The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 15, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    tta&&iiAXMGRNlNG, DECEMBER 15, li2G ,
1 1
- w
111 SO
Official Board Meeting
The official board of the First
Methodist church will meet in the
church on Wednesday evening at
7:30 o'clock. A. A. Lee, chair
man or the board, will preside
over the business meeting.
Special Price
On wool mixed and
blankets. Hamilton's.
Roving Salem Armory Arena
Friday. Dec 17. lobby Clark
vs. Frankie Grandetta, 10 round
main event. Extra KOod prelim
inaries total 26 rounds of boxing
No raise la prices. dl7
vM'lK' Coehow to Speak-
wndge O. P. Cosbow will deliver
the. address to the Six O'clock
Men's club in the First Methodist
church on Monday evening:. Dec.
20. at 6:30 o'clock. W. C. Wins
low, president of the club, will
preside at the meeting following
the dinner. ;
Elee. Moor Heater
Reduced. Hallk & Eoff.
To Whom It May Concern
The annual meeting of the share
holders of the First National bank
in Salem will be held at its bank
Ing house .In Salra. -Oregon, on
Tuesday, Jacuary 11, t$27, at
3:l$ p. m. fof'the electfoa of di
rectors and such Other business
as may properly come before said
meeting Jos. H.-'Albert, pashler.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, Decem
ber 10, 1926. 4 y d!5
Union Meet of 31. K. Chart-lies-
Bishop Edgar Blake, D.D. of
Paris will speak in the First Meth
odist church on Friday evening.
Dee. 17, at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. IX
II. . Leech, superintendent of the
Balenv district, will preside at the
meeting, whichi will be a union
meeting of all Methodist churches
in Salens. , Bishop Blake has
charge of the Methodist. -work in
Europe and will speak on ""Re
ligious Conditions in Europe. No
admission will be charged and the
public is' invited to come and hear
Bishop Blake lor; his address.
Choice If oily, for. Sale
In City View cemetery.
Furaitnre Upholstery.
And repairing. Glase- Powers
Fumltare Co. a2tf
Christ nitM Concert
A sacred Christmas concert will
be given in the First Methodist
church on next Sunday night by
the vested choir of 60 voices.
Prof. K. W. Hobson will direct the
singers and Prof. T. S. Roberts
will preside at the organ. ...
Give the Family a Radio
F0f Xmas. Ilalik A Eoff, Elec
tric, . s r d14
Yonr ptioice of 40 -
AVindsor rockers '$9 each, at
Woodry's auction market north
Summer street. -ff U5
f - ' 5.."-i-' m'mm . -r . -ig
Alt r Wool -OvercaaU, f 10.50"
$1S and $22.10. biggest' values
ever-shown in Salem. 0ale con-
tf Jes until all roats are sold.
f foB. Kay Woolen Mill Co. dl5
interchurrh Games Played . -
The First Lutheran church, vol
leyball team beat the Jason Lee
Methodist ... - church . team ' four
straight games last night. The
scheduled ' contest between the
First Presbyterian and First Meth
odlst churches was called off after
each team had won one. game.
S 1,000 Down Move I
' Pay your entire balance exactly
like rent. .This ca; brand new
double construction, union made
home of , rooms.' --Other; new
homes, $300 to $50Q"down.' bal
ance term Priced $4200 to $8y-
000.. Beeke & Hendricks, 189 N.
lligh, ' : . : . , 4X1
U-o easy here the
good and one can find
ful gifts at such reasonable prices.
A PEN AND PENCIL SET for the business
man. for the child at school, for the woman in
social circles. -
Beauty Preparations of All Kinds
Cameras Toilet Sets Novel, Nifty
Stationery ; Whitman's Candies
Imported Line of Perfumes From
$1 to $25 Per Bottle
Capital Drug
Christ maw Hale Held
A sale of Christmas seals and
postcards is being held by the girls
of the art department at the senior
high school. A table of the ar
ticles is displayed in the front
hall of the building. The work
is in charge of Ruth Brauti.
Complete Line of
Monarch Electric Ranses at
Hamilton's. a21tf
Kat At HUlcrest Inn
Chicken dinner, chicken on
toast. Private dining room. Place
to dance. Five miles north on
Pacific highway. d!9
"Hospital StaiT Meet
The staff of the Salem hospital
met last night and held nomina
tions tor the officers for next year.
The election will be held a month
later. Dr. W. B. Morse is chair
man of the staff.
Expert Ratlio Repairing
Hull's, 267 S. Com'l St.
