.- .-! 1 . iTHr, OREGON ATESllANlJEQilEGON WKDNESI)AHOTUtlNaaEilBEIlil5,;iD2a "t . a 3 , . discusses electric clocks Tto: Owners ReaUest for Street Improvements to Be Granted ,. - A request of - property ' owners jiu thr Tuxedo Park . district to have 25 feet ot Oxford street dedi v cated to the city for street im provement purposes will be grant ed by the. school board it was de . elded at la meeting last night. A i committee - of property .owners, beaded, by W. C. Conner,, preaent : ed the matter to the board. " Whether or not the school board. will . bay ; a system of ettrlc , clacks .fop the senior JtT school .and ifr the LeJlAlor nlgn .school will betiided by the sap plies corrttee,' to report at the iBVwUn.s of the,. board. A Salesman from the company mak the 'cloclc systems, was present at 'last night's meeting. , The systems for the two schools .will coat a total of approximately , $1209, accprdingtQ the proposal made by the salesman.' ) ' pecislpn was made to pay all I janitors' December salaries before Christmas.. . . . -. Five set of "World Books," an , elementary encyclopedia for school I use, .will be bought at a cost of i 1247.50, U was decided. The sets will be used for the Grant, Park, I Englewood, Highland and Rich smond schools, as they are already installed , r in . the other grade schools' aaM Junior, high schools. hint. ba"cktp the'.warmefrcQnflne of the training school.. Cecil, ac cording to . Superintendent .Gilbert at Salem. Tbroke his narole.- He was let out of , the school laat spring after being an inmate .for seven years. ;At the age of nine, after 'being buffeted around. In public homes and -with various relatives, he stole a bicycle and fwent to the reform school.' Since he, was an, infant he has been a public charge.: he told local police, when .he appealed to them : last Qlght to arrest him and send him back. to Salem. PSAIED Ilciivisio ': The HgmHton Furniture . Com t pany.has added a toy department i to their stock. Many hew things l In toys to sladden the hearts of the Utile folks. 340 Court St. () V Hallk A Eoff Klrtrt fits an 337 Court St. Everything - electric. from motors and fixtures and sup . "Piles -to , wiring. . Get prices and look at complete stock. i; () Cure that cold and that miser able feeling in a jiffy. Get some Quick Cold Tablets at Nelson St Hunt, Druggists, on the corner of Court and Liberty SU. Tel. 7. () r ' . . . ... Wardrobe Trunks as iow as $24.70 and as high as S85. 18-lneh Cowhide Hand Bags with leather lining reduced from 18 to $5.90. Max O. Buret. 179 N. Com'U () LIQUOR "VIOLATOR HELD Immigration, Inspector States Man Will Be Deported ASTORIA, Dec. 14. ( AP) E. T. Tsigrls, better known here as Buck Smith, many times charged with liquor law offenses, was brought before District Immigra tion Inspector R. P. Bonham, here today on deportation charges. Fol lowing the, hearing Tsigrls was placed in the county jail in lieu of 15,000 bail. Mr. Bonham stat ed: that in view of the evidence presented at the hearing that there was little doubt but ; what Tsigrls would be deported to Greece. Heig specifically charged with pandering. . . When arrested in connection with the deportation proceedings Smith was out on bail on a charge of threatening to commit a felony by threatening to kill Mrs. Pearl Wilson, landlady ot a rooming house. Henntngsen New President of Newly Formed Young Men's Organization The young men's division ot the YMCA which was organized last week, holding its second meeting last night, elected Albin C. Henuingsen as president. Mr. Henningsen was the prime mover in organizing the young men's di vision, having had previous exper ience in young men's "T" clubs in Portland and was the unanimous choice of the group. In respond ing Mr. Henningseu expressed his appreciation for the honor, con ferred ,upon him and stated , he was confident the young men's di vision would put over a big pro gram. for the coming year.. Two groups were