J: L 12 -THE ORZGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON : ' THURSDAY MORNING,-DECEMBER 16.' 192G4 ijJiejSlgan v .Pagecpe Yours ; Aid In Wlakirig Thm Helpful Itobur '4 SEVENTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR .i ? THE DAILY STATESMAN dedicates two or more pages each week in the interests of one of the fifty-two to a hundred basic industries of the Salem district. Letters and articles from people with vision are solicited This is your page. Help make Salem grow. m f. 1 it, - ...... -.. 19.- s GBOllGCEfflBHijyBEST -: ' CHLLGE AUTHORITY IN THE STATE - v - ' ' The Importance of the Crop- The Varieties The seed, Soils. Fertilization; Thinning and Training, Harvest Ting, Prices, Crop Pests The Five Important Things s in Growing Beans jTbere Is' a new bulletin of the Oregon Agricultural college on 'Growing Cannery Beans," by Prof. A. G. B. Bouquet. It is cir cular 222. It is -worth printing in (all, in this annual Slogan num ber on Beans, as follows:) , . Importance of the Crop I ' Snap beans, sometimes erron eously called string beans, rank as one of the vegetables for canning in the country. The, 19 24 pack of green and waxed beans amounted to brer 6 million cases, the crop standing 4th in- point of volume, or number of cases canned. The northwest Oregon pack in 1924 was in excess of 75,000 cases, while that of Washington totaled- over 93,000 cases, the packs being first and second re spectively, of all the vegetables canned,. ...... r , . Varieties . A variety of bean suitable for canning should have certain defin ite characteristics. FirBt, it should be .'prolific. In yield of pods, so as to .make it more profitable to the grower,, in, tonnage; second, It should be of the correct shape, color., and size in order to satisfy the critical trade; third, the qual ity .should be good, and fourth, the variety 'should have a normal tendency toward - stringlessness. This' characteristic.- ' however, is largely a matter of the strain of the-variety-. " " t . . . Among the varieties grown are, HHV Improved Stringless Refu gee; a bean -of great pfoductive ness, handsome appearance, near ly round and cylindrical, but often hairing a rather undesirable light color. This is an excellent variety for 'canners for a high class qual ity bean.- .Its chief value is in its freedom from strings. Being a bush bean, it is more- laborious to pick. The pods stay in a good condition a long time. " Second. Stringless Green Pod, a bush variety, is widely used. It has-, unusual reliability, good pro ductiveness, and excellent quality. It is inclined to be slightly flatter than, pie, Refugee, but the color is agood, medium dark green. Of the pole varieties, the Ken tucky Wonder is largely grown. It Is very, prolific, with pods of most excellent quality. The pods are medium light green, and quite long, often" reaching nine' or ten inches, curved and twisted, nearly round, and very crisp when young, becoming somewhat irregular and spongy as the beans ripen. This variety is easily harvested, and has very good quality when picked at the right time. Blue .LiaKe, also a pole sort, is grown, to some extent. It is a Strain' of Creaseback. -When picked in a young condition,, the pods have good quality, but the variety soon develops toughness ItJs a heavy bearer, but is not so desirable in quality as the Ken fucky Wonder. 1 Seed The quality and quantity of any variety is very largely dependent On the Strain of seed. The varie ty., is no better han the seed. The - name of the variety means noth ing; except as it is supplemented by ,a carefully selected stringless strain. This is well shown by the Stringless Tlef ugee, in which there are many different strains of Ret ugee varying In yield with a ten dency , toward stringlessness, gen erahniarket appearance, and qual lty.1 Good- bean seed costs con siderably more than seed which has had little selection, but the seed which does not . produce a good quality of beans free from airings, cannot be used by 7 the canncr The extra cost of the peed is in . many Mimes 'made up by. the superior quality of the beans grownr " - - - Soils for IW-ins . Land for growing beans should ; tnv well -drained.