The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 15, 1926, Page 11, Image 11

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    oiizgon stat:
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Arthur Johnson Will be
Sftkt With MacDoweU
Club on Friday Night
The Salem MacDoweU club
chorus, of which Prof. W. H. Boy
er Is director, la particularly for
tunate in having secured as their
soloist Arthur Johnson, tenor.
The season's first concert will be
an extremely delightful event of
tomorrow evening.
In bringing Arthur Johnson to
Salem for this concert the Mac
Dowel! club is presenting to the
public of this city a singer of un
usual ability and attainment. On
his concert tours of the Pacific
5 . 1 northwest both last season and
mis, air. joddioq nag receivea
highly complimentary eulogies
from the press. These describe
him as a singer with a voice of
rare beauty, handled with great
artistry. A singer, he is called,
whose diction is most excellent
and whose interpretative powers
place him amongst the foremost
singers of the day.
Although he will largely feature
songs in English at his Salem
appearance, particularly empha
sizing American music, Mr. John
son has a wide repertoire which
he sings in more than half a dozen
languages.. At the MacDoweU
club chorus program Mr. Johnson
will be accompanied by May Van
Dyke, his accompanist who, like
Mr. Johnson, performs entirely
from memory.
When Mr. Johnson appeared as
soloist with the Portland ApoMo
club the Oregonian critic wrote:
"The genuine-sensation of the pro
gram was the solo work of Mr.
Johnson." The Seattle Times re
cently stated: "Purity of tone,
fidelity to pitch and extensive
range are pleasurable qualities in
his voice." When Mr. Johnson
appeared in Spokane the Spokesman-Review
said, in part: "The
young tenor possesses a lyric voice
of appealing quality, handled with
a highly developed sense of the
artistic, and Mr. Johnson sings
with east, a great deal of sym
pathy and musiclanly understand
Dr. Rowland Returns
From Study in East
Dr. Mary C. Rowland arrived
home on Tuesday evening from
Chicago where she has been spend
ing, the past three months in ad
Yarop$study. Dr. Rowland has
beeuy jung intensive work in the
Chicago Lying-in hospital and at
St. Luke's.
Dr. Rowland was gast all
day yesterday of her friends and
relatives. Today she trill be in
her office.
Women's Union on Friday
Members of the Woman's union
of the First Congregational
church will hold a meeting of
special importance : on Friday at
2:30 o'clock in the church parlors.
The meeting, at tCfelch officers will
be elected and the constitution
adopted, will last only one hour.
1 1 State Secretary Will
Speak at Church"
C. S. Swander of Portland, state
secretary of Christian churches,
will be In Salem today and will
apeak at 7:30 o'clock at the First
Christian church. Members of the
Court Street church will be special
gaests tor Mr. Swander's speech,
which will be a report of the na
tional convention.
Willing Workers'
Automobile Party
The Willing Workers' class of
the First Christian church will
sponsor an automobile Christmas
party on Friday evening at the
rhurch. A fish pond and other
benefit features have been ar
The class is also making plans
for a bazaar and candy sale on
Saturday which will be held at 534
State street.
Mrs. Denton and Miss
Dibble Present Pupils
in Varied Recitals
The piano pupils of Mrs. Waiter
A. Denton and the public speaking
pupils of Miss Carol S. Dibble ap
peared in joint recital at the home
studio of lira. Denton last Satur
day evening and Sunday afternoon,
rendering two exceedingly inter
esting and varied programs. Par
ents and friends of the pupils
were the guests. The following
numbers were enjoyed:
Tendertyst Share
' Gretchea Thielsen.
A Tune Poem Sawyer
Helen Brelthaapt.
Romance in A Lieurance
Roberta Mill.
Penrod Stories Tarkington
Doris Haley.
Dorothy Smith
Pearl Stelner.
Dance Capricciota Cadman
Dorothy Stafford
High Tides Ingelow
Mrs. S. H. Van Trump.
