GiUfiDETTA FADES in -Terrific Battle Expected, Pelz May Box Winner in Next Fight Card Promptly at 7:30 every night Cobby Clark begins a bard and serious workout at the local arm ory, in preparation for bis coming ' fight Friday night with Frankie Grandetta, the boy wonder of Tf ollywood. Bobby realizes that a victory over the famous pet of the film stars will just about make hi reputation as a fighter, and is training with a -proportionate amount of enthusiasm. Comparative scores, the oracle BO much used in predicting the oatcome of football battles, might also be applied to the coming bat- . tie. . "Both boys have fought Willie Gordon, Portland scrapper, and the results tney hat, in meeting him can be used as a basis of cora ' parison. Orandetta's fight with . Cordon is fresh in tbe minds of most fight fans, and resulted in i a hair-line decision for Gordon. Bobby Clatk fought Gordon last ytar and managed to win a draw" vith him- eo the comparative dope ,- gives Bobby the edge against . GrandeUau. . Not many, fight fol lowers go so far a to predict a victory for the local boy, how ever, but most of them agree that ' the fight will be a close one , .Judging from the reputation of , both men, the fight ought to be as good as the terrible battle put on here recently by Phil Bayes and Benny Pelz. It will be just as rioee and probably faster.. Clark is like lightning in his movements : and Grandetta has also won quite . ' a reputatiop for not staying long i, In the same place. f There is a good possibility, ac , . cording to Matchmaker Harry Plant, ' of bringing Benny .Pela i JTS Q meetthe, w.inner, but he says ae can't, guarantee it unless the next fight is supported better t4iiineicent cards. The fight man 4 - apoment has been steadily going behind, as it costs money to bring such battlers as Benny Pelz and I.ddle Richards here, and it takes ' a gOodrlJOuiie ttrmake both ends ' meet. With a good battle in prospect Friday, however. Plant is hoping to pack the armory to Its cepac ia i Cobbs ft Mitchell Co., lumber a and building materials for every purpose. Get .estimates, look at quality of material, then you will order. 349 S. 12th St. () i-onuae six e'lll sweeping to ward , uncballenged leadership. LAndaa sedan $85 f . o. b. factory. Easy to pay on General Motors Ume payment plan. Vlck Bros. () Gabriel Powder ft Supply Co., lumber, building materials, paints, and varnishes, roofing paper. Get prices here and make a big sav log. Office. 175 S. Com'l. () JMIM LEAGUE IS iBaseball Magnates Would ?; Make Contract Changes .t With Commissioner CHICAGO. Dec. 14. (API The 'American League's approval of Baseball Commissioner K. M. s. Iandls.' voted unanimously at the opening -meeting of their annual , Bessiqn, was qualified by a move to.; reetriat the commissioner's a;uthoTiy. Tkft, league magnates appointed jatfcnnmittee to .confer with Landis assure himof , their endorsement roanpther terrn. ajid. ask for a CoAferenc64nv certain, undisclosed changed the league wishes to ef fect in the term of , the. commis sioner's contract. ; The job of presenting the.pxfpo sition to the . commissioner .was giyea .to Colonel JarbbRuppert of the Jew , York Yankees,,; Phil C. Hall of the St. Louls'Browns and , fl. ,S, Barnard of the "Cleveland Indians. They were delegated to assure -J-jrHiw4-kai -44e JKue first will vote to re-elect him. and then ask c A 4 T Clfifi! IIV APPROVES LAUD SILVERWARE A WONDERFUL GIFT The. silverware used by Miss Jeanette Bey er at the Statesman Cooking school at the Grand theatre this week is furnished by us - m U 6 m a m V After attending the visit BURNETT BROS. 157 State Street for a conference on the modifica tion which the leagha 'wishes ? at ao me- later dat m&4-wJAMc -.The magnates opened their ses sion with the Xormalties of award ing the pennant ;to, New York, adoption of the annual report, of the treasurer; and then took up the Landis matter, which, was quickly approved. ;' ; Automobile accessories lor Christmas gifts appreciated' be cause of their utility; Perhaps we can help you- select a suitable gift for him." Malcom's Tire Shop. () Walter II. ZoseT. automobile tires, tubes and accessories. Vul