- warm, fertile, easy lo work -a tul. able 'to retain nioistugo well, or.ele bo adapta ble tr irrigation: Any land' that 'In naturally fertile, cr has been built up ! a high Mate of fertil ity, Mrill grow-good yields of beans. 'Preferable soils are sandy loam andailt'toirm -soil,ajrweli as peat or bea verda mt The latter, soils hold "moisture ;well during, the summertime. while the first nainbd inaVla the grower to lrri-l gate profitably, and thus keep bis ' plants producing, in spite of the dry, warm weather.. Fertilizers Manure or cover crops are the best fertilizers for bean ground. These may also be supplemented by commercial fertilizer If deem ed necessary, in which cases com plete fertilizer having a possible formula of 3-8-6 might be suita ble. In case a complete fertilizer was not used, the land might be top dressed with a nitrogen fertili zer, consisting of either nitrate of soda or . sulphate of ammonia mixed with twice the amount of acid phosphate. Seeding Bush beans are grown in con tinuous rows, and the field is seed ed with a hand seeder, using ap proximately 60 pounds per acre. The distance between rows is usu ally 28 to 30 inches. Seed should not be sown too thickly, as the pods will be larger if the plants are not crowded. The plants should never be planted less than three to four inches apart. Later blossoming and smaller pods are likely to result f.ora too thick seeding. Pole beans must be seeded by hand. The field can be cross checked, and the hills sown every three feet, with the rows four feet apart. In these distances there Will be about 3600 to 3700 hills per acre. Planting should be done some time during May. and, .preferably not later than June 1st, otherwise the plants will not get a good start before the hot weather comes along. -,'' Thinning and Training There will be no thinning in growing bush beans, but" the pole variety will usually' be thinned to three plants per hill. The plants persist in growing anti-clockwise. Various means of training and staking are used. In one case, poles five to eight feet long are set in rows four feet apart, and ex tending north and south, the poles being three feet apart in the rows. Let the poles slant slightly to wards the north. Set in this way, the vines climb better, and the pods are stfaighter and more eas ily cleaned. Another plan is to plant the rows thickly enough so that there will be one plant to every 8 or 10 inches. Posts are set 5 feet high firmly at the end of the rows, and stakes are driven made up of 2x2 inch lumber at intervals about 16 feet along the rows. No. 10 or 12 wire is stretched along the posts between each row. and fastened to the toos of the stakes with wire staples. A lighter wire or twine is stretched ' along the bottom about six inches from the ground. Between the wire and the twine, twine -is stretched, up which the plants will run until they reach the top wire, where they will take care of themselves. Another way is to omit the bottom wire and stick small stakes six Inches into the soil and fasten to th etop wire. Some growers use edgings, in which case one is set between each two hills. Stakes are sharpened at one end, and .driven into the ground about eight inches, and standing about five fee V tall. The vines are trained when the run ners are about a foot or two In length, being cut on -the. corners of the stakes with a broad knife blade to hold them. Training is not a hard job, as most of the vines find the; stake. ; "Another grower uses posts, as previously mentioned, having two wires, the lowest one 18 inches - from the ground, and the top' one 5 feet from the greund. TMen twine is tied at the top" wire.'coniing down to the bottom wire at .each hill. Three-ply string is. used. """Harvesting It la! most important to pick beans before they have became too large, er