing you will fix It up. Can be Bade into fine duplex at small expente Price only 93,200.00; 9200.00 will handle tu A. C. BOHBNSTEDT Realtor Loans Inturaore 147 No. Com'L St.. aaleia, Oro. 63dl5tf 8 ELECT HOME NORTH SUMMER STREET Small payment dwn, balance month- I. ly. Apply owner. 515 A. Summer, Phone 2603-J. 63d21 NEW HOMES FOR toALE 94000 buys a aew modern 4-room borne oomplata in every way. loeatod oa -D street near north 15th. has Ssrago, basement, furnsce, laun ry trays, fireplace, oak floors, 2 bed; rooms, living room, aad kitchen" largo enough for break- fast set, goodbath room 'wtthi receded mVah,"Zt)9' VoWn'T Trf per; tnontn. Tjet b show yoo i $4200 hurt a aew boine loeatod on N. 17tbtreot int south of Center. This homo is modern ia every way with tile drain-board, -oak floor ia " living 'room.- and hail, 9 bod" rooms, bath room, kitch en and breakfast room on low er floor, has finikhed stairway to attio large enough for 2-aiee bod rooms, garage, pa Vod afreet and walks, 9Vv down, balance aa per month, immedial posses - sioa. !- ' $5?00 buyt .9 new 'atodera English stylo stucco home, cement porch, liviaa-'veoxtt' witk fiaeolace and oatr floor, 1 bd room, dialog room., .kitchen and breakfaat room o oawor floor, 2 bod room and bath room on upper floor, garage ter V- tor01 oowa, balance lit rent, usme dtate posse sioa. W. U. GBABENHORST 8) CO. - v Booltor. -134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515. f , 6Sdl5 SIX HOUSES FOR 96500 TWO wrth 4 room each. ONE,"with 7 room. THREE, with 6 rooms each. Each lot 50x150. Would be good investment. 2ooO wilt bandl. SUCOLOFSKY A SON. 341 State ' . 6:ldl5tf : GOOD VALUES IK3ITY HOMES; 'A AND FARMS - A now asoder. 6-room houavon-. Church SW" with complete) set of good rarnitura. A bargain lor. SOW. A fine 13-eer tract near Hubbard, with good improvements. Yoa will buy this wbea yon see it. Price 94000, Easy term. We hare one of the leading chicken ranches in the state. All stocked and onioned. 1400 aura brad chicken. 28 iacubators. All modern balldiaga. A real mousy maker. Very reasonably priced at 910.6OO. Will exchange. A store building aad aa apartment house to trade lor a good residence i Saiem or acreage near. Will asanas If yon have a soldier's bonus loan. lot aa Dteee it far yoa. aew four-rom plastered bang low for 91000. 200 cash. , Balance 15 month Ir. 45-acT fruit ranch soar Bare. Ia good condition to trade for iaeom property ia olther Salem or Portland. I L RICH A ROBERTS, Realtors. 122 N. Com' I St. Phono 1354. ',. 93dl6 LOT SUIT ABLE HOME A 60x160 JUST west of Oommorelal en liacoit. rrtc now 918,500 Both pavings paid. Beeke It Hendricks, 189 N. High. 63d 15 MINUTE MOVIES Ids rMpust CA.U - PjK AMMUAUx ... R0DCO tS WeLD'OM THE ESTATE -of-StM Al.lTMCKRlDlHGr ARCTre oRDeR of susaetTED w. : SUvHliy "J wDRtD 5 OR SALE OR TRADE, HOCBJB AND let. Sovea Yooata. Plaatarad. XaaUy amazed for 9 apta. . Tory eloaa la. CaU owner 773-i. 63dllU IT 19 RESULTS THAT COUNT PLCS "SATItJUfcD SERVICIC" Soo too TRIANGLE REALTY. 421 Oawr. Phaao 651. CM10t( FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOB BALM AT i laaaa toraM. Ba 91300. $100 lea Realty Coat pany, 4o2 BtaCo Bt. E. H. PaoU aad H. K. 63dlOU Kooai 7 aad 9. Barrett. - OWNER LEAVING CITY MUST SELL, BEAUTIFUIj HOICK AT SACRIFICE PRICE 96500 Beat of ton. Strictly arodera. now baagalew, 9 room, all on one floor. Hardwood floor. Fire- Slaeo, farnaee. All the ' built i. Nook, stationary waA . tray.. In fact OTorytA'ag could wish in a tea thousand dollar home. See ray agents, CHILDS k BECHTXL Realtors 320 Suto StrooU 63dltf FINE NEW HO&SE JUST BEING COM pletod. doable eoutmctod. xnily pimmbed. boilt-tn. electric fistarea, fear roeata aad breakfast aook. bota, eoaaoctiag hU, closeta, with oao-kalf acre flaa gardca land, aoogk to aJ Bot support a faavily, loeatod oa psa atont at out tide city Hlaita. Ail ity eaavoaleaea but ao city taxes, 93200. Small