canizing that holds. High quality, superior jservice. A trial makes a custom.. ,198 S. Com'l () Christmas is the day for happi ness and rejoicing, but every day is one of pleasure if you eat Better Yet Bread made by the Better Yet Baking Co.. 264 N. Com'l. () Willamette Secures Games, With University Quintet The "Willamette university var sity and freshman basketball squads have been combined into one for intensive practice until the holidays. The men -are beginning to show improved, form with more work and additions from th football team add strength. Two games have been scheduled with the University of Oregon the first to be Januafy 15. at Kugene and the second to be February 26 in Salem. Probably no more games will be added to the schedule later Coach Keene intimated yesterday. P. L. Wood and Geo. F. Peed, real estate. 344 State: Farms and city property. They bring buyer and seller together, for the bene fit and profit of both. () O. J Hull An to Top & Paint Co. Radiator, fender and body repairing. Artistic painting adds 100 to the appearanee of youi auto. 26 S. Commercial. () I LATE SPORTS I- o ' o PORTLAND, Dec. 14 YAP) Ray Pelky, veteran Oakland light heavyweight, scored an eight round technical knockout over Russell Dockstader, Vancouver, B. C, here tonignt. 1'elky was de clared winner when his Canadian opponent, with pnffed lips and one eye all but swollen shut, walked to his corner in token of defeat. The fight was scheduled for 10 rounds. In .another 10 rounder, Georgie Dixon, Portland welterweight, won a close decision over "Red" Carr of Winnipeg. , Harry Hall, Seattle, won a de cision over "Nails'.' Gorman. Weiser, in four rounds, and Pete Byrnes. Portland welterweight, earned a four round-decision over Frankie Doyle, Seattle. SEATTLE, Dec. 14 (AP) Vic Foley, Vancouver, B. C, featherweight, won the decision over Joe Pimenthal. Los Angeles, in the final main event of a smok er here tonight. Al Gracio, Spo kane, Wash., lightweight, beat Jimmy Lundy, Butte, Mont., in the other half of the double header. , y Both bouts were six rounds. Frankie Lewis, Eureka, Cal.. o a Mugged Scotty -Inkster,' Van couver, ,J3. C. in the semi-final, to win a six round decision in the junior welterweight division. G. W. Day. tires, tubes and ac cessories. Has the Goodyear tires, the standard of the world Mr Day can give you more mileage Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. () For "Her" may we suggest a most beautiful toilette set in the color of your choice as gift that would be sure to please her. Ty ler's Drug Store. 157 S. Com'l. () Great News! BABE RUTH IN PERSON on the PANTAGES I VAUDEVILLE Next Monday - Tuesday Bligh's Capitol school vu inv ite you to our store ' ." sirauui Many Games v Scheduled, Huntington Predicts Good Team, Trip Planned A strong high school basketball team for Salem high school this year is predicted by Coach Hollis Huntington after he has seen his men in practice for a few weeks, but he does not expect such a rec ord as was made by last year's championship five. Last year's team went through a season of 27 games and averaged 35 points a game to its opponents' 4 7. more than 2 to 1. This record included games of the state tourn ament. v Loss of .fohn Drager at center will mean los of the tipoff. Coach Huntington believes; Homer Lyons who is taking his place, : a good floor man and works the ball well, but does not have quite the alti tude needed to get the tipoff con tinually. Cummings, another good center, will be ineligible because he will be 21 years old before the time limit expires for eligibility. The complete schedule of games has not yet been worked out, but tentative games afe in cluded with sueh teams as Eugene, Corvallis, Oregon frosh. Indepen dence, Dallas, West Linn, and one or two of thje Portland high schools. A possible barnstorming trip may be taken during the holidays to some places in Washington, ir. case present plans develop. Capital Bargain Iloue, Capital Tire Mfg. Co.. Mike's Auto Wreck ing. Three, in one Bargain center of Salem. Thousands of bargains. H. Steinbock. 