have started to swell up the seed inside Ihy pod. It is bet ter to harvest them too small than Lf large. J. Thj quality of any va riety is; very largely dependent up on the time of pickng,or Abo de-j veiopment or, the pod. Some va rieties stand longer on the vine without"' stage . of toughness, therefore the have to be Watched wrv ptaiutlv 1, aMa, i V. ... ft V ;:.J :...rr "."Tr' (Continued on pa?e l4.) Dates of Slogans (In Weekly (With a few possible changes) Loganberries, October 7, 1036 Prunes, October 14 Dairying, October 21 Flax. October 28 Filberts, November 4 Walnuts, November 11 Strawberries, November 18 Apples, November 25 Raspberries, December 2 Mint, December 9 Beans, Etc., December 10 Blackberries, December 23 Cherries, December 30 Pears, January 6, 1927 Gooseberries, January IS Corn, January 20 Celery, January 27" Spinach, Ktc, February 3 Onions, Ktc, February lO Potatoes, Etc., February 17. Bees, February 24 Poultry and Pet Stock, Mar. City Beautiful. Etc., March 10 Great Cows. March 17 Paved Highways, March 24 Head lettuce, March 31 Silos, Etc., April 7 Legume,, April 14 Asparagus, Etc., April 21 Grapes, Etc., April 28 THIS WEEK'S SLOGAN DID YOU KNOW that Salem is in the center of what wiD become a g-eat bean growing and shipping industry; that t,he raising of green beans for canning is already becoming an important branch of our fanning, and will steadily grow to be much more so; that there is a chance for this district to make a great name and large profits in growing salad beans for the world markets; that beans make a profitable crop to grow, in rotation with other crops, and as a succession crop; that we should grow hundreds of thousands of pounds more of dry beans, and also we should grow all of our own Lima beans; and that there will in time be vast room here for more bean growers? BEET GROWERS OF MONTANA DID WELL Report on Results of 1926 Yields for the Chinook Factory (Rev. James Elvin, formerly of Salem, now of Helena. Montana, sends a clipping from one of the Helena newspapers with the fol lowing dispatches:) Average 873 An Acre CHINOOK, Dec. 10 -According to the summary of the results of sugar beet culture in tftis local ity, as checkecf up by the Utah Idaho Sugar company here, the beet grower received an income of $73.12 an acre from Sis beets after deducting his expenses from a field producing 15-5 tons to the acre. This was the general aver age tonnage produced on 35-acre tracts this year.. . The expense of producing ; this tonnage has been listed as follows by the sugar company: Hand labor on 15.5 ton crop bunching and thinning. $11; two hoeings, 4; pulling and topping, $12.65, mak ing a total of $27.63. Receipts at the rate of $6.50 a ton, already paid, $100.75. This leaves $73.12 as the net ' income to the beet grower above hand labor costs. The general average on 16 acres of beets his year was 18 tons and the general average 'In 6.5 acres was 24 tons. The better yields obtained this year over last,' according to the sugar company, were due to the fact that all the land in the 1926 beet crop was fall plowed and fer tilized during , the. winter with plenty of moisture In the subsoil in the fall. This. gave the young beet plants a good start, r Early planting and plenty '-.of seed, at least 18 to 2d pounds per acre, se cured a good "stand,; Thinning weeding and. irrigating were done in proper time and manner. The 1927 .yield can be greatly increased, it is believed; by con tinned improvement on. the ineth od treed for Irrigation by leveling Hunt's Quality Fruits . Hunt Brothers Packing Companyl - Chh1 lYwiis and Vrgrtables , .. w Main Offirrt 4 a Tine Sliwt, San Francisco California " - " " Canneries:-' v - " California Hayward, San Jose. ' Los Gatos, Exeter pregon-HSalera, McilinnvIUe, 3Mbany - . , Washington Pnyallnp, Sumner in Daily Statesman Statesman) Drug Garden, May 6 Sugar Beets, Sorghum, Etc., May 13, 1927 Watr Powers, May 20 Mining, June 3 Land, Irrigation, Etc, June 10 Floriculture, June 17 