dowa payveat. balance like reat. Carlo Abrama, 1465 Ckptnokoto St. Phoao la94-d. :' 643 bit A GOOD BUY IN SALEM HOME Maat sail 5 -room atodera, well locat ed hoato, paring paid, walking distance, close to schools. Prico 927&0 or 9S500 ail furnished. Term a. Lota oa pared sueeta, a good filling station tit. See C For Hones VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor , Loans Inaaraneo 147 No. Coauaereial St. 63nl4tf FOR SALE GROCERY STOCK AND fixture. eheSp rent, good location. $1050. Six-room modern boose, four blocks from post office, 94500. Weat a car ss payment on small noun. P. L. Wood. Goo. V. Peed, 341 State St. 63dl2tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST Wo bar over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of pro pert 7, very prico. ovary location. Wo can match yoar exchange EXACTLY. If Ton would like to trade yoor property lUUAr. come in today. Wee GAS K ILL EAKLE. Realtors. 166 S, Liberty. Pboao 2242. 63a12tf NICE. , ROOMY HOMELIKE PLACE with Iota of abade. fiao fruit, a-raitee and Bate, 7 -room plastered boaso, baao meot, fireplace, bath, 3 big lota, ga rage and poultry house. Poor block to street car, near now Tuxedo park schooL Will doable in value ia short time. 93800. ternea, 949 Rural ave nue. W. C Conner, owner. Stateaman office. 63U7tf LOTS .XORTH IN FLVE HOME Dis trict, f 40O to 3700. Terms. Becke Hendricks. 189 N. High. 03d 15 SELL OR EXCHANGE' FOR' SALEM 8 r. close In, lot 50x165. 9 r. corner lot 60x143. 6- r. modern, new, N. for grocery. 7- r. i?orth, rorner lot, 60x125. 7 r, corner lot, 60x125. North. Duplex, 9-r. close ia. 5-r. home oa acreage. - Canby acreage for Salem. W. Salem, t acre for Salem. Business- corner for Salem. Albany or Eugene. . , . Dsllss business lot 100x150 for Ss ' lent. . . ' - BERTHA ZUEHI-Kt 671 N. CspitoJ St. PA0UO..1879 W. V" f: 63dlS BIO BARGAIN 6-ROOM MODERN BUN- gaiow, excellent location, owner leav ing city. .Must sell at sacrifice. H. Hill. 8117; Aberdeea Ave, iHeouiam, Wash. ; 3dl2 1 , I BARGAIN IXA MOUSE OF ROOMS, ",- ioiioi, ugnts, two luta, plenty bearifig'.spplss and eberrie. ga rsge, bara. gravel street and sidewalk in. Price 9125U, a ood speculative buy or a borne. Located ia north Sa lem near Highland Ave. A modern -homo on North Winter St., close In. 6 rooms; basement, furn ace, fireplace, garsge, all ia good order with street and alley paved. Price 000.-- A good 5-rooa house with basement, has bath, toilet, light and garage ia basement. This is priced right and oa easy terms. 92400, $300 down. Bal ance like rent. . Bee J. A. or W. O. MILLS 331 Va Bute St. 63dl6 6-BOOM PLASTERED HOUSE, CORNER JoW-100 -front oa paved street, 91400, cash 9250. Attractive new home, 4-room. strict ly modern, excellent location, $3700. . Now room modern. Fair mount. 903OO. tt-reom stucco, new and completely furnished, very close In 915300. WINNIE PETTYJOHN; Realtor I7. Jilgh. ; ; 63dl2tf ONE OF fHE BEST TRADES FOR TOT ". country folk is a bustnes corner cjom in. pric 9l0VO0. Get busy-. - Aroal;1uy ia a business aad income location netting 990 per month, aad your living quarter. 90000. Act now. Corner east aad north frenu, 198x 165 ft, close. i $15,000. .. Buy now. It a going higher. Nothing like it to to found in- Salem close 4n. - Apt. house trade for house aad lot, "Ust think of.lt getting income aad bus- taea property all ia aa for your house and lot. $19,000. Safe buv. One of oar most beautiful home for t'w. - ion can never put it ia the ssmo piece ror that price. Take ad vantage of it today. Modern bonralow eloc. i ..n.. thing to your hearts content and paid for. $3650. ..?rJDBI 'tS. t front, clots in Confectionery, modern in every de UiL 97590. Orocery store 91650. Service station, beautiful home, fralt Trv -". wo. xou gaia 9150O. Beautiful lot 92100. Lot dome ia, 91050. GERTRUDE J. iS. PAGE 4uz a. Cwttage St. 63dl4tf AtOTABLcSJN THE UPNRy rJ.BANG-. FAMOUS TAftGET re-.lUrttrt -rvrwiMlw MOME AFTfeB A TfclP BRCAt MT?.DANJ AVS "THAT "THE "TAR GET iNDVSTfty ON TV4E CnWEH SIDE. IS ALL. SHOT TO PIECES - V fl . Nr-J - ' SPECIAL - - - - . -' $150 aVewa and 95 per atoata U- eluding interest tor a 4-rooa banxalow, aaeeasaat aad garage ' '92560. 