The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 15, 1926, Page 12, Image 12

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Small Home Builder! Needs
Competent Advice in Erect
. "ins Residence . .
It is more important for tile
mall home builder to have an
architect than for the builder of a
more pretentious dwelling, yet the
average person believes that the
architect's service are unneces
sary;. -V." ';
The. small home usually repre
sents privations, sacrifices and
hardships. The small home own
er matt save in a hundred ways,
deny hid family nearly all luxur
ies. In order to secure the necessary-
funds with which to build.
Ills Investment is, therefore, vast
ly more important than the in
vestment 0( the builder of a man
sion, for if the small home is
poorly planned and built and
costly . repairs and replacements
are necessary, the undertaking
may end In failure. Every : year
countless unfortunate people who
have built such homes find the
burden too great and lose their
homes through foreclosure or are
forced to sell at great sacrifice
Such people rarely attempt a sec
ond Inline. They lack the funds
and the courage!
The small home builder should
make ever penny of his money
go as tar as possible. lie should
be protected against unscrupulous
contractors , and dishonest manu
facturers of flimsy or poor substi
tuta materials and equipment. But
there are things concerning which
the average person Is ignorant
For this reason the architect is
, necessary. lie will guard the
home builder against Incorrect
construction practices and the sub
stitution of hoddy materials. He
will neo that the prospective own
er receives full value, dollar for
dollar, tor the money expended.
He. will-lx-gin with the archi
tectural plan. Thousand of home
builders every year seleet arehi
tH:tnral designs because they are
charmed by the exterior appear
ance, yet many attractive designs
are badly planned and it is only
by, careful study that the defects
can be ascertained. A dream of
, loveliness may be too expensive
to build, too expensive to keep up
and , vastly uncomfortable ' to live
Hn choosing plans for the small
home, careful consideration must :
be given to the economy of spact
achieved in the floor plan and th
general appearance of the exter
ior elevations. ' The small homi"
builder, cannot afford to select a
plan with waste space and un
necessary: features. .Nor can he
afford d decide on' a house, how
ever' attractive, if there Is exces
sive 'ornamentation which wili
greatly increase the building and
upkeep' costs. Here the advice ot
a competent architect Is invalu
able Ilia practiced eye will see
'things. that Hhe average home
builder wilf never notice.
Ja selecting - the architectural
plan for a small house, the family
requirements, the climatic condi
tions! the availability and suitab
ility, of materials and their com
parative costs should be consid
ered. It is .manifestly unwise to
decide to build a brick house, if
the prospective home owner lives
a great distance from the brick
markets and. lumber is plentiful
in his locality, or vice versa. Yet
many , many home owners have
made this costly mistake costly
he-aiute a good home can be con
structed of any . of the available
materials and the home can be
cheaper If built ot materials at
baud. Here'agaln the architect's
advic may save several hundred
The architectural plan should
provide or the economic use of
.Wot Ice of Intention to Improve
Thompson Avenue From the
Ninth Line of Center Street to
lite South Line of Frederick
"' i, ' . -Notice
is nereby given that the
Comtuun Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary
ud expedient and hereby declares
"rpofe and intention to lm
irvtt Thompson avenue from the
north line of 'Center street to the
pfath lice of Frederick, street, in
th City or Salem. Oregon4 at the
rvrmsc of the abutting and ad
jacent property", except the street
vnd - alley intersections, . the ex
ronse of which will be assumed
t.v he City of Salem, Oregon, by
bringing said portion of said street
to the established grade, construct
ing Portland cement concrete
curbs, and paving said portion of
said ; street: with a six-inch Port
land .cement , concrete pavement,
thirty feel in width. In cccordance
with the plans and specifications
therefor 'which were adopted by
tfce Common. Council on Novem
ber 1 6th, 1926, now on file In the
office, of the city recorder, . and
which are hereby referred to and'
made a part hereof.
' The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and intention to
make the above described improve
ment by and through the Street
Improvement : Department of the
City of Salem. Oregon.