215 Center. () Pens, pencils, stationery, pep and pencil sets, books, kodaks, typewriters, magazines and novel ties everything in the book store line for Christmas at Patton's. ( ) W. G. Krneger, realtor, progres sive, fair, equitajie. Crowing city tin! country ni&Ke possible buys Lai will make you good money. Complete listings. 147 N. Com'l. f) STORM WARNINGS FLY ALONG OREGON COAST (.Continued from page 1) coast stations from Columbia river north were ordered out tonight. There were indications that winds along the Washington coit would reach gale force tonight. At four o'clock this morning the weather bureau thermometer here slid down to 19 degrees, the low est temperature Portland has had in t 6 years. Pendleton experienced its cold est weather in years when the mercury dropped to 8 degrees be low zero Monday night. Central Oregon also had sub-zero weather, with 7 below reported at Bend. Thermometers at some points in mid state registered 2 0 below, it is said. - More snow is expected in the Deschutes country. Baker reg istered 10 degrees r.elow. Klamath Falls- residents were shivering in an icy north wind todTy, with a minimum tempera ture of two above zero reported. At Fort "Klamath and Chiloquin. thermometers registered four be low and eifrht below, respectively. At LaGrande the mercurv MILK AND CREAM For the STATESMAN COOKING SCHOOL AT THE GRAND THEATRE Furnished by fill 'T,n DAIRY Battua Vh Sanitary Way Telephone 725 NOBLE ANDREWS And His Sales Room Now Located At 217 S. High St. With E. Tallman The place where you can get the big sweet Noble French prune trees which will bring you the big sweet-prune like the ones which Mr. Andrews has exhibited for three years at the State 7 Fair- i ::- - ;; TfiE PRICES OF THE TREES 6 to 8 ft 4 to 6 ft 3 to 4 ft slipped to 1 - -below zero Monday night, and had climbed only two degrees. oia.thai-pol'nt,thJ-S.J?rp-tag. Madras has six inches of tdor and a temperature of 19 be low zero. Light snow" arid a ntini mum temperature of 26 ave w,as reported at Albany. Potatoes suf fered in tbe Brooks and (Juinaby districts due to opening x of store houses for sorting and sacking- Clackamas county experienced its lowest temperature of the sea son tonight "when bregoa City and j Molalla reported 17 above. CHICAGO, . Dee. 14. (AP) Winter gave color to Christmas shopping today in a dozen states in the Mississippi basin and prom ised another twenty four hours of zero temperatures before it de parts. The cold wave which- movd from Alaska and the1 Pacific northwest toward the Ohio valley Sunday and Monday had settled today across the area from Ohio to Idaho with temperatures at, zero and lower from the Indiana-Illinois line westward. The edge of the bitter blast which swirled Missouri and Kansas began to abate late today and the thermometer climbed in that vicinity, but the weather bur eau said no warmer weather could be expected over the rest of the storm area until tomorrow night. The death toll mounted to IS. Special as long as they last body powder and bath salts only 63c. regular 75c each. These make wonderful Christmas pres ents. Crown Drug. 332 State. () The Man's Shop saves you a ten dollar bill on every quality suit. Shirts, hats. ties, collars. High erade clothing, perfect fittine. Jong wearing. 416 State () ELKS-ARMY CHRISTMAS Two OrRanizations Cooperate For Annual Festivity Preliminary preparations for the' big Elk - Salvation) Army Christmas tree, to be held at the armory at 7 p. m. December 24, are all but completed. "The Elks committee, headed by R. C. Aiken, and that of the Salvation Army, under direction of Ensign Pitt, with Harry Plant, custodian of .the armory, cooperating, are rounding out the final details. A large number of Big Brother Elks are going to be on -hand to see that the kiddies haVe a ;good time and that none are over looked. A special program has been arranged with Cooke Patton as headliner. All the numbers have been specially selected with a view of being entertaining for both the youngsters and grown ups. The general public will be ad mitted free but the young guests, of whom there will be about 300, must secure tickets for admission. These may be secured at the' Sal vation Army headquarters the lat ter part of this week. No pains have been spared in preparation for this big treat for children of Salem and both the Elks and the Salvation Army hope that each and every one of the 300 tickets will be applied for. The ComnnsrcJal Book Store has everything you need in books and stationery and supplies for the school, office or home at the low est possible prices. I". The Cherry City Baking Co.'s bread, pies and cake are of high est quali'y. One of Oregon's most anitary bakeries. Visit it. Wortb while. A Salem show place. ') - Per ! 