200 down, for a 3 rooat baagalaw. good Ucatinn. paveaeat paid. 9300 dwa : aad 935 per atoatb including- aatereat, for a &-rooa baagaiow, - - - aaaeaaenV pa vod street. Prico 933O0. 9500 daws, bnhiace monthly for a room buagslow. bascmoat. pipe furnace, fireplaca,- garage with concrete drive way. hardwood . floor, -9450. 9300 down, balance monthly for mod ern four-room bungalow, break fast' nook, fireplace, paved street, furnace, 93400. Loan. Bnta! t.ee. MEXVIX JOHNSON. . Over 20th Century a tor. Phone 569. OJdlltf IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ON THREE fine home. 97504 to glx.OOO. Becke Hendricks. 189 N. High Street. 63dt5 FOR ACREAGE. Adams. PHONE GLENN 63jaai BDY NOW. AND SAVE MONEY 2 -acre suburban home close in. new. 5-rooa koaae. garage, electric light. 920OO. term. 5-acrs tract, god bldgs flao toil, snap, 92000. wsat total 1 reside aoe. Good 5 -room bangs low sad garsgo, nice corner lot 92600, 9250 rash. l-nms bangaJow, 5 blocks frm SUto House, anap. 92500, 5O0 4ow. We can match vour exchange. Loan and Fire lasuranen. PEBR1NE a MARSTERS 212 Oray Bldg. 63dl4t WEST SALEM SNAP A quiet homy borne of 5 rooms and garage. ' Concrete foundation, i do walk, sewer. Prico 92200. with term. Beautiful Pairmount Hill 7 -room-residence with every modern eoaven ience. Prioe $6500 with- term. H you are looking 'or a beautiful home yon had better see this at one. BULGIN di BCLGIN 275 State St. 63dl2tf INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $ 20 down aad balance 820 per month buy 30 acres of first class lead, for walnuts, filberts and fruit, lo cated oa main gravel rood. Price 91600. int. 91. $ 10 down aad'haUBoo $10 per month boys 10 acres first class straw berry soil, small shack. Prico 91350. - - - , - $ 25 down and balance $10 per month bays one ' of -those fine 5 -acre 4 tracts oa the Garden road - close , to the Swegid scaooL paved roid. Prico $ 1600; - lt.' $ 25 down and balance 910 per month buys 34 acre tract near Hliver- toa road, eld la.' Price $875. in.t 4... --, - --; . - -$100 down aad balance $10 per month I buys 5 acres loeatod south of Sa- . lm. aot far et, aonis fin tim-' f bar, gravel road.- Price 61SA0, int. 6. $ 25 down and balaacd $10 per month boys i aer tract located at the end of the baa line orr 8. Coramer cisl Ktroet. Pric $750. Good store location. $ 50 down aad balance $10 per mouth buys, a fine acre tract located snath not far from McKialoy school all ia bearing cherries. Price $800. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buys 1 acre tract all In bearing apples. Prico $400, int. V. $ 50 down and be lane terma buy a fine view tract overlooking the city south of Sslem. Price 850. int. 6fc. $ 50 down end balance $10 per month buy a fine view tract in Ben Vis ta park covered with oak trees. Price 8800. Int. 6. If it is an installment acreage -that you sre looking for. see W. H. GRABENHORST CO Realtor. 134 S. Liberty Street, 03dl5 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO $1200 cash Birrs $1500 VALUE Fine lot 50x129 In restricted dis trict. Close in on N. Church street. A GOOD INVESTMENT KRCEOER Realtor 147 N. Com'l St. Phone 217. esdia. OKKKKRKKKTtKKKKRKKKKK?KK REAL ESTATE TRADES 5 SPECIAL A good 5 -room - plastered ' cottage cuv. win ise tot first pavment a close ia lot, .. Apt. , house $5500b clear. traae tor esnx, mv to 00 acres. ..Some good timber UadV close to Salem, trade for Salem property. 6 room plastered house win uk good ear for first oa? ment. 5 acre cloeo in, $8000. trade ior aouse an tot. See THOMASOW. 83ft State St. With Childg a Boebtel. 