Hops, Cabbage, Etc., June 24 Wholesaling and Jobbing, July 1 Cucumbers, Etc., July 8 Goats, July 22 Schools, Etc., July 29 Khet-p, Aug, 5 National Advertising, Aug. 12 Livestock, August 26 Grain and Grain Products, Sept. 2 Manufacturing, September 9 Automotive Industries, Sept. 10 Woodworking, Etc., Sept. 23 Paper Mills, Sept. 30 Summary, Oct.. 7 V -Ilack copies of the Thurs day, edition of Tbet -Daily Ore-jroir- Statesman are. on hand. They are for eale at 10 cents each, mailed to any address. Current copies 5 cents.) the land so water will not "pond" on the beets and scald them.' This caused Considerable loss last sea son. Prize "Winning Growers CHINOOK, Dec. 10. The Utah Idaho Sugar company has an nounced the prize winners in the 19 215 beet crop contest. The prize of $60 for the best 20 acres goes to J. W. Ames of Zurich, who harvested 337.32 tons on 20 acres. His average per acre was 18.66 tons. These beets were de livered to the North Fork dump. This contest is limited to growers raising more than 20 acres of beets. The prize of $37.50 for the best 1 0 acres was won by James and Leo Morgan of Zurich. They had 183 toss on a 10 acre tract with an average per acre of 18.3 tons. These beets were delivered to the Madras dump. This contest was limited to growers growing over 10 acres and under 20 "acres. For the best five acres with a prize of $30, Oscar Strande of Zur ich, was winner. He harvested 91.17 tons or 18.23 .tons an acre from a five acre tract. His beets were delivered at the Madras dump. Competition in this was limited to growers who raised over five acres ahd under 10 acres.The $22.50 prize for the hest one acre tract was won by Raleigh Barlow of Cascade, a boy 11 years old. He prew 20.3 tons from one acre. He did all the hand labor himself nd his beets were delivered to the Cascade damp. (ChinooK. Montana, where the factory is located, is . in Blaine county, next to the Canadian line. -Ed.) Buy at Director's and save $20 men's all wool suits $9.95 in Di rector's Downstairs Store. $2.50 slicer pants $1.59: $2.50 slicker coats $1.59; 60c toe rubbers 19c. Reduction on all hats- at the Vanity Hat Shoppe. 387 Court St. Be sure to see our line of hats be fore buying. Latest metal doth' hats just in. . () Mr. Used Car nuyer: Have you seen the real buys at the Capitol Motors Incorporated? See Biddy Bishop. 350 N. High St. Tele ohnnes 2125 and 2126. i O a k I a n d Pon t i a c Sales and Service "9 High Street mt Tradfdv SENEfQP- EAST, WONDERFULLY INSPIRING SCENES IN - ' , .WESTERN NEBRASKA IN BEET HARVEST . TIE DESCRIBED By FIRM PAPER EDITOR "The North Platte Valley Sweetens the Pot," and "The 1926 Sugar Beet Crop Is Big gest in the History of 'America's Valley of the Nile'" Are the Words Used by the Writer in His Headlines (Francis A.' Flood is associate editor of the Nebraska Farmer, published at Lincoln in that state. He recently made a trip through the sugar beet empire in the wes tern part of Nebraska, and print ed in his paper of November 11 several illustrations of the scenes be witnessed, including a cut of one of the huge sugar beet factor ies in operation, and under the heading. "The .North Platte Val ley Sweetens the Pot: the 1926 Sugar Beet Crop Is Biggest in the History of 'America's Valley of the., Nile, " the following inspiring article:) . "We're beet slice slice slice slicin' in the valley. An' top top top beet toppin' in the valley. Beets beets beets beets movin' up and down again; There's no restin' in the season!" If Rudyard Kipling had lived through a sugar campaign in the North Platte valley in western Nebraska instead of through the Boer campaign in South Africa, his famous marching poem "Boots," dedicated to the English Tommy Atkins would have been "beets" dedicated to those equally romantic "sugar tramps" of beet fields and sugar factories of the west end. "Seven six eleven five nine an and twenty tons today. Four- eleven seventeen thirty- two the day before. Beets beets beets beets movin' up and down again; There's no restin