Ry order of the Common Coun
cil the 15th day of November,
I6 v . - ......... ' .
f&. POTJLSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
iec. 8; m.
Date of final publication hereof
labor and men materials as tire
home owner can afford. Borne
very good designs are costly -to
build and these should be avoided
by the small home builder, with a
limited 'amount of money to
spend.: ' i
The architect will plan and de
sign the right kind of home for
the small home owner. He wili
write the specifications for it, let
contracts, mike payments to con-,
tractors and P supervise the con-
sf ruction. On the making ot pay
ments alone, the experience of the
architect is valuable, for this Is
often a pitfall for the inexperi
enced home builder.
The competent architect knows
legal requirements of buildings,
city building ordinances, state
building codes, zoning laws, kinds
of materials, their strength, adapt
ability and use. He knows 'what
is best for the site chosen to build
on, what kind of ground will
safely, carry the building, what
kind of footiirgs are proper on
each kind of ground, the proper
materials for construction of
foundations, how the remainder
ot the building is set on the
foundation and constructed to
withstand wind, rain, cold and
heat. He knows two doors and
windows shoald be built and put
in place so that they will be tight
and windproof, how stairs should
be erected, what space they should
occupy, bow steep they should be
to make them both comfortable
and safe. He is qualified to ad
vise on the right method of heat
ing a house, what Htind of plumb
ing fixtures are best suited tor
each particular case, the proper
method of sanitation and sewerage
disposal, the right way to con
struct fireplaces, chimneys, how
to properly insulate a house, how
to keep vermin out of the house.
how to construct the roof, and
what to cover it with to make all
the parts wind and water-proof,
and a thousand and one other de
tails that are necessary to make
a real home.
The architect must be able to
visualize the needs of the people
for whom he is planning, even the
smallest cottage. Most people
suppose that the plan of a small
home is simply the desult of fol
lowing a few "rule of the thumb"
that by a few trials and shufflings
of mere spaces for rooms, with
wails on four sides, and some
.kind of a cheap roof, a house can
be compiled. The sorry truth is
ihat many so called houses emerge
from this method, but certainly
no correct solution of a home
builder's problem is thus achieved.
Every room must have its ap
propriate size, shape, aspect and
relation to other parts, of the
House. Proper relation of rooms
aeans no waste of time to the
ccupanta when going; from one I
.art or tne nouse to another. A
raving In steps is a real comfort
o the busy housewife. All parts
f the house must - be properly
. ghted with sufficient .window
area; doors must be properly plac
ed so as to leave suitable places
for furniture. An architect never
studies plans for a home without
placing properly the necessary
pieces of furniture, and being
sure that there is room enough
for them.
Now all this may seem simple
enough) and it is, was not the In
evitable factor of cost ever pres
ent to determine the limit of what
can be done. This most import
ant item can be controlled most
properly by the architect who
makes complete preliminary draw
ings for his client and secures pre
liminary bids before final con
struction is begun. The plans
made by an architect, complete in
detail, show the contractor exact
ly what is expected of him. The
architect eliminates "the extras"
so often incurred by the unen
lightened using poor plans or
possibly ho plans at all except
"their builder's" sketches.
Every little thing in the house
should be planned out before
hand. Stairs, doors, window's,
chimneys, tlues, closets, all the
housand and one things that
Notice of Intention to Improve
Cross Street From the East Line
of South 12th Street to the
West Line of South 13th Street.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and Intention to im
prove Cross street from the east
line of South, 12th street tp the
west line ot South 13 th street, in
4 the City of Salem, Oregon, at the
expense of the abutting and ad
jacent property, except the street
and alley intersections, the expense
of which will be assumed by the
City of Salem, Oregon, by bring
ing said portion of said street to
the established grade, construct
ing Portland ' cement concrete
curbs, and paving said portion of
said street with a six-Inch Port
land cement concrete pavement,
thirty feet in width. In accordance
with the plans and specifications
therefor which were adopted by
the Common Council, on Novem
ber 16. 192c. now on file in the
office of the city recorder, and
which are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
The Common Council hereby de
Hares its purpose and Intention to
I take the above described Improve
ment by and throufch the Street
Improvement Department of the
City of Salem, Oregon.