Heavy Wool and Cotton-
Comforts cheaper than you can
make them. Hamilton's. dl6
Bonham DefaulU In flnit
R-p. Bonham and others, de
fendants in a suit brought by Clara
M. Steusloff in circuit court have
defaulted 'and a parcel of land in
question aa been awarded to the
piaiDiip. vs
Kleclric HeaterH. 82.93
Brownell Elec. Co., 383
To Represent Willamette
James Rettie. vice president of
the Willamette university YMCA
jas been selected by the Willam
ette Christian council as delegate
to the National Christian council
association in Its annual conven
tion at Wllwaukee, Wis.. Dec 28
to Jan. 44: ' i-'f.-'.; . "...
RadkM, $6.5.99 up, Complete-
Easy terms. Portland Music
Co., 355 N. High. dZ
Beeree Awarded
May A. Billings was yesterday
awarded a divorce from Bruce H.
Billings in circuit court.
No Money Down on Pianos
And phonographs; start paying
t.ext year. The Portland music
Co., 355 N. High St. d20
Salts IMMmissed
Two suits were dismissed in
circuit court here yesterday be
cause, they had already been set
tled. One was Alvah Prosper vs.
C. H. Breeden. and the other was
J. W. Copeland Yards against
Harriet A. Bond and others.
Order Xow for Christinas
Fresh home-made candies.
Browning's candy factory. Liberty
Road. -t ;d!5
Asks for GarlIansWp
Delia G.tPatton has -filed a pe
tition tn county court asking for
the guardianship, of Melva Belle
Savage.-a minor child.
.. .;,;- . II i'-f
Eat at lifllcrest Ian f
Chicken I dinner, chicken on
toast. Private dining room. Place
to dance. Five miles north on
Pacific highway: d!9
Attorneys Visit Salem
Among attorneys appearing in
Salem Tuesday on bunin?ss before
the supreme court were G us New-
bery of Med ford. A. E. Reames of
Medford and H. G. Piatt of Port
land. '.-..
Keen Tour Radiator ..
From freezing.. -. Denatured al
cohol $1.25 gaL , Low temp, glyc
erine $3.75 gaL Fall instructions
as to proper proportions , yon
should use. Fry's drug store, 28e
N. Commercial. , 1 dl4
selection is
such use
Heirs File Objections
Heirs to the estate of Charles
Kreft. deceased, have filed a list
of objections in county court to
the final account of the estate ren
dered" by Albert Krett and Carl
Kreft, executors. They say the
account is incomplete, and also
object to several other Items.
Fleet ric Heaters, 82.WV
Brownell Elec. Co., 383
Meeting Place Changed
The Salem Bunlneas and Pro
fessional Women's club will meet
Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock
at the YWCA. The meeting was
originally scheduled tor the cham
ber of commerce, but was changed.
A Radio tor 'Christmas
Sets. " ctsmplete. - $50 and up.
Radio Headquarters. 175 S. High.
Call 1935. dl5
Comfort, IMankets ami
Indian robes at Hamilton's.
Man tietd for Theft
W. E.-Manula of Astoria is
charged in justice court here with
larceny of an automobile from
Frank Watt of Salem. The charge
against him was filed November 2.
but he was hot arrested untU Dec.
4. Part of his preliminary hear
ing was held Dec. 11, and the case
was continued for further investi
Atwater Kent
One-dial radio is the last word
in perfect reception Get yours
now. Vick Bros. d!6
6 lb. Virgin Wool Blanket
In fancy plaids, $10 per pair;
6Vi lb. Virgin wool white blank
ets; fancy borders, $14 per pair;
all wool odd blankets $t;per lb.
Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. ,dl5
Final Account Given
Kate Fletcher, administratrix
for the estate of Lewis Fletcher,
ias filed her final account in pro
bate court here.
To Correct
A A Clothing Co. ad In Sun
day's paper should have read
"fm nor ted full fashioned Men's
Hose. $1.00." dl5
Returns From Funeral
Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn. C. If.
Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Can
non returned yesterday from New
port where they attended the fun
eral of the late A. L. Cannon. The
trip was made by motor and the
party report, contrary to expecta
tions, the roads in excellent con
dition. :
Frozen Radiators
Quickly repaired. We save you
time and money. Hull's, 267 S.
Commercial street. dl6
Over 1,000,000 Atwater-Kent '
Radios were manufactured up
to Dec. 3. The new one-dial re
ceiver Is the last word in radio.
Vick Bros. Phone 1841. dl5
Plan Mov
Plans in the alteration of the
OregonElectric depot have prog
ressed 'to the porn t where E. L.