in the season!" There is certainly no busier spot in a,ll Nebraska than the ir rigated region in the North Platte valley from Bridgeport to Henry, from September to December and it's all "Beets beets beets beets movin' up and down again. Men men men men men go mad with watchin 'em; An there's no restin' in the sea son." The fields in that whole coun try are. full of men, women and children, Americans, German-Russians and Mexicans, all topping and piling beets. The towns are full of the hundreds of factory workers and the hundreds of oth er people that busy business al W.,W. ROSEBRAUGH COMPANY Manufacturers of Warm Air Furnaces, Fruit Drying Stoves, Smoke Stacks. Tanks, Steel and Foundry Work, Welding a Specialty 17th and Oak Sts., Salem, Ore. C. J. PUGH & CO. Manufacturers of Canning Machinery; Grad ers, Trucks, Etc. 3oO S. 21st St., Salem, Oregon Kp Your Money in Oregon Bar Monamenti Mad at Salem. Oregon CAPITAL 1CONTJMEHTAI, WORKS J. O. Jones Co., Proprietor AM Kinds f MonamenUI Work Factory and Office: 221a B. Coat'L, Opposite I O. O. T. Cemetery, Bex 21 Fhone 689. SALEH. OBSOH GIDEON-STOLZ CO. ; Manufacturer of viNEGAIt SODA WATER v - Fountain. SappUes Salem Phone 20 " Ore. DIXIE BREAD DIXIE HEALTH BREAD . Ask Your Grocer. Over the Article Describing What He Saw on Personal Visit ways brings. And the roads are full, jammed full, of thousands of trucks and beet wagons swarm ing the highways and byways and all hauling "Beets beets beets-- beets f movin up and down again. There's no restin in the season!" (And there isn't.) I spent a few breath taking days in the North Platte valley recent ly, in the height of the beet sea son, and among other places there I visited one of the Great Western Sugar Company's beet dumps near Scottsbluff, the capital of this su gar empire. Now a beet dump is just one little detail in the vast organization for the handling of this annual crop and yet, at this one dump at the time I was there, a file of beet wagons and trucks was lined up the full length of a huge beet pile a quarter of a mile long and heaped eight feet high, nearly 20,000 tons of sugar beets waiting their turn to be made into sugar. And they told me that be fore seven o'clock that morning there had been a hundred loads hauled in from the farms and shoveled onto that one pile, and that the procession kept up all day long, and for two months or more during the season. And this was only one of the 75 similar dumDs. each one cost- ling about $5,000 to build, that are kept equally busy within the comparatively narrow confines of the North Platte valley irrigated district, the whole thing a bee hive of industry, the beatin'est place for teeming activity that I have ever seen. There are six railroad spurs reaching out like long fingers among the farms in the territory, and there is a dump every two or three miles all along this 56 miles of spur track. No farmer has to haul his beets more than three miles and yet, with an average F. G. LUTZ NURSERY We plan and plant (free of charge), for homes, large or small, all kinds of ornamental shrubs, perennials and rockery plants. Landscape work. I860 Market St. Phone 1G08-R DEMAND "Marion Butter The Best More Cows and Better Cows la the Crying Need Marion Creamery & Produce Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 2422 CAPITAL CITY CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY BUTTER-CUP BUTTER "Known for lt QUALITY Buyers of Best Grade Cream Our Method: Co-operation Our Ideal: Tha Best Only . 