. By order of the Common Coun
cil the 15th day of November.
M. pbTJLSEN. City Recorder.
Date of first publication hrof
i Dec. 8. 1926
Date of final ir'bUuUon hereof
- .
Chaplain Montgomery at prayer
of the sixty-ninth Congress begins.
Macgaret cajaecom
Roberta lifted her hand from
the box over which . she had been
stooping and tipped it toward the
woods. As the cover fell, five
terrified and spitting cats, tails
bushed and fur on end. streaked
into the underbrush. At the same
instant Piggy clipped the lower
strands of wire, with a sibilant,
make a house, don't just happen.
Any of them misplaced, entirely
spoils the utility or the appear
ance of the house, or both. It has
been . said, and there is quite a
little truth in it, that if you want
perfection in your house, you
should take as long in planning as
it takes to actually build.
The well planned and properly
built house will have considerably
less upkeep and annual deprecia
tion than the house that is poorly
planned and cheaply built. The
home builder employing a compe
tent architect will save the archi
tect's" fee in the securing of a
thoroughly well planned, well
built house.
Architectural supervision of the
construction may be on: a time
basis, charging for the actual
number of trips required to the
building site but the usual charge
is on a commission basis.
On a small home this runs as
low as $150.00 to $200.00 certain
ly a I small sum for the kind of
"security the architect provides.
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in the House of Representatives,
"S-s-sic .'em, boy! S-s-sic 'em!"
Yipping the three dogs tore past,
to scatter in pursuit of game nev
er resisted by any proper canine.
He cut the remaining lines,
pushed Roberta through, and has
tily pieced the clipped 'strands
with lengths of wire from his
pocket, drawing them loosely Into j
place again. This done, he
snatched up his demijohn. Now
run! Those pups may be back
before long and they'll rals6 the
devil when they can't get in.
They ran downhill for a short
distance through cleared wood
land, jumped the brook at the
bottom, and raced up the slope
to the terrace, but stole around
its graveled sounding-board to the
back of the house, where they lis
tened a moment before crossing
the moonlit yard to the woodshed,
in the shadow of the stable.
Here they worked swiftly and
almost noiselessly, carrying arm
fuls of wood around the corner of
the shed to the back of the barn,
until they had accumulated a suf
ficient pile.
"Now you get behind one of
those bushes at the side of the
house where you can see both
ways," Piggy whispered, and be
gan pouring the contents" of his
jug over the wood, while she
sought the shelter of -a clump of
leafless shrubs affording an ade
quate screen in the moonlight. A
. i Uu.MuliH !liMi! toJW.tlHlll.lili.ilh.MlWI-.ll..ll..UiMB.Wl IWJSMW.U1UBUHWW mMMMIIHilMlliil
Make Your Christmas Photographs
.2r Vv-T.'AViH
Telepbtosph, tranamittcd by wtr.
Washington, as the final session
few seconds later he joined her..
"Fire Fire" Roberta screamed
"Celia! Fire!"
Celia, awake and waiting, heart? 1
. , At r
l iic can.
"Mother!" She shook the dor
mant figure beside her. "Mother!
Now fire, as Roberta well knew
when she suggested this coup, was
the one thing of which everybody
at- Birchwood, including her fath
er, stood in terror. Owing to the
isolated position of the house,
they were dependent upon their
own resources for protection, and
while the premises were well pro
vided with hose and a large water
tank, as well as with portable
chemical siphons, nothing could
have been better calculated to
through the household into con
fusion. "Fire?" Mrs. Scott gasped,
rolling out of bed. "Where?"
"I don't know," Celia breath
lessly replied. "Somebody
Her mother seized, a kimono,
thrust her feet into slippers, and
scuttled down the hall, sniffing
for smoke as she ran. From the
dining room she saw a glare in
the. direction of the barn and
heard a beavy of shrieking maids
tumble down the back stairs into
the kitchen. The habit of a life
time demanded male direction,
and she ran out into the yard,
screeching for the gardener,
whose quarters were over the gar
age. He emerged shortly with a
chemical siphon, and took charge
of the situation, dispatching the
maids for hose and other siphons.