Kapphahn expects to move into
what Is now a part of the waiting
room not later, than Jan. 15.
Heavy Word MHed Blankets
Regular ? values, special $4. 4 ft.
Hamilton's. die
Parking OffetHlertt F'nert .
A. D. i Hart and?. Associated
Stores No. $ were fined $1 each in
police court here yesterday on
charges ef parking overtime.
Excellent New Home, f4Sbo
.' Terms.1 ; .Furnace, fireplace, gar
age. hardwood, etc. North, close
schools and car. - Quick possession.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High
street. . dl$
We hare- a lft2 Ford coupe,
good pa tut, H5 new rah
ber, lots of extras and a car
that i in tint condition In
every way.
OUli PRICfii IS . s
Phone 1841
280 South High
Visits From Xewport
Mrs. Blanch Ford of Newport
i.? visiting relatives In Salem ana
will later o on to Portland for
an extended stay with a sister of
that city.
We Have the Beat Equipped
Shop in Salem tor radiator work
and expert workmen. Hull s, z6
S. Commercial St. d!6
Acre In Fruit, Sl.OOO Terms
South, close to car and school.
Adjoining properties have been
sold In half-acre parcels at $650
to $750. This is nice. Becke &
Hendricks. 189 N. High. d!5
Viita .Salem Friends
S. C. Bartrum, now of Portland
but formerly supervisor of the
state forestry Bervice with head
quarters In Roseburg, was renew-!
ing old acquaintances , yesterday
with Judges George ,M. Brown,
O. P. C'oBhow and other state of
ficial. Mr. Bartf)um has long
been active in political affairs of
this state, especially those of
southern Oregon. Since locating
in Portland he has been engaged
in the insurance business.
Joy Gift
Imported German Roller
cage. Petland. 273 State.
Baby Recovers
Mrs. Charles Duval and baby
are home from Portland, the let
ter being now entirely recovered
from a recent severe illness.
Full Line of New
Viva-Tonal phonographs; no
money down until next year. The
Portland Music Co., 3 55 N. High d20
.Recover From Auto Accident
William M. Brifrgs. Ashland at
torney, who sustained several
broken ribs in an automobile ac
cident near Albany last Saturday
while on his way to Salem, was
sufficiently recovered to permit
his resuming the trip today. He
was in Salem yesterday accom
panied by Mrs. Briggs, who sus
tained a bad cut on the throat and
about the ; face1 In the accident,
which occurred wben she fell
asleep while driving the car. Mr.
Kriggs is-state representative-elect
from Jackson county.
Electric Heaters, 82.9.
Brownell Elec Co., 383
McFarland Plead J ot Guilty
Frank McFarland pleaded not
guilty in justice court here yes
terday to a charge of larceny of
a mailbox. He. 'was released on
his own' recognizance
Kntertainmeni Pinrl
The Y KK class of the First
Methodist church Will hold an en
tertainment tonight at the home
of A. A. Lee, 1515 State street.
The men of the class are planning
the entertainment for tile benefit
of the women.
Library Report. Made
Only 1227 book were taken out
of the high school library during
November, according to a report
made yesterday by Ellen McGreg
or, high school -librarian. This
averages one book per student Per
throucth which
seen all the trouble
that is caused,
A piquant pornedyy:
cnac is q scream 1
f rom Hirst Deefe to 1
last Amcrrv Film thaU
tells the tale Of how I
a filmv chemise make$
life che-miserable for a
until he cjobthe
chemise back.
j month. Teachers borrowed 221
books and 85 magazines, as aA&lnst
8 maxazlnoji borrowed by stud
ents. Attendance, at the library
wa 4088.
Ferguson Ylit Amity
P. B." Ferguson, former sheriff
of Yamhill county and now chapel
guard at the state penitentiary,
was in Amity over the week-end
to visit friends and relatives. He
formerly lived in Amity.
Bny a Baby Grand-
For Christ man. Portland Mus'c
o.. 355 N. High. v 2
Foreign Veterans to Meet
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at
the armory for election of offi
cers. Poultry Meeting Scheduled
H. C. Cosby, extension poultry
sxpert of OAC. will speak at a
meeting of Marion and Polk coun
ty poultrymen in the chamber of
'cm mere auditorium Friday eve
ning at 1:30 o'clock.
Vcedtuun KiwanLs Secretary
, W. I. Need ham has been named
secretary of the Kiwanis club for
the coming year, it was announced
at the club luncheon Tuesday
noon. He will succeed N. D. El
liott. Investment of ft-.2,iMM
Large piece of clone in property
with buildings netting 6 per cent.