organized within the division, the "Comets" and "Panthers," the, officers and members being as follows: "Comets": George Dick, presi dent; -John Beyerl, vice preslr dent; Mil wain Prudhomme, secre tary; Lawrence K. Gibson,' trea surer; H. S. Shaffer, Cecil John son, Ben Kltadworth, John Probe, Joseph Young, Glen Ive, Robert D. Dawn, counselors. "Panthers": Robt. Reed, presi dent;, Silas Fletcher, vice presi dent; Connell C. Ward, secretary; Leonard Runkle, treasurer; Wal ter A. Looes, Paul Sevy, Albin R. Hennlngsen, W. W. Fox." J. Hugh Ward, Carl Trick,; Ray Boerd, A. W. Smither's, counselors. PhersoVs secretary2;Vko first re ported. , the . Angelas .Tern pie pas tor's disappearance lisf May IS at Ocean Park, was taken into the grand jury room -during the morn ing session.. District ' attorneys officers said- if an Indictment against' the radio man was voted. Dennison probably would leave tor Sacramento immediately with af fidavits upon . which he would ask Governor Richardson to issue ex tradition paper for Ormiaton's re turn to California. I L0NGFELL0WS BANQUET Governor-Elect Patterson Honored at CUb Meeting J Covernor-eiect Patterson, char ter member of the Lohgfellows I club' No. 5 of Salem., was. honored last night with a special meeting I of the order held at the Gray Belle. The governor "to be" was felicitated on his election by vari ous members of the organization in .; short interesting talks, to which an eloquent response was given by Mr. Patterson. The program included music by the. Longfellows orchestra, Sev eral new members -were given the obligation of the order and re ceived a rousing reception. -This being the date for the annual elec tion, the matter was quickly con cluded . by unanimous re-election of the present officers to serve tor the ensuing year. The officers are?. Dr. A. G. -, Bates, president; L. L. Lrtiasford, vice-. pres$entand Frank Kellogg secretary., and treasurer. - Members present voted this the best meeting yet held by the local club, and a committee with John Orr. as chairman was appointed to arrange for another, some time in January, to which the legisla tors are to be invited. SPOKANE. Wash.,. Dec. 14.- (AP). Sigvart Seierson. 50, jan itor of a wholesale hardware con cern for seven years, was arrested tn a charge of grand larceny to day, after police ..had discovered in his residence . goods valued - at ?210O to 13000 which they de clared had been, stolen from the hardware company. tiooas, stored u every room and the basement, the police re ported, included, two -expensive radio sets, guns, electrical equip ment tires, fixtures,, silverware and many articles of-hardware. A truck was required to haul the loot to the police station. tMra. H. p. Stith, . millinery. Most beautiful hats in Salem; all shapes and colors; full stock from which to make tine selections Best quality. 333 State St. () . Dough ton ft( Sherwin. Hard ware. 2SS N. Com! St. Hardware Builders' Supplies, Paints. Varn ishes. Give us a call, you'll find our prices reasonable. () ' CIRCUS ELEPHANT TAKEN ' PachSilerm Smashes Fences and .Outbuildings on Tour - , OTTAWA, Kan., Dec. H. (AP)- After roaming through t four counties . in southeastern 'Kansas for three days. Diamond, a. circus elephant was captured by his trainer today 18. miles south east ot Garnett. In Ills self conducted winter ex pedition over the countryside, the . elephant smashed fences and out buildings and stepped on a pig Appearing in a school yard Mon V day at, Garnett, the elephant ter- . orized i school children before he was 'driven away. , ,: The trail ot property damage, however,' was not' great and Dla mond injured none ot the hun dreds of farmers who chased him. ..firing With shotguns and small ' caliber rifles. The bullets, made little Impression on Diamond's hide. J. . . . :: .' .1924 Ford roune. in fine shane. an excellent buy for $275. Also 1925 Ford coupe . at a bargain. Phone-. 