The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 15, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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Kuhn Selected President of
Organization, Young De
clines Secretaryship
The annual meeting and election
of officers of the Salem Shrine
club vaa held Monday night at
the Masonic temple, v. E. Kuhn,
prominent in fraternal circles, was
chosen president of the dub for
the ensuing year. Other officers
elected were Harry Love, rice
president and Chester Noland sec
retary and treasurer.
Plana for the activities of the
club for the coming season will
bef ormulated by the new officers
at an early date and announcement
made by the secretary. There was
a good attendance at the meeting
and all expressed themselves as
Notice of kixal settxje-
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the-State of Oregon
for the County of Marion his duly
verified final account as adminis
trator of the . estate of Loren D.
r..i..ii J m a..
vuywu, uvccueo, aua uui saia
Court has XUed. Monday, the J rd
nay ok January, iz , at me nour
of tea o'clock A- M. of said day.
as the time, and the County Court
Room In the County Court House
In Salem. Marlon, County. Oregon,
as the place for hearing said final
account and all objections thereto.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this
30th day et November, 126.
Administrator of the Estate of
i'Loren IX Campbell, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator. Salem.
3 Oregon. dl-8-lK-22-21
Notice of Intention to ImproVe
Oos Street From the East Line
tof South 12th Street to the
Wert Use of South ISO Street.
? Notice is hereby given that the
Common -Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and intention to Im
prove Cross street from the east
line of South 12th street to the
west line of South 13th street, in
the City of Salem. Oregon, at the
expense ot the abutting and ad
jacent property, except the street
and alley intersections, the expense
of which wdl be assumed by the
City of Salem, Oregon, by bring
ing said portion of said street to
the established grade, construct
ing Portland cement concrete
curbs, and paring said portion of
land cement concrete pavement,
thirty feet in width. In accordance
with the plana and specifications
therefor which were adopted by
the Common Council, on Novem
ber 15. 1S26, now on file In the
office of the city recorder, and
which are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
The Common Council hernbv da.
clares Its purpose and intention toj
ment by. and through the Street
improvement Department " of the
City of Salem, Oregon.
tsj oraer oz tne common coun
cil the ISth day of November.
it. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
is Dec , 192.
" Date of final publication hereof
will be Dec 19. 1926. dl
being confident the club will pros
per nmier the "leadership C the
new president. Harry Levy fs the
retiring president of the club and
Don Youag, who has been secre
tary for three years, declined to
serve: longer. , owing to pressure
of private business.
Ira W. Jorgensen. 190 S. High
St. Parts for all makes of cars.
Best equipped acto accessory store
In this section. Prompt and reli
abl service the rule. ()
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., lead
ers in complete home furnishings,
priced to make you the owner.
The store that studies your every
need and is ready to meet it. ab
solutely. ()
Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.,
lumber and building materials.
The best costs no more than in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. ()
Vlbbert A Todd Electric Store.
High at Ferry Sts. Agents for the
Easy Washer. Good service and
low prices are bringing-an increas
ing trade to this store. ()
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
In the matter of the estate of
Lewis Fletcher, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
final account of Kate Fletcher,
administrator of the estate of
Lewis Fletcher, deceased, has
been filed in the County Court ot
Marion County, Oregon, and that
the 18th day of January, 1927. at
the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m., has
been appointed by said Court for
hearing objections to Bald final
account, at which time any per
sons interested in said estate may
appear and file objections thereto
In writing and contest same.
Vottre of Intention to Improve
Thompson Avenue From the
North Line of Center Street to
the South Line of Frederick
Notice is nereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and intention to im
prove Thompson avenue from the
north line ot Center street to the
south line of Frederick street, in
the City of Salem, Oregon, at the
expense, ot, the abutting and ad
jacent property, except the street
and alley intersections, the ex
pense of which will be assumed
by the City of Salem, Oregon, by
bringing said portion of said street
to the established grade, construct
ing Portland cement concrete
curbs, and paving said portion of
said street with a six-Inch Port
land cement concrete pavement,
thirty feet in width, in accordance
with the plans and specifications
therefor which were adopted by
the Common Council on Novem
ber 15th, 1926, now on file in the
office ot the city recorder, and
which are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and Intention to
make the above described improve
ment by and through the Street
Improvement Department of the
City of Salem, Oregon. .
By order ef the Common Coun
cil the 15 th day of November,
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
is Dec 8, 1926.
Date of final publication hereof
will be Dec 19, 1926. dl9
72 Inches Wide Yard
53.Q0,' $2.25; $1.75
Large Napkins to Match
36x36 Cloth and 4 Napkins
Two Lots $2.75 and $1.75 a Set
Large Sizes 22x22
$5.00 Per Doz.
Linen Guest Linen Guest
Towels Towels
48c 65c.
72x84 Nashua White 66x80 Part Wool
Blankets Blankets
Striped Borders, $5 Values Pretty Plaids 414 lbs.