1ST Booth Commercial Street . Phoae 299 SHIP BY SALEM NAVIGATION CO. I STEAMER "NORTHWESTERN" OPERATING ON A REGTJIR gCHEDTJE-IIandllni; , Merchandise ui Carload Shlnrn.nta i; Between SALEM and PORTLAND and Way J dg. CrIoa1 slPOoU - ; SCHEDULE " - . ,Xffave TOmXAND :0 A. M tfoBd.ym, Tared r m mA Thn. Care SUPPLIES DOCK PORTLAND IHojm EAST haul of a little more than a mile, hundreds of farmers are kept busy hauling in their beet crop for six weeks or more every fall. At one of these dumps, besides the scores of wagons many of them drawn by four horses, there 'ere 30 trucks, most of them hauling two tons to a load and averaging six loads per day. There were 684 loads hauled in and unloaded in one single day at one of these beet dumps this fall. Needless to say, all the roads the full length of the irrigated ter ritory are kept crowded from day light to dark -with these two-ton trucks and four horse teams all hauling beets to the dumps or factories. A motorist graveling through finds his hands as full dodging beet hauling traffic in the North Platte valley at this season of the year as he would in dodg ing street traffic in a large city, for the roads are full of loaded and empty wagons and trucks go ing and coming between farm and dump. Beet haulers were getting as high as $125 per month and board, for work is always plentiful and wages high during sugar cam paign in the irrigated sections of western Nebraska. Here is what the valley looks like to a stranger who simply drives through and sees what he can on the surface without ask ing any questions at all: Whole' OIL-0-MATIC What I It?. BEE THEO. M. BARR Phone 192 1. B. DTTHSMOOK Salem Wicker Forfeiture Mannfactnrtng Co. We sn Xirect en sine Btua Bead Qaattty Furniture Kepilrtnc Beflnlaalnf, T7paoUtrlnej 2218 Stat St Balam, Oregon T. A. Livesley & Co. Largest Growers. Shippers and Exporters of Pacific coast hops Offices: Salem. Oregon and San Francisco, - California Oreg on Pulp - Manufacturers of BOND LEDGER GLASSDNE GREASEPROOF TISSUE - ; - . - : Support Oregon Products J , Specify "Salem Made Paper for Your ; ... -;. Office Stationery ; i. WATER and SAVE THE DIFFERENCE: ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS families of "contract labor" "work ing, from daylight to dark on e- ery. little farm; a, wagon and truck transportation system that hauls thousands of tons of bulk farm produce to market every day for- weeks crowding every dusty side road and highway to the lim it; railroad switch engines chug ging right out into the country side and picking up traiaload af ter trainload of beets almost from the farms themselves; ' a beet dump every three or four miles. 75 of them In all; and each one loading several railroad cars a day and each dump with a few acres of surplus beets piled eight feet high on ' the ground waiting to be moved; five great factories all within a radius of 15 miles from the center of the district and employing a few thousand work ers who, in their turn, speed up all the wheels of business and ac tivity in the busy little towns. But back of this remarkable physical appearance itself what does it aM amount to anyway? - Nearly. 1,0 00.0 00 tons of sugar beets were produced within the narrow borders of this irrigated valley from Bridgeport to the Wyoming line,- a little strip of territory only about 50 miles long and 15 miles wide and please bear in mind that an average ton of beets makes about two and a half 10D pound bags of sugar. Fig ure it " out for yourself. Also bear In mind that the guar anteed minimum price paid for beets to the grower this year is $8 per ton. It Is this 98,000,000 revenue-from the 1926 beet crop (Continued on page 14.) IF YOUR STOMACH BOTHERS YOU ! It will pay you to take Cf:hi- ! practic Adjustment eivnT i cording to a Neurocalometer reading. (Jet your atomach into bucTT shape that' you can eat like a normal person. This will be far better than dieting. Chiropractic has helped thou sands who have suffered' from various forms of stomach trou ble and in such cases the Cause was found to bo that of Nerve Pressure. See your Chiroprac tor today and you will be Bur prised to find what this won derful Science can accomplish for you. Remember this: The NenroeaJometer Locates Nerve Freeware Chiropractic Adjustments Re move Nerve Pressure Neurocalometer readings by appointment only Dr.O.L. Scott. D.C. 236 Nortli Hib Street . Phone 87 or 828-K & Paper Go. SALEM DQCK and WAREHOUSE ; - FOOX OF COCIvr XHEZ3 mgr SHH BY VtXlOt ad aAV3 pjrnSXENCE? - ' '