O Promise Me( transcription)
- Rogers
Dorothy Kloepping.
Liebesfreud (No. 1) Kreisler
Eloise White.
An Old Sweetheart of Mine.. Riley
Mrs. Geo. D. Bishop.
Loreley Seeling
Laura Crabb.
Paper on Schubert, the compos
Gweniver Wood.
Dance Eccesaise Baker
Virginia Berger.
German Dance (No. 1 ).. Beethoven
Trees Rasback-Deis
Margaret Steiner.
When Jin Gets to It (reading)
Oregon Snow (reading).... Euwer
Laura Crabb.
Kammenncl Ostrow.... Rubenstein
Laura Crabb.
The Highwayman NOyes
Lorene Rideout.
Mother Machree Olcott-Ball
Valcik Mokreys
Elisabeth Lewis.
First Violet Waltz Woodard
Bonnie Baldock.
The First Walts Krogman
Audrey L. Fehler.
Curly Locks Orth
Marjorie Knox.
A Dream Song Forman
Evelyn Berger.
The Fairy Riddle (a one-act
play) Fyleman
Katberine Ellis.
The Balloon "Man Kroeger
.Dean Ellis.
The Cello Mathinghy
Alice Cunningham.
The Elf and the Fairy Bentley
Ila Mills.
The Biggest Man in the Block
A Sad Little Lass (poem)
Willa Ellis.
The Big Bass Singer Rolfe
Clinton Vinton.
Hungarian Dance Engelmann
Maxine Gablsdorf.
Paper on Mozart
Doris Barnett.
A Pirate Ship and a Pirate
Crew Mueller
John Hughs.
Sparkling Fireflies Mattingley
Doris" Barnett.
Snowy-white Snow
drift looks very creamy.
And it is just as creamy
as it looks. It's made
that way especially be
cause a creamy shorten
mpjfl most convenient
Jrxvork withvhether
it's been standing in
the warm kitchen or
in the refrigerator,
Snowdrift is always
just right for quick and
- , ', easy mixing.
Christmas' in the ' Forest (read-.
lag) .. 1 ;
Lucille Hackett. i
Hoverlag Butterf ies.lI Gaynor
A Scarf Dance Wright
Frances Ellis. ;
Br'er Fox . Schaeffer
My Wild Irish Rose (transcrip
tion ) ...: Triakhaas
William Gahlsdorf.
The Marriage of Santa Clans
Overheard at Christmas (read
ing) Virginia Pugh.
Spanish Gypsy Dance Mowrey
Elizabeth Lewis.
"Made in Oregon" '
Products Sale
The ladles of the First Congre
gational church announce plans
for a sale of "Made In Oregon
product which will be held early
in January. Details of the project
will be announced later.
New Residents
From North Dakota
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Miller ef
Pembina. N. D., are expected to
arrive in Salem today to make
their future home. Until they are
settled they will be the house
guests of-Mr. and Mrs. Walter B.
Minier. The two families met two
years ago when the Millers were
in Salem for the summer.
3rsv Kloepping Is Hostess
for Yomarce Club Member
A delightful meeting of the To-
ruarco club of the First Methodist
church was held on Tuesday after
noon at the home, of Mrs. JH. H
Kloepping. Sewfag, conversation,
and the making of Christmas plans
diverted the guests throughout the
afternoon. At the tea1 hour the
hostess served delicious refresh
meats. In the group .-were Mrs. J. I.
Foley, Mrs. .Grant Day. Mr.' Cecil
Hawley. Mr. Inez Fleming. Mrs.
F. A. Beard. MUs Margaret K.
Sutherland, Mrs. S. J. Boiler. Mrs.
Carle Abrama.'Mrs. Ed Tripp, Mrs.
Harry SwaSord. Mrs. Fred Zim
merman. Mrs.-C. M. Reefer,' Mrs.
Walter B. Minier and the hoetess,
Mrs. H. H.; Kloepping.