. Meanwhile, Celia, suspecting
Roberta's hand in this diversion,
slipped a petticoat over her night
f a . ;
dress, wrapped herself In a warm
bathrobe,, found. shoes which he
did not stop to fasten, threw a
gown over her arm, and ran
downstairs fo'the terrace In front
of the housQ.
"Itoberta?" she called. "Ro
berta?' There was no reply, and she
ran to the side, wondering wheth
er she had been mistaken In the
voice she had heard. "Roberta?"
Behind the barn she saw the
glare or the fire and heard her
mother's wild clamor for the gar
dener Desperately she ran along
the terrace to the other side, and
behind the shrub Piggy said:
"There she is."
'They sprang out x and joined
"Oh. Roberta! I knew you'd
come!" Celia flung herself upon
her sister, but Piggy caught her
shoulders and spun her around to
throw Janet's long coat over the
rose-colored; bathrobe.
. "Don't talk! Run!" he com
manded brusquely. "Down the
Down the road, accordingly,
the three sprinted. Near the high
way Celia tripped over an unfas
tened shoe, staggered and tripped
again on a corner of a coat much
too long for her, falling heavily.
Once you have tasted turkey or any other food cooked in
a Hot Point or Westinghouse Electric Range you will
never be satisfied with the old method of cooking.
. Food is cooked right
the first time
and every
Until January 1
Portland Electric Power Co.
237 North Liberty Street Salem
they picked her up she
' "Oh Oh!
My ankU!
sprained it!"
"Darh!' said Piggy, "rknew
something was due to happen. It's
been too easy. Never mind. You've
got to make it now. Take her on
the other side. Bob. It isn't far.
Come on. kid, be a sport!" --
Wincing and sobbing, as much
from excitement as from pain. Ce
lia hobbled along, supported hy
the other two, to- the padlocked
gate. With some difficulty and
delay they hoisted her over It, and
Piggy carried her down the road
to the: hidden car. Over on the
hillside the dogs were assaulting
high heaven with their alarums.
"Those pups sound agitated."
Grinning. Piggy turned an expert
sportsman's ear in their direction
before starting his engine. "They
mast have treed a cat or some
thing." - (To be continued) ,
(Copyright by Margaret Cam
eron Lewis. Released through
Central Press Asa'n.)
Ira W. Jorgeen, 190 S. High
St, Parts for all makes of ears.
Rest equipped accessory store
in this section. Prompt and reli
sh! service th rnl i9
Roast the
Christmas Turkey
The West Coast Clay. Products.
Inc., "of Central ' Point. 5 Jackson
county, capitalized at 250,600 fil
ed articles of incorporation with
the Btate corporation department
here yesterday. The incorpora
tors -are A. R. McDonald, J. 1..
Hoffman. J. 11. Hannah. O. F.
L Weiss and A A. Weiss.
Other corporations filinst::
cle were: V
- East ' Milwaukie Progressive
club. Mllwaukle. 300; R. K. Mil
ler. Emma Hansen. George C. lla
ileton and Jennie Sanders.
Lincoln County Tug-and narge
company, Portland; $30,000; M.
K. Jlolland. fc P. Phipns and
Charles A. Hart.
Perspective Pictures, Inc., Port
land: flO.OQO; Harvey U. Kay,
Fred II. Kizer and H. S. Ham
mond. Woodworkers Security Co.,
Portland; $5000; Verne Garrett,
Carl Hansen and A. C. Hendricks.
Buster Brown Shoe Store. HtgH
class, stylish looking, comfort
giving, long wearing shoes tor the
least money. Come' and be con
vinced. 125 S. Com'l. f
3 -I ?
" ui
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Will 4e Dec 19. 1926.
dl9will be Dec 19, 1926.
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