The cheapest inside property buy
we know, and bound to increase
in value. Suitable warehouse,
wholesale, and certain types re
tailing. Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High street. d!5
Hamilton I Speaker
W. M. Hamilton, local manager
for the PEP company, discussed
the needs of the Salem hospital
at a meeting of the Kiwanis club
Tuesday in the Marion hotel.
Trophy Cae Donated-
The graduating class of 1924 at
the senior high school has given
a new trophy case as a gift to the
school. It was installed yesterday
in the main hallway. It is velvet
lined and large enough to hold
large array of cups.
Kuhn Chosen President
The Salem Shrine club has
elected V. E. Kuhn president to
succeed Harry Levy. Levy was
made vice president and Chester
Nolan secretary treasurer.
Otto Skopil Obtained Money False
ly, Kays Lender
Otto R. Skopil borrowed money
from L. S. Girardin of Turner on
July 13, 1925. giving as part se
curity a bottle filler and wash
tank used in the dairy business,
according to a complaint filed by
Girardin, on which Skopil was ar
rested and charged with obtaining
money, under false pretenses in
justice court here yesterday.
Skopil demanded a hearing, and
his bail was set at $500. Date
for the bearing has not been set.
Bail Made Juitt as Sheriff Read)
to Pat Co-Ed in Jail
AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 14.
(AP) Mrs. Rebecca Bradley Rog
ers, stenographer ;in the office of
Attorney General Dan Moody, governor-elect,
and a university of
Texas student, charged with rob
bing the Farmers' National Bank
of Buda, Texas, last Saturday of
more than $1000, was free tonight
on $5000 bond furnished late to
day after spectacular attempts to
secure her release.
The bond was made just as
Sheriff George Allen of Hays
founty was preparing to take the
girl back to the Hays county jail,
where she spent Saturday night.
Anthorized Distributor
The Personal Writing Machine
Typewriter Exchange
Phone 051 421 Court, Ralem
Underwood Typewriter Co.
Direct Factory Branca
BIO Court St. Phone 263
Typewriters Rented. Sold.
8peeial rental rates to Students
Treated by Osteopathy, Dietet
ics, Radiant Therapy and Elec
trical Therapy including Dr.
Abrams' Electronic System.
No Charge for ,
Physician and Rnrjreon
Ml TJ. H. NarVBank Bide.
Salem, Oregon -
Fresh Sweet Oranges
S3 per box of three hundred
large size
Boxes larger .. than standard
sie. Sound fruit and satisfac
tion guaranteed or money back.
We pay express charges. A
box-of these makes an appre
ciated Christmas gift. -
: Remit With Order
- LaGrange, Texas .
f ; .n IN SALEM 1
o o
J. W. Mayo, cashier of the First
National bank at Staytoa, wag a
visitor in this city yesterday.
Ben Robinson of Turner was a
visitor in this city Tuesday.
W. O. Wheeler of Portland was
a Salem visitor Tuesday.
Gua Newberg of Medford was
In this city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howler of
(Knille were Salem visitors on
H. S. Oansloss of Eugene was
iu thin city Tuesday.
Ada Ford of Newport is a vis
itor, in Salem.
J. W. llansell of Freewatr, ia
eastern Oregon, spent Tuesday in
J. E. Plog arrived in this city
Tuesday, coming from Hood Hiver.
Among the Tuesday evening ar
rivals In Salem was Fletcher C.
Fish of Medford.
H. C. Atwell of Forest Grove is
a Salem visitor.
W. J. Hot ken spent Tuesdas
night in Salem. He is a resident
of Hood River.
W. C. Childs of Hood River is
in Salem today.
P. C. Storey of Roseburg is a
Salem visitor this morning.
G. T. Nelson of St. Helens was
in this city Tuesday.
C. rioler of Wood burn is a vis
itor in litis city today.
E. J... France of Alsea was
among the Tuesday night visitors
in this city.
J. W. Todd of Goble spent
Tuesday night in Salem.
Among the out of town visitors
in this city this morning are H. C.
Cuttsworth and J. K. Martin of
Mr. and Mrs. George McCul
loch of Reedsport were in this
city Tuesday.
H. H. Weatherspoon of Elgin.
Or., arrKed in Salem Tuesday
Barclay Henderson of Hillsboro
is a visitor in this ity.
(Continued from page 1)
that the charge of lack of har
mony is a mistake."
Aikin, as soon as the matter of
resignation was settled, imme
diately moved to appoint A. W?
Franklin, deputy warden for a
year and a half, as master fish
warden. Hayes supported the mo
tion with Veatch voting against it.