Unitarian Alliance WiU Meet
The Woman's alliance of the
Unitarian church will meet la the
Emerson room of the church on
Friday. A final report concern
ing the bazaar will , be given. A
Uxrge attendance is particularly de
sired. Rummage Sale on
Friday and Saturday
The First Congregational church
missionary society will open ap
a rummage sale on Friday noon
at the vacant sore space ia the
Bligh building on State street.
The sale will continue all day- Sat
urday. The articles which will be
placed on sale -are of an unusual
quality and variety. A gas range,
a child's crib, and all manner 5I
wearing apparel will be offered.
Miss Haas Arrives
From Oakland
Miss Ida Haas of Oakland, CaU
arrived in Salem last Sunday to
spend the winter as the guest of
her mother. Mrs. Mary Haas. Miss
Haas has many friends in Salem
who will be happy to learn of her
Past Matrons' Association
'Members of the Past Matrons'
association will meet on Friday
evening at the home of Mrs. Jas.
Godfrey for a no-hostess meeting.
Annual Christmas Party
at Roberts Home
) Interesting ' plans are being
tnadefor the Christmas party1
which members of the Yomarco
class of the First Methodist church
enjoy each year at the home of
Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts on
North Summer street.
The hosts for the affair, which
will be held tomorrow evening, ;
are Mr. and Mrs.-Richard Barton, j
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman,
(Continaed a page 11.)
Social Calendar
Annual De Molay play, "A Full
House." Capitol theater, 8:15
Cooking school at Grand theater
2 to 4:30 o'clock.
Address on national convention
by C. S. Swander of Portland at
First Christian church. 7:30
MacDoweU club chorus in con
cert. Assisting artist, Arthur
Johnson, tenor. Waller Hall, 8:15
Woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's
church. Mrs. H. D. Chambers,
Cooking school at Grand thea
ter, 2 to 4:30 o'clock.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. Mrs.
Lulu Humphrey and Mrs. Chas.
McKinley hostesses, at 1810 Trade
Woman's union of First Con-
gtegational church. Church par
lors. 2:30 o'clock.
Woman's Alliance of Unitarian
church. Emerson room.
' Rummage sale in Bligh build
ing on State street. Auspices of
missionary society of First Cop-
ereaational church.
Past Matrons' association. Mrs.
James Godfrey's. No-hostess meet
in sr.
Willing Workers of "the First
Christian -i church. Automobile
Christmas party, 8 o'clock.
Rainbow Girls. Masonic Tcm
pie. Regular meeting and Christ
mas pageant. .
American Association of :Uni
versity Women. Gray Belle, at
12:30 o'clock. Mrs. John Tan
Etten. sneaker.
Rummage sale. First Congre
ritinnal Missionary society. In
new Bligh building, store space
ac'joining theater. .
Sunday '.
Chicken dinner at St. Joseph's
uuditorium, under auspices of St
Monica' society.
Sacred Christmas concert. First
Methodist ctnrcfc.7 : 3 0 x-'ctock.
s Mnntlav : . -
Jnn Mhj Christmas 'Darty: at
Men's Gifts
Arm Bands
Men's Gifts
Nfte Shirts
141 N. COM'L. ST.
For Women
and Men
SauL C1t can fill ajay
nlipfXY order at Breier's.
Here's a big variety of novel
ty trimmed, felt slippers, at
very amill prices.
Fr trimmed
Ribbon trfeanaffd
PbUd trimmed
: - I
Mr IrlmMnl is y
Gay color laranon:es ami
wnscrvative colors.
69c to $2.45
Dandy, Handy
For the Boys
A Blazer
-should please him and its
practical valua should
make "a hit".
ji, (,) x ? Fancy plaid
i 4p? patterns in
I yj'T I w o o I ma-
h J wO I ierial. Knit
A Feast of Values
in Boys' SHIRTS
Our, varied assortment of ahiru
aimpliriea selection.
Tou'U find
what you want
la fancy mad
ras and broad
cloth, all wall
mad -models
with collar attached.