65dl4tf WILL TRADE 75 acre of good lagd. 50 acre in cultivation, acres Lake Labia Bear erdam lsad. Good 7-roota house. Will tske Silverten. Salem or Portland property tn trade no to 990OO.0O. 52 acres. Haselgreon district, 6 acres strawberries, 2 seres logaabenie. 2 acres orchard, 7 -room house, electric light, water system, both, toilet, ete. Want 5 acres close in. What have you f RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor. 147 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. Phone 865. 65nl0tf REAL KSTATE Farm 67 FOR S A LE'sTEN - ACRE TRACT. BIG crop yield insure by irrigatioa. I sred market. . You can eootnet your crops t. rood prices before plsnt,iug. ' You csn. clear shove all erpenaes, $160 4 to 92 W per acre annually. : Others axe i'doing 1. Why not youf See Flax ,lnd Devslopmebt C dll Masonic f Bui)4jnv PivoB 15. - 67d9tf WE SPECTAUZB IN OREGON FARMS . Ypo will find o farm atl priced righsT some less than their value and we wiH prove that they trr good buys. Some irrigated. Suited for berries. - fruit, flax, grain.. minLj track' or poultry.-- 8ome wonderful stock 'aad dairy farms: also trade. - VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. Loan Insurance 147 Ko. Com 'I St. 7nl4tf REAL ESTATE Suburban gU CLOSE IN SUBURBAN HOME BEAITIFUL 3 V-ACRE TRACT 93500 Oa paved road, just out side city limit, ha bath, lights, water sys tem. Fruit. Just like living ia the city. No city taxes to pay. $2500 Half cash boy a beautiful 10 acre tract, , bearing fruit trees, old bldgs. Ideal for chicken ranch. See CHILDS It BECHTEL Realtors. 320 SUte St. . 69dl4tf NEWS THC. MWU - J. CAPE SHI VWS, M.S. CAPT EEENEZER SWD RETUBHJ FrOM WS AT-Tf-MPTTb BEACH THE VDBlR rUE - imTlWATEty vsitoiviA UKjr-kAu nh-TUF- Pole hs 'SUPPtbArt FELL , tfWURW & WS WRtST AUD HIS VMRIr-JrTCH I y-"3j I cash paid fob fordb eixik acto tTmlMf USED CARS FOR &JLB 79 Turkey Free '' With every aaod autogaobilo oold be fore Ckrtktmaa Day. 126. Oardaor Sport ModeL Ford Touring, aew paint. ' Star Touring, excellent condition. Willye-Kaigut Sedan. Buick 4, splendid offer. Jordan 8 Cj lindert ia Lino Sport Oid&mobite Sedan in fine shspe. Karl Touring overhauled. Pierce Arrow 7 iaei.er, re- nable prica. Hudson Srdn, fine patat aad good condition. Willys Knight Rosdster, special top. . w Other light rsrs offered at price that will saret with your approval. Care ful attention, mechanical inspection, ex pert workmanship aad koaest repre sentation are the (actor that are con stantly building confidence ia the miada of the bathg public. Our used auto mobile are appreciated by discriminat ing buyora. They repraaant sound methods. They can bo purchased for cash, trad, or terms. F..W. Pettyjohn Co. 385 North Commercial Street PHONE 1260 CADTLLAO NASH After We Sell We Serve 79dl2tf 192a Dodge Touring. 123 Chevrolet Coopo. 1 9 -tr Chevrolet Touring. 1924 Ford Touring. 1924 t'ord Coup. Good rabbet New paint. Newton Chevrolet Co. Opposite the City HalL 79dl2tf ONE TON REPUBLIC TRUCK. PNEU- matic tires $450.00 Sampson Truck Pneumatic tires 9140.00 Oldsmobile speed wagon $200.09) 1924 Dodge panel delivery. A-l condition, guaranteed same as new : $675.00 BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. User Gar Lot. Center and Commercial. ?9dl5 A RELIABLE USED CAR. MERCHANT FROM PORTLAND TOLD US: "YOU HAVE THE FINEST QUAL ITY. BEST CONDITIONED, WELL EQUIPPED. LOWEST PRICED USED CARS I HAVE SEEN." "WITH YOUR EXCEPTIONAL OUA- ANTEE. PURCHASERS TAKE NO CHANCES." - We submit a partial list of these qual ity cars: 1926 Chrysler "58" Coach in wonder ful condition. 1924 Ford Coupe with blemish or im perfection. 1924 Ford Touring. . 1924 Chevrolet Touring looks like new. 1024 Chevrolet Coupe in remarkable condition. 1924 Str Touring not reconditioned but -guaranteed. 1924 Star Touring at a bargain. 1922 Ford Roadster, good condition and repainted. CALL FOR BCRK. at GINGRICH MOTOR COMPANY Cbo'sler Sales and Service. . 