220 or call at. Otto J. Wil son's garage, -388 N. Com'l. () w .Hartman Bros. Jewelry S'ore. Watches, docks, rings. Pins, dia monds, charms, cut glass, silver ware, standard goods. State at Liberty St. () EUGENE Stop, look, and listen to our as- seai. it you are not absolutely satisfied with your laundry prob lem, call 165. Hand work our specialty. () The Dixie Bakery leads en hirh class breads, pies cookies and fancy oaaed supplies or every kind. Best by test. Ask old cus tomers. 439 Court St. () JANITOR HELD FOR THEFT Track Required . to Haul Stolen Goods to Police Station The Peerless Bakery. 270 N. Commercial. Sanitary, up to date. Prompt delivery. Bakers for those who appreciate the best. Increas ing patrons tell the tale. () Nash leads- the world In motor ear values. Beautiful display of new models at the F. W. Petty lohn Co.. 365 N. Coml. () County School Principals to Meet Here Saturday W. H. BailUe of Woodburn will preside at a meeting of all school principals of Marion county to be held , in the public library audi torium hero Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Speakers will be Alfred Bcatie of Silverton high school. R. II. Southwick of Aurora.- and U. S. Dotson of the Park school, Salem. , , . - Committee chairmen for .the year are George Watson 'of Tur ner, Elma McAllister of Kelzer. J. T. Schenck of Gervais ami R. V. Tavener of Salem. -? McMlnnville Olson tt Bolling er will build 34.000 concrete bat tery station. The Opera House Drug Store. Service, quality, low prices, friend ship give . increasing patronage Old customers advise friends to trade here. High and Court. ( 1,1 i Henry O. Miller, 134 S. Com'l, St., where most people prefer to get their auto' parts tor all makes or cars. Trade here and make savings on all auto -parts. (J 0RMISTON WILL FIGHT REMOVAL' FROM CHICAGO . (Continued from pace 1) morrow at a place to be agreed on probably. in municipal court. The action was the first definite step toward taking, the radio man into custody since he was brought to Chicago last week by a city detec tive and. representatives of a news paper: who found him at Harris burg. Pa., both the police and the state's attorney had refused to act until warrants arrived. ... OTmlBtpn is charged in Calif or nia with' subornation of , perjury and with, conspiracy to f obstruct justice.. . The latter charge also is pending against Mrs. McPherson whose story that she was kidnaped and taken to Mexico is assailed by District Attorney Asa Keyee, iteyes, now in tne east, is ex pected here tomorrow. Since his discovery, Ormitson has withheld comment on the case, except to let it be known that he will fight extradition. He plans to furnish bond when surrendered tomorrow and to face an extradition hearing which he is confident will result in his release. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 14. (AP) The McPherson case again was a grand jury matter here to day when E. J. Dennison, deputy district attorney, armed with evi dence and supported by witnesses went before the body, supposedly to carry out his . intention, an nounced yesterday, to seek an in dictment of Kenneth G. Ormiston defendant with Aimee Semple Mc Pberson in. the conspiracy charges wa3 follewed investigation ot her kidnapping story. The "little blue steamer trunk' belonging to urmiston.wntch was seized recently in New York with its cargo of feminine wearing ap parel, was taken into the jury chamber. ( Miss Peggy Hamilton, Holly wood .modiste, 'from whose exclu sive shops Mrs. McPherson is said to nave purchased clothing, was under subpoena to testify. District attorney's officers assert that some of the clothing found in the trunk belonged to the evangelist. - Miss Emma Schaeffcr, Mrs'. Mc BOY TAKEN IN Youth Broke Parole Front - Train 7 ing School But Wants Back EUGENK.'Qr,, ; Doc, :14.