85c to
A New; Sweater
tier ar. snug, warm sweaters
the toy 'can -slip into and sing:
-Let it biow let 4t how." Just
.he thing, for' winter. - Just the
hlng ter mUnym gift.
tTaney knit
ports plaids
nd other
striking nov
elty combina
'Ions. Knit
tottoma. .
tkWhat Shall I Give?'' is answered
Fancy pillows for chairs, sofa, nook. etc.
Made of rayon, tapestry and velour. prettily
decorated. In oval, circular and oblong shapes.
In many pleasing colors.
$1.85 to $4.95
Table Squares
Of- fine linen. 45x45.
Made with artistic col
ored borders with
wvven yellow outline.
How About a New
For the Holidays?
Snap brims that please the young
men with flexible brims arid fancy
$3.95 to $4.25
Collegian Belts lJ2 in
ches wide. Genuine leath
er, embossed with art
design. Nickel mounted
50c 85c $1.00
Give Him New Box
Men's Rayon -Hose in)
fancy pat tern s; Also
ff . heather .mixtures, Fea
' I , X 11.
lureu ab (
50c;to ?i;od .
Christmas Sale
Mjppers aifnd SMoes
Women's Felt Slippers
Best quality in a splendid assortment of colors, all sizes,
second floor. Sale price
Women's Satin Bedroom Slippers
Popular shades. Sale price
Every Slipper
For men, women and children on sale, second floor
Tan Oxfords -
Walking heels, welt soles, a splendid assortment of styles.
Sale price
Women 's Dress Pumps
Medium and French heels, splendid styles and sizes. On
Every women's pump and oxford at special prices
during this sale 4$
1 . .-i.a.J-JtJ'-
Buster Brown Shoe Store
Bo Your Christmas '
at Director's
asemeit f - :
Why shop around when you can buy merchandise here at such low
prices? Your Christmas money will reach. lots further if you-buy
here. 4
We list here a few prices. If you do not find what you want listed j
come and look . over our merch andise. You will find pur stock
very complete.
$1.39 Pure Aluminum Per
colators, heavy, Q
6 and 8 cup UvC
250 Boys' Scoot- OA
ers while they last vl m.OXJ
$1.49 Sleeping Doll until
(hey're all gone
$6.50 32 piece Dinner Sets
now is your chance to buy
this as a Christ- AQ
mas gift for only vTfrX.i
$45 high grade Dinner 'Sett
reduced to al- &)A OCl
most half price D4X.7D
A lucky purchase of Bavar
ia Dinnerware. High Grade
Dinner Plates,' Soup Plates,;
Cups and Saucers .Regular -50c,
selling for OCI
half price D C
Assortment of Toys such asf
Erectors, Chemistry Outfits'
for boys, Guns, Children's
values to $1.95
Stationery, Edgerede Lawn,
values to $1 AQi
Box, only rXiJQ
One assortment of one 14k.
Gold Pen and one box of
Stationery QQ
$2 value for.... VOC
$1.25 Men's. Storm QQ
Rubbers' VOC
50c Women's 1 Q
Toe Rubbers . 15C,
$1 Women's and AQ
Men's House Slippers frC
$L50 Women's all colors,
fancy Felts 7Q
1 House Slippers
A Real Girt for Cliristmas
- '
150 Satin, quilted, all colors
I House QA
Slippers ......OiJC
;$4-50 Men's fancy leather
; House Vo
SUppers tW.yc.
Men's Department
$5.00 Women's Shoes all
sizes in the J1 OO
lot :..l.a8
M en's all leather Shoes. A
: saving ...... $3.95
'Men. Department
500 all wool Sweaters for
Red U. S. Booties, 10-inch
top,, large sizes, 101 1-1 2-1 3
Boys fancy
Belts ...
39 c
-Ties .....:
Women's - Rayon
Silk Hose-.
lilot of fancy Sample hand
Handkerchiefs V
Oil Cloth, fancy
patterns, yard
Cottage etrcsi " -