100 $75.00 40-.00 . 20.00 Per 1000 $500.00 350.00 150.00 Each .$1.00 . .50 . .25 IM'IMIO.. lEKITY LEAGUE it Prospects Bright for Extend ing Schecjuie for; Second ;. Round, Efids Thursday The DeMoiiy Boys basketball testm lost its chance at the city i league title Monday night by dropping a close game to the U. S. Bankers. 41 to39. The DeMolays led up to the ist two minutes of play. Beechler was the big star, making 21 ptints for the De Molays, most of them on long sjiots. - ; y. ; - " - - - The -vi-cto(y, put; the Bankers ijato first place, and, the-winner of the Dearport-Papermakers game next Thursday night will be tied with the money counters. A stiff, battle is expected Thursday, as bath teams axe evenly matched. The Cooley-Pearsons are favored to win from the Navigation com pany team in 'the other game Thursday night. Xothing but the cellar is at stake. Although the league sexison is officially ended with this week's games, interest in the games has been so great that there is some tai'.c of continuing the series for antrther round. In case this is donle, the second round will probably begin imme diately. The Salem Hdw. Co., most pro gressive. Every accommodation given "to those in need of best hardware supplies. Work and Dnos perity the motdo. 320 N. Com! () F. E. Shafefc's Harness and Leather Goods Store. 170 S. Oom'l. Suit casee. valises, portfolios, brief cases, gloves and mithens. Large stock. The pioneer storea. () SEIZURE HELD ILLEGAL, NEED TRIAL BY JURY i. (Continued from pge 1) ing unlawfully transported, is a public nui'sajice. nor is there any other statute in this state making an automobile or other vehicle so used, a public nuisance. "If. under the provisions of this act the property which was made the subject of forfeiture, had con sisted of intoxicating liquor, gam bling devices, or anything which in its nature is injurious to the public welfare, or if the act had required, as a condition of the for feiture, the conviction of the of fending person, the question would be different, but where as here. the lawful property of an innocent person may be forfeited to the More Than A Gift of Utility A Permanent Investment for Your Home As a Special Holiday Offer Two Popular Models of Electric Ranges EACH AT AN EXCEPTIONAL PRICE AND EQUIPPED WITH ALUMINUM UTENSILS DESIGNED TO FIT THE OVENS AND TOP BURNERS If you have been contemplating the purchase of an electric range for your home you should take advantage of this exceptional offer. If not, you should consider the many advantages of this modern cooking equipment. Gall and let us show you the practical features" of the Monarch Electric This is a Holiday-Of fer only PLAN Ar MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR YOUR KITCHEN slate without the previous cos tlcttoa t any-one, ajad without' th JoPJWtUJiltXjQf i JttJXla.l M,DT stage of the proceedings, we think the act in so far as it provides that the .t or:itore jjliall , be tried by the court wlthouthe inter vention of a jury is "unconstitu tional and void, because denying a trial by jury as guaranteed by the state constitution' Justice Biwn ana "oshow dis sent from "fife majoj-ity opinion c f the courTmaintafuin that the provision eomplaineu t is consti nitionai.