-r(AP) -t-Hungfy''anl fll., cold and with out- friends Ua Ihb world except . those ho knows as keepers in 'tho tate reform school at Salem. Cecil Sihults is -la tho city jail aimit ins Jho arrival pf- a guards to tke FARMER'S 'WAREHOUSE Paul Traglio, Prop. GRAIN, FEEi? AND; SEED Free Pejiyery to any part of the city. ROTATIONS ON APlildN Telephone 28 'A -t STORAGE AND TRANSFER Long and Short Distarice Hauling- Public and Trivale Storage Fire Proof IBuilding. . . i FARMER'S WAREHOUSE : j ' -- ir 3 : 'ix'S TAn TKAGLIO. PROP." . . 1 Day .TelefhmiA S - - . , . XiChtTelepWiie iSOT-tv RiJALLOAfPBU::E . lEETiffilllB The Polk County Growers Will Discuss Their Many Problerrts Tomorrow Nash Furniture Co. takes lead with; low prices on rockers, tables, .wood and steel beds, springs, mattresses. Saves you 25. 219 N. Com'l CJ (The . following .circular letter comes from the Federated Clubs rhairs. ioLDolk county, under date of the 13th): the Cross Heat Market. Biggest, busiest and best In Salem. Choic est steaks, bacon, hams, sausage, iard. eggs, milk. Absolutely sani tary. S 70 State St. () Army and Outing Store. Biggest bargains in clothing, shoes, under wear, hosiery, gloves, valises and suit cases. The working man's store, 189 N. Commercial. () COOKING SCHOOL .WIjNS INTEREST OF WOMEN (Continned from page 1) prominence Jn hey field; ; Is i given recogBkitiquaaa suecesa,iby thg greaf managers of. the country - Crowded lot i2 cood, mat" ter crowded ; out or ';TBe. states man this morning. Much .of -it will appear tomorrow. . , . r-a-i V--' . Men. i in the.cpcnne.uJndustry ,iu California ,aye t ne:. plan, , to stahiiUe the lsduBtrf. ! Ukery to -bo , made coast, wide. That, is interesting to Oregon prune grow ers.- f ' Portland is ambitious at least. iThat city wants the proposed new just how it is to be expended was , deuled by the .house; as' contrary 1 to' law," Dut tlencrar Andrews said ;tDday"lt.was not necessary Item ,andt$atteffortslwouldbe tnade tojwrite; it ;ln to treasury appro- priatioa bin in the senate. jCutting the money, of at this time, he said would .ham per r hl work trernen dpuslp at. a time "wien', the best results - were . being :obrainedv . . : A bill to permit jnanulactnre ot medicinal whiskey has been made ready for presentation in . the house. It would centralire all dis tilling, operations in the hands of 'The date, of the county-wide I state buildtor erected down thare prune growers' meeting aM : oeen msieaa , oi , t oaww. .91. .k.. nn ccntinf of? conflict ter the state capitol all oTer the with the school officers' meeting. Beyer hinted that one recipe much in demand which will be given out will be that for butterscotch bis-, cult. . , The time files when one is In the audience for cooking school, so absorbed is one in watching the cook and her assistant Elizabeth Blackwell at work in a model kitchen titted 'with' two electric ranges, a Frigidalre, and a capaci ous cabinet. . - . "Fruit cakes, violins, and worn en improve, with age," Mis Beyer declared yesterday afternoon, who spices her conversation as deli ciously as she does her cakes. A number of devices, simple, but extremely efficient, were pre sented at the demonstration yesi terday. Surely if one ..followed Miss Beyer's .lead ahe could find herself an excellent cook with time left over for her duties as com panion to her family and hostess to her friends. The coming of such an author ity to any town does much to dis pel old and laborious methods. TJbe afternoon was a .continual and delightful "open forum." Many questions were asked and many matters settled to the satisfaction of all. , ;: The classes are being conducted' entirely with out charge, and doubtless those interested will come today in larger numbers than on yesterday event. Following the close of the pro--, gram the women thronged to the platform to inspect the equipment, not only for a kitchen but, also, for a breakfast room. ?Mfi - ' New sweaters! A large ship ment lust in. New patterns, new ahades iin the popular pullover and coat styles. Scotch Woolen Mills. ( to Thursday, December 16, open ing at 