C Now $3.65 Pair $4.50 Pair
$2.50 All "White Grey and Tan
Blankets Blankets
$1.69 Pair $1.75 Pair
. . 66x80
Special $6.00 Pair
$5.00, $5.65, $5.75, $5.90
: . ' - 78x108
IE PUSTiC l&i'
Sensational Novel of Yoiing
- er Set by Percy Marks
Adopted to Screen
One of the greatest football
games ever staged for a motion
picture comes as the climax to
"The Plastic Age," B. P. Schnl
berg's rollicking version of Percy
Marks' sensational novel of the
younger set, starts today at the
Capitol theater today and will
show until Thursday matinee.
The entire picture is crammed
with dramatic action and spark
ling comedy, presenting an all
star cast which Includes Clara
Bow, Donald Keith, Mary Alden,
Henry B. Walthall, Gilbert Roland
David Butler, Joan Standing, J.
Gordon Edwards, Jr., and 'Felix
Valle. Wesley Ruggles directed.
service, . and the exortatkms will
be - along v - Intar-denAmlnatloaal
lines. -
( Pringle's school Christmas pro
gram will be presented the night
of Wednesday, T3ec. 21.
Capital Ciiy cooperative Cream,
ery. Milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup butter has n equal.
Gold standard ef perfection. 137
8. Com'l. Phone 299. ()
First National Bapfc, the bank
of friendship and helpfulness in
time of need. Interest paid on
time deposits. Open an account
and watch your money grow. ()
Ulrlch & Roberts, realtors. 122
N. Commercial St., know property
values and make for you profit
able investments. Will both save
and make you money. ()
A number of young people of
the senior Christian Endeavor of
the Knight Memorial Congrega
tional church of Salem pu,t on the
play, 'The Broadcaster," at Prin
gle Monday night.
C. F.'Mumm recently plowed out
a stone Indian pestle that is al
most perfect. He was plowing
on the William Coburn farm.
T. E. Meeks has installed a new
coal burning heater in his resi
dence. Erma Meeks will come home
from OAC the last of this week to
spend the holidays with the home
A number of students from a
Portland Bible school expect to
conduct a week's meeting at Prin
gle during the week between
Christmas and New Year's. The
meetings will be held at night.
Much of the service will be song
D. H. Mosher, Merchant Tailor,
Is turning out the nobbiest and
best fitting tailor, made suits to
measure. 100 business and pro
fessional men buy ef Mosher. )
Roller skating at the Dream
land Rink. Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday fro 7:30 to 10:30 p.
m. Ladies admitted free. Gen
tlemen 10c. Skating 25c. ()
Removal Measure Carried at
Recent Election by Over
whelming Majority
In an effort to compel W. J.
Hartzell, county judge of Jackson
county, to proclaim the result of
the recent county seat removal
election, mandamus proceedings
were instituted in the supreme
court here by A. L. Hill and E. D.
Briggs, residents of Jackson
county. An alternative writ of
mandamus returnable next Mon
day afternoon was issued by Chief
Justice McBride.
In their complaint Hill and
Briggs charge that continued de
lay In announcing the results of
the election will be fatal to the
plans for removal of the county
seat which was given a large ma
jority by the voters f the county.
Under the provisions of the initi
ative completed before July, 1927,
it is pointed out, in urging haste
on the part of the court in com
plying with their request for an
order to compel the'eounty judge
to act.
While the proponents of the
county seat removal are clamoring
for action on the part of the
judge opponents of the move, on
the other hand, have filed in the
circuit court here an injunction
suit to prevent just such action.
Association of- Judges and
Commissioners to Con
sider Questions
Li. A. Scheeler Auto Wrecking
Co., oldest in the Willamette val
ley. New and used parts and
equipment. Low prices and quality
service here. 1085 N. Com'l. ()
Bonesteele Motor Co., 474 S.
Com'l, has the Dodge automobile
for you. All steel body. Lasts a
lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They
will tell you. !
County Commissioner J. E.
Smith "of Marion county, secretary
and treasurer and the county
judges and commissioners associa
tion of Oregon, has announced the
program for the -21st annual con
vention which held in Port
land December 20, -21 and 22.
Amedee M. Smith, chairman of
the board of commissioner of
Multnomah county will deliver the
welcoming address. The principal
speakers of the first day will be
Judge Jacob Kanzler, of Portland,
on child welfare,. and H. B. Van
Duser, state highway commission
er, on state highways. Other
speakers of the day will be Judge
R. W. Sawyer,-Deschutes county;
Judge R. H. Masy, Coos county;
Judge C. P. Barnard, Lane county;
Judge H.- P.Cross, Clackamas
county; Judge. W. J. Hartzell of
Jackson county and Judge L. M.
Schannep of Umatilla county. The
address of Judge Hartzell will be
of particular interest as he will
speak on the 0. & C. tax refund
A joint meeting with the county
clerks, ot Oregon, will be held De
cember 21. Joseph W. Beveridge,
of Multnomah county will address
this meeting. State Treasurer
This.- B.Kay jrU addxe&a.the as
sociativa late in. the xnorniag-as.
taxation. The Judges will attend
the dedication ol the , Rosa-Island
brfJgt lt3 Holding election of
officer at 4 p.m. in tne evening
the members and their -wives will
attend a banquet at kte Multao
mah hotel.