- . In affirming ''the tit nv of Judge C. H. McColIoch of ti e Ba ker county circuit court in the case of the state of Oregon vs. Kphrium Barnes, the supreme urt todav said it was within the province, of a jury to infer from the appears ncos and tirvam stances surrounding a case a; to whether or not a person was 1n possession of intoxicating liquor, although the liquor in question was at the time cached away. Barnes was arr?fi-:-i on an abandoned ranch in Baker ounty. At the time of his arrest lie was in the vicinity of a liquor cache and in his automobile. some 7 5 or 100 feet away were several demi johns. On the ground near the car was a shovel. "It is immaterial whether the defendant hgd actually deposited the liquor where it was found, or its hiding place revealed to him by the party who did deposit it, or he otherwise learned of its place of concealment. He was found there with his own auto mobile, with the necessary tools for excavating the liquor, and with containers customarily i,sed for I me convenient, nanaiing oi liquor. The jury could infer from all this that he claimed the right and had the power to control, manage and oispose of the same. If the de-J ftndant had the control of that liquor concealed as it was, he was guilty of unlawful possession thereof.' , - f Other cases were passed on by" the court yesterday as follows: Mary A. Costello vs. James C. CosMlo, apptllant; appeal from Multnomah county; jsuit for di vorce. Opinion by Justice Co show. Judge Walter 11. Evans af firmed. State of Oregon vs. Lee Karpen ler. appellant; appeal from Harney county; petition for rehearing de nied in opinion by Justice Coshow. City of La Grande, appellant, vs. Municipal court of City of La Grande, appeal from Union coun ty; appeal from conviction for violation of city ordinance. Opin ion by Justice Burnett. Judge J. S. Krtowles reversed. Nels J. Stone, appellant, vs. H. K. Leonard et al. appeal from MM. 340 Multnomah county; suit charging deeeit 'lit real estate -transaction. f 0 pinion b JTusnce jj WneAt-JBet crse wjuage iiooerx u. Morrow modified. If ' ' Ntfr Mank Lange Vsi Editfc ti Allen, t a, appelliiitas-r appeal from Marion county; suit for res toration of property. Opinion by Justice Burnett, f3udge George Bingham, affirmed. -Petitions fori renearing denied in Bronn vs. -"Kay; . Joseph vs. .V?K'j:- Frank, aiki in Brown vs. Portland. - . - .-,rrr r -t rWhlta Hor5e.Restforant. .362 State St., where hundreds of peo ple prefer to eat. All you want to eat for less than you can eat M borne. Quality and service. ( Fry's urug Store. 280 N. Com'l. the pioneer store. Everything for j evej-ybody in the jdrug supply line, i 'lth" standard g8ods,and quality j service always. ' f I ' " . 1 Eugene Plans being drawn for $60.0i)0 Catholic church AUCTION "S A LE Tomorrow at 1 p. m. sharp On Falrvicw Avenue- Between South Commercial ' and Twelfth Street . Watch for Sale Arrows on South Commercial also South Twelfth Consisting of furniture, horses, 1 family cowj'7 goats, bees, bee supplies, machinery, etc. Phone 75 for particulars. A. BENNETT, Owner ' ' H. F. WOODRY &-SON; Auctioneers U71 North Commercial Stroet ol They Don't Eat Flowers But they are a necessary adjunct to table decora tion. Doesn't a table seem more cozy doesn't a' table seem to have more life doesn't it .give more color and break the monotony, as far as a color scheme is concerned, to your table ? It does all of that, whether they are cut flowers or potted. All you need to do is to call 380 and say that you want a bouquet for a table centerpiece, when you want it delivered, and it will be there. Little expense and no worry. Miss Jeanette Beyer has selected flowers from our shop to grace her table during the Statesman Free Cooking School. C. F. BREITHAUPT - Say it With Flowers 512 State Street New Bligh Bldg. ij MONARCH ELECTRIC RANGE El 37L Two Oven Cabinet Range Wit j Four Surface Burners, Full Enamel Finish, Including 6-Piece Oven Dinner Set , Court PAJiTOH VISITS OLD KMIE SILVERTON. OrflL. Dec. 14 TTpecIsryTTie fte'fTGeorge Hen- rjkseBfcjrmer pastor of Trinity htrrtb!atJBilTertori. was a znest i-for aifeWhours here Tuesday. The iter. Mr. Hennksen was on his way to; Eugene, ' - ) Buster Brown Shoe Store. High class, stylish looking, comfort giving, long wearing shoes for the least -money. Come and be con vinced. 125 N. Com'l. () Tyler's Big Z Cold Capsules will cure your cold. If yoo donj h lieve it try it for yourself. is the only place to get theml57 S. Com'l.' . . !) Ask Hi lr tarn fUiate U4 ud Urn r Mueouts KTiaraxas I I CHJCffSMS Jills s-ttV f mitrt fl ifc mi rtmmtwt ' 5A