10:30, a. m. President Elliott urges the member organi-r rations to get behind the effort to organize the .prune grpwers an4 that; all members urge the prune growers, to .attend . this, meeting which will be held in the county court house. "A most interesting program has been arranged for our regular monthly meeting to oe neia ,in Monmouth December 22 at 8 p. m. and we are pleased . to announce the - following: Committee re ports. . Report of County Agent J. R. Beck. "Where Polk 4 County Stands . on Road , Construction,' Judge Geo. L. Hawkins., "Why a Prune Growers Organization," R. H. Kipp. manager marketing de partment, Portland chamber . of commerce. "How the ' Federated Clubs of Polk County Can Assist in Locating a $1,000,000 Sugar J Factory, in the Willamette Val ley,' Kenneth Miller, assistant marketing agent, Portland cham ber of commerce. . "Please urge that every mem ber ot every member organization attend. , Very truly, Winnie Braden, Secretary." state at Portland, ; Astoria, Eu gene, Baker City and. Ashland. Why not put it on wheels? Salem motorist was aaked it his triy to Tia Juana was a success. "No!"? he; exclaimed, "it's no fun to . drink right out in open like that." At Shipley's tne lalles of Salem have satisfied, themselves that they can get the finest fall and win ter frocks, coats and dresses ever shown in this city. () H. T. Love, the jeweler, iil State fit. .High quality Jewelry, silverware and diamonds. ' The gold 'standard of values. Once a buyer always a customer. () Quality painting, both ..varnish and laauer work. In our modern equipped paint shop. Washing, greasing and "night service: tire repairs. Wood's Auto Service Co. The Bake-Rite Bakery. Busy every day supplying best homes with bakery goods of all kinds; baked in a kitchen as clean as your own. 345 State St. () r Bits For Breakfast 2 it Is it going over? What? Salem's first grand opera. S Of course it is going over, must. Big. , m The Wolfsohn Musical bureau ot New .York has released Mrs. Chleo Nero to help .in, putting over . Sa lem's Jfersti., grand!, ,' opera, Mrs. Nero was when a girl Miss Chloe Baabor of Salem, well and favor ably known to old Salem i tea. She has worked her way to a . place ot - DAKE-DAT. DICCOVCIUEO TOPHC2UC3 DATOKC3 lil , III ALL EXPLAKCZD & der vkhiTito ing anibbOae begin to work when the dough is mixed, the other waits for the beat of the oven, then both units work to gethcr. Statesmaii Free Cooking School At the GRAND tHEATRE December 14-15-16 and 17 Thebakfog methods of yes texdayf are just as 1 much out of aate as cue gowns ot- Dygone tunes. Systems have cHnsei rad ically. ; Gfr progreW has been ' made, BaHnc is.no lnc the difficult, thWome, uhcertauiask that it used to be. Come aiid'tet JEXiEe sBEVaiR i .-4, J-.-.yt 9V $ . Hi '4 "J ' l' one ofAinericaV foremost .Do mestic Scientists (eUy ou all about the remarkable srnewr' bake -(day , disepvwr hoyr i TWu rtay he come' a; better . cop k- pro due e better, more .whqtesome bakmss.' See her demonstrate ff4 uir iLJ in. .1 I slii isiiiini mill Mini ' iiauBMiiiiir iiiiniBnmiiiiif Youxan, if you'll come. ; MORAKCH GETS BETTER Ferdinand Eats Solid Food and Leaves Bed for Conference ;Feast vbur eyes on' the deli- clous foods" she prepares-listeh BUCHAJIEST.. Dec. 14. (AP) King Ferdinand., who underwent two operations in the last few days for a serious intestinal af fection, was able to leave his bed tor seetal,hqurs today, lie also took solid' food for the first time since his first operation. . He dis cussed state affairs for more than an hour with' Premier Averescu. The Midget Meat Market never fails to give you the .finest meats and fish.. There, is but one place is Salem to set the finest fish. The Midget Market ha It for you, () .'in I '' M. i.l . C. F. Breithaupt, floriat and decorator, 612 State. Phone 180. Flowers, bulbs floral designs tor all occasions. Pioneer and leader la Salem. () tion, which,' would stored a single