Gauntlet gloves made of de
grained kin and trimmed with
lizards heads and tails are becom
ing; popular for women's wear.
At the home, 3 miles west of
Turner, Monday, Dec. 12, Winifred
Scott LaFore, age 71 years, hus
bend of Mrs. Rachel LaFore; fath
er of Louis C. LaFore and Mrs.
J. C. Lanphier of Portland; grand
father of Robert Lanphier. Fune-
Schoolmates and,
J The neighbor's iots?
v Hints will help
uia santa lots.
Tuc CT?
What f
A I Krause
tw stor witB tne fountain
Open Evenings
f Shopping Days
y Before Christmas i
AVE -with
Are Your Hands White?
Rubber Gloves
It takes but a mo
ment to slip on a pair
of Roxbury R ubber
Gloves before washing
dishes dusting or
cleaning house. Your
hands will then stay
Perry's Drug
ral services today at 1 p. m. from j
the home. Interment In Hun-'
saker cemetery under the dlrec-
tion of Rigdon mortuary.
In this eity lVe. 12. George W.
Wheeler, age 72 years, formerly
a resident of the Hopewell dis
trict; father of W. O. Wheeler of
Portland. Mrs. Helen Bernard of
Mountain View. Cnl.. and step
father of Ceorce Keller of Dil- j
lord. Or. Mr. Wheeler has been j
a resident of this section for j
nearly 2S years. Funeral services i
today at ltl a. m. from the Itiedon !
i:ortuarv. Interment at Hope
well. !
At the residence. 321 South
19th street. Monday. Dee. 12th.
The funeral service for the late
John Senske, whose death occur
red on December 13, at 1425 N. '
Sth street, will be held today, De- s
cember 15. at 9 a. m. from St. Vin-!
cent du Paul church, where re- j
quiem mass will le offered. The j
interment will be in St. Barbara
cemetery under the direction of j
the Salem Mortuary. !
of refinement and fur
nishings; service, sym
pathetic and thought
ful, with reverence for
all creeds at terms al
ways modest.
Webb's Funeral Parlor
Telephone 120
Perfect Funeral Barrte
For Less
Licensed Lady Mort tolas
770 Chemeketa HtreeS
Telephone 734
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established ISfiS
Genera Banking Business
ffflee Rnnra from to a. m. to p. tm
Now Playing Wed. (Thur. Mat.) and Friday
A mirror of youth Where boys and girls will see
tbemsehres reflected -and where parents will learn
something new aboot their children!
. . , r --fciri wn . . "
V- -j f 2r -' J wkh I
ki I c J CLARA BOW sd8I? fv
zBmSSsT" It A vll
Wednesday Nite, 7 p. m.
New ready to wear clothing, ccngoleum ruga, furniture,
etc. Be on time 7
New Jacquard Velour Davenports .. $C5.0Q
New Congoleum, square yard 50c
New Simmons 2y Inch Post Bed .;.S7.50
'New Simmons Double Deck Coil Springs ; $12.50
New Simmons Single Deck Ceil Spikis : .....$7.50
New Silk Floss Mattress $16.50
Walnut Extension Tables.....:.... S25.C0 and up
3 beautiful bedroom suites priced to sell
Used Leather Duofold and Mattress '..'-$23.00
Used Electric Washers S 15.00 and $50.00
Used Cabinets SellSrs and IIoosier.-'..$18J0 and $25.00
New Ranges .... , .$65.00 and $70.00
Uned Cliairs, Tables, Heaters and Everything In Used Furniture
Phone 511 '
Thomas William. ? Wann. age 79
year, husband of - Mr, Sarah E.
Wann. . father of L. .AW ' Wann of
La Crosse Wash. Mm. James Al
bert and Miss Marguerite Wann of
i;lem: brother of Mr.. -Mary
founts of Sundale. Wash., Mrs.
George Wilson of Seattle," Frank
Wann of Harrlsburg and Charles
Whaley of Rlckreall. Funeral ser
vices today at 2:20 p. m. from the
Rigdon mortuary: interment in
City View cemetery. .
Monday, Dec. 20
Only Stop Between Portland
and Sah Francisco
OPERA CO. of New York
Present the
Famous Japanese Soprano
in . . .;
Andreas Pavley and Pavley
Oukrainsky Russian Ballet
Orchestra of 25
Company of 80 . .
Prices S3.30, $2.75, $2.20,
SI.65 and $1.10 incU lax
With Self-addressed .
Stamped Envelope .
Sale at Box Office Starts
Tomorrow, Dec. 16
From the faj
mom. novel by
Percy Msrlu