Unfinished business will be
cleaned vp Friday oiln fol
lowed by a highway meeting at 10
o'clock. A number of highway
proposals, a move to combat the'
states attempt to secure state
taxes out ot the O. & C. refund
and a proposal to recommend to
the legislature and increase in the
counties share of the auto license
are expected to be the high points
of this convention.
:irffi PERMITS
Hearing on Freight Rates of
Powdered-Lime Scheduled
for December 22
Seven truck lines operating in
various parts of the state face the
possibility fo having their permits
and certificates cancelled by the
public service commission. The
lines against which complaints
have been filed with the commis
sion,' all of which' haT bee cited
to appear before the commission
at a hearing ached uled Tor Port
land on December IX include the
following: Associated Truck Lio
Inc.; Medford Transfer and Stor.
age company; Portland-Bend
Truck company; Mathers Truck
service; John Day Valley Fre-
Line; Portland-Hood River Tjgcfc
Line, Hood River, and the"fjrt
Lowther Transfer company. ff
The commission has set the casg
involving freight xa tea on po.
dered lime rock for Salem on De
cember 22,.--
Petition for an overhead ana
two grade crossings in Lane cooa.
ty is to be considered at a hearloj
scheduled for Eugene on Dece&.
ber 16.
Notice is hereby -given that the
undersigned has been duly ap
pointed by the.TConnty Court of
the State of Oregon, for the Coun
ty of Marion, ..mSf administrator
with the will annexed, of the es
tate of James B,.Rowne, deceased,
and that he has duly qualified as
such administrator. AH persons
having claims . against the estate
of said decedent are hereby noti
fied to present the same, du 'y
verified, to me, at the office ot
Ronald C. Glover, my attorney,
203 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar
ion County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this no
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
30th day of November, 1926.
Administrator with the will an
nexed, of the Estate of James
B. Bowne, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator, Salem,
Oregon. dl-8-15-22-29
ChanaJ '
Ui. J-.liU.U-l lllg
You can be sure of pleasing the recipient if you
choose hose for there is not a lady in the land who
has too many pairs. We pack each pair in a Holiday.
Gift Box without extra charge.
Pure thread silk from toe to welt, all the
wanted late fall shades at
Phoenix pure silk hose. These will be most accept
able by any woman for they are of fine 1 C
quality in most all shades iOU
Cadet hose with VanDyke heels in Chiffon or med
ium weight. This is a popular number and it too,
can be had in the 1 QC
new shades Ie7
Phoenix pure silk hose with hemstitched top. Fin
ished to the highest degree and packed O rr
in a gift box for.. DU
Gordon shadow clock hose in the late fall shades.
Especially keen for Christmas gifts. O QC
They will surely please uO
Cadet "heart of flame" the new hose with a Van
Dyke heel and toe. The color Flaming O rr
Mercury is beautiful beyond description 0 40
Gordon V-line hose, full fashion with the double V
heel, a feature that particular women have adopted.
All the wanted shades O C A
at per pair. wU
You'll want the new shades which include Alice Ann, Water
Lily, 'Grain, Atmosphere, Parchment, Chanella. Evenglow,
Fontainebleu, Iris Mauve, Renard and Oak Buffe.
The evening shades are Champaigne, Water Lily, Mauve,
Lilac Nude, Moonlight, Peach, Coral, Sands and Flesh.
- . -f '
Of course we carry a complete line of wool and silk and
wool hose, also fancy all wool hose for both the kiddies and
ladies. , .
j. 1 f f . m jit
if IgFPF JggFB
i Lifter?
A Christmas G.ift-100 Plus
Christmas almost here stacks of presents and other
things to buy appropriation sadly inadequate. It's a
problem using funds to best advantage. .
For the youngster's gifts consider United States Na
tional Savings Accounts. They are 100 per cent value
when opened value plus every day thereafter.
Open one for each chilciH-give them, at least, one "100
per cent Plus" Christmas gift- The Cost? whatever
you w4sh, One Dollar, two, ive or ten any amount you
United States
National Bank
Salem.Oregon .
Roast the '
"Christmas Turkey
Once you have tasted turkey or any other food cooked in
a Hot Point or Westinghouse Electric Range you will
never be satisfied with the old method of cooking.
Food is cooked right
the first time
and every
Until January 1
Portland Electric Power Co.
237 North Liberty Street Salem
fm'- 1
M hi?, 'llfWi' :
. t . j .
. .... . i a -
it .-...Lin-
C r 1
Stcwrageii: Foe! ; Traroifei?
UtaK Coal and Diamond and Gas Briquets ;
g :: Local and Long Hauling :: llzihz
" 78x108 Pretty Color?
r- - ' f r - ' "- - - ' "
240 and 246 "North Commercial-Street
143 South Liberty;
TTelephorie 9S.Q
J . '