corporation,' own. all tot - the present whiskey, stocks. . Buy at iuractorV ami aava. 1 2 0 men's all wool salts IS.. 93 In .Di rector's Downstairs store. $ 1.50 slicer; pants S1.59: f2.S0 slicker coau 1.69; SOe toe rubbers 19c - .. , , - C) PLAY SCORES SUCCESS Franx Werfel'a, latestjplay ,'Oiul Among the ieVs,ls scorlngfnot able successes In a number of I German cities.. . . - THEY NEVER DISAPdlNT PREFERRED STX)CK QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS INSIST ON THE BRAND HOLIDAY UQITDB HELD SCARCE BY DRY FORCES Coatinue4 from p?e 1) that yesterday there .was not a single vessel on rum row oft the northern seaboard. The ria-ht of the enforcement head to use $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 Q, of , his work- Jag fund for Minder. coyer" agents without advance notification as to m mi i... j . mmm . ...mi i. . . -- WB m K . W ll.l . j mmtl - LUSCIOUS. L " . PEACHES i II . m T5 I From the nnest pro- V 'JL .jt I ducing orchards of the V I nation. I t.,f In -luiof tK Hcrht decree of SVrUD to DrCSCrV Jl the natural taste you like that "off the tree" flavor f j I!) Sweet 1 -MfiNW 'O lellow L r- ' CRISP, ...... ... - ! - . . -ill I' ' , v sftiokeirbr baor FOUk "TESTED RECIPES BY JoUf Stsr to her interesting talks' in which . she explains liow (aypld bak6 day failures; disappbintxnents and loss. !Ten- i -home and Strrprise your family with .the most palata ble pies, cakes, biscuits,' dough-' 'Crisco Cheese' Bath 2 cup grated American cheee 1 xt a poem salt i ; - - teatpoon Vof cestershire Sauce 4 ett whites well beaten Mix ta the order jivea. , Form into, bill lightly with the fingers. Make them about the size of a email egg. Then roll in bread crumb using fresh bread. Drop in deep, , b.o'f Crisco (375 to 385 degrees F.) or when a pfere of bread browns in ,40 seconds. Fry until a golden bron. Drain on soft paper siid serve hot. This recipe will make ten balls. Crisco Potato Cakes These cakes are deiicioua. with chops or cold meat and it is a good way to use Ieft-OTer mashed potatoes, or even to cook more than enough and lave cooking potatoes the neat day.' ' -.. - . " - - ' To everyjthree cups of cold mashed potatoes add 'one well .beaten egg. 'Shape into lat . cakes' about font (nch; thick. t' Put enough Crisco.uito a frying pan to cover the bottom , welL ; When hot, put cakes in and brown on bee side. ; Add .more , Crisco it accessary. . Turn with pancake turner and brown on the '. other side. a . v .- - Three cup of potatoes will make nine or ten cakes.'" . Crisco Apple Fritters 2 cups pastry flour 1 teaspoon baking ; powder .' 1 teaspoon sugar . teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1 tablespoon ' raeted Crisco H cup milk. 6 ripe apple. Peel and core apples .k Cqt in quarters. Beat,' eggs, add Crisco, thelfj milk, then all dry in "jgredienrs sifted together. Dip each piece of apple in the batter and fry until soft in deep. . kettle of Crisco heated to 375 to 385 ,'degrees ' F., or when a small 'piece of bread browns in : 40 seconds. Crisco Apple Grtddle Cakes 2 tablespoons baling powder 1 tablespoon sugar z teaspoon salt 1 cup cjippped ripe ' ' apples - 2 cups bread broken . in pieces 2 rups hot milk 2 eggs separated . 1 tablespoon Crisco V 1 cup flour . . , rSoak the bread and milk together over night i or until toft. . , Then rub to a paste. . Add jtke Crisco, sugar and salti the'n the' egg yolks . beaten unit Kght. Add Sour and bakmg 'pcrwder 'sift& together. Fold m the stiffly-' '.fceaten ,egg whites. Stifpplcs into the ; batter with a fork. .Drop, by spoonfuls on Oisroed griddle. Cookuntil partly done and then turn and finish cooking. ' Turn only once. - r i'f. I i 1 i' 1 il I ! i i 4 ' HI AlVlItilRTI LITIl iJrFmW mwmmmwmml wvp. Q..t . OHm. C ' 2. i twin I i for Etying for Shortening"! for Cake Making ' J iUsed by :Miss ; Jeanctle. peyertJii "The SiatcswartXklK'Schobl held this - week at the - Grand Theatre. -: k, "Mi " rf. .' J- .v4 fit wmWiW 7