79d21 $50 Otily, for a good used car, an ab- ' lute nsrgsin, ee it today. Others under $100 Take advantage of this opportunity. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street Phone 1260. 79dl2tf TWO PACKARD OF OLDSMOBILE , THE BEST LOOK ' . HAVE YOU SEEN THE . BARGAINS . . BUY A CAR FOR CHRISTMAS Fofd Roadster (delivery body) $ 40 Ford Touring . . $ 35 1 Pord Sedan . . 4 65 Buiek 4 light delivery ...$ 65 liuick 6 touring ': $ 75 Chalmers Touring $ 95 For, one ton truck (stake body, good rubber) - $ 95 Studebaker roadster (good ahape)$ 95 Ford Tourings and roadsters $100 to $225 Nash Sedaa $250 All the above ears ara in good run. iaga condition and are priced for quick sale. Come in tnd try any of them and , if yon eon us soma good cheap traas- Iortatkm we have IW We also have some real bargains in high elase. used cars which carry eor guarantee and also a 1937 lioense free aatil Christmas wnn a purchase of $100 or over. Open evenings and Sundays. CAPITOL MOTORS, INC. Biddy Bishop. Phona 2125. Al Rosseau TWO PACKARD OF OLDSMOBILE , THE BEST -. - . . 79dl9 MacDonald Auto Co.'s Big Price Reduction AND CLEARANCE SALE : Thia. ia Willys-Knight end Overland Week all week. Greatest bargains yet offered. Must reduce our stock. Need the room for new sbipmenta. Look our bargain over our lose ia your gain. A few are listed : .Willys-Knight tourings in sport and Country Club ehedel, all have new paint, good rubber and many extra,- . ; Willys-Knight Sedans, late models almost like new. 1026 Overland Sedans, fully equipped These are repossessed car. - Overland Tourings good buy. Templar - Touring, has wire wheels and many extra. Mooa touring with wire wheels. Studebaker Sedan some buy very reasonable. - J 925 Marmon Coupe, almost new. Many more to choose from. Our ears are all reconditioned and service is our motto. Remember this is the week to buy that used car. Demonstrations cheerfully given convenient terms and liberal trades. - MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage aad Ferry Phoao 409. Open Sundays and Holidays Evenings until 9:80 p. as. MARMON WILLYSCNIGHT OVERLAND WHIPPET 79n24tf i3oo LoyAL Turks ATTtNO THE IMPRES SIVE UNVEILING OP TRE MASSIVE W-M-MEMt RECEAJTLy" ERECTED AND DEDI CATED To THE MEriCft or the first Turk ish CIGARETTE . AMI MATED CART00 MOV 8TUDEBAKER -TOURING LOOKS and rues like aew. By private party, 9385. Pboao 1299-W. 1914 Let Us Buy Your 1927 License TRADE YOUR OLD CAR WITH ALL ITS TROUBLES FOR A RECONDI TIONED FORD. 1920 Ford Tourings with 1927 li cense 95 to $110 T923 Ford Tourings with 1927 li cense .v $165 to $173 1924 Ford Roadster with steel pick up deliTery body and license $213 102 Coupe, balloon tires, 197 licence . - $25 1920 end 192J Sed.m-. sll with 1927 licea .125 to $150 Act Now Get one of thee bargain while we still have real good lu. Valley Motor Co. Salem. Ore. 79dlMf 1924 OAKLAND TOUKINO. LOOKS like new; balloon tire, bumper. nb bers, ete. Will uk a pUao ia trade Phong 1241 M. 79al9tf O-MERRYXMAS MERRY XMAS-O LOOK Mr. USED CAR BUYER 1927 LICENSE FREE WITH EVERY USED CAB PURCHASED BE FORE CHRISTMAS :: We have a complete lias of good ased care aad have every car marked with the price ia plain figure oa the wiad ahield. Most all of these ears have been re eoaditioned by our shop and carry our thirty day guarantee of de fective parts and tree service on' adjustments. We Aavo good raa ning automobile s low aa 935 and up to 91650. ia other words anything from Fords to Paekards. Many people neve looked our stock over aad our prieoa are re maining the same with our offer as a Christmas presetft to yon of a 1927 license free with each ear that sella for $100 or more. If you are Interested in a good nsed ear doo't buy before yon look our stock over. WE ARK OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS g Capitol Motors Inc. s .: 850 N. HIGH BT. X Biddy Bishop. Al Reuse. X PHONE 2125 S-MERRY XMAS MERRY XMAS-O O- T -o I General Markets LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Dec. 14. (AP) Cattle and calves steady; receipts 120. Steers, medium $7.25(rf8.25; common $6&G7.25; culls sod common $710. Hogs stesdy: Receipts 35. reeaer snd stocker pigs 70-130 pounds medium, good and choice $1111.50. Sheep and lambs nominally steady ; re ceipts 300. PRODUCE PORTLAND. Dec. 14. iAP) Milk: Butterfst up 2c: bets churning cresm 49 faSOc; per pound net shippers' track in ir-ne 1. Cream delivered Portland 51e ler pound: raw milk (4 per cent) $2.25 cwt. f. o. b. Portland. . Poultry firm: besvy hens 2.3 26e: lisht 18(19c; springs 2122c; broiler 2 tn 26c: pekin white ducks 24c; colored 196120; turkeys live 30 (a 32c; dressed 33to' 40c pound. Onions firm, buyert paying $1.60 top. Locsl 91.50(3 1.00. Potstoes steady; $1.25 1.50 sack. GRAIN PORTLAND, Dec. 14. (AP) Wheat bids: BBB hard white, hard white. HS, Bsart, soft white, western white, Dec. Jan. $1.34 4e; federation Dec, Jan. 1.3-1 : hard winter, norther nspring Dec, Jan.1.33; western red. Dec. $1.31; Jan. 91.31H. Oats, No, 2, 36 pound white feed, and gray Dec.. Jan. $34.50. Barley No 2, 45 pound BAY Dec, Jn. 829. - Corn No. 2, EY shipment Dec, Jn. $36; No. 3 EY shipment Dec, Jsn $34.50. Millrun. standard Dec. $26.50, Jan. $27. HAY PORTLAND. Dec. 14. (AP) Hsy buying prices: Eastern Oregon timothy $206'. 22; ditto valley $ 17 17.50; cheat 813; alfalfa $17.50(318; oat hay $13; ost snd. vetch 14015; straw 87 7.50 per t-n. Selling prices $2 a ton more. DAIRY PORTLAND, Iec. 14. ( AP) Dairy exchnnge net prices: Butter extras 46c standards 45c; prime firsts 43 He; firsts 40c Kggs extras 42: firsts 40c; pullets 38c; current receipts 38c ;. undersized 30c. VEGETABLES HIGHER PORTLAND. Dec. 14. (AP) Cold weather hss cut off the supply of locsl hunched -vegetables snd California stocks are being runhed to Portland. Price ad vanced today to 75e per dozen bunchea on carrots, beets and turnips and are quoted higher for tomorrow's delivery. Cabbage is advancing also, bet there are extensive hoJilfpca In cold-storage. f WHEAT LOWER CHICAGO. Dec. 14. AF) Wheat un derweot a substantial downturn in value t-day. whereas corn closed virtuallv un changed and oats scored a new high price record for - the . season. Favorable har vest weather in Argentina, together with cheapness of Argentine wheat offerings to Kurope did t rood deal. to pull the wheat market a-wQ, veriest quotations were finished 3-He to lc net lower, corn un ghanged to l-8c off and oats l-8e to 3-6c P- NOTICE Notice is hereby siren that hare impounded the following de scribed does in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404, to-wlt: One large Airdale dog, male. One small black bob tailed dog. One yellow shepherd -dog, female. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners, on or before December 18, 1926, as pro vided in said Ordinance. W. S. LOW. Street Commissioner. December 13, 1926. dlSl r i OASS1FIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of Reliable Bustaeas bcm! IVof cvwtonal: Flrrnj ArtroftnT ' v Alphabetical Ordetv for Qulek Reference AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry The Woodry everybody know. Cash paid for nsed fnraitaro. Res. and store 1610 N. Summer St. Telephoa 511 H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for used furniture. Store 271 N. Com'L Phone 75. Agents for Lang Ranges. ACCOUKTAJfT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND And iter. 331 -r, State. Phone 2098-R. a!7'26 BATTBIT AJTD BIJCTmiCIAJIS R. D. BARTON EXIDB BATTERIES. Surter aad gtatrstor work; 10$ South High. Vfillamj) JOE WILLIAM Phone 198 . COURT 8T. AM9 BICYCLES AND BKPAIRIKO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI eycle and repairing. 387 Coart. CHINESE REMEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY. E8TAB- lished 19O0. J. II. Leong. Mgr. mono 203. 420 State St. UpsUir. oaOtf CHIROPRACTOR DR H. B. SCOFIELD. P. S. C 828 Oregon bldg. Phone 2194. DR. O. L. SCOTT. P8C CHIROPRACTOR 250 N. High. Pbone or B7 ELECTRICIANS FIENER ELECTRIC CO. - HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimate furnished. Phone 90 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WAXT TO GET THE BEST form paper oead fiv 2 cent stamp to the Pacific Homestead, Ealeav. Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this d. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent sumps for special three months'" tnsl tor the best aad oldest Journal in the west. The article aad adver tisemenu are of special interest to the poultry breeder of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Comv mereial street. Salem, Oregon.' FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds, OontrscU on houses Will net 6 to t0. Becke Hendricks Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High tit. Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loaa oa good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company moaey en city reeidanee nd businea property. at 5 H . plus com misaion. Hawkina 8s Robert. Inc. 205 Oregon tJuuaiag dldtf aaecausasoi FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decoration, u. c. Breithaopt. florist, 512 Stat St. Phone 800 s nrsuRAis'CE LOANS. REAL ESTATE. GENERAL IN su ranee. W. W. LA FLA R, 410 Oregon Bldg-. Insure Your homo or ear now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. Jl-tf LAUNDRIES - CAPITAL, CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pur Material" . Telephone 165, .. 1.264 Broadway . ' THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WCIDEa LAUNDRY - Tlephon 25. 263 8. High TRY THE-HOME WET WASH LACK dry. Phone 171. 1369 B street. jl7tl LAD XXI' TAIXORINO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Ce 1190 North CapltoL Called tor nd delivered. All work guaranteeo. rnone i. iivu MXDIOAX. MOUNTAIN BALM OOUGH REMEDY Phono 617-W. MUSIC STOSXJk GEO. a WILL PIANOS,. PHONO- graph,. sowing machine, sheet muaie nd piano atudies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 432 Bute street, saiem. a-MEWSFAPBRS' THE PORTLAND TELEOKAM, EALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 9H9. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. Tel. 23 or 563. PAPERHASGXNO AMD PALVTLNG PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, interior decorating. 641 MUL 1 937-J. a7tf PACKING AMD SHIPPIKO FOB EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING snd shipping, call Stiff Furniture Store. Phono 941. PXABO TONERS THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Musi Co 355 N. High Have your piano toned by oa who haa had year of experience tn the work, 8a3tf PIANO TUNER EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano taaer. Loot orders Will Muaie Store. By Ed Wheelan CLAW ICE.: OU VtJU Sound tme familv AEOOTOUft hfAR - Dlxrt.X.-P , . , 8m m j CLARENCE..' yeS, AND WtXJR- DAD SOUMDED) THE , LAHrCHOJT Watch CHIlieSE PaUMTTJfO FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPB- lets. programs, books or aay kind ot priatlac call at th SUtesma Print ing Department, 315 8. CommorcUI. TeL 583. " v-' 1 ' ' PXmBOfO PLUMBING' AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros, 154 S Aaberty . Phoao 550, lrtl . . RADIO - : Radlolas Fog Every Purpos Every Part All Standard Rise of Radio Taboo HALIK EOrr EUCTB1CAL SHOP 995 Coart Bt Pkeae 411 BXAX. ESTATE IF TOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SILL, or if you are leokiag for a hem a farm,. - or business property, soo us- BHCKE HENDRICKS 139 N High St,' Heilig Bldg. 18tf REAL ESTATE GROUP INVESTMENTS Close-IB income property in Salem. In creasing in value 10 to 20 pet cent by abundant comparison Any amount from f 100 up Many pleased to realize possi-. bilities of united Investments. HARRIS, Masonic Bid. . Tel. 21S, 244 O-J SECOND HAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL ry, ussi,- Toot. Hicyeie. Star ax change, 324 N. Comsaareial, phoaa 854. - ia WANTED EVERYTHING IX CLOTH ing and shoo. Best price paid. Cspi tal Exchange, 842 North Coauaercia Phone 1369-W. STOVES AND BTOVB BEPAXEZMO .' STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kind f wt- xi en wire fence. Fancy aad aula. Ho baskeU and hooks, logon hok. Salaa - Fence and Stov Work. 2 SO Ooart TAXXDEEMI8T -1 -. ?. -, TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIG- giBS. Prop, 1145 Norway. Ker - Woodry' Auction Market. TeL 2261W. TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND IfAULIXQ.-i OF, ALL-,,. kinds, rnone 7ZP2. WE MOVE. STORE AND 8HTK HOUSE- bold gooda. Uur specialty 1 piano and furniture moving. , W also make eona try trips. We hoodie the best roei aad wood. Call oa as for priced. W girt " good measure, good quality and gx-2 service. Lermer Transfer Co. Phoaa 93C ' CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22 Stat St. Phone 933. Distributing forwarding and storage our specialty, Get our rate. WELL DRILLING R. A. WEST, RT. 6, Boa 198-A. PHON1 110F5. 8 mile east oa Gardaa rd' WATER SALEM 'WATER, LIGHT POWKa CO tnuee so eostt Ooaasr-lsI.EL -Tee , per eeat discount on domestic Cat rat( paid ia advaaca. No 4edaatloa (or ah ssnc or any cause ale. water is shut off yeur premise. -- v . . ; t . ' :TRA.VEX, i t Safety". ewHly tatrd- "-CtwnfortablJ - ia baases of. the Prkr rHa7ijaW -Stag Iev fort Silvartea -t allv-9WE. 9, a... -Mt. Angel 11 a. at- 5 a,-. - , ' .,mw 9 CIwTl!S4 a. at PaUa-Crt- 7 . m.,r 2:10 pt m m i 6:15 p. m.- ; - ; - w , . ladeneadanee 7 4..B, 9 a. llTrt a. m 8:io p. s.. Til a. a, -Bunlay only 9:80 p. nx. ' - Monnumta T a. m .11:15 , ta. . Mil MeMlaavil 9:30 a. av, 1:19 p. as- . 5:15 p. m. ' . - - . ': Kewbergp:30 a. ra V! 5.15 p.m. - -- -. -.!.-' Tillamook 9:90 a. , 110 . asT CaU 22 or 999 for iaformatkoa. . ---- "'- .-; - - v Z3tf - - 8tTMSfON9?-' In the Circuit Court of the- (Hate - of Oregon for the County of Mar lon. . -. - . ; ' ; - ' " t Cora Turner, Plaintiff VS. ; Thomas Turner, Defendant . To Thomas Turner, the abor . named defendant . . ... -In the name of the State of i Oreiton; You ire hereby; required to ' appear and answer the com- -. plaint filed 'against you in the above entitled suit on or before ' the expiration of six weeks from the "date of -the first publication' ' of i this summons, which date of expiration Is January 19.1927J if ' you so fail to appear and anawer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for. in her complaint, to-witt fA decree dls solving the marriage contract heretofore ' entered "into between the parties hereto and for ' such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equit able. ' This summons Is published by order of Hon. Ir H. McMahan. Judge of the. above entitled Court.' The order ia dated October SO, 1926. . . - ; Date of first publication Dec. 8, 19Z6. ; . -",- Date of last publication Jan. 19. 1927. i ; .:- .-.,.- btjtler" jack, ' Address Suite 200, Butler Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Attorneys for Plaintiff. d8-15-23-2 J5-12-19 NOTICE OP JFINAI SETTLE- Notice is hereby ariren that the undersigned has filed ia the Coun ty Court of th Stat' of Oregon for the County of Marion his duly verified final account ar adminis trator of the estate of Fannie B. Miller, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of January, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the'County Court Room in the County Court House in Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, as the place Tor hearing said final account and, all objections thereto. Dated at SaJem,".Oregonr - thia 30th day of Koroaaber, 1926. V -- CHARLES E. MILLER, Administrator of the .Estate of Fannie B. MiUar, Deceased. RONALD a GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. v - dl-S-15-22-2S Milton FTeewatfjcJiaa new U. P. railroad station. - . - -'4